Is it possible to engage in masturbation: benefits and harms. Negative effects of masturbation Harmful self-pleasure

According to statistics, not all, but 95% of the fair sex engage in masturbation. At the same time, gynecologists and sexologists claim that this is not only a pleasant, but also a very useful activity. Is it useful for a woman to masturbate, and how to do it correctly in order to bring pleasure and benefit to her body?

Adaptive and maladaptive masturbation

Before delving into such an intimate topic and understanding the main issue, it is necessary to explain two concepts. What is adaptive and maladaptive masturbation?

Adaptive is the type of masturbation that is beneficial to a woman’s health. It is this type that contributes to a woman’s sexual development, making it possible to have an orgasm during sex with a man. Adaptive can be explained by the word adaptive, which expresses its usefulness.

Maladaptive is just a way to get pleasure, but it does not in any way develop a woman’s ability and ability to experience orgasm during sexual contact with a sexual partner. An example of this type of masturbation is obtaining an orgasm using a stream from a tap, a ball and other objects, by crossing your legs, and so on.

In general, there is a kind of stereotype that a woman should have an orgasm only during sexual intercourse. Theoretically, even Sigmund Freud adhered to a similar concept, arguing that the vaginal orgasm is more mature than the clitoral one.

In fact, not everyone succeeds in getting an orgasm during sexual intercourse itself, that is, during stimulation with the penis. But it’s much easier to bring a girl to orgasm with your fingers, this way it won’t be difficult. Therefore, first try to do everything with your hands, believe me, this is no worse than manhood.

If you are in the mood for more, then training is necessary, in which adaptive masturbation will help. That is, a woman must learn to experience the peak of bliss with the help of a regular dildo.

Video “A little about female masturbation”

An informational video in which the blogger talks in detail about the benefits of masturbation for women.

Types of orgasm

Having made conclusions about the types of masturbation, it is worth paying attention to the types of orgasm. There are also several of them.

Interestingly, for women, the main source of orgasm is not the vagina, but the clitoris. And this organ, unfortunately, is not in the vagina, where it should be, but nearby. Therefore, during sexual intercourse he does not take any part.

Interesting fact:

According to statistics, about 60% of girls can achieve a clitoral orgasm, and only about 20% can achieve a vaginal orgasm.

That is why during sexual intercourse the clitoris must be influenced with the help of the hands of a sexual partner or done independently.

If learning to have a clitoral orgasm is most often not difficult, and for this there is no need to purchase special devices and devices, then with vaginal orgasms you will have to try. Adaptive masturbation in this case is an excellent option that will help you not only get pleasure, but also learn a lot.

Benefits and harms

Even such an activity has its pros and cons. Let's take a closer look at the picture from both sides.

The beneficial properties of female masturbation include:

  • increased mood upon reaching orgasm, which occurs due to the production of the hormone serotonin, also known as the hormone of happiness;
  • a positive impact on the relationship with a partner, since after such classes a woman can tell her lover which points can quickly and effectively lead to the desired ending;
  • it has been proven that masturbation is the most accessible and simple method for reducing physical and mental stress;
  • During masturbation, as during sex, especially when achieving orgasm, a pain-relieving effect is observed.

The latter fact has also already been confirmed by scientific research. Therefore, the excuse that you have a headache is clearly not relevant in this case.

As for harm, here we can also highlight several nuances:

  • if basic hygiene rules are not followed, masturbation can cause harm, for example, if various sex toys are not properly cleaned, bacteria grow and multiply on their surface;
  • According to some sexologists, with regular practice of masturbation, slight difficulties may arise in achieving orgasm during sex with a partner.

If everything is clear with the first point, as a conclusion - you just need to carefully monitor the hygiene of your body and the sexual devices you use, then the second point can be misleading. Some women think that with frequent sexual intercourse there is even greater desire.

However, this is often not the case. Masturbation can lead to the fact that it will be difficult for a woman to get an orgasm from the actions of her partner, since she herself knows her erogenous places better, knows better the speed necessary to achieve the finale, and so on.

How to masturbate correctly?

Before you begin the process itself, get ready. Fantasy plays a huge role here. Depending on what is going on in your head, the final result will vary. If your head is full of other problems, then it’s better to put this matter off until next time. In this case, it is unlikely that anything will work out.

Men without sexual fantasies do not get an erection at all. So think of something that will make you horny, give you goosebumps, and speed up the process significantly.

Most often, women, in order to get pleasure, prefer clitoral masturbation without penetration. This is usually done using either your hands or a stream of water in the shower. Of course, you can also use a sex toy - a satisfier, which will bring you to orgasm with the help of vacuum waves in a matter of seconds.

Some tips on how to masturbate properly:

  • retire to a calm atmosphere, turn on calm music, make it twilight, you can even get naked to get a taste for it;
  • close your eyes and activate your fantasies, you can view various photos or videos while stroking different parts of the body;
  • during clitoral stimulation, try different paces and movements, choosing the most suitable option for yourself;
  • in anticipation of the finale, take your time, give yourself a little time to enjoy these sensations.

With a little practice, you will find the best pace and movements for you that will bring you an incredible orgasm.

Poses and methods

There are several positions that can be comfortable during masturbation.

Among them are:

  • on all fours, if necessary, you can place pillows under your stomach, while caresses can be carried out either with your hands or with a vibrator;
  • for a sitting position, a sofa or a chair with a back, but without armrests, is most suitable, while your legs need to be spread as wide as possible, if desired, catching them on the legs of the chair or lifting them up;
  • in a standing position, which girls often choose in the shower, you can place one foot on the edge of the bathtub or sink;
  • a good position on your knees, with your legs spread wide apart and your torso directed to one side.

If many years ago there was an opinion that masturbation, especially female masturbation, is a perversion that can lead to many consequences, today scientists have completely refuted this theory.

First of all, you should not forget that you may not be able to get an orgasm right away. Therefore, to begin with, treat masturbation not as a method of satisfaction, but as training.

Just get the pleasant sensations from it and enjoy them. Don’t set yourself the goal of cumming as quickly as possible, but simply enjoy the process itself.

The second thing to pay attention to is the setting. If you don’t have enough imagination, then just use the Internet. Erotic films greatly increase desire, and excitement appears simply automatically.

To get started, you can use your fingers. This will allow you to feel where exactly those treasured points are. After this, you can move on to using a vibrator. Some argue that it is not so easy to find the G-spot on your own, which is explained by its location, that is, it is simply inconvenient. However, many can refute this theory.

Afterwards, you can begin to influence this area with a vibrator. This will help you learn vaginal orgasm. As a result of such training, it is not a fact that you will be able to learn to get a vaginal orgasm during stimulation with the penis. But your partner will definitely be able to give you pleasure with his fingers. In addition, manual sex, which is performed using the partner’s fingers, is also quite popular and effective.

Perhaps these are all the basic rules and recommendations. The answer to the main question has been found: masturbation does not bring any harm, but, on the contrary, is very useful for the female body, as well as for sexual intercourse with a partner. Do everything right, and enjoy the process and, of course, the result!

Video “Top 15 ways of female masturbation”

Demonstrative video with detailed explanations of how to masturbate and how it is beneficial for the female body.

Masturbation has been known since ancient times, and over the centuries attitudes towards it have been controversial. In some cultures this was not considered shameful and was even welcomed; among peoples who preached the Christian and Muslim religions, it was equated with a mortal sin. Today, debates about the effects of masturbation on a man’s body do not subside; one can hear a variety of opinions on this matter. Most experts say that this habit is far from safe for health. What is the harm of masturbation, and what can this hobby lead to?

The phenomenon of masturbation, also known as masturbation or handjob, goes back centuries. The name itself comes from the name of the hero of one legend, the shepherd Onan, who masturbated, despite the prohibition of the gods. As punishment, he was deprived of his hands. However, in Ancient Greece and Rome this hobby was not only not condemned, but was also quite common and widespread. Whereas in some Eastern and Asian countries it was considered extremely harmful and dangerous to health. These views were based on the fact that during masturbation, sperm, which is the reservoir of vitality, is lost.

To understand the harm of masturbation, you need to understand what it is like and why a person does it. So, there are several types of masturbation:

  • Reflex- common in children from a very early age, when parents often notice that the boy touches his genitals and feels them. This is explained by the process of self-knowledge and is not regarded as a pathology. To avoid forming a habit, the child needs to be interested in something and switch to another object.
  • Conscious- most often occurs in adolescent boys, in adult men who, for some reason, do not have regular sexual contacts. After ten years, the hormonal system begins to change in boys; under the influence of the pituitary gland, the production of androgens increases and, accordingly, the synthesis of sperm in the testicles starts. Testosterone and seminal fluid are actively synthesized in the prostate gland and testes. During this period, involuntary erections occur as a result of the accumulation of a sufficient amount of seminal fluid - nocturnal emissions. These processes naturally contribute to the expression of sexual arousal, which motivates adolescents to masturbate. After the appearance of a partner and the beginning of sexual activity, the passion for masturbation, as a rule, fades away.
  • Psychopathological- this type is considered the most dangerous, since it is caused by the formation of a clear dependence, reaction to a certain stimulus. Involuntary erection occurs in response to this factor and requires elimination. At the same time, a man is not attracted to normal contact; he does not need a partner to obtain sexual satisfaction. In such cases, a person will not be able to cope with the problem on his own; he needs the help of a psychologist and sexologist.

As we have already said, the benefits and harms of masturbation are still the topic of endless debate among doctors, psychologists, and ordinary people. Some perceive self-satisfaction as the norm, others consider it a disease, a dangerous disorder, one of the deadly sins. In any case, most often masturbation is carried out by young men who are unable to suppress sexual arousal for a long time, and even believing that they need to masturbate. When a young man develops a regular intimate life, he engages in it less and less, as a rule, to relax and relieve tension.

Now let's look at the question from the other side and try to understand whether masturbation is useful. Of course, life circumstances may develop in such a way that a man is faced with prolonged sexual abstinence. People serving prison sentences, long-distance sailors, and soldiers serving in the army find themselves in such a situation. In these cases, masturbation helps maintain the health and activity of many systems, relieves nervous tension and irritability. Usually they rarely engage in it and subsequently easily switch to normal sexual contacts. Masturbation also helps maintain balance and calm in stressful situations.

Be careful: chronic prostatitis in 89% of cases leads to prostate cancer!

If treatment is ignored, many patients experience problems such as impotence, high blood pressure and strong changes in their psycho-emotional state.

How to be treated if there is deception everywhere? Journalist Sheinin conducted his investigation. IN this article he discovered a drug that gave significant results in the treatment of prostatitis and restoration of erectile dysfunction - this Urotrin.

Negative aspects

Frequent masturbation significantly increases the likelihood of developing dysfunction of the following systems of the male body:

  • Nervous.
  • Reproductive.
  • Urogenital.

These systems are responsible for a person’s vitality, his ability to procreate, and his mental state. Therefore, in the case when their health suffers from masturbation, they should abandon it.

Let's take a closer look at the main negative impacts and possible problems.

Masturbation is regarded as a pathology in cases where an adult engages in it frequently and prefers this process to sexual contact with a partner. Answering the question of why masturbation is useful, one can name several reasons, but its harm to health is definitely greater.

Harm to the nervous system

The negative effect on the nervous system is due, first of all, to the release of a high dose of adrenaline that occurs during sexual arousal. This hormone has a stimulating effect, tones, and accelerates the passage of nerve impulses. At the same time, it exacerbates negative emotions: increased nervousness, irritability, anxiety and psychological stress, thereby depleting the nervous system and causing stress. One of the ways provided by nature to relieve nervous tension is physical activity, which is observed during natural sexual intercourse, after which you feel relaxed. With masturbation, there is no load, the man does not experience complete satisfaction, which has a detrimental effect on the nerve centers.

Under the influence of adrenaline, a large amount of glucose is released, which is broken down to produce the energy necessary for physical activity during natural sexual intercourse. While masturbating, a man does not experience physical stress, as a result of which excess unsplit glucose accumulates. This causes an increased load on the pancreas, which is one of the risks of developing diabetes. Adrenaline also promotes the active breakdown of proteins, which explains the reduced body weight inherent in many onanists.

With frequent masturbation, serious psycho-emotional disorders gradually arise. A man stops responding to natural stimuli; sexual arousal does not occur when watching erotic films or stimulating erogenous zones. As a result, a person withdraws, his circle of contacts narrows until he completely stops contact with people, and a number of complexes are formed.

Weakening of reproductive abilities

  • Decreased sperm motility and viability- excessive compression of the base of the penis during masturbation has a negative effect on the vessels responsible for the blood supply to the vas deferens and testicles. As a result, the testes do not receive the required amount of oxygen and nutritional compounds, which negatively affects spermatogenesis. The spermogram reveals many immobile sperm with structural defects that are incapable of fertilization.
  • erectile disfunction- for sexual arousal and erection, a combination of normal functioning of the nervous, circulatory and muscular systems is necessary. With frequent masturbation, the muscles of the prostate gland weaken, which contributes to the development of congestion and inflammation. This is one of the reasons that masturbation with prostatitis is prohibited. Insufficient strength of the groin muscles explains weak erections.
  • Sexual disorders- impaired capillary circulation leads to insufficient filling of the cavernous bodies with blood, which causes a weak erection and decreased arousal. With a psychopathological form of masturbation, a man has a high probability of having problems with ejaculation, to achieve which it is not enough for him to have sexual contact with a woman, but requires additional manual stimulation.

Disorders of the genitourinary organs

  • Infection of the urethra- during masturbation, pathogens of infectious and inflammatory diseases located on the hands may be introduced into the urethra.
  • Varicocele- thinning of blood vessels as a result of frequent masturbation leads to the appearance of areas of varicose veins in the testicles and spermatic cords.

Prostatitis and masturbation are incompatible, since masturbation is associated with increased blood flow to the prostate gland, which significantly increases the likelihood of exacerbation of the inflammatory process.

  • Testicular torsion- with a sudden movement or excessive pressure, the spermatic cord may become twisted. Surgery is required to correct the disorder.
  • Balanoposthitis- due to frequent excessive friction, inflammation of the head of the penis and foreskin develops.
  • Paraphimosis- a disorder manifested in the infringement of the head of the shuttle by the tissues of the prepuce, as a result of which the blood supply to the organ is disrupted, swelling develops, and, if left untreated, necrosis.
  • Colliculitis- studies have shown that the cause of inflammation of the seminal tubercle in every tenth patient is frequent masturbation.

Effect on the prostate gland

It happens that doctors recommend regular sex to eliminate stagnation of seminal fluid in the prostate. If a man does not have a regular partner, he is recommended to replace natural sexual contact with masturbation. To understand whether it is possible to masturbate with prostatitis, let's figure out what happens to the prostate gland:

  • The inflamed prostate increases in size, and sexual arousal and masturbation prevent its reduction to normal parameters.
  • As a result of masturbation, aseptic prostatitis often develops, which is associated with a strong blood flow.
  • Masturbation can relieve pain for a short time, making the progression of the disease and its transition to a chronic form invisible.
  • As a result of frequent masturbation, the prostate softens and becomes flabby in consistency, which contributes to the occurrence and active development of prostatitis.

Thus, it is clear that masturbation against the background of prostatitis will only aggravate the pathological process.

How to get rid of a violation

There is no need to wait until the moment when life seems unthinkable without masturbation. It is easier to treat any disease at the very beginning, so you should not turn masturbation into a habit. It is better to engage in it as rarely as possible, only in extreme cases, and give preference to natural sexual contacts. If the pathology has acquired a psychopathological form, the help of specialists is needed: urologists, andrologists, sexologists.

Stories from our readers

Alexei, Krasnodar: “I had a problem with my prostate, the pain was severe, it was difficult to urinate. Doctors found traces of infection. They prescribed tons of pills that were of no use... Finally, I cured acute prostatitis, cleansed my body and strengthened my immunity against infections, all thanks to this article. Anyone who has problems with the prostate should read it!”

Masturbation was once considered a sin, and people who masturbated were considered psychopaths. Today, manic dependence on self-gratification is extremely rare. The process of masturbation itself is now considered completely natural. Many experts recommend getting to know your body in order to learn to be more relaxed in bed with a real person. One way or another, everyone is wondering whether it is normal to masturbate every day and whether it can lead to negative consequences. To understand this issue, it is worth considering all points of view.

How often can you masturbate?

As already mentioned, this process is not something prohibited. However, many are interested in what will happen if you masturbate every day. There are several theories on this issue. Some people assume that it is necessary to satisfy their desires exclusively in a natural way, that is, with another person. Other experts, on the contrary, argue that only masturbation is the safest and most effective way to help get the necessary release.

To figure out once and for all whether it is possible to masturbate every day, it is worth contacting scientists who study this issue in more detail. In their opinion, engage in self-satisfaction as many times as the body requires. Very often a person begins to experience sexual arousal, but at the same time he does not have a relationship with a member of the opposite sex. In this situation, masturbation becomes the only way out. There's nothing wrong with that.

Moreover, each person decides for himself whether he can masturbate every day or once a week. All people have different temperaments, and some show no interest in sexual life at all. Others, on the contrary, cannot live without satisfying their desires. This is what you should focus on when deciding whether you can masturbate every day.

By the way, scientists have proven that self-satisfaction in some cases has the same positive effect on the human body as making love with a member of the opposite sex. Moreover, it is much more harmful to abstain from masturbation. The fact is that a person experiencing sexual tension becomes very irritable. This leads to negative consequences.

Is it harmful to masturbate?

By and large, masturbation is an almost complete replacement for sexual intercourse itself. However, many myths have been created around self-gratification. There are several theories about what will happen if you masturbate every day. Some believe that frequent self-satisfaction can cause thick hair to grow on the palms of your hands. Of course, such a theory is absurd, if only because in these places a person simply lacks hair follicles. It’s easy to guess that it’s impossible to go blind from masturbation. There is also absolutely no logic in this.

However, when talking about whether it is harmful to masturbate every day, it is worth paying attention to the fact that it is recommended to engage in self-satisfaction only when you really want it. It’s not worth torturing yourself and doing it on a schedule.

Masturbation and going to the gynecologist

Young boys and girls are interested not only in what will happen if they masturbate every day, but also in the possibility of determining that a person likes to engage in self-gratification. They are especially worried that the gynecologist will not guess about this during a standard examination.

Everything is very simple in this matter. A gynecologist can voice such a theory only according to his own experience. After all, according to anonymous research, it was possible to find out that 89% of all people like to “be naughty” in this way.

It is impossible to determine whether a person is engaged in masturbation by external signs. This once again proves that there is nothing wrong with reasonable self-satisfaction. This does not cause deformation, does not change their structure, etc.

Is masturbation immoral?

Some young people are frightened from childhood about the harmful consequences of self-gratification. Some even believe that studying one’s body is something between sin and killing a person.

You need to understand that in the 21st century such actions are not immoral. If a person does not demonstrate his genitals to others in the park, but just wants to “let off steam” while being completely alone in his apartment, then he has every right to do so.

Harm to health

Speaking about what will happen if you masturbate every day, it is worth considering some aspects that can be attributed to

The mucous membranes of the genital organs are very sensitive, so if you engage in self-satisfaction too often, it can lead to pain. Therefore, it is recommended to always use lubricant (lubricant) during masturbation.

Also, some experts have proven that the number of active sperm is limited in men. If a representative of the stronger sex violently gets rid of them over a long period of time, this may affect his reproductive function.

Psychological harm

What happens if you masturbate every day? This can lead to the fact that a person completely stops seeing people as sexual partners. In medical practice, there were cases when husbands were so carried away by self-gratification that they stopped having sex with their wives.

To cope with this problem, you will have to start visiting a psychologist and sex therapist.

Benefits of masturbation

Self-pleasure is beneficial for several reasons:

  • It is impossible to get pregnant or contract sexually transmitted diseases from masturbation.
  • Masturbation allows you to quickly relax.
  • The process of self-satisfaction allows a person to know his body. Thanks to this, he can enjoy sex more.
  • If a person suffers from the fact that he cannot have an orgasm, masturbation is an excellent prevention.
  • After self-satisfaction, it is much easier to fall asleep.

The harm of frequent masturbation

Due to excessive self-gratification, a person may begin to suffer from:

  • Weaknesses. The process of self-satisfaction requires a lot of effort.
  • Dependencies.
  • Involuntary ejaculations. If you engage in masturbation too often, this can lead to the fact that the genitals begin to “live their own life.”

What can the early onset of sexual activity through masturbation lead to?

Having dealt with the question of what will happen if you masturbate every day, it is also worth considering the topic of too early masturbation. The fact is that schoolchildren who are beginning to learn about their body do not feel in moderation. They start masturbating too often. This is not difficult to determine. The boy or girl begins to suffer from fatigue, becomes more withdrawn and does not want to spend time with friends. At the same time, even the student’s speech may change.

In this case, it is necessary to have a conversation with the teenager and explain to him that zeal in this matter is unnecessary. It is worth trying to convey to him the idea about the benefits and harms of masturbation. However, there is no need to use “horror stories” for this. It is better to show the teenager a film or take him to a consultation with a specialist.

Masturbation (masturbation) is an act of self-satisfaction performed through stimulation of the genitals. Some consider it a sin, others consider it a natural part of human life. Even doctors cannot decide whether masturbation is harmful for men. However, practice shows that everything is good in moderation.

Masturbation is not a completely natural process, since nature has conceived a different way of obtaining sexual pleasure, more gentle in terms of physical impact. Abuse will lead to negative consequences. Damage to the genital organ, disorders of nervous regulation, spermatogenesis, and the endocrine system occur, and sexual reflexes are weakened.

Nervous system problems

In cases where the frequency of masturbation significantly exceeds a man’s actual sexual need (and every day for several years), serious damage is caused to the nervous system. Abnormally frequent masturbation not only leads to disorders in itself, but also prepares favorable soil for their development in the future, already during normal sexual life. The nervous system is no longer able to adequately respond to mental or physical overexertion and stress.

Dopamine addiction gradually develops due to frequent masturbation(Dopamine is a hormone released after orgasm that gives a feeling of euphoria). Constant new injections are required, which is why the man feels physically and mentally broken unable to concentrate on anything.

Sports medicine doctor, urologist-andrologist Anton Draznin talks about the possible harms and benefits of masturbation

Medical practice shows that many of the men suffering from neurasthenia were addicted to frequent masturbation for a long time. The main signs of an incipient disorder:

  • Excessive irritability;
  • Pain and feeling of heaviness in the head;
  • Insomnia;
  • Rapid physical fatigue;
  • Painful emotional and physical sensitivity (reactions to light, sound, food).

This condition is called “onanist neurosis.” Psychologists believe that such disorders happen even to moderately masturbating men due to the fact that they are too fixated on their “vice.” Every time after the act they subconsciously experience guilt.

As they develop, they appear physiological signs of sexual neurosis:

  1. Frequent urge to urinate due to irritation of the bladder and prostate.
  2. Burning in the urethra.
  3. Sensitivity disorder in the form of burning, “goosebumps” (paresthesia) in the genital area.
  4. Speedy.

Due to frequent masturbation, mental disorders such as fear of others' gaze, shyness, and lack of coordination in the presence of other people may occur. Some men lose erection during normal sexual intercourse due to thoughts that they have already invested all their sexual energy into masturbation.

Neurological disorders

In men who frequently masturbate, increased risk of depletion of the genital spinal centers responsible for erection and ejaculation. This state is called. With depletion of the erection center and excessive irritation of the ejaculatory center, it is observed. When both centers are depleted, there is no erection against the background of preserved sexual desire.

What You Need to Know About Premature Ejaculation - Click on Image to Explore Infographic

Masturbation can lead to increased excitability of both centers. In this case, erections and ejaculations are abnormally frequent and occur with the slightest stimulation.

Active onanists often have difficulty finding a partner and starting a family.. The main reason is the impossibility of performing normal sexual intercourse with a woman, namely: the lack of pleasure from friction. Your own hand has a much stronger effect on the head, stimulating the receptors. As a result, the compression of the vaginal muscles turns out to be insufficient, and the receptors of the head no longer respond properly.

Development of prostatitis

It is believed that masturbation is the best way to prevent prostatitis (more about), but abuse can lead to the opposite effect. The release of semen occurs largely due to the intense contraction of the muscles of the prostate gland. With frequent ejaculation, the muscles do not have time to recover, and their tone weakens. On this basis, stagnant processes gradually develop - favorable soil for infection.

With frequent masturbation, the prostate cannot cope with its function of producing seminal fluid and hormones, the volume of its tissue begins to increase (hypertrophy). Men who often practice masturbation often notice pain in the perineum after defecation or ejaculation - this is a reaction of an inflamed gland. Frequent nocturnal painful emissions are possible.

Physical damage

With frequent masturbation (even with lubricant), there is an increased impact on the head and foreskin of the penis. Gradually, non-healing irritations appear, infection occurs, which is fraught with the development of balanoposthitis (inflammation of the head and foreskin).

In some men, the foreskin and glans become very swollen. Bruises and stretch marks on the skin may appear. In some cases .

Urologist-andrologist Ekaterina Makarova about the loss of sensitivity of the head after habitual masturbation

Hormonal disorders

Sexual arousal is accompanied by a release of adrenaline (which is why the body trembles). Apart from physical activity, there is no other way to burn this hormone. Masturbation does not require much effort, so adrenaline is not removed from the blood, leaving the body in a state of stress even after ejaculation. Nighttime masturbation doubles the level of this hormone.

Frequent masturbation leads to chronic stress, which poses a danger to the immune system. The body loses its ability to fully resist infections.

Another disadvantage of frequent masturbation is that the release of adrenaline leads to the release of a large amount of glucose. Without physical activity, it is not transformed into energy. As a result, the process of reverse recycling falls entirely on the pancreas. Increased stress on it can provoke the development of diabetes.

Benefits of masturbation for men

Moderate masturbation (2-3 times a week) in the absence of normal sex life is more necessary than dangerous. This is a way of emotional release (increasing mood), releasing hormones, getting rid of old sperm and cleaning the prostate ducts.

Masturbation before sexual intercourse is an effective way to increase its duration. Men suffering from premature ejaculation can use this from time to time.

Myths and facts about masturbation

Moderate masturbation helps maintain the tone of the pelvic floor muscles and blood vessels of the penis. Regular blood supply to the latter helps to increase elasticity and removes deposits.

There are two opposing opinions among doctors regarding the benefits of masturbation for the prostate. Some are categorically against its artificial irritation, others consider periodic contractions of the muscles of the gland useful for eliminating stagnation in the ducts. The release of secretions, regardless of the factor that provoked this process, contributes to normal metabolism in the prostate tissues and prevents the development of pathogens.

What does masturbation lead to in men?

Masturbation can either improve men's health or seriously undermine it. With moderate practice, congestion in the pelvic area is prevented and the tone of the pelvic muscles is maintained. For older men, this is a way to prevent urinary incontinence.

Excessive masturbation harms: weakens the psyche, provokes erectile dysfunction () and ejaculation. An active onanist is usually an emaciated, pale and mentally unstable man. The longer this practice continues, the more difficult it will be to return the genitals and nervous system to their natural mode of functioning.

Adequate abstinence (about three weeks) has only advantages, more details in the video by Mikhail Rysak:


Masturbation brings pleasure and does not require much effort - it is this property that makes people “hooked on drugs.” Many, having started masturbating to prevent prostatitis, get involved and do it for the sake of easy pleasure, losing self-control.

You should not focus on masturbation - this is not a procedure that needs to be done every day. You can resort to self-satisfaction to relieve sexual tension that arises naturally, without watching porn films. Physical and emotional relaxation will be provided by regular exercise. Simple ones will help increase blood flow in the pelvis and cleanse the prostate without harm to health.

Hello, dear parents!
Today we will talk about a difficult, but exciting topic for many parents - child masturbation. What kind of phenomenon is this? Is it dangerous? And how to react?

The “Nature” of Child Masturbation
Today, medicine has an ambivalent approach to this topic. Some say that masturbation in childhood- this is a completely normal phenomenon, an indispensable component of a child’s development, which can manifest itself at an early age due to experienced excitement. This can occur accidentally: during sleep, while climbing on the playground, in response to physical irritation, during diaper rash, or while a child is exploring his own body. Having once experienced such a sensation, the child may find it quite pleasant and will try to repeat it. And then the REASON for the appearance of this behavior becomes less significant, and FREQUENCY comes to the fore. Other experts consider this behavior dangerous, sometimes even a harbinger of a more serious mental disorder.

There are several types of classifications of this phenomenon. Psychologists also decided to keep up: so, in their work D.N. Isaeva And V.E. Kagan “Psychohygiene of gender in children” various types of masturbation in children and adolescents are indicated, which is based on ideas about the various mechanisms of masturbatory behavior. However, let’s not get scared ahead of time, but let’s figure out when and why this happens.

Infant masturbation
It occurs RARELY, precisely as behavior that can be called masturbatory. Visible in the 1st year of life, more often in girls. It is associated with brain dysfunctions, which may be a transient phase of development, but sometimes should alert for more serious brain disorders. Infant masturbation is expressed in various manipulations with the genitals - frequent touching, rubbing and other forms of mechanical irritation, during which the child, as a rule, experiences pleasure, blushes, breathes noisily, and breaks out in sweat.

Preschool masturbation
It may be a consequence of interest in oneself and how everything works; having experienced pleasant sensations, the child may strive to repeat them. Most often it happens in a situation where the child is left to his own devices and, importantly, does not have other, alternative forms of realizing his interests and receiving pleasure.
Puberty-adolescent masturbation
During adolescence, masturbation becomes a widespread phenomenon. I.S. Con indicated that it increases in boys after 12 years, reaching its "peak" at 15 - 16 years old, when they do it 80-90% boys.
Teen masturbation
Is a means of relieving sexual tension, caused by physiological reasons, including: overflow of the seminal vesicles, mechanical irritation of the genitals, etc. Along with this, there are also mental factors - the example of peers, the desire to test one’s potency, and have fun. It is often accompanied by vivid images, fantasies, and often even the choice of very specific partners in one’s fantasies.

For mental disorders
Depending on their specificity, its manifestations are different:
  • Symptomatic. As a result of direct irritation of the genital or nearby areas due to infectious somatic diseases, most often helminthiasis, itchy dermatoses, as well as in the absence of necessary body hygiene.
  • Frustration or Neurotic It occurs in preschool and school age, and is not directly related to sexual desire. The child, for example, has a high level of demands at school, strict rules and prohibitions at home, additional education is also associated with concentration and concentration. A child needs to be disciplined, organized and concentrated everywhere. This is stressful for any child, and if your child also has choleric temperament, then masturbation acts as a “salvation.” It is the only release that relieves tension in the nervous system. A child, as a rule, after a “hard day” looks for opportunities to masturbate, not for sexual satisfaction, but as a way to relieve tension and discharge.

    Sometimes masturbation begins in the first grade, when the child is in a constant state of stress, and orgasm brings him temporary relief, distracting him from threats emanating from the teacher, classmates, etc. Some children begin to slowly masturbate right in class: during a test, before going out to the blackboard. However, children never engage in masturbation for show and it is important to know that if this does happen, then it is better to consult a psychiatrist.

Well, finally, there is also PSEUDOmasturbation- exploratory or habitual. The child essentially plays with the genitals - touching them, fiddling with them, etc., without rapid breathing and climactic release.

Is it dangerous? Why are adults so scared?
Most often, masturbation is part of the cognitive process of oneself, one’s body, as well as an adaptive-compensatory mechanism for obtaining positive emotions and sensations during stress and other psychophysical and emotional uncomfortable conditions. Well, another function is sexual release in adolescence until the moment of finding an object of love and affection.

By her own Masturbation is not dangerous if:

  • it is not pretentious in nature with the use of foreign objects that could harm the child.
  • if masturbation is episodic and is not obsessive in nature as an everyday ritual.
However, there is still a danger, but it comes not from the process, but from the REACTION OF PARENTS or other ADULTS(educator, teacher). Adults are most often afraid that this “mental illness”, “sexual pathology”, signs of “bad inclinations and addictions” and begin to actively PERSECUTE the child for such behavior. It's a delusion! For none of the listed conditions is masturbation the leading or main symptom! But persecution by adults, inadequate reactions caused by the best intentions, can bring unpleasant consequences for the child, for the formation of his sexuality, attitude towards his own body and towards building relationships with the opposite sex.

Despite quite a lot of information, most parents find the fact of their child “playing with the genitals” very alarming. A state of panic often prevents parents from reacting correctly to the appearance of child masturbation. What kind of fears overwhelm caring parents: “is he normal”, and “is it too early to do this”, and “will the child then be able to live a normal sex life”, and “won’t he (she) do harm there”? "somehow."

And it must be said most definitely that Harm here can ONLY be caused by the wrong reaction of adults. In case of AGGRESSIVE behavior of adults (ridiculing, intimidation, making it public, including among peers, anger, chasing a child, slapping hands and other parts) The baby may develop a connection between sexual sensations and fear and shame, which will have a very negative impact on his future. The shame surrounding everything related to gender and related organs can lead to the fact that, as a child grows older, he will not tell you about a situation that requires intervention (for example, about harassment by an adult or older child), after all, the baby will be even more afraid of the parents’ DISCONTENT related to the topic of sex and the body than a potential rapist. And this is deadly!

In the long term, this "Ostrich politics" will come back to haunt you with the inability to discuss certain intimate issues with your partner, not to mention the difficulties associated with the perception of your body as something dirty and shameful. Even more serious consequences of an inadequate response from adults can lead to improper formation of sexuality, expressed in reduced potency in men, and the absence or even arousal itself in women.

If a significant person for a child persistently convinces him that he has vicious inclinations, then sooner or later the child will try to justify such assumptions. If this behavior is ignored and parents try to pretend that everything is normal, the child can simply “GET USED” to this form of behavior as the only accessible and quick way to achieve a goal (relieving stress, for example).

What to do?
The correct perception and reaction of parents, as we have discussed, when discovering the fact of a child’s masturbation is of much greater importance than the fact of this phenomenon itself.

Psychologists suggest adhering to a few simple principles:

  • the appearance of masturbation as a phenomenon of cognition should not cause caution - its consolidation and increase in the facts of repetitions should prompt an analysis of the reasons;
  • a strict ban on masturbation can only stimulate interest in it and its use;
  • you should not make the topic of masturbation significant in the family circle;
  • there is no reason to perceive childhood masturbation and arousal as identical to adult sexual arousal, especially at an early age;
  • You should not encourage your child to use masturbation (show films, programs promoting this, and also create the ground by excessive caresses of an adult, kissing the groin area, buttocks, tickling, as well as close, noisy violent games before bedtime).
How to react if you notice masturbatory behavior in your child:
  • Calmly and calmly, using medical, physiological language, explain to your child that these are intimate organs and excessive touching or stimulation of them is unhygienic and can damage the delicate structure of the tissue (without intimidation!!!);
  • It is also important to explain to the child that this is very intimate and cannot happen in public places if the child tries to do this, for example, while climbing on the playground, which happens quite often!
  • Be sure to monitor the child’s hygiene so as not to provoke an additional reason in the form of itching;
  • Provide timely medical care to the child in case of specific diseases;
  • Pay attention and analyze (in what situations or after what events this is most likely to happen), think about possible alternatives. How can you relieve emotional stress in other, more socially acceptable ways and unobtrusively offer them to the child (increasing physical activity, for example, in the form of training, walks, etc.).
Summarizing all of the above
Early childhood masturbation Usually it is caused by non-SEXUAL reasons, since puberty has not yet begun and the level of sex hormones is not so high as to force the child to discharge himself. There is no need to look for “depravity” in a child, fight “bad inclinations,” be ashamed, etc. On the contrary, if childhood masturbation caused you a strong reaction and similar thoughts, then perhaps you rather than the child need help in acquiring an adequate attitude towards the body and its vital functions. So you need not to scare him and yourself with the consequences, punish, worry and fantasize about a possible negative future, but try to calm down, follow the above recommendations or seek more thoughtful help from a pediatrician and child psychologist.

Be attentive to yourself and your children!
Sincerely, child psychologist, ava-therapist Vorobyova Lyudmila
([email protected])