Clover plant description and its properties. Medicinal plants

White clover is one of those plants that, perhaps, every person living in temperate climate. White clover lawns have gained immense popularity due to the ease of growing and caring for clover in open ground, its unpretentiousness to planting conditions.

Clover: varieties and varieties

Clover has more than 300 species, however most of of which is widespread on other continents. In the CIS you can find about 70 species of clover growing in wildlife. Only three of them have been cultivated:

Planting white clover in open ground

White clover is light-loving and can wither in shaded areas. It is worth taking this into account when choosing a landing site. Also keep in mind that this plant grows quickly and takes up all the free space on the site. Therefore, it is best to plant it separately from plants with a weak root system. Clover is undemanding to the soil, but does not tolerate stagnant water.

Clover is sown in open ground from April to June or in the fall, when the average daily temperature is approximately 10–13 °C. This temperature promotes better rooting.

Advice. It should be remembered that in the fall, grass germinates more slowly, so it is necessary to sow clover at such a time that the young shoots have time to reach 7–10 cm before the first frost.

November is considered an unfavorable time for planting because a large number of seeds may die, and the rest will sprout unevenly.

Clover takes root very well in almost any soil

If the weather is dry during the sowing period, then the area of ​​the future bed must be well watered within 24 hours. It is not recommended to deepen the seeds by more than 1.5-2 cm, otherwise their germination rate will decrease. To visually determine the density of seed sowing, you can add sand to the clover seeds in a 1:1 ratio. After sowing, you need to roll the seeds with a roller. Can be mulched thin layer peat

Clover begins to bloom only in the second year of life. However, it blooms twice: from May to July and from August to November. Therefore, after the clover blooms for the first time, it is recommended to mow it. This will make your garden bed look tidier and allow the clover to bloom a second time.

Plant care

IN special care This perennial does not need. Moreover, it will withstand drought well in the event of a long absence of rain and additional watering. Clover is also resistant to trampling. If children often frolic in your area, then this is an ideal plant that will calmly continue to grow even after being crushed a little.

Clover doesn't need to be watered - rainwater will be enough for it.

Clover needs to be trimmed regularly if you don’t want it to fill all the beds around, because it’s not for nothing that clover is classified as a weed. To stimulate re-blooming, it is necessary to remove wilted and dried flowers. Avoid overwatering, as this can cause crop diseases and attacks by insects such as slugs.

Fertilizer and feeding of clover

Since clover itself is a soil-improving plant, it does not require additional fertilizer when grown.

Fertilize the soil before planting clover

You can apply manure in the fall when digging up the beds for planting. And immediately before planting, the soil can be enriched with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers. If it seems to you that the clover is not blooming luxuriantly enough, try spraying with boron fertilizers.

Advice. Lime has a beneficial effect on clover's resistance to freezing, so if you are planting clover in acidic soils, it is better to do liming.

Plant propagation

Clover is considered a plant that reproduces on its own. Most often, gardeners have to think not about how to propagate a plant, but about how to slow down its growth. Clover reproduces both by self-sowing from seeds and vegetative way- ground shoots that take root well.

Clover grows very well without the help of a gardener

Diseases and pests

If a bed with clover is not trimmed, then over time it can thicken and turn into an abode of slugs and snails, because in dense thickets it is often high humidity. In addition, excess moisture can lead to fungal diseases. For preventive purposes, the clover lawn must be mowed periodically.

Trim your clover to prevent it from becoming a breeding ground for snails.

White creeping clover in landscape design

Clover is considered a rather aggressive plant, so when grown in open ground, many gardeners advise not to combine it with flowers with a more fragile root system. Clover simply will not allow its neighbors to develop and will “crush” them in the garden.

Used in landscape design clover is most often used to create a “carpet” between trees in not too shaded areas. Thanks to its resistance to trampling, it is planted on sports and playgrounds. In mixed lawns, clover increases the resistance of cereals (especially ryegrass), their growth improves, thereby imparting richness to the color of the lawn.

Clover lawn at summer cottage

Clover's powerful root system helps strengthen slopes and slopes, which is why they are often planted on sloping surfaces. In its pure form, clover looks best in large areas.

If you have a lot of free space on your plot and you don’t know how to decorate it, plant clover. He is in short time will create for you a beautiful emerald carpet that will bloom from spring until late autumn white fragrant flowers. With proper care and regular haircuts, it will delight you for many years.

How to sow clover: video

White clover: photo

Trifolium pratense
Taxon: legume family ( Fabaceae)
Other names: red clover, woodpecker
English: Beebread, Cow Clover, Cow Grass, Meadow. Clover, Purple Clover, Wild Clover, Red Clover

Generic name Trifolium- three-leafed, pratense- meadow.

Botanical description clover

Red clover - perennial herbaceous plant 20-50 cm high. The root is taprooted, branched, often with nodules of nitrogen-assimilation bacteria. From the axils of the basal leaves emerge flowering stems with trifoliate leaves that fold at night. The leaves are trifoliate, the lower ones are on long, the upper ones are on short petioles; leaves lower leaves obovate, upper ones - oval or ovoid, usually more pubescent below. Clover flowers irregular shape, pink or red, 11-14 mm long, sessile, located in capitate inflorescences, the last two leaves are close at the base. The fruit is a single-seeded ovoid bean with small ovoid flattened seeds of yellow or brown color. Red clover blooms from May to September.

Where does clover grow?

Red clover grows throughout Europe, in North Africa(Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia), Western and Central Asia. On the territory of Russia it is found in the European part, Siberia, Far East and Kamchatka.
Clover grows in moderately wet and dry meadows, clearings, forest edges, in thickets of bushes, and along the edges of fields throughout Russia.

A little history

Clover cultivation began in the 14th century. in Northern Italy, from where the culture spread to Holland and then to Germany. In 1633, red clover came to England. In Russia it has been cultivated since the mid-18th century.

Collection and preparation of clover

The medicinal raw materials of clover are the inflorescences with apical leaves. They are collected during flowering. They pick with their hands or cut off with a knife a whole inflorescence with a wrapper, without peduncles, place it loosely in baskets, and quickly dry in the shade, under a canopy or in a dryer at a temperature of 60-70 ° C, making sure that the raw material does not dry out, since in this case it loses your value. Store inflorescences in a closed container for 2 years, grass - 1 year. Sometimes clover roots are harvested as medicinal raw materials. Dry in the usual way.

Chemical composition clover

The green mass of clover contains essential and fatty oils, tannins, glycosides trifolin and isotrifolin, organic acids (p-coumaric, salicylic, ketoglutaric), sitosterols, isoflavones, resins, vitamins (ascorbic acid, riboflavin, carotene, etc.). During the flowering period, the aerial part contains protein (20-25%), fats (2.5-3.5%), carotene (up to 0.01%), ascorbic acid (up to 0.12%), free amino acids (up to 1.5%), fiber (24-26%), nitrogen-free extractives (more than 40%), calcium and phosphorus salts. Flavones and flavonols (kaempferol, quercetin, pratoletin, etc.), isoflavones (genistein, formononetin, etc.) were found in grass and flowers.
Clover leaves contain maakiain, a flavonoid from the pterocarpan group that has fungicidal properties.
Up to 150 kg/ha of nitrogen accumulates in clover roots after mowing the above-ground parts.
Content essential oil in clover flowers reaches 0.03%, its composition includes furfural and methyl coumarin.
Up to 12% of semi-drying fatty oil was found in clover seeds.

Pharmacological properties of clover

Clover has expectorant, diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, anti-atherosclerotic, antitoxic, hemostatic, wound-healing, and antitumor properties.

Use of clover in medicine

Preparations of red clover are used orally for anemia, painful menstruation, inflammation Bladder, heavy uterine bleeding, bronchitis, bronchial asthma and shortness of breath, for chronic cough, for prevention, externally for baths for rickets in children.
A decoction of clover roots is indicated for inflammation of the ovaries and as an antitumor agent.
Fresh crushed clover leaves are used externally to stop bleeding, heal wounds, burns, abscesses and rheumatic pain.
Fresh red clover juice is effective against suppuration of the nail bed and fingers, skin tuberculosis, inflammatory diseases of the ears and eyes.
Vitamin concentrates are obtained from clover leaves.
Since ancient times, clover has served integral part aromatic healing baths and medicinal teas.
Essence from fresh flowering plants used in homeopathy. Flower heads and leaves were used in domestic folk medicine: inside - as an expectorant, and antiseptic for cystitis, for gastrointestinal disorders; externally - for furunculosis and burns, as an emollient and for rheumatic and neuralgic pain. In folk medicine various countries A decoction and infusion of flowers was used as an appetite enhancer for tuberculosis, as an antitussive for whooping cough, bronchial asthma, malaria, uterine bleeding, painful menstruation, and pain. The juice of the fresh plant was used to wash the eyes for allergies. Crushed leaves were applied to purulent wounds and ulcers.

Medicinal preparations of red clover

Decoction of clover inflorescences: brew: 250 ml of boiling water 20 g of inflorescences, cook: 15 minutes, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Drink 50 ml 3-4 times a day for chronic cough, bronchial asthma, anemia, scrofula. Use externally as a lotion for burns, frostbite, bedsores, abscesses, to wash festering wounds and ulcers.
Clover herb infusion: Brew 200 m of boiling water, 40 g of herbs, leave for 1 hour, strain. Drink 50 ml 3-4 times a day when coughing.
Clover inflorescence infusion: Brew 200 m of boiling water and 30 g of flower heads, leave for 1 hour in a warm place in a sealed container, then strain. Take 50 ml 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals for chronic cough, skin diseases, colitis, cholecystitis, diathesis. Wash wounds, ulcers, apply lotions to inflamed areas, carbuncles, boils.
Tincture of leafy clover tops: pour 500 ml of 40% alcohol or strong vodka into 40 g of raw materials, leave for 14 days, strain. Take 20 ml before lunch or before bedtime for atherosclerosis with normal blood pressure, accompanied by tinnitus. The course of treatment is 3 months with a break of 10 days. After 6 months, the course of treatment can be repeated.

Use of clover on the farm

Salads are prepared from the leaves; green cabbage soup and botvinya are seasoned with them. Dry, crushed leaves were in the past added to flour when baking rye bread, and also used for the preparation of sauces and in the production of cheese. In the Caucasus, young unopened flower heads are fermented like cabbage and added to green salads.
Clover is one of the most valuable forage grasses. In terms of nutritional value, hay is almost as good as alfalfa. The plant is widely used in green food, for the preparation of hay, haylage and silage. After harvesting the seeds, the straw is used for feed. The nitrogen accumulated in the roots remains in the soil after plowing, which helps to increase the fertility of the fields. Widely cultivated as forage plant. An antifungal substance, trifolyrizin, was isolated from the roots.

Clover essential oil is used in aromatic compositions.

A valuable honey plant, but nectar is available only to bees with a long proboscis, so honey productivity is only 6 kg of honey per hectare of crops. Honey refers to the best varieties, does not sugar for a long time.

Photos and illustrations of red clover

Cultivation of clover began in the 15th century in Italy, then the crop appeared on the border of Holland, and later in Germany. And in the 1630s it began to be cultivated in England. In Russia, clover appeared in the 18th century and was treated with some caution.

Soon, the herb began to be used to diversify the feed diet of livestock, and also found its niche in the “bag” of herbalists, and after some time it began to be considered medicinal. Today, clover is grown as green manure, ornamental plant and for livestock feed.

Red clover, plant description

Clover grass is a perennial plant reaching a height of 15-25 cm. The root system is well developed, the root is taprooted, branched, and has nodule growths. The axils of the basal leaves of clover produce stems crowned with shaggy spherical buds.

The plant's foliage folds when darkness comes, thus retaining twice as much moisture. The leaves have a trifoliate-complex shape, located on short petioles that lengthen along the height of the stem.

Clover begins to bloom in May and June. The flowers are round, often of different shapes, pink, red, white and speckled in color, do not exceed 1.5 cm in size, and are arranged in the form of capitate inflorescences. The fruits of clover can be called egg-shaped beans with very small brown seeds. The clover flower is often popular in decorative lawns.

The place where meadow clover grows is still Europe, Russia, and Asia.

Medicinal properties of clover and chemical composition

Clover is the concentration of many healing, tannins, esters, glycosides, trifolin, organic acids (such as coumaric, salicylic and ketoglutaric), and also absorbs resins and vitamins, isoflavones, thiamine and sitosterol.

During flowering, the ground part of clover contains more than 25% protein, 2% vegetable fats, 0.02% carotene, about 0.13% ascorbic acid, more than 1.4% free amino acids, as well as calcium and phosphorus.

Clover flowers contain in a large proportion: flavonols (pratoletin, kaempferol and quercetin), isoflavones (genistein and formononetin), and the content of esters exceeds 0.05%, of which a large proportion is coumarin.

The foliage contains maakiain, which has an antifungal effect. During the growing season, clover roots accumulate about 125 kg. nitrogen per hectare. Clover seeds contain about 15% fatty oils.

Preparations based on clover are presented in the form of dietary supplements, mixtures and teas. Indications for use of these are: anemia, inflammation of various etiologies, painful menstruation, inflammation of the urinary tract, uterine bleeding, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, and also how prophylactic atherosclerosis and inflammatory processes in women.

Externally, clover infusions are used to disinfect and quickly heal abrasions, relieve swelling after bruises and for rheumatic aching pain. Herbalists advise using red clover juice to get rid of foot fungus, inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx, ear and abscesses.

Modern pharmacology obtains biologically active vitamin supplements from clover leaves. Clover is included in various healing herbal compositions and teas.

The juice squeezed from the leaves of meadow clover is used for inflammation of the eyes; herbalists used dried clover flowers as a diuretic, to increase appetite, and to treat tuberculosis, whooping cough and herpes.

Clover variety

Clover makes up a fairly large group of varieties that differ in shape, purpose, size, flowering time and botanical characteristics; the most prominent representatives include:

meadow clover
one of the representatives of legumes, grows as a perennial spreading bush up to 35 cm high. The leaves are triple, wide, with triangular stipules. Flowering begins in the southern regions in May, in the northern in June. The flowers are small, moth-type, spherical, bright pink.

Habitats: meadows, fields, edges, forests.

White clover or creeping clover , a bushy herbaceous plant, with creeping shoots, trifoliate leaves, oval-ovate in shape. Flowering begins in May-June, the lifespan of the peduncle is about one and a half weeks. The flowers are spherical, about 1.5 cm in size, of the moth type. The height of the plant reaches 15 cm.

Creeping clover is used to decorate lawns.

The plant is unpretentious. It grows quickly and does not require painstaking care.

Pink hybrid clover, a herbaceous shrub with trifoliate leaves and spherical inflorescences. The species received its name due to the shade of the cap of the inflorescences. The foliage has a “classical” complex shape, trifoliate on short petioles. The plant grows up to 45 cm, is unpretentious and resistant to drought. It grows wild in meadows and along the banks of water bodies.

Alpine clover
, has a powerful root, stays deep in the ground. It grows up to 40 cm, has fairly large stipules and impressive leaves for clover, located on short petioles.

The grass is grown for silage and as a green manure crop. resistant plant does not require additional care and grows well in any soil.

Arable clover, popularly called “cat”. This annual plant, represented by a spreading lush shrub, with a straight stem and trifoliate, carved foliage.

It blooms in May, the inflorescences are represented by pale, pink, spherical heads. The height of the stem does not exceed 25 cm, the plant perfectly adapts to weather conditions and tolerates drought well.

cup clover, a species that includes several subspecies, different forms and sizes. It is found frequently, grows up to 45 cm, and is unpretentious. It has large carved oval-shaped leaves, collected in threes on one short petiole. The inflorescences are large, about 5 cm. The colors of the flowers vary, from milky to purple.

The fruits of the cup type are small capsules with seeds inside.

Clover multileaf
, a perennial herb with a developed root system represented by a tap root. Unpretentious, stable and tenacious. Produces a large number of peduncles and blooms from May to June. The foliage is located on short petioles. The inflorescences are umbrella-shaped, fluffy, from pink to dark purple. Grows up to 35 cm.

Growing clover

After several years of active cultivation of tuber crops in the same area, its depletion occurs, and in order to replenish reserves nutrients, you should resort to sowing green manure crops such as clover.

Clover is also perfect as mulch; after mowing and chopping, you just need to scatter the chopped green mass over the area and the soil is no longer in danger of cracking, it remains moist and loose for a long time.

Before sowing clover, you need to prepare the seeds and cultivate the soil; plowing and harrowing are quite enough. Clover is a herbaceous plant that does not require care; it grows well on any soil, except saline and “acidic” soils. It grows quickly and easily withstands bad weather.

It is sown mainly on cultivated areas for pastures and as a green manure crop. In this case, business owners give preference to three types of clover: meadow, creeping white or pink.

Agricultural technology for growing clover is no different from sowing technology perennial herbs, sowing is carried out in field and forage crop rotation. The most suitable predecessors are cereals and root vegetables.

Sowing dates vary depending on the sowing zone; in the southern regions, sowing can begin in March, with norms of about 13 kg. per hectare of area, this is approximately 8.5 million seeds; at this rate, field germination is more than 58%.

With early sowing, the first clover shoots will appear within a week, and the pores will begin to develop quickly. In the first phase of growth, the root system actively develops, it will have a beneficial effect on the composition of the soil, while completely suppressing the appearance of weeds. With sufficient moisture good year from clover crops you can get up to 450 c. greenery per hectare.

As for care, clover practically does not need it, but if the grass is grown for food, it should be juicy and there should be a lot of it, so it is necessary to apply mineral fertilizers and nitrogen during the growing season of the plant.

Autumn sowing of clover can be laid under the cover of winter crops of barley or other cereals at the time of sowing winter crops.

The norm for sowing under cover is considered to be 125 kg. per hectare of arable land, planting depth is from 5 to 6.5 cm. Afterwards, cereal grasses of about 22 kg are sown separately on the same area, 2.5 cm deep. per hectare of sown area.

Clover does not require special care; the entire vegetative process requires only watering. The powerful root system kills any weeds, but requires moisture. Watering in dry regions should be done at least once a week.

In the second year of crop life, for more juicy and lush greenery, it would not be amiss to apply nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers. Phosphorus is applied in the spring, and nitrogen fertilizing is carried out in two stages, mainly after the third mowing, in equal parts.

Application of clover

The value of clover is due to its unpretentiousness and large volumes of green mass at the output. The grass is used as fodder for rabbits, poultry and livestock (in dried form). Clover is not only a high-protein plant, but more often than not, it is also decorative.

Today you can see lawns of clover and decorative designs from forbs. Therefore, short and creeping species clover landscape designers on a special account. Clover is used not only as a monoculture in the design of lawns, but also as an addition to the main cover lawn grass. To get a more "fun" look.

In addition to lawns, white clover can be used to decorate the trunk space of low-growing trees, which looks unusual and is pleasing to the eye.

Using clover for table purposes is also appropriate. Its dry mass was previously used in baking rye bread. Clover greens are added to first and second courses.

Asian cuisine uses flowers and young shoots of clover for pickling and adding to salads.

In terms of nutritional characteristics, clover is not inferior to alfalfa and is considered one of the highly valuable forage grasses. It is harvested for hay and silage, given to livestock in dried and fresh. As green manure, clover enriches the soil with nitrogen and increases the fertility of areas; when plowed, it saturates the soil with humus.

The fungicidal substance trifolyrizin is isolated from clover roots.

Esters are used in the manufacture of perfume compositions. The grass is also a valuable honey plant, but only for bees of a certain group that have a long proboscis.

Honey obtained from different varieties Clover is considered medicinal, retains a liquid consistency for a long time, has an unsurpassed, rich aroma and excellent sugary taste.

Collection and storage of clover

Clover is mowed for hay during the period of budding and flowering, when dry sunny weather. Later cuttings will lead to shedding of the lower leaves, loss of part of the plant’s mass and a decrease in its nutritional value.

The optimal height of a plant for cutting is considered to be 9-10 cm. After cutting clover for hay, you should carefully ensure that the grass does not dry out, the mown mass is raked into windrows, and after drying, it is collected into shocks and stacked.

Clover seed material is collected in the second year, from the second mowing; harvesting is carried out with special combines when the seed box turns brown. The average yield of clover seeds is about 2.5 centners per hectare. After threshing, the seeds are subject to sifting, drying and sorting.

The medicinal parts of clover are the inflorescences and the upper crown part. Collection is carried out manually, in the flowering phase.

After harvesting, clover is dried and stored in fabric bags, and then brewed as needed.

Clover is a plant that is popular not only in Russia, but also in North Africa, in the lands of Western and Central Asia. The grass belongs to the legume family. It is often called stableweed, red clover, or porridge. It grows in forest clearings, as well as along roads. Reviews about red clover, its medicinal properties ah and contraindications that are available on the Internet once again confirm its effectiveness.

Features of the plant and species

The culture develops well in moderately moist soil. This herbaceous plant has a core, well-developed root system. Its stem can grow up to 60 cm tall, and sometimes higher. Top part shoots are pubescent. The leaves have oval shape. They often consist of three parts, but there are varieties of four and five-leaf clovers. Flowering can be observed until September. The uniqueness of the grass is the ability of the leaf blades to fold in the evening and open before sunrise. The first buds appear in early May. Red clover blooms in pink, white or red. The buds are small when open. They have round shape, resembling a fluffy head.

There are several types of clover in nature. They all differ from each other not only appearance, the color of the buds, but also the properties.

Popular clover varieties:

There are also several varieties of four-leaf clover. These are fairly new plants, in which the leaf blades can acquire both green and burgundy tints.

The culture was first noticed in the 14th century in the lands of northern Italy. Then the plant was brought to Holland and Germany. Since 1633, red clover began to be grown in England. It appeared on Russian territory in the 18th century.

Useful properties of the plant

Clover is rich in various vitamins and microelements. The leaves and heads of plants contain a large amount of carotene, mineral components, and salicylic acid. The herb also contains flavonoids, which promote better fat metabolism in the treatment of atherosclerosis. This plant It is popularly used to lower cholesterol levels and improve immunity. The culture heads contain analogues of female sex hormones called phytoestrogens. Red clover has good medicinal properties, but has contraindications. Knowing all his abilities, you can a short time get rid of a number of diseases.

Medicinal properties of red clover:

Leafy plates have a diuretic, diaphoretic, and bactericidal effect. The plant copes well with cough.

An infusion from this culture has analgesic and choleretic properties. According to research results, it has been proven that clover leaves and flowers can tone the body, as well as remove toxins and harmful components.

Crushed clover leaves are used to heal fresh and purulent wounds. It is important that they are only picked. This will allow you to get a lot of juice, which will contain maximum amount useful components.

Since ancient times, it has often been used to create medicinal baths.

The essence of the flowering herb has found its purpose in homeopathy. The fresh juice of the plant was used to wash the eyes for allergies.

Contraindications to the use of the plant

The healing properties of red clover have been known for many years. But, despite all the advantages, culture has its contraindications. For most people, the herb is not dangerous, especially if it is not used internally, but only as a lotion.

  1. Pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding. The stems and other parts of the crop act like estrogen. This can cause hormonal imbalance. This prohibition also applies to external use of the compositions.
  2. Clover is contraindicated for people who have blood diseases. This is due to the fact that infusions and ointments can cause bleeding. Since horseweed is a good blood thinner, it is not recommended to use it at least 2 weeks before surgery. The same amount of time must be waited after the procedure.
  3. Clover can be dangerous for patients with stomach disorders.
  4. Heart patients and people who have suffered a stroke should not take medications based on this culture.
  5. It is forbidden to drink infusions of flowers and leaves during neoplasms. Such liquid can lead to worsening of the condition.
  6. Clover can also cause harm to people who suffer from thrombophlebitis. The plant can cause blood clots in case of protein S deficiency.

When taking clover-based medications, you should be aware of possible side effects. Patients often complain of a rash, muscle pain, nausea, and headaches. With individual intolerance, some women may experience vaginal bleeding. If you use white or red clover in medicinal purposes, it should be remembered that it is not recommended to take it with certain groups of medications.

Abuse of clover can lead to liver damage.

You should not use clover with:

  1. Estrogens in capsules or tablets.
  2. Contraceptive medications that contain levonorgestrel and ethinyl estradiol.
  3. Medicines for the treatment of the liver. Clover is able to slow down their breakdown in the body and prevent their action.
  4. Medicines that slow down blood clotting. These include Aspirin, Naproxen, Heparin, Diclofenac and others.
  5. Medicines prescribed for the treatment and prevention of cancer. Infusions can reduce the effectiveness of such formulations.

Effective recipes for cholesterol and other diseases based on porridge

Red clover for cholesterol - unique remedy which is famous all over the world. At proper preparation drugs in a fairly short period of time you can forget about the problem without the use of expensive medications.

Clover tincture

Since ancient times, this culture has been used to clean vessels. One of the most popular remedies is clover infusion with vodka. To prepare such a drink, you can use both fresh and dried flowers of the plant.

Required ingredients:

  • 500 g of grass;
  • 500 ml vodka.

Place clover flowers in a two-liter jar and fill them with liquid. The resulting mixture must be kept in a dark place for 2 weeks. At the end of the time, the liquid will need to be strained and then refrigerated. Anyone can drink this infusion, but adhere to certain dosages. First of all, this applies to elderly people. Drink alcohol tincture necessary once a day before meals. The course of treatment is 30 days. Then you should take a break for 10 days and resume therapy again.

Clover tincture with alcohol has a general strengthening and calming effect.

This remedy is useful to take in spring period of the year. It is at this time that the human body needs vitamins.

Sweet cure for cholesterol

To prepare such a remedy, you need to purchase clover honey at the pharmacy. To do this, you need to take 30 g of treat and 10 ml of fresh one. Mix the components thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous mass. Store the medicine in the refrigerator.

Clover honey can lower blood pressure.

The composition should be taken every day before lunch. The course of treatment is one month. Clover honey is a very useful remedy. This is a natural antioxidant that quickly reduces cholesterol levels and restores the functioning of the circulatory system.

Clover decoction

To prepare the product, you need to use flowers and leaves of young plants. This is one of the popular recipes used all over the world.

To prepare you need:

  • 5 grams of flowers;
  • 5 grams of leaves;
  • 200 mg boiling water.

Mix all ingredients. Infuse the composition for 60 minutes. Then drain the mixture in a colander or strain with gauze. Take the infusion 3 times a day, 20 mg at a time. It should be drunk exclusively before meals. The course of treatment should last 3 weeks.

To make the product as effective as possible, it is recommended to store the tincture for no more than 2 days in a cold place.

Clover infusion for diseases of the genitourinary system

This remedy copes well with kidney pathologies, as well as with painful menstruation.

For the decoction you need to prepare:

  • two teaspoons of dried flowers;
  • 200 mg water.

Boil the liquid and place the herb in it. Infuse the product for 35 minutes. Takes liquid 20 mg 3 times a day. It is recommended to drink the infusion half an hour before meals.

For elimination unpleasant symptoms for menopause, you will need to brew 3 heaped tablespoons of flowers in 200 mg of water. Let it sit for an hour, after which you can start using it. Drink 4 times a day, 0.5 cups before meals.

Clover for headaches

Often this symptom can be caused by pathology endocrine system and malfunction of cerebral vessels. To get rid of headaches and noise, you should brew oregano, linden flowers, clover, St. John's wort, currants, and strawberries. All components should be used in equal parts. Take small amounts with jam or honey.

There is also another, no less effective recipe, for headaches. To prepare it, you need to take a liter jar filled with clover and pour vodka on top. Close the container tightly and keep it this way for two weeks. Take one tablespoon before bedtime. For such a tincture, you can use not only flowers, but also other parts of the plant. After 30 days, hearing will improve significantly, and noises will no longer bother you.

Meadow clover is a truly effective and popular remedy. But despite all of it positive sides, it is recommended to consult a doctor before preparing and using infusions.

Video about the healing properties of clover

Meadow clover, which so often complicates the lives of lovers of smooth lawns, is in fact a valuable medicinal plant with the widest range of healing properties. It has long been noted that those pastures where this grass with small red flowers grows are more attractive to livestock, and animals that have tasted clover give more milk.

Common names for red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) are red woodpecker, red woodpecker, and meadow trefoil.

In folk medicine, the herb red clover, which is collected during flowering, and the inflorescence (head) is used. Dry in a dry, shady place.

What does red clover look like?

Red clover is a perennial herbaceous plant of the legume family (Fabaceae). Aboveground shoots are erect or slightly curved, ascending, 15-40 cm high, usually each individual develops several aboveground shoots. The leaves are trifoliate with elliptical or ovate leaflets, pubescent below, the upper ones with short petioles, the lower ones with long petioles. The stipules of the red clover grass grow together with the bases of the leaf petioles. The inflorescence is an apical rounded oblong head of 30-70 flowers; at the base of the inflorescence there are two small sessile leaves. Flowers are 11-14 mm long, sessile, with a tubular-bell-shaped calyx, a corolla of various shades of red or red-lilac, less often almost white, the petals are fused at the bottom into a tube 4-10 mm long. The beans are single-seeded, less often double-seeded. The seeds are ovoid, yellow, brown or almost purple. It blooms from May to September, the fruits ripen in September - October.

Look what meadow clover looks like in these photos:

Found in most areas of the European part. It has long been introduced into cultivation as a fodder plant, so its natural range has expanded to some extent. In Russia it has been bred since the end of the 18th century. called "red clover".

Healing properties of red clover and use in folk medicine

Red clover has a lot of medicinal properties: anticonvulsant, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, diaphoretic, diuretic, antisclerotic, anabolic, estrogenic, hemostatic, desensitizing and expectorant. In addition, this plant helps to enhance the healing processes of the skin.

Preparations of meadow clover are used both internally and externally for allergic (as an antipruritic, normalizing the functions of the adrenal cortex) and infectious-allergic diseases with predominantly inflammatory lesions blood vessels skin and subcutaneous tissue (as an anti-inflammatory and reduces the permeability of vascular walls), with hyperkeratosis, seborrheic dermatitis, furunculosis, baldness and premature greying.

What else does red clover treat and how to use it? In folk medicine, infusion and tea from flower heads or herbs are drunk for chronic cough, bronchitis, pyelonephritis, hypertension, headaches, asthenia, painful and irregular menstruation.

The use of meadow clover products significantly alleviates the symptoms of menopause and PMS in women. To treat atherosclerosis, a tincture of clover inflorescences with vodka is often used.

Information spread on the Internet and various popular literature that eating plants containing phytoestrogens (including clover) contributes to the development of breast cancer is a misconception. In fact, phytoestrogens block estrogen receptors, preventing female sex hormone molecules from binding to them and thereby reducing the likelihood of developing breast cancer.

Externally, tincture and decoction of inflorescences are used for chronic skin diseases, such as psoriasis and eczema, and also as a wound-healing, emollient and analgesic for burns, tumors, abscesses, and joint pain.

Red clover preparations are contraindicated during pregnancy.

Dosage forms and methods of using meadow clover in folk medicine:

  • Tincture of inflorescences with vodka (1:10). Take 1 table, spoon 3 times a day before meals for 3 months. After six months, the course of treatment is repeated.
  • Infusion of inflorescences. 10 g of raw materials per 1 glass of boiling water. Prepare in the usual way. Drink 1/3 glass 3 times a day before meals.
  • Tea from inflorescences. 4-6 dry heads per 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes, strain. Drink 3 glasses a day.