Modern security alarm system. What is a security alarm system and how does it work Security alarm types and principles of operation

Any security alarm, regardless of the device and type of alarm signal, is designed to inform the user about unauthorized entry into the facility. Detection of the presence of an unwanted person in a building is ensured by the installation of sensors, and the notification system can be centralized or autonomous.

The system can transmit intrusion notifications in two ways - through sound and/or through light signals. In the first case, it is necessary to use sound alarms (sirens, bells, etc.), in the second - light alarms (LEDs or lamps).

IN modern devices Instead of lamps and bells, more reliable and durable signaling devices based on semiconductors or piezoelectric emitters are used. Such devices, among other things, are characterized by smaller dimensions and the ability to fine-tune.

Other mandatory circuit elements include:

  • intrusion or presence sensors;
  • control panels and instruments (PKP);
  • equipment for transmitting event data.

Information about penetration into a protected facility can be transmitted remotely to a centralized security console or mobile phone owner. If this option is not provided (or the option is not used), we are talking about an autonomous security alarm system.

The latter option is extremely ineffective and is not recommended for use. Its arrangement is justified only if the controlling person is constantly in close proximity to the protected object.

Transmission of a signal about intrusion into an object can be carried out in two ways - wired or wireless. Wired systems transmit relevant information over a dedicated or busy telephone line, depending on the capabilities of the owner and the proposed installation options.

The advantage of this type of alarm is high-quality, guaranteed stable direct and feedback communication with the monitoring panel, and the ability to constantly monitor the communication channel.

Wireless alarms use the network of any cellular operator or a dedicated radio channel. When using GSM alarms, the most important thing is to ensure continuous monitoring of the presence of communication. Otherwise, it cannot be ruled out that information about the violator simply will not be communicated to the security console operator or the owner of the premises in a timely manner.

You can verify the availability of communication by receiving a signal from a protected object or sending a request from the centralized security console and receiving the system’s response. Using the second option is more expensive, since it requires the presence of a transmitter and receiver in the GSM module. In addition, it is necessary to have a bidirectional communication channel.

Checking the presence of a connection can only be discrete: this means that the request is sent at more or less short, but still finite, intervals of time. The shorter the intervals, the more reliable the security alarm.


Of practical interest to the owner of a protected object is the object part of the alarm installed in a building or premises. The overall reliability of the system largely depends on its quality design and operation. The components of alarm equipment have been listed previously. Below we will talk in more detail about the most commonly used sensors.

The direct purpose of sensors or detectors is to detect unregulated entry into a protected area. You can enter the room through a window or doorway, as well as through a hole made in the wall. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure the functioning of sensors that respond to all methods used by attackers.

Security alarm sensors (detectors) are used to detect:

  • opening windows and doors;
  • breaking through walls and ceilings;
  • breaking glazed structures;
  • movement inside the protected premises.

In order for information to be conveyed to the central control operator, it is necessary to convert the detected action into an electrical signal. For example, if the sensor responds to the sound of a broken window glass, such a device is called acoustic (sound).

If an intruder breaks through a wall or tries to knock down a door, a vibration sensor will react to his actions, recording blows to building structure.

Relay contacts, digital signal generators and other modern devices can be used as detector outputs. technological solutions. After the formation of the electrical signal, it is necessary to ensure its further processing. For this purpose, control panels and control panels are used. Next, the information is sent to warning and transmission devices.

Signal transmission can be carried out both by wire and via GSM and radio channel devices. In most cases, wireless communication refers to the method of transmitting data over a radio channel.


There are many principles for classifying the mentioned systems: by the presence or absence of a centralized security console, the types of sensors used, the use of wires in the arrangement and the number of communication lines. Depending on the method of information transmission security equipment May be:

  • wired;
  • wireless.

The most common design option for the end user is wired loops. For a long time they simply had no alternatives and, although they are now considered obsolete, they have a number of undeniable advantages.

The first of them is increased reliability, subject to conscientious installation and ensuring the integrity of the cables connecting the individual elements. The second is the low cost of parts and installation work.

Overall, the wired system is excellent for installation in small room or a separate building. Required condition functioning of the circuit - regular monitoring of the condition of the connecting cables.

As the name suggests, in wireless versions, to ensure the interconnection of individual elements, instead of wires, a radio signal is used, broadcast over a dedicated channel or via a GSM connection. The advantage of such a system is that there is no need for construction and installation work.

Disadvantages include significantly higher prices for the equipment used and weakening of the transmitted signal over a distance. In addition, if there are strong electromagnetic fields in the alarm coverage area, it is impossible to guarantee high-quality communication.

The optimal option for arranging a security alarm system is to create an addressable system. The method is applicable to both wired and wireless options. The operating principle of addressable signaling is based on assigning a unique identification number to each sensor. In this way, the control panel can accurately determine which detector the alarm signal came from.

The main advantages of an addressable device are the ability to connect all sensors with one communication line and the low cost of installation work. Equipment for such circuits, on the contrary, costs a little more than for non-addressed circuits. In general, address systems are best option for the protection of large and medium-sized objects.

When choosing a security alarm system, you need to focus on specifications premises, manufacturing company and financial capabilities of the owner of the facility. It is best to entrust the installation and maintenance of the system to proven, certified organizations in the relevant field.


Since signal transmission between elements of any circuit occurs without human intervention, any signaling can theoretically be called automatic. Currently, intelligent complexes with a significantly higher level of automation are being actively developed.

It is extremely important that the alarm system has a self-testing (automatic monitoring) functionality option. This feature can be implemented in addressable devices, and for its operation a software add-on over the hardware component is required.

In addition, programmable systems have the following capabilities that are not available in purely hardware systems:

  • integration of individual circuits into a single complex;
  • differentiation of access rights for each operator;
  • creation of complex equipment operation scenarios.

No matter how modern the security alarm system is, it is impossible to completely eliminate the risk of false alarms and the associated inconveniences. However, thanks to the opportunity comprehensive analysis factors currently affecting the sensors, this probability can be minimized.

This allows you to reduce the cost of response (going to the scene of an incident) and additional maintenance of the system, as well as create the most comfortable conditions work.

The market offers security systems from foreign and domestic production. Among the latter, the most successful development can be called the Orion system developed by NVP Bolid. This complex is distinguished by a friendly, intuitive interface, a wide range of customizable functions and the ability to configure for specific goals.

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All materials presented on this site are for informational purposes only and cannot be used as guidelines or regulatory documents.


Intensive development of modern technical means security, constant expansion functions they perform allows them to be effectively used in various fields activities. On modern market hospitality there is a fairly wide range of offers of such facilities, and one can get confused when choosing necessary equipment as easy as pie. Therefore, today we will look at the basics, the most necessary technical security measures that can be used to minimize factors that could lead to additional financial losses for the hotel business owner.

Relevance my test work due to the fact that in modern conditions, when elements of the criminal environment are present in all areas of activity, the risk of illegal actions on the part of third parties is quite high, when the technical equipment of villains often moves forward into the 22nd century, it is extremely important to keep up with the times and improve security alarm systems, information security systems.

Subject work and will be the security alarm system itself.

Target test work - analyze various systems security alarm and its individual components, to orient their applicability in a hotel service enterprise.

To achieve the goal, we designate the following tasks:

· Define a security alarm system;

· Understand its structure - consider the individual components, how they work, how they are interconnected;

· Consider a hotel complex as an object for installing a security alarm system.

Theoretical basis The test work consisted mainly of articles from magazines, as well as Internet resources.

Work structure. The first chapter defines the security alarm system, discusses some of its types, and identifies the main tasks of the security alarm system. The second chapter discusses in detail the composition of the system and its elements. The third chapter examines the problem of security in a hotel service enterprise.

What is a security alarm system and how does it work?

An automatic security alarm system is widely used when equipping various types of premises (residential, industrial, warehouse, institutions, etc.) The purpose of a security alarm is to absolutely suppress any possibility of illegal entry into a protected premises or protected area. The basis of the security system are control sensors that transmit information to a central control point. At the same time, a security alarm can not only be autonomous, but also function in conjunction with other security systems of the protected facility. The security alarm system allows you to monitor the protected premises or territory 24 hours a day.

Burglar alarm system is a complex set of technical means designed for timely detection of unauthorized entry into a protected area. Typically, a security alarm system is integrated into a complex that combines everything installed systems security and engineering systems of the building, providing reliable address information for warning systems, fire extinguishing systems, etc.

The task of a security alarm (OS) is to protect the premises from unauthorized entry unauthorized persons. Conventionally, security alarms can be divided into two types:

1. Autonomous system OS- if such a system is triggered, sirens, strobe flashes, etc. are activated. The alarm signal is not transmitted anywhere.

2. Alarm with connection to the remote control centralized monitoring (CMS), the so-called “console security”. Premises are protected by installing security detectors (sensors) in them.

Currently, the security services market offers a wide range of security systems. Special attention deserve wireless security systems. These incredibly easy-to-install solutions have a number of undeniable advantages that make installation as simple as possible and, for example, ensure the safe evacuation of people even in cases where conventional wired systems fail.

The modern security services market offers a lot of domestic and imported equipment with which you can build a security system for any facility. Everything is possible: from a simple one, with minimal saturation of fire alarm systems, to a complex, integrated security system that combines video surveillance systems, access control, time tracking, as well as fire and alarm alarms, a crisis warning system, etc.

It all depends on the requirements and financial capabilities of the client. And also on the choice of tactics for protecting the site, the presence of a city telephone line at the site, the ability to lay wired alarm loops (lines) and other factors.

As a rule, when creating a security and monitoring system for office premises, a problem arises: how, without changing the interior design, to quickly equip an office with security, fire and alarm system. After all, laying alarm loops will inevitably lead to a change in the design of the premises, which is associated with certain inconveniences: the project will have to be coordinated with the office owners. And the installation time of the security system also depends on how long the alarm loops will be laid.

A technical solution that can solve such problems is the use of wireless alarm systems. Simplicity, speed of installation and programming will allow you to equip a medium-sized office (up to 300 sq. m) within 2-3 hours.

The diverse characteristics of wireless systems make it possible to organize security for almost any office space. The range of radio channel devices is quite wide. Typically these are magnetic contact detectors, passive IR detectors, glass break detectors, a glass break detector combined with an IR detector, smoke and heat fire detectors, two- and four-button key fobs, control buttons (arm/disarm), panic button, sirens for premises and street installation, gas and water leak detectors, radio-controlled receivers, thermostats to maintain the required temperature (we will look at the composition of the security system in more detail in the next chapter). All these devices interact with the control panel via a radio channel and can be removed from it at a considerable distance without using a repeater (about 300 meters in open space). It should be noted that many fire and alarm detectors use lithium batteries with a service life of up to 3 years. The control panel not only periodically checks for the presence of control signals from radio devices, but also monitors the level of battery discharge in them and reports the need to replace them. The response of the control panel to the activation of a detector determines the flexibility of the system and allows you to programmatically change the system response. For example, using a key fob you can arm and disarm the system, sound a panic or fire alarm, and remotely turn on control devices.

Security alarm is a set of technical and software tools designed to notify interested parties of an attempt of unauthorized entry into a protected area. On this moment Several types of security alarms are widely used, with significantly different performance indicators and functional features.


The main difference between alarm systems is the method of transmitting the alarm signal. The following types exist:

Autonomous system. In addition to standard detection devices, the room is equipped with sirens and strobe lights. All external devices are connected to a single controller. If an alarm signal is received from one of the detectors, the controller sends a command to activate a light-sound alarm signal. Depending on the settings, the alarm will be activated for 3-5 minutes. During this time, it will scare away the thief and attract the attention of neighbors, passers-by or law enforcement officials.

Wireless Autonomous Alarm Kit

The system is connected to the security console. The control panel of such a system has a communication module that transmits information about unauthorized entry to the control panel of the security company. Transfers can be carried out in various ways:

  • Via telephone line;
  • NPLS - a direct communication line stretched between the protected object and the building where the security is located;
  • Wireless transmission of violation data can be carried out via a GSM modem using standards 900 or 1800. The signal is transmitted by a simple telephone call or sending SMS messages to a pre-programmed list of telephone numbers.

Composition of a security alarm

The security alarm system consists of the following elements:

Security alarm sensors are the key devices of the system. The industry produces many models with different performance indicators.

Features of installing a security alarm

For the effective functioning of the security alarm system, the installation of all devices must be carried out in accordance with the standards of GOST R 50776-95 and installation guidelines: RD 78.145-93 and RD 78.36.003-2002.

Installation of the control unit

Installation of a central security alarm control unit of small and medium information capacity (can support from 1 to 5 loops) can be carried out outside a special room at a height of 2.2 m from the floor. If installation is carried out in a special room, then 1.5 m is allowed. If the device is installed in a room with open access, then it must be placed in a metal cabinet with a locking door. Installation in cabinets made of flammable material or placement closer than 1 m from a heat source (heating system radiator, air conditioner, etc.) is prohibited. The fastening must be secure, with a screw, through all 4 mounting holes.

Installation of cables and loops

Loops in security alarms represent electrical circuits into which all outputs of actuators are combined. The cable is connected to central block management. An alarm signal interrupts the circuit on the loop, which forces the control unit to generate a command in accordance with the established algorithm of actions - alarm or loop malfunction.

Installation of cables and loops is carried out with a copper single-core cable coated with polyethylene in a PVC sheath. IN certain cases To prevent electromagnetic interference, the cable is protected by a sheath of laminated aluminum foil.

Sensor installation

To save your performance characteristics Alarm detectors should be installed on fixed, massive structures subject to minimal vibration. Installation is carried out on a bracket, which allows for periodic inspection and, if necessary, maintenance. When installing detectors, it is not recommended to subject the device body to excessive mechanical stress, shock, or bend the wires in front of the terminal block.

The location of the motion detector in the room is strictly regulated. The optimal position will create the most effective coverage of the protected area with a minimum of blind spots:

For large premises For those with solid walls, it is recommended to set the detection zone, which slightly exceeds the parameters of the room. This effect is achieved by replacing the Fresnel lens and adjusting the radiation strength of the ultrasonic and microwave generators. In this case, there should be no obscuring objects in the room at the level of the detector installation.

The use of IR detectors has certain limitations. It is unacceptable to place such devices if:

  • To a sensitive sensor long time exposed to direct sunlight;
  • Sharp glare from the sun or reflection of artificial light (headlights, etc.) falls on the sensor;
  • The device is located near heat sources - convection heat flows will create false alarms;
  • The device is located near niches of natural or artificial ventilation or in the path of conditioned air.

Installing a panic button

Panic buttons are devices for manually activating an alarm. The installation location of a stationary panic button depends on its purpose. Security button fire alarm mounted in a visible place within the direct access of the security guard. A hidden panic button is mounted primarily under the cashier's desk or in other places where the employee is expected to retreat during an attack.

The purpose of the security alarm system is to detect unauthorized entry into a protected facility and generate an appropriate alert. Notifications about the activation of the security alarm system are:

  • sound;
  • light

The first are formed by various sirens, bells, etc., which have the general name sound annunciators. The second ones are respectively called light alarms. In this capacity, signal lamps, individual LEDs and LED assemblies can be used.

It is worth noting that nowadays bells and lamps are practically not used. They were replaced by piezoelectric emitters and semiconductor light signaling devices. In addition, the system includes:

  • sensors (detectors) different principle actions;
  • control panels (RCDs) and panels;
  • Power supplies;
  • equipment for transmitting information to the security control panel (SRC) or telephone number of the owner of the facility.

If the security alarm operating tactics do not provide for remote notification transmission (to a remote control or mobile phone), then such a system is called autonomous. By the way, this version has the least efficiency. Various methods are used to transmit alarm signals to the monitoring station.

Wired data transmission is carried out over busy or dedicated telephone lines. Modern systems The overwhelming majority of notifications are digital, so their information content is very low high level. In addition, feedback from the security console to the equipment installed at the facility is possible.

Wireless notification transmission systems can use a dedicated radio channel or channels of cellular operators ( GSM alarm various designs). In this case, the main thing is to ensure control of the communication channel. Obviously, if it is violated (disappeared), the generated security alarm simply will not arrive at the control point.

The solution to this problem is achieved in two main ways:

  • transmitting a test signal from the object;
  • request about the alarm status of the security console and receipt of the corresponding receipt.

The second option requires a bidirectional channel, so the object part of the notification transmission system must contain both a transmitter and a receiver. Naturally, such equipment is more expensive. In addition, the control of any wireless channel is discrete, that is, the request is carried out at certain intervals. The smaller they are, the more reliable the system.


For the end user, the part of the alarm system that is installed directly at the facility (shop, house, office, apartment, etc.) is of greatest interest. Therefore, let's look at the operating principle of just such equipment. Its composition is given at the beginning of the article, and here I will tell you how these components of security systems work.

Alarm sensors (detectors).

They are designed to detect intrusion or attempted entry into a protected premises. Since there are several ways to get inside a building (through a broken window, an open door, a broken wall), the operating principle of the detectors is also different. Based on the detection method, sensors can be divided into detection devices:

  • breaking;
  • opening;
  • break;
  • movement.

In each of these cases, sensors convert the corresponding impact into an electrical signal. For example, break sensors can detect sound broken glass, accordingly they will be called acoustic or sound. Since a breach is accompanied by impacts on the protected structure, vibration detectors are used in this case.

As you can see, the variety of transformation principles here is quite large. The outputs of security sensors can also have Various types, ranging from dry relay contacts to digital signal generators.

It is quite natural that the information generated by the detector must be received and processed. For this purpose they serve receiving devices and control panels. They are a kind of “intermediary” between the sensor and warning and signal transmission devices. By the way, a number of devices may have built-in radio and GSM transmitters and receivers.

The method of transmitting notifications from the security sensor to the device is also important. There are two options:

  • wired - via specially laid communication lines;
  • wireless - via radio channel.

By the way, when they talk about wireless alarms, they primarily mean the radio link between detectors and control panels.

These are the main points regarding the principles of operation and design of the security alarm system. There are, of course, various nuances, but they need to be considered in separate thematic articles.


Some types of security systems have already been mentioned in this article, for example, autonomous and alarm systems with output to the central monitoring station. True, the differences between these two types are more organizational than technical. The only fundamental difference in the composition of the equipment is the presence or absence of an object notification transmission device.

Here are the types of systems:

  • wired;
  • wireless;
  • address,

have noticeable differences in the principle of construction, composition and operation of the equipment. Each of them has its own range of advantages, disadvantages and application features, which we will briefly consider.

Wired alarm- an old-timer in a security systems company. At one time there were no alternatives to it. In some cases, even today it is unrivaled due to reliability (of course, provided high-quality installation) and relatively low cost of equipment.

For small objects where it is possible to painlessly lay connecting wires and cables, this type of alarm system may be the most suitable system.

Addressable security alarm system can transmit information about the status of sensors both wired and over a radio channel. In the first case, the connection of all detectors can be done with one communication line, since each detector has its own unique number and can be uniquely identified by the receiving and control device.

Thus, we have a stable connection of all system components at relatively low installation costs. The equipment, however, will cost slightly more than the traditional non-address version. In general, a system of this type is extremely suitable for medium and large objects of various configurations.

Wireless security alarm is essentially an addressable system that uses a radio channel to transmit data. The only advantage is the absence of all types of work associated with laying wires. Disadvantages of such a system:

  • high cost of equipment;
  • short range (distance from the security sensor to the device);
  • possible instability in operation with high levels of electromagnetic interference.

In general, choosing the type of system is an individual process that requires taking into account many factors, as well as the main listed advantages and disadvantages of each type of equipment.


By by and large Part of the processes of any security alarm system is automated. This concerns the issues of detecting intrusion attempts, signal processing and generating an alarm notification. However, there are systems with such a degree of automation that they can be called intelligent.

Self-testing of sensors and transmission of information about their condition (operability) is implemented in digital (addressable) versions of the equipment. It must be said that such systems operate at the software and hardware level. The presence of a software component allows you to implement such intelligent functions as:

  • automatic control of equipment according to a given schedule or event;
  • differentiation of user access rights to work with the system;
  • the ability to integrate the alarm with other security systems.

An example is the Orion integrated security system produced by NVP Bolid. The ability to create various equipment configurations, flexibility of settings, and a fairly clear and friendly interface appeal to many installers, including me.

It should be noted. that most modern security alarm sensors use algorithms in their work that allow them to analyze a combination of factors affecting the detector. This allows you to significantly reduce the number of false alarms of the system, thereby increasing its reliability and efficiency.

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The materials on the site are for informational purposes only and cannot be used as guidelines or regulatory documents.

There was a time when only sensitive facilities, defense enterprises and banks were equipped with security alarms. The set of technical means cost big money and was very difficult to install and maintain. Currently, the security alarm device is not only in the office, but also in ordinary apartment has become commonplace and affordable for anyone. Moreover, installation of a security system can be done by hand. Modern alarm systems can be autonomous or have access to first responders.

Security Alarm Structure

The security alarm system allows you to prevent unauthorized entry into a specific room or group premises or on the territory of the facility. It can be installed in any civil or industrial institution, in private apartment or home.

The alarm system consists of technical means combined into a single complex. The complex includes the following elements:

  • Control panel (RCD)
  • Sensors of various types
  • Notifications
  • Power supply

In order to avoid unnecessary installation work, security and fire alarm systems are combined into unified system, since security sensors and fire detectors work with the same control panels.

Principle of operation security and fire alarm system is as follows. The basic device has several inputs, usually no more than 32. Security and fire sensors are designed in such a way that if a certain external influence the electrical circuit of the circuit was opened or its resistance changed. Sensors are grouped by type, combined into a loop and connected to the control panel input. Plume– this is a closed circuit that includes a certain number of sensors, the number of which is determined by the load capacity of the input. Using the buttons located on the front panel of the device, the loop (zone) can be activated when all sensors are in standby mode, or reset for routine maintenance.

The device also has several built-in relays, the contacts of which, after the sensor is triggered, close and allow control external devices. It could be a siren, spotlight, system automatic fire extinguishing, and special hermetic doors. The individual contact group includes notification tools. These are compact light and sound indicators that simultaneously emit a sound and light signal, and “Exit” light displays that begin to operate in pulse mode.

The security and fire alarm system includes a voice warning system when the digital tape recorder broadcasts through Acustic systems located in different places of the building, a certain text. Modern devices can be connected to a telephone line, GSM module, Wi-Fi or directly to the Internet via a LAN port. This is necessary to transmit information about unauthorized entry or fire to interested parties or relevant services.

Elements of the alarm system and their operating principle

Sensors used in security and fire alarm systems differ in design and type of external influence that triggers and activates the alarm.

The following most common types of sensors are used in security systems:

  • Magnetic reed switches – IO-102
  • Infrared volumetric – Photon-9, Pironyx
  • Radio waves – Argus-2,3
  • Combined – SRDT-15
  • Acoustic glass break sensors – Astra-S
  • Vibrating – Rustle-1, 2, 3

Magnetic reed sensors are designed to block opening structures in a room. These are doors, windows, Garage Doors, gates and attic hatches. The sensor consists of a permanent magnet and a contact pair in a sealed glass tube. The contact is installed on the door jamb, and the magnet is on door leaf. When the door is closed, the contacts are closed thanks to magnetic field. When the door opens, the magnet moves away from the contact and it opens.

Infrared motion sensors. They react to thermal radiation from a moving object. The built-in sensor, depending on the type of sensor, easily detects a person or animal at a distance of 8-12 meters. The sensitivity of the sensor can be adjusted.

A radio wave sensor also detects a moving object, but works on a different principle. The sensor contains a transmitter and receiver of microwave radiation, which, when reflected from a moving object, changes its frequency in accordance with the Doppler effect. The frequency difference causes the device to operate. The combined design combines thermal and radio wave sensors in one housing.

Glass break sensors have a miniature microphone and a frequency filter in their design, which allows the sensor to be triggered only by the sound of breaking glass. This sound has a fairly narrow frequency band, so the device does not respond to other sound waves.

A piezoelectric crystal is used as a sensitive element in vibration sensors, acting as a pickup. Such sensors are installed on walls, foundation elements, floors and are triggered when an attempt is made to destroy elements of a building structure or when undermining. In addition to security sensors, many alarm systems use stationary or portable panic buttons. Each sensor, except the magnetic contact one, can be adjusted in sensitivity level and has protection against false alarms. The fire alarm device allows the simultaneous use of all types of sensors.

The fire alarm system is equipped with sensors that respond to other external factors:

  • Temperature sensors – IP-101-1
  • Smoke sensors – IP-212-45, Dip-41M
  • Linear smoke sensors – IPDL-D-1
  • Manual fire call points – IPR-55, IPR-3SU

Since a starting fire is characterized by an increase in temperature, fire alarms use sensors that are triggered by set temperature. The standard sensor response temperature is + 70 0 C. Infrared sensors, consisting of an LED and a photodiode in one housing, react to smoke. Smoke, blocking the light flow, causes switching electronic circuit and the “Fire alarm” signal is generated in the control panel. Linear detectors are designed on the same principle, only they can be spaced at a distance of up to 150 meters. Manual call points are wall buttons installed in accessible places, pressing which activates an alarm.

Setting up a security system with your own hands is quite difficult, since it involves performing various installation and electrical work. For self-installation Alarm systems based on the use of self-powered wireless sensors are ideal. One of such systems is “Guardian Falcon Prof”. It is suitable for a city apartment or a private house. The cost of the set is 8,500 rubles. If necessary, a wireless security system can be equipped independently, and its cost will depend on the number of sensors.