Online fortune telling for compatibility by name, zodiac sign and Chinese horoscope. Fortune telling: determining compatibility

The meeting of two people is predetermined on top level. This means whether you like it or not, this meeting will take place. What will happen next, what will your relationship be like, yes, and whether it will exist at all - it’s a matter of time. Wanting to know what a meeting with this or that person promises you, you turn to psychologists and do an analysis of your compatibility. You share with the specialist your thoughts about the person you are interested in, give him your characteristics, then do about the same thing, but about yourself. And you completely rely on the fact that a psychologist with rich life experience and medical practice will be able to tell you about the compatibility of your personalities and describe the prospects for the development of your relationship. Now let’s answer ourselves honestly, do you know your partner so well that you can give him a description. That for you there are no secrets of his behavior, what, finally, fills your partner’s thoughts. And do you know his past? Not a single person in the world can give a positive answer to these questions with a 100% guarantee. Next we’ll talk about whether you told the psychologist everything about yourself. Have you ever had a desire to show yourself off? the best side, and you simply remained silent on some questions, and were a little disingenuous on others. A psychologist is, first of all, a person like you; he will certainly draw his own conclusions. Draw your own conclusions too. What will be the analysis of the compatibility of partners when it does not contain complete sincerity of thoughts and the truth of life.

Even the dark corners of the human soul are open to maps

Perhaps, to get an answer to such an important question about compatibility, it is better for you to contact a specialist who knows how to do this and find out whether your relationship has a future. You will not need to tell the tarot reader anything, your desire to find out the truth is enough. Hold the cards in your hands, feel them, and the energy of the magical images will come into contact with your energy. Work on the description of partners has begun. It is impossible to hide the secret that lies in your subconscious, the cards will definitely point to it. And, if the cards indicate the continuation of your relationship, then you can delve a little deeper into the magical decoding of your joint actions. The cards will give you information about how you see your partner and what he really is. A compatibility chart will definitely make you look at yourself through the eyes of your partner. You just have to draw conclusions about what to change in your character or how to act in this or that case. When doing this fortune telling, be sure to clarify what kind of relationship you are interested in. You might be interested in love relationship, and the cards will tell you about business compatibility and problems may arise. Existing layouts for partner compatibility examine both at the highest level. An analysis is made of relationships at the level of the astral body, whether your souls are compatible. A study of the mental and physical level is being carried out.

If you really want to know how your partner feels about you, be willing to hear the truth and accept it, no matter what it is. You may not recognize yourself in these cards, and then you will have doubts about their veracity. In fact, this will mean that there are contradictions between you and your subconscious that you are not taking into account. And you should pay attention to yourself and your role in compatibility with your partner.

Fortune telling on paper is distinguished by its simplicity and minimal preparation requirements. In order to do this, you need to take a piece of paper and a pen. The accuracy of the prediction depends on how much you believe in this method of finding out your fate.

Fortune telling on paper and a pen is most often used to tell about the feelings of the person of interest. To check your love compatibility with your partner, take a piece of paper and draw a daisy on it. There should be exactly as many petals as there are letters in the name of your loved one. On each petal, clockwise, you need to write the letters of the name of your chosen one. After this, write the letters of your name on the petals in order. If your name is longer in number of letters than your partner’s name, then simply do not enter the remaining letters anywhere.

If there is 1 petal, your union has a future. Even if the feelings fade away, you will still have a warm and kind attitude towards each other.

If there are 2 petals, the union is unsuccessful. Feelings can quickly fade, followed by disappointment.

If there are 3 petals, you have very good love compatibility with each other. You not only have feelings, but also common interests that bring you even closer together.

If there are 4 petals or more, the union is strong and successful. You are two halves who somehow miraculously found each other. Appreciate each other and take care of your feelings.

You can check your compatibility with your partner in another, more accurate way. To do this, you need to write the full last name, first name and patronymic of your chosen one on a piece of paper. You need to write your full name under his name. After that, cross out the repeated letters in your name and his. Count the number of remaining letters and bring it to a single digit number if required. For example, if you have 12 letters left, then you need to add 1 and 2 to get the fortune telling result. The number 3 in this case will be the result of fortune telling. Once you know the number, you need to decipher it.

Number 1 – you are a good couple, a happy future, warmth and love awaits you.

Number 2 - you are not suitable for each other, disappointments await you ahead.

Number 3 - you are in love, but soon the scales will fall from your eyes, and you will understand that this chosen one is not what you need.

Number 4 – you don’t love your partner enough. If he makes every effort necessary to be with you, then your future with him is possible.

Number 5 – you are united only by mutual benefit. Most likely, such relationships will soon fade away.

Number 6 – you are a great couple. In your union there is love, respect, and care. If you manage to maintain these feelings, then your future with this person will be long and happy.

Number 7 – you are united rather by friendship and interest in each other, but not by love. You could be great friends for each other.

Number 8 – everything in your couple is harmonious, you complement each other. You feel comfortable and comfortable with your partner.

Number 9 – you have good compatibility. However, in order to maintain a relationship, you will have to constantly work on yourself and try to surprise each other. If there are no emotions, love will disappear.

These, at first glance, simple and quick tests for love compatibility with a partner give accurate and specific results of the future with a particular person. These fortune tellings are based on numerology, the ancient science of numbers and their meanings, which makes them accurate and truthful. Useful article? Then be sure to put

This is a rather simple and interesting layout, it helps to quickly determine “are we suitable for each other”? - this is how they usually ask, but in fact the question should be posed like this: what character traits of a potential partner should be taken into account to make it easier to avoid difficult, conflict situations. The alignment will also help already established relationships if suddenly something goes wrong and a conflict occurs. It will help you find out what is the reason for the quarrel and how to improve the relationship.

This layout is not only for lovers, it will also help in business relations, for example, business compatibility between the director of a company and its president.

Important point: Compatibility primarily indicates difficult places in a relationship. But both are ready to overcome these difficulties and each is ready to change themselves. Just yourself, not your partner! Even with absolute incompatibility there is a chance. However, changing yourself is a difficult matter, because it is so easy to demand, but so difficult to change yourself. Therefore, soberly assess your strengths. Often we do not have enough strength, desire and skill to get used to each other, not to mention the fact that not everyone is ready to sacrifice some of their principles. This means that without analyzing compatibility, be it the Tarot layout, astrology or psychology, no relationship can be built: neither in business, nor in love, nor in any other area.

Let's get down to technology

Tarot cards are laid out on 3 levels: physical, astral, mental; or body (pair 1-4), soul (pair 2-5), mind (pair 3-6). It is customary to lay out cards from bottom to top, according to right side cards for women, on the left - for men. But you can interpret as you wish.

For example, let’s take one famous couple who delights TV viewers with their charm - everything must be harmonious with them! However, we'll see.

She: 1) Death, 2) The Cart, 3) Lovers.

He is: 4) Master, 5) Court, 6) Peace.

So, at the physics level, everything is fine with Him: the Master is in position 4 (dream man). But She has problems: there is 1 Death card in position. Of course, this card does not literally mean death. The Death card signifies change. Perhaps She has a baby on the way, because birth and death are two sides of the same coin. Because of this, there is a possibility of malaise, physical fatigue, rest is required.

This alignment reflects what is happening “now” (2-3 months in advance), then the situation may change.

At the level of the astral plane (soul and emotions), He has a period of inspiration, creative upsurge - the successful implementation of old and drawing up new plans: the Court card in position 5. She has changes again: in position 2, the Cart card, this can mean a creative search, She looking for new creative communication, new uniform self-expression.

And the last thing: at the mental level (mind, thoughts) everything is excellent with Him: position 6, World card. This is one of best cards in the deck: it not only confirms the “takeoff of creative thought,” but also shows that He feels Her well, understands Her condition, and is trying to help Her in every possible way. What She needs now: support and love: position 3 (head position) just shows that She often thinks about this a lot. Although lovers too

Source - E. Kolesov “The ABC of Tarot”

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Compatibility fortune telling is one of the ancient ways to find out whether the person next to you is suitable for you.

Is it possible to start a family with him, are you ready for a serious relationship and is it necessary to start this relationship at all? After all, the path to a long relationship begins with compatibility.

When is the best time to guess compatibility?

Days charged with magical energy have long existed. And although modern girls They believe that you can guess about compatibility any day, but the chance of getting a truthful answer or seeing prophetic dream much higher on such holidays:

  • On New Year's Eve.
  • On Christmastide (from January 6 to January 18).
  • On Ivan Kupala or Kupala Night (from 6 to 7 July).

Simple techniques

TO simple ways Determining compatibility includes fortune telling on paper, by name, online fortune telling and other types of predictions that do not require special skills. They are for entertainment purposes and are rarely truthful.

If previously people used to tell fortunes on flower petals for fun, now thanks to the Internet it is possible to use for free those fortune-telling services that are usually offered by professionals.

Most online fortune tellings can be completed for free, which increases their popularity. But such predictions should not be taken seriously; most of them are created by amateurs who do not do this professionally.

Professional Services

Professional fortune telling takes a long time to learn, but it is better to go to a fortune teller to interpret predictions about compatibility correctly. These include: fortune telling using tarot cards, coffee grounds, runes or a special Book of Changes.

If you can guess online as many times as you want, then any specialist will say that runes and cards give a true answer only the first time.

Such predictions about compatibility are especially powerful. To find out if you are compatible with a certain person, you only need to ask a question before the fortune-telling, but it must be clearly constructed.

Ancient rites

For centuries, people have wanted to look into the future, and the fortune-telling of our ancestors has already grown into scientific activity, albeit unofficial for now. These types include: astrology, palmistry, numerology.

An astrologer can use the stars to determine your compatibility with your chosen one. Using the lines of the hand, a palm reader is able to determine a person’s future, his heart’s path and the love obstacles that lie ahead.

Numerologists, based on the dates that haunt a person throughout his life, can determine his fate. They also compare the names of the lovers to determine how likely they are to be compatible.

Homemade ways to tell fortunes

If you do not plan to seek help from a professional, and online fortune telling seems just a toy, then you can find out your fate on your own. Such fortune telling should be carried out during the full moon.

1. On candles

You will need two identical candles. Tie one of them with a thread - it will symbolize your chosen one. Now light them.

Don't forget to think about a certain person, about your relationships and compatibility, otherwise fortune telling will not make sense. Candles should be charged with your energy, and you should perceive fire, one of the most powerful elements, as a symbol of your relationship.

Do any of the candles burn brighter or are their flames at the same level? This personifies your relationship: whether you both love each other or one only allows himself to be loved.

If one of the candles burns out much earlier than the second, then a rupture cannot be avoided. If this was your candle, it means that subconsciously you do not consider this person as a further life partner.

If one of the candles falls, it means that the person is fickle or does not love so much, and the relationship will only bring pain. If two candles burn out almost simultaneously, it means that you have strong feelings and you will go through all the obstacles together.

2. At the mirror

At midnight you must sit in front of the mirror and light a candle. On a piece of paper write the name of the person you are interested in. Using a candle flame, set the leaf on fire and watch it burn.

1. If it flares up quickly and burns out almost immediately, the love will be bright, passionate, but short-lived, and feelings will quickly burn out, leaving behind only emptiness.

2. If the leaf burns long and steadily, it means you will have a happy and strong union.

3. If the paper with the name goes out without burning out, it means that the relationship has no future.

Guessing compatibility yourself, seeking help from a professional, or using online fortune telling is your personal choice. But we must remember that for a correct prediction it is necessary to take into account the time, day, month, your environment, state of mind and other elements that affect the quality of the prediction.

To tell fortunes about compatibility, you need to focus on the name of your chosen one, his habits, appearance - imagine him in front of you and not let go of this image. Then fortune telling will have power. Author: Karina Kovalenko