Ways to type Latin characters: on the keyboard and more. Capital letters in passwords and other secrets of reliable protection

Modern version Latin alphabet
JYotWDouble Ve

Let me remind you that the Latin language belongs to the Latin-Falian subgroup of Italic languages ​​(the languages ​​of the tribes that, from the beginning of the 1st millennium BC, lived on the territory of the Apennine Peninsula, except for the Etruscans, Ligurians, Celts and Greeks). The Italic languages, in turn, belong to the family of Indo-European languages. Initially, Latin was the language of a small tribe - the Latins, living in the center of the Apennine Peninsula. This information may be of interest when taking a closer look at the Latin alphabet.

Origins of the Latin alphabet

Influence of the Etruscan alphabet

The Etruscan culture was well known to the Latins. In the 9-8 centuries BC, the relatively small territory of Latium bordered on the north with the then significant territory of the Etruscan tribe (they are also Tusks or Tosks, now the Italian province of Tuscany). At a time when the culture of the Latins was just emerging, the culture of the Etruscans was already experiencing its heyday.

The Latins borrowed quite a lot from the Etruscans. The Etruscan writing had a right-to-left direction, so for convenience, the reverse (compared to the usual Latin) spelling of letters was used (naturally, this was the original spelling; we use the reverse version).

Influence of the Greek alphabet

The Greek alphabet also made a significant contribution to the formation of modern Latin. It is worth mentioning that the Etruscan alphabet was partially borrowed from Western Greek. But direct borrowing from Greek into Latin began later, when the Romans, in their characteristic style, began a thorough acquaintance with Greek culture. Greek names and the names contained sounds that were not characteristic of Roman phonetics; there were no letters in the Latin language to write them, so Greek letters were also transferred to the Latin alphabet. This is the origin of the letters "x", "y", "z".

Ancient Greek inscriptions were also written not only from left to right, but also from right to left and boustrophedon (the Greeks gave the name to this type of writing), therefore in Ancient Greek At the same time, there were both direct and reverse variants of writing letters.

Influence of Phoenician consonantal writing

The Phoenicians are considered the creators of the first phonetic writing. The Phoenician alphabet was a syllabary alphabet in which one symbol denoted the combination of one consonant sound with any vowel (It is often said that the Phoenicians wrote down only consonants, but this assumption is formally incorrect). The Phoenicians traveled a lot, settled in more and more new places... and their writing traveled and took root with them. Gradually, spreading in different directions, the symbols of the Phoenician alphabet were transformed, on the one hand, into the letters of the Greek and then the Latin alphabet, and on the other, into the letters of Hebrew (and other northern Semitic dialects).

Comparison table of symbols related languages(For comment see below in the text)

The conclusions drawn from the results of comparing all these languages ​​are different. The issue of continuity has not been completely resolved, however, the similarity of independent ancient languages ​​suggests that there may have been one progenitor language. Many researchers tend to look for it in Canaan, a semi-mythical state that the Phoenicians considered their homeland.

History of the Latin alphabet

The first Latin inscriptions available to modern researchers date back to the 7th century BC. Since that time, it has been customary to talk about archaic Latin. The archaic alphabet consists of 21 letters. The Greek letters theta, phi and psi were used to write the numbers 100, 1000, 50.

Having become a censor in 312 BC, Appius Claudius Caecus introduced differences in the writing of the letters “r” and “s” and abolished the letter “z”, and the sound denoted by this letter was replaced by [p]. One of the basic laws of phonetics is closely related to this event. Latin language- the law of rotacism.

After the abolition of the letter "z", the Latin alphabet of the classical period contains 20 letters.

In the 1st century BC, the letter "z" was borrowed again, and with it the letter "y". In addition, the letter “g” was finally recognized (before this, both sounds: voiced - [g] and voiceless - [k] were designated by one letter - “c”). Of course, there were some disputes, but it is generally accepted that Spurius Carvilius Ruga was the first to use it in 235 BC, however, at that time it was not included in the alphabet.

The alphabet began to consist of 23 letters.

Another an important event in the history of the Latin alphabet falls on the 1st century AD. Using the practice of replacing the most common combinations of letters with one symbol, which was widespread in Greece, the future emperor Claudius (since 41 AD, being a censor) introduced three new letters, later called “Claudian”: reverse digamma, antisigma and half ha.

The reverse digamma was to be used to indicate the sound [in:].

Antisigma - to denote combinations of bs and ps, similar to the Greek letter psi.

Half ha - to indicate the sound between [i] and [u].

They never made it into the alphabet.


  1. The codes for these characters are included in Unicode: u+2132, u+214e - reverse digamma, u+2183, u+2184 - antisigma, u+2c75, u+2c76 - half ha.
  2. The letters “y” and “v”, which were completely defined in the alphabet somewhat later, became analogues of two of the three Claudian letters, which indicates the validity of the proposal of the future emperor.

Much later, the issue with pairs of letters “i” - “j”, “v” - “u” was resolved. Both pairs were used in writing before, and denoted two pairs of sounds ([i] - [th], [v] - [y]), but it was not clearly defined which spelling denotes which sound. The separation of the first couple supposedly occurred in the 16th century AD, and the second in the 18th century (although some researchers suggest that this happened simultaneously for both couples).

The modern version of the Latin alphabet, consisting of 25 letters, was formalized during the Renaissance (hence the assumption of the separation of "v" and "u" in the 16th century, since they are both contained in this variant). This event is closely connected with the name of Petrus Ramus.

The digraph "vv", especially common in Northern Europe, became the letter "w". The sound denoted by this letter came from the Germanic languages ​​after the fall of the Roman Empire, so many experts do not include the letter “w” in the Latin alphabet or include it conditionally.

Android has a built-in keyboard, which is also called a virtual or on-screen keyboard.

The first question that arises for a person who has not previously dealt with the touch screen of a smartphone or tablet with Android is: where to look for the keyboard? The trick is that you don't have to look for it: the keyboard automatically appears on its own when you need to enter something using it.

The second question of a newbie, which I myself was on Android: how to master typing on Android?

It’s easy to master the Android virtual keyboard if you practice writing messages to family, friends, etc. in social networks etc. At first you will suffer a little, but then everything will work out, as long as you don’t give up.

I'm looking at the regular Samsung keyboard that is native to the smartphone.

1) Capitalize letters when typing on Android

How to switch from small letters to large (capital) letters? Note the arrow to enable uppercase (1 in Fig. 1):

To type ALL text in capital letters, you should make a long tap on the upper case arrow (1 in Fig. 1), that is, click on the arrow and hold your finger on this arrow for a while, and then type.

To turn off the CAPITAL letter mode, you also need a long tap: just as you turned on the capital letter mode, you turned it off.

After the point next word automatically printed from capital letters. This is intended to make it easier to enter text, because, as you know, a period means the end of a sentence, and a new sentence begins with a capital letter.

If you do not immediately enter a large (capital) letter after a period in a new sentence, this means that in the “Keyboard Options” there is no checkbox opposite the option “Automatic capital letter in the first sentence” (number 4 in Fig. 2), you should check this tick.

In Android 5, the keyboard settings are located like this: “Settings” – “System” – “Language and input” – “Keyboards and input methods” – “Samsung Keyboard”.

Rice. 2. Android: input languages, auto capitalization

You've probably seen texts or comments on the Internet printed without periods or commas, or without capital letters? Agree that such texts are not so easy to read and understand. Therefore, when entering text, do not neglect periods and capital letters.

2) How to change the language on Android?

In other words, how to switch keyboard layout? IN different models Android may be designed for this

  • globe button,
  • or a button labeled En/Ru,
  • or you need to swipe your finger over the space bar.

In my model, to change the language on Android, you need to slide your finger (from left to right or right to left) over the spacebar key (2 in Fig. 1), figuratively speaking, “blow the dust off” the spacebar key.

If you swipe your finger once, the first language changes to the second, and if you wave your finger another time, the first language will appear again. This all applies to the case when two languages ​​are enabled (active) on Android.

In Fig. 2 you can see that in Settings – “Keyboard options” – “Input languages” I have two languages ​​enabled (they are enabled by default):

  • Russian,
  • English.

If you connect more languages, the change of languages ​​will occur sequentially: from the first language to the second, from the second language to the third, and so on in a circle. As a result of swiping your finger on the spacebar to change the layout, all connected languages ​​will appear in turn: a kind of cycle of languages ​​in Android.

3) How to connect more languages ​​in Android?

Open in Android one by one: “Settings” – “System” – “Language and input”. There are checkboxes next to the connected languages. You can also easily connect other languages ​​that are on the list.

Rice. 3. Connecting new languages ​​in Android

As can be seen in Fig. 3, to enable a new language in the Android settings, just check the box next to the new language, and it will become available. This way you can connect many languages ​​if necessary.

4) Landscape screen orientation is more convenient for entering text

If the “Screen rotation” option is enabled on your smartphone, then you just need to turn the smartphone in your hands to change the vertical position to horizontal. In this case, the screen automatically rotates to its landscape version (Fig. 4):

Rice. 4. Landscape screen orientation on Android

The landscape screen makes it easier for beginners to get to the right buttons without accidentally pressing “extra” buttons. In addition, in landscape orientation larger buttons are more visible.

Different models enable and disable the Screen Rotation mode in different ways. In my model, this is “Settings” – Device “Display” – “Auto-rotate screen”. There should be a checkmark next to the “Auto-rotate screen” option, then you can rotate the smartphone for different screen positions in different situations.

5) How to delete a character?

There is a cross for deletion (number 7 in Fig. 5). The easiest way is to immediately delete incorrectly entered characters, because it is difficult to place the cursor in the right place in a typed message.

To move the cursor on a Samsung keyboard, you just need to point your finger at the right place, but your finger may not always hit the target accurately. Those who have a stylus on Android (a pencil to make typing easier) are lucky; with the stylus there is no problem with positioning the cursor. But for the stylus, your Android device needs to support Note technology. If your Samsung device does not support it, then the stylus will not work on it.

6) How to print numbers and other symbols?

Rice. 5. How to dial a number, period, emoticon, line feed, delete a character

3 in Fig. 5 – this button opens the screen with emoticons: choose any one and paste it into your messages.

4 in Fig. 5 – tap on this button enters the text space. If you swipe your finger from one side to the other, the Russian layout will change to English.

5 in Fig. 5 – tap on this button puts point in the message. A long tap on the same button will open a window with other symbols: ! ? and others.

6 in Fig. 5 – tap on this arrow calls line translation(go to a new line), start a new paragraph.

To enter numbers there are two ways to message on Android:

  1. Long tap on the key in the first row (number 1 in Fig. 5). If you hold your finger on a key in the first row (long tap), a number will appear instead of a letter on the same key.
  2. You can tap a key to switch the keyboard to symbols (2 in Fig. 5). An additional keyboard will appear (Fig. 6), where there will be numbers in the first row. To enter these numbers, you will need a regular tap on the number keys.

Rice. 6. First part of the numeric keypad (1/2)

To continue the numeric keypad, you need to tap on key 1 in Fig. 6, and to return to the letters there is an ABC button (2 in Fig. 6).

Rice. 7. Android keyboard symbols (2/2)

1 in Fig. 7 – return to the first part of the numeric keypad, which is shown in Fig. 6.
2 in Fig. 7 – return to the letters on the Android keyboard.

How to dial sign number on Android (No.):

  1. just enter the Latin N,
  2. or install other keyboards,
  3. or copy the number from somewhere and paste it.

7) How to turn off the typing sound on Android

In Android Settings we find the following items: System – Language and input – Samsung Keyboard – Keyboard options. In Settings, find “Feedback when pressing a key” and uncheck the box next to “Sound” (Fig. 8).

Rice. 8. Enable/disable sound when typing on Android

In addition, you can check the general (system) sound settings on Android: Settings – Device – Sounds and notifications – Sound mode:

  • Sound,
  • Vibration,
  • Soundless.

Here you need to check where the checkbox is. I think it would be better to have a checkmark next to the “Sound” option.

Test exercises:

1) If your smartphone has Internet, open Chrome browser. Enter in the address bar of your browser: yandex.ru.

2) Open Messages on Android. Enter your message: “Hi! Today is August 1, 2016. I'm typing a message on Android."

28.06.2016 website

Classical Latin alphabet(or Latin) is a writing system that was originally used to write in . The Latin alphabet arose from the Qom variant of the Greek alphabet, which have visual similarities. The Greek alphabet, including the Kuma version, originated from the Phoenician letter, which in turn was based on Egyptian hieroglyphs. The Etruscans who ruled the early Roman Empire adopted and modified the Cumaean version of the Greek alphabet. The Etruscan alphabet was adopted and modified by the ancient Romans to write the Latin language.

In the Middle Ages, manuscript scribes adapted the Latin alphabet for a group of Romance languages, direct descendants of Latin, as well as Celtic, Germanic, Baltic and some Slavic languages. During the colonial and evangelical eras, the Latin alphabet spread far beyond Europe and began to be used to write the languages ​​of American, Australian, Austronesian, Austroasiatic and African aborigines. IN Lately, linguists also began to use the Latin alphabet for transcribing (the International Phonetic Alphabet) and creating written standards for non-European languages.

The term "Latin alphabet - Latin script" can refer to both the alphabet for the Latin language and other alphabets based on the Latin alphabet, which is the basic set of letters common to many alphabets descended from classical Latin. These Latin alphabets may not use some letters or, conversely, add their own variants of letters. Letter shapes have changed over the centuries, including the creation of lowercase letters for Medieval Latin, which did not exist in the Classical version.

Original Latin alphabet

The original Latin alphabet looked like this:


The most ancient inscriptions in Latin did not distinguish between the sounds /ɡ/ and /k/, which were represented by the letters C, K and Q according to their place in the word. K was used before A; Q was used before O or V; C has been used elsewhere. This is explained by the fact that the Etruscan language did not make such distinctions. The letter C comes from the Greek letter Gamma (Γ) and Q from the Greek letter coppa (Ϙ). In late Latin, K remained only in some forms, like Kalendae; Q remained only before V (and represented the sound /kw/), and C was used in other places. Later, the letter G was invented to distinguish between the sounds /ɡ/ and /k/; it was originally shaped like the letter C with an additional diacritic.

Classical Latin period

Emperor Claudius's attempt to introduce three additional letters was short-lived, but after the conquest of Greece in the 1st century BC, the letters Y and Z were respectively re-adopted from the Greek alphabet and placed at the end of the alphabet. Since then, the new Latin alphabet has 23 letters

Listen to the classic Latin alphabet

There is some debate over the names of some letters of the Latin alphabet.

Middle Ages

Lowercase letters (minuscule) developed in the Middle Ages from New Roman Italic, first as an uncial script and then as a minuscule script (lowercase). Languages ​​that use the Latin alphabet typically use capital letters at the beginning of paragraphs and sentences, as well as for proper names. The rules for changing case have changed over time, and various languages changed their case change rules. In, for example, even proper names were rarely written with a capital letter; whereas the modern one in English In the 18th century, all nouns were often capitalized, in the same way as in modern nouns.

Changing letters

  • The use of the letters I and V as both consonants and vowels was inconvenient, because the Latin alphabet was adapted to the Germanic-Romance languages.
  • W was originally rendered as double V (VV), which was used to represent the sound [w], which was first discovered in Old English in the early 7th century. It came into practical use in the 11th century, replacing the runic letter Wynn, which was used to convey the same sound.
  • In the Romance languages ​​group, the lowercase form of the letter V was rounded to u; which evolved from the large capital U to convey a vowel sound in the 16th century, while the new, sharp lowercase form v comes from V to indicate a consonant.
  • As for the letter I, j began to be used to denote a consonant sound. Such symbols have been inconsistent over the centuries. J was introduced as a consonant in the 17th century (rarely used as a vowel), but until the 19th century there was no clear understanding of its place in the alphabetical order.
  • The names of the letters remained largely unchanged, with the exception of H. As the /h/ sound disappeared from the Romance languages, the original Latin name hā became difficult to distinguish from A. Emphatic forms such as and were used, and eventually evolved into acca, direct ancestor English name letters H.
  • A a(A)*
  • B b(b)
  • C c- before “e”, “i”, “y”, “ae”, “oe” is pronounced (ts), in other cases - (k)
  • D d- (d)

  • E e- (uh)*
  • F f- (f)
  • G g- (G)
  • H h- (X)

  • I i- (And); (th) - before vowels.
  • K k- (k) - rarely found in Greek borrowings.
  • Ll- (l)
  • M m- (m)

  • Nn- (n)
  • O o- (O)
  • P p- (P)
  • Q q- (To)

  • R r- (R)
  • Ss- (With); (h) - between vowels.
  • T t- in the combination “ti” + vowel it is read (qi) + vowel, if there is no “s”, “t”, “x” before “ti”.
  • U u- (y)

  • Vv- (V)
  • X x- (ks)
  • Y y- (and) - in Greek borrowings.
  • Z z- (h) - in Greek borrowings.

Diphthongs, pronunciation features:

  • ae- (uh)
  • oh- (yo [yo]) - something like that
  • ch- (X)

  • ph- (f) - words of Greek origin.
  • th- (t) - words of Greek origin.
  • rh- (r) - words of Greek origin.

Latin alphabet in human history

Human civilization has already reached high level, and we practically don’t think about where we got these or those things that we use every day, it seems that it has always been this way. Let's not talk about the latest technological progress now, let's think about more global things, such as language and writing. Every day on store signs, product packaging, price tags on things, we encounter inscriptions on foreign languages, most often it is English, which has rightfully won its international status. In the last decade, the prevalence of the English language has erased all boundaries; it has become vital for those who want to make a successful career. Even those who do not speak this language can easily read the names of popular brands, and all thanks to its incredible popularization. In Russian, the Cyrillic font is used for writing, and it is also used by some others Slavic peoples, such as the Bulgarians and Serbs. But more than half of European languages ​​use Latin alphabet. These simple Latin letters seem to have been with us for an eternity. But both language and writing are always the result of centuries of work by the people. It was the advent of writing that made it possible for ancient civilizations to leave memories to their descendants. Without writing, there would be no literature, and scientific and technological progress would be impossible. How did writing originate? What gave ancient people the idea of ​​how to record the necessary information? Nomadic tribes and warring parties had no need for writing. Their main task was to conquer a large territory for their tribe. But when the tribe began to lead a sedentary lifestyle, then the need for writing appeared. Probably, it was in one of these moments of calm that the ancient Phoenicians began to think about how to graphically display the necessary information. It was the Phoenicians who owned the first alphabet in human history, which became the progenitor of the Latin alphabet. It was the Phoenician alphabet that gave the traditional order of letters. Based on the Phoenician alphabet, the Greek alphabet developed, and it was in it that vowel letters appeared for the first time, which were borrowed from Semitic languages. For thousands of years, literacy was the privilege of the upper strata of society and the clergy; only a select few mastered this science. But it was the Ancient Greeks who were able to bring schools closer to the people, removing them from the influence of religious priests. And giving the opportunity to receive education from childhood. But Greek civilization fell under the onslaught of the Roman conquerors, who received the alphabet and writing as trophies. It was the Greek alphabet and writing system that formed the basis of Latin, the language of the Ancient Roman Empire. Over the millennia, the alphabet has been transformed, for example, initially there were 23 letters in the Latin alphabet, only in the Middle Ages, three more new letters were added (J, U and W), and the alphabet acquired such a familiar look. At the dawn of Latin writing, they wrote without separating words with spaces, and did not yet use punctuation marks. The belligerence of the Romans expanded the empire in all directions, in the end, even the north of Europe was conquered, and the Romans crossed the English Channel. Encampments of Roman legions are found in England, France, Syria and Judea, and even in Africa, near Tunisia and Algeria. The main base of the Roman Empire, of course, remained Italy. Many tribes that inhabited Europe at that time, in order to survive, tried to enter into an alliance with the Romans, such as the Germans and Goths. Such unions for the most part were long-term. Latin began to be used as a language of international communication. It was the emergence of Christianity and its formation in Ancient Rome, strengthened the position of Latin. Latin, became official language a religion that spread very quickly throughout Europe, displacing pagan cults. And when did Christianity already become official religion Rome, the role of Latin was strengthened, because now it is the official language of the church. And the role of the church in the political system in European countries cannot be underestimated. Latin is used for correspondence by diplomats and heads of state, it becomes the official language of science, and it is in Latin that the works of scientists and theological treatises are published. And the Renaissance, which swept like a fresh spring wind across Europe tormented by the Inquisition, also chose Latin as its language. The great Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac Newton, Galileo Galilei and Keppler wrote their works in Latin. In the spread of Latin writing, an important role was also played by the fact that many nations chose the Latin alphabet to write their native languages, so as not to invent new letters, but to use those already familiar to everyone. In its development, Latin writing went through many stages, the font transformed as architectural styles. In various historical periods Minuscule Roman italics and Roman capital letters, uncial letters and semi-uncial letters, Merovingian and Visigothic scripts, Old Italic letters and Gothic, rotunda and Swabian letters appeared. Many of these fonts are still used for decorative purposes. This is exactly how the evolution of writing took place, introducing new signs, styles, and methods of writing. The topic of the emergence of writing is very interesting and multifaceted; it is closely related to the development of human civilization with historical and cultural events. It is through the example of writing that one can establish a historical connection, seemingly completely different nations. Transformation of primitive rock paintings, first into drawn symbols, and then into individual letters, which corresponded to a specific sound. The pinnacle of this process was the invention of printing. This allowed science and culture to develop at a new level.

Any person who uses the Internet has probably more than once encountered the need to come up with and set passwords: for logging into email, for account on the forum, for online banking. And in almost every registration form you are advised to come up with a strong password. After all, the confidentiality of your correspondence and the safety of your Money, and the security of your computer in general. The question arises: how to come up with a complex password?

How to come up with a strong password

Length. The recommended minimum length for a strong password is 8 characters. It is believed that cracking passwords of 8 or more characters by guessing is a too long process and the chances of an attacker finding such a combination are too small.

Register. A good password should contain both lowercase and uppercase letters.

Special characters. An extremely secure password, along with letters and numbers, also contains special characters. For example #, ~,+, _

Total ideal option there will be a combination of upper and lower case Latin letters, numbers and special characters with a total length of at least 8 characters. For example:


Which should never be used as a password

Never use: as a password or secret word:

  • dates of birth
    The biggest stupidity is to install your own own date birth in the format 12071992 as a password to your VKontakte page, where the same date is indicated in the information :)
  • phone numbers
    A password consisting of your phone number will not be cracked only by the lazy. And here it doesn’t matter how many numbers there are :)
  • names, surnames, animal names
    It's funny when people consider a mother's maiden name to be a magically reliable protection. ...which the whole yard has known for 50 years :)
  • and of course, all sorts of nonsense like “qwerty123”, “password”, “password”, “********”, “123”, “12345678”, “fyva”, “asdf”, etc. By the way, the leader among secretaries’ passwords is “one”, i.e. one single digit “1” :)


In conclusion, I want to say - do not neglect your safety. Do not use the same secret words for authorization on different sites and services, no matter how complex and reliable they may be. If you have one password for everything, everywhere, then by hacking one site, attackers can gain access to all your online accounts, which means they can see information on yours, use saved credentials in the browser and other information. And remember: there is nothing more permanent than temporary. Therefore, do not be lazy to come up with strong combinations and set complex passwords straightaway- don’t put this off for later. Let your information be available only to you! Good luck!