Unpretentious and beautiful - Canadian roses. You can't destroy this rose, you can't kill it Rose of the park Alexander Mackenzie

Canadian park rose Alexander Mc Kenzie Height 200 cm flower diameter 7 cm Canadian park rose Alexander Mc Kenzie - a very winter-hardy, disease-resistant variety of red rose Description Canadian park rose Alexander Mc Kenzie. Explorer series rose. The bush is erect, with gracefully drooping ends of the shoots. Shiny, almost waxy foliage. The rose's elongated, dark red, tulip-shaped buds open into cupped flowers with petals that bend downward. Has a light aroma of fresh strawberries. Blooms in waves. There are from 5 to 10 flowers on one stem. One of the most noble roses. The variety is very resistant to diseases and winter-hardy. An undeniable advantage of Canadian roses is their excellent winter hardiness. Plants should be earthed up when cold weather sets in, and then the snow cover will do its job. Even if the Canadian rose is frozen, and this happens at temperatures below -35 ºС, it recovers very quickly. This feature of Canadian roses is inherent in the genotype of the plant and is the result of painstaking breeding work. In addition, Canadian roses are resistant to diseases and pests, and in general they are completely unpretentious; even a novice gardener can cope with their cultivation, you just need to follow the rules simple rules agricultural technology. Place for planting Canadian park rose Alexander Mc Kenzie. Canadian roses prefer well-lit areas, but also tolerate partial shade. The health of the rose largely depends on the planting location. For example, ensuring good air circulation will protect the rose from diseases and pests. There is no need to plant roses in low-lying areas: cold air stagnates there and the plants are more susceptible to diseases. Planting Canadian park rose Alexander Mc Kenzie. IN middle lane and more northern areas, planting of roses begins in the spring, in April-May. Planting roses in the fall is permissible, but in a very short time so that the plants have time to take root. To plant roses, dig a hole about 60 cm deep and pour fertile soil. It is easier to plant a rose with an open root system together: one gardener installs the seedling so that the root collar (the place where the rose is grafted) is 3 cm below the surface of the earth, the other, straightening the roots, covers them with earth and carefully compacts the loose soil around the plant. The root collar should be below the surface of the soil after it has been compacted. This planting promotes the growth of additional rose stems above the grafting site. After planting, the bush is watered at the root. If the earth has settled a little, it is additionally added. The soil around the seedling is mulched with peat. Caring for roses Canadian park rose Alexander Mc Kenzie. Caring for roses of Canadian selection consists of systematic loosening of the soil, removal of weeds, disease prevention, fertilizing and pruning. Roses are fertilized seasonally: with nitrogen in spring, phosphorus and potassium in summer. Despite the drought resistance of “Canadians,” watering roses is a mandatory procedure, especially during hot and dry periods. Plants are not watered cold water 15-20 liters of water per bush, in dry and warm weather - twice a week. By the end of summer, watering is reduced and stops altogether with the onset of September. In the first year, young plants should not be allowed to flower early. Until the beginning of August, rose buds are removed from the bushes. In August, leave 1-2 flowers on each shoot and do not cut them off so that fruits begin to form in the fall. In this case, the rose shoots ripen better, overwinter well and bloom profusely next year. Pruning Canadian park rose Alexander Mc Kenzie. Pruning roses can be formative and sanitary. The best time For formative pruning of roses, spring is considered: as soon as the buds begin to swell, rose growers take up the pruning shears. This technique can be neglected if you are satisfied with the spreading shape of the “Canadian” bush. But roses need sanitary pruning: in the spring, all diseased, old, unwintered, poorly placed shoots are cut out. Pruning roses in the fall is also sanitary in nature: diseased, damaged shoots are removed, and overgrown bushes are thinned out. Reproduction of Canadian park rose Alexander Mc Kenzie. To preserve varietal characteristics, roses are propagated only vegetatively. At home, the easiest option is to propagate roses from cuttings. Cuttings are taken from grown and strengthened bushes after the first wave of flowering. Canadian park rose Alexander Mc Kenzie. There is always a place for a beautiful rose in the garden, even if its area is very small. The rose can form the basis of a flower garden, decorate a mixed border, and looks great in single and group plantings against the backdrop of an emerald lawn. A rose will be appropriate in any landscape style, be it classic French or English landscape, rural country or sophisticated modern. Hardy Canadian roses are simply irreplaceable for northern regions with severe frosty winters.

Rose Alexander Mackenzie was bred in the Canadian Sweida nursery in 1985. It got its name in honor of the pioneer traveler who managed to travel around the entire coast Pacific Ocean. Excellent characteristics and it gained its description thanks to the efforts of Canadian breeders, who set themselves the task of developing an unpretentious and frost-resistant variety with attractive external characteristics.

Description of appearance and characteristic features

Canadian park rose Alexander Mackenzie is a fairly tall shrub, growing straight and upward, with elongated red buds with a pronounced crimson tint. The size of the flowers is from five to seven centimeters, the bush is good care grows up to two meters at average 1.5 m.

One of characteristic features Canadian beauty - rapid growth in width, up to one and a half meters, which should be taken into account when planting, especially if you plan to plant several roses.

The shoots are flexible, arched, the flowers tend to fade in the sun and become light pink, but this does not spoil the overall picture. The foliage is bright green, shiny, perfectly contrasting with the bright color of the buds. The aroma is pleasant, subtle, with notes of fresh strawberries. The variety is not only frost-resistant, but also resistant to fungal diseases and insects.

Crown shape

Since the Alexander Mackenzie bush is very spreading, its crown shape almost always remains lush, and for the growth of lateral branches it is recommended to pinch the apical shoots from time to time (preferably in spring). Then the bush will look neat and attractive.

At abundant flowering its crown resembles a spreading tent with lush spherical buds. However, when growing, you should take into account that the shoots of the bush may droop under the weight of flowers or after rain, so it is recommended to carefully shake off excess water.

By the way, it was the drooping nature of the shoots of the Alexander Mackenzie rose that became the reason that this variety is often grown as a small climbing climber. Although, even in the form of a bush it looks very good.

Features of flowering

Flowering can be called either continuous or wavy. Throughout the entire season, this rose experiences two bright and intense waves of flowering: one at the height of summer, the other closer to autumn. However, between them the bush is never left without buds: it always contains several single inflorescences.

Planting and care

All roses love slightly acidic and nutritious soils, so before planting you should adjust soil composition, adding peat and humus to it. This will help “acidify” the soil if it is very fresh. With an alkaline composition, excess alkali is easily “quenched” with ash or lime. The place chosen is well-lit by the sun, dry, without dampness or drafts. The depth of the planting hole is 50-60 cm, with a similar width. The bottom of the hole is lined with a 10-centimeter drainage layer consisting of expanded clay and fine sand. Nutrient fertilizer is also added in the form of peat and rotted manure.

Immediately before planting, Alexander Mackenzie seedlings are recommended to be kept in a root growth stimulator for 3-4 hours in order to quickly root. The bush is installed in a hole so that its root collar is three centimeters below ground level. Next, the seedling is carefully covered with earth, which is then compacted, watered and mulched.

Further care should include systematic watering (1-2 times a week) with settled water heated in the sun, with mandatory loosening of the soil.

Weeds are regularly removed, and the bushes are periodically inspected for the appearance of fungal diseases and pests. Canadian varieties roses rarely get sick, but if the summer is too damp and cold, the risk of disease increases significantly. Therefore, a gardener always needs to have antifungal and insecticidal drugs in his arsenal for the purpose of preventive treatment of shrubs.

The Alexander Mackenzie rose is pruned regularly. In summer, overgrown branches are removed, and faded buds are removed in time. In the spring, frozen shoots are cut off, and the remaining shoots are shortened so that five to seven buds remain on them. This type of pruning is called medium pruning and helps correct form bush. In the fall, diseased and too thin shoots that will definitely not survive the onset are also removed. winter cold.

Fertilization begins in the third year of the rose's life. In the spring it is fed with nitrogen, in the summer - with potassium and phosphorus. Closer to autumn, all fertilizing should be stopped. For the winter, the bush can be covered with spruce branches and laid on top non-woven material or polyethylene.

With good care, the Canadian rose Alexander Mackenzie will bloom profusely every summer, and since it is unpretentious, even novice gardeners can be trusted to care for it.

Rose Alexander MacKenzie is red in color. The height of the bush is usually about 150-200 cm. The width is about 150 cm, sometimes more but quite rarely. Resistance to diseases of the Alexander MacKenzie rose: practically does not get sick.

Description: Alexander MacKenzie roses

Alexander MacKenzie is named in memory of the first naturalist to travel the entire Pacific coast of British Columbia. Blooms in clusters of 5-15 flowers. The flowers are bright red, double. The foliage is large and shiny. A bush with arched shoots, it can be grown as a spreading bush or a low climber. Sometimes in the second half of summer it is affected by black spotting. The variety requires pruning of dead wood in the spring. (ARE)The bush is erect, with gracefully drooping ends of the shoots. Elongated dark strawberry-red tulip-shaped buds open into classically shaped flowers with petals that bend downwards. The petals gradually fade to a dark warm Pink colour. Smells lightly of fresh strawberries. Blooms in waves. After rains, the outer petals may turn brown and dry out. Despite this, one of the most grateful roses. The variety is very resistant to diseases. (HR) Explorer series rose. Cup-shaped flowers with a strawberry scent. Shiny, almost waxy foliage. A very elegant upright bush. Resistant to diseases. Very winter hardy. (GRCC)

Rose Alexander McKenzie (Alexander McKenzie). Canadian selection: Svejda, 1985. The height of this Canadian rose is 150-200 cm, width 150 cm. The flower size is 5-7 cm in diameter. The rose blooms in two distinct waves, between which there may be single flowers, and its elongated ones are dark strawberry red buds in the shape of tulips resemble hybrid tea roses.

This Canadian rose smells faintly of strawberries. The flowers of this rose can withstand both heat and rain perfectly. Rose Alexander McKenzie can withstand frost down to -35 °C.

A rose for low-maintenance gardens, requiring virtually no attention. All you need is to prune in spring and apply two fertilizing treatments per season.

Looks great alone on the lawn. You don't have to cover it for the winter. Without shelter (in central Russia), parts of the shoots that are above the snow cover may freeze (they may not freeze). If this happens, the shoots are cut back to living wood. The rose grows rapidly and already this season it is a beautiful, chic bush and blooms profusely.