Fertilizer for peonies in the fall. Grass cover between rows of peonies

Growing peonies on grass-covered soil has been used by flower growers for a long time, quite widely and successfully. The most arbitrary schemes are used. Grass surface, as a rule, is cut, and the stem circle of the peony bush is weeded out (with more or less care).

Like most peony growers, until recently I used the method of growing peonies in dug up beds. This provides for regular planting throughout the entire area, traditional mineral and organic fertilizers, fairly frequent and abundant watering of plants.

Grass cover between rows of peonies

Several years ago (in 2010) I decided to spend some time under planting peonies. At the same time, bring some order to the peony planting scheme.
In the process of this work, I familiarized myself on the Internet with publications provided by search engines using the keywords: “”, “organic farming”, “natural farming”, “”.

As a result of the reorganization work, now on my site peonies grow in rows over an area of ​​​​about 3 acres. The distance between rows of peonies is 1 m, and in a row the distance between plantings is 0.5 m. The spaces between the rows are grass cover. After about ten days I mow the grass with a lawnmower. In the rows of peonies, I weed out weeds by hand, without much care. I leave the mowed and weeded grass in place, on the surface of the soil.

In the process of growing peonies in my garden, I do not use industrial fertilizers or any types of industrial chemicals plant protection. I do not fight against animal organisms living in the soil and grass (I share those opinions that claim that such a fight ultimately brings negative results).

Below I give a description of the main parameters of the conditions for growing peonies in beds with periodically trimmed grass, in comparison with the conditions.

Air and moisture capacity of garden soil

Garden soil with grass cover is loosened by many large, small and tiny roots of weeds, as well as as a result of the vital activity of micro- and mini-organisms - incomparably better than a person can do with a shovel, hoe or any other tool.

In the garden soil, under the cover of grass, there are many voids from rotten roots and passages (from movement, spiders, and other soil inhabitants). As a result of the vital activity of soil fauna, the soil acquires additional looseness. Such garden soil has good air exchange with atmospheric air and perfectly absorbs melt water and heavy rainfall - prevents water from being lost, flowing into lower places.

Conclusion: garden soil with grass has greater moisture and air capacity than soil without grass.

Protection of garden soil from erosion

When growing cultivated plants on soil not protected by vegetation, we are faced with erosion of the surface layer, that is, its destruction by water and wind. This causes great harm to the soil.
Herbaceous vegetation holding together upper layer soil roots, reliably protects it from being washed away by irrigation water and disturbed by rain, and from being blown away by the wind.

Conclusion: Garden soil with grass is highly resistant to erosion compared to soil without grass.

Providing peonies with light

The height of peony bushes of most varieties usually exceeds 50 cm. The height of the grass between rows, regularly trimmed with a lawn mower, usually does not exceed 15 cm. The rows with planted peonies are also weeded regularly. That is, the herbaceous vegetation of the beds does not shade the peony plantings. Therefore, we can assume that, in terms of light availability, peonies grown in beds with grass cover are in the same conditions as those growing in beds without grass.

Conclusion: in terms of light availability, peony plantings with grass trimmed between the rows and weeds pulled out in the rows are almost equivalent to peony beds without grass vegetation.

Providing peonies with warmth and herbal protection

Herbaceous vegetation prevents the garden soil from heating up. This has both negative and positive sides.
The negative side is that the soil warms up more slowly in the spring, and in the summer - in the morning. Consequently, the vital processes of the soil fauna wake up and become more active.
But in the heat, the grass in the garden protects the soil and its inhabitants from overheating, creating more comfortable conditions existence. In addition, the evaporation of moisture by weeds, increasing the humidity of the ground layer of air, creates additional comfort for peonies in the heat.

From the end of August I stop mowing the grass and weeding the peony plantings. As a result, my peonies go safely into the winter, covered with grass. This is additional protection for peonies and soil fauna from frost in winter.

Conclusion: from the point of view of creating a special thermal regime and protecting peony plantings, the presence of grass cover has both positive and negative sides.

Nutrition supply for peonies

When growing peonies in grass beds:
- the grass between the rows of peonies is periodically trimmed, which inhibits the development of weeds;
- mown grass left in place and weeds pulled out in the rows of peonies soon rot and thereby feed the peonies. After all, grass and weeds contain all the nutrients necessary for the full development of peonies. Therefore, in terms of the balance of macro- and microelements found in mown grass, rotted grass is, of course, incomparably more good nutrition for peonies than any industrial fertilizers and even rotted manure. The processes of nitrogen fixation and nitrification, which actively occur under these conditions, as happens in natural meadows, supply the soil under peonies with nitrogen fertilizers (nitrogen fixation is the binding of atmospheric molecular nitrogen by soil bacteria; nitrification is the conversion of ammonia by soil bacteria into nitrates).

From a quantitative point of view of pion nutrition supply, the following considerations can be given.
Firstly, we can change the width of the rows, which determines the amount of grass mowed, and, consequently, the amount of nutrition it produces.
Secondly, it is necessary to take into account that during the decomposition of plant residues, so-called humus acids arise (in particular, carbonic acid formed as a result of the dissolution carbon dioxide in water H2CO3 = CO2 + H2O). These acids, acting on the mineral part of the soil, convert minerals that are insoluble in water into soluble ones. When dissolved in water, these minerals are additional feeding for peonies grown on soils with herbaceous vegetation.
Thirdly, if it suddenly turns out that peonies lack nutrition, then you can mulch the peony bushes with organic matter or feed them with fertilizers.

Conclusion: when growing peonies on soil with grass, the mown grass during the decomposition process provides the peonies with nutrition that is incomparably higher quality than any industrial fertilizer.

Providing peonies with moisture

I do not water my peony plantings, growing on soil with grass cover. Watering was stopped for a simple reason: peonies growing among the grass feel great even without watering. Where does the water the peonies need come from?

Distinguish the following types moisture used by plants:
- capillary moisture coming from the subsoil;
- precipitation in the form of rain;
- precipitation in the form of dew entering the soil during the day and night (daytime dew occurs as a result of warm, steamy atmospheric air and condensation of moisture from it in colder soil; night dew settles on the grass and flows into the soil).
When growing peonies in beds with herbaceous vegetation, all these types of moisture are used just as effectively as in natural meadows.

Packed garden soil does not create obstacles to the movement of capillary moisture. Having reached the top layer of soil, capillary moisture stops its movement. Grass or mulch prevents it from evaporating from the soil surface.

On garden soil devoid of grass, after rain or watering, a surface crust forms, which sucks all the moisture from the soil into the atmosphere. To prevent this, the crust must be loosened. In practice, it turns out that high-quality loosening of the soil is not always carried out. Therefore, planting peonies without grass cover usually requires watering.

Conclusion: garden soil with grass cover is well provided with moisture natural sources and has low evaporation of soil moisture into the atmosphere. Therefore, when grown on soil with grass, peonies do not require special watering.

Protection of peonies from diseases

With regard to plant diseases, I am inclined to adhere to the view that in nature, every organism (including those that cause any disease) is itself food for another organism. Therefore, it is better to leave the fight against pathogenic microorganisms to nature.
If we use it in the garden, we will most likely disrupt the food chain, destroying beneficial organisms along with pests.

Observing my peonies, I must admit that after I began to grow them in beds with grass, the most common ( gray mold or botrytis, “rust”) has not decreased. The reason for this may be that in my area the food chains of soil organisms have not yet formed and become stronger.

Conclusion: the issue of increasing the protection of peonies from diseases when grown on soil with grass vegetation in comparison with traditional ways cultivation.

General conclusions on growing peonies in soil with grass

1. Garden soil with grass cover has greater moisture and air capacity than soil without grass cover.

2. Garden soil with grass, compared to soil without grass, is highly resistant to erosion.

3. In terms of light availability, planting peonies with trimmed (in rows) and weeded (in rows) grass vegetation is almost equivalent to beds without grass.

4. From the point of view of thermal conditions, the presence of grass soil cover has both positive and negative aspects for garden soil and its inhabitants.

5. When growing peonies on soil with grass cover, the mown grass during the decomposition process provides the peonies with nutrition that is incomparably higher quality than any industrial fertilizer.

6. Garden soil with grass cover is well supplied with moisture from natural sources and has low evaporation of soil moisture into the atmosphere. When grown in grassy soil, peonies do not require special watering.

7. The issue of protection of peonies from diseases when growing them on soil with herbal vegetation in comparison with traditional cultivation methods needs additional research.

Vasily Vasilievich Nikitin (Moscow)

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Many gardeners make the fatal mistake of caring for peonies only in the spring. Wait abundant flowering in this case it is not worth it, since the formation of buds occurs in July - August.

It should be noted that the degree of budding of a peony depends on its age. Young bushes bloom sparingly. In the first years of development, flowers may be small size, and in some cases do not even match the declared color. This is the norm for peony. Be patient: its properties are fully revealed only in the fifth year of development.

Peony is a light-loving plant; it tolerates partial shade, but in strong shade it will never bloom magnificently.

How to water peonies for abundant flowering

Not all gardeners rush to water peonies, believing that their powerful root system is capable of extracting life-giving moisture from the soil itself. This is another misconception. Peonies require watering - rare, but quite plentiful. In cool and rainy summers, they may not need to be irrigated. But in hot weather, be sure to water once a week. Pour at least 3-4 buckets under an adult bush.

Peonies especially require watering from the end of May to the beginning of July. At this time, they quickly grow green mass and form flowers. The stage of laying the renewal buds, which occurs in August, is also important. At this time, also water the peonies, despite the fact that they have long since faded. Then next year they will delight you with flowering even more.

The method of watering is also of great importance. Many people water directly under the bush, believing that this is where the peony roots are located. In fact, there are practically none there. What many think of as roots are thickened rhizomes. Their function is storage nutrients. They cannot absorb moisture from the soil.

Water along the periphery of the bush, 20-25 cm from the center. It is there that the young roots are located, which supply the peony with moisture. The older the bush, the longer they are located from its center. To prevent water from spreading, make small depressions around the perimeter where you water.

How to feed peonies for lush flowering

The abundance of flowering of this perennial largely depends on fertilizing. Peonies require regular fertilization. From the third year of development, they should be fertilized at least four times per season.

Apply the first feeding of the season on melted snow or immediately after it melts. Perfect fit ammonium nitrate. Dissolve 1 tbsp. l. fertilizer in a bucket of water and water the bush generously. If you missed the moment of snow melting, fertilize at the stage of appearance of red shoots.

Apply fertilizer a second time during bud formation. Mix by 1/2 tbsp. l. superphosphate and ammonium nitrate, 1/3 tbsp. l. potassium salt and embed the resulting composition into the soil under the bush. Next time, feed the peonies with a similar mixture, but already during the flowering period.

Apply the last feeding of the season after the peonies have completely bloomed. Wait two weeks and apply a mixture of 1/3 tbsp. l. potassium salt and 1/2 tbsp. l. superphosphate.

Peonies respond well to feeding a solution of bird droppings or mullein.

Do not forget that it is necessary to apply any fertilizers only after preliminary heavy watering or rain. Otherwise, you risk burning the young peony roots, which are responsible for absorbing water.

Peony rejuvenation

This perennial can grow “happily” without replanting for as long as desired. But the older the bush, the sparser it blooms. The solution is simple - give the peony a rejuvenating division every 8-10 years. To do this, dig up a bush in August and divide it into parts so that each has at least 3-4 buds.

It's impossible to take your eyes off blooming peonies. The beauty of this plant is mesmerizing. A rich palette of shades of flowers: from snow-white, pink, burgundy, with an amazing, unique subtle aroma of individual varieties - attracts and delights. The flowers are also varied in shape: with simple petals, double, semi-double, anemone-shaped, rose-shaped. Flower growers take away best places for peonies in your garden.

China is considered the birthplace of peonies. In the wild, the plant blooms on the slopes of Southern Tibet at an altitude of 3500 m. In China, peony is called the flower of love, and in Ancient Greece flowering plant was considered a symbol of longevity. There are more than 10 thousand varieties of peonies in the world; about 300 species of perennials are grown in Russia.

Caring for peonies garden plot doesn't pose much of a hassle. In this publication, novice flower growers will learn some features of peonies agricultural technology: about caring for open ground from early spring to late autumn.

Features of care

If peonies have taken root and are comfortable growing, then with proper care, they can delight with abundant flowering for up to 25 years or more. Experienced flower growers peonies grown in flower beds various types With different terms blooming, extending the flowering period of plants. Such peonaria bloom for 2-2.5 months.

Proper techniques for caring for peonies affect the size of the flower, the duration of flowering, and the plant’s resistance to various diseases and pests. The main agrotechnical work for caring for peonies comes down to the following activities:

  • loosening and mulching the soil;
  • weeding;
  • watering;
  • feeding with fertilizers;
  • tying peonies;
  • removing faded flowers;
  • preparing peonies for winter.

Loosening and mulching the soil

In the spring, after the first peony sprouts appear, you should carefully loosen the soil. It is important not to damage the young buds that have emerged from the ground. It is recommended to loosen the soil to a depth of no more than 5 cm. When the peony stems rise higher above the ground, deeper loosening is possible. This agrotechnical technique provides root system oxygen and better penetration moisture and nutrients. You should not forget to loosen the soil after watering and rain.

Mulch peonies with humus, compost, and bark. The purpose of mulching is to protect peonies from the sun, maintain soil moisture, keep the ground cover cool, and prevent soil erosion.


Weeds are carriers of many plant diseases. Therefore, timely weeding is a preventive measure that protects peonies from infection.


How to water peonies - each gardener decides for himself, depending on the weather. The first watering of the bushes should be done in early spring after the soil thaws. Dissolve 2-3 g of potassium permanganate in a bucket of water and water the plants. Such watering enhances the growth of buds and root systems, and also disinfects the soil.

Peonies are watered in dry summers. Flowers like abundant watering, but not frequent. In hot weather, it is recommended to water the bushes in the evening once every 10 days. Watering rate is 30 liters per adult peony bush. Watering should be given more attention during the abundant growth, budding and flowering of peonies in early summer. In July-August, when laying is underway flower buds on next year, you should also not forget about watering.

Top dressing

If you properly fill the planting hole with organic and mineral fertilizers When planting plants, peonies will be provided with nutrients within 3-4 years. IN further plants need feeding.

For the development and growth of the root system, peonies require potassium-phosphorus fertilizers, and during the period of active growth and flower formation, nitrogen fertilizers are needed. It is important to remember that you should not get carried away with nitrogen fertilizers, as they increase the growth of green mass and can stop the appearance of flowers.

During the spring-summer season, peonies should be fed with fertilizers three times:

  • 1 fertilizing is carried out in early spring on snow or still wet ground. 10-15 g of urea and 10-20 g of potassium sulfate are scattered around the bush.
  • 2 fertilizing is needed during the formation of buds. Use a solution of 10 g of urea, 10-15 g of potassium sulfate or potassium chloride and 15-20 g of superphosphate.
  • 3 fertilizing is done 2-3 weeks after flowering to stimulate new buds to regenerate. For feeding, use a solution with 10-15 g of potassium fertilizer and 15-20 g of phosphorus fertilizer.

Microfertilizers are also beneficial for plant growth and flowering. It should be remembered that fertilizers for peonies cannot be applied on dry soil. The root system can get burned, which will lead to the death of perennials. Fertilizers can be applied only after watering.

Tying up

Mature spreading bushes of plants should be tied up. This is especially true for peonies with a double flower shape. Heavy buds and flowers can cause lodging of the bush, especially during wind and rain. This exposes central part a bush that dries out or becomes waterlogged depending on weather conditions. This may cause the death of the plant. Many gardeners practice fencing with wooden pegs tied with rope around the bushes, which maintains the shape of the bush and prevents it from falling apart.

Removing faded flowers

Faded inflorescences should be removed immediately after flowering. The dried flower is removed with part of the stem. If this is not done, fallen flower petals can cause fungal diseases peonies.

Preparing for winter

Caring for peonies after flowering should not be neglected. This is not only the removal of faded flowers, but also timely preparation plants for winter. Caring for peonies in August and September involves removing weeds and loosening the soil.

In autumn, the stems and leaves of peonies are cut off. Pruning is done low, leaving a small column of stem to avoid the development of fungal diseases.

When caring for peonies in the fall, do not forget to add compost to the plant bushes. As a rule, peonies do not need shelter for the winter. But if winters are cold and frosty, and peonies are planted in a place where snow does not linger, it is recommended to cover the plant bushes with spruce branches. The same applies to young specimens of plants planted in the fall.

Little secrets of lush flowering

And a few more tips on how to achieve lush flowering peonies in the flower garden.

  1. Peony is a sun lover. Choose an open and sunny space for peonies. Damp and wetlands are not suitable for growing peonies. If groundwater come close to the surface of the earth, drainage should be added to the planting hole: sand, broken brick, compost.
  2. The wind is the enemy of peonies. Do not plant plants in areas exposed to wind. Wind is often considered worse than frost. It blows moisture out of the soil and breaks off plants.
  3. It is not recommended to plant peonies under the crowns of trees and large shrubs. Peonies will refuse to bloom profusely due to shade from trees and lack of nutrients. We also do not recommend planting the plant closer than 2 m from buildings. In summer, peonies will overheat from the walls of the building, and in winter-spring the plants will suffer due to high humidity because of a drop from the roof.
  4. Peonies are responsive to good fertile soil. Loamy soil filled with organic matter good drainage- ideal soil for peonies. If the soil is acidified, peonies can develop gray rot. Increased soil acidity can be neutralized by adding ash, dolomite flour, sand, ground limestone or chalk.
  5. When planting peonies, do not bury the plant's growth buds. Otherwise, you may not be able to wait for the lush flowering of peonies.
  6. Abundant flowering of peonies is observed only 3-4 years after planting. Flower buds of the first year of the plant should be removed so that the young bush does not waste energy on flowering, but uses energy for enhanced growth of the root system. For getting large sizes flowers, the lateral flower buds should be removed. If you prefer long-term flowering with a large number of flowers on the bush, then in this case you can do without removing the buds.

As you can see, caring for peonies in a personal plot is not so difficult. Even novice gardeners can do this. But how many positive emotions the flowering of peonies will bring to each of us.

Instructions for planting tree peony

Tree peony is bush up to 1.5 m high. In May-June, large flowers the average diameter is up to 20 cm. Depending on the variety, the inflorescences can be white, hot pink, crimson, purple and other shades.

On one bush their number can reach 40, and they can be double, semi-double or non-double.Tree peony can be planted both as a tapeworm and as part landscape composition. For example, one shrub will look good on a free and sunny lawn.

Tree peonies make a luxurious hedge . In this case, you can plant several varieties of peonies in one row, or alternate peonies and other shrubs up to 1.5 m high (Japanese spirea, hydrangea). It is ideal if the shades of peony and other plants are from the same color range.

In the spring, as soon as buds will appear, the cover is removed. Plants adapted to our conditions are not afraid of return frosts. After you remove the shelter, you need to remove the broken branches and at the same time cut each stem by 1/3. This stimulates peonies to bloom beautifully.

The herbaceous peony is familiar to everyone since childhood: perhaps there was no such thing personal plot, wherever the huge red and white pompoms of these amazing flowers. What do you need to make these plants like it in your garden? How to care for peonies in the garden ?

The genus of peonies includes more than 30 species that grow in the temperate and subtropical climate of Eurasia and North America. Almost all of them are herbaceous perennial bushes. But there is separate group tree peonies native to the southern regions of China. They are represented by shrub or semi-shrub species. However, these delicate plants are less suited to our climate and will require your care.

Peonies care and reproduction. Components of success

In comparison, traditional herbaceous peonies (Peonia lactiflora) will delight you with flowering, while requiring almost no care.

Herbaceous peonies are long-lived plants that do not require frequent replanting or dividing the bush. In one place they can live and prosper for years and even decades. Therefore, choose the place for this plant carefully so that you do not have to replant it again. The most suitable areas will be sunny corners of the garden or areas with diffuse partial shade. In very dark places you will not see abundant flowering, and the bushes will not grow well. Windswept, ventilated exhibitions are also not suitable for them. Ideally, peonies are planted at a distance of 2 - 3 meters from the nearest buildings and under the cover of large bushes that will protect the plants from the prevailing winds.

Herbaceous peonies are unpretentious and grow on almost any soil, but it is better to plant them on rich loam filled with humus. On such soil, these perennial flowers in the garden look sleek, develop many flower stalks, the stems grow strong and do not fall down from the rain.

These perennials do not tolerate high groundwater, their thick rhizomes begin to rot in waterlogged soil, so when choosing a place for planting, make sure that your plantings will not be flooded by spring floods.

Reproduction and care of peonies in the country

It's the right time When can you plant peonies? time for dividing, propagating and transplanting peonies into middle lane Russia and the Moscow region last from mid-August to the end of September. Spring is less favorable: the buds begin to grow early and are easily damaged when dividing.

  1. Shake the dug up rhizomes off the ground.
  2. Cut out weak and rotten tubers.
  3. Divide the rhizomes logically so that each division has enough roots and stems, and there is no need to specially cut anything. Divide as gardening experience tells you. When dividing, as a rule, it forms big number unequal divisions.
  4. For planting, choose those that have 3 - 5 buds and the same number of roots, shortened to 10 -12 cm. Compared to large nests, such young animals will more actively build up the root system and begin to develop harmoniously. Larger divisions tend to form new buds without creating a good root system. After a couple of years, such bushes will begin to weaken and, as a result, will bloom poorly.

The standard dimensions of the planting pit must be at least 80 x 80 cm, the depth is the same. Big sizes are needed to ensure the future feeding area of ​​the roots - in an adult peony they can go to a depth of 50 cm and a width of 80 cm.

The hole is filled more than half with soil mixed with compost, humus and mineral fertilizers. Suitable for feeding:

  • 250 g superphosphate,
  • 250 grams of potassium or ash.

Do not use mineral complexes with a high nitrogen content to feed peonies in the fall, so as not to provoke the growth of new shoots for the winter and weakening of the bush.

It is optimal if you prepare the planting site in advance, 2 to 3 weeks in advance, so that the settling soil does not ruin the new plants. Only after this can you begin planting.

If the plant is planted too shallow or too deep, the flowering will be weak. For a properly planted bush, the distance from the buds on the roots to the surface of the ground is no more than 4 - 5 cm. The distance between the bushes must be at least 80 cm for peonies to reproduce successfully.

They planted it, what next? How to care for peonies

If you have prepared the planting hole correctly and planted the plants correctly, then caring for peonies during the season will be minimal. The first two years, peonies only need weeding, loosening and watering. If the soil is well-seasoned, you can feed the plants starting from the third year after planting.

How to properly care for peonies

In early spring and immediately before flowering, you need to apply complex fertilizers with microelements and a high nitrogen content. For an adult bush you need 20 - 30 g of mineral water, followed by embedding the granules in the ground.

The third feeding of peonies after flowering is phosphorus-potassium. It is done in August. After each application of fertilizer, the bushes are watered abundantly. Peonies also respond well to periodic watering with infusions of fermented grass.

The key to growing peonies is watering. It is especially important to ensure sufficient soil moisture in May and July, when plants are actively growing and renewal buds are being formed. If the weather is dry, then 10 - 15 liters of water can be poured onto each bush once a week. To maintain moisture in the soil, the tree trunk circle is mulched with mown grass or ground wood chips.

Mulching of plantings is especially important if you do not have the opportunity to often appear in the garden. By the way, maintaining a certain layer of mulch will also save you from frequent weeding of the bushes, since weeds love to crawl out in the very middle of peony nests, and it is almost impossible to get them out of there. In this case, careful brush strokes with a Roundup solution on dandelion or honey leaves help me.

How to care for peonies in spring

  1. Remove covering material, rake away the remains of last year's foliage,
  2. Apply the first two fertilizers as described above.
  3. Install a garden support for flowers.

Caring for peonies after flowering

The most important task after flowering is for the bush to rest and gain strength before wintering. After flowering, renewal buds are formed at the base of the stems, and the quality of peony flowering in the next season depends on how much the plants are provided with moisture, nutrition and simply your attention. Therefore, pruning of peonies after flowering is necessary.

How and when to prune peonies after flowering

You need to cut off all faded inflorescences. They do this in mid-June. Then the petals that have fallen to the ground are removed so as not to provoke fungal diseases.

Summer care involves watering, especially during dry periods. Lack of moisture during this period will lead to the formation of weak flower buds, and, consequently, to weak flowering in the future. A third feeding with mineral water is carried out in August, as described above.

How to care for peonies in autumn

Caring for peonies in the fall is simple. At the end of the season, but not earlier than the beginning of October, you can prune cordless garden shears old foliage and burn it. It is not recommended to leave it on plantings, as the leaves can become a breeding ground for fungal infections. If you have to cover your plantings for the winter, you can use rotted compost to cover the plants. In the spring, when raking the soil, be careful not to damage the fragile shoots. Work especially carefully with young plantings.