Prevention of osteochondrosis - exercises and office exercises, video. Sedentary work: what exercises will remove the consequences

Nowadays, the so-called passive lifestyle is gaining momentum. This type of activity involves sedentary activity, not related to physical activity profession. Many people understand that such work causes enormous harm to health, but not everyone has the opportunity to change their field of activity. various reasons. In addition, one may simply like the profession.

There is a way out of this vicious circle. Needs to be properly organized workplace, perform special sedentary exercises for women during the day, and in free time lead an active and varied lifestyle.

How to stay healthy

Why do office gymnastics:

  • the risk of developing spinal diseases is reduced;
  • prevention of pain in the lower back, neck, back;
  • blood circulation improves, the activity of all organs is activated;
  • breaks are good for the eyes, important for working at the computer;
  • the level of anxiety and stress decreases, the nervous system calms down;
  • blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol levels are regulated;
  • the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and obesity is significantly reduced;
  • activity has a positive effect on productivity and efficiency;
  • changing activities increases efficiency, energy, concentration;
  • relieves lethargy, drowsiness, absent-mindedness;
  • maintaining a good figure, normal weight, muscle tone.

Important. At proper organization your day, increasing activity, you will be able to avoid harmful effects on your health. In addition, if you follow simple recommendations that will become a habit over time, your health will improve.

In the morning

You shouldn’t jump out of bed at the first sound of the alarm clock and get ready to run errands. Set the alarm clock literally 5 minutes earlier and when you get up, lie down a little and stretch. It is advisable to do morning exercises. If you don’t have the strength to get up, do it without getting out of bed.

On the way to the office

Try not to use the elevator; walking up the stairs is an additional effective form of fitness. Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to get to work by bicycle, since there are few conditions for cyclists in our country. And the time to get to the office can increase significantly.

But there is another solution: get off a couple of stops earlier and walk. You need to walk for at least 30-40 minutes a day without a break. The procedure can be repeated in the evening, after working day.

In the office

While talking on the phone, get up and walk around the office. To communicate with colleagues, forget about calls or mail - go to them in person. Do not refuse if you need to take work documents to another department or pick them up. Organize your workspace so that you have to constantly get up for necessary things throughout the day.

Don't miss any opportunity to move. Practice the sports complex throughout the day.

Don’t forget about your eyes; every 2-2.5 hours it is recommended to be distracted for 10-12 minutes. At this time, you need to do exercises for your eyes and give them rest. While sitting at the table, watch your posture to avoid unpleasant consequences in the form of curvature of the spine, acute pain.

Suggest holding meetings and planning meetings while standing. Many companies in the world use this technique, including Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook. According to research by psychologists from the University of Washington, standing planning meetings are more effective than regular ones.

The duration of the events is reduced, the speech is clearly to the point without unnecessary water and introductions. When people are moving or standing, they generate fruitful ideas more often, and a feeling of a cohesive team appears.

Add to corporate culture exercises in the morning, during breaks. It is easier for everyone to do the exercises together; it is especially difficult for shy people to do alone.

Working as a team is more fun, easier, and there will be no chance to evade the responsibility to take care of your health. Such events will unite the team and have a positive effect on the work process.

After a hard day and at leisure

It is recommended to lead an active lifestyle. Walk more, do gymnastics at home or join a gym or swimming pool. A meeting with friends in a cafe can be moved to Gym. Playing sports with a group is more fun and interesting. There will be fewer reasons to skip training.

Sedentary exercises for women: 15 effective exercises

When performing the following workouts, performance increases, fatigue and fatigue decreases, and muscles warm up. You can complete all tasks or choose your favorite ones.

After completing gymnastics, you will have more strength for further work. The movements are performed while sitting on a chair; if possible, perform them while standing.

No. 1. Start by warming up your neck. Turn left, right, forward, backward. Then proceed with circular movements clockwise, then counterclockwise. Practice the movements slowly, without rushing, so as not to provoke pain.

No. 2. Clasp your hands behind your back with your palms facing away from you. Stretch carefully, perform this movement, but with your hands in front of you. Warm up stagnant muscles in this way.

No. 3. Without releasing your palms, lift your handles up. Lean right, left, forward, back as far as you can. Stretch your spine and side muscles.

No. 4. In this case, you need to clasp your hands into a fist while sitting on a chair, clasping it behind the back of the chair. Stretch your chest and back in this way.

No. 5. Straighten your left arm in front of you, bend it at the elbow, forming a right angle, turning your palm towards your face. Direct right hand place it on your elbow with your left bent. Stretch your shoulders by stretching your left hand with your right.

No. 6. Raise one arm up, place the other along your body. Bend your elbows and try to bring your palms together behind your back.

No. 7. Interlace your fingers at the back of your head. Without pressing, pull your head down with your handles, stretching your neck, top part backs.

No. 8. Place your palms on your knees. Arch your back like a cat, stretching each vertebra.

No. 9. Sitting straight, turn your entire body, not your head, first in one direction, then in the other. The movements are aimed at the back and shaping the waist.

No. 10. It is difficult to work the gluteal muscles while sitting, but it is possible. Sit on a chair, sitting in a relaxed state. Then sharply tighten your gluteal muscles and thighs for 10-12 seconds. Then relax and repeat a couple of repetitions.

No. 11. At the current stage, trousers are required; it is not recommended to perform in a skirt in a crowded office. Move away from the table or turn your chair in a different direction. Extend your legs straight in front of you at the level of the chair seat. Alternately, bending your knees, pull your legs towards your chest. The action is reminiscent of a bicycle and perfectly strengthens the abs.

No. 12. Sit straight on a chair. Raise one leg first, lower it, then the other. Exactly, parallel to the floor, without bending at the knees. Work on leg lifts for your calves, thighs, and knees.

No. 13. In the same sitting position, lift one leg at a time to your chest, you can help with your hands. Work the back of your thigh.

No. 14. Straighten your legs in front of you, placing them on your heels. Bend towards your toes first with one hand, straighten up, then with the other.

№15. The final stage rotate your feet and hands. Separately or simultaneously, turning in opposite directions.

The main rule is that you need to move more. But how exactly to move? And where? Here are five exercises with pictures.

Swing your legs

Lean against a table, a stable colleague or office tree. Start swinging your legs vigorously, first back and forth, then from side to side. Do 20 swings with each leg. This is the main exercise for sedentary work.


So what? We do leg exercises while sitting! When you take this simple pose, you'll get a great stretch in your hamstrings, quads, Achilles tendons, and even your lower back. Squat down, pretend that you are not embarrassed by the looks of others, and count down 30-60 seconds (not everyone can sit for a minute). After that, get up.

Pigeon sitting on the table

No, we didn't mean to call you names, but this exercise is inspired by the "pigeon pose" from yoga. Find a table or nightstand somewhere nearby. Bend your leg and place it on a hard surface as shown in the picture. Wait a minute, then switch legs. For comfort, you can place something soft under your knee.

Stretching on a sofa or chair

And one more type of stretching - an excellent exercise for sedentary work for men. After this, your legs will be curly and shiny. That is, strong and healthy. Place your knee on a sofa or chair, straighten up and carefully lean your body forward. Hold this position for 3-4 minutes, then change legs.

Human bridge

Modern youth have an idea of ​​the dangers of work that does not require physical activity. Usually like this work activity– the lot of people who spend their working day at the computer, which creates certain health problems. Judging by the observations of doctors, office workers more often than others suffer from back pain. To maintain proper health, it is necessary to use exercises specifically designed for sedentary work.

Problems that may arise during sedentary work

Research by medical scientists suggests that people who move little and spend most of their working hours sitting in a chair age much earlier than those who work physically by 5 and sometimes 10 years. This applies to professions such as cashiers, office employees, freelancers, and operators.

According to researchers, the body of people leading a sedentary lifestyle ages 5-10 years earlier

Diseases that can develop due to sedentary occupations:

  • poor posture;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • constipation;
  • kyphosis;
  • radiculitis;
  • disc protrusion;
  • sexual problems;
  • problems of the cardiovascular system;
  • excess weight;
  • apathy;
  • diabetes.

Sedentary work can provoke painful attacks in the muscles, general weakness, and constant contact with the monitor weakens vision. Redness of the eyes, dryness and a feeling of sand indicate the occurrence of the so-called office syndrome.

Organizing a place for sitting work

Those who spend their daily working day without moving should not look for a new position to maintain their health. It will be enough to listen to the advice of experts and follow a few simple rules.

Most office workers suffer from cardiovascular diseases

What do we have to do:

  • organize your workplace correctly;
  • choose a comfortable chair of the required rigidity and height;
  • install the monitor in front of you, not to the side;
  • take care of good lighting;
  • Ventilate the room more often.

One of the main mistakes people make when sitting at work for a long time is incorrect posture. The first thing you need to learn is to monitor your body position and control your posture during the working day:

  • straighten your back, don’t slouch;
  • keep your head and body straight;
  • point your chin parallel to the floor;
  • Tighten your stomach;
  • place your feet on the floor;
  • the level of the knees should be higher than the level of the hips (you can use a stand);
  • The lower back rests on the back of the chair.

Even if you strictly follow all the rules, by the end of the working day a person will experience fatigue and aches in the spinal region. To prevent this from happening, if you need to do sedentary work, you need to take regular breaks and perform simple exercises for your back. It is recommended to combine rest with gymnastics, specifically designed for employees engaged in sedentary work, which will help strengthen the body. Walking and, if possible, staying for long periods of time are very beneficial for health. fresh air. Ideal option may become a regular visit gym or swimming pool.

Sedentary work– the main cause of severe weakness, muscle pain, diabetes, constipation and hemorrhoids

Conventionally, all gymnastic exercises are divided into groups:

  • home activities;
  • a set of exercises for the office.

Staying in a sedentary state for a long time leads to muscle discomfort and has a negative impact on overall well-being. All exercises that will help a person overcome the negative effects of movement deficits are extremely simple, do not require special sports equipment other than a chair, and take a minimum of time. The body should be energized at the beginning of the day, and morning work-out is perfect for this. Five minutes of active exercise will help awaken and activate the condition of the spine and muscles.


All exercises take no more than a few minutes and are repeated 5 to 10 times. They should cover all spinal regions, including the cervical:


To improve blood circulation in the back muscles, special exercises are recommended, for example, clasping your hands together and stretching them forward, exhale, while simultaneously drawing in your stomach and lowering your head down.

Sit on a chair and spread your legs wide, placing your hands on your hips. Turn your torso alternately in both directions. This exercise has a positive effect on the muscles of the lower back and middle back.

All exercises can be performed until a pleasant tingling sensation appears and a feeling of complete muscle relaxation appears.

Gymnastics for the press

Any set of exercises must include abdominal training. Such exercises are especially necessary for women with sedentary work. It is in them that the weakening of the muscles in the waist area negatively affects their figure.

You need to tense your abdominal muscles while counting to 5

  • pull your stomach in and hold this position for 5 seconds, then return to the original position. You can start with 10 repetitions, gradually increasing the number of exercises. This type of exercise is ideal for both in the office and while walking or relaxing at home;
  • tilt your body alternately in each direction with your arms down and your back straight;
  • The usual tension of the muscles in the abdominal area for 5–6 seconds will also provide good help to the press. Over time, it is advisable to increase the load.


You can't ignore the legs. Sedentary work provokes the following inconveniences:

Poor circulation, stagnation of venous blood.

Lack of necessary physical activity.

Somewhat absolutely simple exercises will give the opportunity to restore health to the legs and ease the work of the heart:

Alternate tension and relaxation of the thigh muscles should be carried out in such a way that the kneecaps move. Repeat at least 10–15 times.

Bend and straighten your toes. During the exercise, breathing is voluntary.

You need to train yourself to do exercises for sedentary work at least 3 times a week.

One of the simplest, but nevertheless effective exercises is to dangle your legs, as children like to do while sitting on a chair. Time in this option not limited.

Tighten your gluteal muscles and count to five, relax. Each subsequent voltage should increase over time.


Sitting at a computer for long periods of time can contribute to the development of a condition known as “carpal tunnel syndrome,” the main cause of which is repetitive use of the hands.

A regular set of special exercises is designed to cope with the problem:

  1. Make circular movements with your hands alternately in each direction, bend and unbend, moving up and down. This exercise is performed with your arms extended forward.
  2. Using fists with clenched fingers, make rotational movements in each direction.
  3. Raising your arms up and to the sides, shake your relaxed hands.
  4. Use a small soft ball to squeeze with your fingers and palms.
  5. Massage each finger, starting from the pad and moving to the base. In this case, the skin needs to be turned in one direction and the other.

Despite its simplicity, this complex gives positive results.

Sedentary work requires increased attention to your health. Here you need to remember the main rule necessary for good health - maximum amount movements. It is imperative to do special gymnastics, which will help activate the body’s work processes and improve blood circulation, which will have a positive effect on muscle function. Walking should not be neglected either. The best option for strengthening gymnastics there will be a cycle of classes three times a week. Such regular charging will make it possible to minimize Negative influence sedentary work on the state of the body. Special attention It is worth paying attention to maintaining a temporary alternation of work and rest. The break between them should not exceed three hours.

What are we risking while sitting in the office? It would seem that sitting in the office is not unloading cars. However, when working sedentarily, we are faced with problems with the cervical spine.

The cervical region is the most vulnerable part of the spine, since the cervical vertebrae fit very tightly to each other, and the muscle corset is quite weak. Therefore, even with a slight load on the neck, the risk of vertebral displacement increases, which leads to compression of blood vessels and nerves.

People in many sedentary professions (managers, accountants, lawyers, teachers, journalists) face neck problems. Since they remain long time in a tense, fixed position with a bowed head. Maybe someday the body will adapt to a computer-sedentary lifestyle, but so far adaptation is difficult.

Over time, a characteristic posture appears: the head seems to be pulled into the shoulders, the neck muscles compress and shorten. As a result, the neck looks thicker and shorter, and the shoulders become sloping. A stoop occurs with a constant tilt of the head forward.

The main problem of all cervical problems is a sedentary lifestyle and an unphysiological position of the body in tension, so the following rules must be followed.

Proper organization of the workplace during sedentary work

How to properly organize your workplace if you have a sedentary job?

1) The chair is the main element of the workplace; it bears the main load of the body. He must maintain the correct posture, taking into account the characteristics of the figure, but also change it to reduce statistical tension in the muscles of the cervico-brachial region and back. It’s good if it is adjustable in height, seat and back angles.

To determine the most suitable height, sit on a chair and place your hands on the keyboard: your feet should be completely touching the floor, your hips should be slightly higher than your knees, your back should feel supported, and your forearms should be parallel to the floor.

2) The monitor should be placed on the table directly in front of you at approximately arm's length with the top of the monitor at eye level or below.

3) It is important how your hands are positioned. Elbows should rest on the table or at least on the armrests, this will reduce static muscle tension, but not hang in the air.

4) The cervical region is the top of the spine, so the position of the legs must be correct. Bend them more often, stretch them, move your feet, place them on the foot.

Correct posture when sitting

Watch your posture.

A properly organized workplace is only the first step towards prevention. possible diseases. To ensure that working at a computer does not cause harm, you need to constantly monitor your body position. Correct posture relieves muscles as much as possible and allows you to work with less fatigue.

The head should be kept level in relation to both shoulders. When you look down, your head should not lean forward.

If you are constantly hunched over while working, the load on the spine increases, leading to excessive stretching of the muscles.

You may begin to feel muscle pain as you begin to sit with correct posture. Don't worry, it will take some time to adapt to the new loads.

Even correct posture will not help if you sit in one position all day. Sitting for a long time will lead to muscle fatigue. Stand up from time to time, or slightly change the height of your chair to change general position bodies. Take 20-minute breaks every two hours. During this time, walk along the corridor, go up and down the stairs several times, or do simple exercises.

Simple exercises for sedentary work

  1. Place your palm on your forehead, press your forehead onto your palm, tensing your neck muscles. The palm should resist the pressure of the forehead for 7-10 seconds. Do it 4 times. Perform the same exercise by placing your palm on the back of your head - 4 times.
  2. Attach left palm to your left temple and press it on your palm, straining your neck muscles for 10 seconds. Do it 4 times. Repeat the exercise by pressing your right temple onto your right palm.
  3. Tilt your head back a little. Overcoming the resistance of tense neck muscles, gradually lower it onto your back. Finish the exercise by pressing your chin to the jugular fossa. Repeat 6 times.
  4. Stand straight with your shoulders back. Slowly turn your head as far as possible to the right 6 times, then to the left 6 times.
  5. Lower your head to your chest. Relax your neck muscles. Try to “rub” your collarbones with your chin, gradually increasing the range of motion. Do it 10 times.

The whole complex will take you only 10 minutes, but your neck will confidently support your head: muscle tension will be relieved and blood circulation will improve in the collar area, and the mobility of the vertebrae themselves will improve. Monitor your sensations - do not increase the intensity of movements due to tension.

Correct lifestyle during sedentary work

Adjust your lifestyle.

Look at yours sleeping area- the bed should not be very hard and not very soft. It would be better, of course, if it was an orthopedic mattress. For the health of your spine, it is important not only what you sleep on, but also how.

Sleeping on your stomach is the worst thing that can happen.

Sleeping on your back is acceptable, but if your knees are bent or a bolster is placed under them.

The most optimal position for sleeping is the fetal position, on your side, with your knees pulled towards you.

Lack of physical activity is as harmful as its excess. If you have a sedentary job, find time to exercise, such as swimming. It does not allow sharp turns or intense impact on the spine, but strengthens the muscle corset, maintains the vertebrae in a physiological position, and improves blood circulation throughout the spine.

Try to eat foods containing a lot of calcium and magnesium, these microelements strengthen bone tissue and promote its restoration (fish and seafood, spinach, beans, nuts, seeds, peas, wholemeal bread, dairy products, cheeses.)

Remember to keep your body weight normal. Every extra 500 grams increases wear on joints and contributes to the faster development of spinal problems.

Exercises for sedentary work by Dr. Shishonin A.Yu.

Sedentary work causes:

  • back discomfort and lumbar pain;
  • impaired memory and concentration;
  • drowsiness;
  • dizziness;
  • lack of oxygen in the brain.
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • hypertension;
  • frequent migraines.

Shishonin's gymnastics helps get rid of these problems. Candidate of Medical Sciences, Academician Shishonin A.Yu. offers simple effective exercises for the cervical region. The doctor is sure that the main problem of poor health in adults is poor circulation due to tense neck muscles. Stiff muscles put pressure on the nerves, causing severe pain.

  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • migraine, dizziness, frequent headaches;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • high blood pressure;
  • problems with memory and attention;
  • insomnia.

You can do these exercises during your lunch break or right at your desk. Each gymnastic exercise must be performed 5 times in different directions.

  1. Sitting slowly, without jerking, tilt your head and reach the top of your head towards your right shoulder. When muscle tension appears, hold for 30 seconds and return your head to the starting position. Now bend towards your left shoulder.
  2. Lower your head down and hold for 30 seconds. Smoothly stretch your neck forward and upward and hold again for 30 seconds.
  3. Turn your head to the left until you feel pain, hold for half a minute. Repeat on the other side.
  4. Now we perform the same exercise as the third, but we connect the shoulders. Place your right hand on your left shoulder, keeping your elbow parallel to the floor. The other hand rests calmly on the knee. We fix the position for half a minute and repeat in the opposite direction.
  5. We connect our palms above our heads, bend our elbows slightly and perform head turns, holding for 30 seconds.
  6. Place both palms on your knees. Slowly pull your chin up and move your arms behind your back, fixing the position for 30 seconds. After repeating in the other direction, you need to do a light stretch - tilt your head to your right shoulder and lightly press on your neck with your hands, the same in the opposite direction.
  7. We do the next exercise while standing. Keep your chin parallel to your toes and stretch your neck forward. Turn your head to the left and reach your shoulder as far as possible, hold for 30 seconds. Repeat on the other shoulder.

Make sure your back is always straight!

It is better, of course, if you do this complex every day.

Exercises for the neck while working sedentary

  1. Standing, hands on your belt, torso straight. Take a deep breath, pull your head as far back as possible. Then we stretch the muscles of the larynx. We return to the original position and exhale.
  2. Sitting, back straight, head raised up, take a pencil in your mouth and begin to draw numbers from 1 to 10 in the air.
  3. With your mouth closed, tilt your head forward until your chin touches your chest and, exhaling, strain the muscles of the back of your neck. We relax and take a breath. Repeat 15 times.
  4. Standing, hands on your belt, feet shoulder-width apart. Inhale - move your head and neck forward and slightly to the left; we focus our gaze on a point located in front on the floor at a distance of approximately 1.5 m. Exhale - return to the starting position. Then we repeat the movement to the right. We do it 15 times.
  5. Sitting, legs slightly apart, forearms on hips, fingers interlocked, palms facing up. Inhale - the head and body turn to the left, then the head leans back, at the same time the right shoulder drops, and the left one goes up a little. We return to the original position and exhale. Same in right side. We do it 15 times.
  6. Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, half-clenched fists on the belt. Start left hand behind your back and sharply throw it diagonally upward, clench your fist. Then unclench the fist of your left hand, place your right hand behind your head and, resting your palm on the back of your head, push your head to the left. Straighten your neck and push your head forward. Return your head to the starting position, extend your right arm to the side, then bend your elbow and clench your fingers. You need to do it 15 times in each direction.
  7. We relax the neck muscles and describe circular movements clockwise, then in the opposite direction. Do 10 times in each direction.

Conclusion: exercises during sedentary work will give results only if they are performed regularly.

Best regards, Olga.

We are constantly looking for excuses for not exercising. One of them is that we don't have time for this because of work. Now you will have one less excuse, because the complex that we will show you today can be done even at your desk!

It includes 9 exercises that stretch the muscles, tone them and help avoid unpleasant back pain. The exercises work every part of the back, starting at the top and ending with the lower back. To this complex you can also add the same set of neck exercises that you can find.


This exercise works the upper back. Sit up straight and place both feet on the floor. The arms should hang along the body. Raise your shoulders toward your ears while keeping your neck straight. Pause for a moment and lower your shoulders back. Repeat several times.

Reduction of the shoulder blades

Sit upright with your feet on the floor and your arms extended along your body. Squeeze your shoulder blades together without lifting your shoulders. Pause for a second and pull your shoulders forward. This will stretch your shoulder girdle in the opposite direction. Repeat the exercise several times at a slow pace.

Shoulder rotations

Sit upright with your feet on the floor. Place your hands on your shoulders. Rotate forward a few times as if you were swimming. Repeat several times and do the same in the opposite direction.

Back crunches

Sit upright on the edge of a chair with both feet on the floor. Your knees should be parallel to each other. Place your hands behind your head and twist your torso to the right and then to the left. Repeat several times.

Lumbar arches

Sit upright on the edge of a chair with your feet flat on the floor and your hands behind your head. Arch your back and look at the ceiling. The neck, shoulders and head should go as far back as possible, and the middle of the back should go forward. Repeat several times.

Seated Forward Fold

Sit up straight with both feet on the floor. Bring your knees together and lean forward, resting your chest on them. Avoid rounding your back. You can help yourself a little by holding your shins with your hands. Stay in this position for as long as possible and return to the starting position. Repeat several times.

Side bends

Sit on the edge of a chair and place both feet on the floor. Keep your knees parallel to each other. Place both hands behind your head and tilt your torso to the left. Return to the starting position and tilt it to the right. Do not lean your back forward or backward. Repeat several times.

Cat-cow pose (Marjariasana-bitilasana)

Sit on the edge of a chair and place both feet on the floor. Your knees should not touch; place your hands on your knees. Extend the middle of your back forward, trying not to help yourself with your pelvis and shoulders. Then, round your back and stretch it back. Repeat several times at different paces.

Side bends

Sit upright on the edge of the chair. Place your hands on your knees. Bend your back to the left side, then repeat the same to the right side. Don't help yourself with your shoulders and pelvis. Repeat several times.

You can find a description of these exercises in the original