The VK page contains inappropriate materials. Group, public VKontakte does not appear in search

The social network “VK” constantly produces various errors and introduces restrictions. On this moment iPhone users often encounter the error “The community probably contains inappropriate materials and is not available for viewing,” which appears in the mobile version of the network.

The restriction blocks the ability to subscribe to groups and view the content contained in it.

We will tell you what this limitation is and how to quickly bypass it on your iPhone.

The reason for such censorship on VKontakte

Most often, society can be blocked due to 18+ materials. Also subject to such a ban are publics that are extremist in nature, calling for violence, etc. It is characteristic that it is the VK platform for iOS that is subject to the warning “Community contains inappropriate materials.” This is due to the strict policy of Apple Corporation, which does not want to show prohibited materials to its users. It is not a fact that blocked groups actually contain such information - everything is done at the discretion of Apple, they also write “Probably”.

The second point is that the community administrators themselves set an age limit for subscribers and guests. This approach is necessary if general rules morality and law.

How to remove restrictions on iPhone

First of all, in the “VK” profile you need to set the age above 18 years. Additionally, we also do the same in our Apple ID account. After this, the restrictions should be lifted. If you are a group admin and receive questions like this, review and remove the age restrictions for viewing your community pages. This is all done in the group management menu.


The official VKontakte application on iPhone should be closed. Now we go to the social network through any browser. We log in and go to the public page that interests us. He should be without a ban. This is due to the fact that browsers are not subject to censorship by Apple, since they are not its product. This corporation always monitors copyright, developer requirements and licenses.

Third party application

If you abandon the official VK application and use unofficial clients, the ban will also disappear. You can find it in the store a large number of such software designed to work on a social network, for example, such as “Tsarsky VK” or “Kate Mobile”. We choose the software we like and use it. The corporation's censorship circumvention is in effect again.

Bide the time

If the ban is imposed accidentally, it will undoubtedly be lifted after some time. If it doesn’t work for you, wait a few days, and then try visiting the public again. It would be a good idea to contact the group admins to clarify the situation.

You can also write to the developers “VK”. The main thing is to be persistent in getting an answer. This is also true for owners of communities that have received a ban.

Be sure to seek the removal of restrictions, because otherwise the group’s progress will be minimal.

Nowadays many people use social networks, because they help many people communicate at a distance, exchange various documents and audio recordings, as well as photographs and videos. For a more convenient exchange of such materials, the developers have added so-called communities, which allow a mass of people to subscribe to updates, after which various news from the group will be displayed in their feed, which will allow them to track current events. But VKontakte imposes restrictions on some communities, one of which is the restriction on safe search. And in this article we will figure out how to fix the error “the community probably contains materials that are unacceptable for VKontakte.”

The community probably contains inappropriate VKontakte materials

Let's look at the reasons for the appearance of such an inscription and try to find ways to solve this problem.


Before we move on to fixing this error, let’s look at the reasons for its occurrence:

It is also worth noting that you may have a special browser extension enabled or a mode that will not allow you to access the community page.

Fixing the limitation

This error most often occurs on devices Apple, namely Iphone and Ipad, but sometimes there are exceptions. So, let's move on to the error “the community probably contains inappropriate materials” on the Iphone smartphone (the methods also work for the Ipad).

  • First, make sure that the age in your profile is correct (you are over eighteen years old)
  • Next, disable Safe Search.
  • If this does not work, it means that this group cannot be unblocked for you, since Apple is actively fighting such communities and has obliged the VKontakte website to restrict access to them.

You can also try logging into a group or public through a browser:

  • Also set the age to be over eighteen years old.
  • Completely close the official VK application.
  • Go to any browser, let it be Google Chrome or Yandex.Browser.
  • Go to the “Communities” tab and disable safe search by groups.
  • Make sure that the community has not been banned by the site administration itself.
  • The community will likely have limited access, so you will need to wait a bit until your application is accepted.

There is another way - alternative applications:

  • As a rule, you will not be able to find non-original applications from the VKontakte website in the AppStore itself, so use other methods.
  • Among the most important alternative applications are: KateMobile(suitable only for Android), " Tsarsky "VKontakte"»» (suitable for both IoS and Android, VKCOFEE.

To bypass the restriction on your computer, you can use a VPN if the community has been blocked in your country, or simply disable safe search and set the age to be over eighteen years old in your profile.

If you are an administrator

It also happens that you are the owner of the community, so you probably need to remove the restriction, here are some tips:

  • First, check out the community wall. You could even accidentally post material with sexual, extremist, or shocking content.
  • Check out the community videos.
  • Check your group's photo albums.
  • Check the comments as users may often upload some prohibited material there. If for some reason you don’t have time to monitor comments, you can hire a special person, or use the built-in filters in the community settings.
  • Check the age limit set in the group, it may also prevent users from subscribing.
  • If none of the methods work, try contacting site support. But it is better not to do this right away, since you will have to wait for a response for some time, during which time you will have time to figure out the reasons for the blocking yourself.


Let us note once again that this error occurs most often on Apple devices, since they actively combat materials of a dubious nature.

We hope that this article was useful to you in understanding the error “the community probably contains inappropriate materials” in VK on iPhones, and you also learned ways to get around it, or eliminate it if you are an administrator.

Recently, the social network “VK” has been rapidly transforming. Many users and experts associate this with a change of owner. Maybe it is so. The developers have added a large number of useful innovations. But there are also various restrictions. Today we’ll talk about the common error “The community probably contains inappropriate materials” on VKontakte IPhone. You will learn why this message appears and how to work around this problem.

Under what circumstances does a restriction appear?

In this article we talk about an error in VK that appears on Apple devices. It appears when a user tries to enter a page of a certain community. Mobile device for unknown reasons, classifies the content as prohibited. You see an error message pop up on your display. Most likely, the group moderators made a mistake in the settings. Or perhaps the group actually contains materials that are actually prohibited in the user’s country of residence. There are no such restrictions on devices running Android OS, but they occur regularly on iPhones.

What content is considered inappropriate?

If you cannot get into a certain VKontakte community from your iPhone, then you need to find out what content is unacceptable. Materials include:

  • Publications in the community located in an illegal field. Posts may be fraudulent.
  • Public topics contain materials praising violence and promoting criminal activity.
  • Content that calls for insulting specific individuals. Previously, such communities were created to remove competitors. Today you can complain about materials and the group will be blocked.
  • Materials prohibited for viewing by minors. But moderators have the ability to publish certain erotic content. You can read more about this in the rules for creating a community.
  • Posts that insult certain sections of society. This may be aggression in statements related to certain political parties or social societies.
  • Propaganda of drugs, posting articles with similar materials. Instructions for creating illegal drugs. The administration will quickly track and block such topics.
  • Extremist materials.

There are quite a lot of prohibited topics. Any user can find out about them on the VK page. Today, the publication of prohibited materials on the popular social network is being fought quite seriously. There are already real sentences for such activities. Owners of iPhones who have not reached the age of majority receive a notification about the content of inappropriate materials due to the fact that the device has read the age restriction in the community description. Often the creators of groups set 18+ for the sake of respectability, but there are no prohibited materials there.

How to bypass the restriction

To visit a public page blocked by your iPhone due to inappropriate materials, use the methods described below. Look for the right group. If you can’t find it, it means that “Safe Search” is checked in the settings. To bypass the limitation, do the following:

  • Open your own VK page and enter the name of the public in the search bar.
  • A window will pop up, lower the page so that the block on the right with the parameters is at the bottom.
  • Find the “Safe Search” column and uncheck this item.
  • Enter the group name and click on the search button.

Another way. If a notification pops up about restricting group attendance, then click the “Subscribe” button. Now you can visit the community without restrictions from VK. If you can’t do this on your iPhone, click on the menu button in the form of three dots at the top of the screen. Click the "Open in Safari" box. You will enter the page from your browser. Subscribe to the public and access it from the application.

Alternative methods

You can bypass blocking on an iPhone when a message pops up about inappropriate materials contained in a group by contacting a moderator or administrator. If you are the owner of a public site, then this is very easy to do. When your phone itself prevents you from accessing the page, take the following steps:

  • You need to open the standard system settings on your smartphone.
  • Enter the "Basic" section.
  • Click on the “Restrictions” item. Here you will remove any restrictions set by the device.
  • Now click on the “Enable restrictions” column and enter a password. You will be able to edit the section.
  • Scroll down the page and find the block called “Allowed Content.” Click "Websites".
  • Now click “Content limit...” and add “Allow” to the “VKontakte” site.
  • Next, you should save the settings and log in to the site again. This way you will know whether restrictions have been lifted or not.

In these settings, you can protect your child’s access to unwanted resources. You can make a black and white list of sites for his account. If none of the recommendations helped you, try reinstalling the VKontakte application.

The social network “VK” constantly produces various errors and introduces restrictions. At the moment, iPhone users often encounter the error “The community probably contains inappropriate materials and is not available for viewing,” which appears in the mobile version of the network. The restriction blocks the ability to subscribe to groups and view the content contained in it. We will tell you what this limitation is and how to quickly bypass it on your iPhone.

Why does iPhone block VK groups?

Most often, society can be blocked due to 18+ materials. Also subject to such a ban are public pages that are of an extremist nature, calling for violence, etc. What is characteristic is that it is the VK platform for iOS that is subject to a warning that the page contains inappropriate materials and is not available for viewing on VK. This is due to the strict policy of Apple Corporation, which does not want to show prohibited materials to its users. It is not a fact that blocked groups actually contain such information - everything is done at the discretion of Apple, they also write “Probably”.

The second point is that the community administrators themselves set an age limit for subscribers and guests. This approach is necessary while observing the general rules of morality and law.

How to remove restrictions on iPhone

First of all, in the “VK” profile you need to set the age above 18 years. Additionally, we also do the same in our Apple ID account. After this, the restrictions should be lifted. If you are a group admin and receive questions like this, review and remove the age restrictions for viewing your community pages. This is all done in the group management menu.


The official VKontakte application on iPhone should be closed. Now we go to the social network through any browser. We log in and go to the public page that interests us. He should be without a ban. This is due to the fact that browsers are not subject to censorship by Apple, since they are not its product. This corporation always monitors copyright, developer requirements and licenses.

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