Test your psychological state. Psychological tests, passing technique

The “Assessment of Self-Control in Communication” test will show not only and not so much your ability to restrain strong emotions during a conversation (although partly this too). The questionnaire measures whose feelings and emotions you focus on during communication in the first place - your own or those of your interlocutors

The Big Five is a personality model designed in such a way that the set of traits included in it can be used to create a structured and fairly full portrait personality. A test with the appropriate name - the Five-Factor Personality Questionnaire - offers a way to measure the Big Five indicators.

Legitimized aggression is aggression approved or conditionally approved by society. However, some people resort to it too often, which may indicate serious internal problems. The test of legitimized aggression (questionnaire LA-44) allows you to measure its level.

Psychological tests – one of the most interesting and popular sections of this science. Psychology tests attract even those who do not believe in psychology itself and do not consider it a science. This is why some people like to take free psychological tests online - just to see if such questionnaires work and how accurate the characteristics are. Of course, this is only a special case and in fact the scope of their application is very wide.

First of all, a variety of psychological tests - large and short, representing a set of pictures or a questionnaire, implying the choice of an answer from the presented options or providing wide scope for creativity - used by psychiatrists, psychologists, psychotherapists etc. Various tasks and questionnaires will help the doctor make a diagnosis, and the patient - to understand his problems, determine character traits and much more.

In addition, passing psychological tests is one of the mandatory stages admissions to some educational establishments or getting a job in certain institutions (primarily we are talking about medical fields, law enforcement agencies, etc.). Employers, in principle, like to test candidates in order to find the most suitable one - the one who will best fit into the team and cope with the proposed responsibilities.

Online psychology tests or “paper” test books are also good for self-diagnosis(provided that you take the test first and then look at the transcript). Such questionnaires will tell you more about your personality as a whole, about your character, about your strengths and weaknesses, they will give a portrait from the outside, that is, they will help you understand how you may be perceived from the outside.

What can psychology tests tell you? About a variety of things - almost everything. Some tests provide a comprehensive, comprehensive characterization of personality (they are often called multifactorial). Some are focused on only 2-3 factors, the most highly specialized are focused on only one parameter. Various psychological tests can tell about character, communication skills, characteristics of thinking and perception, emotionality, and a tendency towards certain types of behavior or pathologies.

However, some tests imply direct communication between a specialist and his client/patient. We are talking about those techniques where there are no answer options as such, for example, where the subject needs to draw something or talk about his associations. All answers here, as a rule, are very individual, and should be deciphered by a professional. Other types of tests - primarily psychological questionnaires - are quite possible pass on your own. Online tests in psychology are especially convenient, where you need to choose an answer from the proposed options, and the results are calculated by special algorithms.

These are exactly the ones presented on our website. We have selected most interesting tests in psychology– both multifactorial and more specialized. All of them can be completed completely free of charge and without registration. You will receive the results immediately after completing the test (please note that the algorithm will not calculate the results for questionnaires that have not been completed or where not all questions have been answered). We tried to provide the most detailed and understandable transcript for each test. However, if you still have questions, do not hesitate to contact us for clarification.

How to answer psychological tests?

Often, for fun or for the purpose of self-knowledge, we answer psychological tests... sometimes we are simply forced to answer them when applying for a job... so why not understand the secrets of psychological testing?

Psychological test No. 0 Answer bias(I think this test is generally the most important)
If you do not know how to correctly answer such questions, your psychological testing will be completely pointless:
It happens to you Bad mood?
Are you sometimes wrong?
Sometimes you make mistakes?
Does it happen that you offend your loved ones?
Does it ever happen that you can't concentrate?
Sometimes you don't have time to do everything?

Do you have bad days?
If you answer no more than 1-2 times to such questions? This means that you have a tendency to not tell the truth about yourself - and this means that you may not even pass an interview with a psychologist when applying for a job... this means that you are not objective about yourself... this means that it is generally pointless for you to answer psychological tests ! You lie too often and your test results will often be biased.

Psychological test No. 1. Your favorite colors - test Luscher
You need to arrange the cards different colors in order, starting from the most pleasant to the most unpleasant. What does it mean? This test is aimed at determining emotional state. Each card symbolizes a person’s needs:
red color - need for action

yellow - the need to strive for a goal, hope

green - the need to assert oneself;
blue - the need for affection, constancy;
purple - escape from reality;
brown - need for protection;
black - depression.
The arrangement of the cards means the following: the first two are a person’s aspirations, 3 and 4 are the true state of affairs, 5 and 6 are an indifferent attitude, 7 and 8 are antipathy, suppression.
Key for the test: the first four must be red, yellow, blue, green- in what order exactly is not so important. Arranging the cards in order close to the original one paints a portrait of a purposeful, active person

Psychological test No. 2. Drawing lesson
You are asked to draw a house, a tree, a person. What does it mean? It is believed that this is how a person can demonstrate his self-perception to the world. In this psychological test, every detail matters: the location of the drawing on the sheet (located in the center, a proportional drawing indicates self-confidence), a single composition of all objects indicates the integrity of the individual, what type of object will be displayed.
It is also important what is drawn first: house - the need for security, a person - self-obsession, a tree - the need for vital energy. In addition, the tree is a metaphor for aspirations (oak - self-confidence, willow - on the contrary - uncertainty); a person is a metaphor for how other people perceive themselves; a house is a metaphor for a person’s perception of himself (a castle is narcissism, a rickety hut is low self-esteem, dissatisfaction with oneself).
Key: Your drawing should be realistic and proportional. To demonstrate your sociability and willingness to work in a team, do not forget about the following details: the road to the porch (contact), the roots of the tree (connection with the team), windows and doors (kindness and openness), the sun (cheerfulness), fruit tree(practicality), pet (caring).

Psychological test No. 3. Story
You are shown pictures of people in different life situations and ask them to comment: what is happening; what a person is thinking about; why does he do this?
What does it mean? Based on the interpretation of the pictures, it is possible to determine the leading life scenarios of a person, in other words, “whoever hurts is the one who talks about it.” It is believed that a person projects the situations in the pictures onto his life and reveals his fears, desires, and view of the world. So, for example, if a picture shows a person crying or laughing, then it is expected that when you comment on it, you will talk about your reasons for joy or sadness.
Key: You need to control your answers and interpret the pictures in the most positive way possible.

Psychological test No. 4. Blob
- Rorschach test
You are shown pictures of a shapeless blot (usually symmetrical) and asked to tell you what you see. What does it mean? This psychological test is somewhat similar to the previous one; it also reveals your true attitude towards the world. A positive interpretation of pictures (for example, people communicating) speaks of you as active, sociable, positive person, negative (in the blot you saw a monster, a dangerous animal) indicates that you have a lot of unfounded fears or deep stress.
Key: If you associate a picture with something clearly negative, comment on it in a neutral way. For example, don’t say, “I see people arguing,” but say, “People are communicating emotionally.”

Psychological test No. 5. IQ test

You are asked to answer several questions (from 40 to 200) of different directions in a certain period of time (from 30 minutes) - from mathematical problems to logical puzzles. What does it mean? These psychological tests are designed to determine the so-called Intelligence Quotient. Although their effectiveness is increasingly being questioned (if a person has low indicators, this does not necessarily mean that he is stupid, perhaps he has out-of-the-box thinking or he is simply simply inattentive), tests have maintained and increased their popularity for many years. Eysenck's IQ tests are the most common.
Key: Be as careful as possible, there are a lot of trick questions. If time is running out and there are still a lot of questions, don’t leave them unanswered, write down the answers at random, you’ll probably guess something.

If you are taking tests when applying for a job, be calm during the interview... but don’t be indifferent - your motivation should be present but it should not go off scale....

The most important! Don't focus on tests at all.
The more unconventional you are, the more original you think, the less the tests tell the truth about you.
Teachers in high school The physicist Einstein and the inventor Edison were considered mentally retarded...
Who remembers these teachers now... and who turned out to be right in the end?


Here are selected tests for non-professional use. Anyone can test themselves using these tests. The results obtained from these tests should not be taken too seriously. However, they are good for expanding the “inner horizon”, developing self-criticism, and a source of ideas for self-improvement. Polish doctors from the Institute of National Health, together with graphologists and psychologists, developed a test to determine a person’s susceptibility to certain diseases based on handwriting. Do you tend to plan your time and not be at the mercy of external circumstances? The purpose of this questionnaire is to identify the level of honesty and openness of the subject. Designed for professional psychological diagnostics. The “Honesty” questionnaire goes well with those questionnaires that do not include a lie scale: with low scores: Square, triangle, rectangle, circle, zigzag - hard work, leadership, transition, harmony, creativity. Equal or unequal union. Many of us, self-aware people, are able to assess the degree of our activity and manifest it in accordance with our own potential. At the same time, there are many people who are endowed by nature with great vital activity, but do not realize it and do not even know about its existence. Anankast has a powerful force of unjustified resistance to circumstances. Instead of adapting to them, he tries at all costs to keep them unchanged. But in life everything changes, much of it is relative or does not matter at all for human existence. Diagnosis of aptitude for artistic professions. Diagnosis of the general psychological climate in the family. Prudent people love comfort; before doing anything, they will “measure seven times.” Others rush through life headlong: they don’t care! They are able to risk everything, even if the success of the enterprise is not guaranteed. If you are a girl or young woman who sometimes finds it very difficult to understand her feelings for another person ( young man), then let's hope that this test, developed by Professor Kovalev, will to some extent help you understand your feelings. This test will help for self-analysis in determining the nature of the relationship with your spouse. Irritability. How important is sex and things related to it to you and your life? Rate each five years of your life according to the degree of saturation with events that are important to you. Aggressive or peaceful. If the number of points matches your age, then everything is in order. For those who prefer creative activities, it is advisable that psychological age was not ahead of the passport one. Do you have significant creative potential , which presents you with a rich selection of possibilities. If you can actually apply your abilities, then a wide variety of forms of creativity are available to you. Choleric. Sanguine. Phlegmatic person. Melancholic. The level of general communicative tolerance is evidenced by the fact that you cannot or do not want to understand or accept the individuality of other people. The individuality of another is, first of all, what is special about him: given by nature, brought up, learned in his environment. Veiled cruelty in relationships with people, in judgments about them. Open cruelty in relationships with people. Justified negativism in judgments about people. Grumping, that is, the tendency to make unfounded generalizations of negative facts in the field of relationships with partners and in observing social reality. ... Exhibitionism, homosexuality, masochism, sadism, polygamy, perversion, animalism, narcissism, voyeurism. Test for women. Bodily health. Well-being. Relationships with friends are very important. What are they like for you? Some experts argue that you can learn a lot about each of us by our initials. Imbalance. Excitability. Some people find it very difficult to look at themselves from the outside. It seems to many that they are “darlings”, they are pleasant in communication, and it is pleasant for their interlocutors to communicate. In fact, it often happens that we underestimate the feelings of our neighbor, we are rude and insulting without noticing it ourselves. This test (the so-called Leary questionnaire) is very popular among professional psychologists because it is easy to administer and informative. Try it for yourself. There are people who are always on the alert - nothing can surprise them, stun them, or baffle them. They are the opposite - people are absent-minded and inattentive, getting lost in the simplest situations. The purpose of this test is to help you understand your inner feelings. The main idea of ​​the test is to find the keyword that will help unravel the tangle of a person’s pressing problems. The keyword is just the end of the thread that you need to grab in order to unravel the tangle of problems. This test was developed by English psychologists. He will help you find out how stingy you are in gifts. Are you kind and attentive to others? Are you able to give your last shirt to someone who needs it most? What is the dominant aspect of the organization in which you work, male or female? To find out, just answer a series of questions. Your dominant psychological defense strategy when communicating with partners. Level of neuroticism. Are you the kind of woman who can make men lose their heads? Shyness. Introspection of the manner of laughter. What is your management style: directive, collegial or laissez-faire. If you are a pedestrian, then this test is not for you. Otherwise, it won’t hurt you to find out for yourself whether you are a good driver or not. The proposed test, compiled by a French psychologist, is also an exercise that will allow parents to better understand the issues of raising boys and girls. Captain or passenger, leader or follower, leader or subordinate? Test for women. Contact people feel free in any company. They easily meet unfamiliar men. Level of conflict. Sixteen types of functional brain asymmetry. Fun lover or not, hedonist or ascetic? There are eight types of love for a partner: affection, passionate love, formal, romantic, friendly, fatal, perfect love, no love (or very weak). Using this short test, you can determine what type of love you have with you. This test is widely used in America to diagnose entrepreneurial spirit. You can judge a person's personality by wrinkles: joy, shyness, attention to detail, honesty, intelligence, good nature, disappointment, anxiety, aggressiveness, nervousness, surprise, indifference. Self-analysis of character. This table for assessing husbands, candidates for husbands, was proposed by American and Canadian sexologists. Worthy man must score at least 100 positive and no more than 45 negative points. A questionnaire aimed at self-assessment of observation skills. Are you a reliable person? Or is it not always possible to rely on you, are you somewhat, as they say, selfish? The technique is intended exclusively for personal use. It will help you identify people in your environment who are prone to fraud. What is independence? This is the ability to take responsibility at the right time, this is decisiveness combined with a sober approach. Can you consider yourself one of the people who are ready to boast of their independence and self-sufficiency? “Whoever looks for a treasure rarely finds it. And whoever doesn’t look for it never finds it.” It is persistent people who clearly see goals and persistently strive for them that achieve some success in life. Is this persistence enough for you? A non-professional test to study the level of motivation for personal wealth. This test is designed to help you understand the delicate question of whether you are an overly self-confident person. Using this test, you can test your ideas about the character and behavior inherent in people of different sexes, and your knowledge of social stereotypes. Analysis of drawings that are made during boring meetings or simply because there is nothing to do: different patterns in a notebook, on a piece of paper. This test will help you figure out whether you are really touchy, as you sometimes hear. Or you are tolerance itself. Alarm level. Are you just a pessimist or a sick pessimist? Are you a healthy optimist or are you unbridledly frivolous? What is he like, the father of the family?.. To find out better, the wife must answer 24 questions. A rational prude or a violent libertine. Most people spend about 8 hours a day at work and communicate with their colleagues as much as with their families. Therefore, relationships with colleagues are important element human life. Bad relationships with colleagues can not only damage a career or business, but can also unbalance any person for a very long time. This test to assess stress resistance was developed by a psychologist Medical center Boston University. Attitude towards current job. Possibility of masturbation. Possibility of exhibitionism. Predisposition to deformed relationships with peers. A fighter for truth or an opportunist? Designed for self-testing. Assessing your own entrepreneurial abilities. Sometimes it is difficult for a person to look at himself from the outside. This test is designed to find out how pleasant you are in communication. In countries that have focused on workaholism research, such as Japan, the United States and Canada, semi-structured interviews are used to identify workaholism. One such interview is the questionnaire proposed by B. Killinger. It has long been noted that men and women are often very different in their behavior. Experiments by psychologists have shown that in the presence of other people these differences are doubly manifest. This is explained by the fact that we are accustomed to playing roles, the roles of men and the roles of women. As Shakespeare used to say, “All the world is a stage, and the people in it are actors.” Do you know your role? Are you vigilant and meticulous or dreamy and distracted? Self-analysis of the degree of jealousy. Are you decisive? Take the test, and probably after that you will be able to answer this question more boldly. Level of ambition and career readiness. Is there some tendency towards manipulation or have engrams become familiar to you on the spectrum of emotional expression. Impulsiveness. Emotional excitability. Affectivity. Reproducibility of unreacted experiences. Excessive hyperthymia usually leads to non-critical manifestation of activity. A person pretends more than he knows, knows how and does, he strives to take on everything, criticize and teach everyone, tries to attract attention to himself at any cost. Excessive energy interferes with clear and logical thinking, which is why hyperthymia often gets carried away. Level of unmotivated anxiety. The test is intended for self-testing. Diagnoses the presence or absence of self-destruction syndrome, that is, a tendency to self-destruction, self-aggression, and self-injury. Tendency to low mood. Tendency to frustration. Tendency to cyclothymia. Tendency to euphoria. Tendency to exaltation. This test was compiled by American doctors. I advise you to answer most sincerely, without prevarication. It is especially important to note that the results of this test are not a definitive “diagnosis”. Maybe you need to change your lifestyle in some way. Sometimes it helps to be a tough leader. Here, however, a sober assessment of the characteristics of your leadership style and your character is necessary. To help you with this self-assessment, American management experts have developed a simple but useful test. It is based on the thesis that every leader has two types of mental resources: D-resources and B-resources. ... The degree of tension in the relationship. Level of respect for your partner's feelings. The ability to give in. The test is intended for self-testing. Do you have a real passion for travel or are you a homebody? The questionnaire is designed to identify a person’s level of anxiety in relation to their own mistakes. Indirectly, it also helps to judge the attitude towards the opinions of others, the desire for objectivity, the tendency to self-deception and the use of psychological ones. Are you adamant and, excuse me, stubborn? Does the firmness of your convictions go well with the great subtlety and flexibility of your mind? According to Carl Gustav Jung, there are two options to adapt to the world around you. One of them is expansion: constantly communicate, expand contacts, business connections, take everything that life gives. That's what an extrovert is. Introverts, on the contrary, limit their contacts and withdraw into themselves, as if hiding in a shell. Very insecure, self-confident, or overly self-confident? Questions for my husband. Questions for my wife. Are you a good diplomat? Do you conduct the discussion in an authoritarian, domineering and unceremonious manner? Your behavior does not receive an unambiguous assessment in the team?

Not my work, but maybe it will help someone.

Psychological tests, passing technique

The first use of psychological testing for hiring began in the United States in the fifties. In Russia, the peak of fashion is psychological techniques during the selection of candidates took place in 2000-2008. It's hard to argue that psychological tests are indeed a reliable source of information, but only in the hands of a professional. For example, in Germany, the employee conducting the test must be a certified psychologist and must explain to the candidate what exactly he is determining. In Russia, a recruiting manager can be an economist or philologist and at the same time confidently process test results and make “diagnoses” for candidates.

So let's get started!

Psychological tests used in the selection of candidates are selected depending on the requirements for the future employee as a professional, team member or manager. Most often, several tests (battery) are selected for testing, covering the most important intellectual, personal, motivational and volitional qualities for a given profession. The most popular techniques can be divided into several groups.


During an interview, were you asked to cross out numbers and letters in a row of random numbers and letters within a certain amount of time? Know that you are passing the Bourdon proof test or the Schultz table. The main test subjects: accountants, cashiers, assistant secretaries, salespeople and specialists who need reaction speed, ability to concentrate and resistance to stress in their work. At the end of the test, the completed sheet is checked for errors. If there are a lot of them and, moreover, by the end of testing their number increases, it means that the candidate’s attention is depleted and he is not able to for a long time concentrate on one activity. They prefer to eliminate such accountants or cashiers right away: they are sure to make mistakes during the working day.

How to get:Find a test using an Internet search engine and practice at home: one, two, three... ten times. Even if you are not hired, improving your memory and attention will never be a bad idea.


Personality tests cause the most serious hostility among candidates; many perceive them as an invasion of personal space. Meanwhile, such questionnaires are quite widely used in personnel selection, as they allow you to look deep into a person: find out his basic needs and interests, motives for behavior, goals and values, and understand how he makes decisions.

One of the popular personality tests that can identify the main qualities of a candidate and his potential is the Myers-Briggs questionnaire. The original test contains at least 94 questions and determines people's preferences by selecting answer options from the situation: yes or no. For example, “In your opinion, the biggest disadvantage is being insensitive or unreasonable?” Answers are not graded as right or wrong, the whole test was originally built on the principle “one likes pears, the other likes oatmeal”...

“People who can’t make decisions irritate me,” “I could live away from people,” and 103 other similar statements are suggested by Cattell’s equally popular questionnaire. According to the theory of the English psychologist and founder of the test, any personality is based on 16 main traits: practicality-dreaming, isolation-sociability, self-confidence-guilt, the dynamics of whose development the test will help determine.

One of the shortest personality tests, but not inferior in effectiveness, is the Eysenck test, which allows you to identify the type of temperament and level of emotional stability of candidates. Questions: “Do you prefer books to meeting people?” or “Do you ever have tremors?” also do not provide a variety of answer options.

How to get:Personality tests are considered the most "tricky" ones because they do not contain right or wrong answers. One of the right ways take a test to find out what kind of candidate the company is looking for and become one for a while. At the same time, be careful, avoiding unnoticed trap questions, the most common of which: the same question, in slightly different wording. It is necessary to ensure that in both cases the answer is the same, otherwise they may be accused of insincerity.

Another type of “traps” are questions: “Do you always pay for travel to public transport? or “Have you ever been irritated?” You shouldn’t answer them the way an ideal person would answer; normal people don’t always do everything right. There's nothing wrong with letting off steam sometimes. But if the critical mass of deception in answers exceeds a certain value, you will be accused of “social desirability.”


If you were asked to draw a non-existent animal, choose your preferred colors or geometric shape, it means you are being viewed through projective tests.
The simplest test to carry out and obtain results is considered to be the psychogeometric test. Candidates show five geometric shapes: circle, square, rectangle, zizgag and triangle and offer to choose one of them, in relation to which he can say: “Here is a figure that symbolizes me!” Depending on the chosen figure, the subject will be identified as a workaholic, creative person or careerist.

Applicants for positions where there is a lot of interaction with other people, such as sales managers or delivery drivers, are often asked to take the Rosenzweig test. It uses 24 picture cards, which depict people in various conflict situations and immediately provides a replica of one of the characters, and the subject must come up with what the second participant’s replica could be. Using the test, you can identify how a person reacts to failure and how he manifests himself in conflicts.

You will be asked to choose your preferred color from cards of different colors during the Luscher color test. Take the test twice short period time. According to the founder of the test, the choice of color can show the subject’s focus on a certain activity and the most stable personality traits.

Least of all projective techniques They use drawing tests, since processing the results is a long, labor-intensive process that requires training and experience from a specialist. The main essence of the test: the candidate is asked to draw a non-existent animal or the composition “house, tree, person”, then HR analyzes the qualitative and quantitative characteristics drawing.

How to get:To pass the Luscher test, you just need to remember correct sequence choice of colors: red, yellow, green, purple, blue, brown, gray, black. And remember, if you repeat it twice perfect order, this will alert the tester, so when re-selecting it is necessary to slightly change the sequence of colors.

In the Rosenzweig test, as in personality tests, you can use the principle of getting used to the image and constructing a phrase not according to the first impulse, but how an ideal candidate would answer.

With drawing tests, you need to remember a few rules for interpreting drawings. So, an animal with teeth or protruding sharp corners will be a sign of your conflicting or aggressive disposition. An energetic, confident person draws with clear, smooth lines or strokes with little pressure.


Few of us have not tried to find out our IQ level at home, solving exercises on arithmetic, memorizing numbers, completing pictures, etc. Eichars suggest solving the same well-known and widely used tests to determine the level of intelligence by D. Wechsler and Stanford test batteries -Binet.
Often the average passing score for a company is set at 120 conventional units. At the same time, the intelligence of the average person (IQ) is 100 units (half of the solved problems), and the intelligence of a person who fully answers all the tasks corresponds to 200 units.

In addition to IQ tests, HR can also offer logic tests, which test the ability to separate correct logical consequences from incorrect ones. In tasks, unfamiliar words are often found, such as “kuzdra”, “zapyrka”, “dubarator”, this was done specifically to highlight the ability to logical thinking from other knowledge about the world around us. At first, the tasks may confuse the candidate: “John is always either urping or purring” or “Some lapuchondria are not stable,” but later normal logic takes over.

How to get:In intelligence tests, the main task for the applicant is to score maximum amount points for a certain period of time. The most common mistakes in such tests are related to inattention and missing tasks for which the answer cannot be found. Basic rules: before starting the solution, carefully read the questions and try to answer all the tasks: even if you don’t know the correct answer, there is always a chance to guess it. And the last thing: training, many of these tests are built on the same principle, and once you understand the task, the second time you will spend much less time on it.

Logic tests have one correct answer, and if you have doubts about your own logic, you can simply memorize the answer options.


Most often, financiers, accountants, lawyers and programmers are offered to take professional tests to meet the requirements for a vacancy and check a good theoretical basis; this allows them to rank specialists and make their initial screening.

At the same time, many organizations develop their own tests, which makes it possible to increase their reliability and take into account the specifics of the organization and these positions. For example, a lawyer or accountant may be asked to find a solution from difficult situation that have already happened in the company.

How to get:Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to “cheat” professional tests, especially if the employer compiles them himself. And is it necessary to deceive if we are talking about your professionalism, which will subsequently need to be confirmed every day.

Over 600 online psychological tests of various directions. Online tests for career guidance and personal, everyone will find something they need and find interesting.

Test passed: 4,149 times

Organizational skills are a person’s practical ability to organize any process or the interaction of people performing it.

The level of development of such abilities is established by analyzing his answers to special questionnaire tests. Through such techniques, the degree of special motives is established, in other words, the social needs that a good organizer needs. Such motivations for action are the need to achieve a goal, an attitude towards high social activity, objectivity in assessing people, optimism, independence, the ability to find a way out of difficult situations, and lack of anxiety.

Test passed: 2,892 times

The methodology was compiled by N.N. Obozov and is intended for generalized characteristics strong-willed qualities manifested by the personality.

The survey uses 18 different empirical characteristics, which together determine the manifestation of a person’s temperament. All of them make it possible to determine the degree of a person’s volitional qualities, including without his participation.

Test passed: 1,915 times

The proposed methodology diagnoses the level of communication skills and the quality of property formation. This survey is a type of achievement test and has a structure similar to the structure of a task that always has the correct answer.

The technique offers the subject some standard behavior options. Each of them corresponds to a specific partner style. The degree of approximation to the highest result can be determined by the number of correct answers. The test offers 10 communicative variations for reflection, each of them offers 5 possible options response behavior. You need to choose one and no more.

The survey results offer several answer options; the respondent can be classified as a confident, dependent or aggressive personality type.

Test passed: 2,468 times

Not everyone can become an entrepreneur. There are many literate, qualified people, strong in spirit and well educated. They are hardworking, but this is not enough to become a businessman.

An entrepreneur is also a profession and mastering it requires a certain set of qualities, namely: willingness to take risks, a tendency to achieve goals, communication and organizational skills, personal responsibility for the process and people. This technique will help answer the question - do you have the ability to run a business?

Research shows that about 40% qualified specialists do not plan to do business, they cannot and do not plan to become entrepreneurs. A businessman has a different mentality. He plunges into his work without reserve. A person who does business is proactive, active, has fairly high self-esteem and dedication in the process of work.

Test passed: 5,459 times

This scale was developed A. T. BekV cooperationcolleagues in 1961. The basis for identifying a limited list of relevant and significant symptoms of depressivedisorderswere based on clinical observations and complaints often made by patients. The questionnaire was developed by correlating the identified set of parameters with existing clinical descriptions of depression. The test includes 21 categories of symptoms and complaints.

In the original version, the test was performed with the participation of a specialist. The clinical psychologist reads each category item aloud and asks the patient to select a statement. At the end of the procedure, the patient was given a copy of the questionnaire. In addition to the results, the researcher took into account indicators of intellectual development, anamnestic data and other parameters of interest.

Today, the technique has been significantly simplified: the questionnaire is given to the patient to fill out independently.

Test passed: 6,865 times

The technique for diagnosing the level of self-esteem of an individual is used to assess one’s capabilities. No matter how paradoxical it may sound, a person is exactly the way he imagines and feels. Existing self-esteem serves as the basis for everyday choices of how to behave in a given situation or society. Self-esteem constitutes the relative stability of a person, building a vector of development.

True self-esteem is the basis of personal dignity and, as a consequence, its moral satisfaction. An adequate or inadequate attitude towards oneself either harmonizes the spiritual component, providing reasonable confidence in oneself and one’s strengths, or leads to constant internal dispute and conflicts with people. Self-esteem from the point of view of psychology is an understanding of the importance of personal activity in society and an assessment of oneself, personal qualities and feelings, expressed openly or closed.

Test passed: 6,647 times

The Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS), as it is also called, reveals the ability to feel, express emotions and convey one’s thoughts to an interlocutor. The survey allows you to understand your internal state, the strength and depth of a person’s feelings and analyze their reasons.

By accepting our emotions, we better understand the thoughts and actions of other people, which increases our personal weight in society. The Alexithymia Scale is aimed at in-depth study of alexithymia as a human property. The test was adapted for use at the Institute. V.M. Bekhtereva. The technique includes 26 questions, statements, to which you can give one single answer, choosing it from5 answer options.

Test passed: 2,753 times

Tolerance in communication or the ability to understand others can be expressed in the following phrase: allow yourself to be yourself, and others to be different, let go of expectations. Lack of tolerance in interpersonal relationships quite often leads to conflicts. Prevention and resolution of such situations is good level tolerance.

Communication tolerance test developed by scientist V.V. Smartly, reveals an understanding of the aspects of relationships where you are most susceptible to conflict situations. Knowing the cause of the conflict, it is always easier to prevent it altogether or as soon as possible find ways to resolve them.

Boyko's questionnaire helps you see your weak spots and understand what behavioral attitudes and reactions in communication should be adjusted in order to make the communication process more enjoyable and effective.

Test passed: 4,305 times

Anxietyis the tendency to experience uncontrollable anxiety in a variety of situations.
When a circumstance is fraught with real danger, a state of anxiety is truly useful: it helps to be more attentive and careful, and to avoid unpleasant or serious consequences. If anxiety arises for no reason, without reason, then this undoubtedly prevents a person from living and working happily and effectively, making him irritable, nervous, hot-tempered and causing psychological discomfort to himself and the people around him.

Do you have a tendency to increased anxiety, the following technique will help you find out.
All proposed statements must be answered “yes” or “no”.

Test passed: 5,556 times

With great confidence, we can assume that you have repeatedly wondered whether you are an ideal couple, whether a happy future awaits you. Harmonious relationships can be created, this requires love, a feeling of affection, it is also important to share each other’s interests, views on life, family and social values. Even if they do not coincide completely, it is important that in a couple the partners complement each other without entering into dissonance.

Do you want to know how ideal your union is? Then it’s worth starting to implement the following technique.