Transport hubs. Transport hubs and their development

The entire maritime area of ​​Russia is divided into 5 sea basins, in which work is carried out to transport goods and passengers. Each of them has specific economic regions.

The Baltic basin - the Northwestern economic region, as well as a number of regions of the Volga-Vyatka and Ural economic regions gravitate towards it. The entry of the Volga-Vyatka and Ural economic regions into this basin is due to the high development of industry and external relations of a number of industries. The main seaports here are: Baltiysk, Vyborg, Kaliningrad, St. Petersburg.

The Northern Basin transports cargo from four adjacent economic regions: Northern, Ural, West Siberian and partially East Siberian. Vessels of this basin carry out cargo transportation for the population and enterprises of the entire coast of the Far North, i.e. carry out extensive cabotage between such Arctic ports as Tiksi, the mouths of the Khatanga, Yana, Indigirka, Kolyma rivers and the port of Pevsk. The main ports of this basin are Arkhangelsk, Belomorsk, Dikson, Kandalaksha, Murmansk, Naryan-Mar, Onega, Pevsk.

The Black Sea-Azov basin occupies a favorable geographical position and has access to the countries of Europe and the Middle East. Part of the territory of the North Caucasus economic region, a number of regions of the Central, Ural and Volga economic regions gravitate towards it.

The main ports of this basin are: Azov, Yeisk, Novorossiysk, Taganrog, Sochi, Tuapse.

Caspian basin. It is adjacent to the North Caucasus and Volga economic regions. Through navigable rivers and canals it is connected with almost all sea basins of the European part of Russia. Makhachkala is a major port. The first stage of the Olya deep-water port has been built.

Far Eastern basin. Covers a significant territory of the Far Eastern economic region. In this region, maritime transport for the entire coast from the Bering Strait to Vladivostok is the main mode of transport and carries out small and large cabotage, as well as international transport. The main ports of the basin: Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalinsky, Vladivostok, Magadan, Nakhodka, Okhotsk, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Provideniya, Sovetskaya Gavan, Ust-Kamchatsk, Kholmsk, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.

The movement of sea vessels is organized either according to a schedule (usually linear shipping, passenger shipping), or in successive flights (without prior announcement of the schedule). Schedules are drawn up as planned and dispatch, based on control over execution - executive.

Maritime transport is managed by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, Department of Maritime Transport. This is the first link in maritime fleet management. The second is a shipping company (association). Ports have the general status of structural units.

The issue of construction in the Gulf of Finland is now being decided largest port in Luga on the Sea of ​​Azov - Taganrog. The linear form of shipping is systematically expanding, both in coastal and international traffic. Intensive work is underway to introduce automated control systems into traffic control, especially in large transport hubs.

Maritime transport occupies a special place in the country's economy. They carry out 50% of all export-import transportation. Its importance is especially great in the regions of the North and Northeast. Maritime transport closely interacts with railway transport in transportation. This is especially important in modern conditions collapse of the USSR. Direct intermodal transport, especially the direct "ship-wagon" option, caused the reconstruction of railway stations and tracks in a number of ports. IN sea ​​ports, located at river mouths, sea and river transport interact more closely. Maritime transport is increasingly interacting with road transport, especially in the transportation of general cargo.

The high level of industry led to the development of the US transport network and all types of transport.
In domestic cargo transportation, the decisive role belongs to road transport (90% of domestic transport). Road transport serves passenger and cargo transportation over short and medium distances.

In long-distance transportation, rail transport plays a special role. Pipeline transport plays a major role in the transport system. The main trunk pipelines connect the states of the South (Texas and Louisiana) with the industrialized states of the Lake District.

Most of the inland water transportation in the latitudinal direction is carried out along the St. Lawrence River system and the Great Lakes, and in the meridional direction - along the Mississippi (“American Volga”).

External cargo transportation is carried out mainly by sea transport. The largest seaports in the USA are New York and New Orleans.

There are ports not only on the ocean coasts, but also on the coast of the Great Lakes (“third sea coast”). Air transport plays a special role in transporting passengers to other countries.
The basis of the US transport network is formed by transcontinental highways of latitudinal and meridional directions, on which a network of inland waterways is superimposed.

Transport hubs were formed at the intersections of transport routes.

The largest of them is Chicago. Large transport hubs have developed in many seaports (New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, New Orleans, Houston on the Atlantic coast and Los Angeles, Seattle, San Francisco on the Pacific coast).

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US transportation system

Transport system The USA is one of the most developed in the world, and the country ranks first in terms of the length of roads and pipelines, and in terms of cargo and passenger turnover of road and air transport.

Freight turnover relies more on rail and road transport, while passenger turnover uses road and air transport.

US Transportation Map

Length of all highways The USA exceeded 6.5 million km, which is 20% of the world (Fig.

4). There are 13 thousand settlements in the USA with a population of about 86 million people. completely dependent on automobiles as it has no other means of communication.

Distinctive feature railways The USA has a low level of electrification (no more than 1%) and the predominance of diesel traction. This is explained by the policy of oil monopolies, which are interested in railway transport as one of the consumers of petroleum products.

total length inland waterways USA is 41 thousand.

km. Cargo transportation along river routes is carried out using non-self-propelled barges, which form trains of 20–30 barges, moved by pusher tugs.

Skeleton of a transport system The USA forms transcontinental railways in both latitudinal and meridional directions. Latitudinal highways connect the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of the country, primarily New York and Washington with San Francisco, Seattle and Los Angeles.

The meridional railway lines run along both ocean coasts along the Mississippi Valley and in other places, among which the most important are the Boston-New York-Washington high-speed lines, as well as the Chicago-New Orleans and Chicago-Atlanta lines. The main highways to some extent follow the directions of the railways, although many of them are laid along independent routes. In addition, the United States has a developed network of inland waterways.

In the latitudinal direction it is the system of the St. Lawrence River and the Great Lakes, and in the meridional direction it is the system of the Mississippi River.

A significant part of domestic and international passenger traffic is carried out by air transport USA. Domestic air travel is the most efficient and widespread means of transportation in the country. Any, even the most remote, provincial city has its own airport. The USA has some of the largest airports in the world: Atlanta, Chicago, Los Angeles.

For pipeline network The USA is characterized by a diagonal direction.

It connects the oil-producing region of the southwestern Center with the oil-consuming region in the northeast. Large transport hubs have formed at the intersection of land and water transport routes: Chicago, New York, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Houston. Large airports form an important part of hubs.

Of the 33 largest international airports in the world, 17 are located here. An important part of the US transport hubs is formed by port-industrial complexes. In terms of cargo volumes, the first place is occupied by the ports of the Atlantic coast: New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Hampton Roads.

On the Gulf Coast - New Orleans, Houston and Tampa. On the Pacific Coast, Oakland, Seattle, Los Angeles and Long Beach stand out.

Canada's transportation system

Canada's transport system is well developed, which is due to large area the country, its coastal position, the peculiarities of its economic and geographical location, as well as the export nature of the economy.

In terms of freight turnover, railway transport occupies the first place, its length is 67 thousand km. The length of roads is 900 thousand km. Canada has well-developed air, pipeline and water transport. Largest ports countries - Vancouver, Set-Ul, Montreal, Quebec, and the largest airport is Montreal.

Farms in the USA

The main type of agricultural enterprise in the United States is a large capitalist farm, which grows the bulk of its products for sale.

Family farms predominate, making up about 90% of enterprises, producing 93% of the region's gross output.

Typically, each family farm enters into a contract with a company in the agribusiness system. This company supplies the farmer with machines, fertilizers, seeds, and also provides scientific and methodological support.

The same company indicates to the farmer the exact deadlines for delivery of products, their size and quality. Failure by a farmer to meet quality targets or be late on time threatens to break the contract and complete ruin.

Wheat harvesting in the USA

Moreover, its harvesting is not carried out by the farmers themselves, but by special companies that send both equipment and labor, which begin the harvest in May in Texas, in June in Oklahoma, in July in Kansas, in August in Nebraska and Wyoming and finish it in September in North Dakota and Montana.

During the harvest season, combines usually work 16 hours a day.

Meat factories in the USA

Recently, unique meat factories have emerged in the beef cattle-breeding complex.

These are huge feeding farms that contain up to 100 thousand.

heads of cattle, but not in pastures, but in stalls (Fig. 7). For this purpose, pens for 200–250 animals each are built, in which feeding and watering of animals is carried out using automation, and dosage is carried out using a computer.

Such complexes serve large cities, such as Los Angeles.


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6. Transport geography: main highways and hubs.

International trade. The framework of the US transport network is formed by transcontinental highways of latitudinal and meridional directions, stretching from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean and from the Canadian to the Mexican border. A network of inland waterways seems to be superimposed on it. In the latitudinal direction, this is primarily the St. River system.

Lawrence and the Great Lakes, in the mid-50s. turned into a deep sea passage. In the meridional direction, this is the “American Volga” - the Mississippi. At the intersection of land and waterways and air lines large transport hubs were formed. Example. The largest transportation hub in the United States is Chicago. Dozens of railways and roads converge here, transshipment takes place large quantity various cargoes.

As you already know, Chicago is home to the world's largest airport, O'Hare Airport.
Large transport hubs have developed in many seaports, which are located on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of the country, as well as on the “third sea coast” of the United States - the Great Lakes. There are about a hundred major ports in the country. The most important of the port-industrial complexes are located on the northern section of the Atlantic coast, which is characterized by an abundance of convenient natural harbors, and on the Gulf Coast.
Thanks to a very capacious domestic market, the US economy is less “open” compared to the economies of Europe and Japan.

However, external economic ties have great importance and for this country. The United States ranks first in the world in terms of foreign trade turnover. Their merchandise exports consist of industrial and agricultural products.

In general, about 15% of industrial products are exported directly or indirectly (including 1/4 of metals, 1/5 of machinery and chemical goods). The exportability of agriculture is much higher and amounts to 1/2 for wheat, 1/3 for soybeans and tobacco, and 1/5 for corn.

US imports are dominated by raw materials, machinery and equipment.

Imports exceed exports in value, so the country's trade balance is usually negative. The geography of US foreign trade is primarily determined by its relations with two other NAFTA members - Canada and Mexico, as well as with foreign Europe and Japan.
USA are major exporter capital, which is directed mainly to Western countries.

But direct investment by European countries and Japan in the United States is also very large. They are almost equal to the export of American capital. Therefore, as they say, a “two-way street” has been formed.

General characteristics of the US transport system.

The North American type of transport systems has been formed in the United States and Canada.

The formation of the transport network was influenced by: the vastness of the territory and the characteristics of the country’s EGP; large volume of products, high level of marketability of the farm; uneven distribution of production and population; high transport mobility of the population; activity of processes of inter-district and international division of labor.

US transport ranks first in the world in many general transport indicators.

The US transportation network accounts for about 1/3 of the world's transportation network; they account for 40% of the power of power traction means and 1/4 of the carrying capacity of the entire rolling stock. The USA accounts for 30% of the world's domestic freight traffic and more than 35% of passenger traffic. The network of communications of all types of transport is well developed everywhere, with the exception of Alaska. The main system is combined with a dense network of supply routes (roads, pipelines).

Features of the transport network:

significant redundancy of transportation and processing capacities;

2. sharp spatial unevenness of network load, which affects the development of transport hubs;

lag in the development of seaports;

4. lagging urban public transport networks;

5. the predominance of pipes in the oil pipeline network is not large diameter;

6. high capacity of cargo and passenger traffic;

7. long transportation range;

8. development of intercity and international communications;

9. multispecies;

balance of structure;

11. high level of technical equipment of all types of transport.

Many areas are characterized by oversaturation of transport infrastructure and duplication of railways with highways. This causes a systematic reduction of railways; in a number of states - highways (with qualitative improvement). Inland waterways are stable in length.

Oil pipeline networks are growing slowly.

Transport develops under the influence of production. Transport itself has a great influence on its location, specialization and cooperation. With development road transport processes of suburbanization and very high transport mobility of the population are connected.

Transport accounts for about 1/4 of the total energy consumption in the country and more than 1/2 of the total liquid fuel consumption.

The structure of transport in the United States has its own peculiarities. In cargo turnover, none of its types sharply predominates: 48.4% comes from railway, sea and pipeline, 35.3% from road transport, 15.8% from inland waterway transport and 0.5% from air transport.

In passenger turnover, it’s the other way around: 82% is provided by road transport, 17.5% by air and only 0.5% by rail.

In the structure of GDP, the share of transport was 2.95% in 2007. Almost 4 million people work in the transport industry. The transport industry is controlled by large private companies. The state deals only with transport infrastructure. In the 70s Two private-state railway companies were created, incl.

§ 2. What are the features of the development of the world transport system?

Modern world transport system- the service industry that transports goods and passengers was formed in the 20th century. The transport system includes infrastructure (roads and railways, canals, pipelines), terminals (railway and bus stations, airports, sea and river ports), and means of transportation.

Transport ensures economic connections between territories (Fig. 169).

Rice. 169. Types of transport

The level of development of transport infrastructure corresponds to the level of concentration of production and population and the specialization features of the territories.

The development of transport itself affects the surrounding area, giving it special impulses for accelerated development. Territories provided with transport infrastructure become more attractive for many species. human activity. Thus, the largest transport hubs of international importance (sea and river ports, airports) attract industry focused on imported raw materials and exports finished products, concentrate manufacturing enterprises, bank capital, commodity exchanges (Fig. 170-173).

Rice. 170. Structure of cargo turnover of the port of Rotterdam (Netherlands).

Pay attention to the differences in import (dominated by oil and petroleum products, mineral raw materials) and export (dominated by container transportation) cargo

Rice. 171. Rotterdam is the largest seaport in Europe

Rice. 172. Rotterdam. Space photo

Rice. 173. Ports as focal points of economic life

Zones located near highways in areas of new development receive additional development incentives.

Progress in means and routes of communication (increasing the tonnage of ships, container transportation, mechanization of loading and unloading) contributed to the growth of world trade and the involvement of new types of resources in economic circulation. If several centuries ago the most important international cargoes were expensive goods of small weight and volume (jewelry, spices, fabrics, salt), then with the development of the international division of labor, means and communications world trade acquired a global character and trade exchanges began to involve bulk cargo and raw materials.

Transport is one of the most important consumers of petroleum products and pollutants environment.

Statistical indicators to analyze the level of transport development are network density(calculated relative to the area of ​​the serviced territory, population, dispatched goods), average transportation distance, cargo turnover.

The regional transport systems of North America have the highest level of development. They make up about 30% of the total length of world communication routes and occupy first place in terms of freight turnover. Western Europe has the densest transport network in the world. In these regions, there is a reduction in the railway network and an increase in transportation by road.

In developed countries, road transport leads in the number of transportations (40%), railway transport accounts for 25%. In countries with transition economies, rail transport predominates in freight turnover (60%), road transport accounts for 9%.



Logistics is the science of optimal management of material, financial and information flows in an enterprise. There are purchasing, transport, warehouse, production, information logistics, etc. Competent logistics allows you to optimize and dramatically reduce production costs.

What is the job of a logistics specialist? Logistics specialists are responsible for the external relations of the enterprise and must use the optimal vehicle along the optimal route (shortest, cheapest, safest) to deliver raw materials to the enterprise and ship finished products. Specialists must competently manage inventories of raw materials and finished products, form bulk orders and work with customs clearance cargo.

For a successful career, you need to know several foreign languages ​​(English is required), the geography of world transport: the geographical location of transport networks, ports, airports, prices and tariffs for transportation, the economies of the world, features of customs legislation. This knowledge can be obtained by enrolling in an economics university with a degree in Logistics.

Rice. 174. Dirt road in Chukotka Autonomous Okrug (Russia)

Rice. 175. Intercity bus transportation is a convenient and reliable mode of transport in Western Europe (Spain)

The role of Europe in the export of international transport services(about 50%), Asia ranks second (25%), America accounts for 13%, and all other regions account for 11%.

Switzerland: railways or cars?

Switzerland is a small European state, landlocked and without world-class mineral reserves. However, Switzerland took advantage of the peculiarities of its geographical location to develop its economy.

Located in the center of Europe, surrounded by economically developed countries, it found itself at the crossroads of transport routes of the European Union, which forced the government to think about measures to reduce the negative impact of road transport on nature. In a referendum held in the country in 1994, the population voted for foreign commercial cargo to be transported through Swiss territory only by rail.

The Zimplon Tunnel is one of the longest in the world (19.5 km), connects Switzerland and Italy, built in 1905.

In it and other similar tunnels, even cars move on special railway platforms, which reduces exhaust emissions.

Freight transport. In freight transportation at the beginning of the 21st century. Sea transport is in the lead, accounting for 2/3 of transported cargo. Sea transport, as the cheapest, connects the main areas of production of goods, separated by oceans: Europe - America - Japan and China. The share of railway (inland) transport in global freight turnover over the past 50 years has decreased by almost 2 times (to 15%), the share of pipeline transport is growing. Road transport predominates in intracontinental transportation (Fig. 174, 175).

All modes of transport are characterized by a reduction in transport costs per unit of goods (they include carrier costs, cargo insurance and transit fees). The development of transport contributed to the growth of world trade and influenced its geographical and commodity structure. Thus, the emergence of supertankers capable of transporting up to 500 thousand tons of oil has reduced the importance of the canals of global importance - Suez and Panama: tankers do not fit into the narrow channel of the canals, and the main oil shipments go through southern Africa - the Cape of Good Hope. Nevertheless, for Egypt and Panama, payment for the transportation of goods through canals is the most important part of budget revenues.

The development of a container transportation system and the mechanization of loading and unloading operations contributed to reducing the costs of transportation by sea (Fig. 176, 177).

Rice. 176. Ferry service in the Mediterranean Sea (Italy)

Rice. 177. Container sea transportation (Shanghai, China)

The efficiency of transport largely depends on the organization of the port infrastructure - transhipment and storage of goods, ship repairs and their supply with fuel and water.

The share of transport costs in the cost of goods varies between regions and countries of the world and depends primarily on their geographical location. The cost of transport services for landlocked countries is almost 1/2 higher.

In addition, it is obvious that transport costs per unit of goods are much higher for products from extractive industries, agricultural products that require special conditions transportation than for expensive industrial goods.

The geographical location of the world's largest cargo ports reflects the distribution of countries' economic power and their participation in international division labor.

Task 19. Where are the world's largest transport hubs located?

The most important trend in the development of global freight transport is the formation of a container system, which ensures the transportation of about 40% of general cargo and determines the creation of transport corridors that unite several modes of transport for the transportation of goods through the territory of several countries. Thus, it is planned to create nine such corridors in Europe; two will pass through Russia: Berlin - Warsaw - Minsk - Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod - Yekaterinburg; Helsinki - St. Petersburg - Moscow - Kyiv - Odessa.

The container system unifies the transport process and promotes development mixed transport cargo by different modes of transport. Container handling is carried out at large terminals, most of which are located in seaports. The largest container seaports in the world are Singapore, Hong Kong and Shanghai. Behind last years Among the largest container ports in the world are the ports of dynamically developing countries in Asia, primarily China. European ports, although they increased their cargo turnover, moved to 7-8th places in the ranking (Table 14).

Table 14. Largest seaports in the world, 2008

Rice. 178. Monorail in Osaka (Japan)

Rice. 179. Transport interchange in Miami (Florida, USA)

A new trend in the development of global cargo transportation is the widespread use of air cargo transportation. This type of transport began to transport time-sensitive goods - perishable products (for example, strawberries from South Africa to London, fresh fish for Japanese restaurants in Paris), cut flowers, electronics, machine parts and components. Air transportation is actively used by TNCs for intra-company deliveries of goods between company divisions.

Rice. 180. Railways in Spain are one of the most comfortable modes of transport

Rice. 181. Horse-drawn carriages - traditional look transport on the Princes' Islands in the Sea of ​​Marmara (Türkiye). Polluting vehicles are prohibited on the islands

Largest passenger airports in the world

Airports are profitable enterprises that must ensure a clear schedule of aircraft takeoffs and landings, flawless operation of dispatch services, and passenger safety. At airports there are company offices, restaurants, and duty-free shops. It is estimated that almost 350 thousand people work directly at airports around the world, and 4.5 million people work in industries related to air transportation.

The largest airports in the world are located in “world cities” and are of greatest importance for connections between Europe - America and America - Southeast Asia (Table 15).

Rice. 182. Munich Airport (Germany). The airport building houses airline offices, shops, and restaurants.

Rice. 183. Charles de Gaulle Airport (Paris, France) is one of the largest passenger airports in the world

Rice. 184. Growth in the number of air passengers, 2000-2009

Table 15. Largest passenger airports in the world, 2008

Passenger transport. The globalization of the world economy, the deepening of foreign trade, tourism, and scientific ties have led to a sharp increase in population mobility. The most important indicator development of passenger transport - passenger turnover (passenger-kilometers). Regional differences in this indicator are quite significant: the maximum figure is in North America - 12.7 thousand and Western Europe - 8.2 thousand.

The main part of passenger turnover is accounted for by road transport - 80%, by rail and aviation - 10% (Fig. 178-181).

Transport, along with industry, is the main source of environmental pollution in cities.

In terms of development of all types of transport, the United States is superior to any other country: it accounts for 1/3 of the total length of the transport network and 1/4 of all transportation in Western countries. The US transportation system (together with Canada) forms special North American type. It is characterized by the development of all types of transport, large volumes of transportation of goods and passengers, long range of these transportations, the role of road transport is especially important. The framework of the US transport network is formed by transcontinental highways in latitudinal and meridional directions. Stretching from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean and from the Canadian to the Mexican border. A network of internal waterways seems to be superimposed on it. In the latitudinal direction, this is the system of the St. Lawrence River and the Great Lakes. In the meridional direction, this is the Mississippi. Large transport hubs were formed at the intersections of land and waterways and air lines. The largest transport hub in the USA is Chicago. Dozens of railways and roads converge here, and a large number of various cargoes are transshipped. Chicago O'Hare Airport until recently was the largest in the world. But now it has given up first place to Atlanta. Large transport hubs have developed in many seaports, which are located on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of the country, as well as on the “third sea coast” of the United States - Great Lakes. In total, there are about a hundred large ports in the country. The most important of the port-industrial complexes are located on the northern part of the Atlantic coast, which is distinguished by an abundance of convenient natural harbors, and on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. External economic relations are of great importance and for the country. In terms of foreign trade turnover, the United States ranks first in the world. Their merchandise exports consist of industrial products and agricultural products. About 150% of industrial products are exported (including 1/4 of metals, 1/5 of machinery and chemical goods The exportability of agriculture is much higher and amounts to 1/2 for wheat, 1/3 for soybeans and tobacco, and 1/5 for corn. The United States also ranks first in the world in exports of services. US imports are dominated by raw materials, machinery and equipment. The geography of US foreign trade is primarily determined by its ties with two other NAFTA members - Canada and Mexico, as well as with European Union and Japan. The United States is a major exporter of capital, which goes mainly to Western countries. But the export of capital from European countries and Japan to the United States is also very large.

6.Characteristics of US macroregions: Northeast, South, Midwest.There are many technology parks and technopolises in the USA.

The Northeast is the smallest region in the United States in area, but its role in the life of the country was and remains extremely important.. The birth of the industrial belt took place here. Farming in the Northeast was not popular - harsh winters and infertile soils played a significant role in this. Starting from the second half of the 20th century, in many respects the Northeast began to lag behind its peers. But, it continues to remain an important region of the country. The northeastern metropolis is called the “main street” of the country. Here is the economic capital of the United States - New York and the political capital - Washington. The Northeast is also famous for its excellent education system and high culture. Here are the universities that are considered the most popular educational institutions in the country. The Midwest is the strength and power of America. It was developed already in the 19th century. The capital is Chicago. famous for its favorable weather conditions and good soil. Rich in iron ore and coal. This macro-region of the United States is also home to the milk belt. Known in the Midwest and the corn belt. Here farmers breed large cattle and pigs. In addition, natural prairie landscapes have long replaced the winter and spring wheat belts. The South is a time of great change. For a long time The South was considered a backward region and developed more slowly than the Northeast and Midwest. For a long time, the slave system dominated here. It was in the South that cotton was grown. Nowadays, the region has taken a leading position in the production of natural gas and oil, textiles and tobacco products. Agriculture is developing. The south is divided into several parts: 1. The Old South, which is famous for its tobacco plantations. It was here that the production of Marlboro cigarettes began. 2. Deep South. Main cotton production area. Its symbol is Atlanta. 3. New South, which is considered the most developed area today. Aerospace manufacturing is located here. Famous cities are Houston and Dallas. The West – young and promising – younger than the rest areas of the USA. The mountain ranges that stretch from Sevar to the south divided the region of the United States into two parts - the dry South and the damp West. The national composition of the population is diverse. Large cities here are bordered by empty spaces, fertile valleys by high mountains. The West began to develop only after the Second World War and since then has not lagged behind the old ones. areas of the USA. The most famous and largest city is Los Angeles. California is the most populous Western state. The largest city is Los Angeles.

7. EGH Canada. Canada is located in North America. It occupies the northern part of the mainland and the adjacent islands, including the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, Newfoundland, Vancouver, etc. The area of ​​Canada is 9.971 million square meters. km. It is the second largest state (after Russia) and the third largest landmass (after Russia and China) in the world. In the south and southwest it borders with the United States; in the west, north and east it is washed by the Pacific, Arctic and Atlantic Oceans. The territorial and administrative division of Canada is 10 provinces (Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Manitoba, British Columbia, Prince Edward Island, Saskatchewan, Alberta, Newfoundland) and two territories (Northwest, Yukon). The capital is Ottawa. Canada maintains connections with most countries of the world via cheap waterways. International airlines connect Europe and Asia with the American continent through Canada. The population is small. 31 million people Most of the population are descendants of European settlers, mainly Anglo-Canadians, as well as Germans and Ukrainians, Italians, Scandinavian peoples, Dutch, Hungarians, Poles, Lithuanians, Latvians, Belarusians, Chinese, Japanese, Filipinos, Arabs, etc. The indigenous population is Indians . The demographic situation is a decrease in the birth rate, an increase in the proportion of people of retirement age. The gender and age structure of Canada can be called regressive with a predominance of the female population. Canada is a highly urbanized state; 76.9% of the total population lives in cities. Political system. Canada is a federation consisting of provinces with broad rights and territories with a lesser degree of self-government. According to the form of government - a constitutional monarchy. Canada is part of the Commonwealth, led by Great Britain. The head of state is nominally the Queen of Great Britain, represented by the Governor-General, who is appointed by the Queen on the recommendation of the Prime Minister, usually for a term of 5 years. Legislative power in Canada belongs to Parliament, consisting of an elected (for 5 years) House, Commons and an appointed Senate. Executive power is exercised by the government (one party) headed by the Prime Minister. Legislative power in the provinces, headed by lieutenant governors, is exercised by legislative assemblies; executive - governments headed by prime ministers. Natural resource potential of the country. Due to its enormous length from north to south (5 thousand km) and from east to west (6.5 thousand km), Canada is distinguished by its natural resource diversity. More than a third of the country's entire territory is covered with forests valuable species wood (Douglasia, giant thuja, balsam fir, larch, black and white spruce), the forests are home to fur-bearing animals. In terms of timber reserves, Canada is in second place in the northern forest belt (after Russia). In southern Canada there are lowlands and plains, including the river plain. St. Lawrence and part of the interior plains. In the west there is a giant mountain system Cordillera. In the depths of Canada, almost the entire system of D. Mendeleev is represented: ores of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, uranium, oil, natural gas, coal, potassium salts, asbestos. Areas of the Canadian Shield are rich in metal ores; the plains of the West and North - energy raw materials. Canada is rich in lakes. 15% of the world's reserves are located here. fresh water. Coal deposits are located in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, in the province of Alberta and in the Appalachians, in the coastal provinces. Iron ores occur in the area of ​​Lake Superior, the Labrador Peninsula and the Cordillera. The largest iron ore basin, Carroll Lake, has iron ore reserves. Asbestos reserves are concentrated in the provinces of Quebec and British Columbia. Cordilleras (non-ferrous metals, coal, water resources); Inland Plains (coal, oil, natural gas and potash); Appalachia (base and precious metals, chromite, asbestos, coal and water resources);

Latin America.

1. General EGC of Latin American countries. Latin America is a region that includes 46 countries located in the Americas south of the United States. The region's territory stretches from north to south for 13 thousand km, and from west to east - up to 5 thousand km. total area region 21 million km2. The main feature of the EGP is its proximity to the United States while being remote from other regions of the world. All states except Bolivia and Paraguay have access to the sea. The region as a whole is well endowed with all types of natural resources. There are large deposits of almost all ores of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, gold and silver. The Caribbean Sea region is home to one of the largest oil and gas basins in the world. Latin America ranks first among large regions of the world in terms of water resources. Forest resources are rich. Agroclimatic resources provide the opportunity for the development of all major sectors of agriculture. The region's population is more than 450 million people. Latin America is characterized by the second type of population reproduction. And although the population growth rate has decreased in recent decades, it still amounts to 2-3% per year in most countries. The current ethnic composition of the region's population is complex. More than half the population is mestizos, mulattoes and creoles - descendants of mixed marriages of the region's indigenous people (Indians), European settlers and Africans who were imported in the past to work on plantations. The average population density of the region is low - 20 people/km2. But it is distributed extremely unevenly, concentrating around state capitals and in coastal areas. The region has a high (72%) average level of urbanization, there are about 30 million-plus cities, including the largest city in the world - Mexico City. Happening here active process formation of urban agglomerations, four of which are among the largest. These are the agglomerations of Mexico City in Mexico, Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro in Brazil and Buenos Aires in Argentina. At the same time, Latin American countries are characterized by “false urbanization,” in which the share of the urban population as a whole is much higher than the share of the urban population employed in production and non-production sectors. This is due to the influx of poor rural people into cities, leading to “slum urbanization.” Up to 50% of the population of large cities live in areas of poverty, these features characterize the Latin American type of city. In terms of economic development, Latin America ranks first among other regions of the developing world, providing half of its total industrial output. Not only the mining industry, but also the manufacturing industry is well developed here: metallurgy, petrochemistry, mechanical engineering. Brazil, Mexico and Argentina - the most developed countries in Latin America - provide 4/5 of the region's manufacturing output. The newest industries have developed here - microelectronics, aerospace industry, electronics, instrument making, automobile production. The structure of agriculture is dominated by crop production, the production of which is concentrated on large modern plantations. The region's main export crops are bananas, coffee, cocoa, wheat, rice, soybeans, and sugar cane. Some countries have become the largest producers of monocultures. Livestock farming predominates in Uruguay and Argentina and is meat-oriented, with 3/4 of the total livestock being cattle. Global significance has fishing (Chile and Peru stand out). The transport systems of most countries in the region are underdeveloped. Sea transport predominates in foreign trade transportation. There are many large universal and specialized seaports in the region. Inland - road transport. Despite the long length of roads, their technical equipment is quite low. The main trading partners of the countries in the region are the United States, as well as Japan and Western European countries. Exports are dominated by raw materials, fuel (80%) and agricultural products. Intensive economic development is generating in the region ecological problems. They are most noticeable in the example of the Amazon, where deforestation and road construction threaten to have dire consequences not only for the countries of the region, but for the entire world.

2. EGH Brazil. Brazil is largest state Latin America. Located in the central and eastern part of the mainland, on an area of ​​8.5 million km2. Brazil is one of the richest countries in the world in natural resources. It has enormous territorial and water resources, fertile and arable lands and valuable pastures. Brazil has a rich mineral resource base. About 50 types of mineral raw materials are mined here, especially ore (iron and manganese ores, bauxite, etc.). Brazil is called a tropical giant, because the humid equatorial forests of the Amazon lowland occupy about 2/3 of the country's territory and represent a huge reserve for the development of the timber industry. Brazil is one of the top five countries in the world in terms of population, which grows by 3 million people every year. On the one hand, this favors economic development, on the other hand, it aggravates the problem of employment and “false urbanization.” There is an active process of formation of agglomerations in the country, the largest of which are Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. The ethnic composition of the population is very diverse. It was formed under the influence of three factors: local Indian tribes, European settlers from Spain and Portugal, and Africans brought here by colonialists. The majority of the country's population is mestizo. Brazil is one of the key countries in the developing world. The most important and dynamically developing sector of the Brazilian economy is industry, such branches as mechanical engineering (up to 1 million cars are produced per year), petrochemicals, and ferrous metallurgy. In terms of computer production, Brazil is second only to the USA, Japan and Germany. A large military industry was created, a cascade of powerful hydroelectric power stations was built. The economic heart of the country is located in the triangle of Sao Paulo - Rio de Janeiro - Belo Horizonte. Agriculture Brazil is characterized by large land ownership. Its structure is dominated by crop production, specializing in the cultivation of tropical crops for the foreign market (coffee, cocoa, sugar cane, sisal, soybeans, oranges, bananas).

3.EGH Mexico.state V North America bordering the United States in the north, Belize in the southeast and Guatemala, in the west it is washed by the waters of the Gulf of California and Pacific Ocean, in the east - by the waters of the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea [. Mexico makes up most of Middle America. The total area of ​​Mexico is 1,972,550 km², including about 6 thousand km² of islands in the Pacific Ocean (including Guadalupe Island and the Revilla Gijedo Archipelago), the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of California. In terms of area, Mexico ranks 13th in the world. In the north, Mexico borders the United States . In the south, Mexico borders Guatemala and Belize. Mexico is crossed from north to south by two mountain ranges: the Sierra Madre Oriental and the Sierra Madre Occidental, which are an extension of the Rocky Mountains of North America. Mexico is an industrial-agrarian country, one of the most economically developed in Latin America. Oil, natural gas, iron ore, sulfur, antimony ores, mercury and graphite are mined. silver, copper, gold, zinc, lead. In the manufacturing industry, the most developed are ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering, chemical and petrochemical, cotton, and food industries. Oil refining is underdeveloped; being one of the world's largest oil exporters, Mexico imports petroleum products. In agriculture, crop production predominates - corn, wheat, soybeans, rice, beans, cotton, coffee, fruits, tomatoes; Cows and poultry are raised. Logging, fishing, shrimp fishing. Mexico is included in North American Free Trade Area(NAFTA). Population - 112.5 million people. Ethno-racial composition: mestizos, Indians, whites. International trade. Export -industrial goods, oil and petroleum products, silver, fruits, vegetables, coffee, cotton. The main buyers are the USA, Canada, Germany. Import - industrial equipment, car parts (for assembly and spare parts), aviation equipment. Main suppliers - USA, China, Japan, South Korea, Germany. The oil industry is the leading sector of the Mexican economy and the most important factor in the internal political struggle. Mexico ranks third in oil production in the Western Hemisphere and seventh in the world. Natural gas is an important resource for Mexico as demand for it is growing, especially in the electricity sector (gas-fired power plants). Natural gas is produced in almost the same regions as oil. Fields in the north and south of the country together produce about 60% of the gas, the rest is produced in the Bay of Campeche. The largest producers coal in the country are two domestic steel companies Minera Carbonifera Rio Escondido (Micare) and Minera Monclova (Mimosa). Micare mines hard coal in the Sabinas and Fuentes-Rio Escondido basins in the state of Coahuila. Transport - the most significant are the highways: Mexico City-Queretaro-Zelaya and Tijuana-Ensenada. The highest concentration of population and industry is observed in the capital, Mexico City. The main regional urban and industrial centers are Guadalajara in the west, Monterrey in the north, Puebla, southeast of the capital. The remaining major cities in Mexico include state capitals, ports and border communities: Ciudad Juarez, Tijuana, Chihuahua, Acapulco, San Luis Potosi, Veracruz, Mexicali, Culiacan and Hermosillo. IN industrial production, especially in the light and food industries, small, often semi-handicraft enterprises predominate; in heavy industry - mainly large enterprises. The most important industries: oil refining, petrochemical, non-ferrous metallurgy; are closely connected with the local raw material base. The extractive industry, except for oil and gas, is developing more slowly than the manufacturing industry. The main areas and centers of the oil, gas and petroleum refining industries are located on the Gulf Coast, and other mining and metallurgical areas are in the northern part of the Mexican Highlands. Manufacturing enterprises are concentrated in large cities. The Federal District, the states of Jalisco and Nuevo Leon account for 1/2 of the manufacturing enterprises.

Transport system of Russia

Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

Transport system of Russia- totality Vehicle, infrastructure And management, functioning on territories Russian Federation.

    1System characteristics

    2System structure

    • 2.1Railway transport

      2.2Sea transport

      2.3River transport

      2.4Pipeline transport

      2.5Automobile transport

      2.6Air Transport

      2.7Industrial transport

      2.8Public transport

      2.9Transport hubs

      2.10Transport corridors

    3System management

    4Transport legislation

    5See also


System characteristics

Structure of the Russian cargo- And passenger turnover in 2005

Transport system Russia is characterized by a developed transport network, one of the most extensive in the world and including 87 thousand. km of railways, more than 745 thousand km highways with hard surface, over 600 thousand km of overhead lines, 70 thousand km main oil- And product pipelines, over 140 thousand km of highways gas pipelines, 115 thousand km river shipping paths and many sea routes. It employs over 3.2 million people, which is 4.6% of the working population.

Huge spaces and harsh climate predetermined the paramount importance for Russia of all-weather types of ground transport - railway And pipeline. The bulk of cargo work falls on them. Water transport plays a much smaller role in Russia due to the short navigational period. Role road transport in the total cargo turnover due to extremely small average distances transportation(within cities And suburbs, V quarries open-pit mining mineral, on timber trucks roads in logging areas, etc.) is also small, despite the fact that they transport more than half cargo. An important feature of the Russian transport system is its close relationship with production.

The overwhelming majority of passenger turnover comes from four types of transport: air (30%), bus (29%), railway (29%) and metro (9%). The trend in recent years has been to increase the share of air transport (an increase of almost 3 times compared to 2000) and a decrease in the share of railway transport.

The current state of the transport system is characterized by a low technical level of the production base of most enterprises and wear and tear of the vast majority of vehicles, which leads to a decrease in the safety of their operation, as well as the lack of investment to overcome these problems (unavailable link).

According to Rosstat, as of 2011, in the off-season, 10% of the country's population is actually cut off from the rest of the country (does not have access to a network of year-round operated roads and/or does not have access to railway stations and airfields) . The average mobility of the Russian population (as of 2011) is about 6,300 km per capita per year (in Western European countries - 15-20 thousand km, in the USA, Canada - 25-30 thousand km per year) . A significant factor determining the territorial disunity of the country is the construction of its transport system on a star-shaped principle with the center in the capital .

The transport space is a collection of independent organizations - carriers And intermediaries- with the predominance of small capital, which was a consequence disintegration economy in the 1990s.

System structure

The Russian transport system has a complex structure, it includes several subsystems (railway, road, sea, river, air and pipelines), each of which consists of basic elements: infrastructure, vehicles and management. The transport system includes transport hubs And corridors, and industrial And public transport. Infrastructure is usually considered by industries.

Railway transport

Railway transport most developed in Russia (according to 2011 data, it accounted for 85% of domestic cargo turnover) . In terms of the length of the railway track (86 thousand km, half of which is electrified), Russia is in second place after USA . In Russia, railway transport is divided into: railway transport common use, non-public railway transport and technological railway transport. In the European part of the country, the railway network has radial view, the railways converge to Moscow. The first major railway line Saint Petersburg - Moscow entered service in 1851. At the same time, the construction of railways from St. Petersburg in a southern direction began.

In the Asian part, the railway network has a latitudinal extent and low density. The most important highway is Trans-Siberian- began to be built in 1892 simultaneously from Chelyabinsk through Novonikolaevsk on Krasnoyarsk And Irkutsk and from Vladivostok on Khabarovsk. Traffic is open in 1916. IN 1913 a branch was built Omsk - Tyumen - Ekaterinburg. Later, latitudinal backups of the Trans-Siberian Railway were built: the line Kartaly - Astana - Pavlodar - Barnaul - Artyshta, which in the middle of the twentieth century was continued until Ust-Kuta(through Novokuznetsk, Abakan, Taishet, Bratsk); line Semipalatinsk - Barnaul - Novosibirsk; Baikal-Amur Mainline. In the 1970-1980s for the development of oil and gas resources Western Siberia the railway was built Tyumen - Surgut - Urengoy - Yamburg.

In 1992-1999, 218 km of new railway lines were built in Russia and 1,962 km of railways were electrified. In 2000-2008, 899 km of new railway lines were built and 3,083 km of railways were electrified. The volume of goods transported through the territory is expanding Finland and its ports (which is facilitated by the same track width). A railway is being built for this purpose. Kochkoma -Ledmozero and further to the railways of Finland.

Railways, as of the spring of 2012, exist in 78 of the 83 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. There are no railways only in Altai Republic, Republic of Tyva, Kamchatka region, Magadan region, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug(at the beginning of 2012). With the construction of the railway Kuragino - Kyzyl Tyva will become the 79th subject of Russia with railway transport.

Sea transport

This type of transport plays a major role in interstate freight turnover. The importance of maritime transport for Russia is determined by its position on the shores of three oceans and the length of the maritime border of 42 thousand kilometers. Main ports: on Black Sea - Novorossiysk, Tuapse; on Sea of ​​Azov - Taganrog; on Baltic - Saint Petersburg, Kaliningrad, Baltiysk, Vyborg; on Barents - Murmansk; on White -Arkhangelsk; on Japanese - Vanino, Vladivostok, Nakhodka, Port Vostochny.

River transport

The length of inland waterways, the “List..” of which was approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation, is 101.6 thousand km . The share of inland water transport in the total cargo turnover is 3.9%. The role of river transport is sharply increasing in a number of regions of the North, Siberia and the Far East.

The main one in Russia is the Volga-Kama river basin, which accounts for 40% of the river fleet's cargo turnover. Thanks to Volga-Baltic, White Sea-Baltic And Volga-Donskoy channels Volga became the core of the unified water system of the European part of Russia, and Moscow- “port of five seas”.

Other important rivers of European Russia include Northern Dvina with tributaries, Sukhona, Onega, Svir, Neva.

In Siberia the main rivers are Yenisei, Lena, Ob and their tributaries. All of them are used for shipping and timber rafting, transportation of food and industrial goods to remote regions. The importance of Siberian river routes is very significant due to the underdevelopment of railways (especially in the meridional direction). Rivers connect the southern regions of Western and Eastern Siberia with the Arctic. Oil from Tyumen is transported along the Ob and Irtysh. The Ob is navigable for 3600 km, the Yenisei - 3300 km, the Lena - 4000 km (navigation lasts 4-5 months). Ports of the lower reaches of the Yenisei - Dudinka And Igarka- available for sea vessels following Northern Sea Route. The largest transshipment points for goods from rivers to railways are Krasnoyarsk, Bratsk, Ust-Kut.

The most important river artery of the Far East is Amur. Shipping carried out along the entire length of the river.

Pipeline transport

The development of pipeline transport in Russia began in the late 50s. XX century. The most important transported goods are crude oil, natural And associated gas. Transportation petroleum products, liquid and gaseous chemicals is promising, but currently product pipelines are not widely used. In Russia, pipelines of large diameter (1220 and 1420 mm) and long lengths predominate. latitudinal direction .

Large oil pipelines:

    Oil pipeline "Druzhba"- the largest export route in Russia ( Almetyevsk - Samara - Unecha - Mozyr - Brest and further to countries Eastern And Western Europe);

    Almetyevsk - Nizhny Novgorod - Ryazan - Moscow;

    Nizhny Novgorod - Yaroslavl - Kirishi;

    Samara - Lisichansk - Kremenchuk - Kherson, Snegirevka - Odessa;

    Surgut - Tyumen - Ufa - Almetyevsk;

    Nizhnevartovsk - Samara;

    Surgut - Polotsk;

    Alexandrovskoe - Anzhero-Sudzhensk;

    Krasnoyarsk - Angarsk;

    Surgut - Omsk - Pavlodar - Shymkent - Chardzhou.

Largest gas pipelines:

    gas pipeline Saratov - Moscow- the first gas pipeline in Russia (840 km);

    Stavropol - Moscow;

    Krasnodar region - Rostov-on-Don - Serpukhov - Saint Petersburg;

    Middle Asia - Ural

    Bearish - Nadym - Tyumen - Ufa - Torzhok;

    Nadym - Punga - Permian;

    Urengoy - Surgut - Tobolsk - Tyumen - Chelyabinsk.

    Nord Stream

    world's largest gas pipeline system Urengoy - Pomary - Uzhgorod- countries of Eastern and Western Europe (4451 km),

    gas pipeline running from Orenburg through Ukraine to the countries of Eastern and Western Europe.

Large product pipelines:

    Ufa- Brest with a branch to Uzhgorod;

    Ufa - Omsk - Novosibirsk;

    Nizhnekamsk - Odessa.

Gas pipelines are being built Bovanenkovo ​​- Ukhta, Sakhalin - Khabarovsk - Vladivostok.

Gas pipelines are being designed South Stream, Altai, Yakutia-Khabarovsk-Vladivostok And Caspian gas pipeline, oil pipelines Baltic Pipeline System-II, Murmansk oil pipeline And Zapolyarye-Purpe-Samotlor.

Automobile transport

The total length of paved roads in Russia is 754 thousand km (2008). In 2008, 6.9 billion tons of cargo were transported by road; its cargo turnover in the same year amounted to 216 billion ton-kilometers.

From 2000 to 2008, the volume of cargo transportation by road transport increased by 17%, cargo turnover - by 41%.

In terms of the total length of highways, Russia surpasses almost all European countries except France, and ranks 7th in the world . In relation to the population, the density of paved roads in the Russian Federation is about 5.3 km per 1 thousand inhabitants, which is slightly higher than in Ukraine or Kazakhstan (3.3 and 5.0, respectively), but lower than in a number of other countries: for example, in Finland this figure is about 10 km, in the USA - about 13 km, in France - 15.1 km per 1 thousand inhabitants . The total length of roads is 910 thousand km, of which 745 thousand km are covered asphalt, 45.4 thousand km federal roads. According to 2011 data, 92% of the length of the country's federal highways are roads where traffic is carried out in one lane in each direction; 29% of federal highways are overloaded . The poor condition of the country's roads entails an extremely low average speed of movement of commercial goods by road - about 300 km per day (in European countries - close to 1,500 km per day) .

The activities of freight forwarding companies for the delivery of goods by land transport are currently regulated by the Charter of Road Transport.

Construction of the highway was completed in September 2010 "Amur".

The main government source of financing for the road sector in Russia since 2011 is Federal Highway Fund, the planned volume of contributions to it in 2011 is 386.7 billion rubles. .

Air Transport

Air transport is the most expensive, which limits its use for cargo (perishable goods); it is of greater importance for passenger transportation. In the areas Far North play an important role helicopters: transport cargo and passengers to production facilities, provide emergency medical care, etc. The main air traffic centers are Moscow, Saint Petersburg, resorts North Caucasus,Ekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, Khabarovsk, Vladivostok. At the same time, the overwhelming majority of passenger air transportation is confined to the Moscow air hub: about 80% (as of 2011) of air transportation is carried out from Moscow or to Moscow . The network of operating airports in Russia from 1991 to 2012 decreased by more than 4 times . Unlike most developed countries, in Russia national air carriers can use (and use) aircraft registered not in the Russian Federation, but in foreign countries. offshore zones.

Passenger and cargo transportation (RSFSR, Russian Federation):

Freight transported million tons

Passengers transported million

Industrial transport

Industrial transport includes non-public transport and technological transport that performs production and technological transportation of goods on internal roads of industrial enterprises and organizations, complexes of buildings and structures, transport services, and does not go onto public roads. According to SNiP 2.05.07-91 industrial transport includes:

    railway transport with track 1520 mm and 750 mm,

    technological road transport, including motor trolleys up to 2.1 m wide, intended for between workshop transportation: rechargeable (loaders, tractors With trailers, electric cars) and with internal combustion engines ( forklifts, autocars and tractor-trailers).

    hydraulic transport,

    rope suspended transport,

    conveyor transport.

Public transport

Russia is the leader in intracity passenger transportation buses. IN largest cities also established tram And trolleybus message. The operating length of tram and trolleybus lines is 7.6 thousand km. St. Petersburg has the longest tram network in the world (more than half is in disrepair). In the seven largest cities - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara,Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk And Kazan- available metro. The total operational length of the metro tracks is more than 475 km.

Transport hubs

On the territory of Russia two types of transport hubs can be distinguished .

    International nodes, federal level, their zone of influence extends to large economic regions: Siberia, Far East, Ural, Volga region, Central Russia, South of Russia, North-West Russia. Federal nodes include Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Kaliningrad, Rostov-on-Don, Nizhny Novgorod, Ekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Vladivostok.

    Nodes regional(interregional) significance, their zone of influence extends to one, two, three subject of the Russian Federation (republic, edge, region, district).

Federal and regional transport hubs complement each other: cargo from a certain territory is initially accumulate in the regional hub in the necessary for the formation route directions in volumes, and then centrally delivered to the federal transport hub, which makes it possible to reduce empty traffic.

Transport corridors

Path from Europe V Asia through Russia is the shortest, so it is economically feasible for it to develop transport corridors. Currently, three roads pass through the territory of Russia. pan-European transport corridor: first"North South" ( Helsinki - Tallinn - Riga - Kaunas And Klaipeda - Warsaw And Gdansk), second"East-West" ( Berlin - Poznan - Warsaw- Brest - Minsk - Smolensk - Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod) And ninth (Helsinki - Vyborg - Saint Petersburg - Pskov - Moscow - Kaliningrad - Kyiv - Lyubashevka - Kishinev - Bucharest - Dimitrovgrad - Alexandroupolis).

Strategically important are Trans-Siberian Railway, ferry lines on Baltic, a corridor for the delivery of goods from Pacific coast USA V China via Russian ports Primorye, Russian airspace .

System management

As of December 2012, the transport system in the Russian Federation is managed by Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.

The Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation (Mintrans of Russia) is a federal executive body in the field of transport, performing the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of civil aviation, the use of airspace and air navigation services for users of the airspace of the Russian Federation, aerospace search and rescue, maritime (including seaports), inland waterway, railway, automobile (including transport control at checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation), urban electric (including subway) and industrial transport, road facilities, operation and safety of navigable hydraulic structures , ensuring transport security, as well as state registration of rights to aircraft and transactions with them and the organization of road traffic in terms of organizational and legal measures for traffic control on highways .

Transport legislation

Postage Stamp Russia, year 2009: 200 years of the Russian Transport Department

Basic acts of transport legislation:

    International Transport Conventions

    Civil Code of the Russian Federation

    Charter of railway transport of the Russian Federation. Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 18-FZ of January 10, 2003

    Code of Inland Water Transport of the Russian Federation. Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 24-FZ of March 7, 2001

    Charter of motor transport and urban ground electric transport. Federal Law No. 259-FZ of November 8, 2007

    Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 87-FZ of June 30, 2003 “On transport and forwarding activities”

    Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 17-FZ of January 10, 2003 “On railway transport in the Russian Federation”

Important elements regulatory framework transport activities - different rules transportation and rates.

see also

    Economy of Russia

    Transport system

    Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation


    Passenger turnover by types of public transport

    Transport system of Russia: competitiveness in the international dimension

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    Transport system of the Russian Federation

    Main transport corridors of Russia

    Operational news of the transport complex

    Formation of transport and logistics infrastructure in Russia

    International transport corridors as a factor in Russia’s integration into the European transport system

    Transport system as a factor of national security

    Vladislav Inozemtsev. Russia will no longer be a transit country. // Archived from the original source December 4, 2012. Retrieved November 29, 2012.

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