DIY wardrobe from an old wardrobe. How to decorate a closet with your own hands? Decoration with vinyl or regular wallpaper

Restoration and decoration work can provide... After the renovation, sideboards and shelving become bright accent details in the interior. The decor of the cabinet is made using the techniques of decoupage, gilding, artificial aging, artistic painting, wallpapering, etc. Updating standard furniture is possible with your own hands.

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Decor options

Old furniture can become original designer decoration interior using decorating techniques. Many ideas have been developed on how to make a new cabinet out of an old one. These are dyeing and artistic painting technologies, methods of decoupage and wallpapering, and adding decorative inserts.

Upholstery and upholstery with fabric or leather will change the style of items in accordance with the updated interior of the room.

An original and effective solution is mosaic decor. The technique suits Art Nouveau and Art Deco styles. The elements used are ceramics, glass of different shades, etc.

The decor of an old cabinet can be done with gilding. Luxurious view Furniture is decorated using foil, which allows you to completely cover the object or create sophisticated patterns.

When restoring furniture, it is important to take into account the harmonious combination of finishes with the color scheme of the room.


Painting furniture - simple and efficient technique. The design can be monochromatic or combine a range of contrasting shades. Partial coloring of elements is possible: drawers, doors, handles, side parts, etc. Furniture processed using the ombre technique looks original - with transitions from rich to pastel shades.

Chests of drawers and sideboards made of natural solid wood are recommended to be treated with a thin layer of translucent paint to preserve the texture of the wood. Surfaces are painted with acrylic paint, which is considered optimal for furniture decoration, since the material is odorless, easy to clean and mix. Before work, surfaces are sanded and primed.

Stencils and stickers

Stencils and vinyl stickers are an affordable and easy way to decorate your closet on your own. The method allows you to finish furniture with patterns of laconic geometric shapes or complex compositions. Decorative stencils allow you to complete your work accurately. The method is suitable for Art Deco and Art Nouveau styles.


Decorating furniture with wallpaper will help hide surface imperfections and change the design of the item. The color scheme of materials is chosen in accordance with the shades of the interior. Before finishing, the cabinet frame must be sanded and painted. A combination of raw textures is possible wooden furniture and ornaments on the wallpaper, which decorate some elements of the closet. The method is suitable for vintage-style rooms.

Wallpaper as a decoration is suitable for many interiors due to a wide palette of shades, color combinations and patterns. Textures can be embossed, glossy or matte.

If you decorate the cabinets with photo wallpaper, you will get an original model. Wallpaper can also be glued to parts of the cabinet: sides, doors, shelves, etc. After finishing works The product is coated with a fixing varnish.


Using the decoupage technique, furniture is decorated with a pattern that merges with its surface. The method is simple to perform and effective. The finishing material is special napkins with floral patterns, images of nature and animals, paintings by famous masters, etc. The image can be clear or blurred in accordance with the design project.

For original interiors in the Art Nouveau and Art Deco styles, letters, sheets of old newspapers, theater tickets, movie posters, etc. are used. To decorate a room in the Provençal style, napkins in pastel colors with floral ornaments. Do-it-yourself wardrobe decor can also be made using decoupage technique.

When applying the material, you must ensure that the coating is even. After drying, the surface is covered with a layer of protective varnish.


When restoring furniture, mirrors can visually expand the space and hide defects on cabinet doors. The mirror draws attention to the interior, which is displayed on the surface. Wardrobe with mirror front – best option For small rooms, because it will visually expand the room.

The base of the wardrobe is suitable for finishing, because... large areas allow you to install mirrors at the full height of the surface.

In furniture with complex elements, it is possible to add horizontal inserts and shaped details. The mirror mosaic on the front of the cabinet looks original.


It is possible to restore an old cabinet with your own hands using fabrics of different densities and textures. The equipment is suitable for rooms with natural and country motifs, as well as for bedrooms.

The cabinet elements – doors, drawers – are trimmed with fabric. A thin foam base is placed under the material to add volume. Fix the fabric on the reverse sides of doors and shelves. The work will require: furniture stapler, standard or liquid nails.

The shade of the fabric is selected in accordance with the color scheme of the room. Decoration Materials to match the wallpaper, they are harmonious and elegant. Contrasting combinations are also possible while maintaining the aesthetics of the composition. The texture of the material should be dense and not deformable when pulled.


Decorating the cabinet can be done using the artificial aging method. Such vintage furniture is suitable for rooms in the styles of classic, modern, retro, country, shabby chic, etc. A simple and popular technique is using craquelure varnish, which is applied over a primer.

The surface can be artificially aged using the patina technique. The method is in demand when finishing softwood furniture.

Surfaces are processed wire brush, thus creating shallow artistic grooves. Then the wood is coated with dark paint, and before the material dries, the surfaces are treated with foam rubber to create a beautiful texture. The restoration is completed by applying a protective varnish.

What do you do with old furniture?

Even the most beloved cabinets become scuffed, scratched or faded over time. The paint peels off, the wood dries, and the varnish becomes cloudy. But what if we turn this from a disadvantage into a feature? You won't have to sadly say goodbye to your favorite furniture and spend money on new ones! And we are ready to help with interesting ideas and inspiration for new achievements!

1. Brushing

The easiest way to update old wardrobe- oddly enough, aging. This type of furniture is especially good in luxurious classic interiors, Provence, loft and any other styles that tend to be retro.

To make scuffs look natural, choose for them right places. Furniture gets worn down most quickly where it bears a load or is constantly touched: edges, corners, handles, tabletops, protruding relief.

Mechanical abrasions are created using brushing technology: the surface is treated with a hard metal brush, which removes paint and soft fibers. The technology is good for cabinets made of larch, pine, ash or oak.

2. Craquelure

Craquelure is the creation of a fine mesh of cracks on a surface using paint and a special varnish. It comes in two types: one-step - when the base or bottom layer directly peeks out from under the cracks of the paint; two-step - when under the craquelure there is another decorative coating or image.

In the simplest technology, the surface of the cabinet is first coated with a dark pigment, followed by colored or contrasting paint. And after drying, a craquelure varnish is applied, which provokes cracking. This option is suitable not only for wood, but also for cabinets made of any other materials.

3. Elegant scuff marks

If brushing is too rough for your taste, there are more elegant aging techniques. Pay attention to this one if your interior is designed in Provence, boho or shabby chic style.

First, colored paint of a rich or pastel shade is applied to the surface - but always noticeable. After drying, it is thickly rubbed with paraffin or wax, and then a second layer of light paint is applied.

Wax is removed using normal sandpaper, and under light coating the bottom layer shows through. Delicate aging looks especially good in milky, beige, cream, olive, lavender, linen, pistachio and soft pink bases.

4. Splashing

You can radically transform old furniture with ordinary decorative painting. Moreover, you don’t have to be able to draw to do this, because now abstraction, geometry and simplicity are in fashion.

A bright and creative accent in modern interior the cabinet will become artistically splattered, as if it had just come from a painter’s studio. You will only need brushes, paints, water and newspaper or oilcloth to cover your work area.

Choose the spraying technology that you like best: just shake the brush onto the surface, paint with a toothbrush or toothpick, knock small drops from a wide brush. Until the paint dries, the result can always be corrected, especially since negligence here is a trick, not a mistake. Finally, varnish the cabinet to preserve your efforts.

5. Glaze

Glazing is another artistic technique, which boils down to the fact that the bottom layer of paint is visible through the translucent top one. The result is complex iridescent shades that play interestingly in the light.

The advantage of technology is that you can use almost any paint: oil, acrylic, watercolor, even strong tea. Thin the acrylic with water until the desired shade and consistency and apply it with a sponge or synthetic brush. Glazing does not imply a dense, uniform coating; in fact, it is just tinting.

6. Staining

Stain is a tinting liquid that allows you to change the shade of wood, but completely preserve its texture. Apply it strictly parallel to the fibers, and paint over it with several layers of varnish or pearlescent glaze coating.

Soft fibers absorb the coloring composition more strongly, and from dense fibers it is washed off naturally. If you want to make the texture even more expressive, repeat the process several times. In order not to miss the result, first try the stain on that part of the cabinet where it is not visible.

7. Decoupage

Simple and affordable technology with minimum quantity tools and Supplies has won the love of decorators around the world. In fact, this is almost an applique, for which paper napkins with drawings or special blanks are suitable.

Thoroughly clean and level the base so that the surface is completely smooth. If you decorate metal or glass shelf- Wash and degrease it.

If necessary, you can first paint the cabinet with acrylic paint, but then wait until it is completely dry. Then apply a weak solution of PVA with water to the surface and place it on it upper layer napkins with a pattern. The whole thing is covered again with diluted PVA, and after drying, with a transparent varnish for smoothness and durability.

8. Patination

Patina is a characteristic antique coating that occurs when bronze or copper oxidizes. Its natural color is greenish-brown, but other options are used in decoration, including colored ones.

Apply bitumen varnish to the base and immediately wipe the surface so that it remains only in relief and recesses. And on top, coat the cabinet with a special shellac varnish, which at the same time provides resistance to scratches and damage.

Shellac varnish itself gives the surface a tone of old copper or gold. At the same time, it emphasizes the wood texture well, so it is often used to patina wooden furniture on its own.

Acrylic patina is ordinary diluted acrylic paint of a suitable shade. It pours out in the same way relief areas, and all excess is washed off with a clean cloth.

Wax patina is a separate composition that is rubbed over the surface, giving it a tint and a characteristic satin sheen.

Chemical patina looks the most natural, because it simply speeds up natural processes hundreds of times. Paint the cabinet with paint containing fine metal particles and apply a special oxidizing agent on top.

9. Etching

Etching is a more complex chemical process than staining, so it requires careful preparation and selection of reagents. But this technology is good for cabinets made of hardwood. This way you can give them a rich, deep shade and emphasize the texture.

The simplest home recipes use decoctions of leaves, bark, tea, coffee, and potassium permanganate. But more effective are chemical components that can be purchased immediately with instructions for application and an indication of the exposure time for different varieties wood

For example, 1% will help give oak a brown tint. copper sulfate, gray-lilac – 1% iron, and blue-black – 4-5% iron. You can paint a birch dark red with zinc sulfate, and greenish-yellow with potassium chromium.

Calcium chloride gives the coffee shade to light rocks, and Epsom salt gives the unusual purple color. And different combinations of these reagents create olive, lilac and golden tones.

10. Dry brush

Dry brushing is another technique that decorators learned from painters for elegantly distressing old cabinets. classic interiors. Take a little paint onto a flat synthetic brush, wipe off the excess on a rag or paper, and then brush over the base.

Do not press too hard, but go lightly around corners, joints and protruding parts. The brush hairs do not leave continuous lines, and the result is not a dense coating, but as if scratched.

11. Epoxy resin

Epoxy resin quickly freezes on outdoors and creates a beautiful translucent coating. By itself, it gives a golden or amber tint or creates the effect of glass or ice.

Deep cracks or noticeable defects on the surface of the cabinet can be filled with colored sand, small shells or any other decorations - and filled with resin on top. A small cracks literally come to life if you add luminescent powder to the epoxy.

12. Self-adhesive film

If you don’t want to bother with paint, varnish and resin, there is an even simpler solution - decorative film. The stores offer many collections, from imitations of other materials to photo printing, textured, luminous and mirror coatings.

First, mark the film and cut it, and then glue it like tape, slowly and carefully pressing it to the base and expelling the bubbles. The main nuance is to carefully level the surface of the cabinet in advance, otherwise the film will highlight all the defects.

13. Stencils

If you still want to paint a closet, but lack the skills, use stencils. You can print and cut them yourself or purchase them ready-made at an art store.

Surface preparation is the same as for any other painting: stripping, sanding, base coat. Apply light markings on top with a pencil so that the drawing does not move while working. Secure the stencil to the surface with masking tape to prevent it from fidgeting - and start painting.

If you want, take paint in a can, but then take care of additional surface protection. Instead of stencils, you can use old tulle, unnecessary openwork fabric and any other suitable materials.

14. Upholstery

An interesting and unusual decoration for an old cabinet is upholstery with a different material. But this should be the most ordinary cabinet of a simple shape and without relief decoration. Instead of stained fabric that cannot be removed, use dermantin, leatherette and their variations for upholstery.

Suitable for fastening the canvas regular glue– the main thing is that there are no bruises or air bubbles. Decorate the edges, corners, ends and other areas with decorative nails and rivets. This type of finishing will take a lot of time, but it will fit luxuriously into English interiors or loft.

DIY old cabinet decor - photo ideas

These are not all the options that you can easily implement with your own hands. After all, an old cabinet has nothing left to lose, so don't limit your imagination. And we offer a few more ideas for this!

It's no secret that good furniture It's very expensive, and... And antiques have exorbitant prices. It’s like with clothes: it seems that there is a lot of everything on sale, and there are no problems with the choice, but as soon as you take a closer look, you discover: there is nothing suitable. It is very difficult to find the thing of your dreams.
Well, finally, it’s a pity to part with the old one, but quality furniture, especially from . Quality is also a piece goods. Therefore, do not rush to throw away, say, an old wardrobe. It can be completely renewed and given a new life.

But in order to choose the right decoration method, you need to consider what your cabinet is made of and the degree of wear and tear. And there may be several cases.

Natural wood

This is noble, worthy material. Earlier wooden crafts were very high quality.
First of all, you need to fix the broken fasteners and be sure to wipe the cabinet from dust. Inner part It would be a good idea to treat the cabinet with a special antibacterial aerosol or wipe it with vinegar to get rid of unpleasant odor. Well, then choose one of the methods of external decor.

Toning. If there are defects on the surface of the cabinet - scratches, chips, cracks, they need to be puttied with a special wood putty, the color of which must be matched to the color of the wood of the cabinet. When the putty has dried, you need to sand these places with sandpaper, and then cover the entire cabinet with a special structuring stain for wood. The stain color should be darker than the original color of the cabinet. The end result is a completely new look.


Aging. This method is suitable for products made of natural wood. It involves painting the cabinet and some special effects. You can make a “shabby” surface.
To do this, light wood is first painted in dark brown color or dark burgundy, dark lilac, etc. (based on the prevailing color range interior), then, when the paint has dried, some places are rubbed with a candle, and then the cabinet is painted in light color- beige, white, cream. After this, the surface is wiped with sandpaper, and in some places dark “scuffs” appear from under the light paint.
If the cabinet is dark, you can make craquelure.

Painting. It also involves painting it in any color, but not too dark. Furniture paints are used. When the paint has dried, painting is done on the cabinet facades using acrylic paints. The most win-win option is stencil painting.

Decoupage. Perhaps no type of decor will give such a stunning effect as decoupage. If you decorate furniture using this technique, the effect is guaranteed to be the same as if a professional worked on this item.
This is due to the specifics of the “pictures” for decoupage, and special techniques for designing images greatly enhance the effect. The effect is as if it were a painting. The furniture becomes original, one of a kind.
To decorate a cabinet using the decoupage technique, napkins with a suitable pattern are selected, the pattern is cut out, peeled and then glued using a special glue. Finished work coated with furniture varnish on top, preferably in two layers. Decoupage looks great on light wood. But a dark cabinet needs to be pre-painted.


New fittings . New pens are not a small thing at all - they give up to 40% success.

Inlay. It sounds loud, but in fact this is just decorating the surface with overhead elements, not at all precious stones. You can use lace, embroidery and vinyl openwork napkins. The embroideries are simply attached to the doors directly within the frames using small screws. If the embroideries are without frames, then you can simply stick them on using shoe glue, and then “organize” them into a frame made of painted foam “stucco”.

You can also make an excellent jewelry box or chest from wood or thick cardboard. Watch the exclusive master class in a special video.

Cabinet made of chipboard or composite materials
This material, of course, is less valuable than natural wood. If the cabinet is in good condition, then all the already listed methods for decorating it are suitable wooden cabinet, except, of course, tinting. If the condition desires better, then it is better to replace the doors .

Dark polished cabinet
A fairly common model, the decor of which is aerobatics for any decorator. The fact is that it is synthetic dark varnish, which was used for such furniture, cannot be removed and almost no decorative materials. The tactics in this case are as follows. If the cabinet is in poor condition, it is better to replace the doors. If everything is in order with the quality, then you can use two methods of decoration:

Blunt and stucco molding . Blunting is tinting a surface using a sponge. You need to use gold or copper metallic paint, it goes over a similar polish. The technique is that you apply paint in some places by moving the sponge up and down. After this, the cabinet looks much more noble! After this, borders made of PVC stucco molding are glued around the perimeter of the doors, and a rosette made of such stucco molding is placed in the center of each door.

Stencil ornament . You also need to use gold or copper paint, only aerosol paint. Before this, you need to stick a large stencil with an ornament on the doors (for example, in the Baroque style). Then, on top of the stencil, treat the entire surface with aerosol matte varnish, this is done in order to create a base for the paint. Varnish in this case is a primer. After 5 minutes you can apply the colored aerosol. After another 5 minutes, remove the stencil - and now you have a new cabinet, completely different from the previous one!

In almost every apartment, you need to find a solution to put the accumulated clothes somewhere, and often people choose a wardrobe for storage. Such a wardrobe is a convenient and practical thing, but it does not always fit into the interior, being bulky and monotonous. You can revive this design by creating various decor. IN Lately Many sliding wardrobes are produced with a variety of stained glass inserts, reliefs, mirrors, etc.

Layout and dimensions of sliding wardrobes.

But if you already have a simple model, and you want to somehow transform and revive it, then tips on how to decorate a wardrobe with your own hands will help you a lot.

Methods requiring the use of paints


Wardrobe door assembly diagram.

This method is suitable for decorating any surfaces: solid wood, chipboard, MDF, plastic, glass and mirrors.

If your wardrobe is made of wood, chipboard or MDF, then decoupage on its doors will be done as follows:

  1. Sand the areas where the pattern will be applied with fine-grit sandpaper to remove excess varnish or paint from the surface and make it smooth.
  2. Cover these places with acrylic varnish and prime (for this, use a special acrylic primer). Then sand again, apply varnish and primer.
  3. Attach the pattern.
  4. Cover it with varnish.
  5. Next, if necessary, refine the drawing with acrylic paints - this will give the image life, as if it were a handwritten painting.
  6. Cover the work with varnish in several layers (from 7).
  7. Sand and additionally decorate using the craquelure technique, for example.
  8. Apply finishing layer varnish: it is better if it is alkyd or yacht varnish - this way you won’t have to worry that your creation will not last long. But you can get by with acrylic, because the wardrobe is rarely located in a room with high humidity.

Important! Each new layer (be it a layer of varnish, additional painting with acrylic paints or primer) is applied to the completely dried previous one.

It should be remembered that each new layer of decor is applied to the completely dried previous one.

Often a large mirror is built into a wardrobe. If you want to decorate it too, then the decoupage technique is also available for this surface:

  1. Pre-clean the mirror from all dirt using alcohol solutions or a special glass cleaning liquid.
  2. Cover the areas where you are going to apply patterns with acrylic varnish.
  3. Cover the dried layer of varnish with primer. And the primer is again varnished.
  4. Sand it down.
  5. Attach the pattern and varnish again.
  6. Use acrylic paints to complete the artistic finishing touches - add strokes to the ornament or add new elements altogether. In addition to acrylic paints, you can add patterns and other elements using special stained glass paints.
  7. Coat your creation with varnish again and sand it. Again, you can use the craquelure effect, etc. After this, apply a finishing coat of varnish.

By the way, using stained glass paints you can make a full-fledged mirror design without resorting to decoupage.

Painting and painting

When painting, you should not forget about the style of the interior.

If you decide to paint your wardrobe with your own hands, then you have labor-intensive work ahead of you:

  1. Before you start painting furniture made of chipboard, wood or MDF, you need to prepare the surface. Sand it and coat it with a layer of alkyd primer.
  2. Once the alkyd primer is dry, apply an acrylic primer over it.
  3. Then start painting with a roller or brush. It's better to apply alkyd paints or oil. It is better to apply at least 2 layers.

If the surface of the wardrobe is not damaged, then it is better to leave it intact. If you really want something new, then make a drawing using a stencil, or if you have a talent for drawing, make a drawing yourself using acrylic paints. This decor will be original.

  1. Sand the areas where the image will be applied using sandpaper and prime with acrylic primer.
  2. Now you can create! Draw whatever your heart desires, not forgetting, of course, about the style of the interior, so that the decor of the wardrobe does not spoil the overall picture. It’s better to draw small elements: patterns, flowers, etc. This reduces the likelihood of “not fitting” into the overall harmony.
  3. When the paint is dry, cover it with several layers acrylic varnish(approximately 6-10).
  4. Finally, sand the surface.

Methods that do not require the use of paints

Using photo wallpaper

Photo wallpaper intended for doors is suitable for finishing a sliding wardrobe. You may have to trim them a little: standard photo wallpaper for doors has a size of 86x220 cm. Using photo wallpaper you can create original images on your wardrobe.

  1. Before pasting wallpaper, degrease the surface.
  2. Glue the photo wallpaper using PVA glue. But it is better to glue photo wallpapers with a special self-adhesive back side to varnished surfaces.

For mosaics on doors, it is better to use acrylic or glass mosaics. Ceramic is too heavy and bulky.

  1. Pre-clean the surface where you are going to glue the mosaic.
  2. Mark the surface with a pencil to make an even element.
  3. Attach the mosaic with Moment glue, or better yet, with liquid nails.

These are the simple and original ways decorate the closet exist. Create with pleasure and enjoy what you create!

Today we find sliding wardrobes in almost every apartment. The convenience and practicality of this type of furniture is beyond doubt, but it weak point the decor still remains. Panels and mirrors of a large area are a rather boring picture, which you will certainly want to diversify.

How to decorate a wardrobe? Of course, you can order expensive doors from several panel inserts or with photo printing, but you will have to overpay a substantial amount.

We will offer you 5 inexpensive ways cabinet decoration with your own hands. What are their advantages?

Wide field for design solutions;

Saving money;

Convenient technologies that do not require special skills or a lot of time.

Method number 1. Large vinyl sticker

Vinyl decorative stickers for wardrobes, as a rule, are produced on a single-color German Oracal film, which greatly simplifies color matching. Outwardly, they look like a stylish pattern applied with paint. At the same time, you will be able to care for the cabinet in the usual way. Unless you resort to strong friction. And most importantly, when you get tired of one design on the door of a closet, you can literally remove the sticker in a minute without any traces and apply a new one.

This method is universal and can be used for doors made of any materials. You can safely apply stickers to glass and mirrors of sliding wardrobes. They hold up well and look very impressive. At the same time, you get rid of the obsessive reflection, and fingerprints that constantly appear on the glass surface will no longer be too noticeable.

The procedure for applying a large sticker on the wardrobe door:

  1. Preparation . Clean the surface from dust, fingerprints and other contaminants;
  2. Smoothing. Place the sticker on a flat surface and smooth it with a squeegee (smoothing spatula), which our store always sends in the kit;
  3. Fitting. Attach the drawing to the door and mark the position of the corners with a pencil or erasable felt-tip pen. For accuracy, we recommend that you apply the backed sticker to masking tape and see from afar what the drawing will look like.
  4. Removal of substrate and application . Since the sticker is large, remove the backing directly from the canvas attached to the tape from top to bottom in small pieces. Immediately apply the freed pattern to the surface and smooth it carefully with a squeegee without unnecessary pressure. And so on to the very bottom. At the same time, remove the transparent mounting film from top to bottom. The work should be done slowly and carefully. Carefully smooth out everything, even the smallest bubbles. It is most convenient to apply non-adhesive adhesives to closet doors with two people. If bubbles still remain, pierce them with a needle closer to the edge and remove the air with a squeegee.
  5. Examination. After removing the backing and mounting film, take the time to carefully look at how each element is stuck. Even for a small flower, all edges should be level on the surface.

This video will show you how to apply large vinyl stickers on surfaces:

Helpful tip: when applying a sticker to a mirror or glass of a wardrobe, spray the surface with water. The sticker will be easier to smooth out.

Method No. 2: Decorating wardrobe doors with corner patterns

If you don't want to cover the entire surface of the door, we recommend using vinyl decals with elegant angular patterns. Here you will get additional benefits:

Corner patterns are smaller, so the sticker will cost less;

Small elements are much easier and faster to apply;

By decorating the corners, you will allow the mirror to serve as a mirror.

When applying a small vinyl decal, we recommend that you first remove backing. Place it on a flat surface with the pattern down, pick up one of the corners and carefully remove it at an acute angle. If any element sticks to the backing, return the area to its place, iron it again with a squeegee and try to remove further. The sticker should remain on transparent film adhesive layer up.

At applyingstickers take the upper corners of the mounting film and stick it, smoothing it from top to bottom along the marking lines. It’s good if you have a second person helping you to support the sticker from below so that it doesn’t stick prematurely.

Method No. 3 Wardrobe decor with full-color posters

Wardrobe doors with photo printing are not a cheap pleasure. Color posters based on vinyl film are much more affordable and often look much better. This is achieved through High Quality print. You can paste a poster on one of the doors or make a composition on all panels of the wardrobe.

Drawings on color posters can be very diverse: from abstract figures to your own photographs of memorable places. They should be applied like regular vinyl stickers.

Method No. 4 Sliding wardrobe with stained glass windows - economical option

Only very wealthy people have the opportunity to decorate wardrobe doors with stained glass windows. We offer a decoration method that will allow you to experience all the delights of stained glass decoration without significant costs.

The technology is extremely simple. Translucent stained glass film with an adhesive surface is applied to mirror door wardrobe The film transmits light, which returns to us through reflection. The result is a glowing effect similar to reflection from colored glass. Applying stained glass to a wardrobe mirror is as easy as a regular vinyl sticker. Check out the decorative effect.

Available to order

Method No. 5 Matting glass and mirrors using paste or aerosol

Drawings on the mirrors and glass of the wardrobe, applied using the matting method, look very noble and elegant. Matting is a technology that allows you to give a smooth glass surface roughness and opacity. To do this, a special chemical composition is applied.

Matting is usually done to order and is quite expensive. We want to tell you how to make this spectacular decor for a wardrobe with your own hands.

You will need:

  1. Disposable (adhesive) or reusable stencil for wardrobes;
  2. Paste or aerosol for matting;
  3. Spatula for applying paste.

The procedure for performing frosting work on glass and mirror doors:

  1. Clean the surface from dust and greasy marks using alcohol or glass cleaner.
  2. Attach the stencil to it. Disposable adhesives are applied using the method vinyl stickers. Reusable ones are secured with temporary spray adhesive. Make sure that the contours of the drawing are securely fixed.
  3. On open areas applied with a spatula thin layer paste or spray special aerosol for matting. After the time specified on the packaging for the composition has elapsed, the undried excess paste is removed with a spatula, and the stencil is removed.

So in a simple way Even complex designs with small details can be applied to wardrobe doors.

Video about matting a mirror using a stencil using paste and aerosol

We hope that the proposed 5 methods will help you easily choose exactly how to decorate your closet doors without extra costs.

Stained glass films from the “Crystal Frost” series are perfect for decorating wardrobe mirrors, glass doors and partitions, shower stalls. An exquisite translucent pattern will make the glass surface attractive and open up space zoning possibilities.
Available to order several surface patterns