First aid for cucumbers: powdery mildew. "Ambulance" for cucumbers: prevention and treatment of diseases

Powdery mildew disease causes a lot of trouble for owners of gardens and vegetable plots. This disease affects vegetable crops, so fruit trees and shrubs. It is not easy to prevent its appearance; it is even more difficult to get rid of it in order to save infected plants. But before using any medications for powdery mildew, you need to make sure that it is she who is causing the problems.

Signs of powdery mildew

The hallmark of powdery mildew is a whitish-gray coating. Thin and dust-like at the beginning, it gradually begins to thicken and turn black over time. Small brown balls form on the upper side of the leaves. Diseased leaves dry out, shoots bend at the ends, darken and die.

Whitish powdery spots may appear on the leaves of roses, grapes or cucumbers. At the first stage, even before plaque forms, the infected leaves become dull, lose their elasticity or slightly wrinkle.

Most often, the infection begins its destructive effect from those leaves and shoots that are located near the ground. Gradually it rises higher and captures the entire plant, including petioles and stalks. Infected fruits usually crack and rot.

Causes of powdery mildew

In order to find effective means from powdery mildew, you need to clearly understand where and why it occurs.

Spores of the fungus that causes powdery mildew disease live in the soil. They are almost always present there. But they begin to manifest themselves only under certain conditions. So, in sunny, warm weather, with sufficient watering and optimal nutrition, plants rarely become infected with this fungus. But as soon as the ambient temperature drops to 12 - 15 °C and remains there for about a week, an alarming sign begins to appear on the leaves. white coating.

Gardeners have long noticed that not all plants get sick. Even pampered cucumbers in a greenhouse can remain intact if they are not overfed with nitrogen and not exhausted by too much humidity. The fungus does not settle even where fertilizing was applied in time and thinning was carried out.

What factors contribute to powdery mildew infection? As practice shows, this is:

- cool, cloudy and damp weather, when air humidity exceeds 80%;
— the presence of excess nitrogen in the soil;
- highly dense plantings;
— the soil often gets too dry and then flooded;
- watering is done when the top layer of soil is still wet.

Fungal spores awakened in this way can be transmitted to other plants. They are easily transported through the air, along with water, even through the hands of a person who has touched an infected leaf or branch.

Prevention of powdery mildew

Like most other plant diseases, powdery mildew is easier to prevent than to cure. Therefore, prevention is the first remedy against such a fungus. And any prevention is, first of all, correct agricultural technology. To minimize the risk of infection you should:

- regularly thin out plantings;
- remove old leaves in contact with the ground;
- water the plants only after the top layer of soil is completely dry;
- do not abuse nitrogen fertilizers;
— carry out phosphorus-potassium fertilizing on time.

Another type of prevention against powdery mildew can be carried out in early spring, before the leaves bloom. Berry bushes and other perennials are simply scalded with boiling water. This must be done quickly, using a watering can with a diffuser. You should pour over all the branches as a whole, without lingering long in one place.

A short-term exposure to very hot water does not have time to harm plants that have not yet fully awakened after winter. But spores, mycelium, as well as pathogens of other diseases, die. A jet of steam under pressure produced using a household steam cleaner has a similar effect.

Treatment for powdery mildew

To successfully combat powdery mildew, it is necessary to destroy not only the mycelium, but also the spores of the fungus. At the first signs of the disease, you should:

- completely eliminate any spraying;
- refuse to fertilize those beds where affected specimens are noticed;
— if possible, improve the illumination of plants;
- thin out the plantings and remove all weak and old leaves, cut off flower stalks;
- if the plant is in a pot or container, it is advisable to replace the soil in its upper part;
- water or douse using one or another remedy for powdery mildew;
- treat not only the leaves, but also all shoots and stems with a medicinal preparation; Potted plants can simply be dipped into a basin, tub, or other container filled with the solution.

For treatment, you can use proven folk remedies, or purchase ready-made chemicals.

Folk remedies for powdery mildew

1. Soap and soda solution:

— soda ash — 25 grams;
— liquid soap — 5 grams;
— hot water — 5 liters.

Dissolve soda in water while adding soap. After cooling, the plants and the adjacent top layer of soil are sprayed. This should be done at least twice, with an interval of 7 - 10 days.

Another variant:

- baking soda - 1 tablespoon;
— liquid soap — 0.5 teaspoon;
- water - 4 liters.

All parts are mixed well and the plants are sprayed 3 times at intervals of no more than a week.

2. Whey solution:

- whey - 1 part;
- water - 10 parts.

The plants are treated 3 times at three-day intervals, so that a film forms on the leaves, preventing the mycelium from breathing. The product is effective only in dry weather.

3. Horsetail decoction:

— fresh horsetail herb — 100 grams;
- water - 1 liter.

The horsetail is filled with water and kept for a day. Then boil on fire for two hours. Then cool and filter. The resulting concentrate can be stored in a cool and dark place for about a week. Before spraying, the product is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5. Treatment is carried out three to four times every five days.

4. Solution copper sulfate with soap:

- copper sulfate - 5 grams;
— soap — 50 grams;
- water - 5 liters.

Soap is dissolved in warm water. Separately dilute the vitriol using a glass of hot water. The vitriol solution is carefully combined with soap, pouring in a thin stream and stirring constantly. The resulting emulsion is applied to the affected plants several times at weekly intervals.

5. Mustard solution:

— mustard powder — 2 tablespoons;
- water - 10 liters.

Mustard is stirred in warm water. After cooling, you can either spray or simply water the plants.

6. Soap solution with ash:

- ash - 1 kilogram;
- water - 1 bucket.

The water is heated to approximately 40 °C and the ash is poured over it. The solution is thoroughly mixed and infused for about a week. After this, it is drained, separating and removing the ash suspension that has collected at the bottom. Before spraying, add a little soap to the solution. It is necessary to process every other day or daily.

7. Infusion of rotted cow dung;

- rotted manure - 1 part;
- water - 3 parts.

Manure is poured cold water and leave to infuse for at least three days. Before spraying, dilute with water twice.

8. Garlic infusion:

- garlic - 50 grams;
- water - 2 liters.

The garlic is crushed and dipped in cold water. After standing for 24 hours, drain and filter. The solution is used undiluted for spraying.

9. Copper sulfate and soda ash:

- copper sulfate - 80 grams;
— water — 10 liters;
— soda ash — 50 grams;
- water - 10 liters.

In the spring, even before the buds open, they are sprayed with a solution of vitriol, and after flowering ends - with soda ash.

10. Colloidal sulfur solution:

- sulfur - 40 grams;
- water - 10 liters.

The product is well suited for spraying currants during periods of their growth. But we must remember that it cannot be used for gooseberries.

Special chemicals for powdery mildew

« Topaz "- popular systemic fungicide, used for the treatment and prevention of fungal diseases. Active substance- penconazole. To spray currants, gooseberries, grapes, cucumbers and strawberries, one ampoule is diluted in 10 liters of water. For flowers and potted crops - 5 liters. Spray only with freshly prepared solution, evenly wetting the entire plant. The treatment is repeated after about two weeks. The protective effect lasts up to 14 days. The drug belongs to the third class of danger - toxic to fish, but not dangerous to beneficial insects and birds. It is considered moderately dangerous to animals and humans.

« Tilt CE » - systemic fungicide. Used as a preventative and protective agent. The active ingredient is propiconazole. Available in the form of an emulsion concentrate. It has a long duration of action, stops further development of the disease, and suppresses the formation of fungal spores. Increased air temperature has a beneficial effect on the work of the drug, enhancing its effectiveness. "Tilt CE" has high rain resistance, as it penetrates very quickly into plant tissue.

A working solution, with a concentration of 0.4 to 0.5 ml per liter of water, must be prepared immediately before use. It is not recommended for use at air temperatures exceeding 29 °C, accompanied by humidity less than 60%. The protective effect exceeds half a month and begins to appear within two hours after the end of treatment. Dangerous for fish and bees.

To combat the spread of powdery mildew, the following drugs are also used: “ Byleton », « Sulfaride », « Fundazol », « Previkur », « Acrobat MC », « Score », « Vitaros " and others.

Diseases of cucumbers in a greenhouse

Cucumbers are a heat-loving crop that requires proper care, nutrition, formation, watering and fertilization. Cucumbers also need protection from pests, diseases and weeds.

All the most common diseases are infectious.

Diseases and factors of their occurrence

Diseases to which cucumbers are susceptible in a greenhouse are associated with the following factors:

  • improper conditions for caring for cucumbers in the greenhouse;
  • long time soil is used;
  • incorrect selection of crops, neighbors and predecessors;
  • creation of an artificial microclimate;
  • inability to grow cucumbers;
  • drought;
  • flaw nutrients, minerals and fertilizers;
  • too much watering.

The most common pests of cucumber: melon aphid, spider mite,sprout fly.

The most common diseases of cucumbers are:

  • basal and root rots;
  • gray and white rot;
  • withering;
  • powdery mildew;
  • ascochyta;
  • bacteriosis;
  • downy mildew;
  • olive spot;
  • brown spot;
  • anthracnose;
  • Alternaria blight;
  • black mold.

These are the most common diseases of cucumbers in the greenhouse, but, in general, there are many more of them. All of the above diseases are infectious. That is, they are transmitted from plant to plant. In this regard, it is necessary to take measures for disinfection and combat the spread of infection. Cucumber pests most commonly found in greenhouses:

  • melon aphid;
  • spider mite;
  • sprout fly.

Useful tips for growing cucumbers in a greenhouse

  1. Under no circumstances should cucumbers be planted in soil where zucchini, pumpkin and cucumbers grew.
  2. Planting cucumbers should be alternated. The most good predecessors for cucumbers there should be: potatoes, beans and tomatoes.
  3. You can plant cucumbers in a place where they have already grown before no earlier than 3 years.
  4. You only need to water the cucumbers warm water and only at the root.
  5. Cucumbers should be staked otherwise they may face many fungal infections.
  6. Before planting vegetables in a greenhouse, you need to prepare the soil for planting and the greenhouse premises. It must correspond to the correct temperature conditions in summer and winter, at night and during the day.

Adhering to such simple rules, you can avoid many problems when growing cucumbers. To fight infectious diseases of vegetables, you need to know what signs a particular disease shows. You need to become familiar with all the typical diseases, then it will be easier to treat plants. Every disease is treated different ways, the principle of treating cucumbers is the same as in humans, you cannot treat everything with one remedy. It is better to understand the cause and deeply study the disease, how it manifests itself and what it threatens. And only then treat. It happens that gardeners can treat cucumbers at random with some kind of solution, but the disease will not go away. It turns out that the waste of time and money will go to waste. In order for there to be a result, you need to have complete information. Skill comes with experience. Before planting cucumbers, novice gardeners, especially, need to study the characteristics of diseases and pests in order to protect and save the future harvest.

Basal and root rots

The reasons for the appearance of white rot: high air humidity in the greenhouse, a poorly ventilated greenhouse and a large planting of vegetables.

Brief characteristics and signs of disease in cucumbers in greenhouses. The roots and stems at the roots become brown, become spotted, dry out, the leaves also become stained and fall to the ground. The roots may split, darken and dry out. As a result, the plant is stunted in growth and dies. Source of the disease The causative agent of the infection is pathogenic fungi that live in the soil. They can even be stored in seeds, and when planted they begin to appear. Fungi infect both young plants and adults. Causes of the disease Infection can occur with a sharp change in temperature. If you water cucumbers with cold or hot water, the risk of infecting the plant increases.

Gray and white rot

White rot.

Its signs:

If the stem gets wet and is covered with a white coating like cotton wool, then it is white rot. It affects the stem and tops at branching points. The causative agent of the disease is a polyphagous fungus. It affects not only cucumbers, but also many other vegetables. Causes of the disease: high air humidity in the greenhouse, a poorly ventilated greenhouse and a large planting of vegetables lead to infection of cucumbers with white rot.

Gray rot.


To combat gray mold in cucumbers, you need to sprinkle the affected areas of the plants with chalk and moisten them with a solution of copper sulfate (0.5%).

Spots that look like wet spots appear on the stem, fruits, flowers and leaves. A gray coating and black spots appear. The causative agent is the fungus Botrytis cinerea. Causes of the disease: gray mold, like white, appears due to low ventilation, high humidity air in the greenhouse. Bacteria live on the greenhouse structure and in the soil.

Sprinkle the affected areas of the plants with chalk and moisten them with a solution of copper sulfate (0.5%). The soil infected with rot is selected and cucumbers are not allowed to be planted in this place for 2 years.


The leaves become limp and the plant falls to the ground. The stems turn white and have a pink or white coating on them.

  • pathogens are pathogenic fungi that penetrate the plant through the root;
  • The cause of infection is soil that is too dense and not loosened. Roots in hard soil grow and develop poorly, water does not reach them, and therefore the plant’s growth is inhibited, the fruits become small and not tasty.

Control: loosening the soil under the plants and timely watering is required to avoid wilting.

Pathogens infect plant leaves. The leaves are covered with a gray-pink coating. Then black dots appear on the leaves, the surface of the leaf withers and dries, and the plant dies. The source of bacteria is introduced from open ground.

Sources of infection are located near the doors, windows of the greenhouse and heating pipes.

The cause of this disease is draft and sudden temperature changes.

  1. If signs of plaque appear, plants are treated with a solution of potassium permanganate (2 g per 12 liters of water).
  2. 250 g of onion peel is poured into 12 liters of hot water, infused for 1.5 days, filtered, and then the plants are treated with the infusion.

Ascochyta blight


In the root part of the plant are formed wet spots, black spots, watery spots that cause plants to dry out. The leaves first turn yellow, then dry out, and then the whole plant dies. The infection is transmitted through water, droplets and air currents. Air humidity and weakening of plants leads to bacteria multiplying better.

Plant residues are removed. If it is possible to preserve the cucumber, then the plant is sprayed with a composition consisting of water, figon - 0.2%, zineb - 0.6%.


The fight against bacteriosis of cucumber consists of spraying with Bordeaux mixture (1%) or using copper oxychloride (0.60%), zineba (0.60%).

The disease manifests itself as follows: black spots appear on the corners of the leaves. The corners dry out, and soon the entire sheet becomes damaged, covered in spots, sores and holes. The plant begins to look as if birds were pecking at it. The infection spreads through drops of water. A good environment for the propagation of bacteriosis is an air temperature from +16 to +20 degrees.

Control: plants are sprayed with Bordeaux mixture (1%) or copper oxychloride (0.60%), zineb (0.60%) is used.

Downy mildew

The disease manifests itself as white round and angular spots on the leaves. A gray coating may appear on the stem and foliage. Diseased leaves become brittle and curl. If the infection is severe, the plant dies. The infection is transmitted by droplets at high air humidity and a temperature of +20 degrees.

  1. Mix skim milk (1 l) with 8 l of water and add 10 drops of iodine 5%.
  2. Ash (0.5 l) brews 2.5 l boiled water, infuse for 30 minutes, add more water to 8 liters.

In the first and second variations, the plants must be sprayed with the resulting consistency.

Olive (brown) spot

Most often, this disease affects cucumber fruits and develops in greenhouses that are covered with film material. Bacteria live on the structures of cultivation equipment and structures. Spotting appears on fruits in the form of spots, olive color and then the spots develop into ulcers. The plant stops growing.

Fight: the greenhouse is fumigated for 2 days using sulfur dioxide (sulfur bombs), both equipment and everything where plaque is present are thoroughly cleaned. You can repeat if necessary.


The disease is also called copperhead.

To get rid of anthracnose, cucumbers are sprayed with Bordeaux mixture (1.5%) or a 1% suspension of colloidal sulfur.

Appears on leaves, but also occurs on stems. Signs are spots with plaque, which then crumble the leaves. The spots may be single or numerous. Then the leaf turns black and falls off. The bacteria are transmitted through the air and by droplets. They can remain in seeds and plant debris in the ground or on the surface.

Control: all plant residues are removed, sprayed with Bordeaux mixture (1.5%) or a 1% suspension of colloidal sulfur.

Black mold

It is characterized by the formation of small spots, at first barely noticeable with black dots. Then the spots increase in size. Conditions for reproduction are high humidity. The disease leads to the death of the leaf and the death of the plant as a whole.

Fight: try to plant cucumbers in a drier place in the garden. It is better to water more often than to be left without a harvest.

Pests of cucumbers in greenhouses

melon aphid

Pests in the greenhouse - aphids, sit on inside leaves, stems and flowers. After damaging a plant, aphids cause it to curl up and the leaves fall off. Aphids transmit diseases throughout all plants, thereby infecting the entire greenhouse. Once a plant is damaged, it slows down and dies.

Aphids and a means to combat them: treatment with a solution laundry soap with lye or you can take wood ash with soap. 100 g soap, 200 g lye, 200 g wood ash and 10 liters of water.

Fight against mites: the plant must be treated with water, sprayed with a solution of water mixed with garlic. Weeds also need to be removed.

Pests of cucumbers in greenhouse conditions are mites that sit on leaves and stems. After a leaf is bitten by a mite, it turns yellow, dries out and dies.

Fight against mites: the plant must be treated with water, sprayed with a solution of water mixed with garlic. You also need to remove weeds and dig up the soil well in the fall.

growth fly

The fly is also a pest in the greenhouse. She lays eggs in the soil. When cucumbers sprout, the fly harms them the most. It feeds on the nectar of flowers, lays larvae and has three stages: egg, pupa and adult insect. After cucumber sprouts become infected, they acquire a bluish color and soon die.

Fly control: treatment with chemical solutions. They need to be sprayed on young shoots.

Disease and pest control

  • when growing cucumbers in closed ground you need to adhere to the correct temperature +18 at night and not higher than +26 during the day;
  • Sudden changes in temperature should not be allowed;
  • ventilate the room well;
  • if plants are damaged, they are removed, leaving only whole, undamaged ones;
  • draft is an enemy for vegetables in a greenhouse. It must not be allowed;
  • use fertilizers and organic substances;
  • to protect the plants, you need to treat the entire area of ​​the greenhouse with chemical fertilizers;
  • Before planting, you need to prepare and cultivate the soil. In advance, in the fall, you need to apply fertilizer. Repeat the process in the spring;

In greenhouse conditions, vegetables are at risk of contracting diseases just as in open ground.

Plant diseases: powdery mildew and downy mildew

The development of plants and the appearance of crops are often hampered not only by insect pests, but also by various diseases: powdery mildew, peronospora, black rot, coccomitosis, anthracnose, rust and many other fungal diseases.

In this article we will talk about how to deal with powdery mildew and the treatment of downy mildew (perenospora).

Powdery mildew is one of the most common fungal diseases affecting pumpkin crops. It is usually found in greenhouses and greenhouses, but under favorable weather conditions (high air temperature and humidity) it quickly spreads in open ground.

Peronosporosis affects cucumbers, melon, pumpkin, watermelon, as well as plants of the goosefoot family. More often than other plants, parsley, parsnips, celery, dill, as well as cucumbers, zucchini, cabbage, peas, onions, and beets are infected with this disease.

Measures to combat powdery mildew and its photos

As you can see in the photo, powdery mildew is a white coating on the leaves and causes plants to dry out. With severe damage, white spots also appear on the stem and fruit.

The rapid spread of powdery mildew in protected soil conditions is facilitated by sharp temperature fluctuations, drafts, and watering plants with cold water. In open ground, powdery mildew spreads quickly with the onset of persistent hot weather and the appearance of dew.

The causative agents of the disease persist on plant debris and weeds.

In open ground, it is recommended to grow varieties resistant to powdery mildew. Plant residues, as well as diseased plants, should be burned or buried in the soil to a depth of at least 40 cm. In the fall, the soil must be carefully dug up and crop rotation must be observed, that is, plants must be planted in their original place no earlier than after 3 years.

One of the measures to combat powdery mildew is to lubricate the leaves and stems with ground or colloidal sulfur using a cotton swab. Further, if necessary, plants should be treated with a suspension of colloidal sulfur or mullein infusion.

To prevent the disease, the temperature regime should be observed. The daytime temperature in the greenhouse should be 24-26 °C during the day, and 20 °C at night.

Given fungal disease It affects the leaves and stems of beans and peas, which turn yellow and dry out. At the same time, a powdery coating consisting of fungal spores is clearly visible on the affected organs. The disease can persist for a long time on plant debris. The development of infection occurs at an air temperature of 20-25 ° C and a relative air humidity of 70-80%. To protect legumes from powdery mildew, sources of infection should be destroyed, as well as preventive measures should be taken, which include treating plants with sulfur preparations 2-3 times every 10-15 days.

How to deal with downy mildew and photos of downy mildew

Downy mildew affects plant leaves. It develops both indoors and outdoors and often leads to the death of plants.

Pay attention to the photo of downy mildew - at first these are oily spots on the leaves, which then turn brown. The purple coating of fungal spores is clearly visible on the underside. The pathogen can persist in soil and plant debris for 5-6 years. There are no varieties resistant to the disease.

The spread of peronosporosis is facilitated by high humidity and air temperature, therefore, to protect plants, protected soil should be maintained optimal microclimate. Air humidity should be no higher than 80%, and the air temperature at night should not be lower than 20-22 °C. Downy mildew can persist in the soil and on plant debris, so you should dig up the soil in the fall and burn the plant debris.

To protect pumpkin crops from peronosporosis, they are sprayed with a 0.4% solution of copper oxychloride, a 0.4% solution of polycarbacin or Bordeaux mixture. To prepare it, mix 100 g of lime and 100 g of copper sulfate with 10 liters of water. Before planting in open ground, it is recommended to feed the seedlings with ammonium nitrate.

When growing crops in greenhouses, it is important to avoid sudden temperature changes.

High air humidity is also harmful to plants under the film.

Photo gallery: powdery mildew and downy mildew (click to enlarge):

Signs of powdery mildew on cucumbers (see photo) are brown spots small size, covered with a white coating (also called mycelium). At first a small area is affected, but over time the disease covers the entire leaf. It gradually becomes dull and dries out completely. Cucumber seedlings affected by this disease do not develop, and the formed young shoots no longer grow.

How to fight powdery mildew on cucumbers? Protection is carried out by preparing a solution of weeds. For this you need next material: plantain, coltsfoot, nettle, dandelion, wood lice, fireweed. All plants are crushed, placed in a bucket (usually the capacity is 10 liters) and poured hot water. Next you should add one teaspoon of urea, manganese powder, liquid soap and mix everything. And if the question arises - how to treat cucumbers against powdery mildew and other diseases, then the resulting solution is the best option plant protection.

In addition to a natural herbal cocktail for powdery mildew on cucumbers, folk remedies are used - whey and a mixture of mullein and urea in a proportion of 10 liters. water/1 kg cow dung with 1 tbsp. spoons of urea.

To prevent powdery mildew on cucumbers, use fine sulfur powder (the soil is pollinated through three-layer gauze and covered with film for 3 hours). Also, when fighting powdery mildew on cucumbers, use a decoction of horsetail.

Preparation of tincture: 100 gr. dried or 1 kg of fresh horsetail is infused for about a day in 10 liters of water, then boiled for about 2 hours. After boiling, the broth should be cooled and diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5.

In this way, the process of growing cucumbers can be significantly improved. Diseases are eradicated, and the soil becomes quite suitable for the safe growth and fruiting of plants.

Advice! To prevent disease, diseased leaves and shoots should be burned immediately. Throwing them on the edge of the garden or bed is not recommended.

How to deal with downy mildew (peronospora)?

The main sign of downy mildew on cucumbers (see photo) are yellow-green spots that cover most leaf. They are also mistaken for traces of acid rain. A purple-gray coating appears at the bottom of the leaf, as a result of which it dries out completely and crumbles. Downy mildew of cucumbers affects plants regardless of age. It is typical in most cases when growing cucumbers in open ground.

The prerequisites for the occurrence and development of peronosporosis are high humidity and air temperature up to 16-180C. The disease develops from small droplets on a leaf.

Spores are able to maintain their dangerous vital activity in the soil for a long time, so it is very difficult to fight them. If peronosporosis or downy mildew appears on cucumbers, then control measures should include the use of certain preparations containing copper (Bordeaux mixture, Ridomil Gold, Oxychom). These products are effective as a prophylactic agent.

If cucumbers are affected by downy mildew, then treatment is carried out with the drug “Rizoplan”. It is based on living cells of certain bacteria. They are absolutely harmless to humans, but are destructive to downy mildew spores. The drug also does not accumulate in the soil, but decomposes immediately.

In addition to traditional preparations, you can also use a folk remedy for downy mildew on cucumbers - whey. The leaves are sprayed with it.

How does olive spot (cladosporiosis) appear on cucumbers?

The occurrence of olive spotting on cucumbers (see photo) should be observed in the second half of summer, when the cucumbers have already fully formed the bush. Olive spot appears on fruits in the form of olive (brown) spots with a coating. The disease spreads quickly and if left untreated, the entire crop can be lost.

This type of disease is more typical for greenhouse conditions. Cladosporiosis spores are resistant to the greenhouse microclimate, so control of this disease should be started immediately.

If olive spotting of cucumbers is observed, then control measures should include thoroughly wiping all surfaces of the greenhouse with a disinfectant that does not contain chlorine. Under no circumstances should you water cucumbers with cold water, and when the disease is first detected, you should stop watering the plant altogether for 3-4 days.

Treatment of cucumber disease in open ground is carried out by using solutions that contain copper - Bordeaux mixture with the addition of liquid soap.

In order to prevent the appearance of olive spot, crops should be changed in the affected areas.

What is the common cucumber field mosaic?

Common cucumber mosaic (see photo) most often develops in open soil. Signs of the disease are yellow-green spots in the form of a mosaic. As the disease progresses, the leaves of cucumbers curl, become dull, dry out and fall off. The fruits become very pimply. Under the influence of the disease, the plant’s immunity weakens so much that when the air temperature sharply drops, the bush simply stops growing and soon dies.

The danger of this disease lies in its resistance to cold. Spores of the common field mosaic easily survive winter and cold in the root systems of reserve plants (sow thistle, quinoa, woodlice, bindweed, wheatgrass). These are difficult to remove weeds, so it is very difficult to fight this virus. You can apply the method of growing cucumbers in plastic bottles. It is absolutely not complicated and plants are not affected by field mosaic in 94% of cases.

How to spray cucumbers against illness? For ordinary cucumber mosaic, treatment consists of spraying the bushes with whey. In especially severe cases this is done with a concentrated substance, and in preventive measures and in the initial stages of the disease, the serum should be diluted with water in proportions 1:2. Treating cucumbers against diseases with folk remedies very often gives a positive and lasting result.

Green and white mosaic mottled

Green and white cucumber mosaic (mottled) is one of the most common infections. Signs of the disease are wrinkled leaves with blown out areas, and areas with a green or white color also appear. The spots become white as they progress. In this case, it is very difficult to fight the disease.

At an advanced stage, cucumber bushes dull their growth. The leaves weaken and begin to wither in places. The fruits, accordingly, become very soft and their taste qualities. An outbreak of the disease can be triggered by a sharp increase in temperature from 220C to 300C.

This dangerous viral disease is transmitted through untreated tools, plant debris, and simply persists in the soil. To combat this disease, gardeners choose varieties that are resistant to the disease (mostly hybrids for open or closed ground).

The best way to get rid of this cucumber disease is care. It is necessary to remove affected shoots and leaves in a timely manner and burn them immediately. Also, for prevention, you can spray the bushes with a light whey solution.

How to deal with gray cucumber rot?

Gray rot on cucumbers (see photo) is a type viral disease, which manifests itself during the period of their active fruiting. A gray coating may appear on leaves, stems and fruits, especially in the internodes. The most favorable environment for its development is a densely planted area of ​​​​a vegetable garden or garden bed.

The fact is that cucumbers that grow in close proximity to each other begin to rot due to the inability to develop in close quarters.

How to deal with gray rot on cucumbers? The therapeutic measure is the timely removal of diseased leaves and entire sections of the stem. In some cases, it is necessary to remove the entire bush. The fight against gray mold on cucumbers also involves applying a specially prepared substance (chalk with potassium permanganate) to the wounds of the removed leaves. The consistency of such a remedy should be viscous and have a light pink tone.

Root rot of cucumbers

The danger of root rot of cucumbers (see photo) is that signs of the disease are not immediately visible, since it affects root system plants. The first sign of this disease is a sharp wilting of the bushes. In this case, you cannot start watering the plant, this will harm it even more.

How to save cucumbers from root rot? In the early stages of the disease, you should slightly expose the root system (to do this, you need to lightly loosen the soil around it). Treatment for root rot of cucumbers involves sprinkling the affected parts with a specially prepared mixture (charcoal, chalk and ash). A solution of copper sulfate and copper oxychloride can also help against root rot of cucumbers.

After treatment, the roots and part of the stem should be sprinkled with clean, dry and unaffected soil. Watering can begin at the first sign of improvement in plant growth.

how to cure a cucumber plant from powdery mildew in protected ground?


Spray with fungicide


Downy mildew. The development of the disease is favored by high air humidity high temperatures.
The infection persists in the soil on plant debris. It is difficult to defeat powdery mildew, but it is possible if you use the entire range of preventive and eradication agents.
First of all, this is the observance of garden crop rotation when growing cucumbers in open ground, and in closed ground, if there are two greenhouses, alternately growing cucumbers and tomatoes in them. Of no less importance is the cleaning of greenhouses and greenhouses in the fall from plant residues and weeds and their immediate destruction, followed by disinfection of the entire greenhouse with bleach or fumigation with sulfur briquettes. Deep digging of the soil in autumn is also of great importance...

Galina Kurmaeva

You can sprinkle with manganese


A drug systemic action— TOPAZ, helps 100%.


Maybe water it with warm water at the root? I grow everything in open ground. I, too, are covered with some kind of yellowishness - like bubbles, it looks like rust.... And then all the leaves even dry up. I don't know what kind of disease this is. We say that the dew is bad or there is fog. There is nothing to do - the end of the cucumbers is coming - their deadline has already expired. And we calm down. From this time on, the cucumber harvest is low, and then disappears altogether. Maybe I should try Topaz? I don’t know what kind of disease I have.

Rodionov Sergey

treatment is quite difficult since the use of fungicides excludes the use of fruits for food. It is much easier to prevent this disease and use varieties resistant to this disease; now the choice is quite extensive. treatment in any case will greatly reduce the yield and further maintenance of plants in the greenhouse will no longer be economically feasible. Perhaps you should think about changing the plants you grow so as not to waste time?

Olga Malysheva

I know that before intensive fruiting begins, to prevent downy mildew (downy mildew), the plant must be sprayed with a copper preparation (oxych). How about a cure? I think the affected plant should be removed in order to save the rest, stop watering, ventilate the greenhouse well, and scatter ash or chalk on the soil to dry it. The leaves can also be dusted with ash. Or spray the plant with iodine (10 ml per 10 liters of water). This helps currants and tomatoes against late blight.
And Sveta, I think, has bacteriosis on her cucumbers, and needs to be sprayed with Fitosporin.

Spring Melody

Old people taught: to water cucumbers after harvesting with brilliant green solution, 10 drops per bucket of water. You can start earlier for prevention.
I checked. Works.

Saving cucumbers from powdery mildew Cucumbers are almost always a hassle - as soon as they gain strength, they begin to bloom profusely, green plants appear, and then the cucumbers are as they should be, downy mildew attacks, or even viral diseases, fruit rot. This is where you have to decide: immediately use potent chemicals or try simpler, ancient remedies. I choose the latter. And these products help my cucumbers. If I notice that the cucumbers are unhealthy, I first treat (spray) with a weak solution of urea - 1 g per 1 liter. In the fight against diseases of cucumbers, I also use a solution of milk with the addition of iodine. I prepare this solution like this: I take 10 parts water and 1 part milk, add 5-10 drops of iodine and carefully spray the cucumber lashes on both sides. If I notice signs of white or gray rot, I sprinkle the diseased, affected areas with crushed coal or chalk, and remove all diseased cucumbers away from the area. To prevent cucumbers from getting powdery mildew, I spray the young shoots every week until the cucumbers appear with the following solution: one tablespoon of baking soda dissolves in 4 liters of water. And, of course, I water the cucumbers only with warm water.

It happens that you grow beautiful cucumber seedlings according to all the rules, water, feed, rejoice at the first ovaries and look forward to picking sweet, refreshing fruits... And you pick a cucumber, and suddenly it is bitter! Or cucumbers begin to turn yellow ahead of time. Why does such annoyance happen? Cucurbitacin is to blame Bitter cucumbers look no different from their ordinary brothers - the same bright green, pleasantly smelling, with a crispy crust. And only the taste disappoints. Of course, you can cut off the peel, but it contains the most useful vitamins and microelements. A vegetable garden and a summer house are the most useful community for summer residents!

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1.5M participants The cause of bitterness is the substance cucurbitacin. It is contained in all cucumbers, but some have more, while others, for example, hybrid ones, have less. The amount of cucurbitacin may increase due to lack of moisture, irregular watering, excess sun, direct exposure sun rays

Why do they turn yellow? Cucumbers turn yellow if: - they do not have enough light; - the earth is drying up; - there are more than 20-25 ovaries on one plant; - little phosphorus and nitrogen; - cucumbers grow in the same place for several seasons in a row, which is why fungal spores and infections accumulate in the ground. Do not spare the extra shoots. To keep the cucumbers green, it is also important to water them correctly. It is advisable to use settled water. Give the plants more moisture during fruiting. On sunny days, water in the morning, on cloudy days in the evening. Poor soil with insufficient nutrition also causes yellowing of fruits. It is useful to add mullein solution and complex mineral fertilizers. But keep it in moderation - an overdose is also harmful. If more than 25 ovaries form on the plant, pinch out new shoots, otherwise they will delay the formation of green shoots. When there are too many ovaries, they form small, unsightly fruits that quickly turn yellow and begin to deteriorate. Ladybugs - to the rescue! Cucumbers also turn yellow due to disease. If you notice white or light yellow dots on the leaves that develop into spots, then the plants have been attacked by spider mites. It entwines the leaves from below with an almost imperceptible web and drinks the juice from them. The pest is difficult to notice, its size is only 0.5 mm. To combat it, collect affected leaves in a bucket and burn or bury deep in the ground. During the growing season, it is advisable to treat cucumbers several times with insecticides, for example, Agravertine, Fosbecid. You can spray with Karbofos, especially paying attention to the lower part of the leaves. To prevent spider mites from bothering you, it is better to destroy the weeds around the plants more often. A vegetable garden and a summer house are the most useful community for summer residents!

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All the secrets of a rich harvest

Subscribe and invite friends The small insect melon aphid loves not only zucchini and pumpkins, it even really likes cucumbers. It settles on the lower part of leaves, flowers, ovaries and shoots, and the plant begins to curl and dry. In the fight against it, it is also important to remove weeds in a timely manner. And they can also help out ladybugs that feed on aphids. Treat on time Cucumbers often suffer from fungal diseases. For example, from gray rot on the stem and in places of branching, large gray or, and on the fruits there is a gray fluffy coating. Then many male flowers appear, barren flowers rot and healthy areas are affected. Sore spots should be sprinkled with ash and watering should be stopped temporarily. If the disease does not stop, remove the damaged parts and burn them. To make rot less of a concern, do not plant cucumbers too densely. Whitish or reddish spots on the leaves are powdery mildew. Dust unhealthy areas with wood ash or remove them completely. You can spray cucumbers with a solution of mullein or colloidal sulfur.

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​In most cases, infections can be avoided by following safety precautions when planting, proper fertilizer and watering. Follow the recommendations of professional gardeners and reap a rich harvest.​

​For prevention, the land should be irrigated properly. Moisture is favorable for the spread of most insects, but only dry soil is suitable for mites. Garlic or onion infusions (10 liters of water and 200 g of husks) will help destroy colonies. It is necessary to spray the bushes 4 times a season.

​This disease can be widespread or spread in patches in gardens and greenhouses without proper heating. Fungal diseases of cucumbers affect plantings at various points in their growth. The problem with fusarium is that the infection may not manifest itself in any way until the plants enter the fruiting phase, when they begin to wilt and die. Anthracnose appears as yellow-brown spots

Powdery mildew of cucumbers

​The soil needs to be loosened and fertilized properly.​

​Efficient and reliable way combating powdery mildew on cucumbers - spraying with Topaz. This remedy can also be used to prevent the disease.​

Treatment of cucumbers for peronosporosis - the most effective recommendations

And, of course, it is necessary to spray the plant itself on the green leaf. The drug Planriz, based on an herbal extract, is well suited for this and prevents the disease. Of course, our breeders take measures not only to combat this disease, but also develop plant varieties that will be more resistant to downy mildew. When purchasing seeds, pay attention to the description of the variety. Gardeners must take certain measures on their own to avoid the occurrence of this disease.​

Symptoms of the disease

It is not difficult to identify downy mildew on cucumbers. It appears as massive brown and yellow spots on the foliage of the plant and affects it at all stages of development. You can visually see downy mildew in cucumbers in the photos posted by gardeners on the Internet.​

The most common cucumber disease is powdery mildew. In addition, these plants are also susceptible to infections such as mosaic and root rot. Each of them has its own methods of combating, as well as preventative ones. Let's take a closer look at them.​

​Burn the tops and treat the ground with Hom​

​Voracious whitefly larvae​

  • Fusarium wilt of cucumber, the treatment of which does not bring the desired results, must be prevented at the planting stage. You can avoid infection:
  • ​Yellow-brown spotting on the foliage and pink bloom on other parts of the bushes are most often a consequence of anthracnose, which develops to a greater extent when excess humidity. At first, barely noticeable mucus appears on the crop, but in places where it is concentrated, small ulcers almost always form, which lead to the death of the bush.
  • This disease of cucumbers is considered the most common. Its signs are noticeable not only on the leaves (small white spots gradually covering the entire surface), but also on the stems with petioles. The disease turns the lashes completely brown, they dry out and fall off.
  • ​The remains of last year's plants must be removed from the beds, as they may contain insect larvae and viral bacteria.​

​Growing cucumbers is quite a troublesome task. The following conditions must be met:​

Treatment and prevention of peronosporosis of cucumbers is also carried out using chemicals.

​For example, plant early varieties, which makes it possible to obtain a harvest before the onset of cold weather, during which peronosporosis develops favorably. Since there is a risk that the seeds are already infected with this disease, it is recommended to treat them with a 0.1% solution of potassium permanganate before sowing.

These spots tend to grow very quickly, which ultimately leads to drying out of the cucumber foliage. The disease affects both plants growing in a greenhouse and those grown in open ground.​

Root rot- a dangerous disease caused by a fungus. Infected plants begin to rot in the root collar area. As a result of this, the lashes die off. This cucumber disease, like most infections, is easier to prevent than to treat later. Most often, plants are affected as a result of waterlogging of the soil and air, for example, in greenhouses, as well as during sudden temperature changes. Therefore, you should not water cucumbers too often. In addition, if cold weather is expected in the spring, plants in open ground are covered with film.​

​I wouldn’t like to say something sad, but it seems to me that anyone will love powdery mildew on cucumbers. As the specialist said on the box, if the first spots appear on the leaves, the plant is 70% affected.

​The microscopic insect moves and lives no more than a day in the air, but manages to lay voracious larvae on the leafy part of the cucumber. They suck the juices from the crop, which leads to the development of sooty fungus.​

​seed dressing;​

What methods should be adopted to combat downy mildew?

Moreover, downy mildew can spread to nearby cucumber-related plants, such as:

If a cucumber disease such as root rot does appear, at the first signs of it, the stem is buried two internodes from the root with earth. And, of course, such plants need to be cared for especially carefully: weeding, loosening, feeding. Strong cucumbers will better resist disease. This is one of the main preventive measures. In addition, you should not leave last year’s tops in the garden. It needs to be raked and burned.​

​Focus on PREVENTION!!​
It is difficult to neutralize the whitefly due to its fertility. The methods for removing insects themselves are not that complicated; it is enough to regularly wash off the larvae from the bushes and loosen the soil, followed by adding peat or humus to it. Spraying with Inta-Vir will help get rid of colonies already collected on the leaves.​

​maintaining the required humidity and temperature conditions in greenhouses;​

​To prevent cucumber disease in the greenhouse and on plots, it is necessary to sow only proven seeds in sufficiently warmed and treated soil. It is better to purchase seed material from friends, from official agrotechnical companies, or to prepare it yourself. When anthracnose has already manifested itself, treating cucumbers against diseases with folk remedies helps:

If powdery mildew appears on cucumbers, measures to combat it will consist of pruning the affected parts of the stem and disinfecting the soil. Recommended processing:​

​Do not forget that diseases of cucumbers in a greenhouse and their treatment require a thorough approach. In greenhouses, as well as on open gardens, have great importance frequency and rates of fertilizer application. It is not recommended to exceed the composition of the elements: urea (6-12 g), superphosphate (approximately 10 g), potassium chloride (approximately 8 g) and ammonium nitrate (no more than 6-7 g) per 10 liters of water.​

Methods for controlling powdery mildew on cucumbers

​preparation of seedlings and seeding material;​

​As soon as you notice downy mildew on cucumbers, you must emergency treatment plants.​

​This will be a real breeding ground for downy mildew fungi. Still very important point– never plant cucumbers, pumpkins, and zucchini every year in the same place. Choose a different area - this will certainly help avoid an outbreak of recurrent disease. Now regarding the soil in the greenhouse: after the end of the season and harvesting of the plant, you need to remove the top layer of soil. And then this area of ​​the greenhouse needs to be treated with a 0.1% solution of potassium permanganate.​


​Another cucumber disease - powdery mildew - affects the leaves of plants.​

Diseases of cucumbers photo, description and treatment in a greenhouse, in open ground

​Good question. I'm also looking for an answer to this. I'm especially interested in downy mildew. When young cucumber leaves, green, beautiful, 5 -7 pcs. and then this disease attacks. How to protect them, how to effectively spray and water them. Which gardener has this experience?

  • Ants breed aphids on cucumber foliage
  • A thorough disinfection of the soil and treatment of the material with Trichodermin (5 g per 1 kg) will not hurt.
  • ​a mixture of lime milk and copper sulfate;​

​ground sulfur up to 30 g for every 10 sq.m. vegetable garden;​

Diseases of cucumbers photos and their treatment: prevention

​The most dangerous thing for plants is treatment with the wrong means and fertilization with incorrectly chosen preparations, so it is important to identify the disease by external signs and know preventive and therapeutic methods.​

​careful care during the period of active growth.​

  • Nowadays, combined fungicides are widely used for this: copper oxychloride, Efal, Ridomil Gold. These preparations are more suitable for spraying in a greenhouse. Acrobat MC has proven itself well on open ground.​
  • ​The most important rule– avoid seed contamination. To do this, it is recommended to plant cucumbers in places where the occurrence of peronosporosis is unlikely or even impossible. The heat treatment method is very good for disinfecting seeds. To do this, place the seeds in water at a temperature of +50 degrees for 15 minutes.​
  • ​pumpkin;​
  • At the first stage, a characteristic white coating appears on their surface. Then the leaf blades begin to darken and eventually die. The disease is caused in the same way as in the first case, by a special type of fungus. The development of this infection is facilitated by high humidity and insufficient care of plants.​
  • ​for a bucket of water, a liter of whey and 1 tsp. l. iodine, sprinkle generously on cucumber foliage, no diseases, harvest until October.​
  • ​These are pests that dig millions of underground tunnels and promote the appearance of aphids on leaves and stems.​
  • ​Most infections are carried by insects, so it is important to monitor their spread and take preventive measures in time.​

Diseases of cucumbers photos of leaves and fruits: treatment and prevention

​bleach solution (up to 40 g per 10 liters of water).​

White rot

​a solution of 3% colloidal sulfur up to 30 g per 10 liters of liquid.​

White rot of cucumbers appears on the stem

As a result, all the work may be in vain if the cucumbers are attacked by pests or get sick. In this case, the entire crop may be destroyed. That is why it is always necessary to use preventive measures when growing.​

Root rot

​These substances have their own characteristics, but the main rule is timely preventive spraying of young plants that already have 3-5 leaves, and further processing at the time when the first fruits begin to appear.​

​After harvesting the last harvest, be sure to destroy all plant remains and disinfect the soil.​

Powdery mildew

To combat powdery mildew, use a 0.10% suspension of Figon or Karatan. Treatment is carried out as plaque appears. However, you can spray the bushes no more than once a week. Diseases of cucumbers in a greenhouse can manifest themselves more acutely than in open ground, since the most favorable microclimate for this is created here. Therefore, when this method growing plants they need to pay more attention.​

​This trick doesn’t work with tomatoes, because personal experience- there is no 100% remedy for late blight, I treat it twice with Redomil-Gold, I try to plant super-early varieties early, and when it starts to form 4-5 tomato clusters, I break off the vines so that they have time to produce a harvest before the massive invasion of late blight - it turns out 90%

​It’s easy to fight them: using sweet baits (syrup) and dusting the ground with ash or lime. Having noticed ant nests, you can pour boiling water over them, dig them up, or pour plenty of kerosene on them (waste oil is also used).​

Pests of cucumbers - melon aphid

  • ​Dark brown and olive spots are a sign of cladosporiosis​
  • ​Deep digging of beds, scrupulous destruction of plant residues, systematic application of potassium fertilizers will also not be superfluous for prevention.​

Most often, cucumbers are affected by leaf diseases, which over time cover their shoots, tendrils, peduncles and ovary. With white rot, plants are completely covered with mucus and plaque. The infection develops especially quickly in greenhouses with dense plantings, high humidity and stagnant air.​

Long before planting, you should think about how to treat cucumbers against diseases and pest invasions, since most diseases cannot be treated and are easier to prevent.

​Remember, if you are late by at least 1-2 days, the plant may die and cannot be saved. It is also important to avoid over-treating cucumbers with fungicides, because this is a direct path to the accumulation of pesticides and harmful substances in them. These drugs have the property of stopping the growth of fruits, as well as reducing yields.​

​Try to maintain normal soil moisture during the growing season of the plant without overwatering.​



A disease of cucumbers called mosaic also occurs quite often. It belongs to the viral category. This is also an unpleasant phenomenon that can lead to a significant reduction in yield. Most often, plants are infected with three types of this infection: yellow, white and green. Characteristic spots appear on the leaves and fruits of the plant, after which the tissues begin to rot. At the first signs of infection, you should water the soil with 0.1% potassium permanganate. It is also a good idea to spray cucumbers with formaldehyde (5%).

​grow in a greenhouse.. change the soil every 2 years, treat the inside of the greenhouse against diseases, do not thicken the plantings, ventilate during

Slugs mainly damage leaves, but they can also eat fruits.

​Small pests of cucumbers, which mercilessly destroy ovaries, flowers and leaves, are far from a curiosity for experienced gardeners, especially in rainy seasons. To destroy them, you need to take care of the correct rotation of plantings on the site, dig up and disinfect the soil, and carefully get rid of weeds.​

  • ​Many of the cucumber diseases and their treatment discussed concerned damage to the foliage and stem, which caused the death of the plant itself. Cladosporiosis mainly damages the fruits themselves. Small but numerous spots of a watery type appear, which quickly grow and harden, which leads to cracking of the skin of the vegetable and its death.​
  • Greenish bloom and yellow spots are signs of peronosporiasis


​To get rid of white rot, you need constant temperature control, thinning of plantings and timely weeding. The affected parts of the bushes should be carefully cut off, and the wounds should be powdered with ash or slaked lime. With this disease of cucumbers in a greenhouse or in beds, it is necessary to disinfect the soil (1-2% manganese solution or nettle infusion), and in case of severe infection - it complete replacement 10-15 cm deep. You should also spray the crops with a special solution (10 liters of water, 2 g of copper sulfate and 10 g of urea).​

​Professional gardeners recommend following some planting and growing rules to avoid problems and additional care subsequently. It is from these simple tips you should start considering cucumber diseases and the fight against them will not seem scary and endless.​

Plants are susceptible to dangerous diseases at different stages of development. Cucumbers are no exception. A common cucumber disease is powdery mildew. Timely treatment and prevention will help preserve the harvest.​

​Grow those hybrids that are less susceptible to this disease (Katyusha, Debut, Rodnichok, Golubchik, Idol, Zodiac and Photon). These varieties are grown both in open ground and in greenhouses. Most popular variety cucumbers grown in open soil - Phoenix 640.​

Diseases of cucumbers photo leaves treatment for fusarium

​This disease does not affect the fruits of the plant. But dried and fallen leaves, which are a source of nutrition for the fruit with useful substances, become a consequence of the drying of the entire vine. And this already leads to underdevelopment of the fruit, or to a decrease in yield. Therefore, marketable fruits are dull in color and tasteless.​

You can see diseases of cucumbers in pictures on this page. In addition to those described above, there are other, no less unpleasant infections. In order to minimize the risk of infection, it is necessary to follow agricultural practices: feed, weed, loosen the plants in a timely manner, and also prevent thickening. In this case, the cucumbers will remain healthy and you will simply get excellent harvest both in the greenhouse and in the open ground.​

​Do not overwater the tomatoes. Trim all lower branches and ventilate the greenhouse. And this cup will pass from you)

  • ​Insects are afraid of daylight, so they choose to feast on fresh greens and fruit pulp at night. Dark droppings and characteristic shiny marks from slugs also do not contribute to improving the quality of the crop.​
  • ​When aphids have already attacked the plantings, spraying them with fermented plants will help herbal infusion(1 kg is infused in 10 liters of liquid for 24 hours) or an ash suspension (10 liters of water, 50 g of soap shavings, 200 g of ash).​
  • This disease is also called olive spot, which can spread directly through the air, infecting areas with cucumbers during irrigation or during rains.

Pests of cucumbers with photos and their treatment. Ways to fight

​The enemy that destroys entire fields appears as a greenish coating and yellow spots on the top of the foliage. It has the ability to spread to the entire surface of cucumbers and infect plantings growing in the immediate vicinity.​

melon aphid

​The consequences of root rot​

​So that diseases of cucumbers, photos of which are in the article, do not interfere with rooting and growth, you should give preference to resistant varieties.​

​Powdery mildew is a common disease. You can detect a disease on a plant by looking at the leaves - they are covered with a white coating. First the leaves turn white, then dry out and die. Powdery mildew spreads quickly when the temperature drops and when watered with cold water. It is necessary to fight the disease when the first signs appear.​

Spider mite

​When growing vegetables in a greenhouse, it is recommended to maintain the microclimate in it as much as possible. This will help prevent dripping moisture from appearing on the foliage. If you notice that spots appear on the leaves, they should be removed immediately, without leaving stumps.​

Since downy mildew is a fungal disease, its reproduction occurs through the spread of spores, or more precisely, zoospores. Their unique shape with a flagellum allows them to move through liquids. And each watering of the plant contributes to their favorable reproduction and infection of more and more new plants.

​Cucumber is a very ancient vegetable. It appeared 6 thousand years ago. It was originally grown in the tropics and subtropics of China and India. This product is a real storehouse of vitamins. It contains vitamins B, C, potassium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, and also promotes the rapid absorption of animal fats. That's why meat dishes They go very well with salads or salads that contain this healthy vegetable. But, sadly, every year growing cucumbers becomes an increasingly more difficult process.​


​Powdery mildew treatment with TOPAZ. during the harvest period THIOVIT JET, FITOSPORIN. , ALIRIN. For tomatoes PROFIT GOLD

Regular digging up of areas and pollination with ash or chalk will help to destroy pests. You can also try laying out special shelters in which the slugs will find refuge, and collecting them during the day. It is also recommended to treat cucumber beds with Metaldehyde.

Spider mites reproduce in hot weather


​Preventive treatment of cucumbers against diseases is provided with a 15% suspension of Bordeaux mixture. However, the problem may not be completely resolved. If remedies do not help, and infected cucumbers constantly appear, airborne diseases are prevented by reducing humidity and choosing the most resistant varieties.​

Downy mildew, also called downy mildew, can spread rapidly due to frequent fogs, large amounts of dew, too cool watering and temperature changes.​

The disease is dangerous for the measles system, because it causes part of the rhizome to die, and the stem itself becomes rotten, and the plant dies before our eyes. Root rot is caused by cold weather, heavy and too wet soil and poor quality seeds. Almost all diseases of cucumbers of an infectious nature are dangerous because the pathogen can remain in the beds, in greenhouses or in uncollected plant debris for quite a long time.


High-quality and disinfected seeds are suitable for planting. They should be purchased from trusted manufacturers or prepared independently, and also additionally treated with disinfectants (Grandsil and Grandsil Ultra).​

Spraying with a special solution will help cope with the disease. For 10 liters warm water you need to take 1 liter of liquid mullein and 1 tbsp. spoon of urea. The solution must be stirred well and filtered. The leaves are sprayed from both the lower and upper sides.​

​It is very important to increase plant resistance to possible diseases, by fertilizing with mineral and organic substances.​

Bottom line

Even plant seeds can be carriers of the spores of this fungus. What’s even worse is that pests can successfully survive the winter on last year’s leaves that fall on the ground. Downy mildew can affect a plant at all stages of its development, starting from the growth of the first leaves and ending with the ripening period.​

​There are many diseases, and new ones appear that interfere with its growth, productivity, and even lead to the death of the plant. Infectious diseases inhibit the growth of the plant, and it doesn’t matter whether it grows in open ground or in a greenhouse. Today we will talk about such a disease as peronosporosis.​

One of the most frequent illnesses cucumbers - powdery mildew. This disease is dangerous because it can deprive a gardener of half his harvest. Especially if you do not start treatment on time.

The appearance of powdery mildew on cucumbers can be immediately noticed. These are small round white or reddish spots on the underside of the leaves, which are located close to the ground. At the same time, the bases of the shoots are covered with the same coating.

The area of ​​the spots increases rapidly. And soon a fluffy grayish or white coating covers the entire leaf, gradually affecting the entire plant. The whole whip seems to be sprinkled with flour.

If you look closely, you can find fungal spores - these are small balls Brown. As they ripen, moisture appears on the white coating, which looks like dew.

Cucumbers growing in a greenhouse are more susceptible to powdery mildew than those growing outside. This happens because a humid microclimate is created in closed ground, which contributes to the spread of fungal infection.

Powdery mildew development cycle

The fungus lives in plant debris left in the garden since autumn. In the spring it awakens and first takes over the leaves of the weeds.

Powdery mildew spores may develop if:

  1. Summer is rainy and cold with sudden temperature changes.
  2. The cucumber plantings are so dense that there is no air circulation between them. In this case, the mycelium can easily move to other plants due to their proximity.
  3. The soil is alkaline or has excess nitrogen.
  4. Watering is done too often when the soil is not yet dry. The situation gets worse if you use cold water.
  5. Weeds have not been removed from the garden bed. Powdery mildew spores from the grass spread to more and more vines of cucumbers.

The fungus develops almost instantly:

  1. The time from the moment the fungus hits the cucumber leaves until the plant becomes sick is from 3 to 7 days.
  2. The period depends on air humidity: the higher it is, the faster the spores germinate.
  3. Initially, the lower leaves suffer, especially those that touch the soil. Then the disease spreads to leaf petioles, stems, and fruits.
  4. Over time, the spots increase in size, merging with each other. The plaque thickens and turns brown.
  5. The leaves become loose, curl and dry out. Photosynthesis is disrupted, which is why the cucumber cannot eat properly.
  6. The fungus spreads to the fruits, which rot and crack.
  7. The tips of the shoots are bent. The lashes dry out, darken and die.

Favorable conditions for the life of fungi are light warmth (+16 – +20°C) and dampness. In such an atmosphere, they multiply quickly, managing to give birth to several generations within a season.

How to deal with powdery mildew on cucumbers

The main thing is to constantly monitor the condition of the cucumber leaves. If you take measures to combat powdery mildew on cucumbers when the first spots appear, the crop can still be saved.

The fight consists of destroying the mycelium (mushroom body) and its spores. Therefore, the first infected lash must be removed and burned along with the roots.

The plantings must be immediately weeded and, if necessary, thinned out.

If a white coating appears on several shoots only on lower leaves, they need to be carefully cut down to the stem and burned. It is better to remove the foliage that looks weakened. After this, the cut is treated with Trichodermin paste.

Then all cucumbers are sprayed with fungicides ( chemical method) or fermentation products (bacterial method).

Ready-made drugs

Industry produces effective drugs to fight fungal infection. But when using them, you need to take into account the fact that cucumbers after treatment with them cannot be eaten for a long time. Therefore, it is better to use such substances before the flowering period or, in extreme cases, during it.

At the very beginning of powdery mildew disease and for prevention, cucumbers are treated with:

  • Bordeaux mixture (a teaspoon per bucket of water);
  • colloidal sulfur (sulfaride);
  • "Ridomilom Gold";
  • "Oxychom";
  • "Tiovitom Jet".

The following agents block the spread of fungus and are harmless to the plant:

  • "Fundazol" or its analogue "Fundazim";
  • "Topsin-M";
  • "Title CE";
  • "Alirin-B";
  • "Gamair";
  • "Fitosporin".

Modern fungicides with a protective effect:

  • "Privant";
  • "Cumulus";
  • "Kuproksat";
  • "Bayleton";
  • "Karatan EC".

Sulfur preparations are good for destroying powdery mildew pathogens. But they can burn cucumber leaves if the concentration of the solution is exceeded.

Fungicides on cucumber bed They are used in doses because they accumulate in all parts of the vegetable. Excessive amounts of the substance will lead to the fact that the concentration of pesticides in the fruits will be exceeded.

After using most drugs, a break of at least 20 days is required from the moment of treatment before eating the fruit.

In addition, such substances suppress the growth of not only harmful fungi, but also the development of the plants themselves. As a result, fewer ovaries are formed and the yield is reduced.

Folk remedies

Traditional methods for combating powdery mildew are good because they can be used all season long. They do not harm plants and are safe for the person doing the treatment. After spraying natural means The fruits can be consumed immediately.

You can make a remedy against powdery mildew using chemicals:

  1. Potassium permanganate - 1 gram per bucket of water.
  2. Silicate glue (sodium silicate) - 30 ml per bucket. A protective film forms on the surface of the sheet. It can be mixed with fungicides or used alone. But together with growth regulators it can cause the death of cucumber plantings.
  3. Colloidal sulfur - 40 grams per 10 liters of liquid. This solution is used when infesting cucumbers in a greenhouse with powdery mildew spores. On open ground, the concentration of the mixture is 2 times less. The solution is not stored, it is used immediately. Air temperature - from +25 to +35°C.
  4. Ground sulfur - 30 g sprinkled on 10 m2 of soil.
  5. Copper sulfate - 80 g per bucket of liquid. Add 50 g of soda ash.

Other formulations with soda:

  1. Soda ash - 1 part, laundry soap - 1 part.
  2. Drinking soda - 5 g, water - 1 l. Add grated soap. You need to spray at least four times.
  3. Baking soda and soap taken in equal parts. Spray daily for a week.
  4. Destroys powdery mildew and iodine: milk - 1 liter, iodine - 10 drops, warm water - a bucket.

Infusions with laundry soap:

  1. Liquid soap - 5 g, soda ash - 25 g, boiling water - 5 l. Stir well and cool. Spray 3 times: on the first day, on the second, then on the seventh day after repeated treatment.
  2. Ash - 1 kg, water - bucket. Leave for 7 days. Not a large number of grated soap is added just before spraying.
  3. Soap - 5 g, ash - 150 g, boiling water - 1 l. Leave for 2 days.

Sour dairy products work very effectively against fungi on cucumbers. They form protective film on the surface of the leaves. The acidic environment that is created on cucumbers prevents the growth of bacteria.

Spraying solutions with fermented milk products:

  1. Whey - 1 part, cold water - 10 parts.
  2. Whey - 3 l, copper sulfate - 1 tsp, water - a bucket.
  3. Kefir and liquid in arbitrary proportions.

The development of powdery mildew also stops under the influence of herbal infusions, especially fermented ones:

  1. Chopped garlic - 50 g, cold water - 2 l. Leave for a day, strain.
  2. Fill the nettle without seeds (fill the container halfway) with liquid, leaving about 10 cm to the edges for fermentation. Leave for 2 weeks. Dilute with water 1:20.
  3. Horsetail - 1 kg, water - a bucket. Leave for a day. Then boil for about two hours. Can be used within seven days. Before use, dilute 1:5.
  4. Marigolds - 1/2 bucket. Warm water - a bucket. Infuse, strain. Add laundry soap - 50 g.
  5. Any weeds - half a bucket, hot water- to the brim. Leave for a week, strain.
  6. Chop plantain, celandine, dandelion, coltsfoot, wood lice, grind, pour hot water into a bucket. Leave for 2 days. Strain, add 1 tbsp. l. liquid soap and 1 tbsp. l. urea. Spray twice at weekly intervals.

Treatments with manure and mullein are very effective against powdery mildew:

  1. Rotted manure - a bucket, water 5 buckets. Leave for 5 days, strain, dilute 1:3. You need to spray cucumbers three times, taking a week break.
  2. Manure - 1 part, water - 3 parts. Leave for 4 days, strain, dilute with water 1:10.
  3. Rotted mullein - 1 part, water - 3 parts. Leave for 3 days. Dilute with water 1:2.
  4. Liquid mullein - 1 l, water - bucket, urea - 1 tbsp. l. Leave for 2 days.

Spraying with manure not only rids cucumbers of powdery mildew, but also nourishes them.

Treat cucumbers on a warm, windless evening, trying to wash both sides of the leaves with the solution.

What to do for prevention

By following the rules of agricultural technology for growing cucumbers, you can protect them from infection with powdery mildew. So, you need to make sure that within a radius of 20 m there are no plants that suffer from this fungus.

Basic rules for preventing powdery mildew on cucumbers:

  1. Cucumbers can be planted in their old place only after 3 years. You should not choose places for the beds in the lowlands and in the shade. The soil in the area where cucumbers are planted is periodically loosened. After harvesting, you need to completely clear the planting site of plant debris and weeds, and water the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate.
  2. The seeds are pre-treated with hot water (+55°C) or by special means: "Trichodermin", "Grandsilom". Seeds or seedlings are placed in soil heated to +12 °C.
  3. It is necessary to monitor the temperature in the greenhouse. During the day it should be about +20°C, but not higher than +30°C, at night - +17°C.
  4. When watering, drops should not fall on the leaves and stems. Water with water no colder than +20°C.
  5. In order for cucumbers to grow strong and be able to resist powdery mildew pathogens, they need to be fertilized. A bucket of liquid requires 6 g of ammonium nitrate, 10 g of urea, 8 g of potassium chloride, 10 g of superphosphate.

To prevent infection with powdery mildew, cucumber plantings are treated with the following compounds:

  1. Copper sulfate - 5 g, soap - 50 g, water - 5 l. Spray cucumbers 2 times, taking a break of 7 days.
  2. Mustard powder - 2 tbsp. l., warm water - a bucket. Used for irrigation.

Ready-made preparations “Topaz”, “Quadris”, “Planriz” and “Strobi” can be used to treat powdery mildew on cucumbers, but they are more effective in preventing the disease. They can be used to spray seedlings that have 5 leaves each. Before flowering begins, treatment is carried out every 2 weeks.

Varieties resistant to powdery mildew

Breeders have developed many varieties that successfully resist powdery mildew pathogens. These are mostly hybrids.

Place of cultivation

Open ground April
Open ground and greenhouse Alexeyevich
Company's secret
Son of the regiment
Protected ground Alliance

It should be noted that powdery mildew fungi are mutating and becoming more and more resistant to the effects of industrial insecticides. Therefore, it becomes preferable to grow varieties and hybrids that do not suffer from this disease.