Can a nursing mother eat pumpkin seeds? Can a nursing mother eat roasted pumpkin and sunflower seeds?

Breastfeeding is a time when you need to maintain your health and mood at the highest level. There is simply no time to be sad and sick! Therefore, to raise the “fighting” spirit, mommy often treats herself to delicious joys that she loved even before the birth of her baby. But if for her this is familiar food, then for the baby every new taste is a discovery, and not always pleasant. Today we will talk about whether you can eat pumpkin seeds while breastfeeding.

For a mother who is breastfeeding, proper nutrition takes on another important meaning: not only she herself, but also her beloved baby completely depends on her diet. Therefore, it is very important for her to eat only the healthiest foods.

It would seem that such a familiar and familiar food to everyone, like pumpkin seeds, has gathered a huge amount of controversy around it. Some have a negative attitude towards pumpkin seeds and believe that they are unacceptable for a nursing mother. Others are of the opinion that it is a safe and healthy food for breastfeeding. Countless conflicting answers to such an important question attack the poor mother. We decided to destroy all the myths about seeds and find out the whole truth about them.

Healthy treat

Pumpkin seeds, which we will talk about today, contain many valuable components, which is very pleasing to nursing mothers who love this product:

An interesting fact: nutritionist from Japan, George Osawa, compiled a table of the most valuable foods, and among them, pumpkin seeds take an honorable first place.

Having appreciated such a large number of benefits, I just want to say: small, but remote!

Is there any harm?

Of course, there is also a negative effect of pumpkin seeds on the body, otherwise they simply would not gather opponents around them.

  • It is recommended that nursing mothers consume pumpkin seeds only after heat treatment. The most popular method is roasting. If you neglect this point, then you are likely to experience flatulence, which is characterized by bloating due to colic and gas formation.
  • It is also possible that there is an individual intolerance. Our body can react to different foods in unpredictable ways. Although this phenomenon in relation to pumpkin seeds is rare, it still occurs.
  • Seeds in excess can easily increase acidity in the body. But this phenomenon does not threaten those who know that any food should be consumed in moderation. If you have this problem, your measure should be less than that of other people.
  • If you have been diagnosed with poor intestinal permeability, then treats should also be included in your diet in limited quantities.

Like any product, they need to be eaten in moderation: otherwise, they can cause allergies in the baby. So, the daily norm of seeds is 50-70 g.

As you can see, there are no serious contraindications to consuming pumpkin seeds while breastfeeding. But there are some important caveats that need to be taken into account if you want the product to give you only benefits.

Being vigilant won't hurt mom

So can a nursing mother eat pumpkin seeds? Doctors don’t see any serious reasons why you should give them up. If you prepare the seeds correctly and eat them in moderation, they will be very beneficial for you and your baby.

  • When breastfeeding, pumpkin seeds are safest when roasted: just the main thing is not to overdo it. Lightly fry them in a minimal amount of oil and do not spend more than a minute on the whole process. A pleasant addition to the benefits of heat treatment: as a rule, the seeds acquire a richer taste. But some of the vitamins will still have to be sacrificed: heat treatment will remove them.
  • The story of pumpkin seeds for a mother during lactation is exactly the same as with all other products: for the first time you need to try just a little of a new item on the menu, then carefully watch the baby’s reaction and only if everything goes well, you can slowly increase portion. As for the first acquaintance with pumpkin seeds, it is limited to 20 g.

It is not recommended to combine the consumption of pumpkin seeds with any other food: they require separate time that you devote only to them.

The truth about pumpkin seeds

How not to regret your choice

The huge assortment of pumpkin seeds in the store makes your eyes wide open. Is it possible to buy any? Of course not, because the status of a caring mother obliges you to choose only the best and safest ones when breastfeeding.

  • Salt, glaze, honey and other additives are of no use to you: they will not bring any benefit, but they can easily provoke allergies in your baby.
  • Among all the variety, opt for regular seeds. The safest ones will be the unpeeled ones: thanks to their shell, they protect the seeds from drying out, microbes and contamination.
  • Do not forget to pay attention to the expiration date and integrity of the packaging if you do not buy seeds by weight.

From the garden with love

Naturalness is more relevant today than ever. And if you are the happy owner of your own garden bed, and the pumpkin on it is your favorite vegetable, you can safely eat natural seeds.

Just peel them from the pulp, rinse them thoroughly, dry them on a cloth or sieve, and then fry them in a thick-bottomed frying pan over low heat until cooked. The resulting treat is easily separated from the peel, so it is eaten in a matter of minutes. And what a scent they have!

You can also prepare these seeds for future use: they can be stored for quite a long time at room temperature. The main thing is to choose hermetically sealed containers for them. The storage time of only peeled seeds is significantly reduced.

Modern mothers often ask the question: “Can a nursing mother eat seeds?”

In general, the seeds contain quite a lot of vitamins and minerals.

  • So, they contain vitamin D, which is definitely beneficial not only for the mother, but also for the baby.

Children are often prescribed this vitamin during the first year of life to prevent rickets.

  • The seeds also contain fatty acids, which ensure normal fat metabolism in the body of both mother and baby.

Seeds during breastfeeding

The main thing to remember is that the seeds must be clean. There may be an accumulation of dirt, dust or other microelements and microbes on the seed skin.

But soaking is not the best option; it is much more convenient and safer to purchase seeds in a store in sealed packaging.

Both pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds will only provide beneficial effects if consumed in small quantities.

Like all new products, seeds should be introduced into your diet in small portions, observing the child’s reaction.

Due to fat content, the baby may feel bloating or colic. Therefore, start taking this product in small quantities, and if your baby feels great, then you can confidently allow yourself larger portions. If you still experience colic, take a look at the course on getting rid of it: Soft tummy.

Salt makes the seeds, of course, tastier, but you can get carried away and consume the entire daily dose of salt, and maybe more.

Scientists have long found out that seeds are a wonderful antidepressant, so try replacing motherwort or valerian with seeds, it is quite possible that this will calm you down in a stressful situation.

Seeds are a fairly high-calorie product, so you shouldn’t abuse them.

Don't forget the main rule when breastfeeding - everything should be in moderation. Health to you and your baby!

Sunflower seeds are considered one of the favorite delicacies in our country and neighboring countries. Disputes about the health benefits of seeds have been going on for a long time, but the question of whether seeds can be consumed while breastfeeding is even more pressing.

On the one hand, there should be nothing allergenic or dangerous in the seeds; the product is healthy and rich in oils, but you can often hear that seeds are strictly forbidden for a nursing mother. Why are there such disputes?

The benefits and harms of seeds

Sunflower seeds are a source of special vitamins, especially necessary for the mother after childbirth due to the body's expenses for the restoration and nutrition of the baby.

They are especially rich in fat-soluble vitamins E, A and D, the content of which exceeds many other foods. And these vitamins are responsible for strong bones, sharp vision, normal healthy skin and nails with hair and normal metabolism.

Eating sunflower seeds while breastfeeding will increase the fat content of milk and its quantity, and therefore, doctors say that sunflower seeds are completely safe for breastfeeding.

But you shouldn’t immediately rejoice and run for a bag of delicious grains; seeds are not always healthy.

This is a very fatty product that can cause constipation in a nursing mother and can also cause constipation in a child. Therefore, here you need to try it individually.

In addition, like any other product, seeds can become an allergen for a child, and you only need to start with a very small amount of seeds.

During the day you need to monitor the child’s reaction to them, although usually everything goes well.

And yet, it is worth remembering that seeds can cause poisoning, since they are not always pure and of the highest quality.

Their skins may contain dangerous microbes and spores of mold and other fungi; therefore, before eating, the seeds should be thoroughly washed, dried and lightly fried; it is better to use seeds prepared at home.

You should not eat sunflower seeds with salt while breastfeeding, as this puts an even greater burden on the body with fluid retention and swelling. In addition, excess salt also affects the taste of milk, which will lead to breastfeeding.

Seeds while breastfeeding - how much is possible?

  • When breastfeeding, you should not consume a lot of seeds at once, this can lead to allergies and negative intestinal reactions.
  • An excess of vitamins from grains may also not have the best effect on the health of the baby and the mother herself, plus excess fat means excess weight.
  • You should start trying the seeds with 20 grams, tracking the reaction and gradually increasing the amount.
  • But you should not consume more than two handfuls of grains in one day; seeds are a difficult product for the stomach and liver, so you should not abuse them.
  • The seeds can be consumed either raw (although they are not very tasty) or fried.
  • Roasted seeds are less healthy, they have a higher fat content, but have less vitamins. At the same time, fried seeds cause thirst and increased appetite, which should be taken into account when consumed by a nursing mother. Therefore, everything should be in moderation.

Elena Zhabinskaya

Hi guys! Lena Zhabinskaya is with you! We're all guilty of snacking. But some people prefer flour and fatty foods, while others prefer juicy and sweet foods, such as fruits? and only a third - seeds. Nourishing, tasty, addictive, they attract people, and in particular young mothers. But can you eat pumpkin seeds while breastfeeding?

It turns out that breastfeeding specialists and pediatricians have different opinions on this matter. We will deal with them in today's article.

Pumpkin seeds are a storehouse of useful substances that enter the baby’s body during breastfeeding. This is about:

  • vitamins A, C, E, D, B1, B3, B6, B9;
  • microelements - including: zinc, iron, copper, calcium, sodium, selenium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium;
  • as well as vegetable fats (up to 50% in seeds), proteins (up to 25%), dietary fiber, carbohydrates (up to 15%).

It is beneficial for a nursing mother to eat pumpkin seeds, as they:

  • improve brain function and mental activity due to the presence of zinc and phosphorus. This is why it is so important to use them on busy, stressful days;
  • strengthen the immune system due to the content of vitamin C in the composition;
  • relieve depression, relieve feelings of depression and chronic fatigue, as they are natural antidepressants. And not only because they contain a lot of useful substances. The process of peeling seeds itself is calming;
  • improve vision, which is facilitated by vitamin A;
  • prevent the risk of developing kidney and urinary system diseases;
  • normalize blood sugar levels and prevent the onset of diabetes, reduce cholesterol levels, remove toxins and harmful substances, including cadmium and lead;
  • they get rid of worms, thanks to the presence of cucurbetin, not only for children, but also for their parents;
  • improve hair and nail growth, have a positive effect on the condition of the skeletal system due to the vitamin D content;
  • eliminate symptoms of nausea, so it is recommended to take them with you on the road, on boat trips;
  • improve intestinal motility, normalize its functioning and prevent constipation;
  • cleanse the liver of nursing mothers;
  • normalize blood pressure, prevent the development of hypertension;
  • have a positive effect on the condition of the joints, therefore they are recommended for people suffering from arthritis.

Thanks to their enriched vitamin composition, pumpkin seeds are useful during lactation. They help a young woman recover faster and replenish her reserves.

No matter how sad it may sound, the opinion that seeds have a positive effect on lactation is not confirmed by the results of scientific research. According to them, not a single product is able to have a pronounced effect on the quantity and fat content of breast milk, meanwhile, it can always enrich it with useful substances necessary for normal development of the baby.

What harm could it do?

For all their beneficial properties, pumpkin seeds, when feeding a baby with breast milk, can become harmful to him. How? Judge for yourself.

It is also worth mentioning the dangers of roasted seeds during breastfeeding, because most often it is in this form that they are consumed. But in vain. Lactation consultants and pediatricians agree that any foods that are heated will lose more of their nutrients.

In addition, carcinogens develop in them, turning them from a healthy and useful product into an incredibly harmful one. Thus, try to choose dried seeds.

When and in what quantities can it be introduced into the diet?

Despite all the healing properties of pumpkin seeds, it is not advisable to introduce them into your diet in the first month after childbirth. During this period, there is a high probability of developing problems with the baby’s digestive system, as evidenced by colic and restlessness.

After this time, you can try adding them to your menu. Initially, 10 - 15 grams is enough, and this is a few grains eaten in the first half of the day. It is extremely important to avoid consuming other unfamiliar foods during this time to get an accurate idea of ​​the nature of the negative reaction if it occurs. Mom should be alerted to: rash, constipation, diarrhea, redness.

If no side effects occur, after 2–3 days the procedure can be repeated, gradually increasing the amount eaten. The main thing is that in the end it does not exceed 100 grams. per day, which is half a glass. Otherwise, the product will no longer bring benefit, but harm.

How to choose

Store shelves are full of all kinds of packaging, alluring to a young mother. Meanwhile, pediatricians advise against them, at least at first. After all, most delicacies are offered to consumers along with honey, icing or salt.

Tempting additives are fraught with bleak prospects. Honey is a serious allergen, salt is a factor that disrupts the natural process of removing fluid from the body and provokes the appearance of edema, glaze is a substance that does not always contain only useful components.

The best option is pumpkin seeds in the peel, which you can then extract from it yourself. This minimizes the risk of contamination and germs getting on them and, consequently, the development of dangerous ailments.

If you don’t have the opportunity to personally select the seeds from the pulp and prepare them, then you can take store-bought, packaged ones. It is extremely important to pay attention to the expiration date and composition. The latter should not contain additives.

Don't forget that store-bought treats contain fewer nutrients. When fried in production, they lose a significant portion of vitamins and microelements and acquire carcinogens.

Another unpleasant moment is drying seeds in convection ovens in order to remove excess moisture from them. Manufacturers only benefit from this, since such products are stored longer, but consumers – on the contrary. Such seeds contain fewer nutrients, therefore, they are less useful for nursing mothers.

For many new mothers, the arrival of a child in the family, even a desired and long-awaited one, is stressful. A woman is faced with new caring responsibilities, she must have time to process information and use it in practice, and she manages to sleep in fits and starts. In this case, as many people note, the seeds play the role of a kind of antidepressant and one of the simplest snacks for a young mother who is exhausted by worries and does not have time to properly eat. While walking with a stroller, you can take out a bag and take a break. Despite the naivety of the idea, there is a considerable amount of truth here. So why and due to what properties are seeds valuable during breastfeeding?

Is it possible to eat seeds while breastfeeding, including in the first month after birth?

The seeds really soothe and satisfy hunger, because they have a very rich nutritional and beneficial composition. In any seeds you will find an abundance of healthy vegetable fats, vitamins and minerals, as well as amino acids. Some types of seeds can also provide dietary fiber.

Valuable minerals in seeds such as calcium, iron, zinc, manganese, selenium help improve bone mineralization, promote the production of red blood cells (erythrocytes), hormones and synthesis enzymes, and also have other positive effects on the body. For example, selenium protects against many diseases, including cancer, and helps maintain muscle mass. Magnesium lowers blood pressure, reduces asthma symptoms, helps fight fatigue and muscle pain, and strengthens the nervous system.

In terms of composition, the seeds are somewhat similar to nuts. And it is also believed that they, like nuts, promote the flow of breast milk, that is, they stimulate and help maintain lactation.

Traditional medicine claims that seeds and walnuts increase the fat content of breast milk. Scientific medicine is not yet ready to admit this: now there is a widespread point of view that it is impossible to influence the fat content of milk, as well as its quantity, by adjusting the menu.

In principle, it is not prohibited by doctors to include such a useful product as seeds into the diet of a nursing woman, but this must be done gradually, competently and in moderation, otherwise unpleasant side effects will cover all the benefits.

If you are prone to food allergies, or your baby has had problems with stool and digestion since birth, and is often tormented by gases and intestinal colic, then you definitely shouldn’t rush to bite the seeds immediately after birth. Wait until your baby’s health becomes more stable, and only then include them in the diet little by little.

How to minimize possible harm

During breastfeeding, you need to gradually expand your daily diet. Eat the first portion of seeds (no more than a level tablespoon) in the morning, then watch your baby’s reaction throughout the day. Allergic redness and rashes on the skin, as well as problems with the tummy or stool are signs that the baby is not yet ready for this product. In this case, the second test should be carried out only after a month.

Roasted seeds, of course, taste better, but raw ones are healthier. If you cannot give up the usual taste, then it is better to fry them yourself - it is more reliable, cleaner, and therefore safer. Ideally, without salt and oil, but if you really want it, then a little bit of everything.

In addition to the fact that sunflower seeds are an obvious allergen, another disadvantage is that they can provoke colic, bloating and constipation, both in mother and baby. And this is another argument in favor of moderate consumption of seeds.

According to many dentists, frequent husking of seeds spoils tooth enamel, which is already weakened after pregnancy.

If seeds were a product of frequent consumption for you even before giving birth, then in a week you can increase the amount of the product to 20 g per day (in terms of volume, this will be approximately a glass of 50 ml). At the same time, continue to monitor the baby’s reaction.

Gradually, the dose can be increased a little more if everything is fine with the baby and you, but in any case, you should not consume more than half a faceted glass of sunflower seeds per day.

The maximum daily portion of seeds during lactation is 20 g, this is one good handful or a small glass

The seeds are very nutritious. 50 g of product, depending on the type, contains about 300 calories. This is much higher in calories than meat or bread, but it’s just a snack, and your diet for the whole day will not be limited to just seeds. Weight after childbirth is an all too common problem. There is no need to make it worse.

Video: Dr. Komarovsky about the nutrition of a nursing mother and colic

Traditional option - sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds are a storehouse of minerals and vitamins. They are the fattest among seeds - more than half of the mass - 52% - is fat. Therefore, it is believed that their abuse leads to a set of extra pounds and can cause constipation.

But the most famous fat-soluble vitamin - Vitamin E, a strong antioxidant that plays an important role in the health of the mucous membrane and skin, protecting cells from damage caused by free radicals - is contained in large quantities in this product.

A faceted glass contains approximately 90 g of sunflower seeds, respectively, they contain about a third of a glass of oil, or even more.

Table: basic nutritional composition of a serving (20 g) of sunflower seeds

Regular seeds are an excellent source of vitamins E, PP, B vitamins, and selenium.

Video: about the benefits and harms of fried sunflower seeds

Other seeds useful for lactation


Pumpkin seeds are lower in calories (contain 49% fat) and are much less likely to cause allergies, and they contain many times more zinc than black seeds. This microelement reduces the likelihood of development in newborns and regulates weight gain. Skin rashes in an infant are considered a sign of zinc deficiency. Pumpkin seeds do not cause an unpleasant taste in mother's milk, while sunflower seeds, in rare cases, can even cause a baby to refuse to breastfeed.

Table: Basic nutritional composition of a serving (20 g) of pumpkin seed kernels

Pumpkin seeds are very rich in phosphorus, magnesium and manganese, which means they are most beneficial for the functioning of the brain and nervous system.


Nutritionists recommend consuming sesame seeds and their oil to normalize lipid-fat metabolism, reduce the level and resolve fatty plaques on the walls of blood vessels, which threaten atherosclerosis, the formation of blood clots, and blockage of blood vessels. In terms of fat content, sesame seeds are slightly inferior to sunflower seeds and close to pumpkin seeds - 48.7%.

Often during pregnancy, women develop iron deficiency. Sesame seeds, unlike sunflower and flax seeds, contain a lot of iron.

These seeds can also be of great benefit as a source of calcium, which is urgently needed by a nursing woman to restore the body after childbirth and by a baby for the growth and development of bones and teeth.

Table: main nutritional composition of 20 g sesame

Eating sesame is beneficial for a young mother from the first month of her baby’s life. Being an immunomodulator, sesame seeds can protect the body from bacterial and viral infections.

The optimal dose of sesame is 1 teaspoon per day. You can add seeds to rice, baked goods or salads.

There is a folk recipe for mastitis: you need to apply gauze soaked in sesame oil to the formed seals, or grind the seeds in a coffee grinder, and make a compress from the resulting pulp, mixing it with vegetable oil.


The benefits of flaxseeds for nursing mothers are undeniable. They significantly increase lactation. Few people can bring themselves to take healthy but tasteless fish oil, even in capsules. An alternative is flaxseeds.

Flax seeds are the least fatty - 42% oil in the composition. And at the same time, doctors and nutritionists consider flaxseed oil to be very valuable. In Russia it was even called “Russian liquid gold.” It contains Omega 3, Omega 6, Omega 9 acids - they are necessary for the mental development of the baby.

Table: basic nutritional composition of 20 g flaxseed

Flaxseeds, unlike other types described, are a powerful source of dietary fiber necessary for healthy digestion.

Flax seeds contain 20 amino acids and fully digestible proteins, more than 40 types of polysaturated acids, 21 minerals, fiber and almost all B vitamins, which are responsible for the condition of hair, nails and skin.

Video: benefits of flaxseed

Sweets made from seeds during lactation: halva and kozinaki

Kozinaki, halva and other sweets based on seeds are a separate topic for conversation. You should start introducing these products into your diet no earlier than the child turns 3 months old. Make sure in advance that your baby is not allergic to seeds or colic when you allow yourself sweets.

When purchasing, make sure that the product is in sugar syrup or caramel, but without adding honey - another powerful allergen. All these components together can give an unpleasant result.

You should start introducing sweets with a small piece in the morning after breakfast, washed down with unsweetened drinks. Monitor your child's reactions throughout the day. If everything went well, there are no colic or red spots, you can gradually increase the portion of halva or kozinaki to 50 g per day.