Poppy, First or Honey Savior - traditions, rituals, signs. Features of the celebration of the Honey Savior - traditions, customs, signs of the Slavs

The last month of summer is incredibly rich not only in the generous gifts of nature, but also in Orthodox holidays. On August 14, according to the new style, Lakomka begins every year - a two-week Assumption Fast, which, according to the Orthodox people, is second in severity only to the Great Fast. However, the Assumption Fast is also considered the easiest, because at this time nature generously gifts people with juicy fruits, various vegetables and mushrooms. The beginning of Spasovka coincides in time with the First of the three Spasov – Medov.

The Honey Savior was celebrated by our ancestors on a special scale, which is why this day is different rich history and traditions, thanks to which it received many names. But first things first.

History and traditions of Honey Spas

According to the beliefs of our ancestors, the Honey Savior marked the end of summer, the beginning of cold weather and the rainy season. It was believed that on August 1, according to the old style (August 14, according to the new style), birds begin to gather in flocks to fly to warmer climes, nature is gradually preparing for winter, and bees stop carrying pollen. It was on this day that the beekeepers carried out the last ceremonial collection of honey. That is why the First Spas is called Honey, Medolom or Gourmand. Putting on a clean shirt and making the sign of the cross, the beekeeper at dawn inspected his possessions, chose a hive overflowing with honey, and began to break the honeycombs. The first honeycombs were placed in clean wooden dishes, never used before and taken to the church for consecration. Blessed honey was treated to all passers-by: acquaintances and strangers. A special sin it was considered to deprive beggars and teenagers. Girls and boys sang traditional songs, and beekeepers generously presented them with an amber aromatic delicacy. They ate honey just like that and cooked all sorts of things with it. By the way, eating honey from the new harvest was allowed only after the Honeybreaker.

Another name for the First Savior is Poppy or Makovey. The history of the origin of this name is quite interesting and goes back to the very beginning Christian faith. Initially, this day was the day of remembrance of the Maccabean martyrs. However, over time, these two holidays merged into one, and the brothers’ surname was transformed into “Makovei”, since at this time there is also an active collection of edible poppies. Therefore, traditions on the Honey Savior also include the consecration of poppies and bouquets-amulets of poppies, which are made up of forbs and poppy heads. According to the beliefs of our ancestors, these bouquets had healing power and saved the family from misfortune and hunger. The bouquet was not thrown away, but dried and stored for a whole year as a decoration and amulet. And in order to protect your family from misfortune, poverty and the unkind views of people, you had to sprinkle blessed grains around your home.

Also, Honey Spas is often called Wet Spas or Spas on the water. This is due to the tradition of the small blessing of water. On this day, all Orthodox people made processions of the cross to reservoirs. Priests blessed water in rivers, lakes and springs. People cleaned old wells and blessed new ones. Even rain and dew on this day were endowed with magical properties. It was believed that by bathing in holy water, one could get rid of many ailments and even wash away sins. Therefore, people bathed themselves and brought their pets into the water.

Honey Spas 2014

Even today people celebrate the Honey Savior on a grand scale: the history of the holiday and traditions are so rich and interesting that people to this day try to follow them relentlessly. Modern youth and older people go to church to bless honey, water and poppy seeds; housewives bake golden Lenten pastries with poppy seeds and honey. Also, folk festivities on Honey Spas are held everywhere: the holiday scenario may include traditional songs, dances and fun competitions. Usually there are competitions for poppy bouquets or baking with poppy seeds or honey, exhibitions of the best varieties of honey with its subsequent blessing and tasting, as well as fun fairs and evening bonfires.

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Hello everyone. Let's start a tradition - getting acquainted with Orthodox holidays. Today we will find out how it appeared Honey saved.

Sweet holiday

The date of the holiday has a constant date, 2017 is no exception. On what date will Russians celebrate Honey Spas? In August, on the 14th. Next comes Apple Spas, followed by Nut. All three holidays are dedicated to our Savior, as gratitude to Jesus Christ for God's gifts.

They also indicate the beginning of actions:

  • Honey - the beginning of honey collection.
  • On Yablochny Spas, Orthodox Christians can eat apples.
  • Nutty means picking ripe nuts. On this day you definitely need to buy something in order to have money for the whole year.

From the history of the holiday

The history goes back to the distant year 1164. This year, Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky defeated the Bulgarians. Before the battle, the warriors prayed earnestly for the battle to end in victory. When the soldiers prayed, they saw a vision: from the icons of the Savior and Mother of God there came a light that illuminated the entire army. This light gave the warriors courage and confidence in victory. And so it happened, the enemy was defeated.

In honor of the glorious victory, the soldiers marched in procession to the nearby river. During the consecration river water the warriors began to bathe in it and bathe their horses. Therefore, at first they called the rescue “on the water.” Thus, the victory of Prince Bogolyubsky marked the beginning of celebrating the Feast of the All-Merciful Savior.

And they began to call it the Honey Savior because on this day beekeepers brought honey to the temple for consecration. Then, already illuminated with honey and dishes with it, they treated children, relatives, and all the poor.

Also, on this holiday the 7 great martyrs, the Maccabee brothers, are venerated. The Assumption Fast begins on August 14, and the Assumption is celebrated on August 15. This day for women is considered the forgiveness of all sins that have not been forgiven.

It was in Honey Spas that lush fairs were held where one could buy rare varieties of honey and other beekeeping products.

How they celebrated in Rus'

Holiday traditions:

  1. On this day, all believers blessed not only honey, but also bouquets of wildflowers and poppy seeds. People believed that flowers brought peace, health, and prosperity to the family.
  2. In villages, wells were always blessed.
  3. The poppy was always sanctified and then used as a cure for diseases.
  4. Unmarried guys and unmarried girls We didn’t work that day, we just rested.
  5. The dead were commemorated with blessed honey.
  6. Girls decorated their braids with wildflowers to make their hair thick and strong.
  7. It was customary to go from house to house and help those who needed help.
  8. On this very day the healers collected all useful herb in order to successfully treat fellow villagers.
  9. Spikelets of cereals were blessed in the temple, then they were scattered in the garden to reap a good harvest of agricultural crops.

There was such a sign: if there are ears of corn in a house, then there will never be need, illness or misfortune in this house.

More signs for Honey Spas:

  1. Cranes gather in flocks.
  2. Swifts and swallows fly south.
  3. The bees stop carrying honey and fill the honeycombs with honey.
  4. If you pick raspberries, they will be especially healing.
  5. If you sow winter crops on August 14, there will be good harvest.
  6. What is the weather like on this day, will it be like this for the rest of the day? next year.
  7. Poppy grown in the garden is harvested on August 14 and stored at home to protect the family from evil spells.

What was the richness of the festive table?

Descriptions of the dishes were found in ancient cookbooks. There must be honey, poppy seeds, and sweet pastries on the table. We started the meal with pancakes and poppy seeds, and the pancakes were dipped into the rub. Poppy seeds and milk of poppy seeds were ground together to create a tasty paste. They dipped pancakes into it and ate it.

Dear friends, there are very few days left before the holiday, try to continue the traditions laid down by our ancestors.

In August, one of the most beautiful church holidays is celebrated - the Honey Savior. A holiday with deep Christian meaning and pagan origin. Any church holiday is associated with special religious events, which leaves an imprint on its traditions. Let's try to figure out how to spend August 14 so as not to violate the basic principles and protect yourself and your home from evil spirits.

August is a generous and colorful month. Moreover, its wealth is associated not only with the gifts of nature, the harvest, but also with folk and church holidays. The series of these celebrations begins with Honey Spas - in 2018, Spasovka starts on August 14th. It is from this day that the Assumption Fast or Lakomka begins, harvesting and preparation for winter, summer turns to cold, and birds turn to the south. It is not for nothing that people celebrate August, and the date falls exactly on the 1st date according to the old style, with magnificent festivities. The history of the holiday and the traditions of the Honey Savior are associated with many historical names of this day, which became the basis for many rites, rituals, and signs.

When is the Honey Savior celebrated in 2018?

The pagan holiday, which was dedicated to the beginning of the harvest, is associated with the beginning of August. People will be busy harvesting vegetables and fruits, forest gifts, and honey almost until mid-autumn. But in the future, the days will rapidly shorten and the weather will deteriorate. Actually, folk celebration before the start of the harvest - this is a way to appease the pagan gods so that they give good weather and the opportunity to work hard. Traditional festivities were especially lavish: with dancing and songs to the accordion, lighting fires and laying sumptuous tables in the villages. The very name Spas is associated with the custom of helping widows and orphans before the onset of cold weather, which helped save their lives.

Church Honey Spas

As historical practice shows, many pagan holidays were successfully replaced by the church with similar semantic load church dates. This feature made it possible to shift the emphasis from folk customs on Christian postulates.

Therefore, the description of Honey Savior includes folk rituals, and church traditions. The same first day of the last month of August was chosen as the date of the Christian holiday.

However, when asked what date the Honey Savior will be celebrated, we hear the date August 14, which is associated with the transition to a new calendar.

History and names of Christian holidays

In church legends, the holiday of the Savior is associated with the Savior, since it was the consecration of Constantinople in the 9th century that helped rid the city of epidemics, which traditionally killed many people in August. Stop spreading in the background summer heat The disease arose after the Life-Giving Cross was carried through the village. Since then, on this day it has been customary to take a religious procession to reservoirs, where clergy bless the water.

It is also customary to celebrate other important dates in the church on this day:

  • Macovei - in honor of the martyrs of the Maccabean brothers;
  • The Savior on the Water - the small blessing of water is associated with the baptism of Rus' by Prince Vladimir;
  • in memory of saints Alexander, Leontius, Katun, Mineon;
  • Wet (Water) saved in honor of the crusade to the river after the victory of Andrei Bogolyubsky over the Volga Bulgars in 1164 after a prayer to the Holy Cross of the Lord and a vision that sanctified the soldiers with the holy glow from the icon of the Mother of God.

It was these events that formed the basis of the modern church holiday.

Traditions and rituals

The holiday of bees, Poppy Spas, opens a series of Spas and the Assumption Fast itself, which ends with the nut Spas.

This fast is considered one of the strictest - it is prohibited to consume any products of animal origin.

But the fast was also called Gourmand, which is associated with the abundance of sweets and gifts from gardens and forests. The main treat at Honey Spas was, of course, honey. It was on this day that the collection of bee nectar was completed. According to signs, later the gifts of the bees lost their value, and the unharvested honey could be stolen by neighboring bees.

The blessed nectar is partially donated to the church. The owners tried to congratulate their friends and distribute as much honey as possible so that their bees would be even more hardworking next year. You need to eat the first spoon of honey after making your deepest wish - it will definitely come true.

It is at Poppy Spas that honey fairs open, where beekeepers offer to taste their the best varieties honey Such fairs are accompanied by musical performances, competitions, and games.

But until the next Savior, which falls on the 19th, it is forbidden to treat yourself to gifts of apple trees and pears. Therefore, it is better to postpone the custom of dipping juicy apples in aromatic honey until Apple Rescue.

It’s better to celebrate on Makovey with mead and honey baked goods. Housewives bake honey cakes, rolls with poppy seeds, and serve pancakes with honey. It is customary to congratulate friends by giving honey cakes and poppies.

This is a special amulet in the form of a wreath of herbs, which girls weave with their own hands and consecrate in church. Makoveychik is able to protect a home from unkind people and troubles, and people from diseases and mental illnesses.

But such a wreath is assembled from special herbs, each of which has its own meaning. In addition to the poppy, add to the wreath:

  • sunflower, which symbolizes warmth;
  • viburnum, preserving love and beauty;
  • calendula, which protects against evil spirits and illnesses;
  • sweet clover, which prevents quarrels;
  • tirlich, which gives girls and women attractiveness;
  • Volodushka, providing warmth and tenderness;
  • oregano, which promotes procreation;
  • mint, which gave the family a trusting relationship;
  • oats, symbolizing prosperity in the house and harvest in the fields;
  • wormwood, which protects against envy and evil people.

Such a talisman is tied with a red ribbon and, after consecration, is kept in the house on the windowsill until next year.

Postcards to Honey Savior

You can congratulate your relatives not only with honey treats and herbal wreaths, but also beautiful pictures depicting church events, honey, bees.

To congratulate you on the Honey Savior, use our ideas.

Summer church holidays are distinguished by their special connection with folk customs and nature. Today we will talk about the three most important of them and try to find out what date the apple, honey and nut holiday of 2019 will take place, as well as what dishes are best to eat on these days.

Our Slavic culture is fraught with many summer customs, the essence of which lies in the deep connection between pagan beliefs and Christian morality. So, Spas are very interesting - holidays celebrated in the second half of summer. The number of these holidays is small: only three. The very name of the holiday contains a reference to Jesus Christ, who is called the Savior. In the popular understanding, this name hides the deep idea that the people at this time are saving themselves, trying to survive on the three main summer products: apples, bread (nuts) and honey.


Apple Spas 2019 – one of the first days of the harvest in Slavic tradition. Celebrated at the very beginning of August, to be precise - on the 19th of the month according to the new style. Fast to follow the first rescue. The meaning of this day comes down to the fact that nature begins its transformation and prepares for autumn.

On Apple Spas, it is customary to light up apples from the new harvest in the church. This day is especially revered by parents of dead young children. It is believed that if the family has not consumed apples up to this point, then the child in the next world will receive the fruit as a gift. tree of paradise. For this reason, it was impossible to eat apples before the apple rescue. It was considered obligatory that a woman in whose family a misfortune had occurred would take several fruits to the church for service in order to illuminate them and hand them over to the graves of the dead.

On this holiday, it was customary to see off the sunset in the field with many songs and dances. Our ancestors also loved round dances with songs and dances. In addition, it was customary to prepare various dishes using apples. Just imagine: rosy baked apples on the same table with pies and pancakes, seasoned apple jam. Lenten dough wickets with mushrooms and berries were also favorite dishes for families at this time. Their photo is shown below.

What date will Apple Spas be scheduled for 2019? Apple Spas in 2019 year will pass August 19, Saturday, which is very good, because many people on weekdays simply would not be able to visit the church and enjoy this wonderful event, which is so important for those who want to join the culture of their ancestors. When it is convenient, you can bake various apple pies and charlottes, which even the lazy can make.


Honey Spas 2019 is a holiday falling on August 14 according to the new style. This day is dedicated to the memory of trees from the trunks and branches of which the cross was created, which became a symbol of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. In addition, it is believed that from this moment the Assumption Fast begins, during which it is allowed to eat vegetables and collect honey. Traditionally, on this day it was customary to perform religious processions, bless water and swim in rivers. From that moment the sowing of fields with winter rye began. Honey Spas pictures will help you understand how artists see this wonderful holiday.

In addition, it was customary to illuminate not only water in temples, but also honey from the new harvest. By folk beliefs On this holiday, women were forgiven all their sins that had not been forgiven before.

It is also interesting that August 14 is the day of veneration of St. Macabeus, timed to coincide with the poppy harvest. That is why on this holiday it is customary to bake and eat not only pancakes with honey toppings, but also prepare poppy seed pies, rolls and, of course, buns.

Honey Spas in 2019 will take place on Monday, August 14th. If you are unable to attend church on this day, then in the evening, arrange a gathering at home with your family at a delicious festive table. Prepare your loved ones a poppy seed roll with honey and tea based on thyme or mint. All of these components have excellent reviews and work very well together.


Nut Spas in 2019 is the last in a series of August festivities. It is celebrated on August 29 according to the new style. Dedicated to obtaining the miraculous image of the Savior - one of the most revered icons in Slavic culture. Nuts are not the only symbol of this holiday. In addition to them, bread is held in great veneration on this day. This is precisely the essence of the second name of the holiday - Bread Savior.

It is customary to bake various dishes at this time. bakery products from grain fresh harvest, which can be eaten with nuts, berries or honey. Such food will not only be tasty, but also healthy to eat.

What date is Nut Spas 2017? In the new year, Nut Spas will take place on the 29th, which falls on Tuesday. On this holiday, try to please your loved ones with some tasty but simple pastries or homemade bread. Congratulations on Orekhov Spas best accompanied by buns and pies with walnuts or hazelnuts.

Photo gallery

Photo 1. Walnut pie Photo 2. Honey pie

Great Orthodox holidays are always associated with going to church and folk customs. Summer holidays were always accompanied by folk festivals, dances, and songs. Therefore, let's talk about the first rescue - honey. The history of its creation began before our era in honor of our Savior. But why did honey save you and what should you do on holiday?

What is Honey Spas? When and how to celebrate

First, let's look at what saved is. Spas is an abbreviation of the word Savior, which means the Orthodox savior - Jesus Christ. This summer holidays that are dedicated to Jesus. It originated in ancient Constantinople during a heatwave in August. Because of high temperature All infections and diseases quickly spread throughout the city, causing many people to suffer. At this time, a tradition arose of taking a piece of the cross from the Church of St. Sophia, where the son of God was crucified, with which water was blessed for healing from illnesses.

Also, the holiday of the Great Savior and the Most Holy Theotokos is associated with the signs that illuminated the icons of the victory of Grand Duke Andrei Bogolyubsky and Emperor Manuel in battles.

On the day of the celebration of the Honey Savior, they remember the seven Maccabee brothers who were sacrificed because of their faith in God. Today, in order to repay their debt, people bring bouquets of flowers - poppies - to church services for their consecration.

From that day on, it was allowed to eat vegetables, collect honey and sow winter crops. On this day, trips were organized to rivers and wells, which were illuminated. Afterwards, they bathed in ponds and bathed livestock so that (depending on the type of animal) they would produce good milk, tasty meat, and eggs.

What date are apple and honey saviors celebrated?

Honey Spas is one of three holidays that begin first in August; there are also apple and nut holidays. Today, honey day is celebrated on August 14; previously, according to the old calendar, it was celebrated on the first day of August. Apple Spas is celebrated on August 19, this is the second Spas, this day is considered the departure of summer and the meeting of autumn.

Golden currant honey saved

This variety of golden currant is used for the composition of poppy seeds. A mid-ripening currant bush that is universally used. The berries are round, yellow-orange in color, have a sweet taste and a delicate refreshing aroma.

Usually the bush blooms from mid to late July; it can be found in the Belgorod and Volgograd regions. Blooms bright flowers. Interestingly, there are other plants with the same thematic variety name, for example, gladiolus gladiolus honey spas.

Other names

Depending on folk customs and cultures, different countries exist different names, for example, in Russia it is also called:

  • First Spas;
  • Wet saved;
  • Makovei;
  • Poppy Spas;
  • Honey Day;
  • Honey holiday;
  • Farewell to summer;
  • Kalinnik.

Perhaps these are not all the names the Russian Slavs have; most likely, some regions have their own dialectical ones. In Belarus the holiday is called: Macabey, Makava, Pershy saved, Spas myadovik. In Ukraine, these are Spas Makovey, Makovey, Pershiy Spas, Medovii Spas, Makotrus. In Bulgaria the holiday is called Protoyagus, Yegus, Yagus, Ustina, Makavei, Churutsi, Morinki, Ztovden.

Beginning of Spasovok (Assumption Fast)

The Holy Assumption Fast begins on the first day. Spas is the popular name for 3 holidays of the Orthodox Slavs who impoverish themselves: The Origin of the Honest Trees Life-giving Cross Lord, Transfiguration of the Lord and Translation of the Image of the Savior Not Made by Hands.

Saved from the short - the savior is Jesus Christ. Spas in translation means saving yourself. On this Orthodox day, you can be saved by eating holy honey, apples, bread and drinking water. In Serbia, the Slavs dug new wells and cleaned existing ones on these days, since it was believed that the holiday illuminates the well, and the water in it is also holy.

Customs of the Eastern Slavs

The northerners went to the temple, where they blessed the water and honey that they had recently collected. A sacred custom is to bake honey into baked goods: buns, pies, cakes, gingerbread cookies and others, thereby blessing the food.

Already in the first days of the holiday it was possible to sow winter crops; it was believed that the future harvest should be good and sanctified by God. In Siberia, Macabey is called Kalinnik (the first in a row) and the day of Solomonida the grandmother. The latter is a holiday that is revered by expectant mothers, mothers and healers. On this day, girls who wanted to get pregnant went to temple, prayed and washed themselves with holy water.


The first day of the Savior is August 14, also the day of remembrance of the Old Testament martyrs of the Macabees, who were sacrificed for the Savior back in 166 BC. Ukrainian, Belarusian, Serbian, Bulgarian, Macedonian and partly Russian Slavs revered martyrs.

Over time, the people renamed the holiday to Poppy, since poppies bloom at this time. Therefore, on this day, it was a sacred custom to bake baked goods from poppy seeds: gingerbread cookies, pies, rolls, rolls. Poppy was often combined with sacred honey. They sat down at the Slavny table and started lunch by eating pancakes with poppy seeds and milk of poppy seeds, which was also prepared from poppy seeds and honey. Important Feature was the preparation of poppy milk in a special vessel, which acquired the name makalnik in Russia; Ukrainians call it makitra, and Belarusians call it makater.

The Slavs followed many signs associated with poppy on the holiday and came up with poems. Young people took to the streets in Macabei, sang songs and danced, honoring the poppy plant. The girls sprinkled poppy seeds on their chosen ones, after which they flirted with them, pinching them and tickling them.

Spas on the water

The holiday acquired this name due to the fact that on the first day, water, rivers, lakes and wells were blessed in churches. On this day it was allowed to dig new wells and clean existing ones. The South Slavs carried out crusades on rivers and lakes in order to wash themselves and their livestock. It was believed that water could wash away damage and the evil eye, illness, infertility and other ailments.

Another name for water rescue is wet rescue; it was believed that the very next day after it it was impossible to swim. The water was considered dirty, it was blooming, and due to the approach of autumn, the temperature of the reservoirs dropped sharply. The peasant was allowed to carry out field work, collect old crops and plant new ones. On this day, the peasants prepared the land and tools for working in the field.

Honey Spas

Spas received the name “Honey” from the fact that on this day the hives in the apiaries were filled with a new harvest of honey. During the honey holiday, it was allowed to pump out the harvest and bless it in the temple. People believed that if honey was not pumped out, bees from neighboring apiaries would take it away. Honey consecrated in the temple could already be eaten. According to customs, it was believed that if the harvest was harvested early, the next harvest would fail.

Beekeepers performed whole rituals on this day. In the morning, having assessed the harvest and found the “richest” hive, they broke out the honeycombs from it, took some of them and went to the temple for lighting. After this, with the help of holy honey, the remaining honey was illuminated and a holy lunch was prepared. After mass, the peasant had to give part of the blessed honey to the poor, who expressed their congratulations on the honey savior.

Afterwards, the beekeeper went on to collect the harvest from the hives. At this time, children gathered in the apiary, who helped the beekeeper in every possible way, and in return, he gave them part of the harvest. In response and in gratitude, the children blessed the beekeeper with the help of folk theme songs, wishing him and his family health.

Many dishes and drinks were prepared from honey on this day. On the day of the honey savior he was especially revered and respected. Even in ancient times, people knew about the benefits of honey, its healing properties. It was used for treatment, beauty recipes, preserving youth, and gaining strength and energy.

Customs of the South Slavs

It’s interesting how different the traditions of the northern and southern Slavs are. For example, Serbian people bless water with young basil. On the first day you cannot swim or work. The Slavs believed that working on this day could lead to an incurable illness.

In Macedonia, throughout the Maccabees, the Slavs closely monitor changes in the weather, as they predicted the forecast for next year. The holiday lasts 12 days, which means that the 1st day of salvation predicts the weather in January, the 2nd - in February, and so on. Women on this day and the next were forbidden to wash and bathe children. Sometimes other work was prohibited.

In Bulgaria the day is also called Zetyovden. During the celebration, it was an obligatory tradition for sons-in-law to visit their fathers-in-law; they must congratulate them - bring gifts, and also kiss their hands when they meet.

Sayings and signs

There are many popular sayings about honey savior. Here are some of them:

  • remembering the poppy, don’t get angry;
  • the first Spas is the first sowing;
  • on poppy Spas collect poppies;
  • if you dig a well for the first Spas, then no one will be able to harm him;
  • after the honey rescue they do not enter the river;
  • from the first Savior and the dew is good.

There are also signs of the first rescue:

  1. Rain on the Feast of the First Savior - there will be few fires.
  2. Sowing winter crops should begin only on the day of the first Savior. If you sow earlier, the harvest will not succeed.
  3. For the holiday, you need to eat the first spoon of sacred honey and at the same time make a wish.
  4. On honey holiday bathe in last time, because after that the water begins to bloom and becomes cold.
  5. To improve your health and gain good luck, you need to eat a spoonful of holy honey and wash it down with 3 sips of water from the well in the first Spas.

Honey exhibition in Moscow

Every year Muscovites can visit honey exhibitions in Kolomenskoye. There is an exhibition tasting different varieties honey, treats and sweets made from it. A honey exhibition is often accompanied by cheerful songs, dances, and folk festivals. Selecting and buying honey at thematic fairs is much more interesting and easier; often, there are beekeepers themselves from all regions of the country who know their product well and guarantee the quality. The honey exhibition in Moscow is held at the Kolomna Fair Square in the museum-reserve.

Honey is a special product that is revered all over the world. It is famous for its healing properties and unique taste. It contains more than 300 biologically active components that are beneficial to human health. Honey Spas is a holy holiday of the Orthodox Slavs, on which the honey product was consecrated in churches, and many dishes were prepared from it. And the collection of the product itself turned into a whole ritual with songs and dances.

Honey rescue was the first rescue, during which it was necessary to start collecting honey and sowing winter crops for a good future harvest. Among the people, the southern and northern Slavs had their own customs that needed to be carried out, but they were united by the fact that on this holiday it was imperative to try blessed honey, which protected against diseases in the future.