Greeting card for Friendship Day. International Friends Day: congratulations in poems, SMS and pictures

Postcards for Friends Day - virtual postcards from the House of the Sun for International Friends Day. Friends Day is an unofficial holiday, but it is still loved by residents of many countries around the world. The history of this holiday is still unknown. It also remains a mystery who its founder is. However, many people know about Friends’ Day, and this holiday is considered international. Friends Day is celebrated on June 9th.

To this day, it remains a mystery who and when invented Friendship Day. In the Russian Federation, this holiday is not officially recognized, but this does not prevent citizens of the country from celebrating it.

There are several similar holidays:

2. Women's Friendship Day. It is celebrated on the last Sunday of August.

3. The month of friendship, which is celebrated in winter in February.

4. Week of new and old friends. It does not have a fixed date and is always celebrated in the last week of spring.

No matter how many holidays there are, and no matter what they are called, this is just another reason to have fun with friends.

July 9 was chosen for a reason. It's a summer day, so you can go anywhere with friends. You can go to nature, barbecue, swim and remember the old days. You can also please your friend with cool pictures with Happy Friends Day inscriptions, or some small gift.

It’s worth worrying about celebrating Friends’ Day in advance. You can call all your comrades, consult and plan future events for this time.

On the ninth of June every year

Friends Day is celebrated by the people.

Let your friend always be there,

And understands you with just one glance.

So that we could carry our friendship through the years,

And may trouble always pass you by.

Happy Friendship Day to you

I want to congratulate you today.

I'm never bored with you,

Even if it's very difficult

That you will always support me.

I value you very much

And I will preserve our friendship forever.

It's hard to be a true friend

But of course it is possible.

Thanks to our friendship I live

I admit honestly that I value you very much.

We will always be together

I am 100% sure of this.

My beloved friend,

Happy Friends Day, I congratulate you.

I hug you very, very much,

And to be honest, I just adore you.

I will always support and rejoice for your success,

After all, for me you are the best in the world.

May life always be bright,

And no matter what you cry, never.

Today I want to congratulate you on Friendship Day. I wish that a true friend would always be with you, and neither time nor distance could affect this. So that in any difficult situation in life, you can count on the support and help of your friend. May true friends always walk with you through life. Happy holiday.

In the modern world, finding a true friend is not so easy. There are many temptations in life that friends often give in to. On this day, I wish you to find this true friend and never lose, but carry the friendship throughout your life, so that later your children will also be friends. Happy Friends Day.

Dear friend, today I want to congratulate you on Friendship Day. On this day I want to tell you that I am very glad that I met you many years ago. I have 100% confidence in you. There have been many situations in our lives that tested our friendship to the limit. I can definitely call you my best friend. Always remain as you are. And let your life develop as best as possible. Happy holiday.

the 9th of June celebrated in many countries International Friends Day. History is silent about who and when the holiday was invented, but this does not deprive this bright day of popularity.

Having a true friend is a gift of fate. After all, not every person is ready to share with you not only moments of sadness, but also to sincerely rejoice for you.

If you have a true loyal companion in your life, don't forget to take a few minutes and congratulate your close friend. website We have collected heartfelt congratulations for you.

Lonely, without friends
It's not easy to live
So come on, friends,
Treasure your friendship!

And let's on this day
Let's congratulate
Happiness, joy, love,
Wishing you warmth!

May God give us friends,
Simply the best
Let him accompany his friends
Life success!

How can I live in the world without you?
Who should I treasure anyway?
Who will invite you to the wedding?
Who will borrow money?
Who will ring the doorbell at night?
Who will surprise you with a gift?
Who can you live without for a day?
It's you, my friends!

I would like to say "thank you"
That I can call you a friend,
Money is more valuable to me today,
Congratulations to you on All Friends Day!

You don't choose your friends, it's true.
Friends are given by fate forever!
I'll give my last shirt to my friends.
And I will never betray my friend.
Today is our day, that means
I congratulate you, friend!
I wish you love and happiness,
Wealth, joy, goodness!

It’s good with friends both in joy and in sadness. Friends will always come to the rescue and lend a hand at the right time. You trust your most intimate things to your friends. True friendship can last forever. Everyone should have friends. Happy Friends Day, my dears! Thank you for being!

My dear little man, I can rely on you in any situation, you will come to the rescue at any time of the day or night, in the cold and in the heat. So let me wish you always excellent mood, success and boundless happiness on Friendship Day. May all the good things that you can imagine become a reality.

Congratulations on Friends’ Day and I want to wish you to always have the support of a close friend, never to lose friends either in time, or in quarrels, or in insults. May friendship always be valuable, I wish you to be able to be the best friend and have loyal, wonderful friends in your life.

Happy Friends Day! You, my very best friend. After all, without friends, life is uninteresting. As they say, there can never be too many friends, but there can only be one best friend. Happy holiday, friend!

My dear friend! Today is our holiday with you. And I want to wish you good luck. Sometimes she is so lacking in our lives. May she always be with you. May your life be filled with true meaning and may you find your calling. Do what you love and don't think about anything.

Today is a great holiday - Friendship Day! And I want to congratulate you on it, my dears! Thank you for being with me, always in touch and nearby at the right time. I wish you a cloudless mood, joy and happiness for all times. Great success, feats and achievements. May everything in life turn out incredibly well!

The value of human friendship simply could not but be perpetuated, because in the present time it is so difficult to find a person with whom it would be comfortable to be silent, to share not only the bitterness of life, but also the joys. In general, it’s better to keep silent. This human quality, capable of working miracles, is spoken of with particular reverence on International Friendship Day 2019. Read about the Friendship Day holiday, congratulations and cards in our article.


July 30 - Friendship Day, which has been celebrated since 2011, was adopted by a decision of the UN General Assembly. This day is celebrated all over the world not only at the level of human but also international relations, since the Declaration and Program of Action in the Field of a Culture of Peace and the International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence in the Interests of the Whole Planet was taken as the ideology for World Friendship Day.

To once again remind the inhabitants of the planet about the great desire for peace, International Friendship Day was invented. Next, read about how to congratulate yourself on Friendship Day in an original way.

Congratulations on International Friendship Day

On this touching day you simply cannot do without pleasant words and poems. Therefore, we have selected the most beautiful congratulations on Friendship Day in prose, so that you can take for yourself several ideas for oral congratulations.

It’s good with friends both in joy and in sadness. Friends will always come to the rescue and lend a hand at the right time. You trust your most intimate things to your friends. True friendship can last forever. Everyone should have friends. Happy Friends Day, my dears! Thank you for being!

Today, in the modern and corrupt world, it is happiness to be a friend, and even greater happiness to have friends: real, faithful, not fake. And on this day I want to tell everyone: whoever doesn’t turn away in difficult times, who doesn’t sharpen a knife behind their back, who doesn’t make you laugh and doesn’t refuse help - these are true friends. I wish everyone, albeit one, but a faithful friend! Appreciate true friendship, because it is not given to everyone.

My dear little man, I can rely on you in any situation. You will come to the rescue at any time of the day or night, in cold or heat. So let me wish you always excellent mood, success and boundless happiness on Friendship Day. May all the good things that you can imagine become a reality.

Remembering the words of the famous song “If a friend suddenly turns out to be...” today, on Friendship Day, I would like to congratulate only true and faithful comrades. So may you have a lot of happiness and joy in life, and may your union with luck be as strong as our long and unbreakable friendship.

Congratulations on Friendship Day verses

We also bring to your attention funny congratulations on Friendship Day that you can send via SMS or simply in messages on social networks. Poems for Friendship Day will make your friends’ day bright, meaningful and pleasant because on such a day it was not left unattended.

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Why are we given friends?
Everyone knows about this.
You can't quarrel with friends
So as not to regret one day.

We celebrate World Day
Friends all over the planet.
And our friendship is like flint,
Stronger than anything in the world.

Let your friends be happy
Friends of friends are rich.
Let their laughter and jokes blow away
Enemies and adversaries.

It's good that I have
I have wonderful friends.
This means I live...
And I value your friendship.

I always think about you
I never forget.
And on this holiday, friends, to you,
Sending congratulations from me.

Happy Friends Day to everyone,
I hug you tightly, tightly.
I say thank you to everyone,
Because I love you.

And will support and help,
And he will come to the rescue.
Will solve a difficult task
It will entertain you for you.

It is very important in all life,
We need to have dear friends.
This is a wonderful day of friendship,
Let everything be great with us!

It's hard to live in the world without friendship,
There is little support and warmth.
There are no conversations that warm the heart
And life without a spark is boring.

For a friend, without sparing your legs -
At midnight I will walk the path,
Not much to help him
Dispel life's sadness.

How many moments have been lived?
How many roads have been traveled?
Let your life be bright,
And I don't need an excuse
To sincerely congratulate,
And wish you good health,
On Friendship Day - leave all sadness behind,
To celebrate our holiday!
May happiness rush to you,
My true friends,
May your dream come true
I wish you joy
Live with love in your heart,
Store it carefully
To help keep you warm
She is for you on gloomy days!

Congratulations to a friend on Friendship Day

I would like to pay special attention to female friendship, as you know. Therefore, we recommend that many representatives of the fair sex who are lucky enough to have a reliable friend in the person of a girl congratulate their friend on Friendship Day in verse.

We already know each other
So many winters and so many years.
We know common jokes
Who ate what for lunch?
I wish you a lot
Happiness and still warmth.
So that there is no bad weather,
Yes, friend, for you!
And more good men,
On your way, yes, yes.
More warm, fine days.
This will be forever!

I was told there is no such thing as friendship
That these are fairy tales is only in the movies.
But everyone was wrong. They all didn't know:
It was given to me to meet you in life.

With you I can cry and laugh,
I can remain silent... I know you will understand.
And if I need you,
In difficult times, I know you will come.

You won't judge me if I'm wrong,
And you will give advice, good, as always.
What if we suddenly quarrel a little...
With whom does it not happen?... With us - sometimes.

But I forgive. You forgive me.
And we talk for hours again...
I trust you trust me
All our secrets are just for the two of us.

They tell me that there is no such thing as friendship.
But I still don’t believe their words.
After all, for me that fairy tale came true,
And we are friends, just like in the movies.

We won’t regret anything with you,
Let's not dredge up the past:
You and I have become wiser now,
We learned to value friendship.

You and I have been through a lot,
There was everything: both joy and sadness, -
I'm not tired of being next to you,
And I don’t regret what happened.

You are my soulmate
After all, we understand each other without words.
My sparkle, my tear,
Fairy from forgotten childhood dreams...

If you're having fun, then I'm laughing
I want it so simply, about nothing.
Sadness in the eyes - I want to cry
Or just keep quiet with you.

Let fate break us and beat us,
Don't break us and don't intimidate us!
You and I, friend, together we are strong,
Together we can resist!

You will be by my side forever,
My dear, we are friends with you.
I'm very lucky, I'm not alone,
You were simply given to me from above!

Your eyes always shine for me
We are on the same wavelength day and night.
You will show me the right path in everything,
You can push away my trouble.

Give me a sea of ​​golden ideas,
You will make an ordinary day bright.
You will always open the door for me,
And you won’t betray when the shadow overtakes you.

June 9 is International Friends Day! And although this holiday is not an official day off, it is still an occasion to remember and congratulate your friends. And even if they don’t know about the existence of such a holiday, they will still be pleased. Especially for Friends' Day, I have prepared for you a cheerful, cheerful musical card, which will just help you congratulate all your friends on the holiday.

Musical greeting card Happy Friends Day

Friends must be and are in the life of each of us. These are like-minded people with whom you can share both joy and misfortune. A true friend will not betray, will not seek benefits and will always help in difficult times.

Not your friend who drinks at the table with you,
And who will come to anyone’s rescue in misfortune?
Whoever gives a firm hand will relieve you of worries.
And he won’t even show that he helped you.

Omar Khayyam

It’s great if on this holiday you meet your friends at a party or in a cafe, go to the cinema or theater, go out into nature for a picnic, or organize some other joint event.

But if you can’t meet and get together, then you should at least congratulate your friends on such a wonderful holiday - Friends’ Day.

You can just call, send an SMS or message on social media. networks. Or you can do something more original - send a musical greeting card to your friend on Friendship Day. It will definitely be more fun, more original and more memorable! And it won’t even cost you anything, because all my musical cards are free!

If someone doesn’t know how to send such musical cards, look at. In it I described and showed everything in detail.

I love including gifts in my cards. This postcard was no exception. Many pleasant gifts await you and your friends! Everyone loves to receive gifts for the holidays, right?

Watch a musical card for Happy Friends Day

(click on the picture)

And I also send greetings and congratulations to all my Internet friends!

What a beautiful day you imagined
Celebrate the ninth of June!
Today the sun conquers the shadow,
And the nerves do not pull the strings.
And life is in full swing, without concealing delight,
And everything is clear - no unnecessary words are needed...
Well, Happy Friends Day to you, dear friends!
May our friendship be endless!

I hope you enjoyed my musical Happy Friends Day card and lifted your spirits!

And all my other musical cards for various holidays and just for fun can be found in the catalog, which contains links to all cards and slide shows. There you can also subscribe to receive new postcards by email.

● Free musical greeting cards

Dear visitors of the site “Note to the Family”! Musical greeting cards distributed via the Internet are increasingly gaining popularity. And there is absolutely nothing surprising in this. So congratulatory...


All peoples at all times have revered friendship as the greatest social and moral value. It is not surprising that in different countries there are holidays dedicated to friends. One of them, International Friends Day, is celebrated in a number of countries every year on June 9.

International Friends Day was created so that, regardless of life circumstances and various ups and downs, we remind our friends of how important they are to us and make them happy.

Congratulations on Friends Day

The sun is shining brighter for us today.
After all, today is a special day - the day of friends.
This is an unusual holiday - for the soul.
We hasten to congratulate those who are dear to us.

You and I, friend, have known each other for many years,
We experienced a lot of happiness, a lot of troubles.
All the troubles and problems along the way,
You and I, friend, will be able to get around.

May our friendship grow stronger every day,
May it burn as a guiding fire for us.
And I will tell you after many years,
I don't have a better friend in the world.

We will leave all omissions in the past,
After all, you and I are best friends.
We will remember only the good things
And let's forget the quarrels forever.

We have lent each other our shoulders more than once,
And they helped each other out of trouble.
Therefore, today I say,
That I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

For a strong friendship that I can be proud of,
Because I can rely on you.
Because if necessary,
You will prove our friendship to everyone.

I've known you for many years
You are the best friend.
I'm always ready to go with you,
I'm even the circle of hell.

With you, nothing is always the same,
And every day - in isolation.
We live with joy with you,
And we spare no effort.

So open the wine quickly,
And pour a glass.
I'm very glad to have you as a friend
You have become the best.

Happy Friend's Day with poems

International Friends Day is celebrated on June 9 not only in Russia, but also in some other countries. The holiday has gained nationwide love, as it gives the opportunity to get together with those closest to you on this day to have fun, remember the past or make plans for the next weekend.

There are a lot of proverbs and sayings about friends that are common among people. All of them are mainly associated with the loyalty of a friend and the warmth of a relationship. For example, “an old friend is better than two new ones” or “don’t keep a hundred rubles, but keep a hundred friends,” writes C-ib. You can congratulate friends and girlfriends on June 9 in verse.

What are friends for?

This truth is simple -

Life isn't the same without friends

“Boredom is boring” then.

You're not shy with your friends,

Are you going on a picnic?

You help, you help out,

Appreciate every moment together.

Friends Day was invented by those

Who is for friendship never

He won't regret anything.

In general, happy holiday, friends!

Not everyone can be a friend,
This is a rare gift from God.
May this life be difficult for you,
A reliable friend will be given.

On International Friendship Day,
We congratulate our friends.
Those who are with us in the rain and cold,
With whom we are better and stronger.

On friendship day I will say, guys,
That you are my rear, my armor.
It's easy to walk through a glorious life,
When you have true friends.

I want to value each other
And cherish true friendship,
May we always have time
For good and welcome meetings.

Happy Friend's Day greetings in postcards

In every person's life there are many people who can be called simply acquaintances. But those who know how to rejoice and empathize play a special role. Friends may agree on habits or hobbies, likes to eat or travel. Friendship is valued when it is tested by time and distance.

On Friend's Day on June 9, for those who are far away, congratulations can be issued in the form of electronic cards with wishes of happiness, goodness and a speedy meeting.

On this holiday, it is important to remind your friends how important they are in order to make them happy. Especially friendly groups gather on Friendship Day to spend time together, have fun and take a lot of memorable photos.

Funny congratulations for friends: congratulations on Friends Day in verse

Happy Friends Day, I congratulate you,
After all, friends are more valuable than wealth.
More valuable than currency and gold.
More expensive than diamonds and fur coats.

Being a friend can be difficult
Although it's incredibly nice.
There are always a thousand topics and questions,
Happy holidays, dates.

I wish you today
Joy and smiles, happiness.
More friends and health,
To meet them more often.

On this day I want to congratulate my friends,
Give you warm words.
I can't imagine myself without you,
Our friendship is truly strong!

I want you to be healthy
Happiness just overflowed
So that the sky is cornflower blue,
The whole year in my soul is a blooming May!

So that our friendship does not end,
She was not afraid of interference,
To remain in your heart forever
Our aspirations and best dreams!

What are friends for?
This truth is simple -
Life isn't the same without friends
“Boredom is boring” then.

You're not shy with your friends,
Are you going on a picnic?
You help, you help out,
Appreciate every moment together.

Friends Day was invented by those
Who is for friendship never
He won't regret anything.
In general, happy holiday, friends!

Friends Day is a special holiday,
This is a very important day.
It's a great happiness to be a friend,
Just like having friends.

It can be difficult to be a friend
And sometimes at the wrong time,
With him it won’t be difficult, boring,
He is always, everywhere with you.

Congratulations on this wonderful
Happy soul mate day.
Always be a good friend
And don't forget your friends!

I wish this holiday
Meet fun and friendly.
Laughter, joy and happiness
And a great and strong friendship.

It's good that I have
I have wonderful friends.
This means I'm living
And I value your friendship.

I always think about you
I never forget.
And on this holiday, friends, to you,
Sending congratulations from me.

Happy Friends Day to everyone,
I hug you tightly, tightly.
I say thank you to everyone,
Because I love you.

Funny congratulations for friends: congratulations on Friends' Day via SMS

I congratulate you on Friends Day
Close to all your people,
I trust and love you,
It's more fun with you,

I wish you, friends,
Always be happy
We will always be with you,
The years will not separate us!

Everyone has friends
After all, it’s impossible without them.
And neither in happiness nor in trouble,
You can't go anywhere without friends!

Congratulations to all friends,
With you life is brighter, brighter,
We'll say thank you to our friends
Let our friendship grow stronger!

I want to congratulate you on Friends Day,
This is a holiday for all of us.
Celebrate bright friendship,
The one that heals us sometimes.

I wish you to take care of your friends,
Never betray
Help, love and believe,
Love and understand.

Happy Friends Day!
Life is more fun for us together.

I won't let you down!

I wish you only the best,
Happiness, joy, love,
Never know sorrow.
The best is yet to come!

Happy Friends Day!
It's cooler, more fun with you
Spend any day
And walk in a big crowd

Only fortunately directly,
Admiring every moment
The sun, the blue sky,
A kind and big world!

Funny congratulations for friends: congratulations on Friends Day in prose

Happy Friends Day. I wish that true friendship does not dissolve in time and is not lost in kilometers. May a faithful friend rush to the rescue in any difficult situation, may friends always remain good companions on the path of your life.

Today is a great holiday - Friendship Day! And I want to congratulate you on it, my dears! Thank you for being with me, always in touch and nearby at the right time. I wish you a cloudless mood, joy and happiness for all times. Great success, feats and achievements. May everything in life turn out incredibly well!

Congratulations on Friends’ Day and I want to wish you to always have the support of a close friend, never to lose friends either in time, or in quarrels, or in insults. May friendship always be valuable, I wish you to be able to be the best friend and have loyal, wonderful friends in your life.

We make friends from a young age, but not everyone stays with us for a long time! On Friendship Day, let everyone in life smile at someone with whom you are not afraid to go through a difficult path, someone you can trust and not make a mistake!

Happy Friends Day! Let there always be a friend nearby in life who can listen, help and support. So that you do not know the severity of loneliness and can share any event, both joyful and sad, with true friends.

Friends Day greeting cards free download

There are very few friends in life,
And in life you have to value it,
Your best friends
Respect and appreciate immensely!

Friends Day is sweeping the planet,
Gives out smiles and love.
So let it be everywhere in this world
Friendship flares up again and again!

Friendship is joyful meetings,
A sea of ​​fantastic ideas.
For any problem, it’s easier with a friend,
And life is harder without a friend.

Happy Friends Day!
Life is more fun for us together.
Know, even in joy, even in trouble
I won't let you down!

I wish you only the best,
Happiness, joy, love,
Never know sorrow.
The best is yet to come!