From whom was the Chinese wall built? Who built the wall and why? The effectiveness of the wall as a defensive structure

24 months ago

On a par with Egyptian pyramids, Chinese Wall considered one of the greatest architectural structures, of all those that have survived to this day. She owns many different records, which are unlikely to ever be broken. A national treasure of China and a surviving wonder of the world for the rest of humanity, the wall has long attracted the brightest minds of world history and archeology.

Regarding the Chinese Wall, numerous theories, hypotheses, and assumptions have been reliably proven, which, at first, seemed like a utopia. But over the past decades, scientists have been haunted by the question of who actually built this very wall? Why is “authorship” by default assigned to the Chinese nation, when a number of facts say exactly the opposite?

Some features of the wall will help you understand the grandeur and scale of this structure. It is officially believed (although not actually proven) that construction began in the 3rd century BC. e. 1/5 of the then population of China was involved in the work. This is more than 1 million people.

Her total length, taking into account all branches, is 21,196 kilometers. This is approximately half the length of the globe's equator. The thickness of the wall is about 5–8 meters, depending on the site. The height is also not the same - around 7–10 meters. Besides:

  • the total number of people involved in construction exceeded 2 million - approximately half the population;
  • during construction, more than 300 thousand people died/perished from various diseases, malnutrition, water shortage and other things;
  • at first it was not a wall at all, but disparate structures, which were connected to each other much later;
  • The wall is a world cultural heritage site and is protected by UNESCO.

Myths and misconceptions

Naturally, throughout its history, such a grandiose structure in every sense could not help but be the object of constant delusional hypotheses, speculation, and even outright lies. Just look at the famous newspaper canard launched by American journalists on June 25, 1899, according to which the Chinese government decided to demolish the wall in order to improve trade with other countries. Allegedly, the wall was a big nuisance, so they decided to build a road in its place.

This misinformation was immediately picked up by a large number of American newspapers (the “canard” was launched from Denver), and then the news was spread by European newspapermen. In those days, information was transmitted many times slower than today, so falsification wandered around the world for quite a long time. The most famous misconceptions also include:

  • visibility of the wall with the naked eye from the surface of the Moon - according to rough estimates, this is equivalent to the fact that a person could see a hair from a distance of 3 kilometers;
  • the visibility of the wall with the naked eye from Earth's orbit - despite the testimony of numerous astronauts who allegedly saw the wall from space, this has not been proven for certain by anyone or anything;
  • general mobilization for construction caused popular unrest, which is the reason for the fall of one of the most powerful Chinese dynasties, the Qin - in fact, participation in the work was forced, and any dissatisfaction was severely punished.

But perhaps the most interesting hypothesis, which has not yet been proven by anyone (nor refuted), puts the sole rights of the Chinese to the Great Wall under question. Evidence is provided that it was not built by the Chinese at all, as is commonly believed. And, I must say, some of this evidence looks quite plausible and comprehensive.

The essence of the hypothesis questioning the Chinese rights to the wall

The original version, which is official to this day, is that the wall was built by the Chinese as a defensive structure to prevent constant raids by nomads from neighboring countries. Everything matches: the wall ran along the entire perimeter ancient China, which, being important shopping center, suffered from attacks by various groups. But one fact haunts scientists: the original design of the wall made it convenient to attack Chinese territory, and did not imply strengthening its defense. Why did the Chinese build a wall from which it would be easier for their enemies to attack? No answer yet. The so-called loopholes on one part of the wall are directed into the territory of China, and behind them stretched another state. That is, it is logical that the wall was built by another people (peoples) for the war with the Middle Kingdom.

Wall Builders - Alternate Version

The most popular version is that the construction of the wall was carried out by people living in ancient state Tartary. It is even indicated on family ties this people with the Slavs. By the way, numerous archaeological discoveries and finds, coupled with the design (location) of the wall only confirm this version. But so far scientists have not been able to work in this direction. Causes:

  • Chinese authorities have at all times prevented the study of the wall;
  • due to constant restorations and natural destruction, many facts representing historical value, have become unavailable.

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The longest defensive structure in the world is the Great Wall of China. Interesting facts about her today are quite numerous. This masterpiece of architecture is fraught with many mysteries. It causes fierce debate among various researchers.

The length of the Great Wall of China has not yet been established precisely. It is only known that it stretches from Jiayuguan, located in Gansu Province, to (Liaodong Bay).

Wall length, width and height

The length of the structure is about 4 thousand km, according to some sources, and according to others - more than 6 thousand km. 2450 km is the length of a straight line drawn between its end points. However, it must be taken into account that the wall does not go straight anywhere: it bends and turns. The length of the Great Wall of China, therefore, should be at least 6 thousand km, and possibly more. The height of the structure is on average 6-7 meters, reaching 10 meters in some areas. The width is 6 meters, that is, 5 people can walk along the wall in a row, even a small car can easily pass. On its outer side there are “teeth” made of large bricks. Internal wall protects a barrier, the height of which is 90 cm. Previously, there were drains in it, made through equal sections.

Start of construction

The Great Wall of China began during the reign of Qin Shi Huang. He ruled the country from 246 to 210. BC e. It is customary to associate the history of the construction of such a structure as the Great Wall of China with the name of this creator of a unified Chinese state - the famous emperor. Interesting facts about it include a legend according to which it was decided to build it after one court soothsayer predicted (and the prediction came true many centuries later!) that the country would be destroyed by barbarians coming from the north. In order to protect the Qin Empire from nomads, the emperor ordered the construction of defensive fortifications, unprecedented in scale. They subsequently turned into such a grandiose structure as the Great Wall of China.

Facts indicate that the rulers of various principalities located in Northern China erected similar walls along their borders even before the reign of Qin Shi Huang. By the time of his accession to the throne, the total length of these ramparts was about 2 thousand km. The emperor first only strengthened and united them. This is how the unified Great Wall of China was formed. Interesting facts about its construction, however, do not end there.

Who built the wall?

Real fortresses were built at checkpoints. Intermediate military camps for patrolling and garrison service, and watchtowers were also built. "Who built the Great Wall of China?" - you ask. Hundreds of thousands of slaves, prisoners of war and criminals were rounded up to build it. When workers became scarce, mass mobilizations of peasants also began. Emperor Shi Huang, according to one legend, ordered a sacrifice to the spirits. He ordered that a million people be immured in the wall under construction. This is not confirmed by archaeological data, although isolated burials were found in the foundations of towers and fortresses. It is still unclear whether they were ritual sacrifices, or whether they simply buried dead workers in this way, those who built the Great Wall of China.

Completion of construction

Shortly before Shi Huangdi's death, the construction of the wall was completed. According to scientists, the reason for the impoverishment of the country and the turmoil that followed the death of the monarch was precisely the enormous costs of building defensive fortifications. The Great Wall stretched through deep gorges, valleys, deserts, along cities, across the whole of China, turning the state into an almost impregnable fortress.

Protective function of the wall

Many later called its construction pointless, since there would have been no soldiers to defend such a long wall. But it should be taken into account that it served to protect against the light cavalry of various nomadic tribes. In many countries, similar structures were used against steppe inhabitants. For example, this is the Trajan Wall, built by the Romans in the 2nd century, as well as the Serpentine Walls, built in the south of Ukraine in the 4th century. Large detachments of cavalry could not overcome the wall, since the cavalry needed to break through a breach or destroy a large area to pass. And without special devices this was not easy to do. Genghis Khan managed to do this in the 13th century with the help of military engineers from Zhudrjey, the kingdom he conquered, as well as local infantry in huge numbers.

How different dynasties cared for the wall

All subsequent rulers took care of the safety of the Great Wall of China. Only two dynasties were an exception. These are the Yuan, the Mongol dynasty, and also the Manchu Qin (the latter, which we will talk about a little later). They controlled the lands north of the wall, so they did not need it. The history of the building went through different periods. There were times when the garrisons guarding it were recruited from pardoned criminals. The tower, located on the Golden Terrace of the Wall, was decorated in 1345 with bas-reliefs depicting Buddhist guards.

After it was defeated during the reign of the next one (Ming), in 1368-1644 work was carried out to strengthen the wall and maintain the defensive structures in proper condition. Beijing, new capital China was only 70 kilometers away, and its safety depended on the safety of the wall.

During the reign, women were used as sentries on the towers, monitoring the surrounding area and, if necessary, giving an alarm signal. This was motivated by the fact that they treat their duties more conscientiously and are more attentive. There is a legend according to which the legs of the unfortunate guards were cut off so that they could not leave their post without an order.

Folk legend

We continue to expand on the topic: “The Great Wall of China: Interesting Facts"The photo of the wall below will help you imagine its greatness.

Folk legend tells about the terrible hardships that the builders of this structure had to endure. The woman, whose name was Meng Jiang, came here from a distant province to bring warm clothes to her husband. However, upon reaching the wall, she learned that her husband had already died. The woman was unable to find his remains. She lay down near this wall and cried for several days. Even the stones were touched by the woman’s grief: one of the sections of the Great Wall collapsed, revealing the bones of Meng Jiang’s husband. The woman took the remains of her husband home, where she buried them in the family cemetery.

Invasion of the “barbarians” and restoration work

The wall did not save the “barbarians” from the last large-scale invasion. The overthrown aristocracy, fighting with the rebels representing the Yellow Turban movement, allowed numerous Manchu tribes into the country. Their leaders seized power. They founded a new dynasty in China - the Qin. From that moment on, the Great Wall lost its defensive significance. It completely fell into disrepair. Only after 1949 did they begin restoration work. The decision to start them was made by Mao Zedong. But during the “cultural revolution” that took place from 1966 to 1976, the “red guards” (red guards), who did not recognize the value ancient architecture, decided to destroy some sections of the wall. She looked, according to eyewitnesses, as if she was subject to an enemy assault.

Now it was not only forced laborers or soldiers who were sent here. Service on the wall became a matter of honor, as well as a strong career incentive for young people from noble families. The words that one who was not there cannot be called a fine fellow, which Mao Zedong turned into a slogan, became a new saying right then.

The Great Wall of China today

Not a single description of China is complete without mentioning the Great Wall of China. Locals they say that its history is half the history of the entire country, which cannot be understood without visiting the building. Scientists have calculated that from all the materials that were used during the Ming Dynasty during its construction, it is possible to build a wall whose height is 5 meters and thickness is 1 meter. It is enough to encircle the entire globe.

The Great Wall of China has no equal in its grandeur. This building is visited by millions of tourists from all over the world. Its scale still amazes today. Anyone can purchase a certificate on the spot, which indicates the time of visiting the wall. The Chinese authorities were even forced to restrict access here in order to ensure better preservation of this great monument.

Is the wall visible from space?

For a long time it was believed that this was the only man-made object visible from space. However, this opinion has recently been refuted. Yang Li Wen, China's first astronaut, sadly admitted that he could not see this monumental structure, no matter how hard he tried. Perhaps the whole point is that during the first space flights the air above Northern China was much cleaner, and therefore the Great Wall of China was visible earlier. The history of its creation, interesting facts about it - all this is closely connected with many traditions and legends that surround this majestic building even today.

European architecture

However, researchers who managed to visit inside the Chinese Wall claim that those small piles of stones, in fact, the remains of the original masonry, could not protect against any raids.

And that wall that we are used to seeing in photographs, powerful, with towers and loopholes, with a road along the ridge on which two carts can pass each other, this wall was built much later, when the wild northern nomadic tribes no longer had time for the Chinese and before the raids. And the wall itself, if you look at it objectively, is surprisingly reminiscent of European defensive buildings created after the 15th century, and designed to protect against cannons and other serious siege weapons, which the nomads simply could not have had.

By the way, about the loopholes. Many people pay attention to the fact that some of the loopholes in the Great Wall of China are facing not to the north, but... to the south - against the Chinese themselves! What is this? A mistake in modern reconstruction? But in the surviving ancient sections, the walls of the loophole are also directed to the south. So, maybe the Great Wall of China was not built by the Chinese, but, on the contrary, by the northern inhabitants, in order to defend themselves from the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire?

There was no such country

It is also interesting to trace the history of the construction of the Chinese Wall. According to sources stored in the Middle Kingdom, the main part of the wall was built in the period from 445 BC. e. to 222. BC e, that is, when there were no traces of any Mongol-Tatar nomads and there was no one to defend against.

Moreover, there was no one to defend himself, since China itself did not exist as a single country. There were eight small states, each of which was not able (and there was no need) to engage in such titanic work. The unification of them all into one Chinese state under the rule of the Qin dynasty began only in 221 BC. e., that is, a year after the main part of the wall was already completed. It turns out that the first part of the wall was not built by the Chinese at all.

If we consider the history of the construction of the Chinese Wall further (and it was built with long interruptions, in different places until the middle of the 17th century), according to the Chinese historical sources, then it turns out that the remaining parts of this structure were not built by the Chinese themselves and not at all for defense against the northern tribes.

There is an assumption that the Chinese Wall was erected between China and Russia at a time when these two countries agreed on a common border. There are maps on which the Chinese Wall serves as a dividing strip between China and Russian Empire. For example, on a map of Asia in the 18th century produced by the Royal Academy in Amsterdam, Tartary is indicated to the north, and China to the south. The border between them runs approximately along the 40th parallel, that is, exactly along the wall. And this border is designated in French - Muraille de la Chine, that is, not the “Chinese Wall”, but the “Wall of China”. In other words, a wall that fences off a certain territory from China.
So it turns out that the Chinese Wall was actually built on our side...

The most recognizable symbol China, like its long and colorful history, has become the great Wall of China. This monumental structure consists of numerous walls and fortifications, many of which run parallel to each other. Originally conceived for protection against nomadic raids by Emperor Qin Shi Huang (circa 259-210 BC). Great Wall of China (China) has become one of the most grandiose construction projects in the history of mankind.

The Great Wall of China: interesting facts

Here are the most interesting facts about the Great Wall of China:
VKS is the most long wall in the world and the largest building of antiquity.
Stunning scenery, from the beaches of Qinhuangdao to the rugged mountains around Beijing.

Consists of the great Wall of China from many sections:

  • Badaling
  • Huang Huancheng
  • Juyunguan
  • Ji Yongguang
  • Shanhaiguan
  • Yangguang
  • Gubeika
  • Giancu
  • Jin Shan Ling
  • Mutianyu
  • Symatai
  • Yangmenguang

Here's an interesting fact. Why do the loopholes of the Great Wall of China face China?? In fact, the photo shows that they look in both directions at once - that is, they were made with the expectation that they could be defended on both sides.

Length of the Great Wall of China in kilometers

  • Contrary to popular belief, the wall is not visible from space without a good approach.
  • Already during the Qin Dynasty (221-207 BC), sticky rice dough was used for construction as a kind of material for holding stone blocks together.
  • The labor force at the construction site were military personnel, peasants, convicts and prisoners, naturally not of their own free will.
  • Although officially 8,851 km, the length of all the branches and sections built over thousands of years is estimated at 21,197 km. The circumference of the equator is 40,075 km.

The Great Wall of China (China): history of creation

Significance: The longest fortification ever built by man.
Purpose of construction: protection Chinese Empire from Mongol and Manchu invaders.
Significance for tourism: the largest and at the same time the most popular attraction of the PRC.
Provinces where the Great Wall of China passes: Liaoning, Hebei, Tianjin, Beijing, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Ningxia, Gansu.
Start and end: From Shanhaiguan Pass (39.96N, 119.80E) to Jiayu Belt (39.85N, 97.54E). The direct distance is 1900 km.
Closest site to Beijing: Juyunguan (55 km)

Most visited site: Badaling (63 million visitors in 2001)
Terrain: mostly mountains and hills. Great Wall of China, China extends from the Bohai coast in Qinhuangdao, around the northern part of the Chinese Plain, across the Loess Plateau. Then it goes along the desert province of Gansu, between the Tibetan plateau and the loess hills of Inner Mongolia.

Altitude: from sea level to more than 500 meters.
The most suitable time of year to visit the Great Wall of China: areas near Beijing are best visited in spring or autumn. Jiayuguan - from May to October. Shanhaiguan Passage - in summer and early autumn.

The Great Wall of China is the largest cemetery. More than a million people lost their lives during its construction.

How the Great Wall of China was built

Everyone is interested how the Great Wall of China was built structures. Here's the whole story chronologically.
7th century BC: Feudal warlords began construction of the Great Wall of China.
Qin Dynasty (221-206 BC): Sections of the wall that had already been built were joined together (along with the unification of China).
206 BC - 1368 AD: restoration and expansion of the wall in order to prevent the plunder of the lands by nomads.

Ming Dynasty (1368-1644): The Great Wall of China reached its greatest extent.
Qing Dynasty (1644-1911): The Great Wall of China and surrounding lands fell to Manchu invaders in alliance with a traitorous general. Maintenance of the wall ceased for more than 300 years.
Late 20th century: Various sections of the Great Wall of China became architectural monuments.
The Great Wall of China on the world map:

The Chinese Wall is an amazing structure that took almost 2000 years to build and is 4 thousand kilometers long! Such long-term construction is not bad... Traditionally it is believed that the Great Wall of China began to be built in the 3rd century BC. For protection from northern nomads. On this occasion N.A. Morozov wrote:

“One thought is that the famous Chinese Wall, from 6 to 7 meters high, and up to three thick, stretching for THREE THOUSAND KILOMETERS, began construction back in 246 BC by Emperor Chi Hoang Ti and WAS COMPLETED ONLY AFTER 1866 YEARS, BY 1620 AD, is so absurd that it can only cause annoyance to a serious historian-thinker.

After all, every large construction has a predetermined practical purpose... Who would have the idea of ​​starting a huge construction that can only be completed in 2000 years, and until then will only be a useless burden for the population...

They will tell us that the wall has been repaired for two thousand years. Doubtful. It only makes sense to repair a building that is not very old, otherwise it will become hopelessly outdated and simply fall apart. This is what we are seeing, by the way, in Europe.

Old defensive walls were dismantled and new, more powerful ones were built in their place. For example, many military fortifications in Rus' were rebuilt in the 16th century.

But we are told that the Chinese Wall, as it was built, stood for TWO THOUSAND YEARS. They don’t say that “a modern wall was recently built on the site of an ancient one.”

No, they say that we see exactly the wall that was built two thousand years ago. In our opinion this is extremely strange, to say the least.

When and against whom was the wall built? We cannot answer for sure. This requires additional research. However, let us express the following thought.

The Great Wall of China was built primarily as a structure marking the BORDER between two countries: China and Russia.

It is doubtful that it was built as a military defensive structure. And it is unlikely that it has ever been used in this capacity. Defending a 4,000-kilometer wall from enemy attack is SPOILESS.

L.N. Gumilyov quite rightly wrote: “The wall stretched for 4 thousand km. Its height reached 10 meters, and watchtowers rose every 60-100 meters.

But when the work was completed, it turned out that all of China’s armed forces were not enough to organize an effective defense on the wall

In fact, if you place a small detachment on each tower, the enemy will destroy it before the neighbors have time to gather and send help.

If large detachments are spaced out less frequently, gaps will form through which the enemy can easily and unnoticed penetrate deep into the country. A FORTRESS WITHOUT DEFENDERS IS NOT A FORTRESS

How does our point of view differ from the traditional one? We are told that the Wall separated China from the nomads in order to secure the country from their raids. But as Gumilev correctly noted, such an explanation does not stand up to criticism.

If the nomads wanted to cross the Wall, they could easily do so. And more than once. And anywhere. We offer a completely different explanation.

We believe that the Wall was built primarily to MARK THE BORDER BETWEEN TWO STATES. And it was built when an agreement was reached on this border. Apparently in order to eliminate border disputes in the future.

And there probably were such disputes. Today, the parties to the agreement draw the border ON THE MAP (that is, on paper). And they think that this is enough.

And in the case of Russia and China, the Chinese, apparently, attached such importance to the agreement that they decided to immortalize it not only on paper, but also “on the ground,” by drawing the Wall along the agreed border.

This was more reliable and, as the Chinese thought, would eliminate border disputes for a long time. The length of the Wall itself speaks in favor of this assumption. Four, or one or two thousand kilometers is normal for the border between two states. But for a purely military structure it makes no sense. But the political border

China has changed many times over its supposedly more than two thousand-year history. This is what the historians themselves tell us. China unified, then fell apart individual areas, lost and acquired some lands, etc.

On the one hand, this seems to make it difficult to verify our reconstruction. But on the other hand, on the contrary, we are given the opportunity not only to check it, but also to DATE the construction of the Wall.

If we manage to find a political-geographical map on which the BORDER OF CHINA WILL GO EXACTLY ALONG THE GREAT WALL OF CHINA, this will mean that EXACTLY AT THIS TIME THE WALL WAS BUILT.

Today the Chinese Wall is INSIDE China. Was there a time when it marked the BORDER OF THE COUNTRY? And when did this happen? It is clear that if it was being built as a BORDER WALL, then IT WOULD HAVE BEEN EXACTLY ALONG THE POLITICAL BORDER OF CHINA at that time.

This will allow us to date the construction of the Wall. Let's try to find a GEOGRAPHICAL MAP on which the Chinese Wall runs EXACTLY ALONG THE POLITICAL BORDER OF CHINA. It is important that SUCH CARDS EXIST. And there are many of them. These are maps of the 17th-18th centuries.

Let's take a map of Asia from the 18th century made by the Royal Academy in Amsterdam: . We took this map from a rare atlas of the 18th century.

On this map we find two states: Tartary - Tartarie and China - Chine. China's northern border runs approximately along the 40th parallel. THE CHINA WALL GOES EXACTLY ALONG THIS BORDER.

Moreover, on the map this Wall is MARKED as a thick line with the inscription Muraille de la Chine, that is, “the high wall of China” translated from French.

We see the same Chinese Wall, and with the same inscription on it, on another map of 1754 - Carte de l’Asie, which we took from a rare atlas of the 18th century. Here the Chinese Wall also roughly follows the border between China and Great Tartary, that is, Mongol-Tatary = Russia.

We see the same thing on another map of Asia in the 17th century, in the famous Blau atlas. The Chinese Wall runs exactly along the border of China, and only a small western section of the Wall is inside China.

Our idea is also supported by the fact that cartographers of the 18th century PLACED THE CHINA WALL ON THE POLITICAL MAP OF THE WORLD.

Therefore, this Wall HAD THE MEANING OF A POLITICAL BORDER. After all, cartographers did not depict other “wonders of the world” on this map, for example, the Egyptian pyramids.

And they painted the Chinese Wall. The same Wall is depicted on the color map of the Qing Empire of the second half of the 17th-18th centuries in the academic 10-volume World History

On this map Great Wall depicted in detail, with all its small curves in the terrain. Almost along its entire length it runs EXACTLY ALONG THE BORDER OF THE CHINESE EMPIRE, with the exception of the small westernmost section of the Wall, no more than 200 kilometers long. Apparently


It is impossible to admit that the “ancient” Chinese had such an amazing gift of foresight that they accurately predicted exactly how the border between China and Russia would go in the 17th-18th centuries of the NEW ERA, that is, in two thousand years.

They may object to us: on the contrary, the border between Russia and China in the 17th century was drawn along the ancient Wall. However, in this case, the Wall would have to be mentioned in a written Russian-Chinese treaty. We found no such references.

When was the Wall = Border between Russia = “Mongol-Tataria” and China built? Apparently, it was in the 17th century. No wonder it is believed that its construction was “completed” only in 1620. And maybe even later. See below about this.

In this regard, we immediately remember that EXACTLY at this time there were BORDER WARS between Russia and China. Probably only in late XVII centuries agreed on the border. And then they built a wall to FIX THE AGREEMENT.

Was this Wall before the 17th century? Apparently not. Scaligerian history tells us that China was conquered by the “MONGOLS” in the 13th century AD. e. More precisely, in 1279. And became part of the huge “Mongolian” = Great Empire.

According to the new chronology, the correct dating of this conquest is the end of the 14th century, that is, a hundred years later. In the Scaligerian history of China, this event was noted in the 14th century as the coming to power of the MING dynasty in 1368, that is, the SAME MONGOLS.

As we now understand, in the XIV-XVI centuries Rus' AND CHINA STILL CONSTITUTED ONE EMPIRE. Therefore, there was no need to build a Wall = Border.

Most likely, such a need arose after the unrest in Rus', the defeat of the Russian Horde dynasty and the seizure of power by the Romanovs. As you know, the Romanovs abruptly changed political course Russia, trying to subordinate the country to Western influence.

This pro-Western orientation of the new dynasty led to the collapse of the Empire. Türkiye separated, and with it began heavy wars. China also separated. And, in fact, control over a significant part America. Relations between China and the Romanovs became tense, and border conflicts began. It was necessary to build a Wall, which was done.

Apparently, it is possible to even more accurately indicate the time of construction of the Great Wall of China. As we have already said, the Wall was apparently built as a border between China and Russia during the border disputes of the 17th century. ARMED COLLISIONS flared up from the middle of the 17th century. The wars went on with varying degrees of success. Descriptions of these wars were preserved in Khabarov’s notes.

The treaty FIXING THE NORTHERN BORDER OF CHINA WITH RUSSIA was concluded in 1689 in Nerchinsk. Perhaps there were earlier attempts to conclude a Russian-Chinese treaty.

It should be expected that the Chinese Wall was built between 1650 and 1689. This expectation is justified. It is known that the Emperor = Bogdykhan Kangxi “began the implementation of his plan to oust the RUSSIANS FROM AMUR.

HAVING BUILT A CHAIN ​​OF FORTIFICATIONS IN MANZHURIA, Bogdykhan sent the Manzhur army to the Amur in 1684.” What kind of CHAIN ​​OF FORTENTS did Bogdykhan build by 1684? He most likely built the Great Wall of China. That is, a CHAIN ​​OF FORTIFIED TOWERS CONNECTED BY A WALL