Hybrid tea rose summer holiday description of the variety. Pruning Hybrid tea rose Summer Lady, Topalovic Brothers (Rose Summer Lady)

Not available


60-100 cm

70x100 cm

Country: Serbia

Flowering time: July-September

Color: soft pink

Group: hybrid tea roses

Planting in the ground: May

Article: 1.83

Quantity per package: 1 piece

Location: sun

Manufacturer: Monte Agro

Hybrid tea rose SUMMER LADY is part of the leading group of cut roses. Hybrid tea roses have a bush height of 60 to 100 cm. Peduncles are from 40 to 80 cm long, on one peduncle there are from 1 to 3 large flowers, up to 10 cm in diameter. The most fragrant red and purple varieties of hybrid tea roses, white roses have a very delicate aroma. Hybrid tea roses, like all roses, are picky about where they grow. Roses need rich, well-drained soil, as roses have very deep root system. The location should be sunny, preferably protected from the winds. Rose plants are quite large, so it is not recommended to thicken the plantings. The rose is planted in May; before planting, it is recommended to store the seedling in a cold place, not allowing it to dry out, or immediately after purchase, plant it in a deep pot and transfer it to open ground in May. For the winter, hybrid tea roses require careful shelter, which should be well ventilated in winter to prevent the rose from dampening off. Frost hardiness zone (USDA) - zone six.

Seedlings are sold with a closed root system. The roots of the seedling are in the soil, which is wrapped in paper and packed in plastic bag. The package, in turn, is placed in a cardboard tube with a plastic bottom. The tube contains a photo of the rose, a description of the variety and a diagram of planting the seedling. When planting, the tube and plastic bag are removed from the root system; the paper should not be removed, as it protects the earthen ball from destruction and therefore reduces injury to the roots. The seedlings have a well-formed trunk, with a diameter at the grafting site of at least 0.5 cm, 2-3 main shoots and 2-3 main roots, at least 20 cm long. SMITH IDEAL and LAXA rootstocks are used for the seedlings. The shoots of the seedlings are filled with wax, which does not need to be removed; the wax protects the seedlings from drying out and is not an obstacle to the awakening of the buds. Careful and thoughtful packaging allows you to keep the seedlings in excellent condition until planting in the ground. It is important to prevent overdrying and excessive moisture of the seedling's earthen coma.

TO end of the 19th century V. All the attention of breeders was aimed at improving remontant roses, since they had many of the characteristics of ancient roses, and were inferior to tea roses in terms of duration and abundance of flowering. The first variety of this group is considered to be the variety ‘La France’, obtained in 1867 by the French originator J.B. Guillot. This variety became the founder of a new garden group of hybrid tea roses, which surpassed in their qualities all forms and varieties known before them.

First hybrid tea roses were not popular at first, but the creation of some excellent varieties led to their gradual spread. Shortly before the start of World War II, the ‘Peace’ variety was developed in France. new form a flower that was destined to change the appearance of hybrid tea roses. In 1954, the first “blue” variety with pale lilac flowers (‘Prelude’) appeared.

Currently, this group is the leading, largest and most widely used. Since the breeding of this group, more than 10,000 varieties have been created. A wide modern range of hybrid tea roses allows you to satisfy a wide variety of tastes. Work on developing new varieties of hybrid tea roses continues.

Hybrid tea roses are distinguished by their richness of colors. Many new varieties are influenced by the iridescent colors of Pernetian roses. The flowers are elegant, often elongated, goblet-shaped, large, from 8 to 18 cm. Double size varies widely - from semi-double (15-20 lp.) to densely double (up to 100 lp. or more). Flowers of most varieties with a variety of pleasant aroma, close to the aroma of either ancient centifolia and remontant roses, or to the aroma of tea roses, which, as a rule, are solitary on strong peduncles or in small inflorescences. The leaves are large, light to dark green, often leathery and shiny. The thorns on the shoots are often sparse, but large, often reddish on young shoots. The bushes are straight, sometimes spreading, from 60 to 140 cm in height. middle lane In Russia, hybrid tea roses bloom around June 20 and bloom with short breaks until late autumn. All varieties of this group need winter shelter. Varieties with denser, leathery leaves are less affected by diseases. Hybrid tea roses are very decorative, both in bush and standard form. They are spectacular in group plantings, standard form, good for cutting, and grown in large quantities for forcing in greenhouses. Planted at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other, per 1 square. m open ground 5 to 8 bushes are planted.

Hybrid tea roses are the “queens of roses,” and the title is not disputed by other groups.

Rub. 500.00

  • Hybrid Tea Summer Holiday

    Variety: Summer Holiday (Charles Walter Gregory, UK, 1967) - "Summer Holiday"

    Group: hybrid tea roses.

    Bloom: repeated, in waves.

    Inflorescence: often single flowers on long, strong peduncles.

    Color: creamy orange, brighter in the center.

    Bud shape: basal-shaped.

    Flower Shape: cupped.

    Flower diameter: very large, 10-13cm.

    Terry: terry, more than 35 petals.

    Petals: dense, large.

    Aroma: saturated

    Foliage: dense, medium green.

    Escapes: erect, thick.

    Spikes: small, rare.

    Bush: medium height.

    Bush height: up to 150 cm, width up to 100 cm.

    Disease resistance: good.

    Winter hardiness: good, zone 6 (overwinters under simple shelter)

    Relation to growing conditions: not very whimsical.

    Relation to rain: stable.

    Attitude to heat and sun: stable.

Two-year-old, self-rooted rose seedlings. With a closed root system, in pots from 2 to 7 liters.

The strength, shape and color of the flower make it the perfect rose!

The flowers are goblet-shaped, large, and last a long time. The color is very nice.

The bushes are strong and stable.

This rose is characterized by fairly high growth (stems grow up to 1.2 meters), rose bushes Summer Romance varieties are completely covered classic flowers salmon-colored with elegantly curved petals. The bud has a refined, slightly elongated shape and opens, turning into a perfect flower with a rich aroma.

A romantic rose, full of exquisite charm and charm, with classically shaped buds and dense, heavy flowers. During flowering, the flowerbed emits a sweet fruity aroma that spreads throughout the garden. This is the smell that is remembered in cold winters, when the past summer, the garden and luxurious pink roses with petals on which mother-of-pearl has spilled.

The Summer Romance variety grows well in partial shade and sun, different conditions cultivation does not in any way affect the duration of flowering and the quality of flowers.

Flowering continues from mid-summer until October frosts. Even in the autumn months, luxurious pink roses thickly cover the Summer Romance bushes.

Advantages of the variety

  • Classic shape and color - deep pink with tonal shades.
  • Disease resistance – the variety has shown excellent resistance to fungal infections.
  • Frost resistance - roses tolerate wintering well at temperatures down to -30C.
  • Suitability for cutting - suitable for making bouquets.

Root system of rose seedling To be sent to the customer, it is packaged in an individual sealed package with a lump of earth wrapped in film, thanks to which your seedling will arrive alive and full of energy.