Stalker Apocalypse 3 walkthrough where to find Fomin. Walkthrough "Stalker: Debt"

The Last Day modification, which is being developed on the basis of Call of Chernobyl and immerses the player in the atmosphere of Misery, will acquire an expanded system for maintaining and disassembling weapons. Innovations in this direction are planned in the next version 1.3. Players will have the opportunity to maintain more than two hundred weapon models.

For the weapon disassembly system, 153 parts were implemented, 51 parts of each quality type, taking into account maximum authenticity with real-life weapons and the parts used in them. This aspect applies to both application and descriptions, as well as all images
Repairs can only be made with worn or serviceable parts, and the chance of a successful replacement directly depends on the quality of the part. Added 13 repair kits, of which 10 for each barrel type, and 3 for other parts. It has become possible to repair weapons with a low (zero) condition and the ability to modernize (change quality) weapons by replacing parts with others of appropriate quality (both higher, when using parts of good quality, and lower, when using worn parts).

A custom UI interface was developed for the new system. Repairs and upgrades are now carried out directly through a vice mounted near each of the 19 mechanics. To use them, you must first agree with the mechanic (if the mechanic was killed, access to the vice located near him will be unlimited)
Time to work for one session - 5 minutes of real time
When using a vise while holding a weapon (if supported by AWR), the empty vise model will be replaced by a vise model with a partially disassembled weapon clamped in it. When you point at a weapon in your inventory, suitable parts will be highlighted (if they are available), and vice versa. A list of suitable weapon parts can be seen in the weapon description.

Disassembly is carried out through the context menu of the corresponding item. The disassembly tool is included in the starting equipment for each faction. During disassembly, all installed add-ons (sights, grenade launchers, silencers) are automatically removed from the weapon, and all cartridges in the horn are also removed. Information about all received parts and add-ons is displayed in a message that is logged by the PDA.
Restoration of parts has been implemented, which is carried out through the context menu of the corresponding part. Parts of both worn and rusty quality are repairable, with corresponding values ​​of the probability of successful repair
To restore parts, it has its own interface, which was developed taking into account the maximum possible interactivity, but at the same time, without compromising the speed of repair (in the current version, restoring one part requires 5 mouse clicks, taking into account opening and calling the interface through the context menu).
To restore parts, you need tools that were added to all traders, as well as auxiliary materials - lubricants and cleaning agents and rags.
File - for repairing bolts, combat bolt cylinders
Cleaning rod - for repairing barrels and gas pipes

Leatherman Tool (which is also used for disassembling weapons, and is given at the start of the game) - for repairing the trigger. If the tool needed to repair a specific part is not in the player's inventory, the interface will open, but the image of that tool will be grayed out.
Fluids used to repair various parts are listed in the description of the specific tool. Various items can be used as rags (from pieces of fabric and bandages, to rag masks and other things) that are or contain fabric.
The recipes and the script itself for obtaining fabrics from the Axebeard's FieldCraft modification have been reworked.
The chance of restoring a part is the sum of the probability of the quality of the part itself, with the probabilities of both auxiliary materials
The base recovery chance of a part is shown above the part image when opening the interface
The chance for each material is shown in the right menu for selecting a specific material
After selecting the first or both materials, the total value will be shown above the image of the part with the corresponding indication (changing the background color of the part and a green indicator indicating the availability of restoration)
If the part is successfully restored, a corresponding message will be displayed on the screen, including the name of the restored part.

The current version of the modification is on the website:

"Duty. Philosophy of War" is a mod that left a huge mark on the history of such a cult game as S.T.A.L.K.E.R. It occupies its own separate pedestal due to its huge volume of the game world and detailed elaboration of the plot. I would also like to say that fans of shootouts and other action will most likely be upset, since this mod is primarily focused on plot twists and complete immersion in the protagonist’s problems.

The story itself is a continuation of the plot called “Apocalypse”, however, if you have not played the previous part, then this will not bring much discomfort, since the series is completely independent. The walkthrough of "Stalker: Duty. Philosophy of War" is quite voluminous, so be prepared for the fact that there will be a lot of letters, as it will be as detailed as possible.

Walkthrough Stalker: Debt. Philosophy of war - the beginning

As you might guess, we start in a bunker near Cordon. We talk with the warrior, and then with Berger, get the task and go to the boss, who will take us to Pripyat.

We start by looking for a recreation center (house of culture), the building is quite large, finding it on the map will not be a problem, but just in case we will add a screenshot. There we find the required group and now the procedure is as simple as possible. We talk with Slaven, then with each person in the group and again with Slaven. We understand that no one wants to deal with Berger, so we will have to decide everything on our own. And now we go where we can find information: buy, steal, knock out or sell - to the bar. However, this is a rather boring path, so let's add a little interest.

The best option for passing is to head to the radar, in which the spawn location has not changed from the original, but that doesn’t matter. You need to talk with Lukosh and head to the army warehouses. Then we will find the captain who needs our help. It consists of helping the patient get to the doctor who is located in the Freedom base. There is nothing difficult about this; we reach the place, talk to the selector, and thus complete the quest. We immediately take another dog, which is to find insulin for the patient, who is in Sidorovich’s bar. Thus, our journey to such distant distances will not be without a reason.

Walkthrough Stalker: Debt Philosophy of War - problems with the bartender

To get to the bar you will have to leave all your things with Zhorik, there is no other way. You shouldn’t rush to start a conversation with the bartender, as he has quite significant problems with three hunters who will simply stun you during the conversation and then get rid of you, so you need to include a little cunning. We buy an F1 Ermolov grenade and immediately throw it at this trio, and if there is a survivor left, we finish him off with a knife. Only the last step is to talk to the bartender and, accordingly, pick up your things when leaving the bar. Then we head towards Andorra; there we already meet a detachment that will direct you to Voronin.

Walkthrough Stalker: Debt Philosophy of War - Voronin

From the previous dialogue with Lukash, you should know that he is very dissatisfied with the situation that has developed at Radar, since his guys got into trouble because of the search squad. By a lucky coincidence, Voronin is also dissatisfied with the current situation, and also has certain grievances against us, since we collaborated with freedom, here, the first choice that the player needs to make is to join the ranks of duty, or to remain the same loner, but also works for him. In fact, the best choice is to join this squad, since joining does not carry any disadvantages. However, even if you are a lover of freedom, cooperation is a good decision that affects the plot. To receive Voronin's first task, go to Panzer, who is also a colonel. In order not to go far, we also talk to Grisha to receive an additional task.

Walkthrough Stalker: Debt Philosophy of War - insulin and other tasks

Now you need to complete 3 tasks in one go. First, let's focus on the information regarding the dark valley, so first of all we go to the landfill. A sniper who has lost his mind will be waiting for us there, so we carefully remove him and take away the Dragunov rifle. Moving to the TD, we will meet with the “Veterans of the zone”, after which we need to talk with Veprem. He will direct you to the leader of the group, which is what interests us in principle. Lyuty is located in the building above the laboratory, which is directly in direction from our location. After talking with him, you need to go down to the x-18 laboratory. The main enemy will be the poltergeist, which is located on the lower tiers. After killing him, we collect the toolbox and find a locked door, that’s it, there’s nothing else to profit from here.

Next we move towards the gas station. We talk with the stalker who is standing above the door, after which we go up to the second floor and start a dialogue with Besyak. During the dialogue, you share information in return, he will tell you what he knows, in addition, you will receive an additional quest to find a guide in order to transport the group to the station. Now we are heading to the factory. The main task is to find the bandit leader Borman, as a guide, he will be in Borov’s place from the shadow of Chernobyl. After the dialogue with him ends, we head to the farm. It is located next to the transition to the dark valley cordon. We search all the buildings, in one of them we find Koval, who is also the head of the checkpoint. To complete the first part of the quest you need to talk to him.

Now you need to go to the cordon. An ambush with a gang of hunters and dogs is already waiting there, which must be exterminated to the last. We are heading towards the motor transport enterprise, but at the same time we need to do this in stealth mode without touching the bandits. Now the task is to find Sidorovich and take his insulin. While Sidorovich is giving insulin, he will tell us that the 3 guys in the bunker are his colleagues and they need to be destroyed. After everyone has fallen asleep in eternal sleep, we again speak with Sidorovich, who will report that they also needed insulin. Now it’s worth clarifying the situation with Berger. After talking with him, he will begin to list names and by a lucky coincidence, because of this list, one of our patients is our patient, for whom we receive an advance payment. Then again there is a call from the checkpoint, and after talking with the boss you need to return to the bar. The distance to be covered is quite large and you should not expect any shootings.

After we enter the bar, Lukash contacts us, who I think will scare many. It turns out that the task with insulin was failed and we now need to find Panzer in order to leak all the available information. Talk to the hacker, we learn some information about another person who Berger needs.

Walkthrough Stalker: Duty Philosophy of War task on the radar

The quest must be taken from Panzer and moved to the freedom base to Lector, through the army warehouses. There you will find out that at the moment he is not there, which is what you need to inform Lukash. From the dialogue you learn that the doctor and the patient have disappeared. Nobody knows anything, and Lukash has nothing special to say, so we go to Radar. At this moment, I remember that the game also has action, as we find ourselves in a shootout with a large number of participants. Unfortunately, everyone is against you, so we break through buckets of lead to a fork. As soon as we got there, we return to Panzer, getting into the bar a general message is sent. After the report, the task is considered completed and we take a new one.

Veterans Quest

The task is quite extensive, so be prepared to spend a lot of time. First you need to go to the Agroprom Research Institute and there you will find Romasya on the 2nd floor. Afterwards we move to the ensign, there should be a bottle of vodka in the inventory, and with the help of a bribe we find out information regarding the Pilot. Next, you need to go underground for the Pilot, who wanted to try his luck and find the cache. A few seconds later we see a red sign and hear voices, we immediately group up and hurry back. Next to the warrant officer and the sergeant major for the OZK. To find him, we leave the building, he will be near the car. The foreman has already given the suit to the veteran, so we talk to the latter and leave the exu as collateral.

We return back and find the Pilot, who is bleeding and cannot live without a gas mask, which we need to get. Immediately after leaving the hiding place, we turn right until we hit the stairs, go up and a little to the right we see a crack in the wall, into which we need to crawl. The backpack with the gas mask lies behind a pile of stones, we take it and return to our friend. It will not be possible to talk to him at the moment, since the meeting is being transferred to the landfill. Now you need to return the suit and pick up the skeleton. Next, the plot moves forward with a conversation that our PDA catches; it’s difficult to make out anything, but the clear call signs of Shark and Jackal are heard. Now this is not so important, it is necessary to return to the ensign and tell all the information received.

The further development of events is arbitrary, but it is best to go to the building where the Mole from the Shadow of Chernobyl was rescued. Rising to the third floor we will meet Shark, who was talking then. You need to exchange a few phrases with him and start a dialogue with the merchant, who will tell you about the shot from the side of the swamp. We finish our business in this place and go to these swamps. There will be a carriage in which lies the second participant in the conversation - the Jackal. It’s clear that you need to talk, and then eliminate the sniper and give him a first aid kit. From the dialogue we understand that he is being followed by the Apocalypse group and now we have to make them fall asleep forever. But the Jackal also helps us - to pray. After turning everyone into lifeless bodies, we return to the Jackal and see that he is lost to society. There are many corpses in the area that need to be searched to find the PDA, whose owner is called Quick, and if you recall the list of names from Berger, it turns out that this is one of the stalkers he was looking for. His body lies peacefully in the trailer.

Now you need to return to the flea market, which is located in the Landfill. We receive information regarding the research institute dungeon from Pilot. Next is an accompanying mission to the TD. As soon as we get to the location, we go to Besyak, who gives us money. We give our comrade the well-deserved 5000. We learn that the Veterans are heading to the center. Again to the good old Landfill, where we receive an SOS from Bezmaterny, we answer this request for help by going to the cemetery where the “Shadow of Chernobyl” was a concentration camp.” Our friend’s task is quite simple: shoot all the enemies. Here you can agree or refuse, but it’s better to still provide help, there are two reasons for this: a reward in the form of a machine gun and a meeting with this “cultural” at the end of the game. To complete the task, you need to return to Panzer, who is diligently waiting for us in the bar.

We receive the next task from the same character; we need to meet with Shark. And as it turns out, the latter decided that Rubik and Jackal had been living too long and it was time to end it. However, you shouldn’t leave; you need to search the corpses, which are in no hurry and are waiting for us below to get the Jackal’s PDA. We inform Panzer about everything, and he gives one single task - to remove the Shark and make sure that he goes on his final journey with Borman. Our wonderful friends - exhaust and glock - will help us with this.

Tourists and related quests

At the landfill we learn from Anisimov that Berger has some problems. At the moment, Akul and Borman are the priority. The first one will not be there, and neither will the second one. But it’s still worth visiting these places. As for Berger, Slaven tried to kill him, but I can’t, since he left. The task is completed, after which we go to the Newcomer to the village. The wolf is replaced by the Guide from whom the tourists escaped, and asks you to help. He goes under the bridge to the post of the soldiers, look at the radar and see yellow dots - tourists. We talk to the main one and finish the quest. We head to the bar, but we intercept a message for the godfather, back to the Cordon to the place where the tourists were resting, they are dead - you receive the quest “fury” (be sure to search the girl). At the ATP we kill all the bandits and go to the Guide to tell everything. In the Bar, we meet Slaven, talk to Panzer, and then to the bartender.


We go towards Yantar, on the DT we receive a message about the Bear and the Shark. Let's move on, a group of hunters, talk to the main one and wait for the Shark. We kill the hunters and talk to the Bear, who knocks us out. We wake up next to zombies, which we kill and go to the Radar.

We head to the bunker and talk to the doctor. To prove it, let's go to x-10. In fact, you don’t need to run around the entire laboratory and look for objects, we lift the laptop and a stalker appears, we take him as a partner and take his object. We give the last one to the doctor, he trusts us to go outside. There we talk with Burleev and Pinochet. We follow them and protect them, along the way Burleev will disappear around the corner, we go there too, since there is a transition to the Radar. Pinochet stops, we go to Burleev, kill and search, talk to Pinochet and send him to the bar. We stomp to x-10, there we will see Wolf, Strelok and Ghost on the map. Turn off the brain burner and talk to Strelok. Let's go to Yantar. We go into the bunker, we understand that there are no scientists, we go back to Panzer. We go to the base to give the helmet to Remezov. And again to Yantar.

At gate x-16 to the right, there will be a corpse marked on the map, search it, go back. We notice a Shark on the road, we just kill it with a grenade and go to Panzer. We receive a task to find an artifact. There will be no problems with this task, everything is on the map. After searching, we find out that this is a new drug, and it is also necessary to destroy the Leni-Razors.

We go to Pripyat to the building where the “search” took place at the beginning. We speak with the keeper of the monolith. Next we go to Station 1, at the first checkpoint we talk to the main one, then to the transition to the sarcophagus, the second checkpoint, we talk to the main one and head to the southern checkpoint behind Pinochet.

We meet the military at the checkpoint and after talking with Pinochet we realize that the Razors are in the dungeons of the agricultural industry. You need to get a suit from Shustroy at the cordon. Let's go to the sarcophagus. Walking through the location we meet Slaven, who gives information regarding station 2 and the dead city. Let's go to station 2 by crossing from station 1. We leave the sarcophagus, go to the large gate and go to station 2. We pass through the north-eastern gate, along the way we meet several corpses of war veterans and a machine gun. Next is another pile of corpses of Veterans along with bandits. Then we go through the gate, which is located right in front of you, thereby ending up on Yantar. We head to the scientists’ bunker where Remezov is located, who asks to deal with the object.

We head to the laboratory, there is a guy with a pump gun, we deal with him, and go back to the doctor. Continue to the Cordon through the passage to Shustroy for a suit. Barter consists of 3 artifacts; if you don’t have them, you can spawn them through a mod (which you need to download separately, called a “spawner”) or go look for them. We get the costume in the dungeon. We head to Strelok's hiding place, search the corpses and fail the task. We go to Panzer, argue with him and get information about an anomaly that will help us get to the Dead City.

Now we don’t work for Debt. We go to Lukash and tell him everything we know. Next to the radar and to x-10. We approach the mark on the map, turn off the flashlight and put away the weapon. The Wolf and the others approach, in the MG we speak with the last one and follow him. We talk to everyone, kill Burleev and talk to Strelok again. We take the AK-47 from the box and catch up with Rezany to receive the quest.

We run to the point, there is a fight with the apocalypse, and this is where Motherless will help. We complete the task and go to Rezany, he goes to Pripyat, we go to the apocalypse. We talk to Borman, take off all our clothes and go into the building to the zombies. We go up, see one and take the task. We go to the point, see the corpses and return. We take the task and a flamethrower, kill the geeks. We return, walk around the camp and find shark people, we merge them. We run between the “numbers” and at the end we receive a task from “X”.

We kill the geeks, it’s not difficult to find them, the task description says it all. We receive the message and go to the point on the map. We kill the doctor, take the PDA, copy the information from Besyak, give the PDA to Berger.

We go for the flash drive, which lies under the stairs near the second front door, and give it to Berger.

Berger finds out that there is someone at school, we go to Borman, who knocks us out. Because of betrayal, we are sent to prison, where we speak with the Fox. After we heard the screams, we talk to the Fox and get a knife from him. We clear the building and talk to Slaven, then to Panzer, and after Berger. After the dialogues, the psi-installation turns on, we hide and watch Berger’s death. We're going to the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in a Hummer. This completes the walkthrough of “Stalker: Duty. Philosophy of War.”

Information about Stalker Part 3 has leaked online! A source close to the developers from GSC spoke about some plans for the 3rd part of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

So, what is known at the moment:
Currently, GSC, under conditions of strict anonymity, has begun the development of the third part of Stalker 3. At the moment, it is known that the game Stalker 3 will be on a new engine. In particular, CryEngine2 is being considered as candidates.

The working title of the game sounds like S.T.A.L.K.E.R 3: Apocalyptic (Stalker 3 Apocalypse)!

Strictly speaking, in theory this should be the 2nd part, given that STALKER: Clear Sky is a prequel, but the developers prefer to position the game as the 3rd part of Stalker. It is known that the game will take place after the events of Shadows of Chernobyl as a logical continuation of one of the endings (which is unknown), or will begin in parallel with the events of PM.

The concept of the game Stalker 3 Apocalypse will undergo many changes. Firstly, there will be an order of magnitude more game locations (more than half of them are scenario-bonus locations that will be available as a bonus or during the course of the scenario), which will make it possible to use not only multiple endings, but to change the plot itself as the game progresses. In other words, you can complete the game Stalker 3 to the end without using even half of the plot and game potential. The very atmosphere of the game Stalker 3 will be improved through the use of DX10 technologies, which will be used to the fullest (in this regard, the question of compatibility with XP arises). It is planned that the game will not load levels, game locations will be dynamically loaded. An interesting innovation is also planned regarding difficulty levels: many plot twists will depend on it. There will be no clearly defined missions: the player will be face to face with the hostile atmosphere of the Zone, and will be able to reach the goal in different ways.

The preliminary plot theme is as follows: after one of the endings, something happened in the Zone, after which it began to expand. For security
foreign military contingent is connected to the perimeter.

Currently known:

o There will be no clear scenario missions. The player will decide for himself what to do and how to act based on the situation. Information will become the most valuable currency in the zone. The number of side missions will increase.
o Stalkers will have the worst time of all in the new conditions. The zone will become much more dangerous, new enemies, anomalies, mutants and “bosses” will appear, and the bosses will have their own unique abilities that develop as the action progresses (that is, the longer you wait, the stronger the boss) .
o New groups will appear, and the Zone will also be guarded by a foreign contingent (Americans, Germans, French).
o The economic component of the game will change significantly: a good gun and equipment will cost a lot of gold, also with artifacts.
o Controllable vehicles will appear in the game.


o Possibility of using tactical nuclear weapons. (in this regard, it is possible that a new game location “Polygon” with nuclear mines and military personnel will appear)
o Perhaps the main character will have some additional properties and functions (Flair, stealth, special drugs such as doping)
o The ability to hire characters to complete a task, form groups of them and manage them.
o The possibility of girls appearing in the Zone is being discussed.

All fans of the Stalker trilogy are aware that these games are open source, which allows gamers to freely change the game itself and adjust it to their taste. Some people do this for their own pleasure, while others do this more globally, which leads to full-fledged user modifications appearing on the Internet. They can be very different - from those where a new weapon is simply added or the graphics are changed for the better, to those that completely change the storyline, add entire new locations, dozens of quests and much more, thereby completely changing the passage of Stalker " "Duty. Philosophy of War" is one of the most popular global mods for the game, which is the final episode of a whole trilogy of modifications. Here you can go through a couple of dozen story quests, which will be diluted with side quests. Please note that this modification is ideal for those who do not particularly like action, since there will be a minimum number of shootouts - all attention will be paid to the plot, which will greatly change the passage of Stalker. "Duty. Philosophy of War" is a wonderful addition that is worth trying for absolutely everyone who enjoyed the original trilogy.

Search for a group

Where does the passage of “Stalker” begin? "Duty. Philosophy of War”, as already mentioned, is a mod with a minimal amount of action, so you will have tasks mainly to think, run, communicate and search. So, you start at Cordon, where you need to find Berger - he will give you a task that can be designated as the first in the game. You need to find a group of people who disappeared in the Zone. Go to the head of the checkpoint, who will send you to a helicopter flying to Pripyat. Once on site, you will become aware that the group is in the building of the Palace of Culture - make your way there, and everything will turn out to be so. The group has a leader named Slaven - talk to him and then the rest of the group to hear their opinions. After this, return to Lukash and find out about his decision regarding the order. That's all, the first quest turned out to be quite simple. A good start to successfully start the passage of “Stalker”. "Duty. Philosophy of War, however, is a deeper mod than you might initially think. So keep playing and see for yourself.


It's time to move further along the plot of the game “Stalker: Debt. Philosophy of War” - the passage will gradually get twisted, so get ready for a wonderful time. Go to the army warehouse, where you will find the captain - he will ask you to escort an important patient to the place where the Freedom group is based. Go there and hand the patient over to the hands of the doctor Lector. After this, Lukash will call you over, who will express dissatisfaction with the fact that you could not convince the found group to follow the order. Suddenly you are again disturbed by the Lecturer, who demands that you find insulin for the patient, otherwise he may die. Walkthrough of the game “Stalker: Debt. Philosophy of War will often require you to react quickly and make difficult decisions, so be prepared.

Hunters at the bar

What can the “Stalker Apocalypse: Debt” mod offer gamers next? Philosophy of war"? The passage of the game is becoming more and more exciting - now you need to go to the bar, having previously left all the weapons at the entrance. Once inside, you learn from the Bartender that there are three hunters in the back room who are more than serious. Here you better save, because it won't be easy. The thing is, if you decide to talk to the hunters, they will stun you and then kill you. You cannot resist them, since all your equipment is at the entrance. Accordingly, you need to look for other options. The most logical thing is to approach Ermol and secretly buy a grenade from him. You need to throw this grenade into the utility room, and after the explosion, finish off the surviving hunters with a knife, if anyone is left alive. Now you can freely chat with the Bartender and get the necessary information, pick up your things and move on. In the game “Stalker: Debt. Philosophy of War" walkthrough (part 1) may in some places be similar to the original (for example, the spawn at the very beginning, although there is a logical explanation for it, which you become aware of in a conversation with Lukash), but gradually the game turns into a full-fledged independent project.

Voronin and Debt

As you pass by the hangar, you will meet debtors who will direct you to their leader Voronin. It is worth recalling that “Stalker Apocalypse” is a trilogy, “Duty. Philosophy of War”, the passage of which is now being reviewed - this is the last part of it, so some points may not be clear to you if you have not played the first two parts. For this reason, it is recommended to first complete the first and second episodes of Apocalypse, and then begin this one. So, you go to Voronin, who, like Lukash, shows strong dissatisfaction and concern about what happened at Radar. And you are presented with a choice that, in fact, has no special alternatives. You can either join Debt and work for Voronin, or refuse, remain a free Stalker, but still work for Voronin. All other things being equal, entering into Debt has its own significant advantages, but no one here can force you to make this or that choice - moreover, there is no right decision here, they are just different. Regardless of what you choose, Voronin sends you to Panzer and Grisha, who give you your first two tasks. This is where the game “Stalker: Debt” begins. Philosophy of War" walkthrough. Part 3 naturally went on for quite some time already, but it is from this point that you become part of the Duty and the plot really takes off in a way that will leave you surprised in the end.


Now you have to unravel a rather impressive tangle, during which your character will not show his best side, but the main characters don’t always have to be good, right? The same applies to the game “Stalker. Shadow of Chernobyl: Debt. Philosophy of War” - the passage of this project at the very beginning was different from the original, and already from the conversation with the group in the first quest on Radar you could understand that your hero is not one of the most noble. So, you need to find out what is happening in the territory of the Dark Valley - to do this you will have to make your way through the Landfill, where the passage is guarded by a sniper, collecting loot from his victims. You should eliminate him as quickly as possible - this way you will secure the passage for yourself and get a sniper rifle. In the dark valley you will meet a friend of the Boar, who will ask you to talk with the leader of their group called the Valley Veterans. Go to the building where you will find Fierce - talk to him, then go down to the laboratory and find the tools that Grisha asked you for. One of the debt tasks has almost been completed. But that’s not all that the game “Stalker: Debt” has to offer you. Philosophy of War" walkthrough. The description of all the events may amaze you, but the gameplay itself is much more impressive.

Path to the farm

Now it's time to take care of Panzer's task - you need to get a lot of information for him. First, go to the gas station, where you will need to get the necessary information from Besyak. After this, go to the Factory, where Borman and another dialogue with the necessary information awaits you. Well, then go to the farm, where you will find Koval and receive even more information, which will seriously advance you in Panzer’s quest.


Now you need to return to Cordon, since this is where Sidorovich lives, from whom you can get insulin for the patient. Visit him and you will see three more, whom Sidorovich calls his colleagues. But you see that this is far from true - kill all three, because these are hunters who will kill you otherwise. After this, get an explanation from Sidorovich and take the insulin (that’s what the hunters came for). Well, now you need to talk to Berger to get all the missing data for Panzer. Return to the Bar, where Lukash will be waiting for you, who will report that the patient has disappeared, so your quest will fail. Don't be discouraged - this is a plot failure, there is no way to complete it successfully. After this news, return to Panzer and tell him all the information you obtained to complete the quest.


Panzer, naturally, does not send you to rest, but gives you a new task - to make a foray to the Radar to check the situation there. But first, you should look at the Lector to find out what happened to the patient. However, it turns out that the Lector disappeared along with the patient, and no one has any information regarding both of them, not even Lukash. Well, there is no point in waiting for something - go to Radar, as Panzer ordered you. But be prepared for the fact that in this mission the situation in the game will change, and there will not be that relaxed, harmless wandering, talking and searching. It seems that the entire Zone has decided to attack your hero, so shoot back as best you can and break through to the crossroads, where you can get the most accurate information about the situation. After that, turn around and go back the same way to meet minimal resistance. Head to the Bar and report what you saw to Panzer, who will immediately give you a new task - indeed, not a moment of peace.


You need to go to Agroprom and find Patsyuk there, who, for a small reward, will tell you where you can find the Pilot. He went underground to find Strelok’s hiding place, which they had been looking for for a very long time. Follow him, however, after going a little underground, you will see a message that nerve gas has been released into the tunnels. Quickly return and go in search of the gas mask. Go to Patsyuk, who will tell you that the suit can be found at Polishchuk - find him and find out that one of the Veterans of the zone already has the gas mask. Head over to him and agree to borrow a gas mask - leave your exoskeleton as collateral. Go underground, go to Strelok's hiding place - there you will find the wounded Pilot.

Gas mask for Pilot

Now you need to bring the Pilot to the surface, but this is impossible to do, since the tunnels are filled with gas. However, Pilot tells you that he has his own cache, in which you can find a gas mask. Listen carefully to the instructions, get to the surface and do exactly as the Pilot told you - then you will find a backpack containing a gas mask. Take it to the Pilot and bring him to the surface. The time has come to take your deposit from the Veteran and tell Patsyuk about what you saw underground and about the unfortunate fate of his people.

Further passage

Naturally, the game does not end here - numerous adventures await you, which will lead to an incredibly exciting and very unexpected ending. Moreover, depending on your decisions during the gameplay, the endings may be different.