Homemade locator from a Chinese player. Do-it-yourself cable router

Hello. In my review today, I will talk about the Mastech MS6812 cable tester-router. With its help, you can track how the wire is laid, look for damage in car wiring, network wiring, telephone and computer networks, and also check the condition, integrity and polarity of telephone lines. At the end of the review, you will see improvements to the locator to obtain a two-tone signal at the transmitter output, which makes the search much easier. If you are interested in this, then welcome to cat.

The order was placed on December 6th. On December 11, the store sent the goods by Swedish post and on January 17, I picked it up from the post office - this is the package:

Mastech MS6812 comes in a colorful cardboard box:

On the reverse side of which are the technical characteristics of the tester:

The tester itself is packed in a convenient bag made of thick fabric with a zipper:

In addition to the tester, the kit includes instructions in English:


Reverse board:

Let's move on to the transmitter:

There are two LEDs on top of the transmitter.

“CONT”, with changeable color – used to check the polarity, integrity and status (busy/idle/calling) of the telephone line. This is written in detail in the instructions for the tester.

“TONE” is a flashing LED indicating the TONE mode is on, in which a tone signal from the generator is sent to the wire or line being tested, which is received by the receiver.

On the bottom side of the transmitter there is a battery compartment:

The transmitter, like the receiver, is powered by a Krona battery. Only the transmitter had a dead battery that required replacement, which is strange. When measuring the transmitter consumption in the “OFF” switch position, there is no consumption at all.

On the side there is a switch “CONT” - “OFF” - “TONE”. Accordingly, it switches the transmitter operating modes: telephone line check/off/generator.

The outputs of the transmitter are two “crocodiles” connected to the line under test or an RJ-11 connector, which allows you to connect the transmitter to telephone sockets, and, if adapters are available, to plinths, etc. For example, you can use adapters from the signalman's handset, which I reviewed.

Let's open the transmitter:

The transmitter is built on a base consisting of six “NOT” elements, or inverters:

And, as you can see, on the board, in addition to the operating mode switch, there is another switch. This is a discrete volume switch.

I found a tester diagram on the Internet:

To finalize, we are interested in the transmitter, called a generator in the diagram. There is another microcircuit indicated there, but it’s just an analogue. The Russian analogue is K561LN2. Therefore there is no difference.

Elements DA 1.1 and DA 1.2 are a tone duration generator;

DA 1.3 and DA 1.4 – output stage;

DA 1.5 and DA 1.6 – tone generator.

To modify the tester into a two-tone one, just connect the cathode of the “TONE” LED to DA 1.1:

Now, with this position of the switch, which is not brought out:

We have a two-tone generator, and when the switch is switched, it becomes a single-tone generator. If desired, you can, having found a suitable slider, bring the switch out. But I did not do this, since the two-tone signal is much easier to identify and more convenient to use.

Briefly about how to use the generator. We connect the transmitter crocodiles to the pair being tested; if you need to check one wire, connect the red crocodile to the wire, and the black one to ground (in a car, to ground), while the wires must be de-energized.

Then, depending on what we need to find the ends or a break, we go to the end of the wire, turn on the receiver and, by moving the antenna over the wires, we find the ones we need based on the signal from the generator. To search for a break, we move the antenna along the wire route and watch when the generator signal disappears.

You can also look for hidden 220 volt wiring. To do this, you don’t even need to turn off the power to the wiring and use the transmitter. A receiver is enough. The wiring is quite accurately determined by the 50 Hertz AC background.

Well, about interference on neighboring wires. Here the two-tone generator showed itself just fine. Let me give you an example. Recently it was necessary to issue a number for an old, long unused outlet in a multi-story building. No documentation has been preserved. The pair for the socket leaves the plinths in this bundle of cables:

And finding a pair using the traditional method takes quite a lot of time; you also need to find a regular socket near the telephone socket to connect the generator.

Telephone cables run throughout the building, to the floors, in a common pile with electrical cables, alarms, and data networks.

We connect the transmitter to the telephone socket, and place the receiver antenna over the plinths. The plinth was found instantly. Slowly move the antenna over the pairs of the plinth and find the desired pair. The entire search, along with running around the floors to connect the transmitter, took five minutes.

Thank you for your attention.

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Most power lines are laid underground, which improves their resistance to surface mechanical and climatic influences. However, on the other hand, in the event of a malfunction, determining the point of loss of contact or short circuit (especially in dense urban areas) is very difficult. In such cases, they resort to the help of special devices - cable line locators.

Operating principle of cable locators

In addition to monitoring the condition of the cable route, the devices in question can also establish the exact location of the cable (not only in the ground, but also in the walls of buildings), establish its depth, and detect various underground objects. Their use is especially effective when laying new cable networks, since it allows optimizing the volume and labor intensity of the required excavation work.

The cable line router implements the well-known phenomenon of electromagnetic induction, in which any metal conductor carrying current forms an electromagnetic field around itself. In the case of a power cable, this is the operating voltage current of the line; for a steel pipeline, this is the eddy pickup current. It is these currents that are captured by the device.

The devices under consideration can operate according to active and passive circuits. The first is more effective, and therefore is mainly used in cases where several underground communications are densely located in the area under study.

The difficulty of the search lies in the fact that the saturation of the soil with such conductors is very high, therefore, sources from other lines, serviceable or not currently subject to control, can be “woven” into the final signal recorded by the locator. Therefore, a distinctive feature and advantage of modern active-type locators is the possibility of a relatively simple and, at the same time, precise adjustment of readings related to a strictly defined cable line. This possibility is determined by the presence in the locator circuit of two independent units - a signal generator and a signal receiver.

The generator provides an electrical signal of a certain frequency to the conductor. Not only can it not coincide with the frequency of 50 Hz usually used for alternating current networks, but it must also be as different as possible from this value. This minimizes the likelihood of random interference or pickup (especially for underground pipelines, the pickup current of which is, generally speaking, unknown).

A cable line locator operating according to the active type can, in turn, use various methods of signal transmission:

  • Direct connection method characterized by the presence of direct contact of the conductor with the cable. In this case, the signal is transmitted accurately, without distortion;
  • Inductive guidance method when the signal is transmitted using a special antenna, and it must be placed directly above the cable;
  • Pairing method, when used, the cable is covered with a clip adjustable in diameter when laying it in a certain place. It creates the required electromagnetic field.

If the saturation of the site with underground networks is low, then you can get by with a route finder, which is made according to a passive scheme. In this case, to search for a functioning power cable, the magnitude of the electromagnetic field that it creates is used. However, in addition to the simplicity of the circuit, such devices have a significant drawback: they are not able to counteract interference from neighboring conductors, and therefore the resulting routing accuracy deteriorates noticeably. Passive route finders, in particular, are not used near power lines or electrified sections of railways.

Sequence of work and design of the locator

If a cable, in particular its insulation, is damaged, a current leak occurs in a defective location due to exposure to underground moisture. Having installed the contact probe, monitor its leakage current value along the route, which will be the greatest in the problem area. In such situations, a locator with analog signal processing is sufficient. However, if it is necessary to determine the value of the short circuit current, a more sensitive digital type device will be required. After connecting the probes and the generator, it continuously processes the incoming periodic signal, with a certain attenuation decrement, and then with a sharp rise in level. This is where the leak occurs.

A modern cable line locator consists of the following components:

  1. Batteries, which are usually located in the handle of the device.
  2. Power switching unit and sensitivity change.
  3. LED power indicator.
  4. A high-frequency emitter that generates control electromagnetic pulses (up to 2...2.5 GHz).
  5. Indicator of the location of an object (screen, mini-display or laser beam).
  6. Microwave side (left and right) receivers, which provide reception of the signal reflected by the cable or pipeline under test. Each of the receivers is equipped with its own LED indicator.

The presence of two indicators allows the operator to use both LEDs during tracing: if the cable is located to the left of the device, the left one is activated, if it is on the right, the right one is activated. When the locator is located directly above the detected object, both indicators light up. The direction of the cable is established by slow oscillatory movements of the device body along the approximate axis of the detected object.

Since the cable line locator is a mobile compact device, it is equipped with a special case, and the device body is made of impact-resistant plastic.

The main manufacturers of locators and the characteristic features of their products

Locators from Tempo (USA) are considered the most compact and modern.. AML type locators provide timely and accurate capture of the cable axis, which speeds up the routing process. The locators are powered by batteries (allowing continuous operation for up to 4 hours), and the weight of the device does not exceed 1 kg. However, Tempo locators require specially trained personnel to correctly interpret instrument readings. The price of such locators, depending on their characteristics and capabilities, is in the range of 65...140 thousand rubles.

Domestic 3M Dynatel locators - semi-stationary type, with induction grippers - are distinguished by the presence of a fixed set of frequencies (from 4 to 6). Cheaper models do not have the ability to set leakage current, but only allow for precise determination of the location of damage or cable passage. The price of the kits is 80...120 thousand rubles.

Budget options for locators produced in Russia are considered to be devices from the “Poisk” model line.. These locators are equipped with special antennas. They allow you to determine the depth of the cable and install the defective cable with a multi-core installation option. Price from 25 to 65 thousand rubles.

In addition to these manufacturers, equipment from Radiodetection, MetroTech (USA), as well as domestic Stalker locators are used to determine faults in underground cables.

Do-it-yourself cable router

A route finder can also be made at home. The simplest device includes an RC tone signal generator assembled on transistors, a bass reflex, a control relay, an output transformer and a power supply, which must ensure the stability of the voltage supplied to the device. A magnetic antenna with a signal amplifier is connected to the output telephones.

Such a locator requires preliminary adjustment, for which a conventional oscilloscope is used. At a given frequency (usually at least 1000 Hz), the tuning is performed according to the light level of the light bulb.

When setting up the receiver, first tune the RC circuit to the desired frequency, for which a conventional sound generator is used.

When assembling a homemade locator, it is important that the probe has a minimum length and cross-section, at least 2 mm, and the distance from it to the generator does not exceed 500 mm. The accuracy of the tracing is determined by the level of the output audio signal.

Diagrams and illustrations for the article “Modernization of the IMPI-2 cable detector

The device described below allows you to detect underground communications near sources of intense interference and determine the location of the cable route without disconnecting the cable. In addition, in cases where a cable emits electromagnetic waves under load, the advanced device can detect it using only the cable detector receiver.

The serial device IMPI-2 consists of two blocks: a generator and a receiver with headphones. Both units underwent modernization. Changes made to the generator and receiver are shown in the diagrams with thick lines.

In order to be able to confidently receive the generator signal in conditions of intense interference, a node has been introduced into the receiver that allows it to sharply narrow its bandwidth, and the generator has the ability to adjust the operating frequency. In the generator, a variable resistor R5 is introduced into the tone multivibrator, assembled on transistors VT1 and VTZ (Fig. 1).

Thus, at the output of the generator, bursts of pulses appear with a repetition frequency of about 2.5 Hz and with a tone filling frequency. For better discernibility of the sound signal in the receiver phones against the background of interference, an additional capacitor C5 is included in the manipulating multivibrator. An R19C6 decoupling circuit is inserted into the negative power wire.

The generator is mounted in a metal case, which contains a battery compartment for 12 373 cells. On short routes, in order to save energy, you can use a battery of three cells.

If the location of the water supply route is determined, and several pipes are connected in the well (see Fig. 3 on the tab), then the signal conductor is connected to the pipe whose route needs to be determined, at a distance of 30...50 cm from the joint of the pipes. If the pipes are steel, then it is most convenient to connect the conductor using a permanent magnet, having previously cleaned the contact area. Otherwise, the method of working with the device is similar to that described above. A cable detector can be used to determine the location of sewer lines assembled from non-metallic pipes. To do this, tie a metal object to the end of the signal conductor and lower it into the flow of water in the well (see Fig. 4 on the inset).

When it is necessary to accurately determine the route of the cable approaching an electrical substation that has a grounding loop and radial connections to the substation equipment, the generator is connected from the consumer side. In this case, the ground loop and radial connections will not cause complications in finding the route. When determining the route of a cable with a length of over 1.5...2 km, which has been in operation for several decades and has damaged insulation on the armor due to long-term operation, it may be necessary to connect the generator twice - first from one and then from the other end of the cable.

For all construction and installation work, it is necessary to know exactly the location of the routes of various pipelines and cable lines. To identify the routes of underground communications, it is sometimes necessary to resort to digging up the soil. This increases the cost of work, and sometimes leads to damage to the communications themselves. I have made a device that allows me to determine the routes of various metal pipelines and cables when they are laid to a depth of up to 10 m. The length of the investigated section reaches 3 km. The error in determining the pipeline route when laid at a depth of 2 m does not exceed 10 cm. It can be used to determine the routes of pipelines and cables laid under water. The operating principle of the locator is based on the detection of an alternating electromagnetic field, which is artificially created around the cable or pipeline being examined. To do this, an audio frequency generator is connected to the pipeline or cable being tested and a grounding pin. Detection of the electromagnetic field along the entire route is carried out using a portable receiver equipped with a ferrite antenna with a pronounced directivity. The magnetic antenna coil with a capacitor forms a resonant circuit tuned to the sound generator frequency of 1000 Hz. The audio frequency voltage induced in the circuit by the pipeline field enters the amplifier, to the output of which the headphones are connected. If desired, you can also use a visual indicator - a microammeter. The generator is powered by a power supply or a 12-volt battery. The receiving device is powered by two A4 elements. Description of the locator circuit. In Fig. 1 tone generator circuit. The RC generator is assembled on transistor T1 and operates in the range of 959 – 1100 Hz. Smooth frequency adjustment is carried out by a variable resistor R 5. In the collector circuit of transistor T 2, which serves to match the generator T1 with the phase inverter T3, using switch Bk1, relay contacts P1 can be connected, designed to manipulate the oscillations of the generator T1 with a frequency of 2-3 Hz. Such manipulation is necessary for clear identification of signals in the receiving device in the presence of interference and interference from underground cables and overhead AC circuits. The manipulation frequency is determined by the capacitance of capacitor C7. The pre-terminal and final cascades are made according to a push-pull circuit. The secondary winding of the output transformer Tr3 has several outputs. This allows you to connect to the output a variety of loads that may be encountered in practice. When working with cable lines, a higher voltage connection of 120-250 Volts is required. Fig. 2 shows a circuit of a network power supply with stabilization of the 12V output voltage.

Schematic diagram of a receiving device with a magnetic antenna - Fig. 3. It contains an oscillating circuit L1 C1. The audio frequency voltage induced in circuit L1 C1 through capacitor C2 is supplied to the base of transistor T1 and is further amplified by subsequent stages on transistors T2 and T3. Transistor T3 is loaded onto the headphones. Despite the simplicity of the circuit, the receiver has quite high sensitivity. Design and details of the locator. The generator is assembled in a housing and from parts of an existing low-frequency amplifier, converted according to the circuit in Fig. 1,2. The front panel contains handles for the frequency regulator R5 and the output voltage regulator R10. Switches Vk1 and Vk2 are ordinary toggle switches. As a transformer Tr1, you can use an interstage transformer from old transistor receivers "Atmosphere", "Spidola", etc. It is assembled from Sh12 plates, the package thickness is 25 mm, the primary winding is 550 turns of PEL 0.23 wire, the secondary winding is 2 x 100 turns of PEL 0.74 wire. Transformer Tr2 is assembled on the same core. Its primary winding contains 2 x 110 turns of PEL 0.74 wire, - the secondary winding contains 2 x 19 turns of PEL 0.8 wire. The Tr3 transformer is assembled on a Sh-32 core, the thickness of the package is 40 mm; the primary winding contains 2 x 36 turns of PEL 0.84 wire; the secondary winding 0-30 contains 80 turns; 30-120 - 240 turns; 120-250 – 245 turns of wire 0.8. Sometimes I used a 220 x 12+12 V power transformer as T3. In this case, the secondary winding 12+12 V was switched on as the primary winding, and the primary as the output 0 - 127 - 220. Transistors T4-T7 and T8 should be installed on radiators. Relay P1 type RSM3.

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Locator made from available parts. | remontkai.ru

Locator made from available parts.

Any electrician who knows his business can make a locator from available parts for personal use. We all know that repairs are a very troublesome task. And it’s doubly bad if there’s nothing to do and how to do it? The story of one repair prompted me to write how you can get out of a difficult situation if you approach the matter headlong. To find a fault, you need to make a locator.

There was an accident at work. 3 water supply wells stopped working. The cable for remotely switching on the pumps was broken. We determined which veins are in the break, and where the break is difficult to determine. A locator is needed. There is no visible damage to the underground cable in the area, and the distance is decent. They invited signalmen, they walked around the route, no use, they say it’s impossible to determine with this device, you have a high-voltage power line nearby, there’s a lot of interference. Since the accident, I set out to use the available parts to make a device for finding a break in the cable. At home I found a player abandoned by my daughter. It turned out to be completely assembled with all the attributes, even the headphones were working. I made some modifications and cut off all the excess. I added a power switch and made a metal case to prevent interference. I checked, the amplifier is working fine, the problem is with the search coil. I look at the RKN relay, it is very easy to understand. I'm renting a contact group. What remains is the coil and the base plate of the relay. I clamp the plate in a vice and lightly hit the coil rod with a hammer to knock it out. The coil rod can be pulled out easily. The search coil is ready. I connect the windings in series and when measuring, I got 5 kilo-ohms. I insert a ferrite rod with a diameter of 8 mm inside. I secure the rod with rubber rings on both sides. I found a piece of plastic tube with an internal diameter of 28 mm. I slightly sharpened the edges of the coil frame so that it fits inside the tube. He bent the tube so that, with its growth, the tube with the coil was horizontal to the surface of the earth. I soldered a shielded wire to the coil and found a suitable connector for connecting to the amplifier. The locator was ready and everything was in place and the test began. I walked through the territory and it was really very audible from the 50 Hz line, in short, a continuous hum in the headphones at the lowest volume. This means that you need a signal distinguishable from 50 hertz. Again, we need to make a buzzer from scrap parts. I found a 24 volt relay with powerful contacts. I adjusted the vibration of the contact and powered the coil through this contact. I powered the device through the power supply and connected it to the broken wire and the second wire to the ground. And then, in the general noise, I clearly heard my buzzer, measured on one side until the sound disappeared, then on the other, the break point was determined at the bend of the route. But as is the case everywhere, they told us to wait until people with serious equipment arrived. We arrived with an electronic device that shows the distance on the display. We measured from one side to the other, the error is 5 meters. We started digging and breaking the pipe and there was no break. From my mark they started digging in the other direction. During my lunch break I dug up a spot that I had identified, the error was 20 centimeters. What happened was that when the cable was pulled into the pipe, the insulation was torn off, water came in, and the aluminum cable turned into powder. This is why I wrote it, and maybe it will be useful to someone. Health and good luck throughout KAI.

Homemade locator coil.

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Locator « schemapedia

The device is designed to determine the location of underground power cable lines (CL) under load (including armored ones) in preparation for excavation work, as well as hidden wiring in buildings.

The operating condition of the device is a certain load mismatch between the phases, which is characteristic of the vast majority of 0.4 kV cable lines and a significant part of 6 and 10 kV. Except, of course, the feeder lines of the main substations.

The operating principle of the locator is to amplify and indicate the industrial frequency current induced in the sensor coils near the cable line.

To increase selectivity, common-mode connection of perpendicularly located sensors to the inputs of the operational amplifier was used. This makes it possible to determine the direction of the CL (we are not talking about the direction to the CL) with an accuracy of several degrees and allows you to get rid of the influence of other interference.

Two coils from one RES 9 relay are used as sensors. The battery is from a car security alarm. The pointer device is from a cassette recorder.

The setting consists of selecting resistors R1, R4 so that the dial gauge reading is in the middle of the scale with the R3 regulator in the middle position. In this case, a two-core wire with a load of 100 W is used as a signal source, located in the direction of the bisector of the angle between the sensors and perpendicular to its plane at a distance of about 5 cm.

Structurally, the device is made in a plastic case. Mounting is mounted, the sensors are located with a minimum distance from each other, in the same plane, each at an angle of 45 degrees to the axis of the device, mutually perpendicular.

When setting up, a line of precise direction is applied to the wire on the body, which is necessary for working near hidden wiring.

Working with a locator is simple and requires only some skills developed experimentally. It should only be noted that the direction of the line is more accurately determined by the minimum readings of the device, and not by the maximum, i.e. determine the direction perpendicular to the cable line.

This device was manufactured in two copies and was used with unprecedented success for 5 years when coordinating earthworks.


Homemade locator from a Chinese player

Forum member

Registration: March 26, 2009 Messages: 2,084 Likes: 693 Address: Kiev For many years I have been using homemade locators made from Chinese players. Using such “homemade” devices, I find routes by ear. I use homemade ones (2200 turns) as a sensor coil a thin enameled wire on a piece of firrite antenna from a transistor receiver or a piece of low-power transformer with a high-voltage winding of 220 volts cut out with a hacksaw on metal). On the right in the photo, a coil from a “prehistoric” locator is used as a sensor coil. Modification of the player itself is very simple. You disassemble the player, bite off the wires going to the engine. Cut off the wires going to the playback head, solder the wire and the screen going from the sensor coil to the amplifier input on the board (those two points where the wires went from the playback head). The wire coming from the sensor coil must be shielded. In order to hear the whole “musical " spectrum emitted by communications; good broadband headphones are highly desirable. #1

Forum member

Registration: March 26, 2009 Messages: 2,084 Likes: 693 Address: Kyiv SANEK-1 said:

How do you understand that a transformer with a high-voltage winding is 220 volts?

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Small transformers with 220 volt windings were used in power supplies for calculators. It is possible that the widely used “shape” one could be used. Cut out the middle part with the winding. But I haven’t tried this myself. SANEK-1 said:

2200 turns will be exhausting to wind.

Click to expand...

I used a hand drill clamped in a vice. One turn of the drill handle is several turns of the drill-firrite rod clamped into it. The length of the rod is approximately 8 - 9 cm. First, one layer of adhesive tape was wrapped around the rod with the sticky side facing the rod. But you can also use more “modern” materials, such as heat shrink. I had 0.15 -0.20 enameled copper wire on a spool wrapped around a rod. In general, it was a kind of primitive “winding” machine. I tried to wind the coils more or less evenly, not reaching about 6 - 7 mm from the edges of the rod between the plastic washers dressed on the rod. The rod was placed in a plastic tube (I bought a plastic gymnastic stick for this at one time). On both sides, I hammered a piece of cork cork (wine bottle caps) into the tube. This ensured that the antenna was completely sealed. #17

Sherkhan likes this.


DIY Cable Finder - Easy Job

For all construction and installation work, it is necessary to know exactly the location of the routes of various pipelines and cable lines. To identify the routes of underground communications, it is sometimes necessary to resort to digging up the soil. This increases the cost of work, and sometimes leads to damage to the communications themselves. I have made a device that allows me to determine the routes of various metal pipelines and cables when they are laid to a depth of up to 10 m. The length of the investigated section reaches 3 km. The error in determining the pipeline route when laid at a depth of 2 m does not exceed 10 cm. It can be used to determine the routes of pipelines and cables laid under water. The operating principle of the locator is based on the detection of an alternating electromagnetic field, which is artificially created around the cable or pipeline being examined. To do this, an audio frequency generator is connected to the pipeline or cable being tested and a grounding pin. Detection of the electromagnetic field along the entire route is carried out using a portable receiver equipped with a ferrite antenna with a pronounced directivity. The magnetic antenna coil with a capacitor forms a resonant circuit tuned to the sound generator frequency of 1000 Hz. The audio frequency voltage induced in the circuit by the pipeline field enters the amplifier, to the output of which the headphones are connected. If desired, you can also use a visual indicator - a microammeter. The generator is powered by a power supply or a 12-volt battery. The receiving device is powered by two A4 elements.

Description of the locator circuit. In Fig. 1 tone generator circuit. The RC generator is assembled on transistor T1 and operates in the range of 959 – 1100 Hz. Smooth frequency adjustment is carried out by a variable resistor R 5. In the collector circuit of transistor T 2, which serves to match the generator T1 with the phase inverter T3, using switch Bk1, relay contacts P1 can be connected, designed to manipulate the oscillations of the generator T1 with a frequency of 2-3 Hz. Such manipulation is necessary for clear identification of signals in the receiving device in the presence of interference and interference from underground cables and overhead AC circuits. The manipulation frequency is determined by the capacitance of capacitor C7. The pre-terminal and final cascades are made according to a push-pull circuit. The secondary winding of the output transformer Tr3 has several outputs. This allows you to connect to the output a variety of loads that may be encountered in practice. When working with cable lines, a higher voltage connection of 120-250 Volts is required. Fig. 2 shows a circuit of a network power supply with stabilization of the 12V output voltage.

Schematic diagram of a receiving device with a magnetic antenna - Fig. 3. It contains an oscillating circuit L1 C1. The audio frequency voltage induced in circuit L1 C1 through capacitor C2 is supplied to the base of transistor T1 and is further amplified by subsequent stages on transistors T2 and T3. Transistor T3 is loaded onto the headphones. Despite the simplicity of the circuit, the receiver has quite high sensitivity. Design and details of the locator. The generator is assembled in a housing and from parts of an existing low-frequency amplifier, converted according to the circuit in Fig. 1,2. The front panel contains handles for the frequency regulator R5 and the output voltage regulator R10. Switches Vk1 and Vk2 are ordinary toggle switches. As a transformer Tr1, you can use an interstage transformer from old transistor receivers "Atmosphere", "Spidola", etc. It is assembled from Sh12 plates, the package thickness is 25 mm, the primary winding is 550 turns of PEL 0.23 wire, the secondary winding is 2 x 100 turns of PEL 0.74 wire. Transformer Tr2 is assembled on the same core. Its primary winding contains 2 x 110 turns of PEL 0.74 wire, - the secondary winding contains 2 x 19 turns of PEL 0.8 wire. The Tr3 transformer is assembled on a Sh-32 core, the thickness of the package is 40 mm; the primary winding contains 2 x 36 turns of PEL 0.84 wire; the secondary winding 0-30 contains 80 turns; 30-120 - 240 turns; 120-250 – 245 turns of wire 0.8. Sometimes I used a 220 x 12+12 V power transformer as T3. In this case, the secondary winding 12+12 V was switched on as the primary winding, and the primary as the output 0 - 127 - 220. Transistors T4-T7 and T8 should be installed on radiators. Relay P1 type RSM3.

The installation of the locator receiver amplifier is made on a printed circuit board which, together with the A4 batteries and the Bk1 switch, is fixed in a plastic box. I used a ski pole as a receiving rod, the lower part of which was cut to height for ease of use. A box with an amplifier is attached to the upper part below the handle. At the bottom, a plastic tube with a ferrite antenna is attached perpendicular to the rod. The ferrite antenna consists of a F-600 ferrite core measuring 140x8 mm. The antenna coil is divided into 9 sections of 200 turns each, wire PESHO 0.17, its inductance is 165 mH. It is convenient to set up the generator using an oscilloscope. Before turning on, load the output winding TP3 onto a 220 V x 40 W light bulb. Using an oscilloscope or headphones, check the passage of the audio signal through the 0.5 capacitor from the first stage to the output stage. Using resistor P5, set the frequency to 1000 Hz using the frequency meter. By rotating resistor P10, check the output signal level adjustment by the light bulb. Tuning the receiver should begin by tuning the L1C1 circuit to the specified resonant frequency. The easiest way to do this is with a sound generator and a level indicator. The circuit can be adjusted by changing the capacitance of capacitor C1 or moving sections of the windings of Coil L1.

The starting point to start searching for the route should be a place where the generator can be connected to a pipeline or cable. The wire connecting the generator to the pipeline should be as short as possible and have a cross-section of at least 1.5-2 mm. The grounding pin is driven into the ground in the immediate vicinity of the generator to a depth of at least 30-50 cm. The place where the pin is driven in should be 5-10 m away from the route. Using the receiver, having found the zone of greatest audibility of the signal, the zone is specified direction of the route by rotating the magnetic antenna in the horizontal plane. In this case, you should maintain a constant height of the antenna above the ground level. The loudest signal is obtained when the antenna axis is directed perpendicular to the direction of the path. A clear maximum signal is obtained if the antenna is directed exactly above the path line. If the route has a break, then there will be no signal in this place and further. Live underground power cables can be detected using a receiver alone because there is a significant electromagnetic alternating field around them. When searching for routes of de-energized underground cables, the locator generator is connected to one of the cable cores. In this case, the winding of the output transformer is connected completely to obtain the maximum signal level. The location of grounding or cable breakage is detected by the loss of signal in the receiving device phones when the operator is located above the point of cable damage. I have made 6 similar devices. All of them showed excellent results during operation; in some cases, the locator was not even adjusted.



Cable tester-router Mastech MS6812 and its modification

Hello. In my review today, I will talk about the Mastech MS6812 cable tester-router. With its help, you can track how the wire is laid, look for damage in car wiring, network wiring, telephone and computer networks, and also check the condition, integrity and polarity of telephone lines. At the end of the review, you will see improvements to the locator to obtain a two-tone signal at the transmitter output, which makes the search much easier. If you are interested in this, then welcome to cat.

The order was placed on December 6th. On December 11, the store sent the goods by Swedish post and on January 17, I picked it up from the post office - this is the package:

Mastech MS6812 comes in a colorful cardboard box:

On the reverse side of which are the technical characteristics of the tester:

The tester itself is packed in a convenient bag made of thick fabric with a zipper:

In addition to the tester, the kit includes instructions in English:


And, before we move on to reviewing the tester’s device, here are its brief technical characteristics:

Characteristics A non-contact locator consists of a signal transmitter and receiver Tracing the cable route Finding a wire Testing the absence of a break Detecting the location of a break Telephone line: determining polarity, line integrity, line status (free, busy, calling) Sending a simple single-tone signal along the wires Generated frequency: 1. 5 kHz Receiver frequency range: 100 Hz ... 300 kHz Power supply: battery - 2 pcs. x 9 V type 6F22 Delivery set: receiver, transmitter, set of batteries, soft case, instruction manual Dimensions of the transmitter: 145 x 35 x 25 mm Dimensions of the receiver: 238 x 43 x 26 mm Weight of the transmitter: 87 g Weight of the receiver: 71 g Weight set with packaging: 410 g Receiver:

At the upper end of the receiver there is an antenna, which must be guided along the wire, cable or harness.

There is a volume control on the side of the receiver:

And a standard 3.5 jack for connecting headphones, which is especially convenient in noisy rooms:

On the top side of the receiver there is a speaker and a power button:

Momentary button. The receiver works as long as the button is held down.

On the bottom side there is a compartment for a Krona battery. To access the battery, unscrew the screw securing the battery compartment cover:

Battery included.

Let's open the receiver.

Receiver board:

The receiver is assembled on the basis of ULF LM386:

Reverse board:

Let's move on to the transmitter:

There are two LEDs on top of the transmitter.

“CONT”, with changeable color – used to check the polarity, integrity and status (busy/idle/calling) of the telephone line. This is written in detail in the instructions for the tester.

“TONE” is a flashing LED indicating the TONE mode is on, in which a tone signal from the generator is sent to the wire or line being tested, which is received by the receiver.

On the bottom side of the transmitter there is a battery compartment:

The transmitter, like the receiver, is powered by a Krona battery. Only the transmitter had a dead battery that required replacement, which is strange. When measuring the transmitter consumption in the “OFF” switch position, there is no consumption at all.

On the side there is a switch “CONT” - “OFF” - “TONE”. Accordingly, it switches the transmitter operating modes: telephone line check/off/generator.

The outputs of the transmitter are two “crocodiles” connected to the line under test or an RJ-11 connector, which allows you to connect the transmitter to telephone sockets, and, if adapters are available, to plinths, etc. For example, you can use adapters from the signalman's handset, which I reviewed here.

Let's open the transmitter:

The transmitter is based on HEF4069UBT, consisting of six “NOT” elements, or inverters:

And, as you can see, on the board, in addition to the operating mode switch, there is another switch. This is a discrete volume switch.

I found a tester diagram on the Internet:

To finalize, we are interested in the transmitter, called a generator in the diagram. There is another microcircuit indicated there, but it’s just an analogue. The Russian analogue is K561LN2. Therefore there is no difference.

Elements DA 1.1 and DA 1.2 are a tone duration generator;

DA 1.3 and DA 1.4 – output stage;

DA 1.5 and DA 1.6 – tone generator.

To modify the tester into a two-tone one, just connect the cathode of the “TONE” LED to DA 1.1:

Now, with this position of the switch, which is not brought out:

We have a two-tone generator, and when the switch is switched, it becomes a single-tone generator. If desired, you can, having found a suitable slider, bring the switch out. But I did not do this, since the two-tone signal is much easier to identify and more convenient to use.

Briefly about how to use the generator. We connect the transmitter crocodiles to the pair being tested; if you need to check one wire, connect the red crocodile to the wire, and the black one to ground (in a car, to ground), while the wires must be de-energized.

Then, depending on what we need to find the ends or a break, we go to the end of the wire, turn on the receiver and, by moving the antenna over the wires, we find the ones we need based on the signal from the generator. To search for a break, we move the antenna along the wire route and watch when the generator signal disappears.

You can also look for hidden 220 volt wiring. To do this, you don’t even need to turn off the power to the wiring and use the transmitter. A receiver is enough. The wiring is quite accurately determined by the 50 Hertz AC background.

Well, about interference on neighboring wires. Here the two-tone generator showed itself just fine. Let me give you an example. Recently it was necessary to issue a number for an old, long unused outlet in a multi-story building. No documentation has been preserved. The pair for the socket leaves the plinths in this bundle of cables:

And finding a pair using the traditional method takes quite a lot of time; you also need to find a regular socket near the telephone socket to connect the generator.

Telephone cables run throughout the building, to the floors, in a common pile with electrical cables, alarms, and data networks.

We connect the transmitter to the telephone socket, and place the receiver antenna over the plinths. The plinth was found instantly. Slowly move the antenna over the pairs of the plinth and find the desired pair. The entire search, along with running around the floors to connect the transmitter, took five minutes.

Thank you for your attention.

The product was provided for writing a review by the store. The review was published in accordance with clause 18 of the Site Rules.


Do-it-yourself cable line locators

lesenka: homemade generator for locator

conferred: electrical circuit of the locator on the controller

DIY laser alarm scheme - prazdnik56.ru

Do-it-yourself cable locator

Locator ISKOM-02RT - sell.buy Locator ISKOM-02RT. Kirov, Russia. Photo

Finding a break in the cable diagram

LAB.kip.su: instruments, laboratory equipment, materials for scientific research, Other

Energy audit Locator FM 9860-DFXT

Electrical circuit of the locator

DIY wiring detector

Route finders (cable finders) LLC

AKTAKOM - ASM-1010 Cable line tester

Leica DigiCat 500i fx locator, cable locator for underground communications (Dn-1) for sale in Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine. price 33,380

Cable line locator diagram

Mastech MS6812 Wire Network Telephone Cable Tester Line Tracker with Bag Phone Network Tools

Locator "ISKOM-02RT25"

MS-6812 locator

Locator ISKOM-P-03 - Selection of geodetic equipment - Geo-otziv.ru

Locator receiver circuit

Locator made from available parts.

Locator from available parts Any electrician who knows his business can do it for personal use. We all know that repairs are a very troublesome task. And it’s doubly bad if there’s nothing to do and how to do it? The story of one repair prompted me to write how you can get out of a difficult situation if you approach the matter headlong. To troubleshoot, you need to do

There was an accident at work. 3 water supply wells stopped working. The cable for remotely switching on the pumps was broken. We determined which cores are in the break, and where the break is difficult to determine. We need a cable underground, there is no visible damage in the area, and the distance is decent. They invited signalmen, they walked around the route, no use, they say it’s impossible to determine with this device, you have a high-voltage power line nearby, there’s a lot of interference. Since the accident, I set out to make a cable break detection device. At home I found a player abandoned by my daughter. It turned out to be completely assembled with all the attributes, even the headphones were working. I made some modifications and cut off all the excess. I added a power switch and made a metal case to prevent interference. I checked, the amplifier is working fine, the problem is with the search coil. I look at the RKN relay, it is very easy to understand. I'm renting a contact group. What remains is the coil and the base plate of the relay. I clamp the plate in a vice and lightly hit the coil rod with a hammer to knock it out. The coil rod can be pulled out easily. The search coil is ready. I connect the windings in series and when measuring, I got 5 kilo-ohms. I insert a ferrite rod with a diameter of 8 mm inside. I secure the rod with rubber rings on both sides. I found a piece of plastic tube with an internal diameter of 28 mm. I slightly sharpened the edges of the coil frame so that it fits inside the tube. He bent the tube so that, with its growth, the tube with the coil was horizontal to the surface of the earth. I soldered a shielded wire to the coil and found a suitable connector for connecting to the amplifier. Got everything in place The locator is ready and has started testing. I walked through the territory and it was really very audible from the 50 Hz line, in short, a continuous hum in the headphones at the lowest volume. This means that you need a signal distinguishable from 50 hertz. Again, we need to make a buzzer from scrap parts. I found a 24 volt relay with powerful contacts. I adjusted the vibration of the contact and powered the coil through this contact. I powered the device through the power supply and connected it to the broken wire and the second wire to the ground. And then, in the general noise, I clearly heard my buzzer, measured on one side until the sound disappeared, then on the other, the break point was determined at the bend of the route. But as is the case everywhere, they told us to wait until people with serious equipment arrived. We arrived with an electronic device that shows the distance on the display. We measured from one side to the other, the error was 5 meters. We started digging and breaking the pipe, there was no break. From my mark they started digging in the other direction. During my lunch break I dug up a place that I had identified the error was 20 centimeters. What happened was that when the cable was pulled into the pipe, the insulation was torn off, water came in, and the aluminum cable turned into powder. This is why I wrote it, and maybe it will be useful to someone. Health and good luck throughout KAI.