Make sports equipment with your own hands. Make a simulator at home according to drawings and diagrams

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Any person who wants to create a perfect body cannot do without a gym or exercise equipment for home exercises, which, by the way, you can do yourself if you have drawings of exercise equipment and desire. Modern simulators are very expensive, but you can make them yourself. Of course, you won't be able to make it exactly as it is in the original. After all, dozens of craftsmen, designers and doctors worked on it to make the best simulator.

Make a simulator at home according to drawings and diagrams

Let's look at how to create your own gym inexpensively for home workouts. To do this, you should consider some points. For example, some missing parts may have to be purchased.

However, there is also a positive side - if you wish, you can make inexpensive and high-quality sports equipment. So, in order to make a simulator with your own hands, the drawings of which can be found on the Internet, you should find the necessary equipment.

DIY Bubnovsky simulator

As you know, the multifunctional wellness treatment is designed specifically to work the muscles of the spine and joints without the use of drugs. It activates the deep muscles of the spine, restoring previous activity. In addition, systematic training on it can eliminate muscle spasms, as well as reduce spinal hernia and even eliminate it over time.

DIY Bubnovsky simulator

It is noteworthy that during training the body assumes a suspended position. In this state, the load on the joints and muscle groups is relieved, and the body is completely relaxed. Due to this, the pain syndrome disappears.

You can purchase it on the official website or find drawings and make it yourself. It consists of 2 vertical frames, each with upper and lower blocks, as well as one stationary one, and ropes with loads pass through it. For support and fixation of the trainee to the frame, special handles (short and long) are made. You can perform various health-improving exercises on the simulator. In addition, it can be installed in the gym or at home.

Barbell rack drawings

MTB helps maintain a toned figure by working the main muscle groups of the body:

  • abdominal and pectoral muscles.
  • biceps, triceps, and deltoids.
  • gluteal and thigh muscles.

DIY strength trainer

The sports equipment of any gym consists of a certain set of exercise machines aimed at developing certain muscle groups. Many drawings for self-assembly of strength training equipment are presented on various websites. Let's look at an example of how to make a bench press.

To make a bench frame, you need a metal strip 4 cm wide and 4 mm thick, as well as a 2 mm thick profile pipe and a 32 mm metal corner. As a rack, you can take a pipe measuring 40x40 to support the weight, as well as connectors measuring 30x30. For a bench you will need a pipe measuring 40x40, and for a seat with a back - a corner.

In addition, to assemble a sports simulator, you will need measuring devices, including tools for further metal processing. First, you should cut the profile frame, as well as the corner into pieces and drill all the necessary holes.

Having prepared all the necessary materials, you should proceed directly to assembling all the parts. Those connections that bear the main load during exercise must be welded. The remaining parts that serve as adjustment are connected to each other with bolts. After this, the structure is primed and painted.

DIY strength trainer

When starting the final assembly of the bench, you should prepare the load-bearing part of the backrest, as well as the seats, securing them to the frame of the bench. Take 2 USB panels, the thickness of which should be 2 cm, as well as foam rubber and leather substitute for upholstery.

Thus, making a sports trainer yourself is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. The main thing is to draw up the drawing diagram correctly.

“Rule” simulator and drawings for self-assembly

One of the ancient simulators is usually a simulator that is still actively used by many athletes, so if you have a drawing you can easily make it yourself. For manufacturing, you should adhere to only one rule - the angle between the legs and arms should be about 90 degrees.

“Rule” simulator and drawings for self-assembly

To begin work, the following materials are required: cable, grips, winch, block rollers. All these parts can be secured in different ways in the yard on special posts or even in the walls of the room. You can take this exercise machine with you on a trip to nature or practice at home.

To make the simulators yourself, you will need drawings, but this simulator is easy to manufacture. When purchasing block videos, you should pay attention to their quality. They must be reliable and mobile, which is especially important when making turns during exercise. The cable is necessary for uniform load distribution and therefore must be metal.

Make your own stairs

Thus, you can make simple-to-use simulators or find them on various forums in the do-it-yourself section, drawings of which are presented on their pages. At first glance, it seems that the exercise machine is usually only able to strengthen the tendons and core muscles. However, this is only one of its main qualities. It also improves the performance of internal organs, the musculoskeletal system, and restores strength.

Drawings of a strength trainer

Modern life, on the one hand, deprives a person of most natural physical activities; on the other hand, it throws bundles of psychological and emotional loads at him. Therefore, absolutely everyone needs to keep themselves in good, at least physical shape. To the credit of the current generation, we can say that now most people understand: a healthy mind in a healthy body. They also soon begin to understand: physical exercises, dumbbells and wrist expanders are not enough; you need to work more with weights on apparatus and machines, so at least a bench is required.

A healthy body is also necessary for a developed mind. Physically undeveloped outstanding scientists, engineers, creative intelligentsia, top managers and businessmen are the exception rather than the rule. Leo Tolstoy at 60 was spinning the sun on a horizontal bar. Niels Bohr, the one in school textbooks, was a famous football player who played for the Danish national team. Things got funny with him: when Bohr was awarded the Nobel Prize in physics, of course, the Copenhagen Tagebladette published a note saying, it’s good, our forward was given a Nobel Prize for football. And a “nerd” in “physics” often turns out to be one in areas of activity that require mental effort.

The abdominal muscles are known to be more difficult to pump than others, because... their ends are not directly connected to the bones. At home, doing abdominal pumping without special equipment, it won’t take long before you get a hernia. Therefore, you need a bench for the press. Structurally, both apparatuses are most often combined into one, with the possibility of conversion for certain sets of exercises.

Sports benches are not technologically complex products. There are enough descriptions of them in RuNet, but more in the spirit of: choose the drawings, and then - this is how you have to saw, pound like this, screw like this. A person who cares about his physical development, as a rule, knows how to operate a tool. But how to choose a prototype so that your training benefits? How to modify it to suit your biomechanics and biometrics? Which sample is more suitable for certain groups of exercises?

This publication is devoted to the questions of how to make a bench for exercises in the preferred direction of physical development with your own hands, using a reasonably chosen model, and then, based on it, a home exercise machine. Those who intend to prove themselves in sports or bodybuilding by working out in it will not be ashamed to come to a well-equipped professional gym. In the meantime, the material is designed for beginner athletes and simply for people who understand: you can and should use the benefits of civilization, but letting them turn you into a twitchy “teapot” or a swollen kettle is wrong.

Note: The problem of home sports activities has recently become more and more acute in rural areas - “physics” is decreasing there, stress is increasing, and a well-equipped gym is sometimes far away.

What to choose from

A home bench press bench is most often included in a compact exercise machine or is itself a multifunctional sports equipment. Regular exercisers will probably end up with a simulator, so when choosing a prototype bench, you need to keep in mind what it will acquire later. The most common designs of sports simulators are 4-, 3-, and 2-support. “Support” in this case does not mean the number of points of contact with the floor (usually there are at least 4 of them, for stability), but the number of vertical force connections in the structure; it largely determines the capabilities of the projectile.

Types of home exercise equipment

4-support projectiles, pos. 1 in Fig., are intended for developed athletes who operate with large, over 100 kg, weights. The racks for the barbell are located in them at the level of the shoulders of the person lying down, which greatly reduces the risk of injury: a barbell collapsing with the bar on the chest is very serious. 4-support exercise machines are heavy, cumbersome, and you can’t exercise with heavy weights in an apartment: falling on the floor, they give an instantaneous load of 5-8 of their weights, and the load-bearing capacity of the floors is 250 kg/sq. m.

For domestic conditions, 3-support exercise machines are intended, simple and with additional levers for weights, leg supports, athletic desks, etc., pos. 2 and 3. To ensure that the bar of the barbell in a 3-support machine also falls at shoulder level, their benches are made to “break”: it is dangerous to pick up the barbell with your hands behind your head. Therefore, in terms of dimensions, 3-support simulators are generally no smaller than 4-support ones, excluding those in which the barbell is taken from the approach, see below. The permissible working weight in 3-support equipment is usually 100-120 kg, including the trainee’s body weight.

A 2-support exercise machine is actually a bench for the press. For different groups of exercises, horizontal and inclined benches are needed, pos. 4 and 5: on a horizontal bench the abs swing, and on an inclined bench the lumbar muscles are also well loaded. A more complex structurally universal bench, pos. 6, serves in both capacities.

Note: You can also do initial sets of hyperextensive exercises on an incline bench, see below.

The most advanced type of sports benches is a transforming bench with a breakable board, the inclination of the parts of which is individually adjustable, pos. 7. The transforming bench can be supplemented with a stand for a block with a load, a desk, pos. 8 and other devices. It makes sense to do one for yourself right away if you have the necessary working skills: then adding a barbell rack to the bench, we get a complete analogue of a 4-support exercise machine, only with less weight, pos. 9.

Erroneous design of a transformable sports bench

Note: A common mistake when making transformable sports benches yourself is to make them according to a power circuit, as in Fig. on right. When performing exercises, significant forces arise, tending to “spread the bench of the legs,” and the welds turn out to be unreliable. In order for a projectile of this type to become durable, its supporting beams must be connected with a longitudinal beam, or two, from the same pipe.

Special benches

A special type of sports equipment is benches for hyperextensive exercises. Their goal is to achieve leanness and flexibility without gaining excessive muscle mass. In fact, hyperextension can be done on a large ball, or just on a mat, but the best results are obtained on a special bench.

Hyperextension benches

Benches for hyperextension, due to anatomical and physiological differences, are available for men and women, see fig. A strong Amazon can do hyperextension exercises on a men’s bench, but ladies whose goal is to get rid of riding breeches, have a slender posture and a flat stomach only need a women’s bench for hyperextension, on the left side of the trail. rice. To start getting yourself in order without risking your reproductive health, it’s still better to sit on an inclined bench with a curved board in the center, and for “advanced” beauties to do the press with a load, also sitting on a special bench, on the right.

Special benches for sports exercises

Note: drawings of a bench for hyperextension with height adjustment are given in Fig. Materials – profile pipe 40x25x2, 35x15x1.5 and round 25x1.5; desk made of plywood 12-14 mm. For desk lining, see below.

Bench drawings for hyperextension exercises

About sizes

Here in Fig. The dimensions of 3-support exercise machines for people of average height are given. On the left is a fully functional one with a removable desk, hand and foot levers. The main materials are corrugated pipe 60x40x2 and round pipe 30x2; stop for lifting the board – pipe 20x2. The board is 16 mm plywood with sheathing, as described below.

Dimensions of home exercise equipment for people of average height

On the right is a simple compact one. The height of the bench above the floor is selected individually, measuring from the heel firmly planted on the floor to the inner bend of the knee joint. Basic materials as in the previous case; The adjustable rear leg allows you to transform the apparatus for seated exercises. But remember: the barbell from this simulator should only be lifted from the approach!

Various benches

The simplest, but also remarkably durable sports bench, the “Hippolytovka”, can be made according to the drawing in Fig. flooring – durable board from 40 mm. Those who took the young fighter course in the army are well acquainted with it; at least in past times. The “spirits” of the townspeople soon began to look at the Ippolitovka with amazement and apprehension: how many different exercises, it turns out, can be done on it! And it fits perfectly into the 4-support simulator.

Sports shop frame

On the trail. rice. – inclined bench for the press. Due to its compactness and usefulness, it won’t hurt to have a separate one if there is enough space in your home. Due to the absence of right angles, the material is weaker - 40x40 corrugated pipe. Footrests - 10 mm rod with threads at the ends, rubberized to the desired size. The rubber couplings are removable: the lower stop is adjustable, and the top one can be removed if you need to do exercises in which it interferes.

Drawings of an incline bench for the press

Next in Fig. – compact power bench with racks for barbells. Exercises on it are done mainly while sitting. You can also pump up your abs by deeply arching your back. In this case, the foot rests will be the transverse beam A, and then it needs to be covered with something soft or put on a rubber coupling. The materials are 40x40 corrugated pipe, and the rod holders are made of steel strip with a thickness of 6 mm.

Compact weight bench

The next example is an athletic bench for strong guys who can confidently handle a barbell of weight equal to their own, the so-called. Scott's desk. The materials, respectively, are corrugated pipe 60x60x2.5 and 50x50x2. The neck holders are made of the same strip as in the previous one. case; seat and table made of plywood from 20 mm.

Bench with desk for weight training

Several simulators

How to tightly connect a hippolyte bench with a barbell rack, turning it into a fairly compact 4-support exercise machine, is shown on the left in Fig. There on the right are the dimensions and design of the transforming bench for the same frame. The main material here and there is 40x60 corrugated pipe. Let's talk about the rack clamps with rod holders below.

Home exercise machine and transforming bench for it

On the trail. rice. – drawings with a bill of material for a simple 3-support stationary non-adjustable exercise machine with a horizontal bench. It is more suitable for private households with a sufficient usable area. The highlight of this design is the connection of the far leg of the bench with its supporting beam with a link at 45 degrees. Thanks to the optimal distribution of operational loads, it was possible to make a projectile on which you can do exercises with weights of more than 100 kg, from a 50x50 corrugated pipe.

Simple three-legged home exercise machine

Finally, further in Fig. – drawings and specifications of elements for a full-functional home exercise machine with a transforming bench for bench press and abs. Notice the node highlighted in red. This is the simplest and most reliable way to fix barbell racks for use at home. The locking pins (with a diameter of 12 mm or more) will, of course, wear out little by little, but they will never jam or bite.

Full-featured home exercise machine

More about the barbell

As already mentioned, a barbell that is not supported by weight can cause severe injuries, even death. And in such cases it is unrealistic to direct its neck into the holders. But it’s realistic to provide 2 pieces of chain, securely fastened to the rod racks. At the other ends of the chains there are carbines, they are thrown onto the bar. The length of the chain safety links is taken such that, holding the barbell with fully extended arms, the chains sag, but the bar of the released bar does not reach the chest. To prevent the carabiners from slipping on the bar, it is enough to tape them with tape. Suddenly the barbell collapses, the tape, of course, won’t hold up, both carabiners will move to one end of the bar, but the result will be fear and, possibly, a broken floor.

About wooden athletic benches

You cannot train with barbells on wooden sports equipment; their design will not hold up. But in situations that arise as a result of the awkwardness of the trainee, wood “radiates” through the body much less sensitively than metal. Therefore, it is preferable for beginners and minors to use wooden benches for bench press and abs. In addition, wooden sports benches and exercise equipment can be built at the dacha or in a country house from leftover building materials.

Drawings of an inclined wooden bench for the press

The design of an inclined wooden bench for the press and the specifications for it are shown in Fig., and on the next. rice. – drawings of a wooden exercise machine with an inclined bench and a lever for leg exercises with a load. In order for the tree to support operational loads, a block system for hanging loads is used: they hang on the descending branches of cable A. Cross beams B are rubber-coated steel.

Wooden home exercise machine

About covering boards and seats

The boards and seats of industrial sports equipment are covered with leatherette or plastic for a similar purpose on an elastic lining. Such covering is durable, but does not prevent the reabsorption of sweat, which is in no way beneficial; This is why modern sports uniforms are made in 2 layers, with a mesh that immediately removes sweat directly from the skin.

In gyms, this lack of cladding does not have a noticeable effect, because... the gym is equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation (PVV) and air conditioning. At the very least, it must be equipped in accordance with sanitary standards. It is not always possible to exercise at a comfortable temperature at home, and it is simply technically impossible to arrange PVV in many city apartments. Therefore, it is advisable to cover homemade athletic benches in the form of such a “pie”, following from the base outwards:

  • Microporous rubber with a thickness of 12 mm;
  • Furniture foam rubber with density 45 (grade 45) with a thickness of 8 mm;
  • Sintepon with a thickness of 7 mm;
  • Denim or material like the old-style flannelette soldier's blanket.

The rubber damper is glued to the base with Moment glue or hot glue from a glue gun. The remaining layers of sheathing are folded to the underside and pinned with a furniture stapler. The disadvantage of such cladding is that it needs to be changed once a year, at the end of spring; the rubber layer remains. The soft layers will not harden, perhaps within 3-4 years, but according to sanitary and hygienic requirements, the service life of the textile lining should be reduced to a year.

About the technology of work

It is not the scope of this publication to describe the technological details of manufacturing benches for physical exercise. However, even if the reader is a good mechanic and welder, it is necessary to give an idea of ​​how to make a home gym with your own hands. Therefore, we offer a video course in 3 parts from the author, who made himself a very good simulator, as they say, from scratch in every sense:

Video: do-it-yourself simulator, manufacturing
Part 1

Do-it-yourself non-standard equipment for physical education classes in kindergarten made from waste material

Oksana Vladimirovna Stol, teacher of MADOU No. 203 “Combined kindergarten”, Kemerovo
This material is intended for physical education instructors, educators and parents.
Target: making non-standard equipment from waste material with your own hands for physical education and using it in classes and games
Tasks: to generate interest in non-standard equipment, to involve teachers and parents in its production; develop creativity and imagination when using non-standard equipment; motivate children to be physically active through the use of non-standard equipment in independent activities
“The health and happiness of our children largely depends on the organization of physical education in kindergarten and family...”

The equipment offered to your attention is made with your own hands to supplement the subject-development environment. At first glance, these are just crafts made by me and my parents, but in work they are indispensable assistants. Children's interest in various innovations evokes positive emotions in children and this tones the body as a whole. Joint production of equipment activates parents and motivates them to cooperate with teachers.
The production of such manuals does not require large expenses. Basically, I used a variety of waste materials: everything that is likely to be found in any home from the category of unnecessary things. Minimum costs and time! The result is very bright, eye-catching aids. They help develop the muscles of the arms and legs, coordination of movements, accuracy, dexterity, and attention.
Non-standard equipment must be:
Maximum effective
Convenient to use
Technological and easy to use

Material: plastic bottles, a wooden stick for connecting the bottles together, colored tape or electrical tape, peas (or other material for filling them).
Tasks: teach how to perform outdoor exercises with an object, to develop hand strength, cultivate a love of sports
"Dumbbells - candy"

Material: plastic bottles, sand filler, fabric and ribbons for decorating “candy”
Tasks: teach how to perform outdoor switchgear with an object, to develop hand strength, develop physical qualities
"Throwing bags"

Material: dense fabric, filler – sand (peas or other material)
Tasks: for the development of hand strength, for outdoor training, physical training, for throwing and outdoor games, as well as for the development of fine motor skills.

Material: satin fabric of different colors, for the shaft - a kebabs skewer
Tasks: teach how to perform outdoor switchgear with an object, outdoor games

Material: wool or cotton threads.
Tasks: used for outdoor switchgear activities and outdoor games
"Funny Pencils"

Material: equipment made of colored pencils, a chocolate egg container, synthetic cord
Tasks: help prevent flat feet, foot massage. Improves blood circulation in fingers, hands and forearms
Usage options: massage of the palms (rotation of the pencil barrel between the palms), massage of the fingertips, massage of the back and inner side of the palm. Foot massage.
"Colorful caps"

Material: plastic bottles cut in half. Self-adhesive film of the same color as the cork. So that children do not forget or get confused which color they need to collect.
Tasks: develop dexterity, coordination of movements, dexterity and accuracy.
Usage options: Scatter the corks on the floor and mix. On the command: “One, two, three,” children collect corks, each of its own color. Whoever collects it first is well done!

Tasks: develop the eye, coordination of small movements, train the forearm and hands
Material: plastic bottles, tapes. chocolate egg capsules, self-adhesive paper, electrical tape
Use Cases: A braid or ribbon is tied to the handle of a plastic bottle, and its other end is attached to a chocolate egg container. Children throw the container up and catch it with a bottle. If you caught it, well done!
"Soft balls"

Tasks: develop children's eye, dexterity, cultivate strong-willed qualities, attention, speed of reaction, ability to regulate and coordinate movements, and develop self-control skills.
Material: used socks, tights
Tasks: develop fine motor skills, coordination of movements, vigilance, accuracy
“Tracks for the prevention of flat feet”

Material: dense fabric, a variety of materials for foot massage (stones, caps, buttons, used felt-tip pens, counting sticks, cereals and much more)
Tasks: prevent flat feet; strengthen the immune system, develop attention, thinking, and intelligence.
"Jump rope made of caps"

Material: multi-colored lids, two handles from 5 liter bottles, an awl, a cord
Tasks: teach children to jump rope, develop jumping ability, agility, attention
Usage: for jumping, and this manual can also be used for throwing at a target if the rope is connected in a circle
"Magic rings"

Tasks: teach how to perform outdoor control with an object, develop dexterity, coordination of movements, use in ATS, outdoor games
Material: chocolate egg capsules, cord, awl
"Sultans, ribbons"

Material: multi-colored ribbons, plastic bags, rings, rubber bands
Tasks: teach how to perform outdoor switchgear with objects, develop attention and dexterity
Usage options: holidays, dancing, outdoor games or just for a good mood
"Birch logs"

Material: linoleum pipe, paint
Tasks: teach children to step over, jump over, run through objects

Material: soft toys, braid and stick
Tasks: develop fine motor skills of fingers and dexterity.

A treadmill, exercise bike and wall bars are also sports equipment, but they usually take up too much space and are not used for their intended purpose, but more as a hanger for things. The equipment listed below takes up little space.


TRX is a very convenient machine for functional training. In addition, you can take it with you on business trips or even on vacation, since it is lightweight, takes up little space, and for practicing it is enough to find a strong joint that will support your weight. ;)

In details:

A medicine ball is a fairly cheap exercise machine that does not take up much space, and therefore can be safely stored even in a small room. The standard weight of a medicine ball is from 1 to 11 kg, but there are heavier options: 50, 60 and even 75 kg. The surface is usually made of dense, rough rubber, which does not allow the medicine ball to slip out. The “filling” usually consists of sawdust, sand or a special gel.

In details:

The gymnastic wheel is considered one of the best tools for working on the abs. Also, in addition to the abs, the muscles of the back, chest, arms and legs are included in the work.

In addition to the standard version with one wheel, there are other modifications: with two and four wheels, with a return mechanism and with a shifted center of gravity.

Video 1

Video 2

Typically, weights are used for additional load during exercise. These can be leg weights (0.5–10 kg), arm weights (0.5–2 kg), waist weights (3–21 kg), weighted vests (4–64 kg) and even gloves with weighting (mainly used to produce a sharp and strong blow).

In cheaper options, the weight is not adjustable; the filler is special sand. A more expensive and high-quality option is plate weights, the weight of which can be adjusted by adding special plates (the weight of one plate is 50–400 g).

With weights they perform standard exercises that were previously performed without additional weight, such as running and even swimming. In this case, movements should be smooth.

It is advisable to start with a small weight and gradually increase the load. Weight can be either added or subtracted. Reducing the weight increases the load due to the number of approaches performed or due to the distance (if you run) and helps to avoid the habituation effect.

Video 1. Leg weights

Video 2. Leg weights

Video 3. Hand weights

Video 4. Weighted vest

Massage rolls don't do any exercise, but they are a lifesaver for tired muscles after a workout and your back after a long day at the computer, so we just couldn't pass it up. They come in different diameters, different hardness, with a smooth or textured surface.

Video 1. Working with the whole body

Video 2. Working with the spine

Video 3. Getting rid of pain in the lower back

Classic dumbbells are solid, that is, their weight does not change. Therefore, to adjust the weights, it is better to buy a set with different weight categories. A more economical option, both in terms of money and space, is collapsible dumbbells, which make it possible to adjust the weight by adding or removing removable disks.

In details:

Of course, it is better to jump rope outside. But if you are confident in the softness of your jumps or live on the ground floor or in a private house, then it may well become your home exercise machine. ;)

In details:

The isotonic ring for Pilates is a universal sports equipment and perfectly works the entire body. It comes in two diameters: a women's version of 35 cm and a version that is more suitable for men, 38 cm.

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Sandbag (sand bag)

Sandbag is another sports equipment that fits perfectly into the concept of a home gym. Its weight ranges from 10 to 100 kg, and you can change it yourself by buying a special filler or simply going to the nearest beach for sand. The main feature of this projectile is that the sand inside is constantly moving and in order to stabilize your body position you have to engage all the muscles of the body, even those whose existence you may not have previously suspected. ;)

Video 1. 26-minute full body workout

Video 2. 15 sandbag exercises

Video 3. Women's version of cardio training with a sandbag


An expander is a sports equipment that helps to work out muscles by compressing and stretching. There are a huge number of expanders (hand, shoulder, tubular, tourniquets, “butterflies”, skier-swimmer-boxer expanders and multifunctional ones), but we decided to focus on some of the simplest and most universal ones - a tourniquet and an expander tape. It is better to work the arm muscles with a tourniquet, and the tape is ideal for working on the legs.

Video 2. 10-minute workout with an expander

Video 2. Exercises for the whole body

Video 3. Lower body exercises

Video 4. Upper body exercises

If you want to develop muscles, but there is no opportunity to visit the gym or purchase expensive equipment, you can make a machine with your own hands. The process requires a minimum amount of time and money, and the result will not be inferior to purchased sports equipment in terms of training efficiency. We'll talk about how to make your own gym with a set of homemade exercise equipment below.

After all, the weight of Olympic and bumper plates can be the same as that of an ordinary homemade barbell with concrete plates. But people are drawn to miracle simulators, bright colors and good advertising.

It is worth noting that nothing will work for free. You will have to spend an adequate amount of money to make equipment and training equipment.

So why do it yourself if you still have to spend money? The answer is simple, you will save on the production of exercise equipment 10 times the amount you would spend on expensive equipment.

The most essential equipment for your home gym

It is worth giving your preference to free weights. If your goals are to build a harmoniously developed, strong body, then, undoubtedly, your choice should fall on the queen of strength sports.

Exercise equipment

  • Barbell. The bar can be made from a variety of materials; we will come to this issue later. For, you will need plates for the barbell, it is advisable to have them in pairs, for at least 150 kilograms. Also, the barbell set requires a W-shaped bar. This type of bar is necessary for pumping up the arms and relieving stress on the joints.
  • , it is advisable that they be collapsible, as they will take up less space.
  • Press Bench, preferably with an adjustable backrest. This bench is necessary for performing presses at different angles, flyes, pullovers and other exercises.
  • , one of the most easily accessible exercise machines. They are distinguished by ease of manufacture and availability of materials. The range of exercises is wide, so this exercise machine will perfectly complement the gym.
  • Power frame, will ensure your safety while performing squats, deadlifts and presses. A universal simulator that has a simple design and is distinguished by increased safety.
  • Roller trainer, to perform various pulls. With the help of such a machine you can develop your lats and triceps well.
  • For you will need punching bag and.

Here is the most necessary set for bodybuilding and maintaining physical fitness in general.

What kind of sports equipment can you make with your own hands?

If desired, we can also produce a fitness room of the latest generation, but we will produce only the most necessary equipment.

The barbell is a fairly simple exercise machine to make. For it you can use pipes and metal, and for pancakes stumps, homemade concrete pancakes, metal blanks, car flywheels and anything that can sit on our bar.

For dumbbells, you can make blanks from reinforcement and metal pipes, pancakes from plastic bottles and concrete blanks. The main condition is to make the dumbbell collapsible.

The bench is easy to make. You can make one universal, with an adjustable angle, and the other at an angle of 45, 70, 90 degrees.

The product is affordable and not expensive, but the pear will require some work. The simulator will cost some money, but will last a long time.

What is needed for production

First, let's break everything down into items and equipment.


To make the neck, we need a metal pipe with a diameter of 30mm and a thickness of 6mm. The length of the neck should be from 1.6 m to 2 m.

Separators, which will separate the working surface for gripping and the place for the pancakes. For the dividers we will need 2 strong bolts or cut out 2 pieces of metal plate with a diameter of 50 mm. We drill out the center of the plates by 30mm, and we have ready-made separators; all that remains is to weld them onto the pipe.

Neck locks. They are useful for firmly fixing the weights on the barbell. You can purchase 2 spring locks or take 2 pieces of pipe with a diameter of 31 mm and drill a hole in them and secure them with a bolt.

Pancakes. To make pancakes, we will need to make a mold from boards and metal. For filling we will use high-grade concrete and reinforce it with wire.

To make the construction of the pancakes more durable and more beautiful, you will need to cover the pancakes with concrete enamel, this will provide protection from moisture, and concrete dust will not fall off them.


To make dumbbells we will need: 2 pieces of pipe, pancake molds, locks. The manufacturing technology is the same as that of the barbell. It is advisable to do everything at once.

For the bench we will need: a metal square, dimensions 50x50x4. The length is only about 8.3 meters. Board dimensions 1.3 by 0.3 m. It will be needed for the base.

metal plate, for making petals. They are installed on the bench posts and serve as holders for the barbell.
To make a functional station that will contain a horizontal bar and bars, we will need metal for the base and pipes for the crossbars. Concrete for pouring the structure. Provided that the station will be installed on the street. It is also worth welding the crossbar at a height for attaching gymnastic rings and a punching bag.

Power frame, the design is complex and requires the use of precise drawings and a large amount of materials. So it should be dealt with separately.

Punching bag

To make a punching bag, you will need either regular bags for storing cereals, or tarpaulin or tarpaulin. Dimensions for manufacturing - height at least 1 meter, weight must be taken into account from 40 to 60 kg. 2 metal rings that will give shape to the punching bag, 4 carabiners, a meter of chain and the padding itself. You can use rags, old things and sawdust as padding.

Also, in addition to everything, you should have a welding machine and all accessories for it, cement, sand, crushed stone and a thinking head that will be responsible for the manufacturing process

Description of the manufacturing process, step-by-step instructions


  • To make a barbell, we first make blanks for pancakes, cut them out and knock together a circle shape from boards. We measure the middle and insert a piece of pipe with a diameter of 32 mm. We get a centered base. We trim the edges with tin and connect it with self-tapping screws. The form is ready. We make forms using the same principle for dumbbells. You can adjust the dimensions of the mold yourself, keep in mind that the larger the pancake, the heavier it will be.
  • Now we need to make a frame that will firmly hold our concrete. This frame is knitted from wire and placed on the bottom of the mold.
  • To prepare durable high-grade concrete, we must mix 1 bag of high-grade cement, 2 bags of crushed stone and one and a half bags of sand. All this is diluted with water until a uniform mass is obtained and placed in molds. We smooth out all the unevenness with a spatula and lay another layer of wire. Be sure to tread and compact the concrete base to avoid the formation of cavities in the pancakes. Leave the molds until the solution dries completely. On average it will take 3 days.
  • After the concrete solution has dried, carefully remove the pancakes from the molds; this must be done very carefully, if they do not come out, carefully beat the edges of the molds with a hammer and the pancakes can be taken out. Cover the finished pancakes with concrete paint and leave to dry.
  • Let's start making the necks. We will make 2 of them, one is a classic bench press, the second will be W-shaped. For a classic bar, we take our blank, grind it so that it is smooth and comfortable. After grinding, using a welding machine, we weld the holders at a distance of 40 cm from the edges. We will use bolts as locks. Then we drill 4 holes on these 40 cm for installing locks.
  • To make a W-shaped neck, we take a blank pipe, We clamp it in a vice and evenly bend the middle to a W shape. For space for the pancakes, we retreat 20 cm and weld the holders.


The design of dumbbell bars is made according to the same principle as a classic bar.

Press Bench

The bench press will have a more complex design.

We take our raw material, in the form of a square metal pipe, and make blanks from it. We need to consider the design and dimensions. Our piece is completely enough for manufacturing, and the drawing itself can be found on the Internet.

Punching bag

For the punching bag we need to choose the material. The best choice remains canvas fabric. If you don’t have the opportunity and skills to sew a bag yourself, then it’s better to take it to a tailor shop. It should be warned that the upper ring is not sewn in completely, but rather that 4 gaps 1 cm long are placed. Carabiners will be placed on these gaps.

After the bag is ready, you need to start stuffing it. The density is determined for each person individually, but if you are new to the sport, then you should not fill the bag tightly in order to avoid injuries and allow your hands to get used to it.


At the end of all the work, we get a set for developing strength, namely a barbell, a W-shaped bar, a pair of dumbbells, a bench and a pear.

According to the period of use, the pancakes will last for at least 2 years, the pear, if properly cared for and not exposed to a humid environment, will last about 5 years. The bars and bench are forever.

Comparison of the cost of the materials used and the cost of purchasing a new simulator

As a result, we spent about 10 thousand rubles on all the material, provided that we use only high-quality materials.

Now let’s look at the average prices for new inventory:

  • Olympic barbell with a set of weights for 120 kg. Rubber protection will cost you about 50 thousand rubles.
  • The price for a pair of dumbbells of 20 kg is 15,000 rubles.
  • The average price of a bench press is from 5 thousand.
  • Punching bag from 3.5 thousand. As a result, we save more than 70 thousand rubles.

Difficulty of manufacturing

The complexity of making such simulators depends on your abilities and imagination. If you have a significant lack of skills, you can use the services of professionals. According to calculations, this could cost approximately another 10 thousand rubles, but when compared with the amount for branded equipment, you will still be able to save in the end. But if you still decide to do everything yourself, you will receive a set of useful skills that will be useful in the future for expanding the gym.

Safety of use

It is worth noting that you can get injured even with the most modern exercise equipment. It is worth remembering the golden rule of bodybuilding “There should be moderation in everything,” which means, carefully work on the technique, and the weight of the burden will gradually increase on its own. Therefore, the likelihood of getting injured depends primarily on you.