Standard sink depth. How to choose the size of the sink in the bathroom: choosing a model based on dimensions

Proper placement of plumbing is the key to comfortable use of the bathroom, therefore, when arranging the room, it is important not only for the design of the toilet bowl, bathtub and sink, but also for their location. A lot of attention requires calculating the height of the washbasin, especially when it comes to a large family, where all members have different heights. At what height should the sink be hung in the bathroom so that it is convenient for all households to wash their hands, brush their teeth and perform other hygiene procedures?

The height of the washbasin from the floor depends on many criteria, including its type. There are several types of sinks, which differ from each other in design features and method of attachment.

Overhead sinks

Overhead models are installed on a countertop or other flat surface. This is a practical option that allows you to ergonomically use the countertop on which the sink is installed, as well as the space below it. It can be installed anywhere in the bathroom and at any height (the only condition is the presence of a surface where the washbasin will be mounted). The advantages of this type of plumbing include ease of installation - holes are made in the countertop through which hoses and pipes are threaded.

An important nuance: for such a sink you need to buy a tall faucet, and it is important to immediately try it on so as not to make a mistake with the choice.

countertop bathroom sinks

Mortise sinks

In terms of design features, these models resemble invoices, since their installation also requires a flat surface. The difference lies in the fact that the sink cuts into the countertop, and can be located a few centimeters below it, flush or slightly higher. It can be installed not in the very center of the surface, but slightly moved to the side, but the edge must still be wide enough, otherwise it may break during operation. Installation of mortise models is not too difficult, but requires great precision and accuracy, since a hole will need to be cut in the surface of the countertop to fit the sink, and after installation it is important to treat the edges well with sealant to prevent water from leaking.

mortise sinks

Console (suspended) sinks

Wall-mounted washbasins are attached directly to the bathroom wall using special brackets or self-tapping screws.

There are several types of brackets that are used to mount such models:

  • monolithic brackets are cast from cast iron in the form of the letter T and have a reinforced base;
  • fasteners of the "girth" type are considered the most stable: they look like metal frames, where the sink bowl is inserted;
  • the “frame” brackets resemble the previous ones, but their nodes are not deaf, but sliding, which allows you to change their size;
  • steel welded fasteners are made of profiled pipes in the form of the letters T or G.

The main advantage of hanging sinks is the ability to save space and install plumbing fixtures even in the smallest room, and the mixer can be placed both on the wall and on the sink itself. The disadvantages include the fact that communications and pipes will remain in sight, so they will have to be closed with a nightstand. The connection of the sink to the water supply system is carried out according to the classical scheme.

Pedestal sinks

Such models are also called "tulip", as in appearance they slightly resemble a flower. In addition to the bowl, the sink is equipped with a pedestal base, on which it is installed. The pedestal performs two functions at once: it serves as a support for the washbasin, and also hides communications, making the bathroom look more aesthetically pleasing.

The base can be integral with the bowl or come separately as a set. Another version of this model is a sink with a semi-pedestal, that is, a base that does not reach the floor and is installed at a convenient height. Its advantage is the ability to use the space under the washbasin more ergonomically, and the disadvantage is that the installation requires the removal of the drain at a strictly defined height.

Washbasin with pedestal Sanita "Chamomile"

Washbasin width and depth

In addition to the type of sink, when buying, you should pay attention to its width and depth. The optimal width for a standard bathroom is 50-65 cm. Wider models are recommended to be installed in large rooms, and small ones only if there is no other option (there is a possibility that water will constantly fall on the floor and walls, from -why the humidity in the bathroom will be too high). Another important criterion for choosing plumbing is depth: models with a depth of 48-61 cm are considered the most convenient.

How to calculate the optimal sink height?

Building codes require sinks in residential areas to be installed at a height of 80-85 cm, but studies have shown that this is not the most convenient location. In this case, most people have to bend down a lot to wash their hands, so it is better to be guided by the anthropometric parameters of men and women.

Optimal washbasin installation height (floor to rim) for men, women and children

Men94-102 cm
Women81-93 cm
Teenagers65-80 cm
Children40-60 cm

If the sink will be used by several people of different ages and genders, it is better to choose an average height - 86-93 cm from the floor, and for children, install a special stand or a second washbasin. True, such an arrangement is possible only for models with the ability to adjust the height - for tulip-type washbasins or those that cut into cabinets, SNiP parameters (80-85 cm) are usually used.

In addition, there are certain technical standards that regulate the location of the sink in relation to other interior items.

Interior elementDistance to the sink, cm

The distance from the side wall to the edge of the washbasin should be at least 20 cm, and the free zone should be about 70 cm (if the sink is installed in a niche, this figure increases to 90 cm).

  1. Before installing the sink in the bathroom, it is necessary to carefully measure the room, consider the optimal location of plumbing and furniture, and then draw a detailed diagram of the interior indicating all measurements.
  2. Single style sink and faucet

  3. Tulip sinks come with a standard length base, but it is possible to change the height of the sink to your liking (however, only if its design and configuration are simple enough). To do this, you need to cut the base of the sink or install it on any stand - the main thing is that it is reliable and stable.
  4. When installing plumbing, it is necessary to take into account the distance between the drain and the siphon: if the siphon is below the level of the drain, the use of the washbasin can lead to serious problems.
  5. If you plan to put a washing machine under the sink, its height should not exceed 70 cm, since there should be a sufficiently large gap between the appliance and the washbasin. When wringing out the laundry, the machine may vibrate, and if its edge rests against the edge of the washbasin, the plastic coating of the appliance or the sink itself may be damaged.

    Washbasin installation diagrams

    The right choice and installation of the sink is a guarantee that plumbing will serve its owner faithfully for many years.

    Video - The height of the sink in the bathroom from the floor

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 3 minutes

Major repairs carried out in the bathroom, often accompanied by the replacement of all accessories. This is the right occasion to replace an old standard washbasin with a more comfortable or spectacular one. If you are going to install a washbasin with your own hands, then you definitely need to pay attention to such parameters as the installation height of the sink, the way it is attached, the shape and size.

Types and shapes of shells

The modern market offers a huge range of washbasins. They can be made from the following materials:

  • faience;
  • porcelain;
  • glass;
  • metal;
  • tree;
  • granite;
  • marble;
  • artificial stone;
  • plastic.

These products are also varied in form. The following types of shells can be distinguished:

  • Corner. It is advisable to install such a product in small bathrooms or bathrooms with a non-standard layout. The corner configuration fits perfectly into the overall bathroom space with walls that have ledges or niches, a small toilet sink can also have this shape. The presence of a cabinet in this type of sink facilitates its fastening and increases functionality.
  • Rectangular bathroom sink. This shape will perfectly fit into a strict classic interior. You can simply mount it on the wall, place it on a cabinet or cut it into a table top. Mortise types are considered the most practical and durable: they do not have to be hung on the wall, and all communications to the faucet and drains are removed inside the stand.
  • The sink is round or rounded. Fits harmoniously into any interior. If there is not enough space, you can simply fix it on the wall. A sink mounted on a cabinet or combined with an acrylic countertop can be complemented with a decorative element, such as a mirror.

According to the installation method, washbasins are also divided into several types:

  • Washbasin-tulip. Allows you to save space under the sink. The hoses that supply water to the taps and the drain are located in a hollow narrow leg attached to the floor. Their installation is easy to do with your own hands, since there is no fastening of the sink to the wall.
  • The hanging option is the most common and budgetary, although perhaps not the best in terms of design: even if the supply and drain pipes are hidden in the wall, the siphon under the washbasin will still be visible.

Installing hanging sinks on a tiled surface is quite problematic: this has to be done in such a way that the attachment points fall on the seams between the tiles. But even in this case, the chance to spoil the tiled coating is quite large. It is much easier to use the option with a stand in the form of cabinets or countertops.

  • Overlay models. They have a beautiful design, and most importantly, they can be installed on almost anything: on a cabinet, countertop, and even on other furniture. The only limitation in their placement is the need to supply water to the faucet and then drain it.

A cabinet with a countertop for a mortise sink can be made by hand using available material. In such washbasins, ceramic sinks and lightweight acrylic countertops can be used. In a self-made stand, you can conveniently place shelves or drawers.

Sink size selection

Installing a sink in the bathroom has as its ultimate goal the creation of the most comfortable conditions for all the inhabitants of the apartment. To do this, you need to correctly determine the size of the sink.

Depending on the dimensions, all sinks can be divided into four groups:

  1. Mini-sinks are quite narrow, only 35–45 cm. It is recommended to hang them in bathrooms that are modest in size or have a complex configuration. Such washbasins allow you to comfortably wash only your hands, but are too small for a full wash. However, in the tiny bathrooms of Soviet-era apartment buildings, such sinks, often built into a small cabinet, are the only option.
  2. Common types of sinks have a width of 50 to 80 cm. According to the execution, these can be either standard hanging models or mortise ones, combined with a countertop or pedestal. Round models are quite rare, preference is given to the semi-oval shape. A narrower bathroom washbasin will allow more efficient use of space.
  3. In large bathrooms, extended sinks up to 150 cm wide can be installed. Due to their rather solid mass, they are made built into countertops made of various materials. There are options with double sinks, symmetrically located on a solid stand.
  4. Exclusive models made to order. The shape and dimensions of such sinks are not limited by anything other than the financial capabilities of the customer. Modern plumbing manufacturers are ready to make a washbasin of any size, shape and color from any material for an appropriate fee. Such a sink can become a central element in the interior of the entire bathroom, the main thing is not to go beyond common sense.

How to choose the height of the washbasin

One of the most important parameters is the height of the sink in the bathroom. It should provide comfortable washing for each of the family members. The problem is that the height of the people living in the house can vary greatly. In most apartments, it is simply physically impossible to install more than one washbasin, so you will have to choose a middle option.

One of the criteria for choosing a washbasin is its parameters. This is one of the important points that determine the ease of use of the device. Many people make mistakes when choosing a sink, focusing on its shape, color or material. It is important to carefully select the dimensions of washbasins, it is necessary that the sink fits perfectly into the bathroom.

The main parameters by which the washbasin is selected are its width, height, depth.

The optimal width is about 50-65 cm. If the indicator is less, then the water will spray. Large width is not suitable for every bathroom. The height is selected according to the height of the residents. It is difficult to choose for those who have children in the family. In this case, you can use a low but stable stool to reach the sink. For people of average height, washbasins are suitable, which are hung 80 cm from the floor level. The distance is measured to the edges of the side.

When calculating the height of the fixtures, it is necessary to take into account the comfortable use of the sink by all residents. For women, a height of 81-92 is suitable, and for men - 94-110. The average value will vary from 86 cm to 93 cm.

The best depth is 48-61 cm. If the indicator is less, then the water may splash. To determine the optimal depth, you can go to the sink and put your hand down. If the bottom is approximately in the middle of the palm or touches the fingertips, then the model will be comfortable to use.

Wash basin dimensions

Wash basin dimensions

There are types of sinks in the bathroom, having dimensions:

  • standard (width 50-60 cm);
  • mini (40 cm);
  • extended (from 90 cm);
  • exclusive to order.

The standard washstand has the optimal dimensions for use. This option has been described above. In such a product, you can not only wash your hands, but also wash yourself, because its size allows you to comfortably do this procedure. Standard sink can be double. This option is suitable for large families where you need to wash together. When installing such a product, it is necessary to ensure that the distance between the centers of the sinks is at least 90 cm, so as not to interfere with each other when washing.

The mini sink is for hand washing only. Its width is about 35-45 cm. Such models are placed in small bathrooms. The extended design integrates with the table top and can reach a width of 150 cm. They are quite comfortable and allow you to place a lot of items on the table top. This product takes up a lot of space. Therefore, it is not suitable for all rooms.

Exclusive models of bathroom sinks are made individually to order. To do this, the parameters of the product are measured and drawn. The washstand is made to the right size. This option is necessary when it is difficult to choose a standard sink. An exclusive model fits perfectly into the space allotted for it.

Standard sizes

Varieties by installation method

According to the method of installation can be:

  • invoices;
  • suspended on consoles;
  • with pedestal;
  • mortise cabinets in the countertop;
  • angular.



with pedestal

According to the material they are divided into products from:

  • porcelain;
  • faience;
  • metal;
  • glass;
  • marble;
  • artificial stone;
  • granite

Bathroom sinks can have shapes: triangular, square, round, oval, rectangular or non-standard. Mounted mainly on a straight section of the wall. The limited space of the bathroom provides for the installation of a corner sink, which fits compactly into the space allotted for it.

Dimensions for corner models

Small sinks 40 cm wide are often used for bathrooms, office or summer cottages. Sometimes such sinks are made complete with a small cabinet in which you can store useful things. The optimal dimensions for small corner sinks: from 46x46 cm. These values ​​​​indicate their location along 2 walls.

There is an angular model of sinks, which can be with an open bottom (mounted on brackets) or with a pedestal. For small apartments, a small sink is installed above the horizontal washing machine. The washbasin is characterized by a small depth and dimensions of the upper part of the machine.

The open lower part under the sink can be covered with a special material to hide the drainage system. A corner washbasin with an open bottom takes up minimal space, so it is possible to place some kind of shelf at the bottom.

You can also use the corner version with a pedestal - the washbasin will be on a leg, in which the drainage system will hide. The leg takes up a lot of space under the sink, which can be more rationally used. But this option with a pedestal looks more aesthetically pleasing.


Suspended structures are mounted on the wall using special brackets. The height of the mounts can be determined independently, which will allow you to comfortably use the product. In a sink with a pedestal, this will not work. It is impossible to adjust the height of the leg, because the product is fixed at a certain height from the floor. If you install a medium-sized sink on consoles, then under the product you can place a small laundry basket or shelf for towels.

In a spacious room, the option with a pedestal looks good. The basis of this product perfectly complements the interior. Then the height of the equipment is important. The standard height can be 80-85 cm. To ensure comfort during procedures for all family members, you should know the values: for comfortable use of the washbasin by a man, the equipment must be installed at a height of 94-110 cm from the floor, for women from 81 to 92 cm. the optimal installation height of the washbasin is 86-93 cm.

The standard installation height of a washbasin for kindergartens is 55-60 cm from the floor, for teenagers this height is 65-70 cm. For an adult, the height can be from 80 cm. Medium and large sinks are good because they provide the opportunity to hide communications.

Optimal Height


A parameter such as depth indicates the distance from the wall to the front edge of the washstand. As mentioned above, the optimal depth is from 48 to 61 cm. If we talk about mini options, then their depth can be 26 cm. Large models also have a low depth. For example, a washstand 1200 cm wide can have a depth of 31 cm. Such a product may have a large countertop that can accommodate various toiletries. Such sinks are selected when there is enough free space along the wall, but there is not enough distance for depth.

The correct choice of depth is an important indicator. The smaller this characteristic, the greater the likelihood of water splashing. Models with a pedestal are ideal in this regard, because such models have standard dimensions.


Large sinks range from 90 to 150 cm along the wall. They are the most comfortable not only for washing hands and washing, but also for various cosmetic procedures.

Wide sink is extremely uneconomical use of bathroom space

Large sinks can be mounted, built-in or overhead with a pedestal. For a hinged sink, it is necessary to provide powerful mounts or install special consoles that will securely hold the structure.

Built-in and overhead structures with a pedestal have a great advantage over other models - a large drawer and shelves can be placed under the sink. You can also provide a place for a washing machine. The original design has an overhead washstand. For its installation in the countertop, a recess is made to drain water. Such sinks look beautiful on glass countertops. It creates the effect of floating the bowl in the air.

You can expand the space around the washbasin with a countertop. For washbasins whose width is from 90 cm, large cabinets are used. In a sink with a cabinet, as well as in a sink with a pedestal, it will not be possible to adjust the height. In a drawer with a cabinet on a leg, you can slightly adjust the required height.

Large washbasins provide high aesthetics and a stylish interior. They are intended for people who are not accustomed to being content with little. The standard width is 50-65 cm, it is best to choose a model with rounded edges, which will prevent water splashing.

When choosing a sink, you should focus not only on the material and color of the product, but also on its parameters. The parameters of the bathroom must correspond to the dimensions of the sink. The corner version of the sink is perfect for small rooms, and large ones with a cabinet are used in spacious bathrooms. The correct size of the washbasin is the key to its comfortable use in the bathroom.

The variety of sinks that manufacturers of modern sanitary ware offer for our bathrooms is simply amazing. Different materials, interesting design, the ability to hang the washbasin on the wall, put it on a cabinet or place it above the washing machine - all this makes the choice problem quite complicated and very exciting.

However, the first thing to think about at this stage is the dimensions of the bathroom sink. This is true not only for owners of small bathrooms, typical for multi-storey old buildings. For a spacious bathroom, you also need to choose the right size sink.

The first step in choosing the right sink is measurements. Armed with a tape measure, you should carefully measure your own bathroom. Then a sketch plan is drawn up, which reflects the position of all plumbing for the bathroom.

On such a plan, the dimensions of all items installed in the bathroom should be noted. After that, you can calculate the size of the free space that will remain for visitors.

A cabinet is almost always installed under a wide sink. To make cleaning in the bathroom more convenient, you should give preference to the hinged model.

It is important to take into account not only the height and complexion of bath visitors, but also the peculiarities of using the bathroom. For example, to stand close to the bath, you need a little space for the feet below. The same moment can be significant when using a washbasin located above a washing machine or on a cabinet.

The hostess, who has to do the cleaning, will need more space than the average visitor. All these small nuances will allow you to make the right decision regarding the size of the washbasin and its location in the bathroom.

What do you need to remember about sizing?

Conventionally, all shells can be divided into several main groups depending on the size:

  • compact mini sinks suitable for very small bathrooms or small toilets;
  • sinks of standard sizes and configurations;
  • combined models, which are a double washbasin, combined with a cabinet-stand, etc.
  • models with non-standard design, made to order.

When choosing and placing a washbasin, three main parameters are taken into account:

  • width;
  • height;
  • depth.

An overly large washbasin will take up too much space in the bathroom, but too small is not always acceptable. When using sinks with a shallow depth or width, splashes will scatter throughout the surrounding space; in such a bathroom, cleaning will have to be done much more often.

Going to the store for new plumbing, you should arm yourself with a tape measure in order to clarify all the important dimensions of the washbasin on the spot. The data indicated by the seller in the product description, as practice shows, does not always correspond to reality. It doesn’t hurt to take a plan of your bathroom with you in order to immediately understand how much free space remains. This is a particularly good idea for owners of small bathrooms.

What is the optimal width?

The optimal width for a washbasin is considered to be 50-65 cm. A wider model usually only “eats up” the usable space of a medium-sized bathroom. For one person, such a large washbasin is not needed, but in a spacious room a large sink can solve some design problems. For very small bathrooms, very small washbasins are provided, only 30 cm wide.

They are rather intended for use in small bathrooms at offices; at home, such small washbasins are installed only in the most extreme cases. From a washbasin that is too narrow, as already noted, splashes will fly out. Given the width of the sink, it is also necessary to evaluate the dimensions of the installation area for the faucet.

Corner sinks, despite their small size, look very stylish and easy to use. It makes sense to put a hinged cabinet under such a sink

The decision to install a double sink deserves special attention. This is a perfectly acceptable option for large families in which several members are going to work / study at the same time.

The distance between the centers of both washbasins must not be less than 90 cm, otherwise it will be extremely inconvenient to use the double washbasin. By the way, the installation of faucets in such models is not always worth doing in the center of each washbasin. mixers can be placed side by side by turning the spouts at an angle of 90 degrees relative to each other, i.e. each of them will be at an angle of 45 degrees to the wall.

How to choose the depth of the washbasin?

The depth of the sink that is most convenient for proper use is 48-61 cm. When choosing the depth of your sink, you can focus on the length of the arm of the visitor to the bathroom. You just need to stretch your hand over the washbasin. If the opposite edge of the shell ends at the middle of the palm or at the fingertips, its depth can be considered optimal.

An important indicator is the depth of the washbasin bowl. The larger it is, the less water coming from the mixer will be sprayed. Very convenient in this regard are models like “tulip” or “semi-tulip”.

What should be the height?

This size for a bathroom sink is easier to adjust, especially if you choose a wall-hung model that can be mounted on the wall in a suitable place. The optimal washbasin height is considered to be 80-85 centimeters, but quite often buyers find that it is more convenient for them to use a sink located above or below this level. This moment is important if a model is chosen on a pedestal (already mentioned “tulip”) or on a pedestal.

It is almost impossible to adjust the height of the sink, which is installed on a pedestal, this parameter must be taken into account even before purchasing such a model.

Of course, the height of the washbasin, under which it is supposed to place the washing machine, may be greater than the dimensions of the device, but not less. It is believed that for men it is best to install the sink at a height of 94-102 cm, and for women the norm is slightly lower - 82-93 cm.

Interesting information about choosing the right bathroom sink is presented in the following video:

An overview of the features of models of different widths

The width of the washbasin is one of its most important dimensions. The depth of different models varies in a not so wide range and largely depends on the width. The height of models on a pedestal, cabinet and other stands is usually fixed, but for wall-mounted sinks it can be almost any.

Shells about 30-40 cm wide are usually a minimalist corner model. They are perfect for a small bathroom. Sometimes such a sink is installed in a separate toilet as an additional washstand. This solution is relevant in a large family where the bathroom is often used. Complete with a small sink, manufacturers sometimes offer a hanging cabinet of the appropriate size, in which it will be convenient to store household chemicals and small cleaning tools. Such a cabinet can be made separately.

50 cm wide washbasins are more popular and are great for small to medium sized bathrooms. Using such devices is much more convenient than mini-models. The most compact and, perhaps, the most convenient version of such a washbasin is a hinged one, but if the area and design of the bathroom allows, it makes sense to place a cabinet under such a sink. Models of washbasins of this type are very diverse. In addition to the already mentioned hanging version, there are built-in models, round, asymmetric, oval, etc.

The 60 cm wide washbasins are suitable for spacious bathrooms as well as shared bathrooms. If there is not too much space, but you want to put a large sink, it makes sense to use a corner model that is easy to use, but takes up less usable space.

If you install a cabinet under such a sink, you can hide communications in it, as well as place a couple of shelves or drawers for storing household chemicals and various useful little things. The bathroom will look nice and tidy. So that pollution does not accumulate under the cabinet, it makes sense to give preference to the hinged version of the furniture.

Wide double sinks are great for a large family. Models with mixers located in the center and at an angle to each other take up less space

For large bathrooms and bathrooms, large washbasins 90 cm wide are suitable. Only a double washbasin can be wider. If space allows the use of such large plumbing, it is quite possible to install a large spacious cabinet under it. The width of especially large models can reach one and a half meters.

Design nuances

Beautiful design models of washbasins may seem convenient, but in practice this is not always the case. Using a tape measure, you should check the dimensions of the complex design model, both internal and external, to make sure that the selected washbasin has a sufficient level of comfort.

Irregularly shaped designer bathroom sinks look very attractive, but using them in a small space is not always convenient, so it’s worth measuring everything in advance

The use of asymmetrical ergonomic washbasins is popular, and this is not only a tribute to the original style. A bathtub and a washbasin of this type can be a real find for a small bathroom. In this case, both elements are made in the form of an irregular oval, one end of which is narrowed.

The bathtub and washbasin are placed at an angle to each other so that the narrow end of the sink is placed above the narrow end of the bathtub. As a result, the bathroom will become more spacious, while the dimensions of the bathtub and washbasin remain large enough for comfortable use.

An ergonomically shaped washbasin and bathtub set can be ideal for a small bathroom as it frees up usable floor space.

When placing a washbasin above a washing machine, problems can sometimes arise. For example, the washbasin has to be placed too high or it is not deep enough to be flush.

It is best if the side of the washbasin protrudes slightly to the edge of the washing machine. The sink height problem can be solved with a special model. It has a special, rather large shelf placed to the left or right of the washbasin bowl.

The washing machine is not installed directly under the washbasin bowl, but next to it, under this shelf.

There are special models of sinks that can be installed above the washing machine or slightly to the side. If the sink is directly above the machine, the siphon and other communications must be hidden behind it

When choosing a suitable washbasin model, you should also think about the children who live in the house. For several years, the height of the sink will be too high for a child, and it is usually impractical to install a separate washbasin for the younger members of the family in order to dismantle it after a while.

It will be more convenient to purchase a small chair or stool that will serve as a stand for the baby. The legs of the chair should be provided with rubber pads so that they do not slide on the tile.

A few words about building codes

Although the owners of apartments and private houses in most cases make their own decisions about the placement of their plumbing, there are still some building codes regarding both the size of the bathroom or bathroom and the distance between the plumbing elements placed in them.

For example, the dimensions of a bathroom in length and height in residential and public buildings should be equal to 0.80 m by 1.20 m. The recommended ceiling height is not lower than 2.50 m.

If the toilet is located in the attic, the toilet should be placed approximately 1.05-1.10 m from the sloping roof surface, otherwise it will be inconvenient to use. The hinged toilet door must in any case open outwards. The recommended ceiling height in the corridor leading to the toilet should be 2.10 m or more.

In combined bathrooms, in addition to traditional plumbing, additional elements are often placed, for example, a shower, bidet, etc. In this case, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • the distance from the edge of the bath or shower to any other objects must be at least 0.70 m;
  • the distance between the toilet and the bidet must be at least 0.25 m;
  • in front of the toilet, leave a free space of at least 0.60 m;
  • free space to the right and left of the toilet must be at least 0.25 m;
  • the distance from the front of the sink to any other fixed objects in the bathroom must be at least 0.70 m.

These standards are valid throughout Russia and must be taken into account when designing buildings. They will also help determine the size of the sink for the bathroom at the stage of planning the situation of this room.

There are different building codes for buildings that are frequented by people with disabilities and people with special needs. They can be taken into account if the bathroom and toilet environment is planned, which such a person will use.

Enough space should be left between the toilet, bathtub, sink, shower and other elements so that the bathroom is convenient to use

In the bathrooms of public buildings intended for the disabled, it is recommended to maintain the following distances:

  • the width of the bathroom should be at least 1.65 m;
  • the length (depth) of the bathroom should be 1.80 m or more.

For apartments where people with special needs live, it is recommended to increase the length of the bathroom to 2.20 m. If the bathroom in the apartment is combined, its dimensions in both length and width should be at least 2.20 m. Rooms should definitely install special handrails.

Swing doors, as in ordinary apartments, should open outward. If the designers adhere to these standards when planning, they will easily be able to legitimize the alteration.

When planning a bathroom for a disabled person, special attention should be paid to the placement of the washbasin, its height and design. For example, it is unlikely that a disabled person moving in a wheelchair will be comfortable using a sink mounted on a wide pedestal. Too high or low position of the washbasin will also not be acceptable.

The right choice of washbasin can be called one of the central nuances in the interior of the bathroom. An experienced designer is always trying to combine different functions using one piece of furniture. In this case, these are the functions of a washbasin, countertops and a place to store detergents. At the same time, the useful area of ​​​​the bathroom is significantly saved.

Habitual standards

The usual shapes for all models of washstands are square, rectangle, oval, circle and triangle. The first and most important selection criterion will be the availability of free space in the bathroom. Most often, buyers choose oval and rectangular washbasin bowls.

Product types:

According to the type of sink, the washbasin can be classified as:

  • suspension;
  • round;
  • on a pedestal;
  • overhead;
  • countertop;
  • recessed top/bottom;
  • double;
  • water dispenser;
  • oval (the so-called "toothless");
  • rectangular;
  • economy;
  • premium.

How to choose?

The question of choosing the size of the sink in the bathroom during the repair is always relevant. The richest choice of various options for sanitary products from various manufacturers gives scope to the imagination. But the selection process should begin with determining the required dimensions of the bowl.

The first step is to measure free space. They get information in different ways, either by measuring the room with a tape measure, or by looking at the documentation. After that, a preliminary diagram is drawn up, which shows how the washbasin will be located in the bathroom.

Such a scheme should reflect the dimensions of everything that is in the bathroom. Therefore, the subsequent calculation of free space will not be difficult.

Please note that when cleaning, you will need a little more free space than with the standard use of the bathroom. All this will help you in choosing the approximate dimensions of the washbasin and thinking over its location in the bathroom.

Height and other parameters

Washbasin sinks are usually classified based on their dimensions:

  • compact mini-sink, which is suitable for small bathrooms;
  • a sink having a standard size and configuration;
  • other variants of washbasins, which are a washstand for two persons or a variant combined with different cabinets;
  • models with individual types of design, which are made according to the personal requirements of the customer.

When choosing the location of the sink, it should be provided for:

  • width;
  • height from the floor;
  • bowl depth.

A large bathroom or bathroom is mostly equipped with washbasins with a large sink, 90-120 cm wide.

Only a sink can be made even wider for simultaneous use by two or more people. With a sufficient area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bathroom to use plumbing of this size, there is a very real chance to place a large cabinet below. Double sinks are made up to one and a half meters wide.

When choosing and installing a sink on your own (especially with a cabinet), you must not forget that access to the installation sites of water meters, filters and communications should not be blocked. One of the ways to prevent this situation is the absence of the back wall of the cabinet.

In a small bathroom, an oversized washbasin will take up a lot of space, although a minimal washbasin may not be enough. If you use a shallow and narrow sink, then splashes that sometimes cover the entire surrounding space cannot be avoided, and cleaning will be carried out in such bathrooms much more often.

Before visiting retail chains in order to purchase plumbing, you must first calculate the parameters of the bathroom area that will be occupied by the washbasin. Unfortunately, sellers do not in all cases indicate the actual dimensions of the products. Therefore, you need to write down the necessary parameters with accurately measured width, height and depth of the bathroom niches. This helps a lot to understand how much free space will remain after installing the sink. This idea should be used by owners of small bathrooms.

The optimal width of the washbasin is from 40 to 70 cm. A large width will only reduce the usable area in a small bathroom. If one person does not need such an overall washbasin, then for a large family in the bathroom you can place the original sink, which is large in size and of considerable length.

Accordingly, a small area bathroom is usually equipped with small washbasins no wider than 45-60 cm. Such devices are more suitable for small office washrooms, since at home they are installed only when absolutely necessary - due to lack of space. Due to the small depth of the sink, splashing from the falling water jet will necessitate frequent cleaning.

When calculating the width and depth of the sink, you need to evaluate the area that the mixer will occupy.

How to choose the depth of the washbasin?

The most convenient washbasin depth for optimally comfortable use is 60 - 65cm. The reason for this choice is the anatomical features of those who will use the device. The easiest way to determine the appropriate parameters is to use the length of your own arm. Pull it over the bathroom sink. If its opposite edge is at the level of the palm or the tip of the middle finger, everything is in order with the depth of the washbasin.

You can purchase models "tulip" and "semi-tulip". They are deservedly considered the most convenient to use.

What should be the height?

The height of the washbasin is the distance from the floor to the top of the appliance. The height of the washbasin above the floor is adjusted depending on the model. When choosing a wall-mounted washbasin, this is the simplest action, as it is installed on the walls. It will be most convenient for a person of average height to use a washbasin located at a height of 70 to 90 cm. It is believed that a 90-100 cm ceramic washbasin is most suitable for men of average height; for short people, the sink should be placed a little lower - 85-90 cm.

In less frequent cases, users find out during operation that a washbasin is needed, located at a higher or lower level.

It is especially important to take this into account when buying the already mentioned “tulip” or “semi-tulip”, since these models are not suspended, respectively, the height level of the sink must be selected in advance.

If you plan to mount the washbasin above the washing machine, the installation level of the sink must be chosen in excess of the dimensions of the machine itself in height.


The sink of the washstand can be made of different materials: ceramics, metal, natural or artificial stone. Ceramics are used more often for sanitary ware, because they are durable, get dirty a little, and do not emit an unpleasant echo when water is collected. Also popular are shells, the material for which is artificial stone - they have a smaller mass.

Options for the area

Many factors go into choosing a sink buyer. Some are interested in how functional the washbasin will be, others are interested in its completeness, color, material, shape of the sink. Still others are interested in the popularity of the manufacturer. The fourth may specifically need an unusual design, and they are not interested in anything other than the fact that the washbasin will amaze with its original appearance.

A simple buyer will probably be primarily concerned with the functionality of the sink. Responsible for its functioning are all the holes that were provided by the manufacturer.

These are drain holes, overflow holes, for installing a mixer, various mounting slots. Of course, the drain is provided by all manufacturers, but protection against overflow of water over the edge of the sink, so as not to flood the neighbors from below, is not provided by every manufacturer.

"Overflow" is one or more holes that are located on the side wall. Its function is to prevent excess water from getting on the floor if the bowl is filled to the brim, but to direct them into the sewer.

Speaking of the mixer, you need to remember about all the variety of their choice. You need to know the model and, if there are not enough slots, be ready to drill them.

The presence of additional components for the washbasin (protective mesh for the drain hole, overflow plugs, siphons, fasteners, plastic or rubber gaskets) takes place at manufacturing companies that have earned the trust of buyers. Such an addition of devices is done to simplify the process as much as possible so that you do not have to waste time on a second visit to the distribution network.


In small bathrooms, due to the lack of free space, it is customary to save money - in 99% of cases they put a cabinet under the sink.

The corner version of the sink is usually small in size., but saves free space, has a very stylish look and is comfortable to use. If you plan to place a cabinet under the sink, then it makes sense to make it hinged. This will make it easier to clean in a hard-to-reach corner.

The nuances of the design execution of washbasins are also quite important, since beauty and unusualness can be more than "compensated" by the inconvenience of their operation and installation. At least, before purchasing such an option, it is always advised to carefully remove all dimensions.

In turn, the asymmetry of the ergonomic shape of the sink is popular if it is used in a small bathroom. If you choose a sink and a bathtub in the form of irregular ovals with one tapered end, this is used to your advantage. Such a not very long washbasin will protrude with its narrowed edge above the narrowed side of the bath, which will save quite a lot of free space.

When picking up a washbasin, one should not forget about the children living in the apartment / house. Until a small person grows up, it is most likely that the washbasin will be too high for him. of course, putting a separate washbasin for him is not cheap, and there is not enough space.

It will be much more practical to adapt a low bench for him, which will serve as a stand for the baby. It will also be useful to nail rubber anti-slip pads to the legs for safety.

Norms of different countries

In our country, it is accepted that the owner of the apartment makes decisions about the location and installation of plumbing equipment on his own, building codes regarding both the size of bathrooms or bathrooms, and the distances from one plumbing element to another, exist.

We give examples of the most common dimensions of the premises.

  • For buildings that are used for living and public needs, the height and length of the bathroom in the plan should not be less than 0.80 m by 1.20 m. The ceiling should not be lower than 2.50 m.
  • The hinged toilet door must only be hung in such a way that it opens outwards.
  • For a combined bathroom, where, in addition to the most necessary plumbing equipment, showers, bidets and other devices are often installed, compliance with the following standards is mandatory:
  • leave at least 80 cm of free space from the bath or shower to any other bathroom facility;
  • at least 25 cm from the edge of the toilet bowl to the bidet;
  • at least 60 cm of free space in front of the toilet;
  • at least 30 cm of free space on each side of the toilet;
  • at least 50 cm of free space from the front edge of the washbasin to any other stationary object in the bathroom;