Social psychological management methods are aimed at... Mikhaleva E.P.

It has been established that labor results largely depend on a number of psychological factors. The ability to take these factors into account and, with their help, purposefully influence individual employees will help the manager form a team with common goals and objectives. Sociological research shows that if the success of a business manager depends 15% on his professional knowledge, then 85% depends on his ability to work with people.

Knowing the characteristics of the behavior and character of each individual person, it is possible to predict his behavior in the direction necessary for the team. This is due to the fact that each group has its own psychological climate. That's why essential condition education and development of work collectives is compliance with the principle of psychophysiological compatibility. Japanese sociologists claim that depending on a person’s mood, desire to work and the moral and psychological situation in the team, labor productivity can increase or decrease several times by approximately 1.5 times.

Insufficient attention to the social and psychological aspects of management causes unhealthy relationships in the team, which reduces labor productivity. As practice shows, the formation of a healthy moral and psychological climate, the cultivation of a sense of comradely mutual assistance and collectivism is more active in market-type groups. Thus, 91% of respondents believe that an atmosphere of mutual demands and responsibility has begun to develop among members of work collectives, the attitude towards work and the distribution of remuneration has changed (for the better), 82% of workers surveyed in mass professions are interested in and “cheer” for the successes of their colleagues. Thus, in order for the impact on the team to be most effective, it is necessary not only to know the moral and psychological characteristics of individual performers, the socio-psychological characteristics of individual groups and teams, but also to exercise control. For these purposes, socio-psychological methods are used, which represent a set of specific ways of influencing personal relationships and connections that arise in work groups, as well as the social processes occurring in them. They are based on the use of moral incentives to work, influencing the individual using psychological techniques in order to transform an administrative task into a conscious duty, an internal human need. This is achieved through techniques that are personal in nature (personal example, authority, etc.).

The main goal of using these methods is to form a positive socio-psychological climate in the team, thanks to which educational, organizational and economic problems will be solved to a large extent. In other words, the goals set for the team can be achieved using one of the most important criteria for the efficiency and quality of work - the human factor. The ability to take this circumstance into account will allow the manager to purposefully influence the team, create favorable working conditions and ultimately form a team with common goals and objectives.

The main means of influencing the team is persuasion. When persuading, a leader must take into account as fully as possible the nature of human behavior and human relationships in the process of joint activity. The manager’s understanding of the biological nature and inner world of the individual helps him choose the most effective forms cohesion and activation of the team The object of socio-psychological leadership in the work collective is the relationships of workers, their attitude towards the means of labor and the environment.

The need to use socio-psychological management methods in the practice of managing an organization is obvious, since they make it possible to timely take into account the motives of activity and the needs of employees, see the prospects for changing a specific situation, and make optimal management decisions.

Techniques and methods of social psychological impact are largely determined by the leader’s preparedness, his competence, organizational skills and knowledge in the field of social psychology

Socio-psychological management methods require that the team be led by people who are flexible enough and who know how to use various aspects of management. The success of a leader’s activities in this direction depends on how correctly he applies various forms of socio-psychological influence, which will ultimately form healthy interpersonal relationships. The main forms of such influence can be recommended: planning social development work collectives, persuasion as a method of education and personality formation, economic competition, criticism and self-criticism, constantly operating production meetings, which act as a method of management and as a form of workers’ participation in management, various kinds of rituals and ceremonies.

Ministry of Education of the Ulyanovsk Region

Regional state budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education

College of Technology and Service in the village of Bolshoye Nagatkino

Specialty: 100106 “Service organization in catering»


in the discipline "Management"

Social and psychological methods of organization management

Completed by the student:

Siplatova Maria Vyacheslavovna

Bolshoye Nagatkino - 2013


1 The essence of socio-psychological methods

4 The role and significance of socio-psychological methods in the management system




In conditions of fierce competition between enterprises for leadership in production, an increasing number of managers of these enterprises understand the importance of competent personnel management, which directly affects the economic performance of any production.

Any enterprise based on the labor of a large number of people needs to improve its personnel management system. Every year many different principles and technologies for managing employees of an enterprise appear, but the fact that each employee is, first of all, a person with his own personal social, psychological and physiological characteristics and needs remains unchanged.

It is these individual characteristics of a person, or rather a competent approach to him, that show how socio-psychological management methods influence the efficiency of all departments of the enterprise.

In the personnel management system, there are various management methods such as administrative, economic, socio-psychological, which are closely intertwined and aimed at achieving the goals of the organization.

The purpose of writing a course work is to research and analyze socio-psychological management methods, and then, based on the research obtained, create your own recommendations for the effective use of socio-psychological management methods.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1.Determine the importance of studying personality as a subject of management.

2.Define the concept of socio-psychological methods of personnel management.

.Identify the features of the use of socio-psychological methods in the enterprise.

.Give a complete description of the enterprise under study.

.Conduct an analysis of the organization's personnel.

.Research and analyze the socio-psychological methods of personnel management used at the enterprise.

.Conduct testing of workers and management personnel.

.Based on the data obtained, create your own recommendations for the use of socio-psychological methods in the enterprise.

The object of the study is the socio-psychological characteristics of employees of Rosinter Restaurants LLC, restaurant "Versta".

It is impossible not to mention the relevance and importance of the problem of personnel management, both for the organization and for the individual employee. In any business, personnel are the most important component of any organization. Correct and appropriate personnel management guarantees the success of the enterprise.


1.1The essence of socio-psychological methods

Management methods are a set of methods and techniques for influencing the subject of management through its activity on the managed object in order to achieve the goal.

Methods of the management process - methods of performing individual operations, procedures, works that form the management process.

The methods of the management process include: rules for determining goals; methods for developing and optimizing management decisions; methods of organizational and practical work to implement management decisions; methods of forecasting and planning, organization of regulation and control, etc.

Management methods are classified according to numerous criteria. Highest value has a classification of management methods based on objective laws inherent in the management system, as well as the needs and interests of the person or persons on whom the influence is directed. On this basis, management methods are distinguished:

· Organizational (organizational, administrative, administrative);


· socio-psychological.

A significant role in personnel management is given to socio-psychological methods of influence. The need for the existence of these methods is due to the fact that management is, in general, the coordination of people’s activities in the production process. To effectively influence the team, it is necessary to know the moral and psychological characteristics of individual performers, the socio-psychological characteristics of individual groups and teams, but also to exercise control influence. For this, socio-psychological methods of influence are needed.

Socio-psychological management methods are methods of influencing the object of management, based on the use of socio-psychological factors and aimed at managing the socio-psychological relationships that develop in the team. They include the following set of methods of influence: the formation of work collectives, taking into account the socio-psychological characteristics of people, abilities, temperament, character traits, which creates favorable conditions for their joint activities: the introduction of a system of social regulation. The latter includes the use of agreements of obligations, establishing the order of distribution of benefits, the order of their receipt; social stimulation - creating an environment of socio-psychological interest in doing something important work or in general in achieving certain goals, results, development milestones.

Creating a situation in the production team that directs each employee to reveal all his potential and thereby contributes to increasing production efficiency - this is the goal of these management methods. Socio-psychological management methods involve the study of social and psychological working conditions in production teams, their influence on the state of the individual, and through it - on the results production activities. These methods are based on the laws of sociology and psychology.

Socio-psychological methods are ways of implementing managerial influences on personnel, based on the use of the laws of sociology and psychology. The objects of influence of these methods are groups of people and individuals. According to the scale and methods of influence, these methods can be divided into two main groups: sociological methods, which are aimed at groups of people and their interactions in the production process (the external world of man); psychological methods that specifically influence the personality of a particular person (the inner world of a person).

This division is quite arbitrary, because In modern social production, a person always acts not in an isolated world, but in a group of people with different psychological characteristics. Social-psychological methods are designed to influence social environment between employees of the enterprise.

One of the generally accepted classifications:

· moral encouragement;

· social planning (establishment and development of social norms of behavior);



·personal example;

· regulation of interpersonal and intergroup relations;

· creating and maintaining a moral climate in the team.

Within the framework of this work, this classification can be supplemented with the following methods:

· formation of work collectives taking into account the socio-psychological characteristics of people;

· satisfaction of cultural and social needs;

In addition, there are several methods that allow us to identify factors affecting labor efficiency and the quality of work in general:


· use of special tests;


· polls.

IN last years the role of socio-psychological methods has increased. This is due to the increase in education and qualifications of workers, which require management to use more complex and subtle management methods. The place of socio-psychological methods very much depends on the policy of the leadership; it is worth noting that in developed countries it is now becoming impossible not to use them, at least partially. This is due, in particular, to the growing level of needs of the population.

The goal of socio-psychological management methods is to study and use the laws of people management to optimize socio-psychological phenomena in a team, for the sake of creating the strongest working team. And therefore, to achieve the goals of the enterprise. But there is a difference between social and psychological methods:

using social methods, relationships in groups and between groups are managed;

with the help of psychological ones - managing the behavior of the individual and interpersonal relationships in the group.

Target sociological methods- managing the formation and development of the team, creating a positive socio-psychological climate in the team, optimal cohesion, achieving a common goal by ensuring unity of interests, developing initiative, etc. Sociological methods are based on needs, interests, motives, goals, etc. .

The choice of methods is largely determined by the manager’s competence, organizational skills, and knowledge in the field of social psychology.

Social-psychological methods include a diverse arsenal of methods and techniques developed by sociology, social psychology, personality psychology, labor psychology and other sciences that study humans and interpersonal relationships.

Social and psychological management methods are used to solve the following problems:

· optimal selection and placement of personnel;

· the most rational formation of personnel;

· regulation of interpersonal relationships in the team;

· increasing the effectiveness of educational work in a team; strengthening discipline;

· rationalization of labor processes.

To practically solve these problems, socio-psychological services are created at the enterprise. The activities of social and psychological services at the enterprise proceed in three main areas:

· research of teams and individual groups - formulation of the problem, conducting observations, surveys and analysis of the data obtained;

· social design - development of recommendations regarding the social development of teams, etc.;

· advisory activities - providing assistance to production managers, personnel training.

Socio-psychological management methods involve conducting necessary research, which, depending on the method of research and volume, can be divided into studying the employee using questionnaires, interviews, business games according to the system “person about person”, “team about person”, “person about team”; study carried out during the performance of official duties by an employee (observation, experiment); studying the final result of the employee’s activities.

The most widely used methods in socio-psychological research are surveys, interviews, and conversations. They provide a deep and detailed picture of the subjective world of the respondents. Questioning and testing methods are very common for collecting mass socio-psychological information.

The success of a leader depends on how correctly he applies various forms of socio-psychological influence, which will ultimately create a healthy socio-psychological climate in the organization.

2 General characteristics of sociological methods of managing an organization

Sociological management methods serve to assess the place and appointment of employees in the team, to identify informal leaders and provide them with support, to use staff motivation to achieve the final result of work, to prevent interpersonal conflicts in a team and also to ensure effective communications.

Sociological methods of personnel management include:

· moral stimulation (or rather, the use of employee motivation);

· social planning;

· sociological research;

· assessment of personal qualities;

· partnership, competition;

· conflict management.

It’s worth starting with moral stimulation. It is aimed at satisfying both spiritual and moral, as well as physical needs. To stimulate and motivate employees to modern enterprises Various methods are used to encourage people to take their work responsibly, be loyal to the enterprise, maintain its image, and more. When choosing incentive methods, not only material interest is taken into account, but also psychological factors.

Various theories of motivation help create a sound basis for the implementation of this stage of human resource management. However, taking into account cultural, personal, organizational and other aspects of employee activity remains the responsibility of the enterprise management.

The prerequisites for successful active work on execution lie in the capabilities of the performers:

· know (information about targets or activities on which a decision has been made);

· dare (these installations and activities must be “acceptable” for the performers, including not violating legal and ethical standards);

· be able (performers must have the means to complete the assigned task);

· want (they must be motivated).

Motives are the impulses of human behavior based on subjective feelings of shortcomings or personal incentives. As already mentioned, there are various theories motivations that a successful manager must know and correctly use these classifications of needs.

Managers must prepare people with a pronounced need for power to occupy high positions, give them the opportunity to demonstrate their leadership qualities, with a highly developed need for success - they must be given tasks moderate degree complexity and risk and regularly reward them in accordance with the results achieved, with the need for involvement - to give work with the opportunity to communicate.

Satisfaction of needs is possible through rewards. It is customary to distinguish:

· internal reward - the satisfaction that a person receives from work, communication with other people, etc.;

· external reward - benefits received from enterprises in the form of material, social, and additional support.

Thus, the importance of moral incentives becomes clear; the manager must use incentives (i.e., employee motivation) to ensure effective staff performance to obtain the desired result.

Good job The personnel manager on employee motivation leads:

· to increase turnover and profit;

· to improve the quality of products;

· to a more creative approach and activity in the implementation of scientific and technical progress achievements;

· to an increased influx of employees;

· to increase their performance;

· to greater cohesion and solidarity;

· to reduce staff turnover;

· to improve the company's reputation.

The next type of sociological methods of personnel management is social planning. Social planning serves to formulate social goals and criteria and develop social standards (standard of living, wages, working conditions, etc.) and planned indicators, as well as to regulate relations within the team. The creation of social standards entails the streamlining of social relations between social groups, teams and individual workers through the introduction of various social norms. Specific methods of social regulation are internal labor regulations, rules of intra-company etiquette (to ensure the ethical behavior of employees and the activities of the organization, an ethical code or code of conduct is issued), forms of disciplinary action. Social planning includes regulatory methods; they are responsible for streamlining social relations by identifying and regulating the interests and goals of various groups, groups and individuals. Social planning contributes to the achievement of the organization’s final social results: increasing life expectancy, reducing morbidity rates, increasing the level of education and qualifications of employees, etc.

Very often in the practice of personnel management, managers use sociological research. Sociological research methods constitute scientific tools in working with personnel; they provide the necessary data for the selection, assessment, placement and training of personnel and allow you to make informed personnel decisions.

To methods sociological research include:



· sociometric observations;

· observation method;

· interviews, etc.

Questioning is an important procedure for assessing and selecting applicants. This method not only serves to screen out candidates for a vacant position, but also to identify factors that need closer examination. Distortion of information in the questionnaire serves as a reason for dismissal of an employee.

Analysis of personal data reveals the following: compliance of the applicant’s level of education with the minimum qualification requirements; correspondence of practical experience to the nature of the position; the presence of other types of restrictions on the implementation job responsibilities; readiness to accept additional loads ( overtime work, business trips); circle of people who can recommend an employee, help make inquiries and obtain additional information. Therefore, the main objective of the survey is to identify the personal characteristics of individuals that can help the manager when choosing a candidate for a certain position.

An interview involves preparing the interviewer before the conversation, and then, during the dialogue with the interlocutor, learning the necessary information.

An interview is not an ideal method for personal assessment of an employee, because... When it is carried out, a number of problems associated with psychological and emotional factors arise.

The sociometric method is indispensable when analyzing business and friendly relationships in a team, when, based on a survey of employees, a matrix of preferred contacts between people is built, which also shows informal leaders in the team.

The observation method allows us to identify the qualities of employees that are sometimes discovered only in an informal setting or extreme life situations (accident, fight, natural disaster).

An interview is a common method in business negotiations, hiring, educational events, when small personnel tasks are resolved in an informal conversation.

Assessing the personal qualities of employees helps the manager to fully use human resources to achieve the company's results. The personal qualities of employees reflect their inner world, which directly affects their work activity and is an integral part of the sociology of personality. Personal qualities are divided into business qualities - those that determine the effectiveness of solving specific problems and performing role functions; moral (ethical), which reflect the personal moral qualities of the employee.

Partnership is an important component of any social group and consists of establishing various forms of relationships on the basis of which communication between people is organized. There are the following forms of partnership: business, friendly, and hobbies. In a partnership, relationships are built on the basis of mutually acceptable psychological methods of persuasion: imitation, requests, advice, praise. When at work business relationship are supported in the form of friendly partnership and common hobbies, this always contributes to the creation of a good psychological climate in the team.

Sociological methods of management also include competition. Competition is expressed in the desire of employees to be the first, the best, in the desire for success and self-affirmation. The manager must create situations in which this method can be used to concentrate and improve the efficiency of the staff.

3 General characteristics of psychological methods of managing an organization

Psychological methods play a very important role in working with personnel, because are aimed at a specific personality of a worker or employee and, as a rule, are strictly personalized and individual. Their main feature is the appeal to the inner world of a person, his personality, intellect, feelings, images and behavior in order to direct the internal potential of a person to solve specific problems of the enterprise.

The human body has an extremely important ability to automatically regulate in response to mental and physical influences. The activity of internal organs is controlled autonomously, independently, without conscious intervention. However, it is known that it is possible to deliberately control a person by exerting psychophysiological influence (suggestion, self-hypnosis, causing certain mental images, etc.).

Psychological methods include:

· psychological planning;

· methods of recruiting small groups;

· humanization of labor;

· professional selection and training;

· ways of psychological influence on personnel.

Methods for recruiting small groups make it possible to determine the optimal quantitative and quality relationships between employees taking into account psychological compatibility. Methods of humanizing work include the use of the psychological influence of color, music, eliminating the monotony of work, expanding creative processes, etc. Methods of professional selection and training are aimed at professional orientation and training of people who, according to their psychological characteristics, most correspond to the requirements of the work performed.

One type of psychological methods is psychological planning. Psychological planning involves setting development goals and performance criteria, developing psychological standards, methods for planning the psychological climate and achieving final results. Psychological planning is a new direction in working with personnel to form an effective psychological state of the team. The results of psychological planning include: the formation of units (groups) taking into account the psychological compatibility of employees; creating a comfortable socio-psychological climate in the team; formation of personal motivation of employees based on the philosophy of the organization; minimizing interpersonal conflicts; development of models for professional advancement of employees based on psychological orientation; growth of intellectual abilities and level of qualifications of personnel; formation of an organizational culture based on norms of behavior and images of “effective” employees

HR managers use psychological influence methods to manage their subordinates and coordinate their activities. They summarize the necessary and legally permitted methods of psychological influence on personnel.

Techniques of psychological influence on personnel: suggestion, persuasion, imitation, involvement, encouragement, coercion, condemnation, demand, prohibition, censure, command, deception of expectations, hint, compliment, praise, request, advice.

Let's consider them brief description

Suggestion is a psychological, targeted influence on the personality of a subordinate on the part of the manager through his appeal to group expectations and motives for motivating work. Through suggestion, you can force a person to commit an act, despite his desire and will. social psychological management personnel

Persuasion is a reasoned and logical influence on the psyche of a subordinate to achieve set goals, remove psychological barriers and eliminating conflicts in the team.

Imitation is a way of influencing an individual employee or social group through the personal example of a manager or innovator of production, whose behavior is a model for other members of the team.

Encouragement - positive form moral impact per person, which emphasizes the positive qualities of the employee, his qualifications and experience, confidence and motivation to successfully complete the assigned work, this allows to increase the moral significance of the employee in the organization

Involvement is a psychological technique by which employees become participants in the labor or social process. For example, election of a leader, adoption of agreed decisions.

Coercion is an extreme form of psychological influence, when there are no results from other forms of influence, while the employee is forced to perform certain work against his will and desire.

Condemnation is a method of psychological influence on a person who allows large deviations from moral standards in the team or whose work results and quality of work are extremely unsatisfactory.

The requirement has the force of an order. In this regard, it can only be effective if the leader has great power or enjoys unquestioned authority. In other cases, this technique may be useless or even harmful. In many respects, a categorical requirement is identical to a prohibition, which acts as a mild form of coercion.

Prohibition manifests itself in an inhibitory effect on the individual. This includes the prohibition of impulsive actions of an unstable nature, which is a variant of suggestion, as well as restrictions on illegal behavior (inactivity, attempted theft, etc.)

Reproach has persuasive power only in those conditions when the subordinate considers himself a follower and is psychologically inextricably linked with the leader.

Command is used in a situation where accurate and quick execution of instructions without critical reactions is required. The command must be given in a firm, calm voice or in a voice with an emotionally charged tone.

Deception of expectations is effective in a situation of intense expectation, when previous events have formed a strictly directed train of thought in the employee, which reveals its inconsistency and allows him to perceive without objection new idea.

A hint is a technique of indirect persuasion through a joke, ironic remark and analogy. The hint appeals to emotions. Since a hint represents the potential for personal insult, it should be used in a specific setting, and taking into account the psychological mood of the person.

Praise is a positive psychological technique of influencing a person, which has a stronger impact than judgment. However, the application of this technique should be different in relation to an experienced and young employee.

A compliment should not be mixed with flattery; it should elevate the employee and make him think. A French proverb says: “Flattery is the ability to tell a person what he thinks about himself.” The subject of the compliment should be things, deeds, ideas that are indirectly related to a specific employee.

A request is a very common form of communication between employees; it is less often used in communication between a manager and an employee. But at the same time it is an effective method of leadership, since it is perceived by the subordinate as a benevolent order and demonstrates a respectful attitude towards him.

The last method of psychological influence is advice. Advice is a psychological method based on a combination of request and persuasion.

1.4 The role and significance of socio-psychological methods in the management system

In recent years, the role of socio-psychological methods has increased. This is due to the increase in education, qualifications of workers and the public as a whole, which require management to use more complex and subtle management methods. Today it is necessary to manage through the establishment and conduct of targeted communications with various public groups - with partners, the media, with the local and general public, with government agencies, with financial circles, with the employed.

It has been established that labor results largely depend on a number of psychological factors. The ability to take these factors into account and, with their help, purposefully influence individual employees will help the manager form a team with common goals and objectives. Sociological research shows that if the success of a business manager depends 15% on his professional knowledge, then 85% depends on his ability to work with people.

Knowing the characteristics of the behavior and character of each individual person, it is possible to predict his behavior in the direction necessary for the team. This is due to the fact that each group has its own psychological climate.

Therefore, an essential condition for the formation and development of work collectives is compliance with the principle of psychophysiological compatibility. Japanese sociologists claim that depending on a person’s mood, desire to work and the moral and psychological situation in the team, labor productivity can increase or decrease several times by approximately 1.5 times.

Insufficient attention to the social and psychological aspects of management causes unhealthy relationships in the team, which reduces labor productivity. As practice shows, the formation of a healthy moral and psychological climate, the cultivation of a sense of comradely mutual assistance and collectivism is more active in market-type groups.

Thus, 91% of respondents believe that an atmosphere of mutual demands and responsibility has begun to develop among members of work collectives, the attitude towards work and the distribution of remuneration has changed (for the better), 82% of workers surveyed in mass professions are interested in and “cheer” for the successes of their colleagues. Thus, in order for the impact on the team to be most effective, it is necessary not only to know the moral and psychological characteristics of individual performers, the socio-psychological characteristics of individual groups and teams, but also to exercise control. For these purposes, socio-psychological methods are used, which represent a set of specific ways of influencing personal relationships and connections that arise in work groups, as well as the social processes occurring in them. They are based on the use of moral incentives to work, influencing the individual using psychological techniques in order to transform an administrative task into a conscious duty, an internal human need. This is achieved through techniques that are personal in nature (personal example, authority, etc.).

The main goal of using these methods is to form a positive socio-psychological climate in the team, thanks to which educational, organizational and economic problems will be solved to a large extent. In other words, the goals set for the team can be achieved using one of the most important criteria for the efficiency and quality of work - the human factor. The ability to take this circumstance into account will allow the manager to purposefully influence the team, create favorable working conditions and ultimately form a team with common goals and objectives.

The main means of influencing the team is persuasion. When persuading, a leader must take into account as fully as possible the nature of human behavior and human relationships in the process of joint activity. The leader’s understanding of the biological nature and inner world of the individual helps him choose the most effective forms of unity and activation of the team. The object of socio-psychological leadership in the work collective is the relationships between workers, their attitude towards the means of labor and the environment.

The need to use socio-psychological management methods in the practice of managing an organization is obvious, since they make it possible to timely take into account the motives of activity and the needs of employees, see the prospects for changing a specific situation, and make optimal management decisions.

Techniques and methods of socio-psychological influence are largely determined by the leader’s preparedness, his competence, organizational skills and knowledge in the field of social psychology.

Socio-psychological management methods require that the team be led by people who are flexible enough and who know how to use various aspects of management.


1 General characteristics of LLC “Rosinter Restaurants” restaurant “Versta”

The Versta restaurant is located in the city of St. Petersburg at the address: Ploshchad Vosstaniya metro station, Ligovsky Prospekt, 57. The company is a limited liability company. The specialty of this restaurant is French and Mediterranean cuisine. The Versta restaurant organizes banquet services, as well as off-site catering based on customer orders.

Restaurant address: St. Petersburg at metro station Ploshchad Vosstaniya, Ligovsky Prospekt, 57.

The company's operating hours are daily from 11:00 to 1:00 am.

Number of seats - 68.

The average guest bill is 650 rubles.

The Versta restaurant belongs to the Rosinter Restaurants restaurant chain. In total, 53 restaurants of this chain are currently open in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Omsk, Novosibirsk, Minsk, Kyiv, Alma-Ata.

The Versta restaurant has an independent balance sheet, a bank account, and has the right on its own behalf to enter into contracts, acquire property and non-property rights and bear obligations, and be a plaintiff and defendant in arbitration and arbitration courts.

2 Research of existing socio-psychological methods of personnel management

Rosinter Restaurants LLC, Versta restaurant, has developed its own system of socio-psychological methods. At the enterprise, special manuals for managers contain recommendations for communication and influence on each employee, regardless of which psychological or social group he belongs to.

Organizational structure of the enterprise

The socio-psychological layer of a collective is a conditional group of people, which is distinguished on the basis of the commonality of some psychological qualities, moods, and established positions.

“Collectivists” are workers who gravitate toward collective action, always support social initiatives, and quickly become involved in team events.

“Individualists” are workers who differ from collectivists in that they gravitate more toward actions aimed primarily at satisfying their personal interests and do not support collective activities.

"Pretenders". These workers are usually predisposed to active participation in general team activities, they are independent and persistent in achieving goals, but have increased vanity, are touchy, and want to constantly be in the center of attention.

"Copycats." A characteristic feature of this category of workers is poor independence of thinking. The main principle of their relationships with people is to have fewer complications. They adapt to the existing conditions and the prevailing opinion in the group. These workers reason, this must be done, as everyone else does.

The methods of working with these people are to conduct individual conversations with them. We must be able to awaken in them a sense of self-worth, convince them of the need to actively express their individuality and participate in the life of the team.

"Passive". This category of people is characterized by a low level of volitional composure. They often have good impulses, they want to be among the active members of the team, but the volitional mechanism does not work.

The methods of working with these people are the use of special measures of influence, which consist in instilling strong-willed composure and the ability to act purposefully:

Firstly, selection, taking into account the interests and characteristics of the employee, types of production tasks and instructions that require him to demonstrate independence, composure, and consistency of action;

Secondly, make widespread use of the patronage of active, purposeful workers over “passive” ones.

"Isolated." This group includes, first of all, workers who, by their actions or statements, have alienated the majority of team members. These and other forms of manifestation of an employee’s moral and psychological qualities can lead to his social isolation. They don’t talk to him, they try not to be together, all relationships are only of a service nature. Sometimes an honest, direct, conscientious employee who works conscientiously finds himself in such a situation. The reason for this may be the situation that has developed in a particular team.

First of all, it is necessary to set up the team members to pay close attention to such an employee, try to convince him of the need to seriously work on himself: control his actions more strictly and compare them with the actions of other team members.

Young workers who do not have parents or have lost one at an early age. This category of young workers differs from their peers in their unique character, inclinations, level of development of abilities, controllability of emotions, and in some cases, general attitude towards life, work, and people.

The manager is called upon to find the right approach to such employees, to show sensitivity and direct interest in their success in school, sports, etc. An effective pedagogical technique for working with such young workers is mentoring.

Workers who have some kind of physical disability. The presence of a physical disability sometimes causes them to want to isolate themselves from everyone, and some tactlessness towards them on the part of certain people arouses increased suspiciousness and distrust of people. As a rule, they are socially inactive.

From a pedagogical point of view, it is important to include these workers in the production team - they should not feel any curiosity about themselves. One of the conditions is a friendly attitude of the team towards the applicant, assistance from the manager and social activists.

Workers from disadvantaged families. In dysfunctional families, quarrels occur and a nervous atmosphere reigns. People come to production in this mood, and this cannot but affect their relationships with work colleagues and managers. Some employees do not know how to manage their emotions or become “irritated” when dealing with colleagues: they will be rude or respond harshly.

The division of workers into socio-psychological layers is arbitrary. There are no boundaries between these groups. The socio-psychological layers of the team do not yet provide a comprehensive disclosure of the moral and psychological qualities of people, but at the same time, operating with them, it is easier for the leader to navigate the forms and methods of work.

When communicating with employees, it is useful for a manager to know what psychological type of character the interlocutor belongs to. Assigning an interlocutor to a certain type allows you to choose the most appropriate tactics for communicating with each of them and respond accordingly to his behavior in order to change the direction of the conversation in the desired direction and achieve greater results from it.

For successful personnel management, its distribution into psychological groups, and prediction of the behavior of each employee, it is necessary to know the employee as an individual and as part of the work team. In order to determine a person’s character, work style, a person’s attitude towards others, identify characteristics and preferences, and then form a competent attitude and influence on an employee, it is necessary to determine the type of his temperament.

A sanguine person is usually called a lively, active person, striving for frequent changes of impressions, quickly responding to everything that happens around him, and experiencing failures and troubles relatively easily. A sanguine person is an ardent person, a very productive worker, but only when he is interested in the work and is in a state of strong excitement.

A sanguine person can be reliable in any work except automatic, monotonous and slow. He is more capable of lively, active activities that require ingenuity, resourcefulness and activity. When the work is varied and satisfies his tendency to change impressions, the sanguine person is purposeful, persistently and patiently achieves the intended result.

A choleric person is a fast, impetuous person, capable of devoting himself to a task with exceptional passion, but unbalanced, prone to violent emotional outbursts, sudden mood swings, and quickly exhausted.

Having become carried away by some task, the choleric person wastes his energy and, as a result, becomes more exhausted than he should be.

A choleric person most successfully performs work with a pronounced cyclic nature, where during some periods of the work cycle maximum effort is required, and then the activity is replaced by calmer work of a different nature until the next cycle.

Therefore, it is very important to encourage and strengthen the choleric person’s confidence in success. He has poor self-control. In cases of failure, he may make rash decisions. The self-control of a choleric person can be facilitated by a calm but impressive remark from the leader regarding his intemperance, which in no way humiliates his dignity.

Phlegmatic - slow, imperturbable, with stable aspirations and mood, a weak external expression of his internal psychological state. He is always outwardly calm and balanced in deeds and actions, persistent and persistent in work and behavior. His slowness is compensated by increased business diligence.

The phlegmatic person starts work slowly, but prepares for it in detail, not leaving anything out of their field of attention. It takes a relatively long time to get into a normal rhythm. The pace of work is low. He is demanding of the quality of his work, but does not strive to do more or better than is required of him.

The phlegmatic person has to be hurried. And at the same time, he cannot be reproached for slowness, because this property of his does not depend on his will. He needs to be hurried, helping and encouraging, but not depriving him of independence in actions and not overly patronizing him.

A melancholic is a person who is easily vulnerable, inclined to deeply experience even minor events, but outwardly reacts sluggishly to others.

A melancholic person in terms of emotional excitability and impressionability is the complete opposite of a phlegmatic person. He can work quite successfully in a calm and safe environment that does not require him to react quickly and frequently change the nature of his activity. Therefore, he adapts to the normal rhythm of work slowly and does not retain it for long as a result of periodic appearances of apathy and lethargy. The pace of his work is inconsistent.

All types of temperaments are equal. Each of them has advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, the manager needs to know their characteristics when establishing contacts, distributing work, and influencing subordinates. A critical remark, for example, can irritate a choleric person, push a sanguine person to take active action, leave a phlegmatic person indifferent and unsettle a melancholic person.

People with pronounced traits of a certain temperament are not very common. However, a significant predominance of traits of any one type allows one to attribute, with a certain degree of convention, the temperament of people to one or another type.

To analyze the use of socio-psychological methods, a team from the hot shop of Rosinter Restaurants LLC, the Versta restaurant, was taken.

Three brigade workers, as well as two waiters, were tested to determine the type of temperament and the degree of conflict.

Based on the testing results, it was revealed that one of the cooks is the most conflict-ridden person in the team, that is, picky, prone to criticism, capable of aggravating the current situation depending on his mood. In contrast, the other master turned out to be sociable, more loyal and able to withstand aggravations in the team.

In contrast to this, the majority of the workers, and this is 50%, turned out to be a completely conflict-free part of the team, one might even say passive, lacking initiative and not interested in anything.

According to the type of temperament, one cook is of the choleric type, and the other is of the phlegmatic type. Two workers turned out to be phlegmatic, and the other worker was sanguine.

In accordance with the results of the analysis, the following recommendations can be identified for more effective use of socio-psychological methods of personnel management:

Conducting psychological trainings with the management of the enterprise;

Creation and development of a psychological support and assistance service for personnel, which needs to cooperate with the management of the enterprise;

Motivating and encouraging staff to work actively;

Introduction to part of the corporate culture of such days as “Etiquette Day”, “Courtesy Day”.


Currently, a significant role in personnel management is given to socio-psychological methods of influence. The need for the existence of these methods is due to the fact that management is, in general, the coordination of people’s activities in the production process. To effectively influence the team, it is necessary to know the moral and psychological characteristics of individual performers, the socio-psychological characteristics of individual groups and teams, but also to exercise control influence. For this, socio-psychological methods of influence are needed.

Socio-psychological management methods are methods of influencing the object of management, based on the use of socio-psychological factors and aimed at managing the socio-psychological relationships that develop in the team.

Creating a situation in the production team that directs each employee to reveal all his potential and thereby contributes to increasing production efficiency - this is the goal of these management methods.

Knowledge of the socio-psychological and individual characteristics of performers gives the manager the opportunity to form and adopt an optimal management style and thereby ensure an increase in the efficiency of the enterprise by improving the socio-psychological climate and increasing the degree of job satisfaction.

In the analytical part, the company Rosinter Restaurants LLC, the Versta restaurant, was analyzed in detail, its role and place in the country’s economy. A thorough analysis of the personnel, more precisely one of the company’s teams, was presented, and the socio-psychological methods of the enterprise recommended for working with personnel were also reviewed and analyzed.


1.Psychology of personnel management: A manual for specialists working with personnel / Ed. A.V. Batarsheva, A.O. Lukyanova. - M.: Publishing House of the Institute of Psychotherapy, 2010, 624 p.

2.Goldstein G.Ya. "Fundamentals of Management: Textbook", ed. 2nd, expanded and revised. Taganrog: TRTU Publishing House, 2009, 244 p.

3.T.D. Ivanova, S.A. Tavridovich, A.N. Shabashova, Textbook: Fundamentals of Management, St. Petersburg: BSTU, 2007, 90 p.

4.A.N. Tsvetkov, Management: Textbook for universities, St. Petersburg, 2009, 176 p.

.Diesel P.M., Runyan W.M. Human behavior in an organization. M., 2009, 505 p.

6.Gerchikova I.N. Management: Textbook. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M.: UNITY, 2010, 501 p.

7.Sociology: Textbook for universities / V.N. Lavrinenko, N.A. Nartov, O.A. Shabanova, G.S. Lukashova; Ed. prof. V.N. Lavrinenko. 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2009, 407 p.

.Management: textbook for universities / Ed. Professor Maksimtsov M.M., Professor Komarov M.A. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: UNITY-DANA, Unity, 2011, 359 p.


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Socio-psychological methods are based on the motivation of the needs and interests of the individual and the team, on their professional connections and communication, and initiate creative and professional activity. The essence of socio-psychological methods is to use an effective work mechanism by influencing the non-economic interests of workers and economic counterparties.

These management methods use mechanisms based on moral and emotional incentives to maintain a positive microclimate in the work team. Socio-psychological management methods influence a person through satisfaction and persuasion, using various techniques: beliefs, suggestions, “infection with an idea,” etc. Modern company management cannot do without socio-psychological management methods, which always complement both administrative-command and economic management methods.

· Social methods

In the production conditions of post-industrial society, the creativity to solving economic problems, the success of which is greatly facilitated by the creation of optimal working conditions, both for an individual employee and for the entire creative group, team working on the project. A business-like, creative environment and a healthy microclimate in the team are the most important factors that have a beneficial effect on production results.

Labor collective- is a social group, for the effective existence of which it is necessary to observe a certain order aimed at maintaining an atmosphere of cooperation and mutual assistance.

The main goal of the activity the work collective is to fulfill the production task, for which, in other words, this collective was created. As the work collective exists, certain goals and objectives arise and disappear, a significant part of which relates to the social and spiritual life of the people working in this team. These goals and objectives arise from public interests and contribute to the formation of labor relations. If within a team there is an imbalance in the unified will of the team and the existing labor relations, then contradictions in views arise, elements of a struggle of opinions appear, and the like, which leads to the disintegration of the team.

To preserve and maintain the team in working order, it is necessary that all its members obey the same requirements: internal labor regulations, production discipline, the norms of law and morality established in the team, local acts company, informal requirements and traditions that have developed in this team.

Special control methods-- these are means of managing social processes occurring in the workforce, based on sociological research and scientific approaches. The research covers various aspects of the life of the workforce, including workplace certification, the level of qualifications of employees, illness and work-related injuries, relationships with colleagues, the psychological state of employees and much more.

In practice, different methods of collecting social information are used, depending on the situation, but in general they make it possible to ensure its completeness, reliability, objectivity and timeliness. The most common ones include interviews, questionnaires, document analysis, creation of structural maps, observation, and social experiment.

· Psychological methods

Psychological methods are a set of mechanisms for influencing interpersonal relationships aimed at creating an optimal psychological microclimate. The emotional background that accompanies the production process is extremely important for achieving a positive result when performing production tasks. An employee’s positive reaction to the assignment being carried out has a direct positive impact on personal results, and, ultimately, on the collective results of the entire company. Therefore, it is extremely important for a manager to direct significant efforts to create conditions for a comfortable psychological climate in the team. The ways of implementation can be varied and multifaceted: from clear goal setting, the formation of creative, small groups, to the personal motivation of the employee. To implement the principle of humanization of work, that is, creating comfortable external working conditions: design of the workplace, places of rest, elimination of monotony in work, etc., it is also necessary to take into account the compatibility of workers united in groups according to various characteristics: sympathy, education, emotionality and etc.

A skillful leader skillfully applies in his activities motivation system employees. These are moral motives (praise, awarding a diploma, etc.), professional (prestigious courses, promotion, etc.), and material (bonuses, salary increases, etc.).

Most effective motivation is a person’s internal interest in doing a certain job. The manager is obliged to understand the factors that influence the employee’s relationship with work: traditions, professional pride, growth prospects, attractiveness of work, etc. The same working conditions have different effects on employees, so it is important to modify them.

· Industrial pedagogy

Mastering the basics and putting into practice the tools and methods of industrial pedagogy is the responsibility of every manager. Every leader must:

  • · introduce employees to the prospects for the development of society, so that employees can clearly understand the place and role of the company in the labor market, as well as the prospects for its development;
  • · familiarize employees with the mission, goals, objectives and results of the company’s work;
  • · involve employees in shaping the goals and objectives of the company, so that they consciously and systematically increase the requirements placed on them;
  • · when planning, setting tasks, and monitoring the employee’s activities, take into account his individual characteristics;
  • · guide employees towards choosing optimal ways to solve a production problem, take into account their personal qualities when issuing an individual task and determining the method of incentives.

International Center of Modern Education

International Center for Modern Education


Faculty of Economics

Specialty "Production management of an organization"


in the discipline "Fundamentals of Management"

on the topic: “Socio-psychological methods of management”

completed by a 4th year student

Pop Galina Grigorievna

checked by: Ph.D., Associate Professor Surikova

Natalya Gennadievna

Prague 2012


Theoretical part

1 General characteristics of management methods. Concept and classification of management methods

2 Administrative management methods

3 Economic methods management

4 Sociological methods of management

5 Psychological management methods

6 Social-psychological methods

Analytical part

1 Improving socio-psychological management methods

2 Various methods of motivating employees

3 Management techniques and methods for resolving conflict situations from a manager’s point of view

4 Problems of using socio-psychological methods

5 Application of psychological management methods abroad (Japan)

Practical part





In the conditions of competition between enterprises for leadership in the market, an increasing number of these enterprises understand the importance of competent management of the company and personnel, which directly affects the economic performance of the company.

Any enterprise based on the labor of a large number of people needs to improve its personnel management system. Every year many different technologies for human resource management appear, but the fact remains unchanged that each employee is, first of all, a person with his own personal social, psychological and physiological characteristics.

It is these individual characteristics of a person, or rather a competent approach to managing them, that show how socio-psychological management methods influence the efficiency of all departments of the enterprise.

In the personnel management system, there are various management methods such as administrative, economic, socio-psychological, which are closely intertwined and aimed at achieving the goals of the organization.

The purpose of the work is to characterize management methods, their practical application, as well as their role in the efficiency of enterprises.

It is impossible not to mention the relevance and importance of the problem of personnel management, both for the organization and for the individual employee. In any business, personnel are an important component of an organization's profitability. Correct and appropriate personnel management guarantees the success of the enterprise. And the success of enterprises ensures a favorable socio-economic situation in the country. In a market economy, it is necessary to constantly improve the system of labor organization and personnel management in order to achieve socio-economic stability in the country. Therefore, the relevance of improving personnel management methods in an organization is increasingly increasing.

The structure of the work consists of three chapters, which are divided into subsections.

The first chapter outlines the general characteristics of management methods and their classification. The second chapter reveals the problems of applying socio-psychological methods. The third chapter includes a conclusion on all the work done, as well as applications in the form of maps and tables.

When working on this course project, I set myself the task of considering the features and properties of socio-psychological management methods, making a classification of these methods, pointing out their similarities and differences, as well as Special attention pay attention to the effectiveness of their use in practice.

The work used various books, encyclopedias, reference books, as well as various Internet sites.

1. Theoretical part

1 General characteristics of management methods. Concept and classification of management methods

For the successful operation of an organization (enterprise) in the conditions of the formation of market relations, it is necessary, first of all, to intensify the social activity of each employee - initiative, creative focus, self-discipline. This can be achieved by managing interests and through interests. The implementation of this general satisfaction is facilitated by social and psychological management methods, which provide real conditions for the transition of the functioning of the organization in modern conditions. The purpose of these management methods is to study and use the laws of mental activity of workers to optimize mental phenomena and processes in the interests of society and each individual. Social management methods help the management object in this.

A management method is a method of influence of the subject of management on the object of management for the practical implementation of the strategic and tactical goals of the management system. The management system is a set of scientific approaches, functions and methods of management, target, supporting, managed and control subsystems. The goal of the management system is to achieve the competitiveness of manufactured products, services provided, organizations, and so on in foreign or domestic markets.

The multiplicity of management methods and different approaches to their classification complicate the task of choosing those that will be more effective in solving specific management problems. The trend towards an increase in the number and variety of management methods requires the ordering of their entire set by classification according to certain criteria.

When characterizing management methods, it is necessary to reveal their focus, content and organizational form.

Currently, three groups of management methods are revealed and applied in practice in the scientific literature (see Appendix 1):

) administrative (organizational or organizational-administrative);

) economic;

) socio-psychological.

These groups of management methods are most often seen as complementary to each other.

The classification of management methods should be based on another feature - the degree of freedom of the control object in connection with the influence of the subject on it. An individual as an object of control can have the following degrees of freedom:

a) limited freedom, in which the subject of management forces the dependent object to carry out plans or tasks;

b) motivational freedom, in which the subject of management must find justified motives that encourage the object of management to carry out plans or tasks;

c) a high degree of freedom, in which the subject of management must, using logic and psychology, form a method of influencing a relatively independent object of management, putting study at the forefront psychological portrait controlled personality and its development trends. For the control object in this case, the satisfaction of primary physiological needs is not a priority; for it, the satisfaction of higher needs (self-realization, self-expression) is more important.

Based on the considered degrees of freedom of the object, it is advisable to divide control methods into three groups: coercion, incentives, and persuasion.

1.2 Administrative management methods

Management methods are ways of implementing management influences on personnel to achieve production management goals. Administrative methods are a way of implementing management influences on personnel and are based on power, discipline and penalties. Administrative methods are focused on such motives of behavior as the conscious need for labor discipline, a sense of duty, a person’s desire to work in a certain organization, etc. These methods of influence are distinguished by the direct nature of influence: any regulatory or administrative act is subject to mandatory execution.

Administrative methods are characterized by their compliance with legal norms in force at a certain level of management, as well as with acts and orders of higher management bodies.

There are five main methods of administrative influence: organizational influence, administrative influence, financial liability and penalties, disciplinary liability and penalties, administrative liability.

Organizational influences are based on the preparation and approval of internal regulatory documents regulating the activities of personnel of a particular enterprise. These include the charter of an enterprise or organization, a collective agreement between the administration and the workforce, internal labor regulations, the organizational structure of management, the staffing table of the enterprise, regulations on structural divisions, job descriptions of employees and the organization of workplaces. These documents (except for the charter) can be drawn up in the form of enterprise standards and must be put into effect by order of the head of the enterprise. These documents are mandatory for all employees, and failure to comply with them will result in disciplinary action.

Administrative management methods are a powerful lever for achieving set goals in cases where it is necessary to subordinate the team and direct it to solve specific management problems. The ideal condition for their effectiveness is a high level of regulation of management and labor discipline when management influences are implemented by lower levels of management without significant distortions. This is especially true in large multi-level control systems, which include large enterprises. The democratization of management and the development of market relations in the country, the collapse of the centralized administrative system and the deformation of the Moral Code of the Builder of Communism have reduced the role of administrative methods of management in enterprises. A number of contradictory processes in society also prevent the use of administrative methods. These include an increase in unemployment and underemployment in enterprises, significant inflation in recent years, an excess of the growth rate of prices for consumer goods over the growth rate wages, disruption of the usual way of life in the family.

3 Economic management methods

Economic methods are of an indirect nature of managerial influence. Such methods provide material incentives for teams and individual workers; they are based on the use of an economic mechanism.

Remuneration is the main motive for work activity and a monetary measure of the cost of labor. It provides a connection between the results of labor and its process and reflects the quantity and complexity of labor of workers of various qualifications. By setting official salaries for employees and tariff rates for workers, the management of the enterprise determines the standard cost of labor, taking into account the average labor costs for its normal duration.

Additional wages allow you to take into account the complexity and qualifications of labor, combination of professions, overtime work, social guarantees of the enterprise in case of pregnancy or training of employees, etc. Remuneration determines the individual contribution of employees to the final results of production in specific periods of time. The bonus directly links the labor results of each department and employee with the main economic criterion of the enterprise - profit.

Economic methods act as various ways for managers to influence staff to achieve their goals. When economic methods are used positively, the end result is good quality products and high profits. On the contrary, if not correct use economic laws, their ignorance or disregard for them, one can expect low or negative results.

Personnel subsidies. Many companies have subsidized canteens and restaurants for their staff. This may not be financially possible for a small business, but you could consider installing vending machines for hot drinks and snacks and offering breakfast vouchers.

Discounted products. Most businessmen allow their employees to purchase company goods and services at a discount of 10% or more. You should always give your employees deep discounts. This will increase staff loyalty.

Loans. Some employers give their employees interest-free or low-interest loans for various purposes (such as relocation).

Private health insurance. Some firms provide private health insurance for their employees. Many of these workers will feel calmer and more confident knowing they will be taken care of if they get sick. Prompt medical care for employees will also be beneficial - the employee will return to work sooner and be ready to perform his duties.

Also, managers, through remuneration, bonuses, and allowances, make staff interested in the final results of their work, the quality of products or services, thereby generating income for themselves and the company as a whole.

4 Sociological methods of management

Sociological methods of management include: methods of managing social and mass processes; methods of managing teams, bodies, groups, intra-group phenomena and processes; methods of managing individual personal behavior.

Methods of managing social and mass processes are, for example, regulating the movement of personnel, planned training and distribution of personnel, securing personnel, increasing the prestige of professions, etc.

Methods of managing teams, bodies, groups, intra-group phenomena and processes include social planning of team development, methods of increasing social and group activity, continuity of glorious traditions, etc. A favorable socio-psychological climate, creative activity of workers are formed in the team with the help of such social methods, such as promotion and implementation of positive experience, innovation, mentoring, etc.

Sociological methods of managing individual personal behavior include: creating favorable working conditions for workers (optimal workload, rhythm, the presence of elements of creativity in work, etc.); formation of an optimal management system (organizational structure, types of control, availability of appropriate job descriptions and etc.); proper organization of educational work; creating a favorable psychological climate in the team; established traditions, etc. The boss, along with high demands on subordinates, is obliged to: create the necessary conditions for work, rest and advanced training of subordinates; instill in subordinates a sense of responsibility for the performance of official duties; ensure transparency and objectivity in assessing the performance of subordinates; respect the honor and dignity of subordinates; avoid protectionism when working with personnel, persecution of employees for personal reasons or for criticizing shortcomings in performance.

The use of sociological management methods can only be effective if there is complete and reliable information about the processes occurring in the team. It is important to know the composition of the team, the interests, inclinations and actions of employees, the causes of many phenomena, motives for behavior, positive and negative trends in the development of the team.

The study of the team is carried out through the collection and analysis of social information, which is a set of information about the composition, needs and interests of employees, the nature of relationships, the receptivity of forms and methods of stimulating activity in the team. Information is collected using sociological research.

When conducting sociological research, a certain set of technical means and techniques, forms of collecting and processing social information about a particular group - the object of management - are used. Such techniques are: interviewing, questioning, studying documents (work plans, personal plans of employees, minutes of meetings and meetings, personal files, letters and proposals from citizens, periodicals, etc.), observations; introspection, experiments and some others.

Information obtained during sociological research can be used to identify the degree of influence of a particular social factor on the activities of a team or its individuals and groups. Based on the information, conclusions can be drawn and proposals can be made to change management practices.

Based on the results of sociological research, methods of social regulation, standardization and moral stimulation are also developed and applied. Methods of social regulation are used to streamline relationships in a team. These include: methods for increasing social and service activity (exchange of experience, initiative, criticism, self-criticism, agitation, propaganda, competition); methods of social continuity (ceremonial meetings, evenings, honoring veterans, meetings of advanced workers in the profession, etc.). Methods of social regulation and standardization include methods that are designed to consolidate and develop relationships that correspond to the management system. This is the establishment of moral and other norms. Methods of moral stimulation are used to encourage teams of bodies, groups, and individual workers who have achieved high performance in their work. Social information, as is known, serves as the source material for planning the social development of the body’s staff.

Sociological methods play an important role in personnel management; they make it possible to establish the purpose and place of employees in the team, identify leaders and provide their support, connect people’s motivation with the final results of production, ensure effective communications and conflict resolution in the team.

Sociological research methods, being scientific tools in working with personnel, provide the necessary data for the selection, assessment, placement and training of personnel and allow you to make informed personnel decisions. Questioning allows you to collect the necessary information by mass surveying people using special questionnaires. Interviewing involves preparing a script (program) before the conversation, then, during the dialogue with the interlocutor, obtaining the necessary information. Interview - perfect option Conversations with a leader, politician or government figure require highly qualified interviewers and considerable time. The sociometric method is indispensable when analyzing business and friendly relationships in a team, when, based on a survey of employees, a matrix of preferred contacts between people is built, which also shows informal leaders in the team. The observation method allows us to identify the qualities of employees that are sometimes discovered only in an informal setting or extreme life situations (accident, fight, natural disaster). An interview is a common method in business negotiations, hiring, educational events, when small personnel tasks are resolved in an informal conversation.

5 Psychological management methods

Psychological methods play an important role in working with personnel, since they are aimed at a specific personality of a worker or employee and, as a rule, are strictly personalized and individual. Their main feature is the appeal to the inner world of a person, his personality, intellect, images and behavior, in order to direct the internal potential of a person to solve specific problems of the organization. (see Appendix 2)

Psychological planning constitutes a new direction in working with personnel to form an effective psychological state of the organization’s staff. It is based on the need for the concept of comprehensive development of the individual, eliminating negative trends in the degradation of the backward part of the workforce. Psychological planning involves setting development goals and performance criteria, developing psychological standards, methods for planning the psychological climate and achieving final results. It is advisable that psychological planning be carried out by a professional psychological service of the organization, consisting of social psychologists. The most important results of psychological planning include:

formation of units (“teams”) based on the psychological compliance of employees;

comfortable psychological climate in the team: formation of personal motivation of people based on the philosophy of the organization;

minimizing psychological conflicts (scandals, grievances, stress, irritation);

developing a career based on the psychological orientation of employees;

growth in the intellectual abilities of team members and their level of education;

formation of a corporate culture based on norms of behavior and images of ideal employees.

The focus of psychoanalysis is on mental processes and motivations of human drives, primarily mental and sexual. Work psychology studies psychological aspects professional selection, career guidance, professional fatigue, tension and intensity of work, accidents, etc. Management psychology analyzes aspects of the behavior of people in the work team, the relationship between a manager and a subordinate, problems of motivation and psychological climate. Psychotherapy studies methods of mental influence by words, actions, and environment on a person with certain mental disorders for the purpose of treatment. Methods such as self-hypnosis (autogenic training), suggestion (hypnosis), and meditation are gradually becoming part of management practice.

Personality types characterize a person’s internal potential and his general orientation toward performing certain types of work and areas of activity. There are several approaches to typifying a person’s personality: Cattell’s 16-factor personality characteristic, Freud’s theory of dreams and drives, based on the classification of behavioral roles, etc.

Temperament is a very important psychological characteristic of an individual for determining the purpose and place of each employee in a team, the distribution of management tasks and psychological techniques for working with a specific person. There are four main temperaments: sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric and melancholic.

Character traits determine the direction of a person’s world and the level of need for communication. Based on the predominance of certain character traits, people are divided into extroverts and introverts.

Intellectual abilities characterize the capabilities of understanding, thinking, and consciousness of a person and are important for professional guidance, assessing people, career planning and organizing movement up the career ladder. The main attention should be paid to the level of intelligence of the employee, which has three gradations (high, medium, low). Rational thinking abilities are an integral requirement for management personnel and specialists. The level of consciousness determines the employee’s compliance with the moral code of the enterprise. Logical abilities are indispensable in engineering and scientific activities. Intellectual abilities are identified using psychological methods. Human memory is an important component intellectual abilities. There are significant differences in the capacity of long-term and working memory between different people.

Methods of cognition are tools with which a person studies reality, processes information and prepares draft decisions. The most well-known methods of cognition are analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction. Analysis involves studying a phenomenon based on classification, division into elements, identifying alternatives, and studying internal patterns. Synthesis, on the contrary, is based on the study of interelement connections, the construction of a system from individual elements, and the study of external patterns and connections. In the process of cognition, analysis and synthesis are used together, for example, when constructing a diagram of the organizational structure of enterprise management.

Induction is an inference from the particular to the general based on the study of various facts and events, based on the results of which a hypothesis (general statement) about a certain pattern is developed. Deduction, on the contrary, is an inference from the general to the particular, when hypotheses (rules, principles) are put forward in the form absolute truth, from which conclusions are drawn about particular patterns. An example of the application of induction and deduction methods is the development of an enterprise philosophy.

1.6 Social-psychological methods

Socio-psychological methods are ways of implementing managerial influences on personnel, based on the use of the laws of sociology and psychology. The objects of influence of these methods are groups of people and individuals. According to the scale and methods of influence, these methods can be divided into two main groups: sociological methods, which are aimed at groups of people and their interactions in the production process (the external world of man); psychological methods that specifically influence the personality of a particular person (the inner world of a person).

Methods of psychological influence include suggestion, persuasion, imitation, involvement, coercion, inducement, condemnation, demand, prohibition, placebo, censure, command, disappointed expectation, “explosion,” the Socratic method, hint, compliment, praise, request, advice. (see Appendix 3)

Socio-psychological methods represent the most subtle tool for influencing social groups people and human personality. The art of managing people lies in the dosed and differentiated use of certain techniques listed above.

The instability of the economic condition of the enterprise, financial difficulties, late payment of wages, long downtime, of course, do not contribute to maintaining a good socio-psychological climate, because the manager is forced to devote significantly more time to human communication and personnel management functions, but directly to production, marketing, finance, i.e. other functions.

An example of socio-psychological management methods is the satisfaction and stimulation of personnel. To save good workers you should make sure that they are happy and satisfied, try to stimulate them to do their job better, which, in turn, will benefit the company.

Insufficient attention to the social and psychological aspects of management causes unhealthy relationships in the team, which reduces labor productivity. In order for the impact on the team to be most effective, it is necessary not only to know the moral and psychological characteristics of individual performers, the socio-psychological characteristics of individual groups and teams, but also to exercise control influence. For these purposes, socio-psychological methods are used, which represent a set of specific ways of influencing personal relationships and connections that arise in work groups, as well as the social processes occurring in them. They are based on the use of moral incentives to work, influencing the individual using psychological techniques in order to transform an administrative task into a conscious duty, an internal human need. This is achieved through techniques that are personal in nature.

The main goal of using these methods is to form a positive socio-psychological climate in the team, thanks to which educational, organizational and economic problems will be solved to a large extent. In other words, the goals set for the team can be achieved using one of the most important criteria for the effectiveness and quality of a rocket - the human factor. The ability to take this circumstance into account will allow managers to purposefully influence the team, create favorable working conditions and, ultimately, form a team with common goals and objectives.

The main means of influencing the team is persuasion. When persuading, a leader must take into account as fully as possible the nature of human behavior and human relationships in the process of joint activity. The leader’s understanding of the biological nature and inner world of the individual helps him choose the most effective forms of unity and activation of the team. The object of socio-psychological leadership in the work collective is the relationships between workers, their attitude towards the means of labor and the environment.

The need to use socio-psychological management methods in the practice of managing an organization is obvious, since they make it possible to timely take into account the motives of activity and the needs of employees, see the prospects for changing a specific situation, and make optimal management decisions.

Techniques and methods of socio-psychological influence are largely determined by the leader’s preparedness, his competence, organizational skills and knowledge in the field of social psychology.

Socio-psychological management methods require that the team be led by people who are flexible enough and who know how to use various aspects of management. The success of a leader in this direction depends on how correctly he applies various forms of socio-psychological influence, which will ultimately form healthy interpersonal relationships. The main forms of such influence can be recommended: planning the social development of work collectives, persuasion as a method of education and personality formation, economic competition, criticism and self-criticism, permanent production meetings, which act as a method of management and as a form of participation of workers in management, of various kinds rituals and ceremonies.

2. Analytical part

1 Improving socio-psychological management methods

Social and psychological management methods are based on moral values. They are developed in relation to the conditions of a particular culture, reflect its system of values ​​and norms of behavior: individual and group interests, interpersonal and intergroup relations, motivation and management of human behavior. As a result, transferring them to other conditions is ineffective and often impossible. Reward methods that stimulate individual performance will not produce positive results in a collectivist society; methods of improving the efficiency of an enterprise based on confrontation cannot be used where the core values ​​include harmony and the absence of conflicts; problem solving methods based on demographic principles are difficult to apply in a traditionally autocratic culture; The matrix system of organization cannot work effectively in conditions where people highly value unity of command and prefer to receive orders from one authority figure.

There are management methods developed in relation to the nature and complexity of the production process or the amount of information recorded and analyzed, that is, relating to the technological, economic and financial aspects of the organization. Such methods are usually neutral with respect to human values ​​and are easier to transfer from one system to another. However, even in this case, their use creates a new situation in which moral statements will be involved. For example, a production control method or scheduling Maintenance, the use of which is required by technology, may contradict the beliefs and habits of workers regarding punctuality, work organization and discipline, justified absence from work, accuracy and reliability of recorded documentation, etc.

Working with people is one of the most complex and multifaceted forms of human activity. Effective management requires a system of motives and incentives that encourage employees to reveal their abilities, work fruitfully and effectively use production resources, the creation of which is impossible without taking into account the psychology of the individual and the socio-psychological patterns of team development.

The use of socio-psychological management methods can be effective only if there is complete and reliable information about the processes occurring in the team. It is important to know the composition of the team, the interests, inclinations and actions of employees, the causes of many phenomena, motives for behavior, positive and negative trends in the development of the team.

Socio-psychological methods represent the most subtle tool for influencing social groups and individuals. The art of management lies in the measured and differentiated application of positive influence and neutralization of negative influence.

social psychological control stimulation

2.2 Various methods of motivating employees

Rituals are used to develop a sense of corporate identity. In the daily life of an enterprise, they can play different roles: strengthen the structure of the enterprise or weaken it. Anniversaries, celebration of achievements, inclusion in the ranks of the best employees, public recognition, participation in incentive trips, etc. demonstrate what the interests of the enterprise are and what is rewarded.

An excellent measure for stimulating staff may be the participation of employees in the management process, but the situation should be assessed objectively; there are circumstances when an autocratic, authoritarian, unilateral solution to the problem is appropriate. Participation in management is advisable in the following cases:

identify new sources of knowledge and experience;

achieve cooperation that multiplies the individual's efforts, providing assistance, support and incentives for higher performance;

allow those who believe they have knowledge of the subject or problem to take part in its consideration;

come to agreement on controversial issues, problems and ideas related to increasing effectiveness and productivity, goals, and action programs;

provide an opportunity for representatives of departments affected by an issue, problem, decision or event to influence the approach to them and the results, and become imbued with the corresponding idea;

identify and solve a problem that no one considers theirs, for which no one is responsible and which no one solves due to organizational characteristics;

enable broader creative discussion of the problem and innovative solutions;

overcome narrow interests or resistance to needed change;

provide a forum for opposing points of view on an issue, problem, decision or event;

avoidance of hasty and ill-considered actions, study possible consequences implementation of the discussed solutions;

provide the opportunity, time and other resources necessary to think deeply about the problem;

teach people to predict new information, prospects, new contacts, etc.

Circumstances and situations when employee participation in management is inappropriate:

one person has significantly more knowledge about a subject than other people;

there is an obvious solution - easy to implement, clear and acceptable, which the company manager considers correct;

the question, problem, decision or activity is part of the individual's job responsibilities and it is unclear whether the employee would agree to a group approach;

the question is not important;

there is no time to involve employees in solving the problem;

relevant people work more willingly and productively alone;

involving the team in the management process does not provide benefits.

In a market economy, as we know, only those enterprises survive whose products (works, services) are sold. Therefore, increased attention should be paid to sales management, including the stimulation of sales personnel.

Incentives are tools that cause the action of certain motives. The incentives are some objects, the actions of other people, carriers of obligations and opportunities, everything that can be offered to a person as compensation for his actions, or what he would like to acquire as a result of certain actions.

Responses to different stimuli vary different people. Hence, incentives have no absolute meaning if people are unable to respond to them. Thus, in conditions of strong inflation, wages and money largely lose their role as incentives and are already used to a limited extent within the framework of managing people.

Using a variety of incentives to motivate people provides an incentive process that takes many different forms. One of the most common forms is financial incentives. The role of the latter in a market environment is especially significant. Here it is important to correctly assess the situation within which material incentives are implemented, and try not to exaggerate its capabilities, given that a person is characterized by a very complex system of needs, interests, priorities and goals.

The first requirement when developing an effective incentive system is to take into account the functional responsibilities performed by employees of the enterprise.

The basis of employee incentive systems, which are quite widespread, especially in the non-production sphere, is a simple method of establishing a direct relationship between the amount of payment and the volume of sales. This system is known as “commissions”. Traditionally, the concept of commission is associated with a certain percentage of the sales amount (percentage of turnover), which is received by the employee who sold the product.

There are many varieties of this method that link the remuneration of workers in this category with the effectiveness of their activities. The choice of a specific method depends on what goals the enterprise pursues, as well as on the characteristics of the product being sold, the specifics of the market, the cultural characteristics of the country and other factors.

Commissions in the form of a fixed percentage of sales volume are established, as a rule, in a situation where the company strives to maximize its total sales volume.

Therefore on next stage working out the system, incentives for sales-related employees are made dependent on the results of their work, i.e. from the funds received by a specific employee or group of employees from the sale of products. In addition to the official salary (according to the staffing table), the seller receives additional material remuneration. The specific amount of such remuneration is calculated as a percentage of the amount of revenue received by the employee.

The most difficult thing to motivate is personnel who are not directly related to the quantitative characteristics of the organization’s work.

The wages of an employee include basic wages (salary) and additional wages (bonuses, allowances, etc.), wages of office workers: salary in the amount established by the employment contract. To directly focus office workers on increasing the company’s profits, monitoring stores, and searching for more profitable contracts, it is advisable to assign each of the employees to a store, from whose proceeds they will receive a percentage as a wage bonus. This system is called profit sharing.

In addition to wages, it is possible to introduce a bonus system - one-time payments from the organization's profits. Annual, semi-annual, New Year's bonuses related to length of service and salary.

The second requirement for an effective incentive system is its transparency and objectivity: otherwise, the staff will not understand or know why they are being rewarded and how they can influence the size of their wages.

The incentive system always consists of two main blocks: material and intangible. Intangibles are aimed at increasing loyalty to the company’s employees while reducing the costs of compensating them for their labor costs. Intangible incentives are understood as incentives that are not given to employees in the form of cash or non-cash funds, but may require investment from the organization. The main effect achieved through non-material incentives is to increase the level of loyalty and interest of employees in the organization. Traditionally, three groups of non-material incentives are distinguished: those that do not require investment from the organization, those that require investment and are distributed without address; as well as the investments required and distributed in a targeted manner.

Fair remuneration for managers, specialists and employees should also be based on the same principles, but using indicators specific to these categories of workers, taking into account the complexity of the tasks being solved, the level of responsibility, the number of subordinates, etc.

It is with the use of flexible remuneration systems, using a reasonable assessment of the workplace and job responsibilities and the subsequent participation of workers in profits and collective bonuses for reducing the share of labor costs in the cost of production that the negative attitude of the organization’s personnel to the existing system of remuneration for their labor can be overcome and the amount of this payment.

The result of the incentive system in the organization should be an increase in the efficiency of its activities, which can be achieved, in turn, by increasing the efficiency and quality of work of each employee. At the same time, the entrepreneur must be guided by the need to attract and retain highly qualified employees for a long time, increase labor productivity and improve the quality of products and services, increase the return on investment in personnel, increase the interest of employees not only in personal successes, but also in the successes of the entire organization as a whole and finally a raise social status workers.

The incentive system at the enterprise must clearly define its goals, establish types of incentives in accordance with the results achieved, determine the evaluation system, the period and timing of remuneration payments

3 Management techniques and methods for resolving conflict situations from a manager’s point of view

Business conflicts can be resolved using purely administrative methods that the manager can use.

Clarification of requirements. The manager strives to formulate as clearly as possible the conditions for completing the task: what exactly needs to be done and who is personally responsible for the work. This method of conflict resolution is effective in cases where subordinates have experience and discipline. If employees do not have the necessary level of professionalism, this method of conflict resolution may not produce results.

Formulation of the task. Among the subordinates there are people of different personalities, unequal levels of knowledge and experience, who have different attitudes towards the work and the leader himself. When issuing a production task, these points must be taken into account.

"I ask you to". The manager formulates the task in the form of requests and wishes, based on the objective need for its implementation. It is assumed that the subordinate is dutiful, obliging and loves his job. This form of assignment is acceptable in cooperation with highly qualified specialists who are conscientious about their work.

“I would advise doing it this way.” Here a mild form of personal influence on a subordinate is used. This form of issuing a task can only be effective with an experienced leader who has unquestionable authority in the team. In this form, you should interact with executive subordinates who have a lack of experience and professional knowledge, for example, young specialists or employees who, for one reason or another, have a long break from work.

“You are instructed to carry out.” The task is formulated with a sufficient degree of personal influence from the manager. In this form, tasks should be issued in situations of high responsibility and time restrictions for completing the task.

"I order you." The manager applies his administrative influence and pressure. Careful monitoring is expected. This form of issuing assignments is effective for optional workers who are not inclined to adhere to strict discipline.

“I categorically order you to complete this task. In case of non-compliance, the following measures will be taken against you...” This form of issuing an assignment is used for violators of labor discipline. Strict regular monitoring is provided.

Punishment and reward system. In the field of business interactions, orders from the manager to deprive the offending employee of his bonus are effective. And as a reward for successful work - gratitude, various ways material incentives, promotions.

Negative evaluation formula. In order for a negative assessment of a subordinate’s actions to be effective, the manager’s statement must contain four main parts.

The first part: recording the overall positive assessment of the employee as an employee and a person.

Second part: formulating a critical assessment.

Third part: recognition that the employee is a good professional, despite the fact that he made a mistake.

Part four: building a positive outlook for the future.

Hierarchy of subordination. Conflict management in business relationships can be effective when using real power corresponding to the manager's official status. Subordinates must clearly know whose orders they were carrying out and to whom they must personally report.

Coercion refers to authoritative management measures and is effective in cases where the manager manages employees who have a low level of qualifications and violate labor discipline

Psychological methods of regulating business conflicts include those that use communication techniques that reduce internal tension conflicting.

“Symmetrical response” technique. Essentially this method is confrontation in a conflict and is based on the use of his own means of behavior and communication against a partner.

“Zero reaction” technique. In some cases, especially with an unpredictable and unbalanced partner, it is effective not to show any emotional response, but to emphasize calmness and equanimity.

Technique of “revealing hidden contexts”. Often the attacking partner uses various means of pressure and control, assuming that his opponent is not psychologically ready for confrontation. In order to show your readiness to fight back, it is enough to show your understanding of the situation and your partner’s actions, as well as clearly state your intentions.

Break technique (“blow off steam”). In many cases, with a conflictual and hot-tempered partner, it makes sense to formulate the following phrases: “When you calm down, we will return to discussing this problem,” “I can discuss this problem, but without shouting,” “I will wait until you can control yourself.”

Technique for keeping your target. In a situation of conflict, an aggressive partner often directs his actions to make his opponent afraid, lose confidence in himself and, as a result, abandon his goals. That is why it is important to defend your goals, using the weaknesses of the enemy and the conditions of the situation.

The “broken record” technique. In a number of cases, the partner either really does not understand the position of his opponent, or outwardly demonstrates misunderstanding for the purpose of psychological pressure. In these cases, it is recommended to constantly articulate your position in order to show the seriousness and stability of your intentions.

A method of discarding minor details in order to preserve the main thing. With a strong opponent, it is recommended to use a combined tactic of compromise in relation to minor points and confrontation and persistent defense of important, key aspects of your position.

The communicative technique of smoothing is manifested in the fact that the leader strives not to get into a tense situation. conflict situation, adhering to the following positions: “Conflict can negatively affect the effectiveness general work”or “You must be able to work without conflicts.” In case of smoothing out the conflict, the manager or subordinate tries to act as peacemakers, declaring the following principles: “We are all doing the same job,” “It doesn’t matter much,” “Let’s not quarrel,” “Let’s strive for constructive interactions.” Depending on how effective conflict management is, its consequences can become functional or dysfunctional, which in turn will affect the possibility of future conflicts: eliminating causes or creating new ones.

4 Problems of using socio-psychological methods

Since the object of socio-psychological management methods is a person, possible problems are much less predictable. But, nevertheless, it is possible to identify some general problems associated with the use of these methods in general, as well as problems and bottlenecks of specific methods.

Weaknesses of the method of influence through fear.

Fear can and is, in fact, used in modern organizations, but not often, as over time it can become a very costly method of influence. Even if it is possible to create an effective control system at reasonable cost, the best that can be achieved through fear is minimally adequate labor productivity. Because a person is not given the opportunity to satisfy his or her higher needs at work, he or she may begin to seek their satisfaction elsewhere. Research shows that organizations that use coercive power are likely to have lower productivity and lower quality products. Another important factor is that employees often experience dissatisfaction with their work in this case. It follows from this that the employee most likely has no motivation to remain in this job, and at the first convenient opportunity, he will change his place of work.

When using these methods of influence, management often tries to act through suppression, as well as division of the team, so that they cannot oppose their will to the management.

Disadvantages of positive reinforcement.

In a sense, power based on reward will always be effective, provided that the manager can correctly determine what in the eyes of the performer is a reward. The authority of managers to offer financial incentives is also regulated by the company's policies and any methods. In some cases, restrictions can be imposed from outside, as, for example, in employment contract with the trade union, which stipulates how rewards can be offered for certain types of work. The difficulty of using reward-based power is further increased by the fact that it is often not easy to determine what will be considered a reward.

Disadvantages of methods based on tradition.

It is interesting to note that tradition often explains in one word why certain proven concepts of management theory are not always widely used in practice. Tradition can also act to the detriment of an organization, for example, when the innovative thinking of a young, well-trained manager is dashed against the rock of tradition. Many Western sources, in particular the Financial Times, indicate that negative trends associated with tradition are characteristic of large companies that have formalized and holistic corporate ethics, which, say, may be inappropriate in the situation of developing a new industry. And in this case, the advantage remains with young companies that do not bear the burden of corporate traditions.

The management technique, called the power of example, or influence through charisma, has practically no weaknesses, except for complete focus on a specific person, as well as the almost complete lack of opportunity to develop and teach this technique.

Limitation of expert power, or influence through reasonable faith.

Reasonable faith is much less stable than blind faith, through which charismatic personalities influence others, and it acts more slowly. If the expert is proven wrong, then the manager will no longer be wise to follow his or her advice—hence, his or her influence will be diminished. Moreover, while a Charismatic leader can instill faith in a single speech, it will take a long time to develop intelligent faith. Specialists, for example, sometimes spend years trying to gain authority among line managers so that their opinion is accepted unconditionally.

Weaknesses of influencing through persuasion.

The most weak side such influence is slow impact and uncertainty. Convincing someone of anything takes more time and effort than issuing an order backed by authority based on coercion, tradition, or charisma. No matter how much effort is put in, you can never be sure that the listener will perceive the influence. In addition, unlike other forms, influence through persuasion has a one-time effect. A leader who prefers the persuasion method must start all over again every time he or she wants to influence someone, which increases the time spent on the persuasion process.

Negative consequences of psychological influence.

At the moment when a leader exerts pressure on a subordinate, that is, in fact, when using power based on fear, strong psychological and emotional stress may arise and then not dissipate for a long time, and people who have experienced such influence may experience a feeling of “lostness.” and "disorientation".

As for the possible negative consequences of positive reinforcement, for example, if the manager makes a mistake in choosing reinforcement, it can be achieved reverse effect. The simplest example: management rewards an employee for the successful completion of a project with a trip to the south. The employee, not wanting to spoil the established relationship, agrees, knowing that he cannot stand the heat and this voucher will not give him real rest. But, being an adult and conscientious person, he “has as much fun as he can” and comes home better than he was before leaving. But internally, at the subconscious level, he may already have a formed attitude linking actively successfully completed work with a trip in which he felt uncomfortable, and next time, without realizing it, he will strive not to do the work “to the highest class” .

Other negative consequences are also possible, expressed in neurosis and stress, which have been talked about more and more often in recent decades.

Stress is a common and common occurrence at this time. Minor stress is inevitable and virtually harmless, but excessive stress creates problems for individuals and organizations. The type of stress that is relevant to managers is characterized by excessive psychological or physiological tension. Research shows that physiological signs of stress include ulcers, migraines, hypertension, back pain, arthritis, asthma and heart pain. Psychological manifestations include irritability, loss of appetite, depression and decreased interest in interpersonal and sexual relationships.

It is important to understand that stress can be caused by factors related to the work and activities of the organization, or events in the personal life of the individual. Many bosses have been accused of being the cause of ill health in their subordinates, and many well-meaning spouses have been praised as stress relievers. But new research challenges both stereotypes: a boss can be a significant buffer against stress, while some research suggests family support can make matters worse.

2.5 Application of psychological management methods abroad (Japan)

The Japanese management system can be seen as a synthesis of imported ideas and cultural traditions. In the methods of organizing management activities used in Japan in the conditions of scientific and technological progress, traditional, national and modern forms labor organization.

Japanese management has relatively recently attracted the attention of domestic researchers. The reason may be that its effectiveness, so obvious to the Japanese, was not immediately obvious in other countries. It was believed that the production and personnel management system dominant in Japan was archaic. Foreign management experts who studied Japanese management before World War II expressed confidence that as development traditional methods will disappear, but this did not happen, and in periodicals and monographs of the 60-70s the term “nihoteki keiei” - “Japanese management” or “Japanese style of management” began to appear.

Japanese management, based on collectivism, used all the moral and psychological levers of influence on the individual. First of all, this is a sense of duty to the team, which in the Japanese mentality is almost identical to a feeling of shame. Considering that the tax system works to average the income and material condition of the population with its emphatically progressive fiscal mechanism, there is minimal wealth stratification in society, and this makes it possible to use the sense of collectivism as effectively as possible.

How does the Japanese management method differ from the methods used in most countries in Europe and America? First of all, its focus: the main subject of management in Japan is labor resources. The goal that the Japanese manager sets for himself is to increase the efficiency of the enterprise mainly by increasing the productivity of workers. Meanwhile, in European and American management, the main goal is profit maximization, that is, obtaining the greatest benefit with the least effort.

According to Japanese management expert Hideki Yoshihara, there are six characteristic features of Japanese management:

Job security and creating an environment of trust.

Publicity and corporate values.

Information-based management.

Quality-oriented management.

Constant presence of management in production.

Maintaining cleanliness and order.

The organizational structure of management in Japanese corporations is built, as a rule, on a linear-functional principle: horizontal and vertical connections. Most Japanese companies do not even have a developed organizational structure; no one knows how Honda is organized, except that it uses many project teams and is very flexible. Innovation typically occurs in frontier areas that require the input of multiple disciplines. Thus, the flexible Japanese organization has become a particularly valuable asset in modern conditions.

Means of motivation are designed to “include” motives and incentives into action. Among these means in Japan, a special place is occupied by the system of “lifelong employment” of workers. It should be noted right away that “lifetime employment” is typical only for large firms. In small firms this system, naturally, does not dominate. According to Japanese economists, this hiring system covers from 22 to 30% of hired personnel.

Japanese society is homogeneous and imbued with a spirit of collectivism. The Japanese always think on behalf of groups. A person is aware of himself, first of all, as a member of a group, and his individuality - as the individuality of a part of the whole. The guiding principle of Japanese management is in agreement with the research of the Japanese economist E. Mayo, who showed that work is a group activity.

Thus, we can say that psychological methods are very important because... are aimed at a specific personality of a worker or employee and, as a rule, are strictly personalized and individual. Their main feature is the appeal to the inner world of a person, his personality, intellect, feelings, images and behavior in order to direct the internal potential of a person to solve specific problems of the enterprise.

3. Practical part

The management method is the relationship in which the manager has to other employees of the organization in the process of performing management functions. With the help of the correct choice of management method, a clear organization of the management process and all production and economic activities is ensured. The main management methods include: administrative; economic; socio-psychological; The objective basis for the use of administrative management methods is the legal relationship in which all employees of the organization are. In an organization, one part of legal relations is fixed in legislation, and the other in constituent documents, in the regulations and instructions of the organization. Administrative methods of management include two groups of relations: organizational methods (distribution of rights and responsibilities in the process of performing general work) and relations of distribution of organizational resources (administrative methods). In the system of administrative methods, the manager is represented as an administrator, a subject of relations, relying on the right granted to him in this regard.

There are several methods that allow us to identify factors affecting labor efficiency and the quality of work in general:


use of special tests;


Practice shows that moderate use of such methods is important for an enterprise. Because the constant use of such methods leads to a decline in efficiency due to the need to spend time filling out questionnaires, writing reports, or it is simply boring.

In recent years, the role of socio-psychological methods has increased. This is due to the increase in education and qualifications of workers, which require management to use more complex and subtle management methods. The place of socio-psychological methods very much depends on the policy of the leadership; it is worth noting that in developed countries it is now becoming impossible not to use them, at least partially. This is due, in particular, to the growing level of needs of the population.

The goal of socio-psychological management methods is to study and use the laws of people management to optimize socio-psychological phenomena in a team, for the sake of creating the strongest working team. And therefore, to achieve the goals of the enterprise. But there is a difference between social and psychological methods:

using social methods, relationships in groups and between groups are managed;

with the help of psychological ones - managing the behavior of the individual and interpersonal relationships in the group.

The goal of sociological methods is to manage the formation and development of a team, create a positive socio-psychological climate in the team, optimal cohesion, achieve a common goal by ensuring unity of interests, developing initiative, etc. Sociological methods are based on needs, interests, motives, goals and etc.

The choice of methods is largely determined by the manager’s competence, organizational skills, and knowledge in the field of social psychology.

There are different points of view on the classification of management methods. In accordance with one of the classifications, all management methods are divided into the following three groups:

Intuitive methods, the use of which becomes possible thanks to the manager’s accumulated experience and knowledge in a specific area of ​​the organization’s activities, which allows decisions to be made without reasoned evidence, based on internal intuition.

“Common sense” methods, built on logical judgments, consistent evidence, which are based on practical experience.

Methods of a scientific and technical approach that involve choice optimal solution of the options calculated through the use of significant information arrays, which is inevitably associated with the use of modern computer technologies.

The prerequisites for successful active work on execution lie in the capabilities of the performers:

know (information about targets or activities on which a decision has been made);

dare (these attitudes and activities must be “acceptable” for performers, including not violating legal and ethical standards);

be able (performers must have the means to complete the assigned task);

want (they must be motivated).

Motive is understood as a motivation for human behavior based on subjective feelings of shortcomings or personal incentives. The motives of human behavior have a certain hierarchy (it is usually called “Maslov’s pyramid”) (see Appendix 4).

Ways to meet needs according to Maslov are presented in Appendix 5.


Today, socio-psychological methods play an important role in management. Socio-psychological management methods are based on the study and use of the motives of people’s behavior in the process of their joint work and are aimed at creating a favorable emotional environment in the team, which has a great impact on increasing labor productivity, working capacity and vital activity of workers.

Knowledge of the socio-psychological and individual characteristics of performers gives the manager the opportunity to form and adopt an optimal management style and thereby ensure an increase in the efficiency of the enterprise by improving the socio-psychological climate and increasing the degree of job satisfaction.

Based on my research on this topic, I came to the following theoretical conclusions:

Generalization of the experience of domestic and foreign enterprises allows us to formulate main goal personnel management systems: provision of personnel, organization of their effective use, professional and social development. In accordance with this, the enterprise personnel management system is formed. As a basis for its construction, methods developed by science and tested in practice are used.

There are three methods of personnel management:

Administrative method (organizational and administrative);

Economic method;

Social-psychological method.

Administrative methods are based on power, discipline and penalties and are known in history as the “stick method”. Economic methods are based on the correct use of the economic laws of production and, based on their methods of influence, are known as the “carrot method”. Social-psychological methods are based on methods of motivation and moral influence on people and are known as the “persuasion method”.

In real life, only one method of personnel management is not used in practice. Enterprise managers when working with personnel mix all three methods in order to achieve optimal performance from their subordinates and, thereby, achieve success in their activities.

The peculiarity of socio-psychological management methods is that the individual influence undertaken by the leader often turns into a collective one, depending on whether the team approves or disapproves of it. In the first case, he strengthens it, in the second, he weakens it, and sometimes completely eliminates it.

Over time, the role of socio-psychological methods will only increase. This is due to the increase in education, qualifications of workers and the public as a whole, which require management to use more complex and subtle management methods. The growing role of these methods necessitates a more detailed consideration of them.


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.. Tsvetkov A.N., Management: Textbook for universities, St. Petersburg, 2009;

.#"justify">. #"justify">Table No. 1. Positive and negative impact socio-psychological methods of management on strategy and tactics

Appendix 1. Personnel management methods

Appendix 2. Psychological management methods

Appendix 3. Main components regulated by socio-psychological methods

Appendix 4. Maslov's pyramid

Appendix 5. Ways to meet needs according to Maslov

It is known that labor results largely depend on a number of socio-psychological factors. The ability to take these factors into account and, with their help, purposefully influence individual employees will help the manager form a team with common goals and objectives. Sociological studies indicate that if the success of a business manager depends 15% on his professional knowledge, then 85% depends on his ability to work with people.

Knowing the characteristics of the behavior and character of each individual person, it is possible to predict his behavior in the direction necessary for the team. This is due to the fact that each group has its own psychological climate. Therefore, an essential condition for the formation and development of work collectives is compliance with the principle of psychophysiological compatibility. Japanese sociologists argue that depending on a person’s mood, desire to work and how much the moral and psychological situation in the team stimulates workers, labor productivity can increase by about 1.5 times or decrease several times.

Insufficient attention to the socio-psychological aspects of management cannot but affect labor productivity. As practice shows, the formation of a healthy moral and psychological climate, the cultivation of a sense of comradely mutual assistance and collectivism is more active in market-type groups. The work provides interesting data from sociological research that confirms this thesis. Thus, 91% of respondents believe that an atmosphere of mutual demands and responsibility has begun to develop among members of work collectives, the attitude towards work and the distribution of remuneration has changed (for the better), 82% of workers surveyed in mass professions are interested in and “cheer” for the successes of their colleagues.

In order for the impact on the team to be most effective, it is necessary not only to know the moral and psychological characteristics of individual performers, the socio-psychological characteristics of groups and teams, but also to carry out appropriate control actions. For these purposes they are used socio-psychological methods, which represent a set of specific ways of influencing personal relationships and connections that arise in work groups, as well as the social processes occurring in them. They are based on the use of moral incentives to work, methods of influencing the individual using psychological techniques in order to transform an administrative task into a conscious necessity, an internal need of a person. This is achieved through techniques that are personal in nature, such as the formation of authorities, personal example of managers and best employees, etc.

The main goal of using these methods is to create a favorable socio-psychological climate in the team, thanks to which it is possible to solve organizational, economic and even educational problems. Social and psychological methods of management are based on the postulate that the goals set for the team can be achieved using one of the most important criteria for the effectiveness and quality of work - human factor. The ability to take this circumstance into account will allow the manager to purposefully influence the team, create working conditions that are adequate to current tasks, and ultimately form a team united in its goal orientation.

The main means of influencing the team is persuasion. When persuading, a leader must take into account as fully as possible the nature of human behavior and human relationships in the process of joint activity. The leader’s understanding of the biological nature and inner world of the individual helps him select the most effective forms of forming and activating the team. The object of socio-psychological leadership in the work collective is the relationships of workers, their attitude to the means of labor and factors of the external environment.

The need to use socio-psychological management methods in the practice of managing an organization is obvious, since they make it possible to timely take into account the motives of activity and the needs of employees, see the prospects for changing a specific situation, and make the right management decisions.

Techniques and methods of socio-psychological influence are largely determined by the leader’s preparedness, his competence, organizational skills and knowledge in the field of social psychology. Such methods require that the team be led by people who know how to use a variety of management tools and have the ability to see problems systematically. The success of a leader in this case depends on how correctly he uses various forms of socio-psychological influence, which will ultimately form positive interpersonal relationships. The main forms of such influence can be recommended: planning the social development of work collectives; persuasion as a method of education and personality formation; economic rivalry; the possibility of criticism and self-criticism; discussion of current issues with representatives of the team, which is one of the forms of personnel participation in the management of the organization.

In a number of scientific works (for example, in) social and psychological methods are considered in isolation.

Let's take a closer look social methods. People's abilities can be most fully realized, and their labor productivity will increase sharply, if a production team is created where there is a creative environment, a healthy socio-psychological climate, mutual assistance, and obedience to the established order. The use of social methods means the creation of equal opportunities for all members of the team (outside depending on their position and other merits) when receiving various social benefits; organization and implementation of social planning and regulation aimed at improving the working and rest conditions of members of the workforce, increasing their production activity. Specifically, this happens through the exchange of experience, the dissemination of initiatives, innovation, education, persuasion, holding various holidays, gala evenings, competitions, etc.

Most complex in content psychological methods management. They are based on a deep knowledge of the psychological nature of man, the structure of his needs. Here, a leader cannot do without the help of science, because the laws of human behavior are hidden from direct observation. To apply these methods, you need to know the psychological characteristics of individual workers, the socio-psychological characteristics of individual groups and teams.

The most important of the psychological methods are the methods of psychological motivation (motivation), professional selection, orientation and training. The implementation of these methods consists of periodic assessment of professional suitability, psychological climate and job satisfaction in the team, education, personal psychological counseling of employees and much more.

In conclusion to the question about management methods, we note that in the work of a manager it is important not only the effective use of one or another method, but their coordination with each other, the integrated use of all groups of methods.

management management administrative economic