Planting roses in spring and autumn - when is the best time and how to do it correctly? Secrets of successful planting of roses in autumn Proper planting of roses in autumn.

Delicate, chic, fragrant, bright - all these epithets are addressed to roses, which have been an unchanging symbol of love since ancient times.

From the owners personal plots there is an opportunity to grow luxury roses on one's own. An important point On the way to this is planting roses in the fall. Some gardeners fear that the bushes will not have time to take root before frost sets in. But these fears are absolutely groundless - a flower planted on time will have enough time to take root well before winter.

Choosing a landing site

Roses do well in a sunny area protected from the wind. In this case, groundwater must lie at least 1 m from the ground surface. It is also important to provide plants good drainage. The liquid should not stagnate, so a good place for roses will be a southern slope, from which melt water will quickly drain in the spring.

It is also advisable that there are no tall plants and trees near the rose garden, otherwise they will create a shadow for the flowers.

Preparing the soil for roses

Roses prefer fertile, well-drained, loose and moderately moist soil. Moreover, the thickness of the nutrient layer should be at least 40 cm. If the soil on your site is depleted, 2-3 weeks before planting, prepare a nutritious soil mixture from loamy soil And organic fertilizers(compost or humus) in a 1:1 ratio.

Preparing seedlings

If you purchased a seedling with an open root system, soak it in water a day before planting. Then remove the leaves, using a sharp pruner, cut out all the damaged roots, cut off the slightly rotten ones to a healthy place, shorten the above-ground part to a length of 30 cm. Also remove the buds that are located below the grafting site, since wild shoots will grow from them.

Then spray the seedling with 3% iron sulfate, dip the roots into clay mixed with mullein in a 2:1 ratio. This will protect the rose from diseases and pests.

Carefully inspect the rose seedling. It must have at least three well-developed, intact shoots. Saplings with an open root system should have branched roots and many small roots.

Planting roses in autumn in 6 steps

1. Dig a hole 40 cm in diameter and 50-70 cm deep.

2. Place drainage from the bottom broken bricks, pebbles or expanded clay, if the soil on the site is heavy; or lay a layer of clay 7 cm thick if the soil is sandy. Pour fertile soil on top.

3. Place the seedling on it, carefully straightening the roots.

4. Fill the remaining space with soil dug out of the hole or with a previously prepared soil mixture (see the section “Preparing soil for roses”), mixing it with 1-2 cups of ash.

The root collar of the seedling or the grafting site should be 5 cm below the ground surface, and standard roses– by 10 cm.

5. Lightly compact the soil and water generously. To better soak the water, it is better to do this in several passes. In total, the liquid consumption should be 1-2 buckets per bush.

6. To prevent the roots of the plant from freezing during autumn frosts, cover the seedlings with a layer of dry peat 15-20 cm thick. This will also help retain moisture in the soil. After 2 weeks, slightly level the peat hill.

When planting flowers in groups, consider: the distance between the bushes park roses should be 75-90 cm. Polyantha, hybrid tea and floribunda roses should be planted at a distance of 30-60 cm. And when planting climbing and standard roses, the distance between the bushes must be increased to 1 m.

What to do if you are late planting roses?

If the weather suddenly turns bad in the fall, and you have not yet had time to plant the rose seedlings purchased in advance, you should not do it hastily, as the plants will not have time to take root. It is better to bury them in an inclined position in a greenhouse or in a trench (about 40 cm deep) dug in unprotected soil before spring. When frosts begin, cover the seedlings with spruce branches and peat, and cover them with snow on top.

Roses have been used for centuries landscape design. They do not lose their relevance today. The rose is considered a symbol of love and passion. They are given on special occasions when they want to emphasize the importance of the occasion. Every gardener dreams of growing something like this on his plot. magnificent flower. All methods of growing and caring for them have long been studied, but many beginners sometimes find it difficult to understand the issue related to planting roses in the fall. Many varieties require certain care and many other nuances.

Benefits of autumn planting

You need to start preparing by choosing a variety and color; perhaps several varieties or colors will be planted in the rose garden, so you need to decide on a plan in advance. It is advisable to draw up a drawing with marks of varieties and colors. All this is needed to achieve a positive result next spring.

Some argue that planting is best done in the spring, but this is not true. Autumn is considered the optimal period. This is due to the fact that:

  • In autumn, air humidity is higher than in spring and fluctuates around 80%;
  • Large amounts of precipitation promote rapid rooting;
  • The soil is sufficiently warmed up and its temperature remains at the same level.

Boarding time

It is better to plant plants from the end of September to mid-October. If you carry out this procedure earlier, when the weather is still warm outside, the plant may enter the flowering phase. As a result, it will not have time to prepare for winter in time. If you delay a little, the root system will not have time to properly develop and with the onset of the first frosts, the roses will most likely die or get sick.

All this applies only to those varieties that are adapted to a specific area. Therefore, when choosing a rose variety, you need to take into account climatic conditions.

Site selection

Roses prefer:

  • Open areas to enjoy the sun's rays;
  • Air space and protection from strong winds;
  • Soil that is not prone to stagnation groundwater;
  • Loose and enriched useful substances soil.

If the soil is not fertile enough, rotted manure is added to the prepared hole within 2-4 days. If it is not rotten enough, it will burn the young roots of the plant, thereby destroying the rose.

The best option is the southern slope of the site. It is there that it is better to create a rose garden. If groundwater passes near the surface, it is necessary to pour drainage into the holes and, if possible, raise the area.

Roses love to grow surrounded by their own kind, so other plants should not grow near them. The rose garden should be located away from houses and buildings that may block the sun's rays.


Planting work should begin in warm and calm weather. You cannot plant in inappropriate weather; it is better to postpone planting until spring, hiding the seedlings in a basement or greenhouse. You can choose another place where the temperature will fluctuate within 0°C.

Planting material

For successful rooting, the seedling must have at least three shoots and a well-developed root system. The diameter of the root collar should be within 8-10 cm. The best option– closed plant roots, in this form they are easier to transport and maintain their integrity. If the roots are open, they need to be scraped a little. Healthy roots have White color, elastic and smooth.

Before planting, you need to take the following steps:

  1. Remove damaged twigs and leaves from the shoots; do this with a sharp knife or pruning shears;
  2. If necessary, shorten the above-ground part to 30-40 cm. The roots are also shortened to 30 cm;
  3. Rotten, broken or diseased roots are carefully trimmed;
  4. Then the roots are sprayed with a 3% solution iron sulfate and dipped into a mixture of clay and mullein, in a ratio of 2:1, according to appearance The consistency should be similar to sour cream.

Before planting, it is advisable to place exposed roots in water for several hours.

If roses are planted by cuttings, their roots should already be formed. To do this, at the end of summer, the cuttings are placed in a container with sand and periodically watered. By the time of planting, small roots appear on the cuttings, which are quite enough for successful adaptation.

Planting pit

A pit for roses with an open root system needs to be prepared measuring 45x45x45 cm. This is quite enough. In the case of closed roots - a little larger size earthen coma.

Roses will bloom fully only in fertile soils; the thickness of such a layer should be at least 40 cm.

If the soil is poor in microelements, you can add the following to the prepared hole in 2-3 weeks:

  • Clay;
  • Compost or humus;
  • Mineral fertilizers intended for roses. You can buy them in specialized stores.

The root collar of the seedling must be deepened into the ground a few centimeters. This is necessary to protect against frost. Having installed the seedling evenly and carefully, it is sprinkled with earth and compacted a little. When finished, water the rose generously.

Shelter for the winter

It is impossible to leave roses for the winter without shelter, even if it is winter-hardy varieties. You can cover them with wooden boxes, cover them with lutrasil and polyethylene on top, and so that the wind does not blow them away, they press everything down with stones. You can also use spruce branches, laying them in a thick layer on top of the young seedlings.

Having planted the rose bushes correctly, next year you can wait for them to bloom, which will delight all the residents of the house, as well as their guests, who will admire what they see.

They dream that these flowers will decorate their lands with their bright colors and aromas.

Soil preparation

For good growth you need fertile, loose, maximum number and earth. If yours does not meet the requirements, it needs to be prepared.

It is important to do this some time before planting. It is necessary to mix the soil with organic soil in equal quantities. Then add bone meal to the composition.
Roses are planted in holes or trenches 65 cm deep and 40 cm in diameter. If your area is sandy, you need to put a 5 cm high layer of clay on the bottom. Such manipulations will help prevent the soil from drying out. Clay soil is compacted with gravel sand to get rid of waterlogging. Just before planting, the prepared mixture is poured into the recesses.

Rules for planting roses in autumn

Roses are planted in the fall using the same technology as full-fledged bushes.

Important! If you bought rose seedlings with an open root system or cuttings, but it is impossible to plant them correctly, you cannot do everything in a hurry. It is better to place them in a shipping container on an insulated loggia or bury them in the cellar and plant them in open ground in the spring.

Planting bushes (technology)

The process of planting roses is not too difficult if you know how to do it. sequences work must be carried out:

  • The bottom of the pit is loosened with a pitchfork, a mixture of soil and soil is poured on top, and then ordinary soil.
  • The roots of the seedlings are pruned.
  • It is also recommended to trim the ends of the shoots.
  • The seedling is placed in the middle of the hole, the roots are carefully straightened. Soil is poured on top so that the root collar deepens 5 cm.
  • The earth is compacted.
  • Spend copious amounts. It is recommended to spend at least 20 liters of water on each bush.
  • The bush is hilled so that the soil roll is at least 10 cm in height.
  • You can put cut grass on top or.


You need to plant roses in the fall in the same way as at other times of the year. The distance between bushes should be 70 cm, and between rows 1.5 m. The dimensions of the recesses depend on the type of variety:

  • : 40x40x40 cm.
  • Park or: 50x50x50 cm.

Delicate, chic, fragrant, bright - all these epithets are addressed to roses, which have been an unchanging symbol of love since ancient times. Owners of personal plots have the opportunity to grow luxurious roses on their own. An important point on the way to this is planting roses in autumn. Some gardeners fear that the bushes will not have time to take root before frost sets in. But these fears are absolutely groundless - a flower planted on time will have enough time to take root well before winter.

Dates for planting roses in autumn

  • It is advisable for residents of the southern regions to plant seedlings late September – October. This time is enough for the roots to take root in the ground, and the onset of cold weather stops the development of the buds.
  • Owners of garden plots living in middle lane, must remember that best period planting roses in autumn is second half of September – first ten days of October.
  • In the cold northern regions It is advisable to plant roses starting from the end of August, having previously prepared a place for this.

Different climatic zones have their own nuances. Therefore, in order to achieve success, and autumn planting roses brought the desired results, you need to independently adjust the time for such work - approximately 30 days before the expected onset of cold weather.

Planting roses in autumn with an open root system

Planting roses in autumn with an open root system requires the right choice places. Roses feel comfortable in unshaded areas that are well ventilated. After all, thanks to air circulation, roses suffer less from fungal diseases. If there is such a possibility, it is advisable to check the condition of the groundwater - it is important that it does not stagnate.

Planting roses from cuttings in autumn

Planting roses from cuttings in autumn should be carried out in loose and pre-fertilized soil. If the fertility of the soil is in any doubt, you need to add it to it a couple of days before work. quality fertilizers. To avoid damaging the roots young plant, you need to stop using unrotted manure for this purpose.

Methods of planting seedlings

There are two methods that are used when planting roses in the ground in the fall is required.

The first of them involves at the beginning of work in the landing pit sprinkle some fertile soil. Then, lowering the seedling into the hole, you need to carefully distribute the roots. The soil should be approximately 3-5 cm higher than the grafting site. Fertile soil should be filled up gradually, with periodic compaction. It is necessary to make a small hole around the bush so that water is retained when moistened. After this, the bush cuttings need to be watered. After the water has gone, you definitely need to check the state of the grafting and, if necessary, add more soil.

Planting roses from cuttings in the fall in the ground is carried out at different depths. If on garden plot The soil is clayey, so it is better to plant the plants not very deep. On sandy soils the landing is made deeper.

For planting seedlings using the second method you will need a root stimulator. This can be sodium humate, Kornevin or Heteroauxin. Further work is performed as follows:

  1. The root stimulator is poured into the hole, after which the seedling is placed in it.
  2. Gently holding the cutting, slowly pour out the previously prepared earthen mixture. During this procedure, periodic compaction with slight movement of the seedling is necessary so that the root space is completely filled.
  3. Next, you need to check that the plant sits securely in the soil.
  4. At the end of the work, the future rose bush needs to be watered.

Both methods are quite simple and each gardener chooses exactly how he will plant roses. Planting and caring for these plants in the fall also involves hilling up with earth, after which the seedling needs to be covered with something - this can be wooden box or any other material (but not fabric).

The main stages of planting roses

At the very beginning of work it is required for each seedling prepare the hole, the dimensions of which would correspond to the root system of the plant.

Distance between futures rose bushes should be at least 80 cm, and if roses are planted in rows, then they should be a meter or two from each other.

As mentioned above, planting in the fall is preferable for roses. Planting timing also plays an important role. During operation, it is advisable to proceed as follows:

If it is not possible to plant newly purchased seedlings immediately, they must be placed in water or wrapped in a damp cloth and wrapped in film.

Features of planting climbing roses

Climbing roses look very elegant in any area. Caring for this beauty requires a lot of effort and time. However, all these difficulties are not scary for true lovers of beauty, so planting climbing rose autumn is one of the most interesting activities for many gardeners. If you previously purchased a grafted bush, then during planting you need to make sure that the place where the graft is located is at a depth of 5 cm. You need to build on this indicator when preparing the hole. Root system it should be located freely in the hole - this will help the bush to firmly anchor itself in the soil.

The planting hole is filled with soil prepared in advance, after which the earth is thoroughly compacted. The shoots that are pruned before planting are attached immediately to the support. This will help guide their growth correctly. This is exactly how planting a climbing rose is done in the fall, the video below gives more information about this detailed information. The last steps to be performed are irrigation and hilling.

The article was prepared by garden care specialist Nina Butvinskaya for.

Among all plants, roses have become quite widespread, which is due to their attractive appearance and cultivation characteristics. Planting roses in the fall is done quite often. However, the process itself has some features that should be taken into account. Today they highlight great amount various wild growing and garden roses. Many gardeners engage in crossbreeding and breeding new varieties on their own.

Varieties of roses

You can plant rose seedlings in the fall different ways. To do this, it is necessary to take into account the classification of these flowers, because each variety tolerates planting differently autumn period. Thus, bush varieties of roses are divided according to the shape of the bush into creeping, spreading, drooping and narrow pyramidal.

Roses are also classified by height. The most common varieties are those whose height is from 10 cm. The following varieties are distinguished:

  • Miniature varieties - up to 30 cm high.
  • Polyanthus roses reach a height of 45−60 cm.
  • Hybrid tea varieties - grow up to 90 cm.
  • Climbing roses - due to the support, the height of the plants can be about 6 m.

Roses also vary significantly in flower shape. There are simple, semi-double, double and densely double varieties. The classification may also be based on the environment in which the plants take root. Some varieties can only grow in greenhouse conditions, others are planted in open ground.

Reproduction methods

There are five ways to propagate flowers. To properly plant roses in the fall using one of these methods, you must take into account the characteristics of the variety and the weather conditions of the area. Roses can be propagated in the following ways:

You can plant roses with roots in the fall without fear of them dying off due to low temperatures. To do this, just place the plant in a deeper hole.

Features of planting in autumn

The question of how to properly plant roses in the fall is quite relevant. This is due to the fact that the autumn season is most suitable for growing the plant. Planting roses in autumn time has the following features:

  1. Air humidity in autumn is suitable for planting roses. According to statistics, at this time the humidity level is 75−85%. In April or May the corresponding value is only 65%.
  2. There is much more rainfall in autumn than in spring. Thanks to this, when planting roses in the fall in the middle zone, it is necessary to water much less frequently.
  3. In autumn, the soil temperature is stable and comfortable for roses, since the earth warms up well during the summer.