Why doesn't buldenezh bloom? Landscape techniques: how to beautifully serve viburnum Buldenezh.

Buldenezh translated from French translated as " snowball" This variety decorative viburnum attracts attention with its unusual spherical inflorescences of snow-white color.

The plant of French origin not only looks great, but also has medicinal properties and is widely known in cosmetology and folk medicine. Decoctions and tinctures based on the bark and flowers of the plant can cleanse blood vessels, normalize blood pressure, restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, strengthen the immune system, relieve colds, as well as tone and cleanse the skin.

This type of plant belongs to low-growing shrubs, reaching a height of three meters. With abundant flowering, viburnum produces a minimal amount of fruit and almost no seeds. That is why the plant reproduces mainly by layering and cuttings. Buldenezh is considered a fast-growing plant, which a short time acquires a lush flowering crown of white or colored inflorescences.

Ornamental viburnum feels favorable on moist soils, as it loves water very much. For the full development of its root system it is necessary sufficient quantity moisture and nutrients. At correct landing and after care, viburnum will delight you with its flowering for thirty days. Typically this period occurs in May - June, depending on weather conditions and climate. The plant is frost-resistant and does not require fertilizing and soil.

It is recommended to plant in spring or autumn time, But different ways. If you choose to plant in late autumn, it is better to use the root division method. Side shoots shrubs must be carefully cut off along with the roots and planted on new site. Behind winter period the plant will only get stronger; frosts and snowstorms are not afraid of it.

When planting in spring, it is better to use propagation by layering. The branch of the bush that is lowest to the ground should be tilted towards the soil, pinned with a staple made of strong wire and sprinkled with soil. During the rooting period, you need to water this part of the plant abundantly and regularly until full roots appear.

It is not easy to plant a plant using cuttings, since the root formation process takes a long time, and the survival rate young plant in a new place it’s even longer and more difficult. For the cutting, a young shoot with nine buds is selected and planted in the soil. Rooting and growing cuttings should take place in greenhouse conditions with abundant and regular moisturizing for several months. IN open ground the rooted shoot is transferred in early spring into well-moistened soil.

It is very important to note that the entire period of plant care and propagation is ineffective without sufficient moisture.

  • A planting site must be chosen with sufficiently naturally moist soil or use additional artificial irrigation. The full development of the bush will depend on the amount of moisture.
  • The dimensions of the planting pit are 60 centimeters long on each side and 80 centimeters deep. One seedling is planted in one hole, but if desired, several plants can be planted at once. Group planting will do appearance more voluminous and magnificent.
  • To ensure moderate moisture in the root part of the plant, it is necessary to cover the bottom of the planting hole with a drainage layer (for example, from tree bark or broken bricks).
  • To provide good nutrition after the drainage layer, a mixture of fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus, as well as leaf soil, humus and peat. The roots of the plant are covered with soil and watered with plenty of water.
  • The Buldenezh cuttings should be planted to a depth of no more than 5 centimeters, covered with soil and lightly compacted, after which abundant watering is carried out.
  • It is recommended to cover the soil around the plant with a layer of mulch immediately after planting to maintain moisture and warmth in the soil. It may consist of small sawdust, fallen leaves, mown grass, as well as spruce or pine needles.

Unpretentious shrub plant There are specific care requirements that must be carefully followed.

  • Regular and timely watering, especially on hot summer days.
  • Application of organic or mineral fertilizers, which are recommended for ornamental flowering plants.
  • Timely and regular pruning of old, dried and damaged shoots and removal of faded inflorescences. This applies only to adult plants and is not recommended for shrubs in their first year of life.
  • Carefully monitor the appearance of pests or diseases and destroy them in a timely manner. The most common pests are leaf beetles, aphids and cruciferous flea beetles.

Kalina Buldenezh (video)

Shrubs planted in the garden perform a number of functions, including decorative ones. An excellent solution would be to add such a beautiful shrub to your garden as viburnum Buldenezh,a why, read on.

Description and characteristics of viburnum Buldenezh

Viburnum Buldenezh, whose bush height sometimes reaches three meters, from afar can resemble a tree that a child has thrown snowballs at. And to the delight of passers-by, these snowballs do not melt, creating an amazing landscape! When Viburnum Buldenezh blooms, it appears on its branches great amount voluminous white balls, under the weight of which the branches of the tree descend to the very ground. The flowering cycle is one month, during which the flowers are born, change color, and in some cases even turn into berries.

Varieties and types of viburnum Buldenezh

This plant has several species, let’s focus on the most famous of them:

  • viburnum vulgaris buldenezh - is considered a sterile form of ordinary red viburnum. IN Lately has gained great popularity among gardeners due to its shape, which allows you to create entire compositions;
  • viburnum decorative buldenezh- the same as regular, but smaller in size;
  • viburnum buldenezh roseum - this species is also called terry, due to unusual shape. At the beginning of flowering it has white flowers, with a hint of green, and towards the end they become pinkish.

Kalina Buldenezh in landscape design photo

Decorative buldenezh in the garden - snow-white beauty

Planting and caring for viburnum Buldenezh in autumn

Caring for viburnum Buldenezh in the fall involves:

  1. Reducing the level of watering of shrubs;
  2. Cultivation;
  3. Mixing the soil at the roots;
  4. Pruning of dried branches (done in early autumn);

And of course, feeding with various mineral fertilizers.

As a rule, Viburnum Buldenezh is planted in the fall, when the plant is already at the stage of preparation for hibernation. This plant loves open spaces, with unobstructed access to the sun. In addition, it is desirable that the soil is moist, but not watery. If you plant it in a dry place, then there is every chance that the viburnum will grow, but will have very small flowers. When planting, a hole half a meter deep is dug, which is pre-fertilized, and only after that the shrubs are planted.
Shrubs should be replanted in the spring, because plants of any type, and viburnum buldenezh is no exception, take root better and go through an adaptation period.

For a plant such as Viburnum Buldenezh, preparation for winter is not something urgent, since it is frost-resistant and can easily survive the winter of the middle zone without any additional care.

Only young plants that have not yet fully adapted should be insulated and covered.

How to plant viburnum buldenezh?

When planting viburnum Buldenezh, as a rule, it is cut off by one third so that the viburnum can more easily take root in a new place. Then this procedure is carried out every year - all dry branches are cut off, as well as all new ones except one. That is why a bush, as a rule, does not have very many branches; for example, a ten-year-old tree should have no more than eight or nine of them.

You need to plant viburnum Buldenezh correctly, observing a number of requirements:
The plant must be planted in a pre-prepared hole, which will be sprinkled with soil mixture from compost and garden soil. It is best to prepare drainage, which will prevent the roots from rotting and give them the opportunity to freely consume moisture.

It is best to make drainage from crushed stone or expanded clay.

How to care for viburnum Buldenezh?

The viburnum bush Buldenezh requires a sufficient amount of water, as well as various mineral supplements both in autumn and spring. Of course, you can do without them, but it has already been proven that under their influence the plant looks more alive and blooming.

Sometimes the “snow globes” become so heavy that the branches tilt towards the ground, then it is necessary to use supports and tie up the branches. Otherwise they will crack and dry out.

How to propagate viburnum Buldenezh?

Viburnum Buldenezh is propagated both by cuttings and by offshoots. Viburnum should be propagated by cuttings in spring period, and cuttings must be harvested at the beginning of summer. The cut branches are placed in a container with water.

Tip: the cut should be made at an angle of 45 degrees, and it is also necessary to pinch off part of the bark at the very cut of the branch.

The branches planted in pots must be placed in a dark room and covered with a light cloth. The temperature in the room in which the cuttings will be stored until spring should not be lower than 13 degrees C. Watering the cuttings should be done once a week. You should not overwater the plant, because the roots may rot.

Diseases of viburnum Buldenezh

The biggest scourge for this plant is various pests and fungal diseases. The viburnum leaf beetle is the main “client” for the shrub. It can damage the foliage so much that nothing remains except the veins. At the very beginning of summer, the bush is “attacked” by larvae, which continue to destroy the bush almost throughout their entire life. At the stage of transformation into beetles, the former larvae give life to a new generation of pests, i.e. a plant susceptible to attack by these pests is forced all year round suffer from insects.

In addition, they enjoy snacking on viburnum:

  • different types of loits,
  • flower moth,
  • hawk moth

In addition to insects, education is becoming a serious problem powdery mildew and spots.

Powdery mildew affects not only the foliage of the bush, but also the trunk and branches. You can only fight it saline solutions. If you do not pay attention to the signs of damage, then you can not only lose one shrub, but also lose an entire garden, because many of the listed pests are not picky about “food”.

Price for viburnum seedlings Buldenezh

Buldenezh– a variety of decorative viburnum. What is the difference between this variety and its close relatives? Viburnum buldenezh is distinguished by abundant flowering. Viburnum buldenezh inflorescences are often called “snowballs” because lush inflorescences, each of which is no more than 20 cm in diameter, is white in color and resembles a ball in shape.

Gardeners are often concerned with the question, why is Viburnum Buldenezh not blooming? The answer lies in the peculiarities of planting and caring for viburnum in open ground.

Basic information about viburnum buldenezh:

  • Moisture-loving plant.
  • Grows near bodies of water.
  • Feels normal when there is underground water.
  • Needs moderate lighting.
  • Regular feeding and watering.

Why Buldenezh is not blooming - place and timing of planting

The place where viburnum buldenezh is planted determines why it does not bloom. Buldenezh can feel normal on dry soils, provided that it is watered regularly. Viburnum buldenezh should be placed in the penumbral zone, but the planting site should be open, with sufficient volume sun rays.

Viburnum buldenezh is considered a cold-resistant plant, however, during the period of night frosts, severe winters or in the first months of spring, it may not quickly recover from damage.

Where to plant buldenezh for flowering:

  1. Open landing site.
  2. Moderately shaded.
  3. Sufficient amount of lighting.
  4. Proximity of bodies of water.
  5. Insulated from freezing in winter.

Caring for viburnum buldenezh - why doesn’t it bloom?

Buldenezh may not bloom due to improper care. Viburnum of this variety can be classified as a picky, easy-to-care plant, but basic rules must still be followed.

How to care for viburnum buldenezh:

  • Watering
  • Top dressing
  • Pruning damaged and dry branches
  • Pest treatment

Feeding viburnum buldenezh Once a year, adding 2 kg of fertilizer (compost or humus) per bush. Fertilizing is carried out in early spring.

Water the buldenezh For normal flowering it is necessary often, if not systematically. Viburnum buldenezh is a moisture-loving plant variety, therefore abundant flowering caused only by constant watering, fertilizers and other forms of care.

Prune viburnum recommended every spring. Sanitary and rejuvenating pruning of Viburnum buldenezh is carried out, which ensures flowering for the plant. Viburnum branches need to be shortened by ¼ of the total length. After this procedure, viburnum buldenezh will quickly form new buds and delight you with flowering.

Why does buldenezh not bloom - pests

How to kill aphids on viburnum buldenezh:

  • A soap solution will help provide first aid to viburnum buldenezh. They need to spray, if possible wipe, the leaves of the plant. Spray in cloudy weather or in the evening when there is no wind or precipitation.
  • Feeding with wood ash repels aphids from Viburnum buldenezh.
  • Insecticides applicable for treating viburnum buldenezh by foliar feeding, will help to finally get rid of aphids.

Its main difference from ordinary viburnum is in the structure of the inflorescences. U common viburnum they resemble umbrellas, and large white sterile flowers are located only at the edges. In buldenezh, the inflorescences are collected into a strong ball, similar to a snowball - hence the name.

When it blooms

In Viburnum buldenezh, all the flowers in the inflorescence are sterile (it does not produce berries) and are collected into a dense ball with a diameter of 8-10 (sometimes up to 15) cm, similar to a snowball or pom-pom. The “snow globe” blooms in late May - early June, blooms for 2-3 weeks.

First greenish, then creamy and finally snow-white inflorescences (there are forms with pink flowers) hang on the ends of branches gracefully curved under their weight.

"Snow globe" does not form fruits, therefore, in the fall it is decorated only with foliage that acquires red tones and does not fly off the branches for a long time.

Where does it look better?

Buldenezh is frost-resistant and requires shelter for the winter only in the north Middle zone Russia. Single bushes and small groups of this viburnum look especially good against the backdrop of a well-groomed green lawn at the corners and turns of the paths, near a well, bench or gazebo.

Groups can consist only of viburnum or include other shrubs, such as low spirea or dwarf red-leaved barberry: these plants will cover only the lower part of the stems of the viburnum buldenezh, allowing you to admire its inflorescences and shading them dark color foliage.

Choosing a landing site

"Snow Globe" is not very demanding on soil conditions and lighting. However, shading, dry and poor soils significantly affect the size and number of inflorescences.

Landing: Having chosen a place for planting, you need to dig a hole 40x40 cm (if the soil is fertile) or slightly larger, up to 60 cm, where the soil is poor. The pit is filled with nutritious compost, to which rotted manure can be added, and mineral fertilizers are applied.

Seedling preparation: the seedling must also be prepared for planting. To do this, the shoots are cut to 1/3 - 1/4 of their length. When planting in spring, this is done immediately, and when planting in autumn, in the spring. next year. The ends of the roots are cut off so that they fit well in the hole and grow more actively.

Planting a bush

The bush is planted so that the root collar is 2-3 cm below the soil surface. Then the plant is watered abundantly and the trunk circle is mulched with peat or rotten leaves (layer 6-7 cm) or simply hilled up.

In this case, it is necessary to regularly loosen the soil in the tree trunk circle so that a crust does not form. Under mulch, the soil is preserved for a long time in good condition, so only weeding and watering are necessary.

Watering the plant

It is useful to water adult snow globe bushes at least once a year, at the beginning of flowering. In cold and rainy summers you can do without watering, but in hot and dry summers you should water several times. It must be borne in mind that excessive dryness and heat lead to a reduction in flowering time.

Viburnum buldenezh will grow in neglected areas, but this will make caring for it more difficult or will negate its results. In order for watering and fertilizing to benefit the “snow globe” bush, the trunk circle with a diameter of 1 m must be free of weeds.

Top dressing

Depending on the condition of the plant and the nature of the soil fertilizing is carried out annually or every two years, in the spring, after the soil dries. One bush requires 5-8 kg of nutritious compost, 25-30 g of ammonium nitrate, 40-50 g of superphosphate and 10-25 g of potassium salt.

Mineral fertilizers can simply be scattered evenly under the bush and incorporated into the soil by loosening. If the tree trunk circle is kept under mulch, then it is removed during watering and fertilization.

Pruning viburnum Buldenezh

Viburnum buldenezh, like any shrub, needs pruning, which is carried out to form, thin out and rejuvenate the bush.

When starting pruning, you should remember that the flower buds of this shrub form on the shoots of the second year of life, so a heavily pruned bush will not bloom next summer. But in a year it will delight you with a particularly lush cascade of flowers.

Crown formation

Young 2-3 year old plants planted on permanent place and having a sparse aerial part, pruning is necessary. To obtain a lush bush, cut off each shoot, leaving 3-4 pairs of buds from the base.

This is done annually until the bush reaches the desired density and shape. Adult plants are subjected to formative pruning only to correct the crown after damage or to reduce its size.

Plant thinning

Thinning is carried out as needed and consists of removing weak and dead branches or parts of branches in too dense areas of the crown. Inspection of bushes of all ages must be carried out every year.

Rejuvenation: old, poorly growing and flowering bushes need rejuvenation. To do this, the plants are pruned, or rather, cut “to the stump” at a height of 15-30 cm or more.

After this operation, the dormant buds located below the cut begin to grow, forming strong young shoots. Such a rejuvenated plant requires formative pruning.

Pruning of all types is carried out in early spring- start care when the entire above-ground part is free of snow cover. After pruning, the bush needs to be well fed, then the young shoots will be strong and strong.


Unfortunately, viburnum buldenezh suffers greatly from pests, especially from the larvae and beetles of the viburnum leaf beetle and from the viburnum leaf roller aphid.

As a rule, these pests do not appear on bushes every year, but if this happens, then you have to admire not a “snow globe”, but a bare bush with the remains of leaves hanging here and there.

However, modern means plant protection allows you to avoid misfortune. If in the spring, before the buds open, you spray the bushes with a solution of nitrafen or Inta-Vir, then the viburnum will not be afraid of any pests.

Propagation by cuttings

The snow globe can only be propagated vegetative way: green (summer) cuttings, which are used for the shoots of the current year that are starting to become lignified. They bend well, but don't break. Severely lignified shoots are not suitable.

Cuttings 4-5 cm long with 1-2 internodes are cut with a sharp knife. The cuts should be oblique, the lower one under the kidney, the upper one above it.

The cut cuttings are immediately planted in a greenhouse in a layer of humus 8-12 cm thick, covered with 3-4 cm of sand on top. Planting depth is 1.5-2 cm. Cuttings should be sprayed and watered, shaded from bright sunlight.

It shouldn't be too cold in the greenhouse. Rooting begins after 2-3 weeks, and during this period frequent spraying with water is especially important.

In the second half of August, when the cuttings have sufficiently developed the root system, they are transplanted to a garden bed, where they have time to become stronger and take root well before the onset of cold weather.

Video on the topic

Also watch a video that talks about growing viburnum buldenezh. Our Garden program.

A fairy-tale princess in a magnificent decoration of huge, up to 15-20 cm in diameter, snow-white balls-inflorescences. A beauty to behold. Well, why not hydrangea?
Kalina– a female amulet, talisman, “bitter berry”, which will heal from illnesses, give strength and confidence. The most real garden pearl. She is always attractive! And when it blooms for a whole month from the end of May, with its rich green foliage in summer and carmine-red crown in autumn. The height of an adult bush is 2-2.5 meters. Excellent when cut, maintaining freshness for a long time. Florists love to use Kalina Buldenezh in their compositions.

Mature formed bushes Kalina Buldenezh can carry up to 500 adorable snow globes.


Even though she belongs to frost-resistant shrubs, Kalina Buldenezh demanding on growing conditions. Last year's shoots may be partially frozen, but new shoots appear from the buds of undamaged growth. Viburnum Buldenezh loves sunny or slightly shaded corners of the garden. In the sun, the flowering period is shortened. Planting in the shade weakens the bush. The inflorescences become smaller and degenerate.

A short video on formation of ornamental shrubs, including Kalina Buldenesh from Yuri Borisovich Markovsky

Although Kalina Buldenezh and a drought-resistant crop, but loves watering. Abundant watering is especially necessary for young bushes during dry periods. In the fall, when cold weather sets in, the soil is well watered to prevent dehydration in winter.
In the spring they bring the following fertilizers:
Nitrogen - 40-50g/m2
Phosphorus - 30-40 g/m2
Potassium - 15-20 g/m2

Phosphorus - 30-40 g/m2
Potassium - 15-20 g/m2
During the season, the soil is shed a couple of times with complex fertilizers and ash is added.


Kalina Buldenezh reproduces well vegetatively:
o layering
o dividing the bush
o green summer cuttings.

Reproduction by layering

In the spring, make a hole to a depth of 10 cm, bend it down, pin the shoot, cover it with humus, compact it, and maintain soil moisture. By autumn the shoots should take root. After 2 years, they are separated from the mother bush.
Propagation by green summer cuttings.

In June, cuttings with one internode on last year's shoots, 7-8 cm long, are harvested, planted in well-washed river sand, under which a 6-10 cm layer of humus is laid, or in loose soil to a depth of 2-3 cm in a garden bed. They cover it with either glass or film, shading it from the sun, and even out the temperature with agrofibre, folded in half.
Inside the greenhouse, a warm and humid microclimate is maintained by spraying warm water. Next, the young bushes are grown in a school.

PLANTING Viburnum seedlings

The planting pattern is 2x2m, it is allowed to deepen the root collar up to 5 cm. The soil is compacted.
In the first year, the plant rises 0.3 m - slowly, root system not developed. Further growth can be up to 1 m per year. At 3-4 years the bush reaches a height of 1.5 m, at 5 years – 2-2.5 m, at 12 years – up to 3 m. Kalina Buldonezh lives long - up to 60 years.


To obtain a multi-stemmed bush, young viburnum is cut at a height of 15-20 cm from the ground. Inflorescences that appear in the first year are cut off unblown. This is done in order to obtain lush and abundant flowering. Next, young growing shoots are pinched at the end of July - beginning of August. In subsequent years, pruning during further formation of the crown is carried out in June-July, after the end of flowering, so that new ones can be formed on the branches. flower buds for next year. In summer, side branches are shortened, the size of the bush is reduced, and thinned out. central part. No pruning has been done since the end of August; the plant needs to get stronger and prepare for winter and cold weather. In spring, pruning is not done so as not to weaken the intensity of flowering.
With age, the outer branches become “weeping”, slightly hanging down. Due to the abundance of inflorescences, the bush falls over and bends, so it is tied up.


In beauty - standard form Kalina Buldenezh During flowering, it is in no way inferior to the standard form of roses. The plant tolerates molding pruning well, which allows you to obtain specimens with a spectacular crown on a low and high trunk.

Standard form of Kalina Buldonezh

When pruning, one powerful shoot is left, the crown is formed at a height of 1.5-2 m, branches longer than 25-30 cm are pinched. Once every 7-10 years, thin out the crown, cutting out branches that are broken, dry or spoiling the shape of the plant. The shoots and shoots under the bush are removed.
Kalina Buldenezh goes well with garden mock orange, early-blooming spirea, lilac, mauve colors, its beauty is emphasized by the foliage of the Thunberg barberry, and the lush image is picked up by paniculate hydrangea. It is magnificent in single and group plantings. Impossible concept white garden without this wonderful bush.

About other beautiful ones ornamental shrubs you can read