Fabric ceiling: DIY master class. Draping the ceiling with fabric (30 photos): original design ideas Organza stretch ceilings

Draping the ceiling with fabric has a history that goes back centuries. At the turn of the century ancient Egypt, Greece, China and Rome used the material to decorate coverings and walls. Silk and tapestry fabrics were stretched under the very surface and the same panels were installed on the walls.

The Muslim rulers of India from the great Mughal dynasty Akbar, Jahangir, Aurangzeb and Shah Jagan decorated their magnificent palaces with fabric hanging from the ceiling with soft coattails. And in Armenia of the 27th century it was impregnated with chalk mortar and strengthened under the coating. After drying, it stretched and a perfectly flat surface was obtained.

But this method of decorating the surface with material required a lot of expense, time and effort. Gradually they began to use materials that did not require such work, and tension fabrics were gradually forgotten. Only in the 60s of the last century did the French decide to restore lost technologies, but using new materials and devices.

IN modern houses, where the height of the walls leaves much to be desired, the use of fabric decor is an excellent way out of the situation. A correctly draped ceiling creates the impression of a high dome above your head, and a well-chosen pattern will make the room brighter and more comfortable.

Fabrics for ceiling decoration

Silk, satin, velvet, velor, satin, chiffon can be listed endlessly as materials that were used previously to change the design of the ceiling with fabric. But not every material can withstand the test of time and everyday disasters.

Today, increased demands are placed on the materials used for drapery. The material should not only look beautiful, but have the following properties:

  • easy to wash;
  • do not fade;
  • be sufficiently elastic;
  • maintain its structure for many years.

Modern technologies make it possible to produce fabrics specifically for drapery. They are treated with antistatic compounds, anti-allergenic and dust-repellent. Almost any cover, both natural and synthetic, can be subjected to this treatment.

Depending on the idea of ​​decorating the ceiling with a do-it-yourself drape, shiny and matte structures, smooth and printed, transparent and dense, plain and patterned, are used. The method of combining several types of fabrics has proven itself to be excellent. It all depends on what look you want to give the room.

Here are the characteristics of the most common types of materials for finishing the surface with fabric with your own hands:

  1. Linen. First of all, linen will look noble and beautiful. It is easily attached and does not stretch during installation, and will not sag over time. In addition, flax is easy to process, which means it is not afraid of dust or humidity.
  2. Chiffon. Light and transparent chiffon will add airiness and freshness. Chiffon does not collect dust and does not stretch. Chiffon in pastel colors creates the perfect atmosphere for a bedroom or children's room.
  3. Brocade. This noble heavy material It is always produced in bright and rich colors. A ceiling draped with brocade will give the living room or hall an expensive, well-groomed look.

Choice of color and pattern

It is important to choose the right color and pattern when draping the ceiling with fabric with your own hands. Rich colors are more appropriate in large spacious rooms. A proper combination with the color of the walls and furniture will add coziness to the huge room. Pastel light colors will expand narrow room, and in combination with transverse stripes they will make it visually larger.

Psychologists say that each color has its own effect on the human body, for example:

  1. Red - causes increased production of adrenaline. On the one hand, it improves mood and sharpens feelings. But on the other hand, it increases blood pressure, provokes irritability and nervousness. May cause tachycardia and respiratory rhythm disturbances.
  2. Yellow color - stimulates the work of the central and vegetative nervous systems and has a positive effect on vision.
  3. Green color is a relaxant color recognized throughout the world. It perfectly calms, reduces blood pressure, and normalizes heart rate.
  4. All shades blue color, help maintain performance and help overcome lethargy and apathy.
  5. Purple and orange colors promote mental activity of the brain. But, unfortunately, your eyes get tired quickly.

The right color scheme in combination with the right color scheme will make any room original.

Mounting methods

The ideal option is, of course, a seamless fabric ceiling. But this is only possible if the width of the room does not exceed the width of the fabric. But for good master Disguising a seam on a woven covering will not be difficult. Usually the seam is hidden in the folds of the drape or placed away from the lighting.

The main rule is that the material is not attached along the entire perimeter, but only along the edges. The following types of design are common:

  1. Wooden or plastic slats. Depending on the purpose of the room, slats are selected. For the kitchen, bathroom and toilet it is better to take plastic. And in living rooms will look great wooden slats. After installing the slats at the required height, the canvas is attached to them using a pneumatic stapler.
  2. Plastic clips. It's more reliable way fastenings The material is moved into the clips with a special spatula and secured as with a simple stretch ceiling.
  3. Wooden frames (tablets). With this method, the canvas is pre-stretched onto a finished frame, and only then attached to the surface. Such tablets can be easily removed for washing the fabric or stretching a new one.
  4. Glue. This method is suitable for silk fabrics. Pre-prepared material is glued as regular wallpaper. Pay attention to this point, the glue is applied only to the coating, when it dries a little, a drape is applied and smoothed from the center to the edges.
  5. Velcro. This is the easiest and most comfortable way of fastening. One strip of Velcro is firmly fixed along the edges of the ceiling, and the other on the wrong side of the material. At any time, you can easily remove the fabric for washing without difficulty and additional equipment. And install it back.

Basic rules of drapery

Over the years of using fabric ceilings, several rules have been developed that should be followed so that the result of decorating with the material as in the photo will please you.

First of all, this is the location of the stripes of the pattern. Transverse stripes make the surface lower and increase the space of the room. A vertical pattern has the opposite effect.

On a note: Large color elements will visually expand the room, and small patterns will make it cozy.

If the color of the material is much darker than the upholstery of the walls, then the ceiling will press and seem to hang over you.

When purchasing fabric, make allowances. The footage should be at least a meter larger than the area.

Draping with fabric is an effective and simple way to give your apartment a presentable and expensive look.

Video on the topic

Fabric ceilings are among the most stylish and original types finishing. Thanks to the wide selection of colors and textures of decorative canvases, it becomes possible to choose the appropriate design option for any interior style.

Types of fabric ceiling trim

There are several ways to decorate a fabric ceiling with your own hands. The most popular are tension systems, draped fabrics and gluing silk to the ceiling surface.

Tension systems

They are used here as a decorative fabric. special material based on synthetic fabric impregnated with polyurethane. For fixation, special baguettes and clips are used. The frame is mounted on the walls around the perimeter of the room.

Strengths tensile structures from fabric:

  • There is no need to prepare the base ceiling.
  • The finished surface is perfectly smooth.
  • The fabric fabric demonstrates excellent strength characteristics, which allows it to serve for a long time.
  • Fire safety material.
  • High decorative characteristics.
  • Possibility of laying hidden communications on a rough foundation.

Weak sides:

  • Poverty color palette. The range of fabric stretch fabrics consists of basic colors and shades.
  • The surface can be decorated with drawings only after installation work is completed.
  • Installation will require certain skills in working with tension structures.
  • If dismantled, re-use of the tension fabric is not possible.

Tension fabric systems are great for rooms with classic interiors. Thanks to this finishing, a soft and unobtrusive accent is achieved on the decoration of walls and interior items: the fabric for the ceiling does not distract attention. Most often, fabric stretch ceilings can be found in the living room, office, bedroom and other rooms with strict contours and muted colors.

If there is a high level of humidity in the room, it is better to refuse tension fabric systems. The fact is that this material is prone to the accumulation of condensation and dust: as a result, decorative surface in such conditions it will quickly become dirty. The same applies to the kitchen, the odors and grease of which begin to be absorbed into the porous structure of the canvas. This quickly leads to the finish losing its original freshness.

For the manufacture of suspended ceilings, they began to practice the use of natural fabrics. At the same time, they try to select canvases of such sizes as to reduce the number of seams as much as possible. Most often we are talking about curtain fabrics.


Ceiling drapery allows for the use of almost any type of fabric, including smooth silk and translucent chiffon or organza. Thanks to the use of different textures, it becomes possible to achieve a wide variety of effects, giving the finish interesting shapes and curves. Two-layer systems have become widespread: installation over a smooth surface is practiced here. tension surface from thick fabric unusual drapery made of translucent shimmering material.

In this way you can decorate the entire ceiling or its individual sectors. To fix draped structures, staples or small nails, adhesive tape or a wooden frame are usually used, and then installed together with the fabric.

Strengths of draped ceiling fabric:

  1. There is no need to pre-level the base surface.
  2. The ability to independently arrange the structure, which does not require special construction skills.
  3. Easy to care for. The decorative fabric can be easily dismantled for cleaning or replacement.
  4. Resistant to mechanical stress.
  5. Rich assortment. This applies not only to color, but also to patterns and textures.
  6. Low cost. For little money it becomes possible to acquire a very impressive and original finish.

Weak sides:

  1. Stealing space. Like everyone else frame systems, after draping, the original height of the room is slightly lowered. As practice shows, it is best to use this type of finishing in rooms with ceilings with a height of 270 cm.
  2. Fire hazard. This imposes additional responsibility on the choice lighting fixtures and installation of electrical wiring.
  3. Tendency to absorb odors. For this reason, they try not to use ceiling drapery in kitchens or rooms with strong odors.

Most often, finishing of this type is used to give the room greater comfort and a homely atmosphere. We are talking about bedrooms, children's rooms, living rooms or dining rooms. In some cases, draping open verandas or terraces is allowed, but when winter comes, it is advisable to remove the fabric from the frame.

Draped ceilings well support the eastern direction in the design of the premises. In addition, the systems are successfully combined with Empire, Country or Provence styles. In a children's room, the use of fabric helps to create a fairy-tale atmosphere: for this you need to select canvases with the right motifs. When decorating the ceiling with fabric, the emphasis should be on materials that can withstand sunlight and are not prone to gradual deformation.


This type of finishing involves the use of mainly silk fabrics or satin. First, the base surface is prepared, after which the panels are glued end-to-end. Only special glue can be used, after which streaks and stains will not appear on the front of the fabric. Also, it should not change the structure of the material.

Silk for finishing is chosen not only in plain colors, but also printed with a bright pattern. By using light colors You can achieve a visual increase in ceiling height and room area. Using spotlights a soft glow appears in the room. With the help of bright colored fabrics, the interior acquires originality, attracting everyone's attention.

Strengths of gluing fabric to the ceiling:

  • High aesthetic characteristics. This type of finish looks stylish and rich.
  • Ecological cleanliness. The material contains no components harmful to human health.
  • Breathability. After gluing the fabric to the ceiling, there is no disruption of air exchange.
  • Fade resistant.
  • There is no danger of lowering the ceiling level.
  • Easy to install, allowing you to implement it yourself.

Disadvantages of finishing:

  • The need for preparatory measures on the base surface.
  • Inability to dismantle the linens for washing and cleaning.
  • Responsibility in choosing suitable canvases.

Covering the ceiling with fabric is suitable for almost any room: the main thing is to choose the right combination of shades and patterns. Silk fabric for the ceiling in an apartment is mainly used by designers to decorate ceiling niches in combination with wooden beams. A good option is a combination with wall decoration, columns or decorative inserts. When choosing colored silk, take into account the size and general style of the room. With the help of a large and bright pattern you can achieve a visual expansion of space. A small printed pattern will make the room more cozy. In rooms with low ceiling heights, it is recommended to use light pastel colors.

Choosing a fabric ceiling mount option

Considering various options When installing fabric ceilings with your own hands, you need to study the features of the room. Its parameters, the material of the base base and the features of wall decoration are of great importance. Having decided on the design of the ceiling, we move on to calculating the material and choosing fabric. In this regard, a pre-drawn sketch of the ceiling structure helps a lot.

Installation of fabric tension systems

It is better to order textile fabric from a specialized company that can provide a certificate for its products. As for installing a fabric stretch ceiling with your own hands, if you have necessary tools and with some experience it is not so difficult to do this. The main thing is to strictly follow the installation instructions and not rush.

  • Polyester fabric or other suitable material.
  • Mounting baguettes with a clip.
  • Hammer or drill. The choice is influenced by the material used to make the walls.
  • Measuring devices - tape measure, square, level, ruler.
  • A special device for laying canvas in a baguette.
  • A set of spatulas, scrapers, paint brushes and a roller.

Operating procedure:

  1. Preparing the base surface. The base for the fabric system does not require preliminary leveling. The main thing is to clean it of all flaking fragments. To remove whitewash or paint, use a scraper or special removers. It is advisable to wet the wallpaper first, removing any remaining glue along with it. Alabaster or cement putty is used to seal cracks, seams and depressions. If there are suspended structures, they must be completely removed by filling the screw holes with putty. This will increase the sound insulation of the ceiling by an order of magnitude.
  2. Marking. To achieve evenness and strict horizontality new finishes, careful level markings will be required. Best to apply laser level(if it is absent, a bubble one will do). The lowest angle is chosen as the starting point for marking. The distance from the base floor must be at least 50 mm. To draw horizontal lines along two adjacent walls, use a pencil or marker. When crossing to the other side, a mark is placed: ideally, the markings should converge at one point.
  3. Installation of baguettes. A set of fabric suspended ceilings usually includes plastic or aluminum guides for suspended ceilings. They have special devices - clips: when laying the canvas under them, you will need a spatula or spatula. Installation of baguettes is carried out according to pre-applied markings on dowels and screws. A drill or hammer drill is used to make holes. Optimal distance between attachment points – 30-40 cm.
  4. Arrangement of mortgages for lamps. To ensure that the lighting fixtures are held securely, special supports (platforms or fittings) are made at the areas where they are installed.
  5. Fabric preparation. The stretch fabric comes in a roll and needs to be cut to fit the room. In this case, they give a margin of 200 mm on each side. It is important to take into account that the elasticity of fabric sheets is noticeably inferior to PVC film, so they cannot be stretched. As a rule, canvases made from specialized materials are purchased taking into account the width of the room. Trimming to length is carried out at the place of work.
  6. Fabric stretching. Before stretching the fabric ceiling, the fabric must be straightened and leveled. It is important that there is an equal supply of material on each side. Having made an indentation of 50 cm from the corner, the fabric is temporarily fixed in a baguette in increments of 50-70 cm. Tension is not yet carried out at this stage. It is best to start the fastening procedure from the central zone of short walls. Then they move on to long ones, and fill the corners last. A special rounded spatula is used to place the material into the guide.
  7. Trimming and final fixation. As the fabric is pulled up, it needs to be leveled, giving it a certain elasticity. To trim excess parts, use a mounting knife or scissors. To avoid damage to the blade, place a wide metal spatula under the knife while cutting. The remaining fabric after trimming must also be tucked into the guide.
  8. Installation of decorative strip. In order to close the gap between the baguette and the wall, after tensioning the canvas, a decorative plinth is installed.
  9. Installation of lighting fixtures. To do this, the fabric must be equipped with a series of holes. required diameter. To avoid fabric tearing, each hole is secured with a mounting ring. It is glued in such a way as to ensure that the centers of the ring and the lamp coincide. After the ring has set with the fabric, the remaining fabric inside the nozzle must be carefully cut out
  10. Adjusting the height of the luminaire. It must be adjusted so that the lamp base is at the same level as the decorative ceiling. When selecting lamps, it is recommended to give preference to products with a power of no more than 60 W. A good option are halogen lamps up to 35 W: they hardly heat up, which avoids deformation of the fabric.

Arrangement of draped ceilings

Draped fabrics do not need to be stretched tightly like smooth systems. As planned, their surface should be covered with waves and folds. To obtain a tent, the fabric is collected in the center of the room. Relief drapery is achieved using frame structure, which allows you to create bends in the right places.

List of materials and tools:

  1. Wooden block 20x40 or 40x40 mm. The choice of a specific option is influenced by the density and weight of the canvas, as well as the parameters of the room.
  2. Drill and set of drills. The bars must be secured to the walls.
  3. Jigsaw and measuring devices (tape measure, level, square).
  4. Fabric sheets (one or more types).
  5. Elastic band or tape. These elements make it possible to create even folds.
  6. Construction stapler.
  7. Decorative friezes and polyurethane and small fastening nails.

When calculating the dimensions of the canvas, the configuration of the drapery is taken into account. This is not so easy to do. To protect yourself from mistakes, it is recommended to make a sketch of the finish to scale. Next, having cut out imitation canvases from soft paper, they are folded like an accordion on top of the sketch. To create large folds you will need thick fabric. There is a reserve of fabric left on the sides for fixing to the baguettes.

Preparatory activities before draping generally resemble a similar procedure for a tension system. When using translucent fabrics, care must be taken in advance to ensure that the translucent base has a uniform (preferably white) color. The walls for the guide bars are also marked according to the procedure described above.

Draping order:

  1. Preparation and installation of bars. To cut the bars to size, use a hacksaw or electric jigsaw. The guides are equipped with a series of holes with a pitch of 40-50 cm: the walls are marked through them. Having drilled holes at the designated points, hammer dowels into them. This makes it possible to screw the bars onto the wall with self-tapping screws. If the project involves the creation of a complex ceiling, the bars are used to create a frame of the desired configuration.
  2. Cutting fabric. To create a simple longitudinal drapery, two opposite sides of the fabric are equipped with an elastic band or curtain tape. After this, it becomes possible to collect the canvas in even folds. To build an imitation dome, cut out several pieces of fabric equal in width. To achieve an original finish, the use of multi-colored stripes is often practiced. One part of the strip is collected, and the second is organically distributed across the width of the sector.
  3. Fixing the canvas. A stapler is used to attach the corners of the fabric to the bar: in this case, it is important to achieve uniform distribution of folds. When fixing a thick panel around the perimeter, a stapler is also suitable. For thin fabric more suitable option there will be a narrow wooden plank nailed to the block with small nails.
  4. Installation of baguette. Polyurethane baguettes also need to be secured with nails or screws. It is strictly not recommended to use glue, because... finished folds will straighten over time. Once the plinth is installed, it can be painted in any desired color using acrylic paint. In this case, you need to be careful not to stain the fabric. The heads of the nails are also tinted.

How to glue fabric to the ceiling

Operating procedure:

  1. Preparing the base. The base surface must be prepared very carefully, because... All irregularities and defects are clearly visible on the glued fabric. Preparatory activities in this case are very similar to preparation for wallpaper. In addition to deleting old decoration, here you will need to level the surface, putty, sand and apply a primer.
  2. Cutting the canvas. When choosing fabric, you should give preference to materials that do not shrink. If the manufacturer indicates the possibility of shrinkage of more than 5%, the canvas is pre-wetted and iron-dried before gluing. When cutting the fabric into strips, leave a margin of 100 mm at the edges. Material with a large pattern will require careful adjustment of individual strips. For convenience, the finished pieces are rolled into rolls. When gluing, they are placed on a rod and gradually rolled out. It's best to work with a partner.
  3. Sticking. As an installation mixture, it is allowed to use casein glue, special mastic or furniture hot-melt adhesive (it hardens only as a result of heating). To do this, you need to stock up in advance construction hairdryer. The glue is prepared according to the instructions. A roller is used to spread it onto the base. After this, you need to immediately apply a fabric strip and smooth it out from wrinkles and air bubbles. The adjacent strip is laid end-to-end, carefully pressing the seam with a rubber roller. Pieces of fabric that are wrapped on the wall need to be cut off. After the entire ceiling is sealed, pause for drying.
For beautiful design At the joints of the ceiling and walls, a decorative plinth is used, which is fixed assembly adhesive. The fabric can be glued to the entire ceiling, or only to a separate sector: this approach allows you to divide the room into functional areas.

Ceilings trimmed with fabric look stylish and rich. The choice of textures and colors of canvases suitable for ceiling decoration is huge, so fabric finishing is increasingly used in modern renovation. There are several ways to decorate the ceiling with fabric, we will talk about them in this article.

Fabric ceilings - what are they?

The most popular among them are:

  • suspended ceilings made of fabric;
  • draped fabrics;
  • covering the ceiling with silk.

Fabric stretch ceilings

They are made from special fabric based on synthetic fabric with polyurethane impregnation. They are attached to special baguettes with a clip, installed on the walls around the perimeter of the room.

Advantages of stretch fabric ceilings:

  • do not require preparation of a rough ceiling;
  • have a smooth surface;
  • strong and durable;
  • fireproof;
  • allow you to create an even and smooth ceiling.


  • the color palette of the canvases is not too large and includes only basic colors and shades;
  • drawing a pattern on a suspended ceiling is possible only after it has been fixed;
  • the work requires skill in installing tension systems;
  • After dismantling, the blade must be replaced; re-installation is not possible.

Stretch fabric ceilings – great choice for finishing premises in classic style. They gently and unobtrusively emphasize the decor of walls and interior items, without distracting attention. They are used in the living room, office, and other rooms where strict lines and muted colors are appropriate.

It is not recommended to use suspended ceilings made of fabric in rooms with high humidity: the material will collect condensation and dust and quickly become dirty. It is also undesirable to install them in the kitchen - the porous structure of the canvas absorbs odors, soot and grease, so the ceiling will quickly lose its freshness.

Prices for fabric stretch ceiling

fabric stretch ceiling

Note! Stretch ceiling can also be made from natural fabrics. It is important to choose a fabric of such a width to avoid unnecessary seams. As a rule, curtain fabrics are used for this purpose.

Draped fabric ceilings

This type of finishing allows the use of any fabric, from smooth silk to translucent chiffon and organza. By using different textures you can create various effects, give the ceiling any shapes and bends.

Two-layer designs are also popular, when a skillful drapery of translucent shimmering material is laid on top of a smooth stretched canvas made of dense fabric. Drapery can be used to decorate the entire surface of the ceiling or its individual fragments.

Fastening draped ceilings can be done:

  • staples or small nails to wooden guides;
  • on sticky tape;
  • on wooden frame, which is later attached to the ceiling.

Advantages of draped fabric ceilings:

  • they do not require expensive preparation of the rough ceiling;
  • easy to install with your own hands;
  • the canvas can be easily removed for cleaning or replacement;
  • drapery is resistant to mechanical damage;
  • a huge selection of colors, including patterns, and textures allows you to create a unique finish;
  • finally, it's inexpensive, but very effective way finishing.


  • draperies quite significantly lower the ceiling level; they should not be used in apartments with a base height of less than 2.7 meters;
  • fabric is a fire hazardous material, so care should be taken Special attention selection of lamps and electrical wiring;
  • the material absorbs odors; it is not recommended to install it in the kitchen or in rooms with strong odors.

Drapery can be pulled in rooms where comfort and a homely atmosphere are appropriate: in the bedroom or nursery, living room or dining room, as well as on open veranda or a terrace - there it can be mounted on summer period, and take it off for the winter.

Draped ceilings fit perfectly into East style design or "empire", and smooth stretched fabric will decorate rooms in the style of "country" or "Provence". In a nursery, you can use fabric to create a fairy-tale atmosphere by choosing textiles with magical motifs.

Prices for satin stretch ceilings

satin stretch ceiling

Note! Almost any fabric is suitable for draperies; the main requirement is resistance to sunlight and the ability to maintain its shape for a long time without sagging.

For this finishing method, mainly silk fabrics or satin are used. The canvases are glued to the prepared surface in end-to-end stripes, like wallpaper. It is important to use a special glue that does not leave streaks and does not change the structure of the fabric.

Silk for covering the ceiling can be either plain or printed with a bright pattern. Bright hues visually raise ceilings and expand rooms, giving it a soft glow, especially in combination with directional or spot light. Bright colored fabrics allow you to achieve originality and attract attention.

Advantages of covering the ceiling with fabric:

  • this finish looks stylish and rich;
  • ecologically pure material, does not emit harmful substances and does not disrupt air exchange;
  • does not fade over time;
  • does not lower the ceiling level;
  • Easy to attach on your own.


  • it is necessary to level the rough ceiling;
  • the fabric cannot be removed for washing and cleaning;
  • careful selection of material is required.

Pasting with fabric can be used in almost any room, from an office to a bedroom, it is only important to choose the right shade and pattern. Designers often use silk finishing in ceiling niches in combination with wooden beams. Often combined with wall decoration, columns or decorative inserts.

Note! When choosing colored silk, it is important to consider the size and overall style of the room. A large and bright pattern visually expands the room, and a small printed one gives it coziness. At low ceilings It is better to use light pastel colors.

Fabric ceiling finishing technology

First you need to draw a sketch and decide on the method of attaching the fabric, since the preparatory work, and the finishing technology itself. After choosing the ceiling design, you can begin to calculate the material and select the fabric, as well as purchase the canvas and related materials.

Technology for fastening stretch fabric ceilings

A textile ceiling can be ordered from a specialized company, and if you have the tools and skills, you can install it yourself. This work is not that difficult, it is only important to follow the stretching technology and be careful.

Ceiling profile prices

ceiling profile

Required materials and tools:

  • polyester or other suitable fabric;
  • guide baguettes with a clip;
  • hammer drill or drill depending on the wall material;
  • measuring tool, scissors and knife;
  • laser or bubble level;
  • a special spatula for tucking the canvas into the baguette;
  • painting tool for removing old finishes and preparing the ceiling.

The stages of work and installation technology are described in the table.

Table 1. Installation of fabric stretch ceiling.

Steps, illustrationsDescription of actions

Under fabric ceilings there is no need to level the surface; it is enough to remove the old peeling coating or finish. Whitewash or paint is removed using a spatula or a special remover. The wallpaper is removed and the remaining glue is washed off. Seal cracks, seams and cavities using alabaster or cement putty. Suspended structures completely dismantled, the holes from the frame fastening are sealed with putty. If this is not done, the sound insulation of the ceiling will deteriorate.

To ensure that the ceiling is level and strictly horizontal, careful level markings are necessary. It is more convenient to use a laser level, but you can get by with a bubble level. Marking starts from the lowest corner. Step back from the ceiling at least 5 cm and draw horizontal lines with a pencil or marker using a level on both adjacent walls. They lead to the corners and put a mark in them. Lines are drawn from it in a similar way to the last corner; ideally, they should converge at one point.

It is most convenient to use special moldings for suspended ceilings made of plastic or aluminum as guides. They are equipped with special clamps - clips, under which the canvas is tucked using a spatula or spatula. The guides are secured according to pre-applied markings using dowels and self-tapping screws. Holes in the wall are made with a drill or hammer drill every 30-40 cm.

Mounting platforms or special fittings are installed for lamps.

The fabric for the stretch ceiling must be cut to the size of the room with allowances of at least 20 cm on each side. The fabric, unlike PVC fabric, does not have good elasticity; it cannot be stretched. Therefore, it is important to correctly calculate the required width and cut the fabric. Canvases made from specialized material are usually selected according to the width of the room, and the length is rolled out directly from the roll.

The fabric is straightened and aligned so that there are equal fabric allowances on all sides. Having retreated from the corner at least half a meter, the canvas is temporarily fixed in a baguette in increments of 0.5-0.7 m without strong tension around the perimeter of the room. The fastening of fabric ceilings begins from the middle of the short walls, then the long ones are fixed, the corners are tucked into the baguettes last. The fabric is tucked into the baguette using a rounded spatula.

Gradually tightening the canvas, it is leveled and stretched to an elastic state. The excess is cut off with a mounting knife or scissors. When cutting, it is convenient to place a wide metal spatula under the knife - it will protect the canvas and baguette from damage. The remains of the canvas after trimming with a spatula are tucked into a baguette.

The gap between the molding and the wall is closed after finishing the ceiling and walls. decorative plinth.

Install lamps by cutting holes in the canvas the right size. Glue is applied to the mounting ring and it is glued to the canvas in place of the lamp so that the centers of the ring and the lamp coincide. After the ring has set to the fabric, the material inside the ring is carefully cut out. The height of the lamp is adjusted so that it is at the level of the ceiling panel, after which the lamp is screwed in. It is advisable to use conventional lamps with a power of no more than 60 W or halogen lamps up to 35 W to avoid strong local heating and deformation of the panel in the area of ​​the lamp.

Video - Installation of suspended ceilings

Fabric stretch ceilings can also be mounted on wooden blocks installed around the perimeter of the room. In this case, the fabric is secured to the guides with a construction stapler, and later the fastening points are covered with a plinth or decorative polyurethane baguette.

Installation technology for draped ceilings

Unlike smooth ceilings, draped fabrics do not have to be pulled tight; they can form waves, folds, and if you gather the fabric in the center of the room, it can create a cozy tent. You can also pre-mount a frame on the ceiling and give the ceiling relief and bends in the right places.

The photo shows various shapes draperies.

To work you will need:

  • wooden block 20x40 or 40x40 mm, depending on the density and weight of the fabric, as well as the size of the room;
  • drill and hardware for attaching the block to the walls;
  • jigsaw;
  • measuring tool and level,
  • fabric of one or more types;
  • elastic band or tape for curtains, allowing you to make even folds;
  • construction stapler;
  • polyurethane decorative baguette and small nails for fastening it.

Calculating the size of fabric for drapery is enough difficult task, which depends on the shape of the drapery. To avoid mistakes, it is better to draw a sketch of the ceiling to scale, then cut out the proposed canvases from soft paper on the same scale, fold them like an accordion and lay them out on top of the ceiling drawing. The larger the folds, the denser the drapery will be. You also need to leave fabric allowances for attaching to the guides.

The preparation of the ceiling before installing draped fabric is carried out similarly to stretch ceilings. If the fabric chosen is translucent and the ceiling is non-uniform dark color, then it is better to pre-paint it or putty it with a light compound. Marking of walls for guide bars is also carried out using the above technology.

Install the draped ceiling according to the instructions below.

Table 2. Installation technology for draped ceilings

Steps, illustrationsDescription of actions

Cut the bars to the desired size using a hacksaw or jigsaw. Drill small holes in them at 40-50 cm intervals, mark the wall through them, placing the block with the bottom edge to a pre-drawn line.

According to the markings, holes are drilled in the wall, dowels are hammered into them, after which the bars are fastened to the wall with self-tapping screws. If it is necessary to create a ceiling of complex shape, a frame of the desired design is made from a block.

Cut the selected fabric. To make a simple longitudinal drapery, sew elastic or curtain tape on two opposite sides of the fabric. With its help you can gather the fabric into even folds. To construct a tent-shaped ceiling, several strips of material of the same width are cut out. You can use fabrics of different shades, this will give the tent additional charm. One side of the strip is collected, and the second is evenly distributed across the width of the sector.

Grab the corners of the fabric to the block using a stapler and distribute the folds evenly. Fix the canvas around the perimeter. For thick fabric, you can use a stapler; for thin fabric, it is better to press it to the block with a wooden plank and nail it with small nails.

The polyurethane baguette is attached to the block using nails or self-tapping screws. You cannot attach it with glue using conventional technology - it will not stick to the folds of the fabric. You can give the baseboard or baguette any desired shade by covering it with paint. Paint and dry the baguette before installing it in place so as not to stain the fabric. After installation, the nail heads are carefully tinted.

In the case of a multi-layer ceiling, the first layer of dense fabric is stretched without draperies, the second, made of transparent material, is draped and fastened directly on top of the first. This ceiling acquires depth and a soft shimmer, especially when equipped with LED strip lighting.

Prices for ceiling lamps

ceiling lamp

Technology of covering the ceiling with fabric

Pasting with fabric is not much different from decorating the ceiling with wallpaper. The surface preparation must be more thorough, otherwise the fabric will not stick to the ceiling. The fabric for pasting the ceiling must be strong enough and not deform when stretched, otherwise the strips will warp and it will not be possible to glue them end to end. For this reason, natural or artificial silk is often chosen.

Required materials and tools:

  • durable silk or satin fabric;
  • glue or mastic suitable for gluing fabric;
  • painting tool for puttying and leveling the ceiling;
  • a foam roller for applying glue and a hard roller for leveling;
  • scissors and measuring tool.

Table 3. Covering the ceiling with fabric.

Steps, illustrationsDescription of actions

Fabric glued to the ceiling will reveal all the irregularities and defects, so careful preparation is required. First you need to carefully remove the old coating, and then seal all the cracks and seams. The ceiling is then leveled using putty. Dry and apply a primer of a suitable composition.

The selected fabric must be checked for shrinkage. To do this, a small piece of fabric is measured, soaked and dried in room conditions. The shrinkage is measured again and calculated. If it is more than 5%, the finishing fabric will first have to be wetted and dried or ironed with steam. Otherwise, it may shrink when applied and fall off.

Cutting the fabric into strips is carried out only after checking the shrinkage, leaving allowances of 10 cm. If a large pattern is applied to the fabric, you need to adjust it in advance and cut the fabric with this in mind. It is better to roll strips of fabric into rolls; the latter are put on a rod and gradually rolled out when gluing. It is more convenient to do this together.

To glue the fabric, you can use casein glue, special mastic or furniture hot-melt adhesive that hardens when exposed to heat. In this case, the fabric will have to be heated with a hair dryer. Prepare glue according to instructions. Apply it to the ceiling using a roller, apply a strip of fabric and level it using a roller. Next strip glue end to end and carefully roll the seam with a roller. Cut off the remaining fabric near the walls. Dry the glue or mastic according to the instructions. The joints of the ceiling and walls are finished with decorative plinths or baguettes, secured with special glue.

Not the entire ceiling can be covered with fabric, but only certain areas. This technique can be used in zoning premises.

Note! When heated and in bright light, the fabric may fade and change shade. When choosing lamps, it is better to give preference to LEDs or chandeliers in which incandescent lamps will be located at a sufficient distance from the fabric trim.

A ceiling trimmed with fabric using any of the above technologies looks quite impressive. It will decorate any room in your home and allow you to create a unique coziness in it.