Correct ceiling lining with clapboard. Sheathing the ceiling with clapboard: choice of material and procedure of work Sheathing the ceiling with clapboard on a profile

Construction works, which include the headliner, are very demanding. All this is due to the fact that special building materials are required, and the person who is going to do this work has the skill, time and experience. It doesn’t matter what type of cladding will be used, it always involves the creation of a frame and its subsequent finishing. The range of materials is quite large, and it is this choice that will determine which finishing method you will have to use. The Internet offers enough instructions on this matter, and we will try to understand it in more detail.

What is lining? This is a facing board, the peculiarity of which is a special method of fixation, namely tongue-and-groove. If you return to last century, then you can find out that this method was used only for covering cars. That is why it received its specific name. At the moment, clapboards are used both for cladding external and internal areas. Previously, this method of finishing a room was considered the most budget-friendly. After many years, this material has not lost its popularity and has established itself as a reliable facing material. Since in our time quite new technologies for the production of this material have appeared, the methods of its use have expanded.

Creating a lining is a long and difficult process, which includes creating edged boards, drying, creating tongue-and-groove joints, sanding and grading. All these actions help to obtain a durable material that has an attractive appearance.

There are many classifications of lining; I divide them according to certain characteristics. These include the quality, type of wood, and the area in which it will be used.

In order to make lining, in basic cases the following materials are used:

  • Noble wood. Oak or ash is especially revered;
  • Breeds that are considered soft. It could be linden or alder;
  • Universal materials. This category includes pine and spruce.

Taking into account the abilities of these materials, they create the following types linings:

  1. Eurolining. This species is most often exported to European countries. This type of lining is characterized by a smooth surface and a deep tongue-and-groove system;
  2. Lining panel. This type reminds appearance beam;
  3. American. Thanks to this lining, it is possible to create an imitation of overlapping laying, which is widespread in America;
  4. Block house. The type is similar to a rounded beam.

Ceiling covered with clapboard: selection of panels

If you pay attention to the building materials market, you can understand that it is ready to provide a variety of different materials for finishing the ceiling. These include polymer materials, which have currently earned trust among developers. But today there are not many people left who would give their preference to wood, which has environmental properties, aesthetics and ease of use. Is it worth mentioning that this material has a unique woody aroma, which, when covering the ceiling, can create a balanced microclimatic environment.

However, the following materials are most often preferred:

  • Plastic;
  • MDF panels;

As for plastic panels, they are divided into seamless and with a dedicated seam. Both the first and second types are characterized by certain results that affect the appearance of the ceiling at the end of the work.

It's important to know that plastic panels do not require additional processing, unlike wood panels.

That is why these materials are most often preferred. In addition, their practicality also lies in a large assortment color range. If you want to create an imitation of wood, then a plastic panel can help even in this matter.

MDF panels also belong to one of the types of linings. They are made from fiberboard material. The manufacturing method refers to the pressing of wood fibers.

The size of such panels is mostly standard, and the color spectrum is very wide.

The disadvantage of such panels is that they can only be installed in rooms that do not have a high level of humidity. They are suitable for all rooms except the bathroom, kitchen, balcony. This should not be installed in a bathhouse.

If you decide to sew up with wooden paneling, then you may need a certain useful recommendations on the material and working with it.


  • Wooden lining is a universal material that can be combined with absolutely any finishing material and is used mainly in the countryside. wooden house.
  • If you have decided to install wooden lining with your own hands, then you need to familiarize yourself with the video or photo, which will show you how to do the installation correctly so that it is not only reliable, but also correct.
  • To prevent the ceiling from taking on a monotonous appearance, experts recommend sheathing the surface in different directions. To make the decorative hemming look more original, you can use beams or slats of opposite colors.

Ceiling lining is great option for installation in the hall. Not only long boards can be suitable for installation, but also complete panels that include carvings, paintings or stained glass windows. Taking into account modern technologies, manufacturers can offer a large number of options.

How to sheathe a ceiling in a dacha other than lining

Finishing materials are usually selected based on the principle of economy and practicality. In order to sheathe ceilings in rooms, certain materials are most often purchased.


  • Panels;
  • Wallpaper;
  • Foam ceiling tiles.

Paintwork materials are most often used to decorate country ceilings as protection against negative factors.

As for wallpaper, for this you need to give preference to an assortment of non-woven or fiberglass wallpaper with the presence textured surface. Such materials will allow you to create a beautiful and neat ceiling.

The panels can be purchased at hardware stores, they can be various thicknesses and textures. Such large assortment no one has building material.

Foam ceiling slabs are one of the the best ways, which will allow you to quickly hem the ceiling. They are not only convenient to work with, but are easy to paint. Foam can be cut quickly and easily stationery knife, and you can attach it with universal glue.

How to cover a ceiling with clapboard with your own hands (video)

How to choose the right cladding? This article has maximally revealed all the main aspects of working with the material. Everything else depends on the preparation and professionalism of the master. Well, what about independent work, then before starting, it is best to consult with experts and review the lessons. By following all the recommendations, you can get the perfect interior.

Details: ceiling cladding with clapboard (photo examples)

What and how to cover the ceiling so that it is not only beautiful, but also practical, and, if possible, environmentally friendly, interests many. From the variety of finishes, experts highlight clapboard cladding, a material that is one of the most common methods of finishing the ceiling.


The origin of the name of the building material is interesting. Previously, transport cars were lined wooden slats, which then began to be used in interior decoration. This is how the generalized name for the wooden material came about.

Its main feature is naturalness. A room in which the ceiling is decorated with wooden paneling breathes. A natural microclimate is formed in it due to the property of wood that absorbs moisture when there is an excess of it and releases when there is a shortage.

Distinctive features are:

  • naturalness and naturalness;
  • durability and reliability in use;
  • heat and sound insulation;
  • security;
  • resistance to decay processes;
  • ease of care;
  • ease of installation;
  • originality of appearance;
  • complete safety for health;
  • a great opportunity to hide communications.

Wooden lining is the ancestor of such products as metal and plastic lining. A feature of all types is its shape and installation. A classic of the genre - wooden lining is suitable for finishing different surfaces, including the ceiling. The existing disadvantage - poor moisture and heat resistance - is easily eliminated today. The necessary impregnations will easily cope with this problem.

The plastic version of the ceiling lining is primarily budget-friendly. Produced using seamless technology, it is attractive and elegant. However, it has a number of serious disadvantages. The main one is its fragility. Over time, it loses its snowy whiteness, fades and turns yellow. Subject to mechanical stress and temperature reactions.

Lining, made from thin sheet steel and aluminum, is more often used in finishing the facade of a house, but it can be used in utility and courtyard buildings. Aluminum product is almost forever, which cannot be said about the analogue. Inexpensive material is short-lived. Minor damage to the protective layer leads to an irreversible process - damage to thin metal.

Due to the many types, lining is suitable for finishing ceilings in rooms with different operating requirements and aesthetic requests.

How to choose material?

Manufacturers of this material a lot, but the quality of the products sometimes leaves the best. To avoid making a mistake in your purchase, you should carefully inspect it during purchase. You should pay attention to every little detail.

Packaging – you should be wary if the lining is sold packed in film. This fact indicates the low quality of the product, since the seller is not allowed to tear the film and pull out the panel for inspection. Also panels covered with film are exposed to humidity resulting from lack of ventilation. This packaging negatively affects the quality of even first-class materials.

If possible, carefully check the plate itself. Slight bending jeopardizes the result of the work performed. It's better to refuse such a product. Firstly, there will be difficulties during installation. Secondly, even after installing it, there is no guarantee that it will last long.

If visual inspection is clear, inspect the surface. Transverse waves may appear on the board. The most thorough inspection is necessary for connecting structures (grooves and ridges). Under no circumstances should they contain chips or cracks.

For inspection, it is advisable to have a clip that can detect waves. If any are found, the clamper will not be able to be installed as needed. Make sure that assembly is easy when trying to connect individual panels.

Be sure to use a device, if available in the store, to measure the moisture content of the lining. Take the time to examine your purchase - this will guarantee the final result.

When choosing a finishing material, you need to have an idea of ​​its specifications. Wooden lining is divided into four quality categories. They have significant differences. It is impossible to choose quality materials without paying attention to them.

  • Class "A" products completely suitable for ceiling cladding. Errors are possible here, such as resin stains (no more than two), non-through cracks (one or two), one knot is allowed.
  • Class "B"- relatively good material. Its use in residential premises is undesirable due to its aesthetic characteristics. This is an increased number of blind cracks, knots and resin stains.
  • Class "C" products is of low quality. It is used for cladding only outbuildings. In this group, the criteria are completely different - falling knots, through cracks, resin pockets. However, this material is not a complete defect.
  • “Extra” class products characterized by the complete absence of any defects. This perfect option for finishing ceilings.

This classification is a guiding star when choosing wooden lining. The type of wood affects performance characteristics manufactured product.


A white ceiling looks unusual and original in combination with various materials. Lining on the ceiling in modern design popular and in demand, as the trend towards economical materials contributes to the creation of a unique style. And lining is just such a product, characterized by a natural texture, adequate cost and ease of installation.

To create it, various tree species are used:

  • The uniqueness of pine products in soft brown shades attracts customers at an affordable price.
  • Clapboard made of spruce, interesting budget material. The final stage is painting the surface, since the structure of the wood is not very pronounced.
  • The main advantages of larch products are durability, rich shade and expressiveness of the wood texture. This breed tolerates humidity well.
  • Linden, plastic in origin, has attractive golden hues.

Coniferous types of lining are durable, practical, and resistant to moisture. Undesirable in rooms with constant high temperature. Since the released tarry substances can lead to fire. Deciduous species are processed and tinted.

White color, which is the basis of any style, combines perfectly with other colors and can visually expand the space. Preference is given to oil and acrylic paints. By treating the surface with a solution that protects against moisture and insects, you can extend its shelf life.

Eurolining creates an elegant picture with the help of various combinations of diagonal stripes.

Individual elements created on the ceiling - around a chandelier, for example, allow you to add variety to the interior of a room. An interesting note in the interior will be the ceiling made of plastic lining, varying in texture and pattern. Using panels of contrasting colors, it is possible to zone the room.

Designer finds using this material will allow the owner to give a unique and individual character of your home.

  • narrow and long panels expand the space;
  • designs made from lines blend harmoniously into any style;
  • a lattice structure with cross-positioned slats creates the image of a ceiling made of beams;
  • the lining with plates looks great different widths made of plastic;

  • by laying MDF panels in different directions, they achieve excellent imitation natural wood;
  • luxury in decoration is achieved by using White color, diluted with gold or silver tone;
  • fashionable interiors prefer slatted style;
  • The combination of wooden and painted ceilings looks impressive.

There is an opinion about the suitability of such ceilings only on balconies or in country houses. It is wrong.

In the living room it is appropriate to use this material in the design of the ceiling. Lacquered planks can transform the surface. It is possible to construct an image beam floors how in alpine chalets or hunting lodges. This effect can be achieved by contrasting colors of finishing elements.

Remember: to get a cohesive look, you need to decorate the entire interior in the same style.. Painted lining will create cozy atmosphere for relaxation in the popular Provence style, so necessary in the bedroom. It will acquire a barely noticeable element of antiquity and unsurpassed charm in the combination of forged furniture and varnished covering parts.

A more careful selection of such a product will avoid negative influence for people suffering from allergic reactions to the released ether compounds. The ideal room with a clapboard ceiling would be the kitchen..

Design in the above style would also be an excellent option. Here it is possible to use beige, white, and blue tones for coloring the panels. The interior design will be beautiful in the intended way. A room with stylish appliances and steel surfaces of household items will look advantageous.

Ceiling natural type would be appropriate in a kitchen decorated with natural stone or its imitation. The use of panels painted in a color that matches other objects is suitable for decorating a corridor. Don't overlook additional details and general form interior

The nursery and office are designed in a similar way. In a nursery, a careful and scrupulous approach to such coverage is also needed. The only room in the house where it is not recommended to install a lining ceiling may be the bathroom. Excessive moisture may cause the coating to deteriorate.


Calculating the required amount of this material for finishing the ceiling is not difficult, but painstaking. And the calculation must be carried out carefully so that the final result does not bring disappointment in the form of additional costs (time, money, nerves). It is advisable to purchase the product with some reserve. You need to start with a clearly developed plan for the direction of fastening the elements. Record all this on the drawing.

With the help of these records it is easier to calculate the product consumed. The ceiling area is calculated simply: the width is multiplied by the length (as an example - ab - 3x4 = 12). For an accurate calculation, you need to know the dimensions of the selected cladding material. This data must be indicated on the packaging of the material and comply with GOSTs. By dividing the area of ​​the ceiling by the area of ​​one board, you will know how many panels you will need.

Programs will come to the rescue online calculators. All you need is knowledge of the basic parameters of the panel - width, length, height and thickness. Based on practice, it has been noted that the results of two similar measurements do not have significant differences. The accuracy of measurements will save the budget allocated for repairs and protect against unnecessary trimmings. However, do not forget about the rule of rounding up the fractional value and adding to it 15% of the strategic material reserve.

You can immediately calculate the cost of the material. When purchasing, you need to know the parameters of the lining and the required quantity. And don’t forget about the factors that influence the cost: the price depends on the size of the lining, with accurate measurement of which it will be possible to purchase the necessary cash. Now it’s time to safely begin installation work.


To carry out any work, you need to carefully prepare. You don’t need any special skills, if you have the desire. But you need to assemble a tool, without which nothing will definitely work. You will need several types building level . Without a tape measure you will have to work, as they say, by eye, which is absolutely unacceptable. You need a hammer, a hacksaw, a jigsaw and a screwdriver.

In the event that the sheathing is made of metal profile, it is better to use scissors. When installing the casing, use a drill with impact mechanism or a hammer drill for a concrete ceiling. The minimum diameter of the drill is at least 6-7 mm. In terms of time, the cladding will take a little time if the correct calculations and clear markings are made. There are two types of caracas for mounting panels - wooden and metal. The first option is considered more optimal. It is cheaper and easier to work with.

Wooden sheathing will require:

  • timber 4x4 cm corresponding to the ceiling area;
  • brackets;
  • wooden or plastic wedges;
  • self-tapping screws

For a metal frame you need:

  • metallic profile;
  • suspension;
  • fasteners;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • anchors.

If necessary, the lining should be dried before installation. Clean the ceiling itself from dirt, dust and old plaster. Find key marking points using a level. The first one will be the most low point ceiling, which is transferred to all walls and connected along the perimeter by one line. These are guidelines for the sheathing bars.

A small nuance: in places where the guides do not adhere to the ceiling, use wedges.

Ceilings with such cladding cannot withstand changes in height and distortions. The sheathing is attached to dowels. The fastening distance between the beams depends on the material from which the lining is made. Having mounted the frame, you can begin the finishing itself. It is advisable to do this work together.

  • The first panel is fixed to the wall with a tenon. The boards must be fastened strictly perpendicular to the sheathing.
  • Before fixing it, use a level to correct its position.
  • The second track, tightly inserted into the grooves of the first, is strengthened in the place where the frame runs.
  • All other panels are attached in the same way. As practice suggests, the last board often has to be cut. To make the seam less noticeable, place it away from public view. During installation, immediately measure the holes for lighting fixtures and communications. It is necessary to score carefully.
  • The finished ceiling is decorated with wooden plinth around the entire perimeter. It is advisable to varnish the wooden paneling and baseboards. A painting option is also possible.

In creating comfort in the house, finishing the ceiling with clapboard plays an important role.

So that she for a long time remained in pristine condition, remember:

  • It is not recommended to get it wet;
  • For cleaning, use a vacuum cleaner or a dry cloth;
  • stains that appear are treated with a weak solvent;
  • experts advise periodically treating the surface with antiseptics and fire retardants;
  • it must be secured very carefully;
  • give preference to natural materials.

A ceiling made of eurolining can be made both in a brick house and in an apartment. It is necessary to take only high-quality eurolining and install it following the step-by-step instructions.

You can choose a material that has patterns. This option is most suitable for an attic or loggia, and it will also look good in the country.

The mirror lining looks stylish. You can put family photos on it. In this case, it must certainly be wide.

When laying, it is necessary, first of all, to set the guidelines correctly. This way, it will be easier to hem the lining with your own hands. The material must be placed tightly and joined together carefully. Next, it is important to nail down the paneling so that the paneling will serve you for many years.

Beautiful examples in the interior

Wooden cross beams on the ceiling make the room visually wider. Also this ceiling covering looks very stylish and interesting.

This ceiling covering fits perfectly into any interior style. You can match it with all sorts of beautiful decorative elements.

The clapboard ceiling does not burden the room at all.

Beautiful examples design of wooden ceilings in the interior, you can watch in this video.

The modern market offers great amount various materials for finishing the ceiling. Some people prefer stretch ceilings, others build suspended plasterboard structures. However, today we will talk about lining - how to choose a material suitable for the ceiling, how to construct the sheathing and how to carry out installation. Covering the ceiling with clapboard is a very labor-intensive task, so you must approach the issue with all responsibility.

Features of choosing lining for the ceiling

Once upon a time, lining was understood exclusively wooden version of this material, but on the modern market you can already find several variations. When choosing a particular type of material, personal wishes, financial capabilities, goals and features of the room itself should be taken into account.

Modern lining is made from:

  • wood;
  • polyvinyl chloride (PVC);
  • pressed hardboard (MDF).

Let's take a closer look at each of the varieties.

Wooden lining

Obviously, it will ideally emphasize the “natural” design of the room. This lining is absolutely safe and can be used in any room, and the cost of the material depends on the specific type of wood used in the manufacture. As a rule, alder, cedar, aspen, fir, oak, larch, etc. are used for these purposes.

Pine boards are characterized by excellent antiseptic characteristics, which is explained by the resins they exude, which give the material similar properties. These resins protect the wood surface from mold and mildew. Another advantage is that pine by nature has few knots, and this, in turn, was reflected in the quality of workmanship.

Note! Hardwood is an option that is more suitable for indoor use, while softwood paneling is versatile. However, any lining is susceptible to high humidity, so you must take care of appropriate impregnation and regular ventilation.

Wooden lining is also classified according to the quality of the board into four groups. Let's look at them.

Prices for lining

Table. Classification of lining according to board quality.


The material is in perfect execution, free of any dents, cracks or chips. It is produced by using the splicing method, but it also costs accordingly. Such lining is unsuitable for damp rooms, because in conditions of high humidity it can become covered with cracks.

Small knots may be detected on such material, but there are no other defects. The most popular category of lining, which is available to most consumers.

There are some defects, but they are minor. The material is undesirable for use in living rooms, but for balconies and summer houses this is the best option.

Low-grade lining, characterized by numerous defects.

Video - Features of choosing lining

MDF lining

It looks similar to its wooden counterpart, but is produced using a completely different technology (we are talking about pressing wood chips). The main disadvantage of such lining is the fear of moisture: upon contact with it, the material swells and loses its original properties and appearance.

This finishing option is more suitable for walls, although it is often used to imitate columns in a house. The advantages include good noise and thermal insulation characteristics.

Note! MDF lining of various colors and textures is available on sale, but the important thing is that they can be easily combined. Finally, the installation procedure is also not complicated.

PVC lining

A good finishing material that is ideal for the ceiling. Easy to install, but at the same time quite fragile (you need to remember this if you plan to cover the walls with boards). Therefore, PVC lining cannot be used where there is a high probability of its deformation or damage.

Such a lining can be:

  • seamless;
  • with a seam.

In the first case, the material forms an integral and smooth surface, and the seams between the panels are almost invisible. If you use lining with a highlighted seam, it will look like Euro lining on the ceiling. Another advantage of PVC panels is that they are impervious to moisture, but can fade under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

Prices for PVC lining

PVC lining

Note! It turns out that the ceiling can be covered with either wooden lining or plastic (polyvinyl chloride) panels.

We calculate the amount of material

To calculate the required number of linings, you need to know what the dimensions of this cladding material are. In accordance with GOST standard width one board should be up to 15 cm, length – 600 cm, and thickness – from 1.2 cm to 2.5 cm.

GOST 8242-88. Profile parts made of wood and wood materials for construction. File for download.

Panels with a thickness of less than 1.6 cm are used for interior finishing, and lining with a thickness of 1.8 cm or more is used for exterior work. If you know the dimensions of the boards, you will be able to determine their square footage. Let’s say the width of the lining is 9.5 cm and the length is 600 cm. In this case total area one panel will be 0.57 m².

To calculate the required amount of material, divide the area of ​​the ceiling by the area of ​​one board. For example, the ceiling area is 9 m². In this case, the calculations will look like this:

9 m²: 0.52 m² = 17.3

This means you will need at least 18 panels. But remember that during installation the width of each board will be slightly less than the total - this is explained by the nuances of the tongue-and-groove fastening of the material.

Prices for ceiling panels

ceiling panels

Checking purchased panels

So, you have chosen the type and color of the lining, and calculated its quantity. We purchased it and delivered it home. What to do next? Now you need to lay out the panels on some flat surface and carefully examine them. The fact is that sellers often put several low-quality copies inside the package. But it’s better to check this point directly in the store.

Next, you need to pay attention to drying the lining (this only applies to wooden panels). Products made from MDF and PVC do not require this procedure. Drying is necessary to ensure that the boards do not become deformed. The procedure should last at least 14 days, but longer is possible. This rule should never be neglected.

Stage No. 1. We prepare everything you need

The work must begin with preparation necessary equipment; To cover the ceiling with clapboard you will need:

  • drill or hammer drill (for concrete ceiling the diameter of the drill must be at least 6-7 mm);
  • building level;
  • screwdriver;
  • roulette;
  • hacksaw or jigsaw (to cut panels; tools are suitable for all types of lining).

In addition to the lining itself, the features of the calculation and selection of which were discussed above, other materials will also be required. So, to install the panels you will need a frame (sheathing), which can be of two types.

  1. Wooden sheathing. The best option for the home, because it costs less than a metal profile, and it is much easier to attach panels to it.
  2. Metal sheathing. In most cases it is used for drywall.

If you plan to cover the ceiling in the bathroom, then it is better to give preference to a metal frame, since in conditions of high humidity the metal does not deform, which cannot be said about wood.

So, if the frame is wooden, then prepare:

  • beam 4x4 cm (according to the ceiling area);
  • self-tapping screws;
  • brackets;
  • wedges (plastic or wood) for mounting the frame.

If the sheathing is metal, you will need:

  • metallic profile;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • fasteners;
  • anchors;
  • suspension.

After preparing everything you need and drying (if required) the lining, you can start working.

Stage No. 2. Preparing the ceiling

Step 1. Remove old plaster, clean the ceiling surface from dirt and dust.

Ceiling profile prices

ceiling profile

Step 2. Draw the markings for constructing the frame. Preliminarily determine in which direction the lining will be attached (it is advisable to give preference to the one in which there will be no end joints between the boards).

Note! Due to fragility wooden elements needs to be treated before installation antiseptic. But this still will not guarantee 100% protection.

Step 3. If we are talking about a private house, then you will also have to lay thermal insulation material. Install the profile posts in increments of 50-60 cm, and lay insulation between them. As for apartments, there is no need to do this.

Step 4. First, determine the level at which the sheathing is mounted. Then mark the direction of the bars. The panel must be attached strictly perpendicular to the direction of the beam. It can be mounted vertically, horizontally and diagonally.

Now secure the brackets at the same distance from each other. Attach a wooden beam to the brackets. To level the level of the sheathing, use wooden wedges.

The sheathing is installed very evenly; the lining will be placed on it. Otherwise, the coating will turn out wavy and ugly.

Step 5. Install fasteners with a maximum pitch of 50 cm. For eurolining, this figure should be half as much.

Proper preparation is very important stage cladding, on which the durability of the entire structure depends.

Stage No. 3. We install the lining on the sheathing

The installation procedure is not complicated; it does not require special skills or knowledge. It is recommended to carry out the work with an assistant - in this case, boards of any length will be fastened quickly and efficiently.

Step 1. Take the first panel and secure it tightly with the tenon to the wall. It is important that the boards are attached perpendicular to the sheathing.

Step 2. Adjust the position of the first panel using a level, then secure it.

Note! The lining can be attached both to clamps and to small nails. The last mounting option can be used only for those rooms where the aesthetic component is not particularly important.

Fastening with clamps will cost much more, since you will have to spend money on purchasing them.

Step 3. Take the second panel, insert it tightly into the grooves of the first and fix it in place where the frame runs.

Step 4. Attach all other panels in the same way. The last board may need to be cut, so try to keep it against the least visible wall. For wooden and MDF panels it is better to use a jigsaw, and for plastic panels - hand saw. Measure holes for communications and lighting fixtures directly during installation - this will help to avoid mistakes.

Note! If you use nails for fastening, their heads must be cut using a special tool. In the future, the attachment points must be covered with wax.

Step 5. To decorate the finished ceiling covering, secure wooden plinths around the perimeter - they will perfectly hide the cracks of the cut material. You can also paint the ceiling to make it look even more beautiful. Although it is advisable to varnish the wooden lining, and the baseboards - dark stain and varnish.

Prices for suspended ceilings

suspended ceiling

Video - Do-it-yourself ceiling cladding with clapboard

How much does the lining cost?

The cost of the boards depends on many parameters, including the type and type of wood, the length of the panels, the equipment used to make them, etc. Based on price, lining can be divided into three large groups.

  1. Expensive. High-quality material, made from soft hardwoods. As a rule, such panels are processed according to European standards. The cost usually starts from 310 rubles per sq. m. m.
  2. Average. Hardwood, which will cost 215-300 rubles per sq. m. m.
  3. Cheap. We are talking about boards made of coniferous wood. These cost between 100-215 rubles per sq. m. m.

If you plan to hire a specialist for sheathing, you can calculate the approximate cost of his services. Finishing one square will cost somewhere between 150-350 rubles (the specific amount depends on the complexity of the work and the qualifications of the craftsman).

Features of caring for lining

If you use wooden lining for the ceiling, be sure to take additional measures. So, to extend the life of wood, treat it with special solutions that prevent rotting, the development of mold and mildew. These include impregnations and primer mixtures. When choosing a product, look at the color - it should be the same as the color of the final result.

Note! The lining can also be impregnated with oil or coated with varnish or paint, as mentioned above. You can choose what exactly to treat the ceiling with.

To maintain the original appearance of the coating, wipe off dust as often as possible. If the contamination has started, and a soft damp cloth can no longer cope, then use special means for processing, which are commercially available in a wide range.

Incredibly, it’s easy to hem the ceiling with clapboard yourself! Just a few efforts, a little time spent, a little knowledge and you're done. Indeed, perform the installation finishing materials not difficult. Enough to have good assistant next to you, because you won’t be able to install it well alone.

In rooms, as a rule, ceilings are not sheathed. But the kitchen, bathroom, veranda are exactly those rooms where it will be most appropriate.

Having determined the room, let's talk about the materials and tools that we will need.

Tools and materials

To cover a clapboard ceiling with your own hands, you need a frame.

To cover ceiling coverings with your own hands, you don’t need to buy expensive tools, because any craftsman will probably have such a tool. We will need:

  • screwdriver;
  • roulette;
  • a hacksaw with small teeth or a jigsaw;
  • level;
  • hammer drill or drill;
  • hammer.

By the way, the tool can be rented from construction stores.

The lathing can be either metal or wood.

Wooden sheathing
it is most preferable for the home, since panels are easier to attach to it, and it is cheaper in comparison with metal profiles.

Metal sheathing more often used for drywall.

When lining the ceiling with clapboard in the bathroom, it would also be preferable to install a metal frame. This is due to the fact that metal deformation does not occur in a damp room.

To install a frame made of wooden blocks you need:

  • wooden beam 40*40 mm;
  • brackets, which are fastenings;
  • wedges, wooden or plastic, used to install the frame;
  • screws for fastening.

To install a metal frame we will need:

  • steel metal profile;
  • connecting elements;
  • profile hanger;
  • anchors and screws for metal.

Choosing material

Now we select the panels themselves. They are divided into several types:

  • metal,
  • plastic,
  • wooden,

The principle of fastening is the same. Before you buy, you need to decide which room we will cover.

For wet rooms, a bathroom, for example, plastic is more suitable. But for the kitchen and veranda, the best option would be wooden, given its environmental friendliness and naturalness.

There are many materials for cladding, and they all differ from each other.

Wooden have four categories, differing from each other by the presence of dark spots and knots on their surface.

The fewer stains and knots, the more expensive the material.

As for the choice of the species from which the panel boards are made, it is better to choose pine, linden or cedar.

good for damp rooms, but contact with direct sun rays causes "fading".

They bend easily and hide uneven ceiling coverings well, but cracks may appear on them from constant stress.

But the cracks cannot be restored.

MDF panels should only be used in dry rooms. Moisture can cause material deterioration, deformation and collapse.

After purchasing, you should not immediately hit the ceiling with them. The panels must rest so that their temperature is equal to the temperature of the room where they will be installed.

Preparing for sheathing.

Diagonal trim

Before strengthening the frame, you need to prepare the ceiling covering. Cracks and holes need to be patched. Collapsed plaster is also removed.

It is imperative to treat the surface with a special solution against fungus that may form under the casing.

If necessary, we insulate it with penofol or isolon - this is a heat-insulating material based on foil.

Having processed the ceiling covering, we move on to the frame.

We install the lathing.

Installation from wooden beams:

First, we determine the level at which the sheathing is mounted.

Then we mark the direction of the bars. The panel must be attached strictly perpendicular to the direction of the beam. It can be mounted vertically, horizontally and diagonally.

Now brackets are attached at the same distance from each other. A wooden beam is attached to the brackets. To level the level of the sheathing, wooden wedges are used.

The sheathing is installed very evenly; the lining will be placed on it. Otherwise, the coating will turn out wavy and ugly.

The wooden frame must be treated with an antifungal agent. This will extend the “life” of the ceiling covering.

Installation from metal profile:

On the walls, along their perimeter, fasten the metal profile. We fix the hangers.

The main profiles of the frame sheathing are attached to the suspension itself and the starting profile.

Before fixing the sheathing, be sure to adjust the level.

After installing the sheathing, we proceed to filing the ceiling covering.

Video - how to sheathe a ceiling with your own hands:

Sheathing with nails and clamps

Now let's talk about how to attach the lining to the ceiling. This is done as follows:

  • the boards are nailed to the sheathing strictly perpendicularly, pointing the panels towards the wall with a tenon;
  • install using a level, attaching it with self-tapping screws;
  • the second panel is inserted so that its tongue coincides with the groove of the first and is fastened in the same way as the first, applying a level.
  • hem to the end;
  • Holes are made in plastic panels with a drill before covering, thereby avoiding damage to the surface during installation.

The finished coating is decorated wooden skirting boards along the perimeter, which well hide the cracks of the cut lining.

To make the lining ceiling look beautiful, you can paint it. It’s better to coat it with varnish, and cover the trim, for example, the contour of baseboards, with a stain of a darker color in relation to the main one, and then with varnish.

Now you can admire the finished product beautiful ceiling made with your own hands.

Video - installation of plastic panels:

Cost in rubles

A real professional's work.

The cost of panels depends on the type of wood, its species, the quality of drying of the material, the equipment on which the panels are made, and their length.

The panels are divided into three price parameters: high, medium and low.

High– material High Quality made from hardwood soft tree species. They are processed according to European standards. Their price is never less than 310 rubles. behind square meter.

Average– deciduous hardwood trees, their price ranges from 215 to 310 rubles. per square meter.

Lowconifers. Their price ranges from 100 to 215 rubles. per square meter.

When calculating the cost of cladding work, we calculate the area of ​​the surface to be covered. Installation of cladding is estimated to range from 150 to 350 rubles. per square meter. It depends on the complexity of the work and the craftsman performing this work.

Knowing how to cover a ceiling with clapboard, using the information above, you can do it yourself. And if you need to hire a master, then you can independently calculate the cost of his work. Good luck!

For several years now, lining has been used to finish the ceiling surface. Various ways laying the panels will transform the room and create a unique original interior. At the same time, it’s easy to make a lining ceiling yourself if you choose quality materials and maintain the correct sequence throughout the work.

How to make a ceiling from clapboard with your own hands

Selection of materials and tools

The decorative ceiling consists of a frame base and facing material. To install the frame, a beam made of wood or a metal profile is used. The base is attached to the walls around the perimeter of the room and to the base surface.

Photo of the frame for attaching the lining

If the lining on the ceiling will be installed to wooden frame, choose timber with a thickness of 20x40, 40x40 or 50x50 mm. To make the frame even, wooden or plastic wedges are used, and the suspensions to the rough ceiling are mounted on anchor bolts, the beams are fixed to them with self-tapping screws. The lining is attached to the staples of a construction stapler, self-tapping screws with press washers or special clips, which are used mainly for installing plastic panels.

If you plan to build metal carcass, you need to purchase:

  • profiles made of galvanized steel;
  • pendants;
  • anchor bolts and screws for metal;
  • connectors.

In addition to materials, the work will require the following set of tools:

  • hammer;
  • perforator;
  • screwdriver;
  • water level;
  • tape measure, marker or pencil;
  • metal scissors for cutting metal profiles.

For the manufacture of decorative lining, metal, natural wood, plastic, aluminum or MDF are used. Panels made of wood and MDF will support the interior of a wooden house, plastic lining is suitable for finishing a bathroom or kitchen, and slatted structures will help create modern interior. Based on the functionality of the room, choose suitable type facing panels.

To make the ceiling beautiful and stable, you need to properly prepare it. The cladding will cover the base base, but you will still have to remove the old finish from the ceiling.

If there are cracks or other problem areas, they are sealed with a mixture of sand and cement, or filled with special putty. On final stage preparation, the ceiling surface is coated with an antifungal primer, which will provide reliable protection from mold.

In private houses, additional insulation of the floors is provided. To do this, different materials are used, which are glued to the base or placed in the cells of a pre-assembled frame, and covered with cladding panels on top.

Frame installation


Regardless of what material you plan to build a decorative ceiling from, the structure must be level. To do this, you will need to carry out high-quality markings.

First, the level of the future ceiling is determined. A straight horizontal line is applied to the walls using upholstery cord. The height of the ceiling depends on two factors:

  • room height;
  • whether lighting devices are supposed to be built into the design, and what their dimensions will be.

Depending on the height of the lamp, they further retreat downwards from the ceiling: for diodes - by 4 cm, for chandeliers or spotlights - by 7 cm or more.

If after some time the lining “goes in waves,” it means that the installation was installed incorrectly. The fastening step of the ceiling profiles depends on what material is used for cladding the lining ceiling: wooden or plastic panels, MDF boards.

Parallel lines are drawn under the profiles on the base surface. The first and last - 30 cm from the wall, the rest - every 60 cm (for plastic) and every 100 cm (for wood or MDF).

If you choose as the basis for the frame wooden beams, installation is carried out as follows:

  1. First, the wood is covered with a layer of protective impregnation;
  2. the beams are fastened perpendicular to the decorative panels;
  3. if the ceiling is supposed to be additionally insulated, then regardless of the type of cladding, the distance between adjacent ceiling beams is reduced to 60 cm;
  4. two beams are mounted on opposite sides of the room with 30 cm indentations from the walls, the plane is verified with a level;
  5. the remaining beams are fastened along the marked lines. If the thickness of the bars is different, to ensure an even horizontal plane, wooden dies are placed under them;
  6. the timber is fixed to the ceiling using driven dowels, anchors or screws;
  7. then stretch the fishing line and install the remaining frame elements.

To make the base reliable, you can lay cross beams that will increase the rigidity of the structure. Or carry out additional reinforcement at installation sites ceiling lamps. When the frame is ready, electrical wires are connected to the instrument locations.

The metal frame is built according to the same rules as when covering the ceiling with plasterboard:

  • a guide profile is attached to the horizontal line along the perimeter with dowels and screws;
  • on opposite sides 30 cm from the walls they fix ceiling profiles to the ceiling using adjustable U-shaped hangers. The suspension mounting step is 60 cm;
  • A nylon thread is stretched under the frame, along which the remaining elements are mounted. If there are differences, the height is adjusted with suspensions;
  • the frame is additionally reinforced with jumpers mounted using crab-type crosses;
  • bring the cable under the lamps.


Ceiling lining made of solid wood or MDF is attached to the frame in the same way:

  • First, the strip of lining is cut to the required length so that there is 5 mm of free space from the panel to each wall. Then, when the material expands under the influence of unfavorable factors, the ceiling does not deform. If the walls are uneven, it is better to cut the panels as you lay the frame;
  • the first strip along the length is attached to the guide profile, leaving a gap of 3-5 mm on the side. The next panel is inserted with a groove at a slight angle into the lock of the previous one, and pushed into it. To press the paneling tightly, tap the end of the part with a hammer with a rubberized tip. The other side of the plank is screwed to the profile at the bottom of the lock using self-tapping screws (if the frame is made of a metal profile) or nailed (for a base made of wooden beams);
  • when using self-tapping screws, even before installing the lining, holes for fasteners are pre-drilled on the locking part of the strip. If you do this under the ceiling, the cladding may break off. When using nails, additionally use a hammer so as not to damage the front side of the sheathing material;
  • As the cladding progresses, the cable is brought out under the devices, drilling holes in the panels. Thus, they advance to the opposite wall. The last strip is driven into the lock using small wedges driven between the panel and the wall surface.

Often the end strip has to be cut to width. Cut on MDF panels or plastic lining is made along the entire length on both sides, then the part is carefully broken. To cut solid wood paneling, use a hacksaw or an electric jigsaw.

Plastic lining is installed in the same way as solid wood, leaving gaps from the wall of 3-5 mm. But first, a U-shaped groove is attached around the perimeter, which will hide the ends of the strips of material.

This groove either forms part of the plinth, or is represented by a collapsible structure made of parts in the shape of the letter “L”. The first part is fixed after installing the frame, and the second when the ceiling is completely covered with plastic.

Since the evenness of the structure has already been established at the installation stage, during cladding you should try to push the panels into the groove as tightly as possible to prevent the formation of gaps.

How to attach false beams to a clapboard ceiling

Photo of a lining ceiling with beams

The use of false beams in the interior is a common type of finishing that is used by designers to emphasize different styles and directions. Beams are made from solid wood, plastic, polyurethane, etc. When choosing a suitable product, you must take into account reliability load-bearing structure, to which the elements will be attached. Thus, products made from natural wood are heavy, so the frame will have to be additionally reinforced in the places where the beams are attached.

It's better to choose polyurethane beams, hollow inside, painted to resemble natural wood. They weigh lighter, and will look no worse than natural wood. At the same time, they go well with the lining ceiling.

In general, attaching beams is not difficult. The main thing is to maintain consistency in your work:

  1. the side and bottom elements must fit tightly together. To do this, use a plane, which is used to adjust the end parts of the beams. The cut areas are rubbed with fine-grained sandpaper;
  2. special wedges for beams are made of wood. In this case, the wedge must exactly repeat the shape of the beam cavity (trapezoid);
  3. during marking, additional control lines are drawn on the side of the beam to provide guidance on the wedges;
  4. wedges are installed in the places where the beams are supposed to be located, screwed onto dowels and screws in increments of 1 m;
  5. in places where the beams are attached to the walls, a little glue is applied to the surface of the base. This will not only provide additional reliability, but also a tight fit of the product, which will prevent the formation of cracks;
  6. the false beam is put on a wedge, screwed with self-tapping screws, the heads of the screws are covered with decorative overlays or staples;
  7. if the beam is short, it is joined to the next one, the joint is also masked with a decorative element.

If desired, you can install original lighting into the beams. To do this, the wiring of the electrical cable is done in the cavity of the beam, using a protective shell, having previously made holes in the cavity of the wedges-beams. For polyurethane products, the power of the devices is chosen to be no more than 50 W.

Final stage

Do-it-yourself installation of lining on the ceiling does not end with just the cladding. Additionally, the gaps between ceiling surface and the walls are decorated with a plinth around the perimeter, which is attached to liquid nails, clips or screws if the fillet is made of wood.

When to give decorative ceiling different shade, the lining is covered with varnish or stain desired color. But it is better to do this before attaching the cladding to the frame base.

Lining in modern style interior design is in demand, as the trend towards natural (wood, MDF) and economical (plastic) materials is gaining momentum.

To make wooden lining, different wood species are used:

  • pine. Distinctive feature– soft brown shades;
  • spruce is inexpensive. But at the final stage it is better to paint the sheathed ceilings with varnish to express the surface structure;
  • Larch is a durable, beautiful material that can withstand moisture.

The white color of the surfaces is combined with different directions in the interior. For painting, choose oil or acrylic compositions.

Combinations of diagonal stripes of eurolining will make the room elegant. Others will add variety decorative elements. For example, moldings or beams with lighting.

Even a plastic lining with a suitable texture and pattern will look unusual and original. By combining the shades of the panels, you can divide the space into zones.

Designers have come up with many techniques with which a room will acquire an individual character:

  • narrow and long strips of lining will visually expand the spatial boundaries of the room;
  • strict lines will suit any style;
  • if you lay the panels in the form of a lattice, you will be able to reproduce an imitation of beams;
  • Plastic lining looks great when panels of different widths are used to cover the ceiling;
  • a white shade of the ceiling in tandem with a golden or silver color will add luxury to the room;
  • it will look good in the direction of minimalism or hi-tech slatted ceiling. The surface where clapboard cladding is combined with painting looks no less original.

Ceilings are finished with clapboard not only in country houses, but also city apartments. The main condition is that to obtain a unified interior, you need to maintain one style and choose materials that will be combined with each other.

Video on how to install lining on the ceiling, drawing squares