Paper raft. Children's work on paper construction on the theme "Raft" (senior group)

  • Already
  • Goat
  • Kitty
  • Birds
  • Donkey
  • Making toys according to children's ideas
  • Deer
  • Helicopter
  • Peacock
  • Dog
  • horse
  • Working with shells
  • Cabbage Butterfly
  • Chick
  • Turtle
  • wild bird
  • owl
  • Page 15 of 20


    Target . Introduce children to a new craft; learn how to make a raft from twigs, measuring them in thickness and length; develop the eye, accuracy of movements; consolidate the skills of analyzing a sample of a toy presented in the form of a model, the ability to schematically depict the sequence of work and use a visual plan during the manufacture of crafts; Foster camaraderie at work.

    Material: twigs, birch bark or paper, threads, wire, sheets of paper, pencil.

    Preparing for work. Before class, you need to prepare the material: trim the branches with a knife so that every 5 - 10 branches are the same length.

    Progress . The teacher shows the children a picture that depicts people crossing the river on a raft. He asks how else you can cross to the other side of the river during a flood, who has seen a real raft, what it is like, what it consists of. Explains when and what else a raft is used for. Then the teacher says that during the lesson they will make a toy raft and shows schematic drawing(model) toys. Children see that the raft has a base, a mast with a flag, and a tent; They think about what the raft can be made from, how to secure it, and examine the prepared material. Everyone discusses together what material is best to make the raft from, what its details are and in what sequence the work is carried out. On pieces of paper they draw a diagram of the step-by-step production of the toy and specify how the parts of the raft and the mast are fastened together (see diagram in Fig. 25). After constructing the outline plan, they begin to work.

    Branches of the same length (preferably the same thickness) are laid in even rows so that they hang halfway over the edge of the table. One twig is placed across them on top and tied to the base of the raft (at the points where the sticks touch) criss-cross thread or thin wire. In the middle of the raft, between the logs-branches, a mast-branch with a flag is inserted. The flag can be made from birch bark or from a piece of cloth, paper, or a bright leaf of wood. If children experience difficulties at work, you need to help them.

    So that the children, while playing with the raft, develop a story game, you can put a tent made of paper or birch bark on the shore. This is done like this: a rectangular or square sheet is folded in half, then it is straightened, and the tent is ready.

    The teacher does not ignore the children’s games with the crafts they made in class. Imperceptibly leading what began on the initiative of the guys story game with the raft, it encourages them to further develop their actions. “Geologists live in tents; they are looking for minerals for our country,” says the teacher. “Another group will arrive soon, and there will be no place for them to stay.” The children decide that they need to set up a tent city here so that the geologists can live spaciously. Each child makes suggestions about improving the tents, decorating them, how to make a street in this town, plant trees (the children learned how to make trees out of paper in design classes), etc. Such games help children develop constructive thinking and awaken them imagination and, most importantly, bring them great joy.

    Lyudmila Malivanova

    Objectives: Create conditions for the development of skills in cutting long parallel strips.

    Form a view children about the structure and purpose raft.

    Cultivate accuracy when performing work.

    Integration of educational regions:

    speech-own work children use it as a picture to compose stories.

    Educational conversation with children about water transport, about means of transportation on water, namely raft,its structure

    Artistic and aesthetic - children finish drawing, decorate their own with appliqué work

    Life safety - reinforcing the rules of behavior on the water

    Reading fiction - "The Tale of a Sea Voyage" by Elena Preobrazhenskaya, reading poetry by Lev Sorokin, Timofey Belozerov.

    Summary of GCD:

    1. Conversation with children about how and what they can use to move on water, to clarify their knowledge children what do they know about the raft(appearance, its structure - logs connected to each other).

    2. Goal setting - invite children to do it themselves raft and send your heroes sailing (Pictures of animals and birds cut out the day before from old magazines and coloring books).

    3. Showing methods of action: Leaf paper rectangular shape cut into strips

    Fold the strips end to end and glue.

    Glue transverse strips along the edges of our raft.

    4. Execution working with children.

    5. Summary of the lesson.

    "Raft,raft,the raft is floating,

    On raft shaggy cat.

    A cat catches fish raft,

    The cat has a lot of fish" (Lev Sorokin)

    And here children's work They turned out funny and beautiful.

    Thanks to everyone who visited my page!

    Publications on the topic:

    Love for the Motherland, affection for native land, language, culture, traditions are included in the concept of “patriotism”. V.P. Astafiev has some wonderful ones.

    Let us bow to those great years, Those glorious commanders and fighters, And the marshals of the country and the privates. Let us bow to both the dead and the living, To all those.

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    Let us bow to both the fallen and the living To all those whom we must not forget Let us bow, let us bow friends With the whole world, to all the people of the whole earth Let us bow.

    Game: “We are builders” Goal: Teach children to build using a given amount building material. Reinforce the names of the parts with the children.

    Summary of an open lesson on designing from building materials “Water transport” (senior group) Types of children's activities: playful, constructive, communicative, productive. Educational area: artistic and aesthetic.

    1. Fold a sheet of A4 colored paper in half vertically. 2. Open this sheet, and then fold the edges of the sheet towards its middle. 3. One third.

    We all love adventure, we are always looking for new experiences and something memorable. Build a raft and ride it down the river, that's real adventure! There are many options for how you can make a raft, there are a lot of materials, all that remains to be done is to start building it, so let's not delay a minute - let's get started!

    How to build a raft with your own hands?

    First thing- let's decide what our raft will be made of? The simplest and most common option is plastic bottles. They will be a good basis for sufficient quantity, the raft will never sink. Depending on the frame and the number of bottles, the raft will withstand different quantities of people. For example:

    How to make a raft from plastic bottles?

    Option #1.

    It will require:

    Plastic bottles
    . Scotch

    1. We prepare the bottles; they should be empty and have a very tight lid.
    2 . We take 3-4 bottles and wrap them with tape. We make 30-50 pieces of such blanks.
    3 . Then we tie these blanks together with tape in the form of a raft.

    Option #2.

    Would need:

    Plastic bottles
    . Cot
    . Rope
    . Beer boxes
    . Scotch

    1 . The frame of an old cot is ideal for constructing a simple raft structure, so that's what we'll use. It should be completely freed from all fastenings, fabrics and other things.
    2. Bottles should be placed in beer boxes and the lids should be screwed on tightly. Let's fix them there with the help of a rope.
    3. The last step is to connect the frame to the drawers. We can use clamps, cable, rope and other elements for fastening.

    For ease of movement, you can attach it to the frame wooden board, which you can sit on.

    Option #3.

    This is the hardest to work with, but the best quality option. For such a raft you need the following materials:

    Wooden boards
    . Cellophane bags
    . Plastic bottles
    . Rope

    Let's get started!

    1. We close the empty plastic bottles tightly with lids and fill them or bags. The more bags there are, the better the raft will stay on the water.
    2. We tie the bags with bottles well with rope.
    3. We construct the frame of the raft from boards. We make a net out of them, fastening them together with rope or nails.
    4 . We attach the bags to the structure.

    Such a raft can support several people. You can even travel on it!

    VIDEO. How to make a raft yourself?

    A raft is an extremely common construction of water transport, and it is much easier to make than a canoe or boat. Exist various techniques building rafts can be done conventional design from boards or logs, using barrels or PVC pipes that will keep it afloat. In addition, you can build a raft entirely from empty bottles of soft drinks - this is true, tested in practice! Take a wide adhesive tape, with which all the bottles are fastened together.

    What can a raft be made from?

    One of popular types rafts - wood. To make such a craft, you need to choose quality logs and planks of strong wood. Many craftsmen are thinking about building a wooden raft, since this type of water transport is excellent for fishing and long hiking trips.

    But besides this, there are other types of rafts. This can be polystyrene foam, inner tubes from cars, plastic and iron barrels, as well as canisters or plastic bottles, and how to make a raft from plastic bottles, you will find out below. Special pontoons are also sold for making rafts, but they are quite expensive. The most affordable and simple option is a water structure made from plastic bottles.

    How to make a raft

    Don't know how to make a raft out of bottles? You can make a watercraft with my own hands, for this you will need:

    1. 20-25 plastic bottles with a volume of 2 liters.
    2. The tape is waterproof.

    The number of bottles can be changed at your own discretion, depending on the size of the raft and the number of people who will be on it.

    Raft construction process

    How to make a raft with your own hands from bottles and where to start?

    • Cool opened empty bottles in refrigeration chamber, then tighten the lids tightly to stiffen the containers.
    • Glue the prepared containers into single canvas. Using moisture-resistant tape, connect 4 bottles one by one, laid out in 2 rows. A two-layer raft is much more stable and durable. Make sure that the bottle caps are located on one side. For a full-fledged raft you will need approximately 5-6 double-row blocks.
    • Glue rows of ready-made blocks. To ensure the strength of the system, bottles should be stacked in the following way: 2 pieces horizontally and 3 vertically. As a result, a standard rectangular “pillow” is formed.
    • Combine bottles. Adjacent rows must be laid one after another according to the plug-bottom pattern. The side of the raft should be additionally reinforced with tape. This structure is designed for 1 passenger!

    How to make a raft from DIY bottles for two or three people? It's very simple - the number plastic containers increases two and three times. If you don’t have enough 2-liter bottles, you can take other sizes (5, 1.5 and even 1 liter). It is recommended to lay a thin plywood sheet or plastic on top of the glued bottles so that the raft does not press under the influence of a person’s weight.

    Don’t be afraid to experiment and fantasize, but don’t forget about safety rules!

    log raft

    Don't know how to make a raft from wood with your own hands? In order to make a structure from logs, you will need dry pine or spruce wood, that is, when you tap it with an ax, the sound should be clear. But you need to take into account that dry material with old wood is not at all suitable for the construction of a swimming structure. Such a tree will become damp very quickly, and the raft itself will sink. To determine specific gravity, you need to saw off a small piece of about 10-11 cm from the end of the log with a tool. Then throw it flat into the water. If the stump goes 5-6 cm down, then this wood is well suited for building a raft. So, how to make a raft from planks?

    You will need:

    • Logs 8-9 cm wide and 1.5 m long - 2 pieces.
    • Wooden planks approximately 2.5 cm thick, 13 cm wide and 91 cm long - 11 pieces.
    • Thin planks 5 mm thick, 13 cm wide and 91 cm long - 5 pieces.

    Manufacturing process

    Don't know how to make a raft? The assembly process consists of the following steps:

    • Place two logs parallel to each other at a distance of 85 cm.
    • Place eleven planks across the logs to form a deck. The boards need to be laid in such a way that they slightly extend beyond the line of the logs, which, in turn, should protrude slightly from all sides from under the deck.
    • Hammer it all in with nails.
    • Turn the raft upside down.
    • Insert foam between the logs. Try to choose a piece that is the same size as the raft. If found right size If it didn’t work out, then you can use separate pieces, the main thing is to arrange them carefully.
    • Lay 5 thin boards across the logs to secure the foam.
    • Nail them down.
    • Turn the raft over and lower it into the water. This design is designed for one adult passenger of average build.

    Important! When using a raft on a lake, be sure to wear life vest. This structure should not be taken onto a river as it is unstable and can be dangerous in moving water. For such movements, only an inflatable raft is suitable, which is used in sports sports such as rafting, but it is quite expensive. The structure made from logs, made with one’s own hands, is perfect for a lake; you can fish or sunbathe on it.

    Structural features

    You already know how to make a raft from wood; it’s time to figure out how to choose the right material.

    • The largest diameter of the log is 25-30 cm.
    • Minimum - 10 cm.
    • To ensure that the future raft made of logs has good durability, thin logs are placed in the middle, and thicker ones along the side. If the logs are slightly crooked, then these parts are placed in the lower part.
    • Allowable gaps between logs are 2-3 centimeters. Otherwise, the water structure will be unreliable and inert, and besides, it simply won’t be possible to build a raft according to all the rules.
    • The logs are stacked on a slipway, after which they are rolled out to the sides and their upper parts are marked.

    Raft grooves

    At a short distance of 80 cm from the end, grooves are formed on the main log (sawed or cut down). An indispensable condition is the location of the lower grooves at the same level. In depth they should approach the center of the log - this is very important. If this condition is not met, when hammering in a wedge, you risk damaging the sawn wood. As a sample, a special end is used, which is hewn out of damp birch. It is placed on the designated log with the central part.

    Don't know how to make a raft out of wood? Next, in a groove prepared in advance on it, it is freely located on top, and the lower part fills the top of the groove. A wedge is driven between the groove wall and the slope side. It should be woody and dry, the ronjins should be placed in one plane.

    Having worked out the technique on the sample, you can move on to the rest of the logs and make the same grooves. They are sequentially secured with wedges to the main log. Before laying the last logs, a different type of groove is formed in them, suitable for vags. In addition, 3 special stands are cut out, approximately 11 cm wide and approximately 70 cm high.

    After this, the main rope is pulled over them, instead of which you can use wire twists or rope ties.

    Design selection

    Don't know how to make a raft? If you are going to use the raft on calm lakes, then it is better to use the “P” scheme. 2 racks are cut into the logs in advance, onto which the deck is subsequently placed. It needs to be wedged out and a paddling area cut out. To avoid spalling of the racks, the rows should be placed at a distance of 50 cm from the stern and bow.

    On fast-flowing and difficult-to-pass rivers, it is necessary to use structures with iron frame, for the construction of which modules and couplings are used. Modules can be taken of different lengths, but the coupling must be shaped. In order to build such a raft, a lot of effort will be required. There will be a lot of drilling involved and the help of a turner will also be required.

    But despite all of the above, the resulting raft will be quite easy to assemble and disassemble. To pack the structure you will need two kayak covers and a separate case for storing oars.

    The attractive thing is that the resulting frame can, if desired, be divided into two small rafts or even assembled into a catamaran.

    Raft made of inner tubes

    Have you decided to spend your summer days on the banks of a river or lake and the problem of lack of swimming transport has arisen? In this case, you can use the system of a shallow-draft tourist raft, which can support up to 6 people with backpacks; in addition, the design has decent stability, including on a fast-flowing river. Next you will learn how to make a raft, this process is as simple as possible.

    You will need:

    • Cameras from a car with a diameter of up to one and a half meters - 6-10 pieces.
    • Wooden poles with a diameter of at least 6 cm and a length of 5 m - 3 pieces, with a length of 1.7 m - 4 pieces.
    • Pieces of duralumin pipes.
    • Iron or duralumin strips about 10 mm wide.


    Don't know how to make a raft with your own hands? Follow these steps:

    • Place wooden poles 5 meters long lengthwise, the shorter ones across them at the same distance from each other.
    • Next, the manufacturing of the main deck and the “captain’s” bridge begins. They are 3 shields made from assembled poles. First of all, the main deck is made. On two hewn poles 1.7 m long, poles or pieces of two-meter planks 20 mm wide (this is even better) are laid out and driven in with nails. “Commander’s” bridges are constructed in a similar way.
    • The supports for the canopy are willow twigs. You should proceed to making the raft only after they have been installed. First of all, the car cameras are tied to the base with ropes, then the main deck and “captain’s” bridges are installed. The sides are made from 4 hewn poles, and the canopy is made from a piece of cellophane.
    • The rowing (control oar) supports are located diagonally on the bridges: on the front part - on the right, and on the rear - on the left side. The supports are bent from three duralumin pipes and reinforced with two steel or duralumin strips. The rowing itself is made from long poles (250 cm), and the blades are made from duralumin or plywood sheets (sizes are selected individually).
    • The frame is formed using a cable with a diameter of 6 mm and modules 200 cm long, their connecting parts are hinges. A 20 degree bend is formed at this point. The frame weighs approximately 80 kg. On solid shafts, cable breaks are possible.


    Now you know how to make a raft, so if you are thinking about an upcoming vacation on a lake or river, thinking about leisure time on the shore and leisurely boat trips, you need to build a shallow-draft water transport for 5-6 people. The diagram presented above also includes their backpacks. For fishing on a calm lake alone, a raft made from plastic bottles is quite suitable.