Marble-coated frying pan: what is it and how to choose. How to choose a frying pan - rating the best

In this article we’ll talk about which frying pan is the best and safest: in terms of material and coating, as well as price and quality. In addition, we have prepared a few surprises - for example, the rating best frying pans and their manufacturers.

We will try to provide comprehensive answers to the following questions:

Let's start with the main thing...

What are they?

Let's look at the types of frying pans and their purpose - a key selection factor to consider:

Universal round Suitable for almost everything: frying, stewing, sautéing vegetables. You can hardly do without it in the kitchen. Therefore, it is important not to save money here - choose quality dishes from reliable manufacturers.
Dutch oven - a deep frying pan with small metal handles, ideal for roasting food in the oven.
Pancake pan looks similar to the universal one, but differs in low sides. It is convenient to cook not only pancakes, but also potato pancakes, pancakes, and omelettes. Anything that requires careful turning with a spatula.
Ribbed bottom of a grill pan on the one hand reduces required amount oil, and on the other hand, it allows you to provide a beautiful textured crust on the product. For those who cannot imagine life without juicy meat - a must-have.
A deep wok with beveled walls and handles came to us from Asia. The shape, reminiscent of a pot, helps to heat food evenly. Ideal for stewing and frying vegetables.
Saucepan. If you read ours, you probably noticed that he was also mentioned there. And not in vain - even chefs cannot decide what type of cookware to classify it as. This unique hybrid is useful for making sauces and jams.

These are six main types, which, according to experts, are sufficient for preparing almost all main dishes. However, those who like to cook something unusual can also find interesting dishes:

Oval frying pan for elongated fish allows you to cook whole medium-sized carcasses. Convenient and practical. Thanks to the special shape of the walls, the fish is evenly heated without drying out.

At first glance, escargotierre doesn't look much like a frying pan. Quicker, unusual shape for cupcakes. It was originally invented in France for the preparation of escargot snails. But now its functionality is much wider: omelettes, biscuits, portioned baked goods.
Paellera - frying pan large diameter with two handles. As the name suggests, paella is cooked on it. But in general it is suitable for any dishes with cereals. Due to the low sides, it is convenient to mix food, and the embossed bottom helps to mix flavors.
Tajine is a deep frying pan with an elongated lid, borrowed from Africa. The design features allow two processes to operate at once - uniform heating of food from the bottom and steam processing. For those who love diet food - almost perfect option.
Tapa is a Georgian wide square frying pan with a lid-press. Suitable not only for the iconic tapak chicken - any pressed meat, vegetables, etc. turn out amazing. And no more fiddling with irons!

Pan! What is this? This is a muse for many housewives. It inspires not only culinary masterpieces, but also poetry.

Black, round, in the kitchen,
If you put the potatoes in, they will crackle.
Cutlets are a “master class” for her,
Pancakes or frying, she is an assortment in everything.
And meat, and fish, and vegetables in it,
They cook quickly and taste better.

Before moving on to tips on how to choose a non-stick frying pan, let's first take a closer look at this type kitchen utensils for cooking, let's talk about some of the pros and cons of the main materials from which they are made, as well as non-stick coatings that improve consumer properties.

On this page:

The frying pan is the queen of the kitchen

Speaking of a frying pan, I somehow don’t even dare to call it a kitchen utensil. The frying pan is the queen of any kitchen. It is impossible to imagine the existence of any kitchen without a frying pan.

It’s good that those times have sunk into oblivion when housewives were limited to the meager selection of such a necessary item for cooking as a frying pan. IN Soviet times As many probably remember, two options were presented on the shelves: Cast-iron pan and an aluminum frying pan, but today scientific and technological progress is proceeding by leaps and bounds and is aimed towards the creation of new product groups that bring comfort to our lives and provide an opportunity to take a fresh look at things that are familiar to us.

First of all, this applies to those things that we use every day. One of these things should include a frying pan.

Pros and cons of materials for making frying pans

The cherished desire of housewives of all countries and peoples, from the moment the first frying pan appeared, was that nothing would stick to it. And now, with the advent of various non-stick coatings, the dream has become a reality. But you shouldn’t put all non-stick pans with the same brush. Frying pan and frying pan are different.

There is one very wise proverb-saying that a person is met by his clothes, but seen off by his mental abilities, or rather, because of their absence. Interpreting this proverb for choosing a frying pan, we can say that they choose a frying pan based on its design delights and the fact that it has a non-stick coating, but are disappointed in it as a result of the low-quality material from which it is made.

Most an important component is the material of manufacture, it plays a major role. It can be stainless steel, cast iron, aluminum or another alloy. Let's try to identify the pros and cons of each material.

Aluminum frying pans

Let's start with perhaps the most popular material - aluminum. At first glance, aluminum is an ideal option for creating a frying pan.

  • Weight
    Aluminum frying pans are very easy to use due to their lightness.
  • Thermal conductivity
    As for such an important characteristic for a frying pan as thermal conductivity, then everything is in order here too.
  • Price
    the price is low, which is doubly pleasant.

Aluminum pans and non-stick coating

Not everything can be combined.
It seems that aluminum itself has a lot positive properties, and the non-stick coating was invented in order to please the housewife, but in combination the result is not always very good good result. The fact is that overheating is not the most in the best possible way acts on aluminum. Not much time passes and the pan begins to deform, which entails the destruction of the non-stick coating. As a result, we end up with wasted money and food that is difficult to separate from the surface of the pan.

But you shouldn’t immediately feel negative about aluminum frying pans.
Practice has shown that it is not so hopeless. The point is that if you want to buy an aluminum frying pan with a non-stick coating, then you need to pay attention to the thickness of the walls of the frying pan. A cheap, almost weightless, thin-walled aluminum frying pan will only cause disappointment. But an aluminum frying pan, which is made by casting rather than stamping, has a wall thickness of at least 5 mm, coated with a non-stick coating, will take a very worthy place in your kitchen and will an indispensable assistant when creating gastronomic masterpieces.

Cast iron pans with non-stick coating

Now it's time to talk about a cast iron frying pan coated with a non-stick coating. Such a frying pan can be immediately identified by its weight. Cast iron has never been light, so cookware made from this metal has rightfully won the title of “fitness in the kitchen.” When buying a cast iron frying pan with a non-stick coating, you get not only a complex physical exercise for your hands, but also a really high-quality item that will serve you faithfully.

Many housewives will say, “Why does a cast iron frying pan need a nonstick coating when cast iron itself is naturally nonstick?” .

The answer is very simple and lies in the disadvantages of cast iron. It rusts from moisture, so a cast-iron frying pan without a non-stick coating must be protected from dampness and dried immediately after washing. A cast iron frying pan with a non-stick coating makes it much easier to care for, but will not be cheap. But, thanks to the property of uniform heating and the property of preserving all its positive traits during the entire period of operation it is appreciated by housewives.

How to prepare a cast iron frying pan for use (video)

Cast iron cookware has become popular again. Tempered cast iron cookware in order to close the pores on the metal surface, protect dishes from corrosion, and food from a metallic taste.

To do this, turn on the oven at 150 degrees, and process the frying pan:

  • wash with detergents and dry with a towel,
  • lubricate the inner surface thin layer vegetable oil,
  • place the frying pan upside down in a preheated oven for 1 hour,
  • remove the product from the oven and let it cool at room temperature,
  • rub in excess oil with a napkin.

Now the cast iron frying pan will last a very long time.

Properties of a stainless steel non-stick frying pan

But what about a frying pan made of stainless steel coated with a non-stick coating?

What surgical instruments made of stainless steel, speaks for itself. “Stainless steel” is a completely inert material. A stainless steel frying pan is not subject to corrosion, which means it will last a very long time. If the thickness of the walls of a frying pan made of this material is sufficient, then the non-stick coating will not be in any danger, and it will serve for a long time.

Therefore, you should not skimp when choosing a frying pan. You need to spend a little more money, but take a frying pan whose wall thickness is not like a tin can.

Types of non-stick coatings and their properties

Now let's talk directly about the non-stick coating. Non-stick coatings in cookware come in several varieties. Majority existing coatings created on the basis of a polymer called polytetrafluoroethylene, which we, consumers, know by another name - Teflon. It is heat-resistant, insoluble in acids and alkalis, and is also environmentally friendly.

In general, I would like to make a small remark: calling all non-stick coatings Teflon is not entirely correct. The fact is that the name Teflon is used by only one tableware manufacturing company that has a license trademark- DuPont company. DuPont (USA), thanks to the fact that Roy Plunkett (a chemist) was in its golden frames, was the pioneer who patented a non-stick coating called Teflon.

Today, when choosing a frying pan, you can find products with other names of non-stick coating:

  • Netherlands Akzo Nobel - Hostaflon,
  • Germany Woll - Diamond Best,
  • Germany Fissler - Protectal Plus,
  • Italy Ballarini - Keravis,
  • Italy TVS - Titan.

For long-term use of the frying pan, the non-stick coating must be at least 20.0 microns. Manufacturers of cookware, trying to improve the quality and service life, are constantly experimenting and trying to reach new heights; to do this, they apply the composition in several layers. For example, like this famous manufacturer cookware, as Tefal recently launched a new series of its products with a five-layer “Expert” coating. Each layer performs its own special function.

Along with the Tefal company, the Fissler company is very popular on the market, which, in order to offer a quality product to the buyer, has developed a method in which the non-stick coating becomes resistant to mechanical damage. This method is called non-stick anchoring. This method provides high protection to the non-stick coating, as a result of which it becomes possible to use not only wooden or special spatulas, but also metal ones.

Separately, I would like to mention the innovative company Teflon Infinity (DuPont), which adds particles of solid minerals to the non-stick coating in order to acquire additional strength.

On the outside, as a rule, the frying pan is coated with enamel (a common option) or varnish.

How to choose a non-stick frying pan

When choosing a frying pan before purchasing, you need to consider the type of stove you have in the kitchen.
Manufacturers that respect themselves and the client indicate in the instructions or on the label which stoves their product is intended for use on.

Any version of the frying pan is suitable for an electric stove, but it must have a thick bottom if your kitchen has a glass-ceramic stove. Not all types of frying utensils will be happy to be used on a gas stove. Read the instructions carefully to see if it will hold up. outer covering impact open fire. Be sure to pay attention to this before purchasing a frying pan.

When buying a frying pan, pay attention to the handle and lid.
Today, many cookware manufacturers offer models with a removable handle, which greatly simplifies its storage. Make sure that the handle is made in such a way that it will not heat up during use and will not cause burns.

Never buy a frying pan with a handle that is screwed on with a bolt. As practice shows, such fastening is unreliable, and the coating near the fastening point will certainly break off. As a result, the food you prepare will be flavored with inorganic substances.

Buying a frying pan today has become very convenient, thanks to the fact that you can order the product via the Internet without leaving your home. When flipping through the electronic pages of a catalog with cooking utensils and choosing the item you like, there is no need to run headlong through the markets, just call the sales consultant, place an order and wait at home. Happy shopping.

Video - how to choose a frying pan

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Interesting dishes:

  • Popular cookware manufacturers - luxury cookware, despite its chic appearance and durability, may not cope well with hot food.
  • Heavy anodized aluminum cookware has a non-stick coating without cracking and can be used for a long time.
  • Diamond coated frying pan is a direct alternative to non-stick Teflon coating.

In order to surprise and delight your loved ones with delicious and delicious dishes, few quality products and skills. Great importance have kitchen equipment and utensils for cooking. Pots, stewpans, cauldrons and, of course, frying pans. Probably every housewife has her own favorite, best frying pan. And most likely not even alone. Indeed, in terms of their characteristics and purpose, they are very diverse. And if such a kitchen helper has not yet been found, then it’s time to make your choice.

The Basics of Choosing a Pan

When considering a wide range of frying pans, you should take into account several basic parameters that are inherent in each device.

  1. Bottom. It shouldn't be thin. Optimal thickness is about 5-6 mm. It is better if the diameter of the bottom of the frying pan matches the diameter of the burner on which the cooking process will presumably take place. If the bottom is embossed, then the convexities should be as voluminous as possible. Compliance with these parameters will allow you to waste less heat and heat the food being cooked evenly.
  2. Pen. Should not be too thin and light or thick and heavy. When purchasing, it is advisable to try the frying pan and hold it. The handle should fit comfortably in the palm and have enough smooth surface. Special attention Care should be taken to attach the handle to the pan, even if it is removable. There should be no feeling of looseness when moving.
  3. Weight. The frying pan should be of medium weight, regardless of its type. But the total volume and dimensions are determined based on the purpose.

Choosing a frying pan according to its intended purpose

When deciding which frying pan is best to choose, you need to think about its main purpose. Namely, will it be a universal frying pan or a frying pan for a specific dish.

  1. For stewing and simmering would be better suited frying pan with thick walls and a thick bottom. It warms up slowly and evenly and also cools down slowly. Food is prepared at optimum temperature conditions necessary for gentle heat treatment of products.
  2. For frying, a frying pan with thin walls and a fairly thin bottom is best. The required temperature is reached quickly and the food is fried as efficiently as possible.

It is best to fry most foods, from meat to vegetables, in a ceramic frying pan. And pancakes, pancakes and other flour products are on Teflon.

Selecting a frying pan by coating type

Considering various frying pans, you need to take into account that each has a special type of surface coating. Choosing the right surface is important because best frying pans can only be with high-quality coating.

  1. Ceramic.

A safe coating that is particularly durable both during cooking and during care. Withstands high temperatures and ensures uniform heating of the surface.

2. Teflon.

Has excellent non-stick properties. But at the same time it requires careful care, since if damaged it becomes toxic.

3. Titanium.

Environmentally friendly coating. Wear-resistant and very durable. The cost of such a frying pan is an order of magnitude higher than average, but it fully pays for itself in the long term of use.

4. Enameled.

Proven over the years and familiar to many. Such dishes are affordable, but the coating itself is fragile and easily deformed.

The most popular coatings today are ceramic and Teflon.

Ceramic coating

Manufacturers of ceramic frying pans

When choosing such a frying pan, you must find out who the manufacturer is. After all, the quality of the product depends on it.

The main thing to pay attention to: ceramic tableware can't be cheap. A manufacturer (brand) offering “high-quality” ceramics for pennies should immediately arouse suspicion.

Popular manufacturers respect their customers and offer only high quality cookware.

The main leaders can be identified:

  1. Italian manufacturer TVS. Users respond positively and are especially pleased affordable prices.
  2. Belgian company BEKA. Produces frying pans with chrome plated ceramic coating. It also combines affordable prices with decent quality.
  3. Patlon takes its pride of place among customer preferences. There is every reason for this, since the pans are made of high-quality aluminum and coated with the safest possible ceramics.

Also widely known are such brands as Kukmara, Rondell, Pensofal.

Advantages and disadvantages of non-stick pans

There is an opinion that cookware is unsafe and it is undesirable to cook in Teflon pans. In fact, such beliefs are deceptive.

Manufacturers that respect themselves and their customers use only high-tech developments and thus offer the best non-stick frying pans.

The main thing to remember and always take into account is that non-stick Teflon frying pans can only be used at temperatures not exceeding 200 degrees. At temperatures exceeding the permissible maximum, Teflon begins to emit fumes that can actually be harmful to health. Hence the statements about the harmfulness of this type of coating. But if you use the cookware with precautions, it will serve for a long time without causing absolutely any harm.

As for ceramic frying pans, for Teflon there are rules of use. And they are no different. The same soft sponges and gentle cleaning products. The same silicone or wooden cooking utensils. Frying pans with damaged Teflon coating should not be used.

Manufacturers of non-stick (Teflon) frying pans

The leader among manufacturers of such frying pans is, of course, the French Tefal.

The quality, proven over decades, is only improving these days. Buyers trust the brand and speak only positively about it.

Also well-known companies producing high-quality non-stick cookware are the already mentioned TVS and the equally well-known Kulinar, Burletti, Epicure, Ballarini. Users highlight various positive qualities in each brand. This is also the special compacted bottom of Ballarini. And almost all of the above manufacturers have a high-quality solid surface. One of the main advantages of cookware from each brand is the coating to which food does not stick.

Choosing a frying pan based on appearance and purpose

The entire wide range of dishes can be divided into categories. Pans differ in appearance and for its intended purpose.

Exist universal pans various sizes and volumes. But progress, as we know, does not stand still. And in the world of kitchenware as well. Manufacturers produce frying pans not only from various materials, but also for certain types of heat treatment and even for certain dishes.

Knowing the main types, it is much easier to decide which frying pan is best to choose.

Based on the material used, the following types can be distinguished:

  • Cast iron.
  • Steel.
  • Titanium.
  • Aluminum.
  • Ceramic.
  • Teflon.

We can highlight another rather interesting group of frying pans. Let's look at it in more detail.

The best frying pans - pancake, grill, WOK

How to bake delicious pancakes without burning your fingers and without worrying about the notorious first pancake lump? There is no secret. You just need to use a special pan - a pancake pan. This frying pan has a thick and completely flat bottom and very low sides. Combined with a long handle, it is ideal for easily preparing pancakes, pancakes and omelettes.

How to cook a crispy, ribbed steak? Easily. The best grill pan will help with this. It has a specific ribbed bottom, thanks to which the products are not soaked through with oil and are perfectly fried, covered with a crispy crust. Most often, grill pans have a rectangular shape and a noticeable weight.

Do you want real exotic cuisine? It is not necessary to fly to Asian countries. You can prepare dishes “with a twist” in It has a specific shape - a flat, narrow bottom and flaring edges. A mandatory part of the design is two handles. The wok is perfect for any stove and hob.


Having considered a large number of of various materials, types, shapes of frying pans, you can make some rating of the most popular parameters, and also figure out which frying pan is the best.

The most popular bases for frying pans: cast iron, titanium, stainless steel, aluminum.

The most popular coatings are ceramic and Teflon.

The most popular types: pancake house, grill, WOK.

Most common uses: frying and stewing.

The most necessary additions: handle and lid.

The most important matches: the diameter of the bottom of the frying pan and the burner, the type and material of the cookware and the type of stove.

Based on the main nuances noted, you can safely choose the necessary frying pan. And best of all, not one, but at least three, because with the help of one you are unlikely to be able to fully reveal your culinary talents.

Rating of the best manufacturers

The most popular manufacturers of ceramic and Teflon frying pans that have won the trust of customers were discussed above.

But we can also highlight other brands that are the standard of high-quality and decent tableware, including those that produce the best frying pans. These include:

  • Tefal.
  • Rondell.
  • Kukmara.
  • Ballirini.
  • Swiss Diamond.
  • Neva-Metal Utensils.
  • Biol.

Which frying pan should you not buy?

Apart from all the advantages and basic features and functions that the best frying pans have, there are also some unpleasant aspects that are best avoided.

When choosing a frying pan, you need to carefully examine its internal and outside. There should be no chips, abrasions or scratches on their surface. If a drawing is applied, it should be painted evenly and not rub off when touched. If the bottom of the frying pan is embossed, the pattern should be uniform, without clearly standing out or sinking fragments.

Additional elements such as a lid and handle should also be of proper quality, no cracks or inconsistencies in the seams. The dishes should not have an unpleasant odor.

Often low-quality goods are sold at promotions with tempting discounts. But dishes with defects will not last long and are likely to cause damage to health.

Having decided to buy a frying pan and wondering, for example, which ceramic frying pans is better or what is better to choose - grill or WOK, you need to weigh all the arguments. Well, if opportunity allows, then you can replenish your rows of dishes with several frying pan recruits at once. The main thing is to choose dishes carefully and carefully.

A frying pan is an indispensable attribute of any cook, a decoration for the kitchen and, in general, a sacred thing. So, in the old days, a frequently falling frying pan signaled that the brownie was angry and that there was trouble in the house. Previously, frying pans were universal and almost eternal, although they were not particularly beautiful. They were inherited from great-grandmother to great-granddaughters. Today everything has become more complicated: a huge selection raises a lot of questions. How to choose a frying pan in which you can fry pancakes and stew chicken? And isn’t it better to buy as many frying pans at once? for various purposes? Or maybe just take a set of a dozen of the most brilliant frying pans fancy shapes? In order not to worry too much about choosing a frying pan, you should consider a few basic points.

What stove do we cook on?

The type of stove you have will determine the type of pan you buy. For gas stove it doesn’t really matter what profile and diameter the bottom of your frying pan is, and what it’s made of: gas will heat a frying pan made of any metal. Electric stoves also do not place high demands on frying pans. True, it is desirable that the bottom of the frying pan coincides in diameter with the burner, and that the bottom itself is smooth. For an induction cooker, regular cast iron frying pans or stainless steel frying pans, that is, those that are magnetic, are suitable. However, it is believed that for this type of slabs the optimal special frying pans with a multilayer thick bottom made of ferromagnetic alloys. But aren’t marketers lying when they force expensive frying pans on consumers? induction cookers– it’s difficult to say. But it is interesting that such frying pans are not very durable and must be replaced 5 years after purchase, mainly due to damage to the non-stick layer.

Which metal is better?

The type of metal or combination of metals determines the effectiveness of the pan. It is the metal that determines whether the pan will heat up and cool slowly, and whether it will allow you to quickly regulate the temperature at which the dish is cooked.

Nowadays, frying pans are made using aluminum, stainless steel, cast iron and copper.

Cast iron is a wonderful metal for a frying pan that will be passed down through generations in your family. Cast iron frying pans are strong, durable, heavy, do not heat up very quickly, but to almost any temperature, retain heat for a long time and release heat slowly. Such frying pans make an excellent stew; they are convenient for stewing poultry, game, and simmering cabbage rolls. The cast iron surface is not afraid metal brushes and does not require special silicone spatulas. Maintenance of a regular cast iron frying pan is minimal: just rinse it thoroughly hot water and dry. There is no need to use new-fangled dishwashing liquids: during use, a fatty film forms on cast iron, which prevents food from burning, and you should not remove it.

An aluminum frying pan heats up quickly and evenly, and cools down fairly quickly. The advantages of aluminum also include weight: an aluminum frying pan is as light as a feather. But that's where all the positives end. Aluminum reacts with acids, giving dishes a metallic taste, and is easily scratched and deformed. Aluminum frying pan cannot be used on induction hobs. Therefore, cookware manufacturers combine aluminum and stainless steel, creating pans with a multi-layer bottom and sometimes walls. In such frying pans, aluminum is enclosed between layers of steel, and can exhibit its excellent heat distribution properties without compromising the food being prepared. There are also frying pans made of pure stainless steel, but it should be taken into account that such frying pans heat up unevenly, since steel is not a very good heat conductor.

Copper frying pans are the pride of a chef. They are very expensive, but beautiful and comfortable. If handled improperly, such pans often become deformed and become dull. Therefore, copper is combined with stainless steel: This makes the pan stronger and more durable. If you want to buy a copper frying pan at any cost, but you have an induction stove, it doesn’t matter. Today, special metal discs are sold, using which you can cook on induction hob in both aluminum and copper frying pans and pots.

As for non-stick coatings, most modern frying pans made of aluminum and ferromagnetic alloys are equipped with them. But the consumer’s attitude towards such coatings is no longer as enthusiastic as it was before. It turned out that at temperatures above 200°C, coatings such as Teflon begin to burn out with the formation of toxic compounds. Such coatings last for at most five years, after which the pan has to be changed. Yes, and you need to take care of such a coating carefully: do not scrape it with a knife and fork, use only a wooden or plastic spatula, wash it with a soft washcloth, and protect it from accidental scratches. Frying pans with a ceramic coating also do not last long, and are also quite expensive.

What are we preparing?

Ideally, our kitchens should have several frying pans different sizes and appointments. This is convenient and, in the end, justifies spending on quality cookware. But you don't have to use a luxurious 28cm copper frying pan to fry a couple of eggs in the morning.

For scrambled eggs, it is better to buy a small, lightweight frying pan with a modern non-stick coating, which can be replaced in two or three years with a new one.

For stewing and frying, the frying pan should be large, with high sides, a thick bottom, a lid and a comfortable handle.

Those who are interested in Asian cuisine need a wok pan with a flat bottom adapted to modern stoves. It is convenient to quickly fry meat, seafood and vegetables.

If you like to fry pancakes, buy a medium-sized flat pancake pan. It has practically no sides and it is very convenient to flip pancakes.

Steak lovers should definitely take a closer look at the grill pan. Usually these are heavy rectangular shape frying pans with a ribbed inner surface. These pans make excellent chops, chicken breasts, fish fillet, as well as fried vegetables.

Before you go to the store, think about how many and what kind of pans you need. Don't buy beautiful sets with many items. Usually, most of The fancy-shaped and sized frying pans from such sets get bored in the cupboard without any use. However, don't skimp on a good frying pan; it will definitely be worth your investment.

Whatever your frying pan is made of, it must have a thick bottom. If you knock on it, the sound should not be ringing, but dull.

Your future frying pan should have a comfortable handle, preferably a cast one, that does not heat up during the cooking process. Ideally, the handle is heat-resistant or removable, and the pan can be put in the oven without fear.

You should like the chosen frying pan and be comfortable with it. If you like a very heavy cast iron frying pan, consider whether cooking with it will turn into something like strength training. Perhaps you should choose something lighter?

Take your time when choosing a pan, buy the best you can afford, and follow the manufacturers instructions for caring for the pan. Then your frying pan will last a long time, and the process of preparing any dishes will become an act of real creativity.

Among the various utensils, there are some without which it is impossible to imagine preparing many dishes. We are talking, of course, about the housewife never perceiving it as a banal frying device. And if this is also non-stick frying pan, then in the hands of a master she becomes a muse, encouraging her to create real masterpieces.

A housewife's dream

From time immemorial, women have dreamed of having frying pans in their kitchens to which nothing would stick or burn. With the development of science and modern industry, these secret desires came true. Nowadays there is a non-stick frying pan in almost every home.

It can be purchased at any store. And not just buy, but even choose. This is very important factor, if you consider that all frying pans may differ from each other in several respects:

  • material of manufacture,
  • type of coating,
  • size,
  • external design.

The material usually used is aluminum, cast iron or stainless steel. Judging by thermal conductivity, the first option is, of course, more profitable than the others. It is superior in this indicator: steel by 13 times, cast iron by 4 times. For electric stoves such a comparison speaks volumes. A good housewife always remembers to save money. In addition, each non-stick frying pan is made using a specific technology, which also has its own pros and cons.

Coating options

As practice shows, it is rarely applied. Yes, this is not necessary. The material itself initially has a similar property. Most often, cookware made from wood is used for this. Probably, the main role in this choice is played by the weight of the product, because a lightweight non-stick frying pan is more convenient to handle. And the coating can be very different:

1) Teflon. It is based on chemical compound called polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), which was discovered by chemists back in 1938. The material is resistant to elevated temperatures and various aggressive environments (alkalies, acids). Moreover, it has two significant shortcomings. Firstly, Teflon does not tolerate contact with metal. All spoons and turns must be made of plastic only. Secondly, he has a negative attitude towards sudden temperature changes.

2) Ceramic. A worthy product of the 21st century. The special properties of this coating make it possible to preserve the vitamin and mineral complex of the products used as much as possible. But just like Teflon, it is afraid of sudden changes in temperature.

3) Titanium. Increased strength allows you to reliably protect the product and use cutlery made of any materials when frying. In addition, due to good heat conduction, all dishes cook much faster.

But the choice is always made by the buyer and it is up to him to decide what is best.

Famous brand

Among the numerous manufacturers of tableware and kitchen utensils The French company Tefal stands out in particular. She was the first in the world to produce aluminum frying pans with a special coating applied to them that prevented food from burning. Founded in 1956, the company is still considered a leader in the world market among manufacturers of not only tableware, but also household appliances. Over the years, the Tefal non-stick frying pan has undergone many changes.

The company's technologists are constantly working on developing new types of internal coatings. Today the most popular of them are:

1) "Resist". This is a four-layer film applied to the inner surface of an aluminum container. Dishes with this coating can last at least two years.

2) "Expert". This option is much stronger due to the additional fifth layer. Food can be cooked in such pans even using metal utensils.

The company's products are constantly updated with new items. Each of them has in its design interesting features. For example, "Premier" is a regular frying pan with a "Resist" coating, which is complemented by a device called "Thermo-Spot". It allows you to control the heat level to determine when to start cooking. The company's next development is Tefal Logics. It uses the “Expert” type of coating and a new product for the season - a unique “Durabase Technology” bottom, which ensures uniform heating around the entire perimeter. The latest invention is the Cooklight frying pan. It is a copy of the previous model, complemented by a removable handle. This technique allows you to use the cookware for cooking in the oven.

Cookware for special frying

Considering different ways cooking, manufacturing companies began to produce new products. This is a non-stick grill pan.

It largely repeats its predecessors, but has a number of design features.

1) It has an unusual inner surface. It has relief protrusions located parallel to each other in several rows. As a result, the contact area between the pan and the food is reduced. This makes it possible to cook food at maximum heat without forming a dense crust. On the surface of a fried piece of meat, for example, a pattern imitating a lattice remains.

2) Such pans have a special groove on the side to drain accumulated moisture or fat. Sometimes there are even two of them. This allows liquid to be removed from the desired side.

3) Some models have an additional handle. Sometimes it is covered with heat-resistant material for safety.

Dishes of this type can be different shapes(round, square). This is not of fundamental importance, but some people like non-standard options.

Additional equipment

The frying pan with a lid is especially favored by customers. The non-stick film prevents food from sticking to the bottom, and the transparent dome on top allows you to control the progress of the cooking process.

1) It protects against splashing of boiling fat. This allows you to keep the kitchen clean and protect yourself from possible burns.

2) The dish is better baked from the inside.

3) In a confined space the process goes much faster. This makes it possible to save electricity or gas if meters are available. Here are direct savings for your own wallet.

4) Finished product It turns out more juicy due to the fact that the lid prevents the removal of moisture in the form of released steam.

Such kits are good to use in cases where you first need to lightly fry the product and then stew it a little. Many companies have mastered the production of such models. For example, the same Tefal released the Provence sample with a particularly durable Durabase bottom, a Thermo-Spot indicator and the latest wear-resistant Resist Plus coating. The model was immediately liked and began to sell well in stores.

Competent opinion

Nowadays, no one will be surprised by a non-stick frying pan standing on the stove. Reviews from housewives indicate that the product is really popular and is needed by consumers. The fact is that dishes do not last forever. Sooner or later, each of them fails and requires replacement. Therefore, you need to know everything well positive sides product in order to have a clear idea of ​​the upcoming purchase.

These unique kitchen utensils have everything taken into account:

1) Various materials allow you to select the desired model. For example, it is better not to use cast iron models on the hob. There are lightweight aluminum options for this. But it must be remembered that the bottom must be covered with special enamel to protect it from contact with glass ceramics.

2) They allow you to cook without fat. However, the product loses its taste. In addition, this method leads to damage to the pan itself. Therefore, there should still be a little oil.

3) Sometimes questions arise regarding pens. It is best if it is made of metal and covered with heat-resistant material. And fastening with screws and soldering is not entirely reliable. Therefore, it is better to choose a removable option.