Social norms: concept, signs, functions, types. Types and functions of social norms


Classification of values. Mechanisms of emergence and action of values.

Social values ​​and value orientations.


1. Social norms: concept, functions, classification, means of regulation.

1. Social norms: concept, functions, classification,

Society has an inherent need to preserve its integrity. Reflected in the public consciousness, this need turns into the form of corresponding social ideals, assessments, norms, and values.

Norms, values ​​and orientations – essential elements societies and regulators social activities of people.

Under social norms most often understand the set of requirements and expectations that a social community (group), organization, class and society imposes on its members in order to carry out activities (behavior) of the established pattern.

Social norm is one of the complex forms of expression social relations. It consists of many elements, each of which has different properties that can also change over a fairly wide range. The social norm embodies the public will, a conscious social necessity. This is precisely why it differs from the so-called quasi-norm. The latter are most often of a rude, violent nature, fettering initiative and creativity.

Social norms have come a long way historical path, together with the development of society. On initial stage of humanity, social norms constituted something unified. However, as society became more stratified, social norms became differentiated and the variety and number of social norms increased.

The social norm performs the following functions: socializes the individual; motivates and evaluates behavior; unifies activities; socially oriented; aligns interests and controls.

Each of the functions of social norms is not absolutely independent, but interacts with others. In addition, the manifestation of any of the functions depends on the type of social norms. The content of the function is determined by specific historical conditions, economic base, political system, social structure, etc.

The main social purpose of a social norm can be formulated as regulation of social relations and behavior of people.

Regulation of relationships through social norms ensures voluntary and conscious cooperation of people. This is very important because long-term stability, harmony and progress in society cannot be achieved through violence and coercion, through political, ideological and psychological manipulation of people. Such means (methods) entail a psychological and other response of rejection of the source of such coercion.

Social norms coordinate the actions of individuals and groups, bringing them into line with the interests of the group and society.

Functional role social norms lies, first of all, in the fact that a social subject acts in accordance with their instructions, or demands appropriate behavior from other subjects.

The function of the norm is to exclude the influence of random, purely subjective motives and circumstances. Norms are designed to ensure that behavior is reliable, predictable, standard, and generally accepted. They form expected behavior understandable to the people around you.

The social significance of a norm is largely determined by the content, relevance and direction of the transmitted information, as a result of which the social norm becomes a regulator of human behavior and social relations.

Wherein different kinds Activities in different societies are not standardized to the same extent. The content and methods of rationing differ in different cultures.

Social norms more or less precisely define or imply the boundaries of what is obligatory and what is permissible.

Classification of norms

IN modern world, to realize the numerous and varied goals of society, along with social norms, there are many other norms (technical, technological, economic, political, etc.). Under certain conditions, so-called “non-social” norms can acquire a social character. For example, modern technical standards in the form of various standards, GOSTs, technical requirements acquire the status of social norms, their violation leads to serious, sometimes dramatic consequences. Social norms can be classified in many ways.

The following groups of norms can be roughly distinguished:

1. General norms. Norms, maintaining order in relationships both in society as a whole and in its constituent groups.

2. Economic norms give acceptable criteria economic activity, expediency and professionalism, practicality and efficiency.

3. Political norms establish responsibilities to support general principles political system of your country, fight according to the rules, observing the laws and constitution.

4. Cultural norms support sustainable principles of communication and interaction between individuals and various groups. Thus, it is customary to speak your own language, read and write, and maintain the style and symbolism of your culture. Sharp rejection from accepted standards may be considered abnormal behavior.

5. The scope of relationships between citizens and social institutions in a democratic society is regulated legal norms.

There are different norms scientific activity, norms characteristic of military personnel, norms of behavior of artists and cultural figures, and the political elite.

Most cultures have fairly strict norms regarding alcohol and drug use. There are no societies in which there would be no rules governing sexual relations. We can distinguish prohibitive norms and stimulating norms, formal and informal.

Towards formal norms include legal laws as well as administrative and organizational rules. They are extremely formalized, controlled and supported using strictly defined means that are part of the social control system.

Towards informal norms relate naturally emerging patterns of behavior (mores, customs, etc.). The acceptance of such norms occurs on an emotional, non-verbal level and in the course of direct communication and interaction between people. These norms are not only not discussed, but are also relatively rarely understood. Their violation causes a general negative reaction, but the application of sanctions is informal and not clearly defined. Compliance with informal norms is ensured by the power of public opinion.

An intermediate position between these two types is occupied standards of morality, ethics and fashion. This group of norms is well reflected in society and may even be represented in certain texts. But unlike formal norms (such as laws, rules), they have neither an unambiguous formulation nor a single codified source. The very possibility of defining and interpreting the content of these norms in different ways makes them the subject of constant discussion in society.

It is customary to distinguish between universal, national, class, group, and interindividual norms.

The requirements arising from this type of norm often diverge. A group may demand from its members actions that are condemned by society. Sometimes a group tolerates violations of norms that are strictly required by society.

The norms have not only national significance, but also differentiated by social structures.

Social norms can be classified by scale of action(general, local), by importance(generally valid, relating to all members of society; special, extending to a limited circle of people; individual, relating to individuals social subjects), by the nature of the requirement and objective function(obliging, prohibiting, blocking, encouraging, etc.).

Norms can be divided into leading and auxiliary, basic and derivative, ordinary norms and metanorms, i.e. actions, rules regulating the relationships between the norms themselves within the normative system.

This is far from full list social norms. They are constantly being produced and reproduced.

IN real life All types of social norms function, as a rule, not separately, but in dialectical interaction, in a complex, in a system, including both unity and contradiction, which requires an analysis of their causes and ways to resolve them.

What is the origin of the social norm, its origins?

The source of the norm can be tradition, public opinion or a certain institutionally established social group of people. The way a norm is created can be the result of empirical and theoretical norm-making activities.

Empirical rule-making, which is historically earlier than theoretical, is closely related to practical life and everyday consciousness. It is characterized by spontaneity and, as a rule, lack of institutionalization. Theoretical rule-making is institutionalized, the entire rule organization in this case becomes the result of the activities of special social institutions, authorities (see: Sociological Directory / Under general ed.. IN AND. Volovich. – Kyiv, 1990. P. 51 – 53.).

Some norms (for example, in the economy, in scientific and technical activities) are established deliberately on the basis of calculation or agreement. Others (in the sphere of public relations and everyday life) are supported by a centuries-old tradition.

The acceptance (assimilation) of a norm depends on the nature of its authority. For the addressee, its acceptance can be internal, emotional, experienced, or external, accepted on the basis rational decision or forced submission, according to which norms are divided into autogenous and heterogeneous, introverted norms and extroverted norms.

The depth of assimilation and acceptance of the norm by its addressee is significant, not requiring special coercive efforts.

Sustainable norms persist for many generations, receive moral justification, are often illuminated by the authority of religion and are supported by law.

Often the norms are still preserved for a long time after they have lost their effectiveness, becoming empty rituals, an outdated style, etc.

A social norm differs from other types of norms in its scope, method of formation, content, functions, methods of reinforcing authorization, mechanism of distribution and action.

Social norm as a regulator of behavior.

A norm specifically specifies and represents a certain form of behavior under certain conditions.

Class norms - the interaction of social groups and classes.

Social norms of personal dependence are different in societies belonging to the same formation.

Social norms contribute to the development of attitudes and values ​​common to a given class or group, and in general form the class consciousness of representatives of these social classes and groups.

TO social problems production organization include: ordering, regulation, unification of forms labor activity and cooperation in all spheres of social practice.

“Secondary”, “derived” social norms - i.e. specifically production - personal interest in a common cause, norms of reciprocity and revenue, norms of equality and activity.

Norms reflect objective social relations of groups, including production relations of real obligation and dependence of social conditions of interaction.

Social positions of participants in interaction, value perceptions of people - members of communities and groups.

Spheres of public relations

Political and ideological norms regulate socio-political relations between the main structural groups of society, classes, strata.

The system of political norms influences social relations, dependencies and interactions of members of society.

Political, religious, cultural, ethnic, legal, moral, moral standards are formed on the basis of the ideology and system of ideological norms accepted by society by one or another group, deeply rooted in rights, rituals, customs, cultural and ethnic patterns of behavior, and way of life.

The concept of a cultural norm can be correlated with the regulation of lifestyle, lifestyle, etiquette, and the use of normative formations. Cultural norms, more than all other types of norms, are developed in accordance with the type and nature of the structure of communication and for the reproduction and maintenance of this structure. The inclusion of a person in the culture of a given community or group is carried out primarily through the assimilation and implementation of communication norms.

Legal standards regulate the most significant spheres of social and personal relations for society. They are developed, formed, approved by special government agencies, are established by law and supported by the state. Legal norms are always verbalized, reflected in verbal constructions, verified by the laws of logic.

Moral norms are formed historically, formalized and regulate people’s relationships to the “absolute”, correlate behavior with absolute principles, standards, and ideals.

The main criteria for the morality of certain norms are the manifestation in them of a person’s personality towards another person, and towards himself.

The problem of classifying social norms of foreign psychologists

Bourgeois sociology, starting with classic work W. Somner; modern researchers - Morris - work on the typology of norms and the choice of grounds for their classification. Many (Weber, Dorkheim) tried to highlight norms as a means of social control and regulation social behavior, define species features and internal diversity of normative means.

Morris - introduces 2 types of norms - absolute and conditional (conventional) and offers 17 characteristics that make it possible to distribute any norms into these types. Gibbs's work distinguishes between the categories of norm of law and rule. Great importance in his classification is given to sanctions, collective assessment, and collective expectations. He introduces 20 classes of social norms - conventions, morals, rules and laws.

Their approach is characterized by the choice of socially important grounds for identifying types and types of norms. Level is used as base social organization society, the types and types of relations subject to regulation, the degree and form of binding norms, the method of formation and action, etc.

Norms can be distinguished by spheres of values ​​- ideological, political, economic, aesthetic, moral, moral, organizational and others. Norms differ according to groups of speakers, according to the affiliation of certain norms of the normative-value culture of a social group. Norms for the purposes for which they are created and used (norms serving goals, long-term and immediate, final and immediate). According to the method of formation, they arise spontaneously, spontaneously, in the process of interaction of social groups.

According to the degree of formalization, they can be explicit, clearly formulated or latent, implicit, implied.

According to the form of fixation, norms are reflected differently in the formal means of their fixation - codes, codes, charters, rules, etc.

By the nature of fixation: rigidly fixed and dynamic, flexible, adaptable to the conditions of activity.

The normativity of a social norm, manifested in their pre-interrogative nature, is associated with the type, form and content of those social relations that regulate social norms with their objective basis, as well as value content.

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Social norms play vital role in the life of every society. The system of social norms reflects the achieved degree of economic, socio-political and spiritual development society, they reflect the quality of life of people, historical and national characteristics life of the country, the nature of government. To understand social regulation - the process that determines social order and its significance, it is necessary to characterize social norms and their features as regulators.

1. Concept and classification of social norms

The rules governing the behavior of people, the actions of social groups, collectives, organizations, in their totality constitute social norms. The science of the theory of state and law has not developed a unified concept of the term “social norm”, which can be found in the legal literature various interpretations the concept under consideration. So, under the social norm Popkov V.D. understands the “rule of socially significant behavior of members of society”, a similar concept is also given by A.B. Vengerov. and V.S. Nersesyants. A.V. Malko understands social norms as “rules of behavior used to regulate social relations.” In our opinion, the given definitions do not reflect all the features of a social norm, therefore they cannot be considered complete. Using general logical research methods, it is proposed to analyze the features inherent in a social norm, and then, on their basis, formulate a definition of the concept “social norm”.

Signs of a social norm include:

1.Social norms are general rules- they establish rules of behavior in society, determining what the behavior of subjects can or should be from the point of view of the interests of society. At the same time, social norms operate continuously over time, have multiple effects and are addressed to an indefinite circle of people;

2. Social norms regulate forms social interaction people, that is, aimed at regulating social relations;

3. These norms arise in connection with volitional, conscious activity of people;

4.They arise in the process of historical development and functioning of society. Social norms, being an element of society, reflect the processes of its development, influence their pace and character;

5. Social norms correspond to the type of culture and the nature of the social organization of society.

The famous German sociologist M. Weber believed that it is culture that allows people to give meaning to the world, to create a basis for judging the interaction of people. Culture is expressed primarily in the content of social norms. From this point of view, no special knowledge is needed to notice differences in social norms belonging to different cultural traditions (for example, European and Asian). However, as N.N. Tarasova rightly notes, “there are differences in the social norming of the life of societies belonging to the same cultural tradition, although not so fundamental, associated with the individual historical fate of a particular people,” which is in particular inherent in Russia as a multinational country.

6. The nature of the organization of society largely influences the significance of one or another type of norm in society. On the connection of norms in the social normative system.

2. Functions of social norms

1) Regulatory. Social norms regulate the behavior of people in society.

2) Evaluative. Social norms act as criteria for attitudes towards certain actions.

3) Broadcasting. Social norms concentrate certain social experiences and achievements in the development of society.

Thus, social norms are general rules related to the will and consciousness of people regulating the form of their social interaction that arise in the process historical development and functioning of society, corresponding to the type of culture and the nature of its organization.

The analyzed norms have different contents, depending on the nature of the relations they regulate, various ways emergence and different bases emergence, in this regard, classifications of social norms are important for both theory and practice.

There are many classifications of social norms proposed by scientists in the legal literature; such a variety of classifications can be explained by the fact that a particular classification is based on different classification criteria. The most common systematization is based on two criteria:

1. According to the scope of social norms, they distinguish between economic, political, religious, environmental, etc. The boundaries between them are drawn depending on the sphere of social life in which they operate, on the nature of social relations - the subject of regulation. Economic norms have special meaning for our country in the conditions of formation market economy and are self-regulating principles of economic activity of society. Political norms are designed to regulate the relations of social groups, citizens to state power, relations between peoples, the participation of the people as a whole and individual social groups in government power, the organization of the state, the relationship of the state with other organizations of the political system of society. Religious norms regulate the relationship of believers to God, the church, each other, the structure and functions of religious organizations. Religious norms have great importance. The existence of different faiths and movements dictates the need to identify a set of moral and ethical principles - an integral part of religious beliefs. Religious canons are a regulatory system operating in society from the most ancient stages of human development.

2. By mechanism (or regulatory features): morality, law, customs and corporate norms. Here the difference lies in the process of formation of norms, the form of their fixation, the nature of the regulatory impact and the methods and methods of enforcement.

Despite the classifications highlighted, it is important to understand the integrity and dynamism of the entire system of social norms, since it is a necessary condition life of society, a means of public administration, organization and functioning of the state, ensuring coordinated interaction of people, human rights and, finally, stimulating the growth of the well-being of the people. The significance of the analysis of classifications within the framework of this work is to identify the meaning of each group of social norms, determine their role in the process of regulating social relations, possible options their interactions and reveal the complex properties of the components included in the system.

3. General features of social norms

All types of social norms have general features: these are rules of behavior that are mandatory for a certain circle of people or for society as a whole. They must be applied constantly, the procedure for their application is regulated, and violations are punishable.

Social norms set the boundaries of human behavior that are acceptable in a certain life situation. Social norms are observed, either due to a person’s inner conviction, or due to possible sanctions.

A sanction is the reaction of people (society) to the behavior of a person in a specific situation. Sanctions can be rewarding or punitive.


social norm society sanction

A social norm fixes an act of activity that has become established in practice in life. Consequently, committed actions become an unspoken rule. The social norm determines the formation of the purposeful activity of each individual, which is determined by objective factors. These factors give social norms what is called “objective authority.” Social norms also presuppose the relative freedom of human behavior, which every person feels when he acts in accordance with social rules, although he could have neglected them. At the same time, when a person violates the rules of behavior, he must be prepared to undergo a certain kind of sanctions, by applying which, society ensures that individuals respect social rules. With the help of social norms, society strives to ensure the implementation of certain social functions. The exercise of these functions is of public interest. This public interest is not necessarily, in the full sense of the word, the interest of the prevailing part of society. However, it is social in the sense that, with the help of social norms, it ensures coordination and coordination of the actions of individuals so that, first of all, the process of social production, ensuring the existence of society at a given stage of its development, unfolds successfully.

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Social norms, like other values, perform the functions of assessing and orienting the individual and community. However, they are not limited to these functions. Norms regulate behavior and social control behind behavior. They have a pronounced strong-willed character. This is not only an expression of thought, but also an expression of will. At the same time, in contrast to individual expression of will, a norm expresses typical social connections and gives a typical scale of behavior. The norm not only evaluates and orients, like ideas, ideals, but also prescribes. Her characteristic feature is imperative. This is the unity of assessment and prescription.

Social norms are rules that express the requirements of society, a social group for the behavior of an individual, a group in their relationships with each other, social institutions, and society as a whole.

The regulatory effect of norms is that they establish boundaries, conditions, forms of behavior, the nature of relationships, goals and methods of achieving them.

Due to the fact that norms provide both general principles of behavior and its specific parameters, they can provide more complete models and standards of what should be done than other values.

Violation of norms causes a more specific and clear negative reaction from the social group, society, and its institutional forms, aimed at overcoming deviant behavior. Therefore, norms are a more effective means of combating deviation, a means of ensuring order and stability of society.

Norms arise from the need for certain behavior. For example, one of the most ancient norms was the norm of an honest attitude towards one’s share in social labor. At the dawn of humanity, it was possible to survive only by adhering to this norm. It emerged as a result of the consolidation of repeated necessary joint actions. It is interesting that this norm has not lost its significance even today, although it is fed by other needs and is actualized by other factors.

The diversity of social reality and social needs gives rise to a diversity of norms. Norms can be classified on different grounds.

For a sociologist it matters identification of norms by subjects, carriers of norms. On this basis, universal human norms, social norms, group norms, and collective norms are distinguished. In modern society there is a complex conflict and interpenetration of these norms.

By object or field of activity norms that apply in the field of certain types of relations are differentiated: political, economic, aesthetic, religious, etc.

By scale:First type- these are norms that arise and exist only in small groups (youth parties, groups of friends, family, work teams, sports teams). These are called "group habits."

Second type- These are norms that arise and exist in large groups or in society as a whole. These are called "general rules". These are customs, traditions, mores, laws, etiquette, and manners of behavior. Every social group has its own manners, customs and etiquette. There is social etiquette, there are manners of behavior of young people. There are national traditions and mores.

By place in the normative value hierarchy: fundamental and secondary, general and specific.

According to the form of formation and fixation: rigidly fixed and flexible.

By scope of application: general and local.

By method of provision: based on internal conviction, public opinion or coercion, on the power of the state apparatus.

By function: norms of assessment, guiding, controlling, regulating, punishing, encouraging.

According to the degree of stability: norms that are based on social habit, custom, tradition and do not have such a basis, etc.

All social norms can be classified depending on how strictly they are enforced.

Violation of some norms is followed by a mild punishment - disapproval, a smirk, an unfriendly look.

Violations of other norms result in severe sanctions – imprisonment, even the death penalty.

A certain degree of non-compliance with norms exists in every society and in every group. Violation of palace etiquette, the ritual of diplomatic conversation or marriage causes awkwardness and puts a person in a difficult position. But it does not entail harsh punishment.

In other situations, sanctions are more noticeable. Using a cheat sheet during an exam will result in a grade reduction, and losing a library book will result in a five-fold fine. In some societies, the slightest deviation from tradition, not to mention serious offenses, was severely punished. Everything was under control: hair length, clothing, behavior. This is what the rulers of ancient Sparta did in the 5th century BC. and Soviet party bodies in the 20th century.

If we arrange all the norms in ascending order, depending on the measure of punishment, then their sequence will take the following form:






Sanctions are marked with crosses, therefore, the more of them, the more severe the punishment for violating the norm. Compliance with standards is regulated by society with varying degrees rigor.

Violations of taboos and legal laws (for example, killing a person, insulting a deity, revealing state secrets), softest of all – habits. Whether individual (forgot to brush your teeth or clean your bed) or group, in particular family (for example, refusal to turn off the light or close the front door).

Thus, social norms instructions, requirements, wishes and expectations of the corresponding(socially approved) behavior. Norms are some ideal samples (templates) that prescribe what people should say, think, feel and do in specific situations.

Social norms perform very important functions in society. They:

Regulate the general course of socialization,

Integrate individuals into groups, and groups into society,

Control deviant behavior

They serve as models and standards of behavior.

How can this be achieved through norms?

First, norms are also the duties of one person towards another or other persons. By prohibiting newcomers from communicating with their superiors more often than with their comrades, small group imposes certain obligations on its members and places them in certain relationships with superiors and comrades. Therefore, norms form a network of social relations in a group or society.

Secondly, norms are also expectations: others expect completely unambiguous behavior from a person who follows this norm. When some pedestrians move on the right side of the street, and those walking towards them move on the left, orderly, organized interaction occurs. When a rule is broken, there is conflict and disorder. The effect of norms is even more obvious in business. It is, in principle, impossible if the partners do not comply with written and unwritten norms, rules, and laws. Therefore, norms form a system of social interaction, which includes motives, goals, orientation of the subjects of action, the action itself, expectation, evaluation and means.

Norms perform their functions depending on the quality in which they manifest themselves:

How standards of behavior(duties, rules) or

How behavior expectations(other people's reaction).

Protecting the honor and dignity of family members is the responsibility of every man. Here we are talking about a norm as a standard of proper behavior. This standard is met by a very specific expectation of family members, the hope that their honor and dignity will be protected. Among the Caucasian peoples, such a norm is valued very highly, and deviation from this norm is punished very strictly. The same can be said about the southern European peoples. The Italian mafia emerged as an informal norm for protecting family honor, and only later did its functions change. Those who deviated from the accepted standard of behavior were punished by the entire community.

Why do people strive to comply with the norms, and the community strictly enforces this?

Norms – guardians of values. The honor and dignity of the family has been one of the most important values ​​of the human community since ancient times. And society values ​​what contributes to its stability and prosperity. The family is the basic unit of society and taking care of it is its first responsibility. By showing concern for his family, a man thereby demonstrates his strength, courage, virtue and everything that is highly valued by others. His social status rises. On the contrary, those who are unable to protect their household are subject to contempt and their status is sharply reduced. Since protecting the family is the basis for its survival, fulfilling this most important function in a traditional society makes a man automatically the head of the family. There is no dispute about who comes first - the husband or the wife. As a result, the socio-psychological unity of the family is strengthened. In a modern family, where a man does not have the opportunity to demonstrate his leadership functions, instability is much higher than in a traditional one.

As we see, social norms are truly guardians of order and guardians of values. Even the simplest norms of behavior represent what is valued by a group or society.

The difference between a norm and a value is expressed as follows: norms are rules of behavior, values ​​are abstract concepts of what is good and evil, right and wrong, due and inappropriate.

Social norm: the essence of the concept

The behavior of an individual or broader social groups has been regulated for quite some time by social norms accepted in society. They are necessary, first of all, to ensure that the interests and needs of one individual correspond to the needs and interests of wider circles and do not violate their freedom, and also do not encroach on security.

Social norm is one of the aspects that is studied by sociological science. The term “norm” is of Latin origin (norm is a guiding principle, a rational rule, a pattern of behavior).

Definition 1

In sociology, a norm is a socially defined and sanctioned way of acting, being, or thinking. Thus, a norm is a certain pattern that acts as a key one when a person chooses his way of thinking or behavior pattern.

Scientists such as J. Piaget, G. Simmel, A. Stutzer, and R. Lalive have studied social norms in sociology. They all viewed the social norm as very complex education, which has multi-levels and diversity, since our society is heterogeneous, and often each community needs to consolidate individual social norms.

Social norms have their own properties, which J. Elster repeatedly mentions in his works. He groups them as follows:

  • Norms can be supported not only by sanctions, but also by the emotions that arise in the community when they are violated. Moreover, emotions should be taken into account not only among observers, but also among actor(violator).
  • A norm is an imperative formation, which in turn also acts as a prescription for certain actions that a person performs daily in his social, economic, political and spiritual life;
  • A norm is social exactly to the extent that it is shared with other members of society, and is also supported by officially adopted sanctions that do not contradict the laws of humanism, and also do not oppress the rights and freedoms of other citizens belonging to other communities (for example, religious or national basis);

Functions of social norms

Social norms act as a standard for human actions and behavior in society. Of course, having a variety of directions, as well as a fairly diverse species structure, social norms also have their own unique functionality. Various researchers agree that social norms perform the following key functions:

  • Regulatory function - aimed at creating a number of restrictions in a person’s possible actions, as well as in his behavior within the social system;
  • Evaluative function – forms the ability to adequately classify and evaluate the actions of others from the position of “legal-illegal” or “good-bad”;
  • Socialization function – contributes to the successful functioning of the individual in society. Socialization can be of two levels - primary and secondary, and at each level its own special social norms of behavior are put forward.

These three are the key functions that social norms of any variety perform. There is a fourth function of a social norm – translational. It is aimed not only at identifying a social norm, but also at its further transmission to other members of society. Also, the translational function is to transmit social norms (customs, moral norms, sacred norms) by inheritance, from the older generation to the younger.

In this way, social norms, their value and significance for a particular society are preserved. Of course, over time, these norms will change under the influence of different external factors, but their meaning and significance will remain the same, which is especially important for the translation function.

Types of social norms

Note 1

Social norms are a heterogeneous formation, and therefore many researchers in this area have discovered several main types of them, which differ in certain aspects.

But in sociological science there is a traditional species division. Thus, social norms are usually updated according to the methods of their formation, as well as their further provision in society. From here the following social norms are distinguished: customs, moral norms, norms of individual public organizations, as well as directly the rules of law. Below we will characterize each type separately and point out their key features of formation and implementation.

Customs that are formed in broad layers of society thanks to their natural origin, as well as as a result of repeated repetition of the most rational actions. In every community, even modern stage, there are already established customs that are considered the norm (for example, the celebration of a significant event).

Moral norms that are formed due to natural historical factors based on a person’s ideas about morality. The implementation of such norms directly depends on social influence. Today there are still some communities (mostly those where traditional norms and values ​​rule), and moral standards are very different from those to which we are accustomed.

Norms of individual public organizations that are created by the same organizations. The key purpose of such norms is to regulate relations between members within the organization. Such norms are implemented thanks to the charter, as well as a set of rules of behavior in the organization, with the team and in the conditions of working with non-organizational objects (other companies, clients and customers from other services).

Rules of law that are established and sanctioned directly higher authorities authorities and the state. Their implementation is carried out thanks to the demands put forward, and in case of disobedience, means of state coercion are used.