Tips for beginners. My path to a healthy lifestyle

Women's health after 40 requires special attention

After 40 years, changes begin to occur in the female body that are worth paying attention to. Let's focus on the main ones.

One of the important preventive measures for women after 40 years of age is regular mammography to examine the mammary glands. Breast cancer ranks second after lung cancer. For women over 40, it is very important to have breast examinations regularly. You should examine your breasts yourself every month. And get a mammogram once a year. If you have a history of breast cancer in your family, be sure to inform your gynecologist about this, and be examined by a mammologist every six months.

Once a year, women over 40 should undergo a full gynecological examination for early detection and treatment of cervical cancer. A factor particularly influencing the development of this disease is HPV (human papillomavirus), which is transmitted during sexual intercourse and plays a significant role in the development of cancer.

Menopause and menopause.

Menopause is the cessation of menstruation due to aging or the removal of both ovaries, resulting in decreased or absent estrogen. The average age of menopause is 49-50 years. But there are cases of early onset of menopause at the age of 40 and late ones - after 55. In women during this period, there may be signs of “menopausal syndrome”: headaches, hot flashes (that is, sudden redness of the face, neck, chest, neck, accompanied by a feeling of heat; this condition lasts 2-3 minutes, more often in the evenings), rapid heartbeat, mood swings, dry vaginal mucous membranes, fatigue, decreased sexual activity.

At the moment, the only effective method for correcting menopausal disorders is hormone replacement therapy. Before prescribing hormone therapy, a comprehensive examination of the female genital organs is required.

Hormone therapy protects women from cardiovascular diseases, prevents drying of the inner walls of the vagina, helps keep muscles toned, and maintains healthy hair and skin. Restoring the balance of hormones is absolutely safe for a woman’s health if the dosages are correctly selected by the doctor and the schedule for their use is followed.


With the onset of menopause, bone strength decreases. Bones become thin and fragile. Of course, it is very difficult to control all the factors that can lead to a fracture, but it is possible and necessary to strengthen bone tissue.

Healthy eating will provide bones with useful substances and minerals. Such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, vitamin D.

Strengthen bones physical exercise, running, fast walking. Walk more. And at a fast pace. Try not to use the elevator.

Do not smoke. Nicotine promotes rapid thinning of bone tissue.

Maintain a healthy weight. Avoid low-calorie diets or diets that eliminate entire food groups.

Try avoid falls. Choose well-lit streets, do not neglect railings and handrails. Be extremely careful when using the bath or shower.

Recent studies have shown that consumption tomato juice can significantly reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

Californian researchers found that consumption 1-2 glasses of beer per day has a very good effect on bone health, since beer contains dietary silicon. Beer shouldn't be cold. But increasing the dose of the drink can have a bad effect on your health. Drink beer in moderation!

And I'll add more. Scientists have discovered direct link between depression and bone loss. Chat more with friends, listen to music, watch good films, read life-affirming books, don’t focus on yourself. Worry less. Try to think positively!

Cardiovascular diseases

  • Maintaining health is our top priority. The cardiovascular system is the most important system that regulates all body functions.
  • One of the most important points for maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system is a healthy diet.
  • Completely eliminate fast food from your diet.
  • Avoid foods containing saturated fat as it increases the amount of cholesterol in your blood. Limit your consumption of cheese, mayonnaise, and butter.
  • Also consume less fatty dairy products, egg yolks, all kinds of sausages and fatty meats.
  • Include daily consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet. They contain few calories, but a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals, and are also a source of soluble fiber, which helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • Consume whole grain bread. Replace white rice with brown rice. Whole grain porridges are very healthy.
  • Try to exclude all kinds of cakes, muffins, waffles, and chips from your diet.
  • Reduce your salt intake. Replace salt with spices and herbs.
  • Reduce your coffee intake.
  • Consume refined sugar as little as possible. Refined sugar is a breeding ground for cancer cells!
  • Do not smoke
  • Control your stress levels, as scientists have proven a direct relationship between increased blood cholesterol and stress.

Urinary dysfunction

I would like to consider one more problem. This is a urination disorder. Especially in the morning. In most cases, in women after 40, this is due to changes in hormonal levels, a decrease in tissue turgor and the development of degenerative processes in them.

If such a problem exists, you should definitely contact a urologist.

Among the folk remedies, relaxing sitz baths, taking rosehip tincture, and light diuretic herbs such as St. John's wort, basilisk, nettle, and bearberry help well. Melon seeds cleanse the liver, kidneys and urinary tract and have a mild diuretic effect. Melon seeds are brewed with boiling water and allowed to brew. You can dry and grind melon seeds. Use either with water or honey.

The age of forty brings anxiety and confusion to many women. The first traces of fading are visible in the mirror, and it seems that time has rapidly intensified its pace. During this period, it is important not to despair. It’s worth changing your attitude towards life a little and getting used to the new rules. Then you won’t have to think about how to maintain youth after 40 years.

This age is the time for your mature beauty to flourish. Nature just needs a little help in maintaining it.

Important Rules

  • a full night's sleep;
  • good nutrition;
  • physical exercise;
  • moderate cosmetic procedures.

If you put aside laziness and follow simple recommendations, you can delay the withering process for a long time and fill your body with vigor and energy for new achievements.

After forty years, you need to avoid sleepless nights. They will immediately affect your appearance, manifesting themselves as swelling, loose skin and bruises under the eyes. Go to bed no later than 11 pm and get at least 8 hours of rest during the night.

Physical activity is the basis of good mood and beauty. It is useful to do aerobics or fitness under the guidance of an experienced trainer who will correctly distribute the load and select the right set of exercises.

To tighten the skin, rid it of sagging, prevent the appearance of stretch marks and cellulite, you need to saturate the body with oxygen. Try to master bodyflex, yoga or oxysize. Breathing exercises strengthen muscles, get rid of excess weight and prolong youth.

If you don’t have a habit of playing sports, now is the time to make adjustments and choose activities for your soul. This could be dancing, water aerobics, swimming, tennis.

Don't forget to get outside and walk more every day. Go to the forest, to the mountains more often, go hiking and enjoy active recreation.

Proper nutrition

Forty-year-old women experience hormonal changes. It negatively affects overall well-being and causes morning swelling. In order not to aggravate the problem, you should review your diet and give up salty, fried and smoked foods. Such food is poorly digested, does not bring benefits and provokes skin aging.

With age, free radicals begin to accumulate in tissues, accelerating the aging process. You can stop their harmful effects by saturating the body with vitamins and microelements.

For women after 40 years, it is important to balance the diet so that it contains a sufficient amount of vitamins A, E, B2, B6, B12, C, as well as selenium, iodine, zinc and rutin. These are natural antioxidants that prolong youth. Try to eat more fruits and vegetables, especially:

  • green apples;
  • red grapes;
  • blueberries, cranberries;
  • blackberries, currants;
  • peaches, apricots;
  • carrots, beets;
  • cauliflower, bell pepper;
  • garlic, onion.

The more varied your menu is, the more vitamins and minerals the body can absorb.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids are necessary for female beauty. Add flaxseeds, sunflower seeds, walnuts, peanuts, sesame seeds, beans and other legumes to your diet.

To prolong youth, give up hard-to-digest meat and fatty foods. Crumbly porridge is a storehouse of valuable vitamins. Most useful:

  • buckwheat;
  • oatmeal;
  • pearl barley;
  • barley.

Cooking destroys most vitamins. To preserve them, it is recommended to steam oatmeal and buckwheat with boiling water rather than boil it. Oatmeal needs 20 minutes to steam. It is advisable to steam buckwheat overnight, pouring boiling water 1:2 over the cereal.

Proper nutrition, which saturates the body with useful substances, is a reliable way to preserve youth after 40 years for a woman.

Benefits of water

Water thins the blood, reduces the load on the heart, and removes waste products and harmful substances from the body. Proper drinking regime is important at any age. Women over 40 years old need to drink 1.5 - 2 liters of clean water per day. This amount of liquid prevents the appearance of early wrinkles, sagging and dry skin.

  • It is useful to prepare and drink a lemon drink in the morning.
  • Dissolve 1 tsp in a glass of warm water. natural honey.
  • Put a slice of lemon in there and stir.
  • Healing water gives energy and improves performance.

The elixir of youth, which is recommended to be taken daily in the evenings, can provide the body with useful substances and strengthen the immune system.

  • Take 400 g of peeled garlic, chop it and combine it with the juice squeezed from 20 small lemons.
  • Place the mixture in a glass jar and leave it in the refrigerator for 3 weeks.
  • Take the finished elixir 1 tsp, dissolving in a small amount of warm water.

To prevent morning swelling, try not to drink a lot of water for 20 hours. During extreme heat, increase your daily fluid intake by 1-2 glasses.

Skin care

  • Wipe your décolleté, neck and face with ice cubes every day. Apply treatment morning and evening, 20 minutes before applying the nourishing cream. Herbal decoctions of parsley, linden, and calendula are suitable for making ice. You can use fruit and vegetable juice.
  • If there are spider veins on the skin, replace rubbing with ice cubes by washing with a warm herbal infusion or weakly brewed green tea.
  • Be sure to use a nourishing cream for the skin of your hands and face. It should be age appropriate and match your skin type. Night face cream should be applied several hours before bedtime so that the composition can be completely absorbed. Otherwise, swelling may appear in the morning.

To reduce age and facial wrinkles, pinch massage and facial gymnastics are useful. It’s not difficult to learn how to do them, but keep in mind that the key to success is the regularity of the procedures, which you need to spend at least 20 minutes a day on. If you do exercises occasionally, there will be no benefit.


At age 40, it is important to cleanse your skin regularly. Peeling is a great way to remove the stratum corneum. It allows you to open the pores before applying nourishing masks. To exfoliate, any berries or oatmeal will do.

  • The fruits should be mashed, applied to the skin, left to act for 10 minutes and rinsed with plenty of cool water.
  • Oatmeal should be poured with hot water, wait until it steams, apply to the face along the massage lines and after 10 minutes wash thoroughly with the herbal decoction.

Peels need to be carried out 1-2 times a week in the evenings. After the procedure, it is advisable to pamper your face with a nourishing mask that helps preserve youth.

Face and neck masks

A universal mask for mature skin is made from birch leaves. They need to be collected away from the city, highways, or the raw materials must be purchased at a pharmacy.

  • Grind the leaves in a blender. Select 1 tbsp. l. and mix with oatmeal in the same quantity.
  • Add 1 tbsp. l. linseed oil. Stir. If the composition is not viscous enough, add a little water.
  • Apply the thick mixture to your face, place gauze on top with slits for the mouth and eyes and lie down for 20 minutes. Rinse off the composition with herbal decoction or clean water.
  • Pour two tablespoons of boiling water over a spoonful of oatmeal.
  • When the mixture has cooled slightly, add 1 tbsp. l. applesauce and the same amount of chopped ripe banana.
  • Apply the composition to the face, neck and décolleté area. After 20 minutes, wash off.

Oil compresses are useful for rejuvenating 40-year-old ladies. You can use cold-pressed olive or grape oil as a base. The procedures must be done in courses - 10-15 days in a row. Then you need a mandatory break for a week.

Hand masks

The skin of your hands is very sensitive. To keep her soft and gentle, she needs constant care. Forty-year-old women need to apply nourishing masks to their hands 2 times a week.

  • Boiled potatoes can soften the skin of your hands.
  • Mash the hot tubers, add a little butter.
  • Apply the mixture to your skin, put on cotton gloves, wait 2 hours and rinse off the mixture.

You can easily whiten your skin with melon and lemon. Combine 3 tbsp. l. melon pulp with the juice of half a lemon. Put 1 tbsp. l. starch and stir. Apply the thick mixture to your hands and leave to act for half an hour. Then rinse off. Lubricate the skin of your hands with moisturizer.

To maintain youth for a long time, expensive salon procedures are not required. With the help of a balanced diet, fresh air, sports activities and homemade cosmetics, you can achieve great success and remain attractive for many years.

When the conversation turns to turning 40, birthday people are faced with misunderstanding, condemnation and surprise from others. What's the matter? Why can't women and men celebrate their 40th birthday?

Let me tell you right away that this is a superstition. Each person relates to beliefs in his own way. Some look for a special meaning in superstitions, others believe without reasoning, and still others have serious doubts about the veracity of signs. But wedding omens and other beliefs are still popular.

Even people who don't like to celebrate holidays don't ignore anniversaries. Some organize a large and noisy event, while others gather in the company of close people and friends.

The superstition in question has no scientific side. No one can explain why it is better not to celebrate a fortieth anniversary. Only religion and esotericism will have superficial arguments that reveal the secret of the origin of the ban. Let's look at the main versions.

  • In Tarot card reading, the number four symbolizes death. The number 40 is absolutely identical to four in meaning. This argument cannot withstand any criticism.
  • The church has a different opinion. If you carefully study the Bible, it turns out that many important events have a close connection with the number 40, but none of them are characterized by a negative connotation.
  • According to historical tenets, in the old days, only the lucky ones lived to the age of forty, which was considered advanced. Therefore, the anniversary was not celebrated, so as not to attract attention to old age, indicating the imminent end of life.
  • The most reasonable explanation is that previously the age of 40 was considered a period of rethinking life, which was preceded by the transition of the soul to a different state. According to legend, the guardian angel leaves a person who has reached the age of forty, because by this moment he has gained wisdom in life. There is no contradiction in this argument. But there is no data according to which the anniversary celebration brings trouble.

For unknown reasons, the holiday is associated with misfortunes that differ in significance and meaning. One person pinched his finger, another had an accident, and a third lost a loved one. But such events happen not only after the fortieth birthday. This proves that belief is a terrible force that takes over thoughts.

Why women should not celebrate their 40th birthday

As you approach your fortieth birthday, your body’s biorhythms change and the menopause period approaches. This is accompanied by the appearance of gray hair and the first wrinkles. Well-being also changes. Depression, stress, aggression and irritability become commonplace. These are the “symptoms” of menopause.

It is impossible to avoid this, since changes in the body are inherent in nature. At the same time, celebrating the ill-fated anniversary contributes to the deterioration of the female body, which leads to the fading of vital energy.

Some women doubt the veracity of superstitions and celebrate their fortieth birthday without fear, just as they take photographs of sleeping people. Others are hesitant to play Russian roulette because their health and life are at stake.

Why men should not celebrate their 40th birthday

Celebrating a woman's fortieth birthday is fraught with health problems, constant failures and a decrease in vital energy. As for men, the conversation here is about demise.

The fear began with the famous story about an astronaut who went into earth orbit after celebrating his fortieth birthday. After the launch, the ship crashed, which was caused by the sudden appearance of problems. There are many life stories in which men who ignore the omen die mysteriously.

According to one version, turning 40 is the last anniversary a man will celebrate. A serious illness, such as the California flu, will prevent you from living to 50. The ancient superstition has no scientific basis, but numerous coincidences prove that it works. If a man turns 40, he will release his guardian angel and begin playing with death.

Church opinion

Orthodox people who honor the canons of the church are advised to listen to the opinion of church ministers. According to them, the ban on celebrating the fortieth anniversary is a manifestation of human fear.

People are also afraid of the number 40 itself, which has a connection with funeral items. 40 days after death, relatives come to the grave of the deceased and order a memorial service.

It is noteworthy that the Orthodox Church considers superstition to be nonsense and denies the negative impact of the date on a person’s condition and life.

Churchmen claim that for men, even celebrating the 33rd birthday, and at this age Christ died, does not bring whiteness and suffering, since there is nothing offensive to higher powers in this. At the same time, the fortieth anniversary is less significant compared to this date.

The Bible describes many events related to 40 years.

  • After the Resurrection, Jesus remained on earth for 40 days, kindling hope in the hearts of people.
  • The duration of King David's reign was 40 years.
  • 40 cubits is the width of Solomon's Temple.

As you can see, not all events are associated with death or negative things. The church considers superstition a sin. Father recommends celebrating every year given by God.

Astrologers' opinion

According to astrologers, turning forty is a crisis point for a person. At this moment, the planet Uranus has a huge impact on life, represented by radical changes and events.

People often overestimate life values. The negative impact of the planet is often expressed in the form of an accident, crisis, poor financial situation, serious illness or divorce.
Forty-year-old people are also influenced by the planet Pluto. This manifests itself in the form of financial difficulties, bankruptcy and health problems.

The end of the fourth decade of life coincides with Neptune's square to Neptune. A person changes life priorities, and his actions resemble chaotic throwing. Therefore, astrologers recommend celebrating your fortieth anniversary in a calm and quiet environment so that the midlife crisis ends more successfully.

Psychics' opinion

Psychics are not superstitious people and rely solely on their own strengths. At the same time, there are numerous signs received from grandmothers by inheritance, in which they unconditionally believe.

When answering the question why you can’t celebrate 40 years, psychics refer to numerology. The number 40 does not have a negative meaning. The number 4 is a symbol of creation, and 40 symbolizes the transformation of worldview and mind. Therefore, followers of numerology do not see anything wrong with this.

Esotericists claim that the belief is associated with the mystical properties of the Tarot, where the number 40 symbolizes death. On the ill-fated card there is the letter “M”, corresponding to the four.

There are many things connected with this figure regarding the burial of the dead. Therefore, esotericism is not recommended to celebrate the date. According to them, the afterlife, along with otherworldly forces, is a serious thing. There is no room for frivolity here.

If you are superstitious and cannot resist celebrating your fortieth anniversary, I advise you to listen to the following recommendations. They will help you celebrate your birthday well without consequences.

  1. Gather guests for another occasion. Celebrate not your fortieth birthday, but the completion of your fourth decade.
  2. Keep the number of guests to a minimum. Invite only those who mean well.
  3. Postpone your birthday a few days.
  4. Organize a themed party. For example, a masquerade or a New Year's themed party.

There are many reasons why people believe or not Eastern wisdom, superstitions and folk signs. But the true reason lies within the person himself. Therefore, decide for yourself whether to celebrate 40 years or not. Good luck!

What awaits a man after forty? It is known that many perceive the age of forty as a kind of line, crossing which a man can discover a second wind, new strengths and opportunities. This line is called a midlife crisis.

What is behind the number 40

At the age of forty, a man begins to rethink his life, revises his values, critically evaluates his achievements, counts his losses and tries to correct mistakes. At this age, many people experience certain successes, both in their personal lives and in their careers. Some are ready to engage in their favorite profession, others have a highly paid job or open their own business.

But these are not the only circumstances that worry men. Most representatives of the stronger sex, like women, are picky and careful about their own appearance. And here many may be disappointed. Beer belly, balding crown, flabby muscles, ten kilograms of excess weight. Few guys have remained in excellent shape after forty years. Fatigue has accumulated, vigor and love of life have disappeared, and strength has diminished. It is worth adding the beginning problems in intimate life, surprises with manifestations of impotence - and you can see the portrait of an ordinary average man.

How to change the situation

You are more than capable of doing this, even without special financial and physical costs. Leave in your life:

  • moderate physical activity;
  • joyful pleasant emotions;
  • the factors you need to strengthen your spirit;
  • proper nutrition.

What is the right diet for a 40-year-old?

Such nutrition is endowed with its own inherent characteristics. Remember that your first enemy should be considered excess weight, since the measured rhythm of life of a forty-year-old man provokes the deposition of fatty tissue in various areas. So the diet after forty years must certainly be hypocaloric, it must contain a minimum of easily digestible carbohydrates and animal fats. Give preference to plant and protein foods - meat, vegetables, fruits. The frequency of meals should ideally become larger, and the volume of portions should decrease.

Need to strengthen bones

Over the years, the human skeletal system suffers. For the most part, this concerns, first of all, women during menopause, but a man cannot be immune from calcium loss. Consequently, the daily diet must necessarily include fermented milk and dairy products, hard cheeses, chocolate, cabbage, and calcium-rich foods.

How to strengthen your heart

After forty years, life often presents diseases of the cardiovascular system, such as angina pectoris, coronary heart disease, heart attack, and stroke. To successfully prevent these diseases, try to eat potassium - as much as possible. It is found in dried apricots and bananas. It is better to give up fatty meats and processed foods.

Forty years is a milestone after which there is an increase in the risks of many different diseases. That's why experts say your fortieth birthday is a great time to start taking care of your health.

Of course, it's easy to forget about your health if you have a stressful job, elderly parents, growing children, or all three combined. However, turning 40 is the time to rethink your condition and begin working to increase your life expectancy.

"At age 40, it's time to take a deep breath and, despite other important issues, do some self-reflection and say to yourself, 'Okay, there are some things you need to do to stay healthy,'" says Dr. Sandra Fryhofer, - internist at Piedmont Hospital in Atlanta.

But even if you're under forty, you certainly shouldn't wait for that moment, notes Dr. William Zoghbi, professor of medicine at the Methodist Heart and Vascular Center. DeBakey in Houston and president of the American College of Cardiology.

"Naturally, people don't need to wake up and say, 'I'm 40 today, so I'm going to change my lifestyle to improve my health,'" Zogby says. “The sooner they start doing this, the better.”

With that in mind, here are seven ways to stay healthy if you're approaching that milestone or turning 40.

Pay attention to vision problems

After age 40, vision can begin to deteriorate, so regular monitoring by an eye doctor is necessary, Freihofer says. “You must be able to read the fine print on medication packages, as well as the text on many other labels. If you don't have special reading glasses and can't read the fine print, you could be missing some pretty important information," she notes.

In addition, Freihofer recommends wearing sunglasses to prevent further vision loss. "Exposure to bright sunlight for too long can increase your risk of developing cataracts, so it's worth investing in sunglasses," she says. “But make sure they protect against UVA and UVAB rays.”

High consumption of fruits and vegetables will help slow down the process of vision loss, as they are rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, adds Heather Mangieri, a spokeswoman for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

The main cause of blindness in old age is macular degeneration. It is known that 9.1 million Americans over the age of 40 are affected by this disease. “Most often, macular degeneration is genetic, but vision loss can be slowed by regularly consuming foods rich in lycopene (red fruits and vegetables) and antioxidants,” says Manjiri.

Know your numbers

Forty is a good time to check your blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar and body weight. "We need to know your cholesterol levels, and if you haven't had your cholesterol checked before age 40, now is the time to do it," Zogby says.

See your GP and have your blood pressure taken, and also get a simple blood sugar test, he recommends. These numbers can help you and your doctor identify potential risk factors for certain diseases.

For example, people with high blood pressure have a high risk of heart disease, stroke and kidney failure, Zogby says.

Analyze your family history

In your fifth decade, it's worth taking a closer look at your family tree to determine whether you have a genetic predisposition to developing certain diseases, such as cancer or cardiovascular disease. “After 40, it's worth thinking about cancer because you're no longer a child,” says Fryhover. “This is a good time to review the history of serious illnesses of close relatives.”

For example, people with family members diagnosed with colon cancer should get a colonoscopy as early as age 40, rather than waiting until age 50, Freihofer notes.

The same goes for heart disease: a calcium level test will help determine whether blood vessels are starting to harden or not, and whether significant lifestyle changes or medications are needed. “People can get by on little until they are 40, but after 40 we need to think about ourselves a little more. You can’t just worry about others all the time,” Freihofer says.


After age 40, we begin to lose about one percent of muscle mass per year.

However, regular resistance training and aerobic training can improve this situation, says Manjiri. “You don’t have to go to the gym for this; you can even do biceps curls using canned food instead of dumbbells, as long as it’s weight training,” she notes.

In addition, it is known that with age a person loses flexibility. Therefore, Manjiri also recommends doing yoga or Pilates. They help increase flexibility, core muscle strength, range of motion, and also contribute to the development of a sense of balance. “If we maintain our muscle mass and strength levels, we can continue to do the things we enjoy doing even as we age,” she states.

Fiber is your friend

The days when you could consume large amounts of food indiscriminately without fear of gaining extra weight are over. With your metabolism slowing in your 40s, limiting your caloric intake may actually improve your health. Additionally, care should also be taken to ensure adequate fiber and fluid intake, says Manjiri.

“Reducing calories should be achieved by limiting the consumption of things like sweets, but maintaining fiber-rich foods in the diet and ensuring adequate fluid intake is also important. This is extremely important,” she says. “Make sure your daily diet plan includes adequate amounts of nutrient-dense foods, such as lean protein, fruits and vegetables, as well as low-fat dairy products and whole grains.”

“Foods like these are important for our health regardless of age, but as we age, it is important to ensure adequate intake of nutrient-dense foods, even as caloric needs decrease,” Manjiri notes.

Carefully analyze your lifestyle

Dr. Elizabeth Jackson, a senior lecturer at the University of Michigan, emphasizes that an overall healthy lifestyle helps prevent heart attacks and strokes.

“We know that with age, the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases increases, and we can’t get any younger. There is no cure for old age,” she says.

However, losing excess weight will not only help you reduce your clothing size, but also reduce your risk of developing heart disease, diabetes and vascular disease. “A healthy lifestyle is definitely worth the effort because it improves your quality of life across the board,” says Jackson.

Regular exercise, managing and reducing stress, maintaining a healthy body weight, and high intake of fruits, vegetables and polyunsaturated fats all “help keep your blood vessels healthy,” says Jackson. - And this in turn helps maintain heart and brain health. In addition, these actions help prevent excess weight. This way, investing in a healthy lifestyle will pay off over the next decade,” she says.

Quit smoking

After 40 years, smoking causes even more harm.

“If you smoke, now is the time to seriously think about quitting this bad habit at all costs,” says Zogby.

Quitting smoking “is not easy, but believe me, it will help you reduce the risks of absolutely any disease and painful condition from heart attacks, heart disease, strokes to kidney failure, lung cancer and other diseases of this organ,” he states.

Check your thyroid function regularly

If you get tired quickly, gain weight, and your hair and skin have lost their former shine, then it is worth checking the functioning of the thyroid gland. This organ helps control energy levels and regulate levels of various hormones. Most often, thyroid diseases appear precisely after 40 years, says Freihofer.

The tests will help determine whether the thyroid gland is functioning as it should or not, she notes. Typically, an underactive thyroid gland is the result of a genetic predisposition, but taking special medications can help prevent negative symptoms from developing, Freihofer says.