List of basic human values. Life values

Human values ​​are an extremely pressing issue. We all know them well. But hardly anyone tried to clearly define them for themselves. Our article is dedicated to precisely this: awareness of modern values.


Value is something that a person consciously or unconsciously reaches for, that meets his needs. Of course, people are all different, which means that a person’s values ​​are also purely individual, but one way or another there are common moral guidelines: goodness, beauty, truth, happiness.

Positive and negative values ​​of modern man

It is clear to everyone that it is normal to strive for happiness (eudaimonism) or pleasure (hedonism). Now this is even more clear than, for example, 100 or 200 years ago. Although office workers certainly get tired at work, life nowadays has become much easier than it was for our grandparents. Russia is still shaken by various crises, but still these are not wars, not besieged Leningrad and other horrors that the crazy 20th century bestowed upon history.

Our contemporary may well say, looking back at history: “I’m tired of suffering, I want to enjoy.” Of course, here he does not mean himself, but man as a generic essence, embodied in different bodily shells from ancient times to the present day.

Therefore, current reality, perhaps more than all other historical realities, sets him up for the pursuit of happiness and pleasure (positive human values) and escape from suffering and pain (negative constants of his existence). We have the joy (albeit of a very dubious quality) to observe how the classical ethical triad of “goodness, beauty, truth” gives way to such landmarks of human existence as money, success, happiness, pleasure. It is difficult to assemble them into some kind of structure, but if you try, then happiness and pleasure will definitely be at the top, money at the bottom, and everything else in between.

The time has come to talk about such a concept as “a human value system.”

Religious values

It is clear to sensible people that the world is capitalist, i.e. one where money decides everything or almost everything is not eternal and not the only one, and the order of values ​​that is offered to them is not universal. Also, it is almost self-evident that the natural opposition is the religious interpretation of reality, which is subject to moral and spiritual laws. By the way, the eternal duality of existence between its spiritual and material aspects does not allow a person to lose his humanistic essence. That is why a person’s spiritual values ​​are so important for his moral self-preservation.

Christ as the initiator of a spiritual revolution

Why was Christ a revolutionary? He did a lot of things to deserve such an honorable title, but the main thing in the context of our article is that he said: “The last will be first, and the first will be last.”

Thus, he turned over the entire structure, which is called the “system of human values.” Before him (as now) it was believed that wealth, fame and other delights of a soulless life are precisely the highest goals of human existence. And the Messiah came and said to wealthy people: “It is difficult for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” And they thought that they had already bought everything for themselves, but no.

Jesus saddened them, and the poor, unfortunate and disadvantaged began to have some hope. Some readers who don’t really believe in heaven will say: “But can the goodness promised after death atone for the existing suffering in a person’s earthly existence?” Dear reader, we completely agree. Future happiness is little consolation, but Christ gave hope to the losers of this world and charged them with strength to fight against their unenviable fate. In other words, human values, personal values ​​have become different and have acquired variability.

Vertical world

In addition, Christianity made the world vertical, i.e. all earthly values ​​are now recognized as base and unimportant. The main thing is spiritual self-improvement and unity with God. Of course, a person will still pay dearly for his spiritual aspirations in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, but all the same, the feat of Jesus is extremely significant even outside of a religious context, because the prophet showed, by sacrificing his life, that other values ​​are possible in a person’s life, which harmoniously form into a system.

Variations of value systems

From the previous section it became clear that a person’s system of aspirations can be completely different. It all depends on what the individual or group is focused on. There is, for example, a sociological approach to this issue: the vertical of what is significant is built from the highest to the lowest in accordance with the interests of the collective. The latter can be understood as separate groups, and society as a whole. And we know those periods when some nations put the collective above the individual. This reasoning is perfect for the topic “Values ​​of Man and Society.”


The individualized world has its own priorities and its own understanding of higher and lower. We can observe them in our contemporary reality: material well-being, personal happiness, more pleasures and less suffering. Obviously, this is a rough sketch of significant human landmarks, but one way or another, each of us falls into this picture. There are not enough ascetics now.

Formal and actual values

If someone asks what role values ​​play in a person’s life, then this question is difficult to answer. It’s one thing what a person says, and another thing what he does, i.e. the difference between formal and real semantic priorities. For example, in Russia many consider themselves believers. Temples are being built. Soon every yard will have its own temple, so that devout people will not have to go far. But this is of little use, because, as the bishop from the third part of the film saga says, “ Godfather” to the main character of the film: “Christianity has surrounded man for 2,000 years, but it has never penetrated inside.” In fact, most people perceive religious institutions as conditional, and they are not particularly interested in the problem of sin. It is also strange that, thinking about God, believers completely forget about their neighbors, i.e. Human social values ​​are in a sense corralled. Naturally, in such a situation it is difficult to talk about true faith.

Pitirim Sorokin and his value periodization of cultures

The famous sociologist and public figure P. Sorokin based his typology of cultures on nothing other than values. He quite rightly believed that every culture has its own face, its own individuality, which stems from a guiding principle or idea. The scientist divided all cultures into three types.

  1. Idiational - when religious beliefs prevail over material wealth and such a dominant attitude determines the values ​​and norms of a person and culture as a whole. This is reflected in architecture, philosophy, literature, and social ideals. For example, during the European Middle Ages, the canon of a person was considered to be a saint, a hermit or an ascetic.
  2. Sensual type of culture. Most shining example- This, of course, is the Renaissance. Religious values ​​are not just trampled upon, they are actually abolished. God begins to be perceived as a source of pleasure. Man becomes the measure of all things. Sensuality, which was suppressed in the Middle Ages, wants to reveal and express itself to the fullest extent of its capabilities. This is where the famous moral conflicts of the Renaissance arise, when a significant cultural upsurge coexists with a fantastic moral decline.
  3. Idealistic or mixed type. In this model of culture, material and spiritual ideals and human aspirations find agreement, but the primacy of the latter over the former is affirmed. Orientation towards high moral ideals helps a person to live with the least in the material sense and believe in spiritual self-improvement.

In this construction of P. Sorokin there are no extremes of the two previous types, but there is one significant drawback: cannot be picked up real example such a culture. We can only say that this is how people live who find themselves in extremely difficult circumstances (illness, poverty, natural disasters, poor neighborhoods in countries around the world). The poor and disabled, of their own free will, have to minimize their bodily needs and keep before their eyes a high moral ideal. For them, this is an indispensable condition for survival and existence within a certain moral framework.

This is how the article turned out, the focus of which was cultural values person. We hope that it will help the reader understand this difficult and at the same time extremely interesting topic.

Darina Kataeva

Every person has values ​​in life. They are formed in childhood, and in adulthood they influence people’s actions, their decisions, and personal choices. Values ​​are a reflection of the essence, driving force, which influences worldview and personality formation. What exactly are the values ​​of life and how to choose them for yourself?

Where do life values ​​come from?

Although a person’s values ​​are a stable structure, they change under the influence of external circumstances and internal experiences. Fundamental value have the values ​​that are laid in childhood. However, they do not arise instantly; they are formed over the course of life. The older a person becomes, the more stable his values ​​are. For some, money, fame, power and luxury items are essential in life. Others consider spiritual self-improvement, creative development, health, family and children important.

The formation of life values ​​is influenced by:

education and family;
team at work;
experienced trauma and loss;
economic situation in the country.

Basic values ​​of human life

Although each person is individual, there are values ​​that unite all people:

This has nothing to do with selfishness. Such love helps to achieve happiness in life and self-improvement.
Near. The manifestation of this value lies in respect for every person, his opinion and position in life.
Family. – highest value for the majority of people.
Spouse. Emotional, spiritual and physical intimacy with a loved one comes first for some.
Love for children.
Motherland. The place where a person was born affects his mentality and attitude towards life.
Job. There are people who strive to dissolve in activity; they are ready to take on any assignment at work to achieve the common good.
Friends. and self-expression in it are of no small importance for any person.
Rest. This area of ​​life allows the individual to concentrate on his feelings, relax and unwind from the endless bustle.
Public mission- activity. Altruists primarily strive to do something for the benefit of society. Satisfying your needs and desires comes second.

It cannot be said that every person identifies one universal value for himself and lives by it. The listed areas are harmoniously intertwined; we simply mark a few for ourselves and put them first in life.

Life values ​​are a complex structure, which is reflected in the setting and method of achievement. As a result, a person anticipates unpleasant situations and possible failures.

List of possible values ​​in human life

In addition to basic life values, each person can have individual, sometimes extraordinary values. Below is only a partial list of possible human values, because it can be continued ad infinitum.

Optimism. “The pessimist sees difficulties at every opportunity; An optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.” This character trait can undoubtedly be considered a value and you can enjoy the presence of optimism in your life: with it, life becomes brighter and fuller.
Patience. "Patience and a little effort". Having patience, especially among the modern generation, should definitely be considered a value. Only with patience you can. This is about your personal benefits. But your friends and partners will certainly appreciate this quality.
Honesty. “Honesty is more valuable than anything.” It is important to be honest not only with others, but also with yourself. If for you this value is on par with the basic ones, you probably happy man: Paradoxically, life is easier for honest people than for those who like to lie.
Discipline. "Business before pleasure". Most people are extremely skeptical about this value, because discipline, in their opinion, is equal to restrictions and lack of freedom. And only over the years, many come to the conclusion that if you are a disciplined person, this does not mean that you somehow limit yourself, but rather, you find a path to freedom and happiness with the help of this character trait.

Examples of Life Value

When asking the question: “What is valuable to me?”, many find themselves at a dead end. However, it is very important to give yourself a clear answer so that when a new situation arises, you will be true to your values.

Life values ​​are not related to the opinions of others and recognition of you as an individual thanks to the heights you have achieved.

The following sequence of actions helps in determining your values:

Be alone with yourself. To understand what is important to you in life and what is of secondary importance, it is recommended to clear the space of extraneous influence. Explore your personality completely alone, without the influence of external factors.
Remember important events In my life. It doesn’t have to be only positive situations; think about the negative ones too. Write down your main experiences on a piece of paper, think about what impressed you, what upset you, and what you can’t imagine your life without.
Explore in general human values , because personal needs and views flow from them. Keep track of the relationship between the resulting list and everyday life. Some of the items listed are only a desire, and not an established value in life.
Watch yourself. Set aside at least one day in which you examine yourself, your behavior, your choices and your motives. The decisions we make every day are an indicator of a person’s personal choice and values.
If the list of values ​​is too long, it will have to be shortened. There should be 3 maximum 4 values ​​left. The rest is just additions and subsequent decisions in life.


Some values ​​that are simultaneously important to a person may conflict. After looking at the list, decide what doesn’t fit together. This causes a creative person who is in disharmony with himself. It is important to remember the balance and impact of our values ​​on the lives of others.

Each person is individual, therefore values ​​differ depending on the character and established guidelines in a person’s life. Although the tendency to reflect and explore oneself is not observed in every person, it is still worth stopping for a moment and thinking about what is valuable to me. Otherwise, you will be a driven person, without your own core. Under new circumstances, you will immediately lose yourself and your personality!

26 February 2014, 17:47

Human life values play a key role in his fate, because decision-making, the exercise of the right to choose, the fulfillment of life’s purpose, and relationships with other people depend on them.

Each person has his own system of life values, his own priorities. Of course, everyone has values. But, for the most part, people are not aware of their values. And this is definitely worth doing in order to, as they say, make your life easier. After all, when making any decision, from the most insignificant to the fateful, you should turn to your system of values ​​and then, quite possibly, it will be possible to avoid painful doubts and worries.

Human life values– the basis of life choices of varying degrees of importance.

For some, material values ​​are important: money, food, clothing, housing. For some, spiritual values ​​are a priority: spiritual search, discovery and realization of one’s life purpose, creative self-development, fulfillment of one’s earthly mission. But there are so-called universal values ​​that are important for all people. Among these are the following:

1. Self-love (which has nothing to do with selfishness). Only self-love helps to show love towards other people.

2. Warm relationships with people on whom our whole life is built.

3. A close loved one, a soul mate who holds a special place in your heart. After all, only a couple living in love and harmony is able to realize themselves and leave a mark in life.

4. Creating a home.

5. Love for children.

6. Love for the Motherland - the place where you were born and spent your childhood. This is one of the most important factors personality formation.

7. Work or other social activity. Of course, work is very important. But in modern world there was a catastrophic shift in her direction. Many people devote much more time to making money than to their own health, sports, raising children, and creating a home combined.

8. Friends and like-minded people. Communication with such people gives joy and self-confidence.

9. Rest. It is rest that allows us to find peace and balance, to concentrate on ourselves.

In a world where there are too many temptations that escape attention basic life values person. When we are constantly in a hurry to get somewhere, trying to get something done, life values ​​work as a reliable guideline that helps us not to go astray. When we act in accordance with them, we receive great satisfaction from this activity. Conversely, if our actions do not support our life values, we feel a loss of strength, anxiety, stress. Surprisingly, even health problems and difficulties in making decisions are consequences of the inconsistency of our actions with life values. What to do? How to keep the most important things in sight?

The main life values ​​of a person

It is difficult to outline them in a clear circle. What may be vitally important to one may not be of fundamental importance to another. But it is still possible to find some kind of arithmetic mean, which will represent the basic life values ​​of a person. So what are they?

1. The first thing everyone will name is love. And not only to the opposite sex, but also to family, loved ones, and friends. Love gives rise to compassion, and not a single list of life values ​​can do without it.

2. Understanding is a mandatory point, which includes the life values ​​of any person. Everyone wants to be understood, but understanding others also leads to the resolution and prevention of conflicts.

3. Respect allows you to be inspired positive features others, find flaws in yourself and correct them. But what is most pleasant is those life values, by broadcasting which we only increase them in our lives.

4. Discipline that many try to avoid. Few people consider it to be a person’s life values. Many people think of it as a chore, but in reality it is fulfilling one's responsibilities. It is not always hard and dull work. You can do them with joy.

5. Faith in people, including yourself. By broadcasting these life values, you infect others with confidence and strengthen faith in yourself.

6. Gratitude is that little thing that can raise a wave of enthusiasm and friendliness in another.

7. Forgiveness helps us turn our faces to the future and not suffer from grievances and pain.

8. Friendship is a person’s life values, on which he relies in difficult times.

9. Hope does not allow us to give up when it seems that there is nothing ahead.

10. Optimism helps to resist the bad - simply not to notice it.

11. Patience allows you to make the right decisions.

12. Tolerance helps you to be able to get along with all people. Regardless of personal preference.

13. Honesty. No matter who you ask what their core values ​​are in life, there will always be a place for honesty. It helps you admit your mistakes, change yourself for the better, and build trusting relationships.

How to prioritize

Life values ​​can be determined using the following principle:

Make a list of what makes you happy.
Analyze how vital each point is for you? If you can live without it calmly or with difficulty, cross it out.
Return to the list periodically, auditing it until you have six items left.

These will be the life values ​​that determine your life. Most likely, they will reflect your worldview, shaped by the people around you and life experiences.

How and where can these human life values ​​be used?

In personal and professional relationships.
IN family relationships.
In setting life goals.

That is, determining for yourself human life values, you need to rely on your character, worldview, goals and dreams. A person's basic life values ​​can definitely lead him to the right path in life.