Stencils for walls for painting in large sizes. Stencils for DIY decor, templates for your creativity Stencils for cutting paper wall decor

Every person dreams of making their home more beautiful, more original and stylish, because home– this is the most important thing in a person’s life. There are many methods for creating original effects in the house, but decorating walls with stencils is in demand. They are very easy to use and inexpensive. Stencil ornaments fit perfectly into any decor and do not burden the interior design. Professional selection of ornaments will make your room stylish and cozy.

Below are detailed description creating a stencil with your own hands and recommendations for working with it.

Types of stencils

There are several types of stencils. Let's get acquainted with them:

Choosing a stencil

The choice of stencil should depend on the layout and renovation of your home. Although you should choose a stencil solely according to your taste, there are still some tips:

  1. You need to approach the work with care, not to overdo it with the size and number of drawings. Everything should be in moderation.
  2. Try to stick to a single ornament in one room. Don't combine butterflies and geometric patterns.
  3. Do not make very small elements - they look awkward, more like spots.
  4. A picture made with a stencil with sufficient quantity stripes and borders.

DIY stencil

In specialized shopping centers you can find a wide variety of stencils. They differ in price, quality, appearance. Each person can choose a stencil to suit their taste. However, stencils made by hand are of particular value.

To make your own stencil, take:

  • original drawing;
  • plastic, cardboard or film;
  • stationery knife;
  • felt-tip pen or pencil;
  • scotch tape;
  • working glass surface.

Choose a picture from which you will make a stencil. You can draw it yourself or print it. Big pictures cut into separate elements and connected with tape.

When creating a stencil with your own hands, Special attention Pay attention to the material, choose the right one. You can take regular cardboard or paper, self-adhesive or plastic material. By the way, an advertising company can print out a ready-made stencil for you based on any design.

Transfer the pattern onto the surface using carbon paper or a felt-tip pen. Don't forget to secure the picture with tape. After that, add the necessary details to make it easier to cut. If you made a stencil on a cardboard or paper sheet, then cover it with tape or laminate it.

Cut the stencil carefully to avoid scars and rough cuts, otherwise the work will be sloppy. To avoid missing small particles, attach them to larger ones. Place the glass surface under the stencil and cut out the areas of color using a blade or utility knife to ensure clear lines.

Working with a stencil

You will need the following materials:

  • the stencil itself;
  • stencil glue;
  • brush;
  • paint roller;
  • acrylic based paints or aerosols.

First you need to process the area where you want to apply the design. Remove excess dirt by washing or vacuuming the area. Next, start marking. Take a level to ensure the drawing is even. Use a pencil to mark the edges to ensure the stencil is attached smoothly.

Before you start the work itself, you need to practice on some material. Old unnecessary wallpaper or whatman paper are suitable for this. With this workout, you will decide exactly what colors you will use and how to apply them correctly.

In order to be sure what the final version will be, you need to select different kinds color range and apply ready-made ornaments to the surface for comparison best option combinations of shades.

In shopping centers you can find stencils for repeated use. They are made of a special washable film. It will not tear and will allow you to practice many times.

Using spray adhesive, attach the stencil to the wall. This glue remains colorless and invisible. The glue evenly covers the entire stencil, thanks to which the latter adheres perfectly to the work area.

To color the picture, use paints on acrylic base. They are distinguished by their quick-drying properties and are easy to apply with a regular brush, roller or sponge. Don't use too much paint so it doesn't bleed. Point the brush perpendicular to the wall and, as it were, “fill” the paint.

When working with a sponge, make the initial strokes on a separate piece of paper to remove excess paint. If you choose a roller, then watch for an even distribution of the paint. Pay more attention to the small parts of the stencil. When using an aerosol, the distance from the container to the wall must be at least thirty centimeters.

To make the picture three-dimensional, you need to take acrylic putty. It must be applied with a spatula. It is recommended to do this very carefully until the thickness suits you. On average it is one to three millimeters. When you are finished, wait two minutes and remove the stencil. Try not to harm the pattern, because it has not completely frozen yet. Don't worry about the perfect evenness of the picture. If something doesn't work out, sand everything after it dries. Then you can safely paint over the picture. After finishing work, wash and dry the stencil if it is suitable for further use.

As you can see, making a stencil is not at all difficult, you just need to put in the desire and effort. When you work, try to avoid some mistakes - do not move the stencil and make sure that the paint does not leak. To do this, securely attach the stencil with aerosol glue, and use a minimum of paints. Be careful and patient and you will have a wonderful room!

In order to enjoy the result of your work, you need to carefully learn the sequence of manipulations with the stencil and practice well.

A pattern made with a stencil can be used anywhere. You can use it to decorate windows, floors, walls and even fireplaces! It all depends on your creativity and desire to create something beautiful. We hope this article helped you answer all your questions about creating and using a stencil.

81 photo stencil ideas

More ours ancient ancestors decorated the rock walls with paintings and drawings, thus expressing their individuality and outlining the story of their life. It is not surprising that today people still strive to decorate their home in an original and elegant way. To realize this goal, there are many variations, the main of which is stenciled wall decoration. When choosing a pattern or design, there is no limit to your imagination, and do-it-yourself stencils for wall decor will make the design of your apartment or house 100 percent unique.

The growing popularity of stencil decoration is explained by the fact that it can be used to hide any design flaws or, on the contrary, emphasize advantages.

Popular types

Stencils for walls can be of all kinds: starting with a repeating pattern, with which you can create the effect of wallpaper, and ending with a work of art in the form of an original drawing. But this is not the only classification of stencils. Depending on various factors, several types can be distinguished:

1) Monochromatic coloring. Most people use this method, since it is the simplest, but at the same time it looks no less masterpiece.

2) Using several shades when drawing. This technique is much more complex and requires more attention and dexterity. Each element, different in color from the other, has a separate stencil. First, the first element is displayed and only after the paint has completely dried, the next one is displayed. This is done because this type involves the overlay of one element on the previous one.

3) Volumetric or relief patterns. In this case, the stencil is applied not with paint, but with putty, to create a convexity for the design. However, don't overdo it. A design that is convex by more than 3 millimeters will look awkward. If desired, the pattern is then painted.

There are many ways to make the interior unique, because modern Decoration Materials provide for this ample opportunities. These can be bright stickers, unusual compositions, non-standard furniture layout. Also, they often use stencils for DIY decoration: the templates and ideas presented in this article will help you choose materials for application and allow you to create an individual style in the design of the room.

Painted walls always make a room unique and unique. However, not everyone knows how to draw beautifully, and even the most skilled artist will not be able to repeat the same drawing in the same way. Stencils of drawings on the wall can correct this situation. Their use makes it possible to apply required amount images, and at the same time they will be the same.

Existing types of stencils, their purpose and application. How to use stencils correctly. Choosing paint for decoration.

Templates for volumetric decor

An unusual effect can be obtained using volumetric decor. To create it, mixtures based on gypsum and plaster are used. The resulting result will look rich and beautiful. However, creating it requires time, patience and some skills in working with plaster.

To obtain a voluminous composition, it is not necessary to purchase ready-made templates, making stencils for wall decor with your own hands is easier and cheaper.

The process of creating a volumetric composition comes down to the following points:

  • choosing a stencil with the appropriate design. Quite often, the material for such a template is thick cardboard. It is fixed to the wall using self-tapping screws;
  • The prepared mixture is applied to the stencil with a spatula. It is necessary to carefully coat the pattern to obtain a uniform surface, without voids and irregularities;
  • when the solution has hardened, it is necessary to remove the stencil. Now you should start creating required thickness. This is done by gradually applying the solution with shaped spatulas;
  • when the finished relief has completely frozen, it is necessary to round the edges of the surface. To do this, the bas-relief is processed with sandpaper;
  • The final step is painting the finished decor. To avoid staining the surface around it, it is recommended to use the same stencil. If the bas-relief is made on a colored surface, it can be left white.

Unlike painting, volumetric decor requires time and patience to create, but the resulting effect is worth the effort.

Stencils for furniture and mirrors

Today it is popular to decorate furniture surfaces, household appliances or mirrors with various images. This makes the item unusual and immediately sets it apart from others. The paints used allow you to apply decor to any surface: brick, concrete, glass, wood, fabric, etc.

When choosing templates, for example, flower stencils for decoration, for decorating a mirror, you should give preference to those that have a self-adhesive backing. This will avoid shifting the pattern and make it possible to obtain clear and beautiful contours. Stencils are used to decorate the corner of a mirror or its entire perimeter. After applying the image to the surface of the furniture, to preserve it, it is recommended to apply it on top protective layer varnish

Imagination and patience allow you to create real works of art, giving ordinary things an unusual appearance.

Border templates

Quite often, a border is used in the design of a bathroom or other rooms. It consists of a repeating section of the ornament. The result is a continuous pattern that encircles the room. Images of flowers, plants, and dolphins are great for these purposes. The resulting drawing is laconic and restrained. Photos of stencils for wall decor will help you decide on the choice of pattern for the bathroom. If you want to save time and effort, you can simply buy a ready-made template at the nearest finishing materials store.

Features of making templates with your own hands

Stencils made from thick paper last no more than two times. After this, the edges of the drawing become wet, and the template becomes unusable. More often paper stencils used to create single images. First you need to print a stencil on the wall and then cut it out. Only after this can you start decorating the wall.

Sometimes, in order to preserve the template for future use, its edges are varnished. You can first glue a sheet of paper with tape, and then cut out a stencil for the wall. To cut out butterflies and other intricate patterns with small details, you can use a sharp blade or a utility knife.

Film stencils are great for reusable use. Moreover, they are ideal solution for applying ornaments over large areas. Used to secure the film Double-sided tape. If the pattern is applied to wallpaper or a painted surface water-based paint, then it is better to choose masking tape.

Plastic or vinyl stencils can be used many times. Masking tape is great for attaching them to the wall. However, such templates are not suitable for applying large designs due to their heavy weight.

Advantages and disadvantages of homemade stencils

Decorative wall patterns have a number of advantages and disadvantages. Among their advantages, the following should be noted:

  • ease of manufacture. It is enough to print a butterfly stencil on the wall, cut it out and apply a design;
  • the ability to combine colors;
  • a huge number of different patterns;
  • possibility of use for finishing furniture, household appliances and mirrors;
  • application on all types of surfaces;
  • possibility of carrying out finishing works with minimal capital investment.

Among the main disadvantages are:

  • rapid stencil failure. Especially when using paper or loose cardboard;
  • the need to carefully secure the template to the surface.

It was the large number of advantages that made this type finishing work is so popular today.

Tips for making your own templates

You always want the job to be done perfectly. This desire is especially strong in the case of room decoration. It is worth noting that one wrong step can significantly spoil the overall picture and negate all the efforts made.

Some tips for novice decorators:

  • when applying paint to a stencil, the working tool must be held perpendicular to the surface to be painted;
  • To prevent lint from getting into the image, painting should be done in a circular motion;
  • The best tool for applying paint is a paint roller. Its dimensions depend on the area to be painted;
  • you need to take a small amount of paint. The resulting residues should be removed with a sponge or soft cloth;
  • reusable stencils must be washed after completion of the process warm water;
  • to protect the ornament from external influence, after drying it should be varnished.

The basis for the layout is a printed drawing. A large number of Photos of stencils for wall decor can be found on the Internet. The resulting drawing should first be copied and then transferred to the material for making the template.

There are a number of points that someone who is decorating using a template for the first time needs to know about.

Important points that if missed will result in a low-quality image:

  • the surface on which the design will be applied must first be cleaned of dirt and degreased;
  • The location of the drawing must be noted. For this purpose the usual building level and a pencil;
  • Before applying the image to the selected location, it is recommended to practice on whatman paper. This will allow you to understand the principle of applying paint;
  • To ensure that the stencil adheres well, experts recommend using stencil glue. Among its advantages, the following should be highlighted: the absence of marks on the surface and excellent grip. The latter eliminates the possibility of the stencil moving out;
  • if you decide to apply a pattern big size, then you need to find a place where they can make such a layout. Many companies offer to print large stencils for walls for free, however, subject to further cooperation with them. In this case, it is better to break the picture into small fragments and make several templates based on them;

  • for drawing, preference should be given to acrylic paints. They are great for all types of surfaces and dry quickly;
  • There is one small issue with using a sponge to apply paint. Any excess on it must be soaked onto a sheet of paper. Only after this start drawing;
  • if the drawing must have volume, it is necessary to use acrylic putty. Using a spatula, it is evenly applied in the right places;
  • Particular attention must be paid to the smooth flow of paint along the edges. If excess is formed, it should be removed with a sponge;
  • Carefully fixing the sample will allow you to get a clear, beautiful picture.

Compliance with these simple rules will allow you to avoid mistakes when applying decor and save time on correcting the resulting flaws. Big choice stencils and templates will allow you to choose best option for any room and give the room a unique zest and charm.

Stencils for wall decor will help you get away from the routine of even the most luxurious wallpaper, save time and hard-earned money. I’m ready to tell you how you can use them to decorate your entire apartment with chic patterns or visually highlight a certain corner. And examples of completed work will clearly confirm my words.

What you need to know about the stencil

A stencil is a sheet of plastic with slots that form a specific pattern. The large cutouts are connected by bridges that hold the pieces together. A professional cliche has a mark for precise alignment of sheets when repeating the design (dot, cut out the edge of the sheet). You can simply trace the corners of the sheet with a simple pencil.

What questions may arise about the stencil:

  1. What material is it made of?
  2. How to attach a sheet to the wall?
  3. What and how to draw?
  4. Is it possible to make stencils for walls with your own hands?

Which stencil to choose

A classification will help solve this issue, depending on which the appropriate option is selected. Based on the density of the material, templates are divided into types:

  1. Standard;
  2. Textured or voluminous;
  3. Adhesive.

Method 1

The standard type is made of Mylar (hard material), reusable. It will not fade from paint, but may tear if the paint is vigorously peeled off.

Method 2

Textured or voluminous - this is the same template made of mylar, only 1.5 times thicker. Designed for raised patterns in putty/plaster.

For storage, hard stencils are powdered with talcum powder and spread between hard sheets, such as plywood.

General diagram-instructions for working with a three-dimensional stencil.

1. Commit volumetric stencil on the wall.

2. Fill with putty cut fragments.

3. Remove the stencil, gradually bending it back.

Method 3

Glue (oracle in everyday use) is a soft vinyl/PVC film with an adhesive backing for one-time use. Convenient for drawing on complex surfaces.

It’s worth considering if adhesive stencils for wall decoration are positioned by sellers as reusable. This is basically impossible - the material is soft, deforms during removal at the end of the work and cannot be reused.

Advantages and disadvantages of rigid stencil:

  1. Durable, reusable.
  2. Easy to use - attach, fix, paint over.
  3. But they do not adhere tightly to an uneven surface, so the edges may become smeared and will have to be painted on with a brush.

Advantages and disadvantages of adhesive template:

  1. Adheres tightly to difficult surfaces.
  2. But it’s disposable, because it can stretch when removed.
  3. By removing the film, you can grab month-old plaster/paint.
  4. When stored for a long time, they dry out and crack.
  5. Whimsical at work.

General diagram-instructions for working with Oracle.

1. Glue stencil on the wall.

2. Peel off the backing, lower it down, while simultaneously gluing the stencil film to the wall.

3.Roll the stencil from bottom to top. When rolling out the roll, the backing is separated and the film is glued to the wall.

4. Remove fragments of the drawing. In this case, you can use a stationery knife.

5. Paint over the drawing.

6. Remove film, holding it parallel to the wall.

Depending on the style and, probably, originality, cliches can be divided into the following types:

  1. Regular/standard- patterns are openwork “holes”, which are painted over with the main color.
  2. Inverse- the stencil is the opposite, here it is not the design that is cut out, but the background. Background slits are painted over dark color, and the figures will remain the same color as the wall.

You can make beautiful stencils for decoration yourself from the most affordable materials:

  1. X-ray film.
  2. Cardboard. The surface is sealed with ordinary tape / drying oil.
  3. Kuska vinyl wallpaper, covered with paint.
  4. Folder Covers.

You can draw your imagination in a graphics editor (Corel Draw) and have plotter trimming done at any advertising agency (price approximately 70 rubles/m2). A stationery knife is convenient for cutting yourself. Thick material is placed under the template so as not to scratch the table.

How to attach a stencil to a wall

Just as a sheet of paper is attached motionless to the easel, so the template should be motionless on the wall.

Fixation is done in two ways:

  1. Aerosol glue(Marabu Fix-it, Idea, KCR01, Cadence).
  2. Masking tape.

Often stencils glued to walls are duplicated masking tape, because large sheets“gain weight” due to adhering paint.

Rules for using glue:

  1. Apply glue not to the wall, but to the underside of the stencil;
  2. Observe the setting time of the glue according to the instructions;
  3. Do not use on rough/textured walls;
  4. The wall must be clean from dust;
  5. To ensure a tight fit, the stencils can be rolled onto the wall with a roller through paper;
  6. Wash off the glue with warm water or a special remover.

What are the benefits of masking tape?:

  1. Unlike usual, it does not leave sticky residue;
  2. Easy to remove by hand.

Which paint to choose and how to apply it

You can draw on concrete, wood, plastered, plasterboard walls, as well as on wallpaper for painting. Wallpaper absorbs paint better, so it will take more paint than on a painted surface. Depending on the type of surface, the appropriate paints are selected:

  1. Acrylic on water based - for wood, cardboard, wallpaper, concrete.
  2. Latex- concrete, gypsum concrete, plaster.

Construction stores sell paints mainly in standard packaging - 1–3 kg, so it is better to look in art stores/on specialized websites.

Painting is done in any convenient way:

  1. Hand brush with short bristles.
  2. Roller.
  3. Sponge.
  4. Airtograph.

Unlike aerosol paints, which have a wide jet, airbrushes are much more convenient to use, but they also cost money. No need to think about how to make halftones, and no need to cover large area walls from splashing.

How to draw

The golden rule for stenciling is that the tool should be semi-dry. Having dipped the brush (roller/sponge) into the paint, you need to squeeze it out - roll it over a sheet of paper so that it is semi-dry.

The paint is rolled out with a roller, but with a brush/sponge they are painted with tapping movements, as if driving in the paint, no up and down movements. Hold the brush perpendicular to the wall. To saturate the color, the driving procedure is repeated.

What can be done with a stencil

Stencil designs can be complex, but even just one design can create a gorgeous piece. Use your imagination - by arranging the drawn elements in different ways, you can get original combinations.

What can you draw with stencils?:

  1. Imitation of carpeting, wallpaper;
  2. Scene picture;

  1. Play around with sockets/switches;

Do-it-yourself decorative stencils allow you to create unique interior. Ready-made templates allow you to apply any ornament to walls, furniture facades or glass surfaces. Even if you do not have artistic talents, transferring a drawing according to a template will not be difficult. It is important to do this carefully and choose the right color combinations and drawing style.

Room design with round stencils

Room interior with stencil

Stencil in the interior of the room

Floral, plant, animal, abstract and other motifs allow you to diversify the interior. They can be applied to any surface - floors, walls, ceilings, furniture, mirrors, windows. Stencil images reflect the individuality of the owners of the house. Moreover, it is simple and inexpensive way update a boring interior without overhaul. You can purchase ready-made templates in the store or make your own.

Butterfly stencil

Stencil in the interior of the room

Stencils are used not only to decorate the interior of rooms, they can also be used for:

  • scrapbooking;
  • posters;
  • decoration of paintings (corners, vignettes, etc.);
  • calligraphy;
  • greeting posters and cards;
  • holiday decorations;
  • inscriptions and signatures.


First of all, stencils for decoration are divided according to the materials from which they are made.

Adhesive film

A one-time option for transferring a design onto a surface. To transfer the ornament, just glue the film onto smooth surface, no paint required. The range of images is quite large - butterflies, cats, birds, puppies, cartoon characters, etc. The advantages of the film are its low price and ease of application, however, such a stencil can only be used once.

Stencil in the form of a portrait

Stencil in the shape of a heart in the interior of a room

Hard plastic

It can be either transparent or opaque; for work, the first option is preferable. Such templates can be used many times, the main thing is to store them correctly and wash off any remaining dye after painting. Using plastic templates, you can create three-dimensional designs if you choose decorative putty instead of paint.

Stencils made independently can be made from any available means, the main thing is that it is convenient to apply the design to the surface. It is best to choose thick cardboard or plastic; they are easy to cut, the edges are clear and rigid enough to not wrinkle during the process of applying paint or plaster. At the same time, plain paper will do just fine for rough drafts.

Stencil in the interior of the room

Stencil in the interior of the room

Where to use?

There are no strict rules about exactly where to place decorative stencils. However, it is important to consider that large open surfaces are better suited for applying ornaments. Perfect option- a wall free from furniture. Drawings allow you to fill the emptiness in a room if there is little furniture or it seems too spacious and uncomfortable.

Also, using patterns applied through templates, you can draw attention to the decor or furniture, and decorate the space around sockets with switches. The patterns on the wall behind the bed or sofa look beautiful, this great way zoning of space.

Stencil water world in the interior of the room

How to do it yourself

The drawing chosen as the basis must be clear. You can draw it yourself or find a suitable image and scale it to the right size and print it on paper. You can enlarge the selected ornament by moving it to a larger large leaf using a scaled grid. The image must be transferred strictly cell to cell; this method requires a lot of patience and care.

When the draft is ready, it needs to be duplicated on a thicker sheet - plastic, thick cardboard or film. The finished image is cut out strictly along the lines using stationery knife. Try to change blades as often as possible; a dull knife will not leave clear lines. If minor flaws appear during the cutting process, do not throw away the almost finished stencil and start all over again. Small imperfections give the image a certain charm, and also show that it is handmade. People are not machines capable of drawing perfect lines accurate to tenths of a millimeter. Some interior styles allow minor irregularities, this is their specialty - Provence, shabby chic, loft.

Beautiful stencil in the interior of the room

Stencil in the red room in the form of a fairy

Beautiful stencil in the interior of a room in the form of roses

Advice. To get beautiful and even curved lines, you can use patterns from the sewing department or office supply store.

Selecting an image depending on the interior style


Floral motifs, vines, flowers, stripes, ornaments characteristic of Rococo, Baroque or Empire style.

Pastel colors, brown tones, light gray, white, gold, bronze, silver

Urban scenes, high-rise buildings, technology, lanterns, electric lamps, stylized inscriptions.

Black, brick, white, gray, brown, beige.

Floral patterns, traditional ornaments, polka dots, flowers, stripes.

Green, brown, white, gray, milky, beige, sand, golden, red, blue.

Landscapes, plants, birds, sea ​​waves, olive branches.

White, milky, beige, all shades of brown, green, blue, turquoise, lavender, pastel colors, pearl.

Abstractions, geometric figures, stripes, zigzags, waves.

Black, grey, brown, metallic.

Stencil in the interior of the room

Stencil of a large butterfly in the room

How to transfer a drawing

So, you have made stencils for decoration with your own hands or purchased ready-made ones, now all that remains is to transfer the drawings to the selected surface. Here are some tips to help you get started.

  1. The base for painting must be perfectly clean and dry.
  2. If you need to apply several identical images, to maintain even lines and symmetry, apply the markings with a simple pencil. It is not necessary to draw the entire outline; it is enough to mark the main points - top, bottom and sides.
  3. If you need to choose a paint shade, conduct experiments on a draft, for example, a sheet of cardboard. In addition to selecting colors, you will acquire skills in working with templates if you are doing this for the first time.
  4. The workpiece is fixed on the “finishing block” special glue so that it does not slip during the process.
  5. If you are using spray paint, keep it at least 30 cm away. This will ensure the color applies evenly and the image will not be spoiled by drips.
  6. When using a sponge, wring it out to remove excess paint.
  7. With a brush, paint is applied vertically from top to bottom.
  8. If you have chosen narrow templates, you should not use a roller; you may accidentally leave marks on the wall through negligence.

Green room with Chinese style stencil

Dandelion stencil in the red room

Living room decor

Hall - main room in the house, where guests are received, celebrations are held, and the whole family gathers in the evenings. The interior of the hall should be both cozy and solemn; stencil images will help with this.

Very popular in modern interiors use silhouettes of birds, plants, swings, cats, arches with or without people. Most often these are quite large compositions that occupy a free wall above the sofa or between wall modules.

Motifs can be used individually or together. For example, the branches of a tree can be decorated with flowers, birds can be planted on them, cages can be hung, or sitting people can be placed at the roots. As for colors, most often such a composition is monochrome, or two or three shades are used when applied, no more. Black, dark gray and other strict colors are suitable for a living room in modern style, and pastel patterns fit well into the classics, East style, Provence

Stencil in room design

Stencil in the interior of the room

An interesting solution would be to continue the wall ornament on the ceiling. In this case, the patterns can be supplemented with suitable lighting - Spotlights in the branches like fruit, LED Strip Light, repeating the pattern and so on.

Corners should also not be ignored. Correctly selected shades and patterns will help give the living room volume. Images in the corners may echo the decor on the ceiling, pattern on curtains or upholstery upholstered furniture. This design will look harmonious and complete.

For Japanese style blanks with hieroglyphs are perfect; they can be applied to walls or furniture facades, make inserts on the ceiling. It is important to carefully select signs, taking into account their semantic meaning. You can choose sayings of ancient sages, poems, phrases wishing good luck, family happiness, prosperity, etc.

3D stencil

Bedroom decoration

This room is intended for relaxation, so image motifs and colors should be selected in accordance with this. It can be beautiful inscriptions, flowers, plant patterns, animals, butterflies, fish. The best place for composition, this is the wall above the head of the bed. It is she who is most often one of the central decorative elements.

For centuries, paintings, tapestries, skins, etc. were hung above the bed to decorate the bedroom. In modern interiors, photo wallpapers, contrasting combinations of shades, decorative inserts, modular paintings and stencils are used for the same purposes. At the same time, no artistic skills are required to apply an image using a blank.

How to apply a stencil

The drawings transferred to the surface can be supplemented with vinyl stickers, moldings, or you can add some elements yourself with a thin brush. Stencil paintings can be combined with almost any type of decor. In addition to wall surfaces, you can decorate the ceiling, mirrors, cabinets, shelves, even textiles with stencil images, if you choose special paints for the fabric.

The color scheme of the bedroom should be calm, it is better to choose soft pastel colors, avoid orange, aggressive red, and black. If you still want to add brightness to the interior, red shades should be used in very small quantities and always on a neutral background, which will smooth out the brightness. Gilding or bronze also looks good, this is especially true for classics - Empire, Rococo or Baroque.

Room interior with dandelion stencil

Kitchen decoration

Even the smallest kitchen needs bright details that can diversify the design. And here, as in other rooms of the house, it is appropriate to use stencils for decoration. As images, you can choose ones that suit the theme - a cup of steaming coffee, fruits, vegetables, kitchenware, sweets, cakes and everything that looks so delicious.

In addition to various food motifs, you can use geometric patterns or even abstractions if we are talking about a loft, urban style or high-tech. Simple Shapes also appropriate in minimalism. To add contrast to your kitchen design, you can choose landscapes - forests, rivers, mountains, images of the sun. The kitchen space should create good mood to increase appetite, so you should avoid dark colors and subjects.

Eiffel Tower stencil

Children's room

The children's room is a real field for experiments with bright colors and plots. Since the child grows quickly, the interior of this particular room changes in accordance with his age and interests. The easiest way to change the environment is to use stencils. In addition, the process of transferring drawings to surfaces can be fun for a child. The child can also fill in the missing elements himself and place vinyl stickers where he likes, etc. Such an activity will certainly interest and captivate a child of any age.

You can select cars, ships, fairy-tale heroes, animals, princesses, knights, comic book characters, symbols of popular superheroes, letters, numbers, clocks, calendars, words, etc. It is best to involve the child himself in the selection of drawings, allowing him to independently choose what is necessary, including the location of the future painting in the nursery.

Room design with cats stencil

Stencils can be a learning tool for very little ones. Using them, you can accustom your baby to a daily routine, teach him the alphabet and numbers, colors, names of fruits, animals, and plants. If fairy-tale characters are used in the decor, let them act out some instructive scene, for example, the rules of crossing the road. The main themes are friendship, mutual assistance, good manners, safety, etc.

Bathroom with painting

Wall tiles, traditionally used for bathroom decoration, are often monochromatic and boring. You can diversify your bathroom interior by decorating the walls, ceiling or floor with stencil designs. Ornaments are perfectly applied to ceramics and glass, so the blanks can be used for bathroom decor.

Important! Choose waterproof materials for drawing.

It is not necessary to buy everything in the store; if you have thick cardboard or even a sheet of ordinary Whatman paper, you can make the blank yourself. Of course, such layouts are exclusively a one-time option, but it is possible to create unique design, which cannot be found in other places.

The most popular for bathroom decoration marine theme. These are stylized waves, beautiful shells, tropical fish, dolphins, seahorses and stars, jellyfish, ships, seagulls, pebbles, algae, islands with palm trees, etc. The color scheme is also in the marine style, these are all shades of blue and light blue, white, sand, gray, as well as bright colors for sea ​​fish and animals. If the bathroom has a shower, then the ornament on the walls can be duplicated on its doors.

You can go the other way, choosing plant motifs, flowers, butterflies, birds. The selection of themes also depends on the style of the interior. It is appropriate to decorate a Japanese bathroom with sakura branches or hieroglyphs; images of plants go well with eco; in country, you can add national ornaments depending on the direction (Provence, Russian style, Scandinavian style).

Room design with stencil patterns

Hallway design

The corridor is usually the smallest room in the apartment, however, it is also appropriate here decorative elements in the form of stencil paintings. These can be thematic images, for example, umbrellas, hats, outlines of shoes. Also, patterns can overlap with other decor or match the chosen design.

For small rooms You shouldn’t choose too large or bright designs; visually they will make the hallway even smaller. It is worth focusing on neutral options - waves, zigzags, stripes, floral borders on wallpaper, etc.

Video: DIY wall decor - transforming your home