Rezuha: an amazing carpet of perennials on your site. Arabis or rezuha Botanical description of the species

Arabis must be present in everyone. After all, the natural habitat of the Arabis is mountainous areas. That is why this plant fits perfectly into a variety of gardens, terraces and all kinds of uneven terrain.
Arabis also looks great in the foreground of any sunny flower beds, along the garden path.

Popular types of Arabis, garden forms and varieties

The genus Arabis, or rezuha, includes beautifully flowering perennial and annual plant cruciferous family. In nature, this genus is widespread and contains about a hundred species. Arabis are found in Eurasia, North America, and Africa.

Arabis is a showy plant with grey-green, hairy leaves. Arabis leaves do not die off in the winter, so the plant looks good not only during the garden season, but also.

Popular garden forms of Arabis have large, numerous flowers. They can be simple or double, collected in a racemose inflorescence. Rezukha blooms in the spring, in April-May: arabis bushes are abundantly covered with white, cream, lilac, pink or purple flowers.

Without pruning, Arabis forms extensive carpets in the garden, which are especially beautiful during the flowering period. To curb the growth of Arabis bushes and maintain a compact appearance, the stems are shortened after flowering. If faded flowers are not cut off, the plant produces fruit pods with an abundance of seeds. Arabis seeds are flat and quite large – they are easy to sow.

In Russian gardens it is usually grown arabis whitish(Arabis albida), or Caucasian rhizome(Arabis caucasica). The height of the plants perennial species is approximately 25 cm, its bushes grow up to 60 cm wide.
The spectacular variety of whitish Arabis “Flore Pleno” has large double flowers of white color. In the variety "Pink Pearl" pink flowers, in the variety “Coccinea” - red. And the variety of whitish Arabis “Variegata” is more valued not for its flowering, but for its elegant leaves with a white stripe along the edge.

In the photo: Caucasian rhizome; variety "Variegata" of arabis whitish; Rezucha cilifolia

The following species grow not as quickly as the whitish rhizome: Rezucha cilifolia(Arabis blepharophylla) - variety "Spring Charm" with crimson flowers, and Rezuha of Ferdinand-Coburg(Arabis ferdinandi-coburgi) - white-edged leaves of the Variegata variety, as well as garden forms with pinkish and yellow leaf margins. These charming rhizomes with neat rosettes of bright, variegated leaves form compact mats.

Growing Arabis

Any nutritious, well-drained soil is suitable for growing Arabis; sunny place or light partial shade.

Arabis are drought-resistant, but in hot spring they can suffer from dry shoots, especially with a long absence of rain and irregular watering. In this case, it is useful to slightly shade the plants.

Rhinestones do not tolerate stagnation of water at the roots. Therefore, at the beginning of spring, in a low place where melt water accumulates, the rezuha can dry out.

Caring for Arabis consists of timely watering, weeding and loosening the soil. Rezuha is frost-resistant, but varietal plants are more susceptible to cold and snowless winters. When landing on elevated open places Arabis will need light winter shelter.

Arabis propagation

Species rhizomes usually reproduce by seed. Arabis reproduces well by seeds. Both arabis and cultivation through seedlings in the spring (April sowing) are possible. Young plants need regular watering (in the absence of rain) and weeding.
When propagated by seed, Arabis blooms in the second year of life.

Reproduction of valuable terry varieties and garden varieties Arabis is carried out vegetatively - by dividing bushes (in autumn) or by cuttings (in early summer).

The Arabis root system penetrates shallowly into the ground (no more than 15 cm), so this plant is easy to replant, dig and divide.

Arabis cuttings are cut immediately after the plant blooms. Leave 7-8 internodes on the cuttings; Leaves are torn off from the lower half of the cutting.
Plant cuttings of rhizomes with a slope in or on a seedling bed, water well and shade. The roots of Arabis cuttings appear in about 3 weeks.
Grown up bushes of rhizomes are planted on permanent place at the end of summer or at the very beginning of autumn.

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Species affiliation Cruciferous
Plant type Perennials; Ground cover;
Group Perennial herbaceous rhizomatous
Reproduction methods Seed and vegetative (by dividing the bush and cuttings)
Landing time Sowing in April or September; planting in April - May or August - September
Planting scheme Distance between plants 30 – 35 cm
Soil requirements Loose, well-drained, preferably sandy
Lighting requirements Sun or light partial shade
Humidity Requirements Drought-resistant, does not tolerate waterlogging
Care requirements Requires regular pruning and careful weeding; in early spring– shading of shoots
Plant height From 5 to 30 cm depending on the type and variety
Color spectrum White and silver; Blue-violet-pink;
Type of flowers, inflorescences Small simple flowers form racemose inflorescences; There are varieties with double flowers
Flowering period From April to July depending on the type and variety
Seasonal decoration Spring; Summer;
Usage Rock garden and rock garden; Borders and ridges; Mixborder;
USDA zone 3; 4; 5; 6;

Arabis (Arabis), also called rhizome, – perennial rhizomatous ground cover plant, belonging to the Cruciferous family. Its shoots grow strongly, taking root in places of contact with the soil. The leaves are medium-sized, usually densely pubescent, individual species– wintering; There are variegated varieties. The color of the small Arabis flowers varies; There are species with white flowers, yellowish ones, as well as pink, lilac, and violet. The flowers are mostly simple; varieties with double flowers have also been bred.

The winter hardiness of the plant depends on the type and variety. There are cold-resistant species that overwinter without shelter; some species require light shelter for the winter (spruce branches, brushwood). Excessive soil moisture and spring stagnation of water are detrimental to Arabis. Dry, well-drained sunny areas with loose sandy or sandy loam soil are optimal for its cultivation. For variegated plants, light partial shade is preferred. common species They form more lush and compact clumps and bloom longer in the sun.

Requires systematic pruning to limit the spread of the plant and improve its flowering. Cut shoots can be used as cuttings. Easily propagated by seeds, but only suitable for double varieties vegetative propagation.

The most common in culture arabis alpine ) And arabis caucasian (Arabis caucasica), including their many varieties. Alpine Arabis blooms already in April; its flowers are white or pink color, can be terry. Caucasian Arabis blooms in summer, in June; leaves with a serrated edge, very pubescent. Both species are represented by fairly large plants - up to 30 cm in height, forming cushion-shaped, rapidly growing clumps.

Arabis alpine photo and cultivation

Arabis, or rezuha- perennial cruciferous family. Wild species of Arabis are distributed throughout the world. Most commonly grown in culture Rezukha Caucasian (Arabis Caucasian) And Rezuha alpine (Arabis alpine). Sometimes botanists consider Caucasian Arabis simply as a variety of Alpine.

The less care, the more luxuriant flowering. This magic formula works great for growing rhizomes. Alpine and Caucasian Arabis naturally grow on rocky soils. Therefore, Arabis will gratefully accept the poor sandy soils, will withstand drought, will do without watering. In return, abundant flowering, rich aroma and attractive foliage patterns all season long.

Moreover- Rezuha Alpine and Caucasian in fact, they do not suffer from anything and are almost not damaged by pests. All care when growing Arabis comes down to periodic pruning - since Arabis grows very quickly.

Alpine and Caucasian Arabis - planting and care.

Arabis alpine cultivation and landing

Alpine hills and rockeries are a great place to plant Rezuha, but it also grows well in tree trunks. It looks very beautiful - the islands of white arabis look as if thick sour cream was sprinkled around the trees.

Rezuha flowers are very fragrant and the whole garden will be filled with its scent.

Rezuha does not lose its attractiveness even after it has faded. Its foliage is grey-green, jagged and very quickly forms a lush carpet.

Arabis white photo

The main care for Arabis consists of pruning shoots that run to the sides and actively take root. When growing Rezuha, you can also carry out shape pruning - this only makes Arabis more luxuriant, and next year blooms earlier.

Thanks to this ability of the arabis to conquer new spaces and tenaciously hold on to them, another use has been found for the plant: the arabis perfectly “holds” small sandy slopes and hills. Especially if they are in the shade, the flowering of Rezuha in this case will not be so beautiful, but the carpet of foliage will be very thick.

Choosing a place to plant Rezuha alpine.

Arabis (Rezuha) pink planting

Arabis is a sunny plant, it can tolerate partial shade, but does not bloom well in the shade. The planting site should not be damp - then the flowering will be more compact and rich. The soil is loose, sandy, not acidic. Main- good drainage. There should be no stagnation in spring winter waters, otherwise the plant will die. In partial shade, Rezuha grows faster, and in the shade it forms dense greenery.

Alpine Arabis - propagation

Rezuha is easily propagated by seeds, but for double varieties only vegetative propagation is suitable: cuttings, layering and dividing the bush. Most quick way Arabis propagation is by layering, which takes root easily. The stem of the plant is bent to the soil and secured in the area of ​​the leaf node, the top of the stem is pinched.

Rezuha is also propagated by dividing the bush. From 3-4 plants you can get up to 20 divisions (you need to divide the bush in spring or autumn).

Rezuha, types and varieties of Arabis.

Ciliated arabis (rezucha), photo of the Spring Charm variety

Along with the widespread species - Arabis alpine (Arabis alpina) And Arabis Caucasian (Arabis caucasica), there are a number of others that deserve the attention of gardeners. Let's give a couple of them.

(Arabis blepharophylla) - with pink and dark pink flowers. Perennial plant from North America. The agricultural technology for growing this Rezuha is fundamentally no different. Unfortunately, it requires shelter for the winter.

Arabis Ferdinand of Coburg photo

One more interesting view is Arabis of Ferdinand of Coburg and its variegated variety with variegated leaves - variegata (Arabis ferdinandi-coburgii ‘Variegata’ in the photo). This perennial plant blooms very profusely and prefers growing in partial shade. Arabis of Ferdinand of Coburg is a frost-resistant species and its natural forms grow in the mountains of Bulgaria.

Arabis or Rezuha is a genus of plants belonging to the Cruciferous family. The genus numbers about 100 species, which grow in the mountainous areas of the African tropics and the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere. In culture, these flowers are grown as annuals or perennials. They look great as groundcovers due to their creeping shoots.

The height of the stem is up to 30 cm, the foliage is covered with fluff, has the shape of a heart, and can be jagged. Small flowers of pink, white or yellowish color, can be either simple or double. Flowering is long-lasting, begins in May, and is characterized by a strong pleasant smell.

Varieties and types of Arabis

This is a perennial plant that can reach 35 cm in height. The stems have very high branching, some of the branches are adjacent to the ground like clumps. The foliage on the shoots is heart-shaped, and closer to the root it is rounded. The flowers are simple, up to 1 cm in size, white in color, collected in racemes. Flowering begins in mid-spring and lasts about a month.

  • Eat terry form with larger flowers.

This is a low - up to 10 cm - rezukha. Its small fluffy foliage forms rosettes, the flowers are white, collected in loose corymbs.

Some scientists consider it a form of alpine arabis. A perennial plant growing up to 30 cm tall. The foliage is grayish due to small hairs. The flowers are white, collected in racemes. Flowering begins in early summer and lasts about a month.

There is a form:

  • Rosabella with pink flowers,

  • Flore-pleno – double flowers,

  • Variegata – variegated form with yellow spots at the edges of the foliage.

An alpine dwarf plant, its height is below 10 cm. The foliage is grayish and the flowers are pink.

  • Variety Route sensation has a more saturated color of the petals.

A very low species, the height of its representatives is up to 5 cm. With such a height of the bush, it is valued for its attractive green foliage with white edges and long flowering. The flowers are small, white or pinkish.

  • Variety Old Gold – taller than the species form, the foliage is decorated with yellowish spots, the flowers are white. Sometimes it blooms twice a year.

Forms low clumps up to 20 cm high. The flowers are pink, up to 2 cm in size, located in racemose inflorescences.

Dwarf - up to 5 cm - perennial. The foliage is small, dark green, shiny. Flowers are 1 cm in size, white in color. Flowering begins in late spring - early summer.

Also a ground cover plant with rounded leaves and pink petals.

Sometimes you can find the name on sale - it is a mixture of multi-colored forms of Alpine Arabis.

Arabis growing from seeds

Rezuha bushes can be easily obtained by sowing seeds. Sowing is carried out directly into the soil before winter or for seedlings in April. Sow the material in normal garden soil with the addition of sand in a ratio of 3 to 1.

The seeds should be deepened no more than half a centimeter; germination requires a temperature of 20°C and watering to keep the soil slightly moist. To ensure more shoots, the container is covered with non-woven material.

Three weeks after germination, the shelter is removed. Seedlings need bright, indirect light and warmth, as well as watering as the soil dries out.

If you want to get a separate plant and not a ground cover, then you need to dive when a real leaf appears on the seedlings. If you want a ground cover plant, then this procedure is not necessary.

Transplantation is carried out when the threat of night frosts has passed, but the most important thing is that by this time the seedlings have three true leaves. Three weeks before planting in open ground, you need to start hardening off young plants by taking them out into the fresh air for a couple of hours.

Iberis is also a member of the Cruciferous family, grown when planting and caring for open ground without much hassle, observing a few nuances. All necessary recommendations You can find information on growing and caring for this plant in this article.

Arabis planting and care in open ground

The soil for growing should be nutritious, loose and sandy; before planting or sowing, it is advisable to fertilize it with mineral or organic fertilizers.

If the soil is too dense, sand should be added to it. In general, this plant is unpretentious and can grow in poor soils, but then the flowering will be poorer.

The bushes are planted at a distance of 40 cm from each other. Several seedlings are planted together. After this, watering is carried out and, if the area was not previously fertilized, complex mineral fertilizer is applied after a couple of days.

Flowering of rhizome obtained from seeds begins in the second year of life. Please note that mainly species forms of flowers are propagated by seed, since varietal characteristics are lost during generative reproduction.

Caring for this crop is not burdensome. The main necessary procedures are weeding and loosening the soil. Watering is only needed during prolonged heat, and even in this case it is better not to overdo it, since rezuha is resistant to dryness and will survive it more easily than flooding. Wilted flowers should be pruned for longer blooms.

Fertilizers are applied once a year before flowering begins. Complex mineral fertilizer or humus is suitable as a top dressing.

Transplanting Arabis

Transplants are carried out every 4 years. Also at this time you can divide the bush.

If you grow rezuha as a ground cover and do not want to replant, then you can rejuvenate it by pouring sand mixed with humus onto the bare parts of the plant. Transplantation and division are performed after flowering.

Collecting Arabis seeds

Seeds are collected after the first frost. This is done in dry weather, otherwise the seeds will have low germination. The inflorescence is cut off with part of the shoot and dried indoors.

After the flowers dry, the seeds are husked and stored in a paper bag, dry and dark.

Arabis in winter

Arabis can withstand light frosts, but if the temperature drops below 5°C, then you need to take care of shelter.

Before wintering, shoots are cut to 2 cm and insulated with any covering material.

Arabis propagation

Besides seed propagation and dividing the bush, Arabis can also be propagated by cuttings.

The tops of young stems (up to 10 cm) are used as cuttings. Leaves are removed from the bottom of the cuttings and planted in a flowerbed in sandy soil at an angle. The cuttings need to be lightly watered and sprayed every day. Rooting lasts about 20 days. Young plants can be transplanted to another place in the fall.

dark spots on leaves, gradually combining into one, then it is probably a virus and sick individuals need to be burned and the area should be shed with potassium permanganate.

Can be a nuisance among pests cabbage flea beetle . In case of vegetable crops often resort to treatment with wood ash, but since this is a flower, it will be easier to use insecticides, for example, Actellik, Karbofos or Aktaru.

Plant Arabis (lat. Arabis), or rezukha belongs to the genus herbaceous perennials the Brassica or Cruciferous family, which has more than 100 species. In nature, the Arabis flower is found in the mountains of tropical Africa and in areas with temperate climate Northern Hemisphere. The origin of the Latin name Arabis is not known for certain, but the cut arabis is called because of the hard pubescent hairs that can injure your hands. The plant has been in cultivation for more than two hundred years. IN landscape design Arabis is used in mixborders and flower beds, to decorate borders, borders and alpine slides. In our article, we will tell you how to plant and care for cutworms in open ground.

How to plant Arabis in the ground

For Arabis, you need to choose the right place so that the plant enjoys flowering and grows well.

Arabis develops best in open sunny areas that are well blown by the wind. You can, of course, plant the plant in a shady area, but then the bush will not be so lush, and the flowering will be sparse and short-lived.

The soil for planting Arabis on the site should be dry, loose and light. It is first dug up with organic and mineral fertilizers, cleared of weeds. Sand is added to heavy soils when digging.

During planting, about 40 cm is left between plants. To get a dense carpet, 2-3 seedlings are planted in one hole. After planting, Arabis is well watered.

Important! If no fertilizer was applied during digging, then after a few days the seedlings can be fed.

Arabis grown from seeds will bloom only in the second year.

Caring for Arabis in open ground

It is not difficult to grow Arabis from seeds; the plant is very hardy and tolerates drought well, but excessive watering is harmful. Therefore, during the rainy season, the plant is watered extremely rarely, so as not to provoke disease.

The only downside to growing is the frequent weeding. The plant does not tolerate proximity to weeds; they can suppress the growth of shoots. Regular loosening of the soil and removal of weeds is essential for normal growth of the bush. As soon as the young seedlings get stronger, the weeds will no longer be able to break through the dense carpet.


Arabis has a well developed root system, which can extract moisture deep into the soil. Therefore it is drought resistant. Excessive moisture can lead to root rotting. It is optimal to water adult specimens once a week, and young plants more often.

Winter hardiness

The plant is frost-resistant down to -5°C. In harsher winters it needs shelter. With the onset of autumn, when the Arabis has faded, its shoots are cut off, leaving no more than 2-3 cm on the soil. Then they are insulated with spruce branches, covering material or dry leaves. You can build a small frame and cover it with agrofibre.

Top dressing

Fertilizers are usually applied in the spring before flowering. For adult specimens of Arabis, one feeding per season is enough. A comprehensive one will do. mineral composition, and from organic matter you can use humus.


Arabis blooms for a month in spring or summer, depending on the species. The Alpine variety blooms in April, and the Caucasian variety in June, but individual flowers may appear on it throughout the season.


Arabis grows quickly and needs pruning. It involves removing heavily overgrown branches. This way it will look compact and not drown out the plants planted nearby. It will also improve flowering next season.


The plant is replanted every 4 years. The procedure can be combined with division. If Arabis grows as a ground cover plant, it can simply be rejuvenated. To do this, use a mixture of sand, humus and loosening additives. It is poured onto bare areas of the carpet.

Diseases and pests

As for pests, most often they play dirty tricks in a flower carpet worst enemy all crops of the Brassica family - cruciferous flea beetle. Against this, many gardeners dust their plantings with wood ash in the old fashioned way. However, this inconvenient method is ineffective; modern insecticides - Biotlin, Iskra, Akarin, Karbofos, Aktara, Actellik - are much more effective.

Preparing for winter

If you decide to prepare for the next season planting material Arabis, then during the flowering period, select several of the most beautiful inflorescences and mark them with any in a convenient way. After the first frost, the necessary brushes are cut off with part of the stem and dried in a warm, ventilated room. The pods are peeled and packaged ready material into paper bags and stored in a cool, dark place.

Note! The pods should only be collected when clear weather, since dampness reduces the percentage of seed germination.

The frost resistance of Arabis is very relative. A drop in temperature to -5...-7 °C is not scary for plants, but they cannot survive a harsh winter with little snow without additional shelter. Therefore, at the end of November, cut off the shoots of the crop at a height of 2–4 cm and insulate the plantings with spruce branches, dry leaves or non-woven material.

Types and varieties

The Arabis genus has about 120 herbaceous perennials, but the most beautiful of them are grown in cultivation:

  • Alpine Arabis is an indigenous inhabitant of high mountain regions Western Europe And North America, also grows on Far East and in the Urals. A tall (about 35 cm) plant with branched shoots pressed to the ground. As the bushes grow, they form dense cushion-shaped clumps, strewn with small (up to 1 cm in diameter) flowers of white or pink color from April to June. Popular forms in floriculture: Schneehaube, pink, terry. Varieties: Lapland, Pink Tops, White Tops, Meeting.
  • Caucasian Arabis (whitish) - according to some scientists, is a subspecies of Alpine Arabis. In nature it grows in the mountains of Central and Asia Minor, the Caucasus, Crimea and the coast Mediterranean Sea. A medium-sized perennial plant up to 30 cm high with white-pubescent oblong leaves and rather large (about 1.5 cm in diameter) white flowers. The species is characterized by rapid growth and abundant flowering. Varieties: Flore Pleno, Snowfix, Rosabella, Variegata.
  • Arabis bruoid is a miniature cushion-shaped plant no more than 10–12 cm high, growing in the mountains of Greece, Albania and Bulgaria with small oval densely pubescent leaves. White flowers are collected in loose corymbose inflorescences.
  • Arabis running out (protruding, towering) - grows in its natural environment in the Balkans. An attractive groundcover perennial about 10–12 cm tall with small leafy rosettes and pale small flowers. Ideal for strengthening crumbling slopes.
  • Arabis cilifolia is a native of the mountainous regions of California. Compact, low-growing (about 8 cm) plant with bluish-green leaves and dark pink flowers. Varieties: Fruehlingshaber, Rose Delight, Root Sensation.
  • Arabis Ferdinand of Coburg is a dwarf groundcover 5 cm high with very beautiful bright green or pigmented leaves and small white flowers.

In addition to the above, gardeners are interested in such types of arabis as tower, low-growing, Arendsa, and prolomnikov.

Arabis propagation.

Arabis propagates not only by seeds, but also by cuttings, layering and dividing the bush. We have already told you about the seed method by which Arabis species are mainly propagated. Rare or double varieties of Arabis are propagated by cuttings. As a cutting, you can use a rhizome leaf with a heel - part of the cambial layer, which will give roots. To get such a cutting, you do not need to cut the leaf, but tear it off with a pull, separating part of the stem bark with the subcortical pulp along with the leaf. This is done after the rhizome has flowered. You can also use the top of the shoot as cuttings - a piece about 10 cm long, from which you remove lower leaves. The cuttings are planted at an angle in a loose substrate, after which the container is covered with a transparent cap and the greenhouse is placed in a bright, but not sunny, place. Keep the substrate slightly moist, let the cuttings breathe daily and remove condensation from the cap. As soon as upper leaves When turgor is restored, and this can happen in three weeks, you can prepare to transplant the cuttings into open ground.

In order to get Arabis cuttings, bend its shoot to the ground and attach it in the area of ​​the leaf node to the soil, and pinch the top. When the leaf node grows roots into the soil, separate the cuttings and plant them.

They resort to dividing the rhizome bush when propagating especially valuable or terry variety. The bush is dug up, divided into parts and planted. It is better to do this after the arabis has finished flowering.