Placement of tiles in corners. Ways to design external corners in the bathroom

There are different ways to join tiles in corners. Everything depends on imagination and judgment “what is good and what is bad.” For internal corner There are two possible connection methods:

  • Joining tiles using an internal overlay corner.

The inner corner of the cladding can be decorated with a plastic corner. But this method is being used less and less often. There is a reason for this - why do we need an extra detail?

  • Easy pairing of tiles.

You can arrange the joining of two tiles on the wall in the corner without plastic, just with a seam. Typically, such a seam is placed on the invisible side of the corner. If you lay tiles in a corner without a seam, then after grouting, there will be a black gap at the joint. The only way to fix it later is with silicone. And it’s good if the color of the silicone and the grout match. Which happens rarely.

Joining tiles at the inner corner.

Flaws. A crack may appear in the grout in such a connection. Western technologies recommend that for plasterboard and similar structures, filling the vertical seams at the inner corners with sanitary silicone. For brick walls, such a precaution is unnecessary.

Sealing the inner corner of the shower cabin with silicone.

With options for the outer corner, a person's imagination is more fruitful. Here you can use five docking methods:

  • The most common is to cover the edge of the tile with an applied outer corner. It can be plastic, aluminum or brass. But this does not change the essence and method of installation. Installation is carried out while laying the tiles. Disadvantages – This is another design element. How less number similar details, topics more interesting design. And further. Corners get dirty faster and are more difficult to clean along with ceramics.

Outer plastic corner on the box

  • Lately, laying tiles in corners with outer corners has become less popular. “Everything is like everyone else” is the main culprit of this cooling. This is being replaced by the technology of grinding tiles at the end at an angle of 45 degrees. This makes it possible to do without corners. The angle becomes more natural and harmonious. But making such an angle requires skill and tools. What does not make this method cheaper than the previous ones. The second disadvantage of this solution is increased vulnerability. At the slightest impact, the tile at the grinding site breaks off.

Designing tiles on coal without plastic

  • The third method is less common, but still present in the finishing of external corners. Especially when faced with hog tiles. Its meaning is to alternately align the end of the tile on one side, then on the other. There are people who think that “this is beautiful.” It's their right. And maybe there is something in this.

Option for tiling a corner with “hog” tiles

  • The fourth technique can be considered a variation of the previous one. Only the end of the tile is visible on one side of the corner. It is not hidden or ennobled in any way. This method is typical for tiles on steps and protruding plinths. It is impossible to do otherwise in these cases. The only trick that can be used is to expose the painted end of the tile. On many tiles, one of the four ends is the color of the tile. Another option is possible when facing with natural stone.

The end of the tile on the plinth.

The end of the tile in the shower stall.

  • The fifth method is very rare and not for everyone. I'm one of those fans. The idea of ​​this corner design is that none of the tiles protrude onto the corner line, but are located in their own plane. The inner corner formed from the two ends of the tiles is formed using grout in a semicircle.

Below is a video where there are still fans of this angle:

  • Sixth method. Little known but interesting in concept and the method of implementation.

Excerpts and consultations:

1. How to tile an internal corner uneven walls Oh?

On uneven walls, before starting cladding, it is necessary to do . Having previously determined where and how far the angle goes from the vertical. Otherwise, it is possible that starting from the bottom with a whole tile, a gap of several centimeters will appear under the ceiling in the corners (depending on the walls).

Tiles on the inner corner with curved walls.

If you start filling these gaps with pieces of tiles, then the entire wedge on the wall will be visible. The seams are located more or less vertically. Therefore, each case has its own tile layout. But general rule such that you need to place pieces of tiles along the edges (if the layout allows). Moreover, the pieces should be large, more than half of the tile. In such a trim, the deviation of the walls from the vertical is not visible.

Other tile options in the corner.

2. “ do they join tiles at corners abroad?”

They don’t “bother” much. Basically, the “G” chrome corner covers the end of the tile:

Tile is one of the most popular, practical and inexpensive finishing materials. This is why tiles can so often be found on walls, floors and ceilings in the kitchen, bathroom or toilet room. But when tiling, tiles alone are not enough. In order for the interior to look beautiful and complete, it will be necessary to use and additional elements, including the corner.


A corner for tiles is not a mandatory element of the cladding, but, nevertheless, it solves a very important functional and decorative problem.

To fully appreciate the benefits of the corner, you need to carefully consider its advantages:

  1. Possibility of designing complex geometric surfaces. Cutting tiles at an angle of 45° is very difficult, and sometimes completely impossible. Using a corner allows you to solve this problem and do without cutting at all.
  2. Masking uneven and rough edges of tiles. A cut made using a corner turns out to be perfectly even and smooth.
  3. Decorative factor. A corner made in a contrasting color gives the finished canvas a finished and neat look.
  4. Waterproofing. Using the corner - perfect solution issue with moisture getting into the joints between the tiles. The corner prevents the formation of mold and mildew, significantly increasing the service life of the coating itself.
  5. Safety. Using an angle helps prevent possible injuries from slipping on wet floor. The corners and ends of the tiles may have chips or unevenness, which can lead to various cuts or injuries.

If the design involves tiling a bathroom or other room in a complex stylistic decision, for example, baroque, folklore, ethnic, then the corner can be an obligatory part of the composition.

Species and types

The corner is used to design corners, joints between tiles, complex surfaces, places where plumbing fixtures meet the wall, etc. According to its form, it is divided into two groups: external and internal.

  1. Outer corner. Used to decorate wall projections. This is necessary because this part of the coating is under constant mechanical load. The sharp ends of the tiles, closed with a corner, completely eliminate the danger for nearby people. In this case, the corner performs and cleanly protective function. The outer corner can be placed immediately during installation tiles or after finishing work on the finished coating.
  2. Inner corner. It is used to design corner joints of tiles at the intersection of adjacent planes, for example, a wall and ceiling, as well as the junction of a shower stall and a wall. This corner has a somewhat rounded, concave shape. Using an inner corner prevents moisture from getting into the joints between tiles or tiles and the wall.

Depending on the functions performed, corners can be decorative or functional. Decorative corner used purely for aesthetic purposes. A corner that is contrasting or the same color as the main canvas gives the interior a more harmonious and stylish look. The functional corner takes on a serious mechanical load.

Most often, corners are made of plastic, metal or ceramics. However, the fastest, most inexpensive, but also short-lived and less attractive option for designing joints is a strip border. Most often, such a corner is self-adhesive. Some models are pre-treated with a fungicidal compound to prevent the appearance of mold and mildew. This corner is very easy to use, it bends well and does not crack.


The following materials are used to make corners:

  • Metal (aluminum). Universal material, the shade of which harmoniously combines with any color scheme of the interior. In addition, aluminum combines well with other metal structures rooms, for example, a shower stall or other plumbing fixtures. The advantages of such a corner include its lightness, high strength, durability, and corrosion resistance.
  • Corners are often made from metal alloys. Most often, they are coated with gold or silver paint (such options are considered universally suitable for different interior colors). The corners are nickel-plated or chrome-plated.
  • A corner made of PVC (polyvinyl chloride) has a number of advantages. It is very light, quite durable, has excellent waterproof ability, and is available in a huge range color solutions, which makes it easy to select suitable option even for the most sophisticated interior.
  • Ceramic corner (or ceramic profile)- one of the most best options from the point of view of the aesthetic integrity of the interior. Often a ceramic corner is part of a tile collection, so it is best to purchase just such a model.

If we compare the corners from different materials according to several criteria, then metal, of course, will not come out first in terms of durability. The materials with the shortest service life include polyethylene and PVC.

Metal corners also provide the greatest tightness. The worst indicator on this list is plastic.

The advantages of polyethylene tape include the ease of installation and the lowest cost of the materials presented above. However, constant exposure to moisture leads to the fact that after a couple of years the tape will have to be changed. Plastic is a very affordable material, it is easy to install, resistant to fungus and mold, and quite elastic.

The advantages of a ceramic corner, in addition to high strength and waterproofness, we can also include low thermal conductivity and an impeccable aesthetic appearance over a long service life. Disadvantages include high cost and difficulty of installation, especially in interiors with non-standard architectural design. Perhaps the only factor in the wear of ceramics is impact resistance. After strong blow, ceramic can quickly begin to crumble, so it should be replaced as soon as possible.

How to choose?

The choice of corner for tiles depends on several factors:

  1. Tile thickness. Depending on this indicator, the corner can also have a whole range of different thicknesses. Professional builders It is recommended to choose a corner 1 mm larger than the thickness of the purchased tile.
  2. Design features. According to the type of rigidity, the corners are divided into 3 groups (hard, semi-rigid and soft). Depending on the complexity of the architecture, you can choose the most suitable corner option. Plastic cuts well and is suitable for decorating complex geometric designs, including curved ones. Metallic profile ideal for geometrically clear and straight spaces.
  3. Before purchasing a corner, it is best to take a sample of the tile that you plan to use for cladding to the store. This way you can choose a corner that best matches the color. This applies, of course, to those cases when the corner and tiles are purchased from different collections.

Laying options

Before choosing a installation option, you need to determine which ceiling covering will be used. If the ceiling is made of gypsum plasterboard or it is suspended, then this is perfect option. The corners are installed exactly to the mark where the ceiling covering will go. Before installing the corner, you need to make necessary measurements and perform trimming.

There is no clear decision about what to lay first – tiles or tiles.

  • The first option is to lay the corners on a previously marked surface. Then the main sheet is laid, and the tiles at the joints with the corner are trimmed.
  • The second option is tiling the walls and laying corners. This method is a little simpler than the first, however, with the first, the finished coating looks neater.

Before starting installation, experts advise taking careful measurements and marking the walls, as well as filing the corners at the joints. The appearance of the finished interior depends on how correctly and accurately this stage of work is performed.

How to install?

Typically, tiling begins around the bathtub.

Laying a corner on top of a tile is done as follows:

  1. The surface of the tile must be carefully prepared, cleaned and degreased.
  2. Then the places where the bathtub comes into contact with the wall are treated with sealant. Even if the bathtub is adjacent to the wall, there are still gaps. Moisture can get there and cause the appearance of fungus and mold. After sealing the joint, the corner is treated with an adhesive solution (liquid nails) and laid to the surface of the bathtub. In this case, the bar must be pressed tightly over the entire surface.
  3. Next, lay the tiles in a vertical direction, and then install the internal and external corners.

The greatest difficulty in the process finishing works tiles represent the design of joints.

Despite the apparent correctness of the geometry of the room, there are no perfectly flat surfaces. It is for this reason that you need to choose best option corner mating of the tile, which can be represented by:

  • laying corners using trims;
  • mounting the external corner with a special corner;
  • laying tiles “joint to joint” with an angle on the front side of 45 degrees;
  • laying with finishing of ends;
  • corner laying “joint to joint” without cutting.

Tile and Tile Joint Options

Standard joining of tiles is carried out in the corners and the design option depends entirely on the type of corner: internal and external (the classification of corners is the same as during installation ceiling plinth described in this). There is no universal advice here and the technology will depend on many factors. In addition, each method has not only advantages, but also shortcomings, which must be taken into account when choosing a docking option.

Joints at internal corners

Joining at an internal corner can be done in two different, but equally effective ways:

Docking with an internal overhead corner

It is used for corner arrangement quite often and is based on the use of a plastic corner. It is considered less appropriate due to the presence of additional, and sometimes unnecessary, parts.

Standard pairing

The most profitable option, which allows you not to use additional parts and is based on the design of a simple seam. As a rule, the seam is made on the invisible part of the corner. The main thing is to correctly calculate the size of the seam so that final stage there was an opportunity to use high-quality grout.

The main disadvantages include possible education cracking in grout areas, which is due to the tendency of the tiles to expand and contract. Experienced technologists recommend using the filling method with sanitary silicone to fill vertical seams in internal corners. It is especially important to comply with this requirement for structures.

Joints at external external corners

External corners offer several options for arranging joints, which allows you to high-quality design even if you have no experience in this type of work:
Using an overlay corner
Is the most common method. It is permissible to use external corners made of plastic, aluminum or brass. Such elements are installed during installation, but tend to collect a significant amount of dirt.

Using an overlay corner
is the most common method. It is permissible to use external corners made of plastic, aluminum or brass.

Method of grinding tiles
This technology is based on grinding the end part of the tile at an angle of forty-five degrees. The method is different naturalness and harmony, but requires the use of a special tool and certain skills.

Method of grinding tiles. This technology is based on grinding the end part of the tile at an angle of forty-five degrees.

Alternation method
A rather rare and unpopular option, which is most often used when laying “hog” tiles. Due to the alternating installation of the end part of the tile with different sides external corner. Sometimes this method is one-sided.
By grouting
Enough rare way, which consists in designing a corner by arranging all the tiles in their planes, without protruding onto the corner line. The inter-end internal corner formed as a result of such installation is formed into a semicircle with a special grout.

If there are uneven walls, before starting the cladding process, it should be done, as a result of which it is necessary to determine the level of slope in the vertical direction.

In each specific case, you should minimize the size of the gap space under the ceiling, since this option makes the wedge on the wall more noticeable. You should adhere to the rule that large pieces of tiles must be installed along the edges. The size of the fragments used in the work must be at least 23 full tiles. This trimming allows you to make deviations of the walls from the vertical less noticeable.

Joint between wall and floor

Competent junction of floor and wall tiles This is done during the installation process using a ruler, which should be placed at the junction of the floor and wall. You need to attach a square to the ruler and stretch the tape measure to the opposite wall. The resulting perpendicular line serves as the main guide for finishing work.

To obtain a correct and high-quality joint, installation must be carried out with far corner from doorway. On initial stage It is necessary to identify not very noticeable places where the cut tiles will be used.

The internal corners of the joints of the floor and wall masonry are finished using special trims - plastic profiles, which perfectly decorate the meeting points of the tiles. Tight connection of trim with wall or floor tiles obtained due to flexible top comb. You can read about laying tiles on the floor.

A proper junction of floor and wall tiles is made during the installation process using a ruler, which should be placed at the junction of the floor and wall.

Rules for facing a niche

If necessary, issue window hole The parts of the tiles to be cut should be marked. The cutting line is carefully drawn with a tile cutter, and then, using tongs, the unnecessary tile fragment is carefully bitten off. The procedure is standard and does not cause any difficulties even for non-professionals.

Bevel edges with a sander

To make a neat bevel of the tile edges, you need to use an angle grinder and diamond blade for dry cutting. Sanding must be done with extreme caution. It is advisable to make several test or training cuts on substandard tiles. When working with double-fired tiles, it is advisable to use a tile cutter for wet cutting.

Joining beveled edges allows you to get a very thin, barely noticeable gap, which is ideal for decorating any prominent places.

Corner Grinder allows you to join any tile and lay tiles with joints at an angle of 45°. However, to minimize damage to the glaze, it is not recommended to sand in close proximity to the glazed surface. Optimal distance to the glaze is about two millimeters.

The two tiles fit perfectly together with beveled edges at a 45° angle, creating a neat right angle. All minor irregularities can be easily eliminated using a special solution for joints.

If there is a need to use special tool or the geometry of the space is significantly uneven, it is recommended to invite professionals to carry out the work. Simple options It is quite possible to do the finishing yourself.

Read about the comparison of instantaneous and storage water heaters.

Video instruction

It is necessary to take into account all the little things construction work at the planning stage. Wherein special attention You should pay attention to how to lay out the corners with tiles so that the room looks beautiful. Naturally, before starting work you need to prepare necessary materials and tools.

To do this you will need to purchase:

  • ceramic tiles;
  • special glue;
  • crosses for joints between slabs;
  • notched spatula;
  • finishing profiles;
  • tile cutter and building level.

You will need ones that will fit in the area from the first inner corner of the room to the other. It is necessary to take into account: size tile joints(which ranges from 3 to 5 mm); the distance from the joints of adjacent walls, which is approximately 5 mm; choose the so-called “red” place in the room, which, as a rule, should be in plain sight (for example, opposite the entrance).

Therefore, it is recommended to start with it. The opposite place on the wall should be less noticeable. When laying tiles in a “dark” place, you need to pay attention to the fact that it is advisable to lay out material larger than half the size on it. If too thin strips are glued, the cladding will have a makeshift appearance. Therefore, you need to perform all calculations quite accurately in order to comply with the rules for laying the material on the surface and obtain a visual effect of integrity facing wall. All this must be taken into account at the planning stage.

It must be borne in mind that before starting tiling. The quality of the cladding depends on this and appearance surfaces.

Laying tiles in corners correctly

Before laying tiles in the corners, we decide on the so-called “red” place of the room - usually it is immediately noticeable. we must start from this place. When tiling corners, the material must be glued on two adjacent sides - strictly symmetrically, so this must be taken into account and the same tile trims must be used. For cutting, you must use a special tile cutter, which is equipped with a template that takes into account required size section with seam allowance for grouting.

Making an internal corner

First, on a wall with an area of ​​about one square meter glue (mastic) is applied, you need to start from the floor. The glue is spread with a special spatula over the entire surface to obtain an even layer with equal grooves. The solution is then applied in the same way. Glue the first tile. Then glue the second one.

To ensure an even seam, we install special crosses at the joints of the surface. Having glued the first row of tiles, we check building level evenness of the cladding. Next, we continue to lay out the surface in the same way. Having reached next wall, mark the distance to it, and glue it.

When starting to lay the material of the adjacent wall, we glue the remaining trimmed part. If the material is made with a pattern or design, then we combine its parts. In this case, we glue the edge of one tile overlapping onto the surface of the other, leaving a gap of about 2 mm. The material laid out in this way creates a feeling of integrity of the tiled surface, as if it were curved. Next, we continue to glue the tiles to the required height level.

Covering the outer corner

For cladding external corners it is used only solid material. When laying, the position of adjacent tiles on both the right and left must be strictly symmetrical, and the laying is carried out overlapping the surface of the tile. At the same time, the cladding will look beautiful if the ribs have a rounded or glazed appearance. If the surface edges are unattractive, you can use a special profile for finishing, applying it using cement mortar. Such surfaces will look great. That's the whole secret of laying tiles. Further laying of the coating is carried out as described above.

To sum up the laying of corners with tiles, we can highlight the following: important points that are necessary to perform the work:

  • quantity calculation ceramic tiles;
  • choosing the right “red” place;
  • the order of laying facing tiles on the internal and external surfaces of the corner.

Video on how to decorate the outer corner of ceramic tiles:

All that remains is to purchase the necessary materials and begin work.

In the process of wall tiling, inexperienced craftsmen often face the problem of laying tiles in the corners. Especially in the bathroom, since this is where such areas are an integral part of the interior. To create an even and neat angle, use different approaches. Some require certain skills and special equipment, others can be used even by a beginner. Let's look at each option in more detail.

There are several ways to connect tiles in corners

Perpendicular arrangement

The simplest solution to the issue is direct docking. In this case, the elements are laid perpendicular to each other, that is, so that one cut remains visible, and the other is hidden under the upper fragment.

In this case, a corner in any part of the walls is closed with minimal effort. If adjustment of the tile is necessary, it is advisable to place the cut edge under the bottom. The disadvantage of this method is the presence of a seam at the junction. Later it is sealed with grout, but this still affects the appearance of the surface.

Options for laying tiles at internal joints

There is another way to join tiles perpendicularly in the corners. This method Suitable, for example, for finishing curbs or bathroom frames. The main condition is that the cladding should not be visible from below.

The essence of the method is as follows: it is necessary to glue the tile so that the horizontally located (top) tile hangs over the edge. The corner will turn out neat if the width of the canopy is within 3-5 mm. The only condition is that the edge must be solid.

Edge Trimming

For more accurate work you will need special equipment. The method is based on cutting the edge of the tile at 45 degrees. The task is performed in the following ways:

  • grind the edge with a grinder;
  • a tile cutter is used;
  • sandpaper is used.