Proper care of Amur grapes. Description and features of the Amur grape variety: healing properties, planting, care, review of reviews

We are accustomed to considering grapes to be a southern, heat-loving and slightly winter-hardy plant. Only a few of the amateur gardeners in central Russia take the risk of growing it, and the majority do not want to master the difficult science of covering cultivated grapes for the winter. True, in recent decades a number of varieties of uncovered grapes have been developed for the middle zone, but they are still not widespread and, moreover, in some winters they still freeze slightly. But there is winter-hardy species grapes, which in the Moscow region and neighboring regions are not at all afraid of frost. This is Amur grape (Vitis amurensis). It grows, one might say, on its own. And although the size of the berries is far inferior to the cultivated European-Asian grapes, there are almost no differences between them in taste and aroma.

Amur grapes- Vitis amurensis Rupr.

In nature, Amur grapes are distributed on Far East Russia (Primorsky Krai and south of Khabarovsk) and in the northeastern provinces of China. It grows in cedar-deciduous forests, but is more often found in river and stream valleys, in clearings, forest edges, lower and middle slopes of mountains, and on islands of large rivers. It develops best in clearings and burnt areas, where it forms dense, impenetrable thickets in places. In forests, Amur grape vines, in search of light, climb to the tops of trees and entwine them or creep along bushes, grasses, stumps and stones. In culture since the 50s of the 19th century.

Powerful deciduous vine, reaching 20-30 m in length; entwining the trunks of tall trees and spreading from one to another, it gives forests and parks a unique tropical look. The bark is dark brown, peeling off in longitudinal strips. Young shoots are green or reddish. The antennae are long, forked, intermittent. The leaves are dark green, entire or 3-5-lobed, wrinkled, with a matte surface, up to 22 cm. In autumn, the leaves are carmine-red, violet-carmine, brown-chestnut and transitional tones. The flowers are small, inconspicuous, yellowish, with a thin pleasant aroma, collected in brushes various shapes and magnitude. Flowering lasts up to 20 days. The berries are thick-skinned, round, black, often with a bluish bloom, up to 1.2 cm in diameter, in loose cylindrical clusters, edible, with a taste ranging from sour to sweet.

Unlike the cultivated species, Amur grapes are a dioecious plant. There are vines with two types of flowers - male and female, but sometimes plants with bisexual flowers are found in nature. You can plant plants of both sexes, but you can limit yourself to planting vines with a functionally female type of flowering. In the latter case, the berries will be very small and the harvest will be lower, but all the berries will be seedless and raisin-shaped. Agree, this is a pleasant quality for a gardener. And with normal pollination, the fruits of Amur grapes contain from 1 to 3 (rarely 4) small seeds. Ripe berries are black with a blue bloom, round, from 8 to 18 mm in diameter (sultana berries are even smaller). In some forms, the sugar content in the fruit reaches 22-23%, but usually the berries are more sour. The clusters can be large, comparable in number of berries (but, of course, not in weight) with bunches of cultivated grapes. In exceptional cases, the length of the bunches reaches 25 cm and the weight - 250 g (usually 20-70 g).

It grows quickly, shoots grow 2.5 m in a year. Light-loving, smoke- and gas-resistant, can be used for landscaping industrial enterprises. The winter hardiness of the vine is very high. There are observations that Amur grapes are able to tolerate a decrease in air temperature down to -45°C, and in the root layer of the soil - down to -16°C (like seed rootstocks of an apple tree). In addition, the plant is not afraid of the accumulation of large amounts of snow on the vines.

All phenophases of Amur grapes occur in more early dates compared to the cultivated Euro-Asian species. Thus, mass flowering in the Moscow region occurs in the 3rd ten-day period of June, the setting of berries - in the 1st ten-day period of July, the end of shoot growth - at the end of July - early August, the ripening of the vine is completed by the beginning of September. As a result, the plants have time to prepare well for winter. The fruits of Amur grapes ripen in the first half of September. You should not be late in collecting them, because they burst and crumble. The berries, of course, are picked in whole bunches, especially since when trying to pick them “berry by berry” they are easily crushed. In addition to wine and juice, you can make jelly and jam from the fruits. Kishmish berries are also good to eat in fresh, their taste is sweet and sour.

There are varieties selected by I.V. Michurin that are resistant to phylloxera.

In GBS since 1938, 6 samples (17 copies) were grown from seeds brought from natural habitats of Primorye and reproductions of GBS. At 14 years old, the length of the shoots is 3.5 m. It grows from 13.V±4 to 9.X+8 for 149 days. In the first 3 years it grows quickly. It blooms from 3 years old, from 10.VII to 18.VII for 8 days. It bears fruit from the age of 4, the fruits ripen at the end of September. Winter hardiness is average. 95% of cuttings take root without treatment. Decorative. Used in landscaping in Moscow.

Location: The plant prefers loose and acidic soils. It suffers greatly from excess lime. It responds positively to the addition of strongly acidic high-moor peat to the soil. Amur grapes are moisture-loving; they need about 700 mm of precipitation per year. IN middle lane In Russia, the amount of precipitation is usually less, so the plant requires watering. To obtain healthy berries, it is better to plant the plant in a well-lit place, since shading may damage the berries powdery mildew grapes (mildew).

Care: great importance When growing grapes of any type, it has a formation. A well-known expert on northern viticulture, F.I. Shatilov, advises growing Amur grapes in a high-standard formation with perennial shoulders extending from the standard and annually trimmed annual sleeves extending from the shoulders. But in any case, it is necessary to remove thickening shoots while they are still green. By the way, these shoots can be rooted.

Reproduction: Easily propagated by cuttings, layering, and seeds. Seeds are stored in hermetically sealed containers for up to 5 years without losing viability. Soil germination is 60%, laboratory - 70 - 80%. When sowing in autumn or after cold stratification for 4 months, seedlings appear in 20 - 35 days. Planting depth 1.5 cm.

There is an opinion that cuttings of Amur grapes without growth substances root very poorly. But this observation apparently applies to lignified cuttings. Meanwhile, Amur grapes, unlike cultivated grapes, can be propagated by green cuttings (green cuttings of cultivated grapes take root well, but in open ground almost never survive the winter). Without treatment with growth stimulants under cover from nonwoven fabric 30-40% of green cuttings root. But when using Kornevin (a drug often found on sale, active substance which is indolyl - butyric acid), the rooting rate increases to 60-70%. Rooted green cuttings of Amur grapes winter well.

Usage: For vertical gardening. True, Amur grapes awaken quite late (mid-second half of May), so in the spring they are not decorative. But from the moment the leaves bloom, the plant is truly beautiful. The leaves are often whole, but can be 3-5-lobed and even deeply cut with grooves of various shapes. And, of course, grapes with clusters are attractive. At first, these clusters consist of yellowish small buds, then they open, and then you can see very miniature stamens and pistils, and then the berries begin to set. The majority of mature plants have fruitful shoots, and a vine strewn with clusters cannot but please the eye.

But in landscaping, Amur grapes are most valued for the elegant autumn color of the leaves, which can be red, pink, scarlet, orange and are successfully combined with dark blue clusters. The liana is used to decorate the facades of residential buildings, gazebos, arches and other small architectural forms. If it serves as a fence metal grid, then it is very good to plant Amur grapes along it. But next to fruit trees And berry bushes It is not advisable to post it. A powerful vine - its length reaches 5-10 m, and sometimes 18-25 m - can easily drown out its neighbors.

Materials used from "AiF at the Dacha" Internet version, # 16 (107) 23/08/2001
Photos by Konstantin Alexandrov

Ussuri or Amur grapes are an unpretentious crop that belongs to frost-resistant varieties. It is found naturally in Korea, China, and the Far East. The plant can be called a liana, since it entwines any support and stretches up 10 meters or more. The cultivation of wild Ussuri grapes dates back to the 50s of the 19th century. Liana does not require complex care and enhanced protection from frosty winters.

Features of Amur grapes

Amur grapes are a mid-season variety - this is stated in the description of practicing agronomists. 80% of its shoots bear fruit well, forming up to 3 clusters on each. From 1 hectare of plantings in good year you can collect 60 - 80 centners of grapes. The berries are fully ripened by early autumn. With a more modest seating arrangement and timely pruning bushes, the fruits ripen in the second half of August, because if there is free space, the bunches are more intensely irradiated by the sun.

Agrotechnical characteristics of Amur grapes:

  • The leaves are dark green, large, up to 15 cm long. The shape is whole, heart-shaped or lobed. Young greens have a light shade. It appears when the air warms up to 8 - 10 degrees Celsius.
  • The berries are purple or black with a bluish tinge. The diameter is 1 – 1.2 cm. The taste improves after frost. At different levels of ripening, the fruits have a sour, sweet-sour or sweet taste.
  • The shape of the bunches is cylindrical or cone-shaped with freely arranged berries.
  • The skin is dense, enveloping the light flesh.
  • Amur varietal grapes have high resistance to diseases, pests and weather changes.

What are the benefits of Amur grapes?

Outside of cooking and winemaking, Amur grapes are used in landscape design. Lianas perfectly landscape residential buildings and small architectural forms, curl hedges and arches, and disguise unsightly commercial buildings. The Ussuri liana is especially beautiful in the fall, when its foliage plays with the most unexpected colors (scarlet, pink, orange, red). The decorative qualities of the nursery will be appreciated by those owners who like to decorate their summer cottages.

Ripe Amur grapes are useful to eat fresh, because their medicinal properties are multifaceted. Doctors recommend consuming taiga berries for diseases of the liver and gall bladder, hemorrhoids, anemia, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, nephritis, gastritis with low acidity and impaired metabolism. As a dietary product, the fruits should be consumed 2 kg per day for 1.5 months.

Juice, raisins, wine, tartaric acid, compote, jam and preserves are prepared from Ussuri grapes. Fresh juice squeezed from grapes Amur variety, has a diuretic, diaphoretic and mild laxative effect. The juice also slightly lowers blood pressure.

Advantages and disadvantages of Amur grapes

Studying reviews of Amur grapes and looking at photos of bushes, it is not difficult to determine the merits of the crop:

But, like any fruit planting, Amur grapes have some disadvantages. For example, farmers consider the vigor of the bushes to be a “disadvantage” of the crop. This creates difficulties when removing the bunches. To increase the volume of the harvest and the size of the grapes, the plantings need to be significantly pruned. Considering the numerous advantages of Ussuri grapes, the disadvantages can be cast aside and high-quality pruning for the sake of obtaining a generous harvest.

Amur grapes: cultivation and care

What will be the planting and care of Amur grape bushes depends on the characteristics of the soil. Agronomists know several options for planting placement. So, when planting a vine on sandy soils shoots are deepened into trenches. To do this, perform the following steps:

For the winter, the vine is bent down and sprinkled with soil directly in the groove. This planting method is suitable for less frost-resistant hybrids (the crop is not a single one; the concept “Amur Grapes” unites a large number of varieties).

Planting vines on ridges is recommended when the site is located on clay or loam with shallow groundwater. One- or two-year-old seedlings are purchased and planted in holes with a depth and diameter of 50–60 cm. Drainage is arranged by placing scrap brick or expanded clay in the holes. The drainage pad is sprinkled with a mixture of earth, humus, river sand and high peat.

To reduce acidity, pour 2 - 3 shovels of ash and 2 tbsp into the holes. l. complex fertilizers. The seedlings are removed from the temporary container, watered and buried in the hole together with a lump of earth. The planted bush is watered and a mound is made at the root collar. To protect the young from damage by gusts of wind, they are tied to pegs.


You should not overuse watering of Amur grapes, because... excess humidity causes shedding of inflorescences and slows down the ripening of bunches. You need to water the bushes moderately and at the roots (you can put drainage channels under the grapes and make canopies over the bushes). Watering is stopped a week before flowering.

Pruning is not carried out in the first year after planting. From the 2nd year, bushes are formed by breaking off frail shoots (after the appearance of tendrils and inflorescences) and removing unnecessary branches and leaves. They do the breaking off from the bottom of the bush.

Amur grapes are the northernmost and most frost-resistant type of grapes, which grow in nature even in the taiga in the Far East. This type of grape is equally suitable for landscaping city squares, terraces, industrial areas and summer cottages. It is not too demanding to care for, is easy to replant, forms and grows very quickly (2-3 m per year).


Amur grape has the scientific name Vitisamurensis. The plant belongs to the Vinogradov family - Vitaceae, and belongs to the class of Dicotyledonous plants.

Habitat and place in ecosystems

The Asian relict species is distributed in Northeast China, Manchuria, the Amur region, the northern part of Korea and the Far East in areas close to the ocean.

It grows on the edges of deciduous and coniferous forests, on mountain slopes, and in river valleys.

Structural features and chemical composition Amur grapes

The life form of Amur grapes is a deciduous woody vine. The stem (or trunk) is long, thin, creeping, and can only be held vertically thanks to support. In nature, such support is provided by tree trunks or rocks. The bark on young branches is light brown, annual shoots are green. On mature and aging branches the bark is dark brown, falling off in thin strips.

The leaves are simple, palmate with reticulate venation, located oppositely on the branches. The leaf blade can vary in the degree of dissection, shape and size:

  1. Solid round;
  2. Whole ovoid;
  3. Three-blade;
  4. Five-lobed;
  5. Five-part;
  6. Tripartite.

Young leaves are pubescent on both sides - this is protection from the night cold and sunburn. Mature leaves have a developed cuticle covering the upper part of the leaf, so their hairs remain only on the lower surface.

The color of the leaves in spring and summer is green, the lower surface is lighter. In autumn, the leaves acquire bright shades: from yellow to purple and burgundy, which makes the grapes even more decorative.

Amur grapes, like all its relatives, cling to supports with the help of tendrils that always twist clockwise. Grape tendrils are modified shoots.

Small five-membered unisexual flowers are collected in inflorescences - complex racemes. The calyx of the flowers is underdeveloped and is a serrated ridge. And the petals, growing together, can form a cap (above the stamens), or they can be free. Despite the fact that the flowers are not conspicuous, they are pollinated by insects. To attract pollinators, Amur grape flowers use a scent that signals to insects that the flowers contain nectar.

Note: some types of grapes, including Amur, have different types colors: male, female, functionally female, bisexual, functionally male.

The fruit is a round dark blue or purple with juicy pulp and hard skin. Ripen in September. The fruits contain a lot of simple sugars (up to 22%), pectins, vitamins: C, group B, E, flavonoids, wax, and trace elements. In addition to these components, grape fruits contain a number of organic acids: grape, malic, acetic.

The fruits are distributed by birds.

Conditions for growing Amur grapes

Amur grapes – frost-resistant plant, which can withstand cold temperatures of -40-45 degrees. The plant can also tolerate freezing of the soil down to -10-12, while the roots of the grapes are not damaged.


Amur grapes love good lighting, does not suffer from direct sun rays. The plant needs sun. With a lack of light, the grapes become pale. Its shoots elongate greatly, becoming thin and leafless. In low light, grapes do not lay generative buds, and subsequently do not bloom, or bloom weakly.


Amur grapes can be called a universal soil plant. It can grow on calcareous substrates, on loams and even on soils with a high salt content.

The grapes withstand the lack of organic components (humus) in the soil and the proximity of groundwater.

Optimal for Amur grapes are slightly acidic or neutral substrates (pH 5.5 -7.0), with an average content of humus. When planting in heavy substrates, you need to provide the plant with additional drainage - make a layer of expanded clay or crushed stone at the bottom of the hole.

Humidity and watering

The huge surface of the leaves promotes strong evaporation, so Amur grapes require a moist substrate, and additional watering during dry periods.

Seedlings and young plants with a poorly developed root system die if there is insufficient watering. Therefore, in order to keep the soil moist, and at the same time not cause root rot, the ground around the grapes needs to be mulched. Bark, straw, sawdust, pine needles are suitable as mulch, the main thing is that its layer is at least 5 cm.


Fertilize Amur grapes organic fertilizers(mullein, droppings). This is done in the spring, when the roots have already awakened and began to actively draw in nutrients.

Dry fertilizers are applied to the tree trunk circles, and soluble fertilizers are watered.

Mineral complex fertilizers are applied in the same way.

Pruning Amur grapes

Pruning is carried out in late autumn, or in early spring(before the onset of bud development).

Use in landscaping

Amur grapes are used for landscaping terraces, balconies, fences and buildings. The leaves of the plant create dense shade; in addition, they retain dust and exhaust gases.

The grapes do not suffer from smoke and gases, so they are suitable for growing even in the center of a metropolis.

For support, the plant needs very strong objects: grapes have a lot of weight, and weak supports will simply collapse.

Note: Amur grapes cannot be planted next to fruit or decorative trees: As the plant grows, it will choke them.

Among the numerous wild species fruit and berry plants In the Far Eastern taiga, the vines of Amur grapes, actinidia acute and kolomikta, and Schisandra chinensis are of particular value

Amur grapes can be cultivated directly from the taiga without special selection. This determines the plant’s adaptability to various soil and climatic conditions. In terms of the content of biologically active substances, the fruits of Amur grapes are superior to many traditional berry plants. At the same time garden plots Far Eastern gardens, where vine climbing plants grow, are much richer and more decorative than even southern gardens.

Amur grape (Vitis amurensis Rupr)

Amur grapes are independent species extensive grape family. In the forest zone of the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories, the Amur Region it is found very often, forming in some places extensive thickets.

The best conditions for growth are found in the foothills of the Sikhote-Alin and Lesser Khingan. The most valuable forms of grapes are found here, the thickets reach the greatest density and high yield. In forests with tall trees, Amur grape vines reach twenty or more meters in height. On open places In clearings and burnt areas, the vines are smaller and usually spread along the ground or cling to the tops of bushes.

The leaves are medium-sized or large, three-lobed, less often five-lobed or almost entire.

The bunches of Amur grapes are broad-cylindrical or cylindrical in shape, the weight of the bunches ranges from 20 to 60 or more grams. The grape berries are small (about 0.3-0.7 g), round, blue-black in color, with a rich white coating. The pulp is juicy, usually sour, and in some forms sweet and sour. The taste of Amur grape berries improves after slight frosts. The berries contain 10-12% sugar and 1.8-2.8% acid. The berries are used to make jam, juice, compote, jelly, vinegar and other products, as well as for fresh consumption.

Amur grapes are a dioecious plant: female and male flowers located on different plants. Male specimens make up one third of total number plants. They bloom 1-2 days earlier than the female ones. The flower brush is large, up to 10 cm long and 2 cm wide, and looks like a small down jacket.

Females differ sharply from males in their flower clusters. They have a clearly defined ovary with a pistil at the apex; at the base of the ovary there are underdeveloped anthers on shortened stamen filaments.

Self-pollination of female flowers apparently does not occur, since the anthers are located much lower than the stigma and have a puny, underdeveloped appearance.

A valuable form of Amur grape with bisexual flowers was found in the Primorsky Territory. Pollination of Amur grapes is carried out with the help of insects and wind.

Productivity is determined by growing conditions and depends on the strength of development of bushes; depending on conditions, it ranges from 1.5 to 6-10 or more kilograms per bush.

Amur grapes reproduce by seeds and rooting of vines (layering). Cuttings take root very poorly, and those that are rooted form little growth in the first year.

Amur grapes are well adapted to local soil and climatic conditions. The growing season begins at a temperature of + 5... + 6°, in the southern regions of the Khabarovsk Territory in the first ten days of May. Shoot growth ends in early August. The vines ripen before the berries ripen. The growing season is 130-150 days. The vines can withstand air temperatures as low as -46°.

The root system is also highly winter hardy. Even in conditions of snowless winters and deep freezing of the soil, the roots of Amur grapes do not suffer from freezing. Thanks to this, the grapes can serve as a stable rootstock for cultivated varieties.

Extensive distribution area various conditions growth, the genetic characteristics of the plants themselves determine the appearance of forms of Amur grapes, differing in basic economically valuable and biological qualities: winter hardiness, yield, size of bunches, taste and technological qualities of berries, etc. There is often a difference in the quality of berries even among grapevines growing nearby .

Transfer to cultivation from the taiga makes it possible to identify and preserve from loss the best forms of Amur grapes already created by nature. The search for the most winter-hardy and high-quality grape varieties for breeding purposes is of great importance. At the same time, Amur grapes should be a component when laying garden protective edges in commercial and collective gardens. It is indispensable in landscaping decorative plantings, in individual plots of gardeners in collective gardens, in cities and towns of the Far East.

The simplicity and general availability of propagation of Amur grapes by sowing seeds makes it possible to grow a large number of seedlings for planting grapes for landscaping purposes

Amur grapes are the heritage and pride of the Far East. It is necessary to protect it in every possible way in the natural, taiga environment and cultivate it as much as possible.

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    In gardens and personal plots, you can choose a warmer place for planting grapes, for example, on the sunny side of the house, garden pavilion, or veranda. It is recommended to plant grapes along the border of the site. The vines formed in one line will not take up much space and at the same time will be well lit from all sides. Near buildings, grapes must be placed so that they are not exposed to water flowing from the roofs. On level areas it is necessary to make ridges with good drainage due to drainage furrows. Some gardeners, following the experience of their colleagues from the western regions of the country, dig deep planting holes and fill them with organic fertilizers and fertilized soil. The holes, dug in waterproof clay, are a kind of closed vessel that is filled with water during the monsoon rains. In fertile soil, the root system of grapes develops well at first, but as soon as waterlogging begins, it suffocates. Deep holes can play a positive role on soils where good natural drainage, permeable subsoil is provided, or reclamation artificial drainage is possible. Planting grapes

    You can quickly restore an outdated grape bush using the layering method (“katavlak”). For this purpose, healthy vines of a neighboring bush are placed in grooves dug to the place where the dead bush used to grow, and covered with earth. The top is brought to the surface, from which a new bush then grows. Lignified vines are laid on layering in the spring, and green ones - in July. They are not separated from the mother bush for two to three years. Frozen or very old bush can be restored by short pruning to healthy above-ground parts or pruning to the “black head” of an underground trunk. In the latter case, the underground trunk is freed from the ground and completely cut down. Not far from the surface, new shoots grow from dormant buds, due to which a new bush is formed. Neglected and severely frost-damaged grape bushes are restored due to stronger fatty shoots formed in the lower part old wood, and removal of weakened sleeves. But before removing the sleeve, a replacement is formed. Grape care

    A gardener starting to grow grapes needs to thoroughly study the structure of the grapevine and the biology of this interesting plant. Grapes are vine (climbing) plants and require support. But it can spread along the ground and take root, as is observed with Amur grapes in a wild state. The roots and aboveground part of the stem grow quickly, branch strongly and reach large sizes. IN natural conditions without human intervention, a branched grape bush grows with many vines of different orders, which begins to bear fruit late and produces crops irregularly. In cultivation, grapes are shaped and the bushes are given a shape that is easy to care for, ensuring a high yield of high-quality bunches. Planting lemongrass

    Schisandra chinensis, or schisandra, has several names - lemon Tree, red grapes, gomisha (Japanese), cochinta, kodzyanta (Nanai), kolchita (Ulch), usimtya (Udege), uchampu (Oroch). In terms of structure, systemic relationship, center of origin and distribution, Schisandra chinensis has nothing in common with the real citrus plant lemon, but all its organs (roots, shoots, leaves, flowers, berries) exude the aroma of lemon, hence the name Schisandra. The schisandra vine that clings or wraps around a support along with Amur grapes and three types of actinidia is original plant Far Eastern taiga. Its fruits, like real lemons, are too sour for fresh consumption, but they have medicinal properties, a pleasant aroma, and this attracted a lot of attention to him. The taste of Schisandra chinensis berries improves somewhat after frost. Local hunters who consume such fruits claim that they relieve fatigue, invigorate the body and improve vision. The consolidated Chinese pharmacopoeia, compiled back in 1596, states: “the fruit of Chinese lemongrass has five tastes, classified as the first category of medicinal substances. The pulp of lemongrass is sour and sweet, the seeds are bitter and astringent, and in general the taste of the fruit is salty. Thus, All five tastes are present in it." Grow lemongrass

Amur or Ussuri grapes (Vitisamurensis) are the most frost-resistant and most unpretentious appearance grapes IN natural conditions it grows in the Far East, as well as China and Korea. Lianas, covered with dense green foliage, are found in thickets and on the edges of forests, in river valleys, and on mountain slopes. Wild grapes entwines tall tree trunks, rising towards the sunlight, or spreads along the ground. Heavy clusters of dark berries decorate this plant.

Amur grapes began to be cultivated in the 50s of the 19th century. Due to its exceptional hardiness, this type of grape survives well in regions with cold winters and does not require complex care.

Distinctive features of Amur grapes

Amur grapes have a powerful vine that can climb a support 10 m or even more. Dark leaves usually different large sizes– their length is up to 15 cm.

Young leaves are colored light shades green and in summer can create a beautiful contrast with rich dark greens. Form grape leaves It can be whole, 3-5-lobed or heart-shaped. The first leaves appear when average temperatures approach +10°C.

Flowering occurs in the first weeks of June. Amur grape is a dioecious plant. You can plant only female plants on the site: in this case, the berries will be small, but sweet and sultry (there will be no seeds). To obtain good harvest large berries, one male and several female grapes should be planted nearby for pollination.

The Amur variety gives a stable and rich harvest in central Russia. The fruits usually ripen in September, becoming purple or almost black in color with a bluish waxy coating. Their diameter is approximately 1-1.2 cm.

The taste of the berries varies from sour to pleasant sweet and sour and even sweet, and improves after frost. Most often, excellent wine, fruit drinks, and jams are prepared from the fruits of Amur grapes. Fresh young leaves are suitable for preparing delicious salads, first courses and dolma.

Russian breeders have developed wonderful varieties of Amur grapes, characterized by resistance to weather factors, diseases and pests, excellent taste qualities and productivity.

Among them, it is worth highlighting “Amursky Breakthrough”, “Amethyst”, “Aleshkovsky”, “Amursky Potapenko”.

Decorative value

Amur grapes are successfully used in landscape design. This beautiful plant for vertical gardening of residential buildings, fences, gazebos, arches, pergolas and other small architectural forms.

Resistance to frost and air pollution allows it to be grown in relatively unfavorable urban conditions and to improve the areas of industrial enterprises.

Amur grapes look especially attractive in autumn. His beautiful leaves painted in various shades of color: red, orange, pink, scarlet. Dark bunches of berries look very advantageous against an elegant background of variegated foliage. These decorative qualities are of particular value for decorating a site.

Planting and care

First of all, you need to decide on the location, taking into account the characteristics of the soil. Amur grapes love acidic and loose soils and do not tolerate excess lime. Fertilizing the soil with strongly acidic peat will have a beneficial effect on the plant.

Grapes are planted in areas open to sunlight or slightly shaded. Be sure to take care of reliable and strong support for this fast-growing type of grape. You should not choose places to plant that are close to others fruit and berry crops to avoid them being drowned out by grapes.

The optimal size of holes for planting is 50x50x60 cm. Before planting, add mineral fertilizers. Fill the holes with a fertile layer of soil with the addition of organic fertilizers.

Amur grapes require regular good watering and periodic fertilizing with fertilizers. Formation is of great importance for plant care. First of all, choking shoots should be removed. The plant can be grown on a high trunk with shoulders and sleeves extending from it, or a crown can be formed into several tiers.

At good care Amur grapes will serve as a wonderful decoration for your site for many years and will bring joy a bountiful harvest tasty and healthy berries.