Fertilizer for the growth of cucumber fruits. How and what to feed cucumbers to get a good harvest

When fertilizing the soil for growing cucumbers, you should not overdo it with fertilizing, otherwise it will only harm the plant. Experienced summer residents do not recommend using a lot of fertilizers if the fruits are well formed, the leaves are clean, and there are no pests. This means that the soil composition is suitable for cucumbers, and there is no need to oversaturate the soil with nutrients.

On the other hand, it is necessary to provide cucumber seedlings with the entire set of minerals so that when transplanted into the ground, the plant quickly adapts and begins to grow.

How to fertilize cucumbers

To achieve a good harvest of cucumbers, it is necessary to determine the stages of fertilizing:

  • in August for the growth of ovaries, that is, at the stage of seed germination;
  • at the beginning of growth in the ground, that is, after planting;
  • when pouring fruits;
  • in the fall.

Fertilizing cucumbers is carried out in 3 – 4 stages. But this is not always justified, less is possible, the main thing is to monitor the condition of the plants. If pale, curled leaves appear, and this is the first sign of mineral starvation, then the situation can be corrected using a foliar method in a couple of hours.

Fertilizer for cucumbers is applied to the soil where the seeds will be planted for germination. If you use a ready-made composition, it does not require additional enrichment. Most often, summer residents use land from the site. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare it properly, apply fertilizers in advance and give them time to dissolve. These are mineral and organic mixtures. You can use ready-made ones, or you can make your own.

Nitrogen fertilizers

Growing cucumbers is somewhat different from growing other garden crops in that cucumbers need nitrogen supplements twice during the growing and fruiting season. The first time is at the stage of growing green mass to strengthen the plant. The second time is at the peak of fruiting, when leaves and shoots re-grow.

Nitrogen fertilizers for cucumbers are mineral salts or nitrogen-rich manure - chicken or cattle. Manure is quite an expensive pleasure, but it is more useful if you grow organic vegetables for your family. Compost made from weeds can also serve as a source of nitrogen, but it takes time to mature.

The specificity of cucumbers is that they do not accumulate salt, that is, they are insensitive to mineral fertilizers, which are salts by their chemical nature. Do not overdo it with nitrogen - the main task when using ready-made mineral compositions.


Phosphorus is needed for the formation of a strong root system. And since the roots of cucumbers are naturally weak and are located in the upper arable layer, they cannot get food from the deeper layers of the soil. Phosphorus fertilizers must be applied in the fall to the plot of land where it is planned to plant cucumber seedlings or seeds.

Video: 5 best fertilizers for cucumbers

The source of phosphorus is superphosphate. This fertilizer is inactive in the soil and can provide nutrition to plants for the entire growing season. As a last resort, they resort to the foliar method - spraying.

When using manure as the main fertilizer, superphosphate should be added separately, since this element is absent in manure

Potassium for flowering and fruiting

Along with nitrogen, potassium plays an important role in the flowering and fruiting stages. Cucumbers react well to both potassium sulfate and chloride.

Potassium must be added in the spring in combination with other nutrients. Next - before flowering and fruit set. The presence of potassium in the soil should be monitored by the appearance of plants and the growth rate of vegetables

Mineral potassium fertilizer can be replaced with ash by dissolving it in water or simply sprinkling it on the soil. In the fall, it is better to dig up dry ash with the ground, as it should decompose and release the necessary elements.

Horse manure should not be used when growing cucumbers.. It contains a very large amount of ammonia, which can lead to poisoning. Fruits that have yellow spots have been treated with nitrates. They are also larger.

When eating such fruits, it is necessary to cut off the skin and stalk, since it is in these places that there is an increased accumulation of unsafe substances

DIY fertilizers for cucumbers

The main question is how to feed the cucumbers so that there is a harvest. The answer is folk remedies first of all, and mineral supplements as an addition.

If the idea of ​​growing cucumbers has matured in the spring, then before planting the soil must be fertilized with superphosphate 10 days before planting the seeds or seedlings to give the fertilizer time to react with the soil. Seedlings need to be planted in moist soil, since cucumber is a tropical plant and does not tolerate drought and sudden changes in temperature.

After planting, two weeks later, you should water the soil with mullein solution per 10 liters of water - 200 g of manure or 150 g of chicken droppings. Manure contains microelements - copper and zinc, which have a positive effect on the taste of vegetables.

You should always adhere to the rule - it is better to underfeed than to destroy the plant. The root system of cucumbers is very delicate. If the integrity of the suction hairs on the roots is damaged, then you will have to wait a long time for a new section of the root to grow, because the functions of the damaged area are not restored

For foliar feeding, you can use an infusion of grass. Do not throw away the cut weeds, but fill them with water and let them ferment for two weeks. You can spray the leaves with potassium permanganate, brilliant green, baking soda, boric acid and sugar to attract insects that participate in pollination. A solution of water, milk and iodine is popular.

Fertilizer recipes for foliar feeding of cucumbers

  1. Potassium permanganate solution: 3 g per 10 liters of water. Spray the leaves from above and below.
  2. Boric acid – 10 g of substance per 10 liters of water. Also used for soaking seeds before planting.
  3. Zelenka – 30 drops per 10 liters of water. Source of copper.
  4. Baking soda - 2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water for watering at the root. Mix 50 g of soda and 40 g of grated laundry soap with 10 liters of water to combat rot and pests. Used for seed disinfection.
  5. Water, milk and iodine - a liter of milk, 10 liters of water and 30 drops of iodine. You can add grated soap. The composition heals and nourishes plants.

Foliar feeding is carried out in the early morning or evening to avoid direct sunlight on wet leaves. It is better to spray after rain or in cloudy weather.

Video: Effective feeding for cucumbers

In addition to basic fertilizers, summer residents use an infusion of crackers, yeast, banana peels, ash solution, organic kitchen waste, chalk, and a decoction of onion peels.

Greenhouse cucumbers - what to feed

The soil in the greenhouse is dug up in the fall when applying fertilizers. They use manure and add compost that has undergone natural heat treatment.

In autumn, lime or dolomite flour is added to reduce acidity.

The experience of growing cucumbers in a greenhouse indicates that phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are not superfluous. Plant problems occur when there is an excess or deficiency of nitrogen. In this case, flowering and fruit formation are delayed. The leaves are a rich green color, there are many of them, some curl and lose their appearance. With a lack of nutrients, the foliage turns yellow and falls off. Mineral fertilizers and organic matter should be applied frequently, but in small doses.

Cucumbers in greenhouses need to be fed every 7 to 10 days. This allows you to control the growth process.

Signs of nutritional deficiencies

With a lack of potassium, the lower leaves of cucumbers turn yellow and dry out. This is the so-called leaf burn. Fruits with potassium deficiency have a hook shape. You can save the situation by urgently adding potassium sulfate in liquid form. What to feed cucumbers: potassium sulfate, complex mixtures, manure solution.

A lack of nitrogen affects primarily the leaves and shoots. They have a pale green color. Due to a lack of nitrogen, the above-ground part of the plant develops poorly, which is why full fruit set does not occur. The fastest way is to dissolve the urea and water the plants. Foliar spraying will also help, in which the solution immediately hits the foliage and is absorbed. How to fertilize cucumbers: manure solution, urea, any nitrogen mineral fertilizer.

Phosphorus deficiency leads to underdevelopment of the root system, which is why other fertilizers and fertilizing are not absorbed properly. The foliage takes on a reddish-purple hue. In advanced cases, the foliage turns black. To urgently improve the situation, you should start with foliar feeding, and after a couple of days, water the soil under the cucumbers. What to feed cucumbers with is not of fundamental importance. The main thing is that it contains phosphate and potassium.

Feeding cucumbers in open ground

Professional gardeners know how to feed cucumbers in the open ground for a good harvest, so as not to harm the plants and spoil the roots. You should turn to their experience.

You need to start by soaking the seeds in the fall. For example, in a solution of baking soda. Processing time – 12 hours. Next, the seeds are planted in the soil for germination. The soil should be enriched with nutrients - preferably rotted manure.

At the same time, you can begin to prepare the soil for planting in the garden. You need to sprinkle dry fertilizers - potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen and dig up the top layer. In the fall, you can add fresh manure, which during the winter will have time to decompose and be processed by soil bacteria.

If the land has not been cultivated since the fall, then all activities are postponed to the spring. In spring, fresh manure is not used, only compost. A complex fertilizer should be added to the soil within a couple of weeks.

Feeding scheme for cucumbers

Any living creature, having been born, needs nutrition for full growth and development. The same applies to cucumbers: in order for them to grow healthy and delight us with an abundance of juicy, crispy fruits, the plants need to be provided with sufficient and varied nutrition.

Today there are many organic additives and growth stimulants, inorganic fertilizers on sale, the diversity of which is easy to get lost. Let's figure out what cucumbers need for normal fruiting.

Signs of a lack of minerals in the soil

The most critical period when cucumbers need feeding is the appearance of ovaries and fruiting. During the summer, the needs of plants are as follows: - Feeding with nitrogen fertilizers is done at the beginning of the growing season, after the appearance of the first few true leaves; - For active growth of vines, cucumbers must be fed with potassium fertilizer; - After the appearance of the ovaries, nitrogen compounds are again required. In addition, there are some external signs that indicate the need for certain minerals.

During the period of growth of lashes:- with a lack of nitrogen, the leaves lose color, turn yellow and fall off; - with a lack of phosphorus, the leaves, on the contrary, darken, acquiring a purple tint, and after falling they turn black; - with a lack of potassium, a pale green border appears along the edge of the leaf, which then turns brown in area brown spots appear on the leaf; - a lack of calcium is indicated by slow growth, drooping and then death of the plant; - with a lack of magnesium, yellow spots appear on the leaves, which subsequently turn brown and spread over the entire leaf; - yellowed shoot tips indicate a lack of iron. During the fruiting period:- if there is not enough potassium, the cucumber grows thin at the stalk and thickened in the form of a pear on the flower side; - if there is not enough nitrogen, the cucumber grows with a thin, deformed tip and thickened or normal near the stalk; - shock from watering with too cold water causes “constrictions” in the middle of the fruit.

How to fertilize cucumbers?

When the signs described above appear, it is necessary to feed the cucumbers as quickly as possible. Many gardeners apply appropriate mineral fertilizers for this purpose, the dosage and method of application of which, as a rule, is indicated on the packaging. However, in recent years, an increasing number of vegetable growers are beginning to abandon the thoughtless hobby of mineral fertilizers, preferring organic fertilizers, ash and other “homemade”, natural ways to increase soil fertility. An excellent fertilizer for regular use is compost or grass mash: a kilogram of compost is poured with 20 liters of water and infused for several days.

Every week you should apply about 1 bucket of this fertilizer per 1 square meter of bed. Solid residues serve as mulch for holes. Granulated bird droppings are an excellent source of nitrogen.

It is poured with water in a ratio of 1:10 and infused for a week, then carefully, trying not to pour on the leaves, water the cucumbers, adding a liter of this infusion to a bucket of water. The ash solution is an excellent source of potassium for cucumbers.

It is applied by dissolving 1 glass of ash in a bucket of water, no more than once a month. Do not neglect planting green manure during the off-season, after the formation of green mass, plowing them into the soil as an organic fertilizer. In addition to stabilizing the microelement composition of the soil, organic fertilizers attract many earthworms to the site, which process them, thereby improving the fertile qualities of the land.

Excess of mineral fertilizers

It is very difficult to calculate the amount of mineral fertilizers required to apply to the soil: this requires expensive chemical analysis. Therefore, fertilizing is usually applied “by eye”, focusing on the usual standards specified by the manufacturer.

However, we should not forget that minerals can accumulate in the soil, and the next feeding in this case will lead not to growth, but to the death of cucumbers. Signs of excess minerals:- pale foliage, thinned elongated shoots - excess potassium fertilizers; - lush greenery, powerful stems and a few small fruits - a sign of excess nitrogen fertilizers in the soil; - wilting at the slightest drying of the soil, the appearance of dead areas on leaves and fruits - a sign of excess phosphorus fertilizers.

It is better not to eat cucumbers picked from plants that have similar symptoms: they can be harmful to health and even cause poisoning. Therefore, it is much healthier to use organic matter to feed cucumbers, and add minerals only in the most urgent cases.

Secrets of successful gardeners

Cucumber is a crop that places very high demands on soil fertility. In order for a good harvest of cucumbers to form in a greenhouse, abundant and varied fertilizing with nutrients will be required. Let’s consider how such fertilizing is carried out at different periods of cucumber development.

Stages of feeding cucumbers depending on their growth periods

There are the following stages of feeding for cucumbers:

  1. Feeding at the stage of seedling germination: preparing the soil for seedlings; after the first leaf appears on the sprout; after the second leaf appears on the sprout; two weeks after the first fertilizing. Feeding before transplanting the seedlings into the beds. Transplantation is a strong stress for fragile cucumber plants, so a few days before this procedure it is advisable to spray them with a solution of microelements and feed them. Feeding during the period of growth and flowering. Feeding during the fruiting period.

Before transplanting into the beds, seedlings should be sprayed with a solution of microelements and fed. For each of the above growth periods, feeding cucumbers has its own characteristics.

Feeding cucumber seedlings

Cucumber seedlings are grown in boxes for a month, and then the sprouted seedlings are planted in a greenhouse. But if the greenhouse is made of polycarbonate and is well heated, then there is no need to pre-plant the seedlings.

It is planted directly in the greenhouse, selecting a certain area, and then distributed among the beds. To ensure the most comfortable conditions for seedlings, the crops are additionally covered with PE film. Cucumber seedlings are fed with solutions of a mixture of superphosphate, cow dung and ammonium nitrate. Since cucumber seeds are planted at a not very deep depth, the substances necessary for plant growth hardly reach it from the soil.

Therefore, you need to prepare good compost for the top layer of soil for seedlings. It is also a good idea to add regular manure to the soil for seedlings at a rate of 6 to 8 kg per 1 sq.m with the addition of one glass of ash to this volume. Cucumber seedlings are fed with solutions of a mixture of superphosphate, cow droppings and ammonium nitrate, which, although very useful for the plant , but is a source of nitrates that are dangerous to humans.

There are special fertilizers for cucumbers that do not contain nitrate nitrogen. In general, sprouted cucumber seedlings are fed only three times in accordance with the above division into periods of its growth.

Feeding during the growth and flowering of cucumbers

Cucumbers that have not yet bloomed or bear fruit need to be fed with nitrogen, phosphorus and calcium fertilizers, as well as potassium to some extent. Greenhouse cucumbers should be fed up to five times during the entire growth period. Cucumbers practically need nitrogen fertilizers (preferably without containing nitrate nitrogen). during all periods of their development and growth, but especially in the initial period of the growing season, so that leaves are formed. Fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers is carried out in three ways:

Plant growth products and fertilizers.

  • the method of root feeding by watering, the method of foliar feeding by spraying, the method of drip watering of plants.

Cucumbers are fed little by little with phosphorus, but constantly, since without it the root system does not grow or function normally, the green mass does not increase, and fruits do not set or ripen normally. Correct and timely application of phosphorus in fertilizers helps the formation of cucumber flowers. Cucumbers need potassium, since if there is a lack of it, nutrients do not move well from the root system to other parts of the plants and normal vegetation does not occur. If cucumbers develop well, then they can be fed only twice. Greenhouse cucumbers it is necessary to feed up to five times during the entire growth period. The first step before the beginning of the flowering stage is feeding with a solution of mullein in the volume of a glass per bucket of water, with the addition of superphosphate, as well as potassium sulfate in the mixture, in the amount of one teaspoon per glass of dissolved mullein. Subsequent stages of feeding are done at intervals of up to two weeks. The proportion of mullein per bucket of water is reduced to half a glass, and instead of superphosphate and potassium sulfate, nitrophoska in a volume of 1 tbsp is taken per glass of mullein solution. spoons. If cucumbers develop well with a healthy appearance and abundant fruiting, then you can feed them only twice: the first time before flowering, the second time at the beginning of the fruiting period. Instead of mullein (bird droppings), you can take ready-made fertilizers, like “Breadwinner”, “ Ideal" and "Fertility". When cucumbers actively bear fruit, increase the amount of potassium applied with fertilizers, while simultaneously reducing the amount of nitrogen

Feeding during the fruiting period

Cucumbers with fruits already need a completely different composition of fertilizing; it should contain more magnesium, nitrogen and potassium (for example, based on potassium nitrate). It is when cucumbers are actively bearing fruit that they increase the amount of potassium applied with fertilizers, while simultaneously reducing the amount of nitrogen. The most valuable fertilizer for cucumbers during the fruiting period is potassium nitrate.

In addition to the fact that feeding it has a beneficial effect on the growth and development of the entire plant, it also improves the taste of cucumbers, removing bitterness. The latter mainly appears due to small amounts of applied mineral fertilizers. Cucumbers also become bitter if there is an excess of potassium and phosphorus and there is a lack of nitrogen in the soil. It is advisable to apply fertilizing compositions after all measures have been taken to destroy cucumber pests. An excess of phosphorus leads to general yellowing, the appearance of bright necrotic spots and leaf fall

Consequences of violations in fertilizer dosage

An excess of fertilizers, along with their lack, leads to the fact that the nutrition of cucumbers is disrupted. The signs of an excess of any fertilizer are very similar to the external signs of a lack of other elements.

  • When there is an excess of nitrogen, delayed flowering occurs. A cucumber plant overfed with nitrogen fertilizers is characterized by a thick stem and many dark green dense leaves. An excess of phosphorus leads to general yellowing, the appearance of bright necrotic spots and leaf drop. Excess potassium interferes with the supply of nitrogen and leads to stunted growth of the entire plant. Does excess calcium cause pale necrotic spots to appear on leaves? interveinal chlorosis.

Feeding cucumbers (video)

As you can see, fertilizing cucumbers in a greenhouse is an urgent necessity. The main thing in this matter is to know what and when to give cucumbers, and then their generous harvest will definitely please you.

Nitrogen fertilizers

Cucumber needs fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers at almost all stages of its development and growth, especially at the beginning of the growing season for the formation of leaves. Important: it must be remembered that some types of nitrogen fertilizers used as fertilizing can adversely affect the quality of the fruit. Thus, ammonium nitrate is of course useful for cucumbers, but tends to accumulate in fruits in the form of nitrates, toxic substances dangerous to human health. When choosing fertilizers for greenhouse cucumbers, it is better to choose those that do not contain nitrate nitrogen. Feed with nitrogen fertilizers, as in in the process of root feeding during proper watering of cucumbers, during foliar feeding - spraying, and when using a drip irrigation system for this crop. Important: if you add an excess amount of potassium and phosphorus to the soil at the beginning of the growth of cucumbers, and add an insufficient amount of nitrogen, then As a result, large plants will grow, with a large number of male flowers and a small number of small ovaries. Subsequent feeding of plants with nitrogen fertilizers will not improve the situation.

Phosphorus fertilizers

Phosphorus is used by cucumbers in small quantities, but constantly, since it is needed for normal growth and functioning of the root system, growth of green mass and normal fruit set and ripening. When and correctly applied phosphorus fertilizers will help cucumbers bloom promptly and abundantly.

Potash fertilizers

Cucumbers need potassium, as it promotes the movement of nutrients through the root system to the rest of the plant and ensures normal vegetative growth and fruiting. It is during the period of active fruiting that the amount of potassium fertilizers applied is increased, while reducing the amount of nitrogen fertilizers. Tip: cucumbers really do not like chlorine, which may be present in fertilizing.

However, potassium, which is so necessary for cucumbers, is most often added in the form of potassium chloride. In order not to harm the cucumbers and protect them from the effects of chlorine, this fertilizer is applied during autumn digging. If the greenhouse is open at the top, then all the chlorine will be washed away by rain and snow by the time the cucumbers are planted in the spring, and the necessary potassium will remain in the soil.

If the greenhouse is not opened for the winter, then it is better to use potassium fertilizers without chlorine. The amount of mineral fertilizers applied depends on factors such as the quality of autumn and spring soil preparation and soil characteristics. You can also judge what cucumbers need by the condition of the leaves, the so-called leaf diagnostics. Tip: before applying fertilizer to all the plants, fertilize several bushes. If after a few days the condition of the fed plants is good, then it will be possible to feed all the other cucumbers in the greenhouse.

Deficiency or excess?

To determine which substance is missing and what fertilizer to use in the greenhouse for cucumbers, just take a close look at the leaves and fruits of the plants. So, here are instructions on how to determine the lack of a particular nutrient:

  • lightening and reduction in the size of the leaves, as well as shortening and thickening of the fruits, the color of which, regardless of the variety, becomes pale green, indicates a lack of nitrogen; cessation of plant growth, a change in the color of young leaves from green to bluish-green, indicates that there is not enough phosphorus. In the photo below you can see this shade;

Cucumber leaves for phosphorus deficiency

  • slower growth of plants, as well as the appearance of a light green border along the edge of old leaf blades, which spreads between the main veins, towards the middle of the leaf, bending of the edges of the leaves inward, pear-shaped fruits, indicates a lack of potassium.

For cucumbers, both a deficiency and an excess of minerals and trace elements in the soil are undesirable. Signs indicating an excessive amount of a particular substance can be:

  • the formation of thick, powerful stems and irregularly shaped, dark green leaves in cucumbers indicates excessive application of nitrogen fertilizers; lengthening of internodes, the appearance of mosaic spots, or, on older leaves, a light yellow border, which later becomes brown in color, and then blackening, caused by excess potassium in the soil;

Mosaic cucumber leaves with excess potassium

  • excess phosphorus can be manifested by a general yellowing of the entire plant, falling leaves, rapid death; reddening of the veins on old leaf blades, the appearance of transparent or discolored spots between them indicates an excess of manganese caused by too frequent root and foliar fertilizing with potassium permanganate; hard, rough leaves and hardening of the stem occur when there is an excess of chlorine in the soil.

Having noticed signs of one or another nutrient deficiency, you can correct the situation with your own hands by adding the missing elements through root or foliar feeding of cucumbers.

Foliar feeding

This type of fertilizing is very effective in case of deficiency of any element, as well as in case of insufficient illumination of plants (see Lighting in greenhouses when growing cucumbers or how to choose the best method of supplementary lighting), or unfavorable weather conditions. The result of the impact of foliar feeding on the plant is noticeable quite quickly, often within a few hours, while the effect of the same solution applied under the root will be felt only after 3-5 days, or even after a few weeks. The optimal time for foliar feeding is the evening, when the sun is not so active, or it is a cloudy, cloudy day. For foliar fertilizing, prepare an aqueous extract of superphosphate by pouring the required amount of fertilizer with water and leaving it for 24 hours; solutions of microelements such as manganese, molybdenum, copper, zinc and boron, as well as solutions of fertilizers such as urea and potassium sulfate. For complex foliar feeding you will need two solutions: micro and macroelements. To prepare a solution of macroelements you need to take 10 liters of water:

  1. 20 g of urea, or 7 g of ammonium nitrate;7g potassium sulfate;

To obtain a working solution of microelements, which is called a mother solution, take the following for 1 liter of water:

  1. 0.1 – 0.2 g ammonium molybdate;0.08 g crystalline hydrate of copper sulfate (copper sulfate);1.8 g magnesium sulfate;2-3 g of boric acid.

For foliar feeding of cucumbers in a greenhouse, use 10 liters of a prepared solution of macroelements, to which 10 ml of a solution of microelements is added. When spraying 1 m2, use 250-350 ml of the prepared working solution.

When to feed cucumbers?

Depending on how well the soil in the greenhouse was filled during autumn and spring preparation, the amount of fertilizing carried out depends. As a rule, gardeners feed cucumbers 4-5 times during the summer. If the soil in the greenhouse was well fertilized, then only two feedings are necessary:

  • before flowering; at the beginning of fruiting.

The first feeding, carried out just before flowering, is carried out with 200 g of liquid bird droppings or mullein diluted in a bucket of water, to which 1 teaspoon of superphosphate and potassium sulfate is added. The second feeding is carried out during the active formation of ovaries. They dilute water in a bucket for her 100 -150 g mullein and add 1 tbsp. spoon of nitrophoska.If there is no mullein or bird droppings, they can easily be replaced by “herbal tea” or, as it is also called, “brilliant tea”, which is easy to prepare with your own hands. To prepare it, 1 kg of finely chopped, without seeds and roots, (you can even use scissors) various weeds, such as gooseberry, nettle, woodlice and others growing on your site, are poured with a bucket of settled water, preferably warm.

Then stir and leave to ferment for a few minutes. 4-5 days. Before use, the solution is filtered and diluted two to three times with warm, settled water.

Cucumbers are watered using 3-4 liters ready-made solution for every 1 m2. During fertilizing, taking into account the needs of the plants, you will be able to reap a richer harvest of greenhouse cucumbers. Making them is quite simple, the most important thing is to carefully observe the plants and their development. After watching a video on how to grow and how to fertilize cucumbers in a greenhouse, you can grow and harvest an excellent harvest yourself!

You write that you need to water the cucumbers with liquid bird droppings, but it is very strong and you can burn the plants, I was taught to water with bird droppings, which is infused in a ratio of 1 to 5, then this solution is infused for 5 days and only then watered according to - one liter of infusion per 10 liters of water. And so I water both vegetable crops and flowers in my garden before flowering.

How to feed cucumbers for growth

As you know, cucumbers love moisture very much, since the fruit itself is 90 percent water, but simply watering the cucumbers is not enough; for a good harvest and rapid growth, it is necessary to properly and timely fertilize the soil. In this material we will talk about fertilizing cucumbers.

So what should you feed the cucumbers with? Firstly, a novice gardener needs to know that cucumbers grow well and bear fruit well when grown with organic fertilizers and this must be taken care of before planting; such fertilizing can primarily be manure, humus, compost, as well as bird droppings, which are applied to the soil in the fall , and with the onset of spring and warmth, this fertilizer begins to burn, so it not only fertilizes the soil with the products of its decay, but also warms the earth.

Such fertilizers are applied at a rate of ten to fifteen kilograms per square meter. If you do not have the opportunity to add natural organic matter, then in this case, to increase the yield and good growth of cucumbers, it is not forbidden to resort to chemistry, you need to understand that what a cucumber needs is in first of all, the correct balance of combinations of substances such as magnesium, potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus. Today’s fertilizer market offers complex fertilizing, such a complex fertilizer as “Nitrophoska” has proven to be very good, many of our summer residents recommend it, the old one also has good reviews, proven superphosphate. Fertilizing should begin after the first what is called a real leaf; if you do not have the opportunity to fertilize using the methods outlined above, then you should prepare such fertilizing with your own hands, for this we take ten grams of the following substances: 1. potassium sulfate

2. ammonium nitrate 3. superphosphate Dilute in ten liters of water and water at the rate of ten liters per two square meters of land, while watering very carefully, so as not to touch the cucumber leaves, since you can easily burn them. Subsequent feeding of cucumbers is carried out periodically once every two weeks, but here it is better to use organic matter, manure or bird droppings with the addition of ash at the rate of a kilogram of manure per ten liters of water plus a glass of water, for bird droppings fifteen liters of water per kg. droppings and also a glass of the hall.

Two weeks before harvesting, you need to stop fertilizing. You will learn more about and how to feed cucumbers from the training video from the ZagorodLifeTV channel, you will also learn about what diseases can accompany cucumbers during their growth, how to deal with them and how to deal with them in general care for cucumbers. Enjoy watching and have a good harvest!

The beds with cucumbers look pale, the leaves have turned yellow, and the fruits are bitter? The most likely reason for these signs is a lack of fertilizer. When growing cucumbers in your summer cottage, you must remember that the plant needs regular care. Fertilizing will help you get a bountiful harvest.

In this article we will look in detail at how to feed cucumbers and describe the timing of events. You will find recipes for organic fertilizers that will help you grow an environmentally friendly product, learn the timing and methods of fertilizing, and learn how to properly process plants.

When growing cucumbers, the question often arises: which fertilizers should be used in a greenhouse and which ones in open ground? Experts answer this question in detail.

In the greenhouse

The feeding procedure in the greenhouse is carried out every two weeks 4-6 times a season. Fertilizing work in the greenhouse can be done at any time, regardless of weather conditions.

Important! When starting to feed cucumbers, it is important to remember that they cannot tolerate an excess of nutrients.

Terms for applying fertilizing:

  1. The first time is before planting seeds. Place compost and humus in the ground for planting.
  2. The second time - during the period of growing seedlings. Fertilize with ammonium nitrate (2 tablespoons of nitrate per 8 liters of water).
  3. The third time - a month after planting the seedlings in the ground. For this purpose, organic means are used: yeast, herbal infusion, ash. Chemicals are used in the form of a mixture: 2 tbsp. spoons of superphosphate, 1 tbsp. a spoon of ammonium nitrate, a glass of wood ash, a bucket of water. This will help increase the green mass and lay a larger number of ovaries.

During flowering and fruiting, fertilize every two weeks.

In the open ground

Cucumbers growing in open ground require more careful care. Fertilizers are applied 6-8 times per season. In the intervals between root dressings, foliar irrigation is carried out. The product is distributed evenly onto the leaves and stem.

Work begins after the second leaf appears. Immediately apply the following nitrogen fertilizers:

  1. Ammonia is diluted in water in the following proportion: 1 tbsp. spoon of alcohol, 8 liters of water. Water 0.5 liters of solution under the bush.
  2. After a week, use a solution of brilliant green. Add 10 drops of brilliant green to a bucket of water. Spray the stem and leaves from all sides. Fertilizing can be done every week until flowering begins.
  3. For the regrowth of green mass, yeast tincture is used. Yeast is diluted in warm water, left for a day and watered at the root. Proportions: 0.5 kg of yeast, 3 liters of water, 0.5 liters of jam. The resulting mixture is diluted in water (1:8).

The best mineral supplements

During growth, flowering and fruiting, cucumbers need phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen. All these substances are included in mineral fertilizers, such as superphosphate, potassium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, urea and others.

Fertilizers are applied at the rate per square meter:

  • nitrogen – up to 10 g;
  • phosphorus and potassium – 10-15 g.

For greater effect, use mineral mixtures:

  1. For root feeding, prepare according to the recipe: 10 liters of water, 15 g of urea, 50 g of potassium sulfate.
  2. When fertilizing by foliar method, use a mixture: 10 liters of water, 5 g of ammonium nitrate, 10 g of superphosphate, 8 g of potassium sulfate.

Attention! Superphosphate is dissolved in hot water. The mixture is cooled before use.


Experienced gardeners prefer organic fertilizers. We offer recipes from simple products that are on hand:

  1. Decoction of onion peels. Brew a glass of raw materials in a bucket of water, leave for 3-4 hours, spray the plants. The product repels pests and replenishes the lack of nutrients.
  2. Wood ash Suitable for root feeding. The product is useful for acidic soils. It contains a set of microelements and accumulates nitrogen in the soil. Preparation of the solution: a glass of ash is diluted in a bucket of water. Water at the roots up to six times per season.
  3. Hay tincture It is prepared like this: put hay in a bucket, fill it with water, leave for 5-7 days. The solution is filtered and sprayed on cucumbers three times a season at intervals of a week. The product protects cucumbers from powdery mildew.
  4. Yeast feeding use 2-3 times per season: before flowering, at the beginning of flowering, after harvesting the first harvest. The solution is prepared at the rate of: 10-12 g of yeast, 5 liters of warm water, add 0.5 cups of sugar (or 0.5 liters of jam). Everything is mixed and left to ferment in a warm place for 3-5 days. The resulting “chatterbox” is diluted in water in the proportion: 0.5 liters per bucket of water. A liter of solution is poured under the bush. Instead of sugar, add ascorbic acid (2 g per 5 liters of water), yeast can be replaced with a loaf of bread.
  5. Feeding with iodine stimulates growth, increases productivity, improves the taste of cucumbers, accumulating vitamin C in the fruits. When using iodine, it is important to maintain proportions so as not to harm the plants. 30 drops of iodine per bucket of water is enough. For root feeding, use a liter of solution per bush, and also spray the tops and leaves (15 drops, 8 liters of water). Treatment is carried out once every 10 days. Gardeners often combine iodine with milk or.

Attention! Horse manure cannot be used to fertilize cucumbers, as it contains a large amount of ammonia. When decomposed, horse manure releases dangerous nitrates that cause poisoning.

Root and foliar feeding

For full development, cucumbers need nutrition from the roots to the top. Foliar and root feeding will help solve the problem.

In warm summers, it is recommended to carry out root feeding. Foliar feeding is used in cold summers, when the weather is cloudy and it often rains. At this time, plants do not absorb nutrients from the soil well.

Important. It is better to treat plants using a spray bottle.

Selection of fertilizers depending on the growth phase

At each stage of growth and development, cucumbers need certain fertilizers. Improper distribution of nutrition can lead to an increase in green mass and a decrease in fruiting. Plants begin to get sick and disappear. The periods of fertilizing depend on the stage of growth.


To strengthen the immune system, seedlings in the greenhouse are fed with nitrogen fertilizers according to the following scheme:

  1. The first time after the appearance of the second leaf, ammonia is added, diluted in water in a ratio of 1:10. This mixture is poured into a glass under the root.
  2. The second time is fertilized two weeks later with mullein diluted in water in a ratio of 1:10.

After landing

Planting seedlings in open ground is always stressful. A good dose of fertilizer will help the plants adapt to their new location. Feeding is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Before planting, compost, rotted manure, and rotted sawdust are added to the beds. If the above materials are not available, use ash and superphosphate. The earth is dug up and moistened.
  2. If the beds were not fertilized before planting, a week after planting, use the preparations “Universal” or “Aquarin” (a teaspoon per bucket of water). An excellent solution is: a tablespoon of nitrophoska per 8 liters of water.
  3. After 5-7 days, the beds are watered with a light pink solution of potassium permanganate.
  4. Two weeks after planting the seedlings, add a solution of mullein (1:10) with the addition of 2 cups of ash per bucket of water.

During flowering

When cucumbers enter the flowering phase, they need phosphorus-potassium nutrition. During this period, the formation of ovaries occurs. To increase them, the following activities are carried out:

  • foliar feeding by spraying with a whey solution (1 liter per bucket of water);
  • treatment with brilliant green (10 drops per 8 liters of water);
  • to attract pollinating insects, honey is added to the solution of brilliant green and whey;
  • root feeding with a mixture of superphosphate and potassium phosphate (a teaspoon per 8 liters of water).

During fruiting

After the first harvest, plants need feeding to restore their strength. During this period, it is useful to use organic fertilizers: humus, grass infusion, mullein, ash. Mineral fertilizers include potassium nitrate and urea. Fertilizers are applied at intervals of two weeks.

Feeding by month

To help beginning gardeners, we have compiled a fertilizer schedule by month:

  1. May June– application of nitrogen fertilizers every two weeks.
  2. July August September– use phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.
  3. In August and September the number of feedings is reduced, increasing the interval between them to three weeks.

How to feed cucumbers to grow well

If you notice that your cucumbers are slowly growing green mass, fertilize them with nitrogen fertilizers.

Fertilizer options:

  1. Boric acid will compensate for the lack of boron. Add a small bottle of acid to a bucket of water. A glass of fertilizer is poured onto the plants.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide has a positive effect on the growth and development of the bush. It fills the earth with oxygen, delivering nutrition to the roots. Use 2 tbsp per liter of water. spoons of peroxide.
  3. A mixture of superphosphate (40 g), potassium sulfate (10 g), mullein (10 l), 10 l of water. Fertilize a glass of the mixture at the root.

For a bountiful harvest

How to feed cucumber beds for a large harvest? The easiest way is to use ready-made growth stimulants “Azogran” and “Agricola”.

Fans of traditional methods prefer bird droppings with the addition of phosphate and potassium.

So as not to be bitter

The reasons for the bitterness of cucumbers are different:

  • insufficient watering;
  • long standing hot weather;
  • lack of nitrogen.

Urea will help saturate plants with nitrogen. Prepare a solution: 1 tbsp. l. urea, a bucket of water. Three liters are poured onto each plant. Additional solutions are timely watering and darkening the beds with curtains made of corn, branches or fabric.

To prevent leaves and ovaries from turning yellow

If you find that the leaves and ovaries on young bushes begin to turn yellow, you need to identify the cause of this phenomenon. The cause may be a lack of nutrients, pests or improper watering. The diagram will help you find out what microelements cucumbers lack:

  1. Lack of potassium and magnesium - leaves turn yellow around the edges.
  2. Lack of copper - the upper leaves turn yellow.
  3. Iron deficiency - leaves turn yellow and green streaks appear.

Having identified the problem, you can begin fertilizing. We recommend using organic products in such cases:

  • herbal tincture with ash;
  • kefir diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5;
  • iodine solution with serum (5 drops per 1 liter) in a bucket of water.

Signals of mineral deficiency

We want to see strong bushes with green leaves and abundant fruits in our garden. But cultivated plants do not always live up to our expectations.

How to notice in time that cucumbers lack minerals:

  1. If the leaves are dark green, curved, and the fruits become smaller, it means there is excess nitrogen in the soil. The solution is to stop fertilizing and water daily for a week.
  2. Pale, frail appearance of plants, thin stems indicate a lack of nitrogen. The green mass grows slowly, the fruits are small and there are few of them. The solution is to add mullein solution (1:10).
  3. Dying of the root system is a sign of excess magnesium. The solution is to increase watering and stop fertilizing.
  4. The leaves are thin and look burnt. This indicates a magnesium deficiency. The solution is fertilizing with magnesium nitrate (100 g per bucket of water).
  5. If the leaves darken and curl, it means there is not enough calcium. Feed with superphosphate or urea.
  6. Excess potassium causes the growth of the bush to slow down. The leaves turn white and mosaic spots appear.
  7. Lack of potassium in the initial stage causes the formation of a light border on the leaves. Subsequently, the leaves darken, the fruits curl and become round. The solution is to use an ash solution (1 glass of ash, 10 liters of water).
  8. Chlorosis appears on the lower leaves, they darken and fall off. These signs indicate excess copper.
  9. Copper deficiency manifests itself in pale leaves. The shoots fade, the flowers fall off. The solution is to treat the leaves with a 1% solution of copper sulfate.
  10. Dying of growth points and shedding of flowers indicate a lack of boron. The solution is to spray with a solution of boric acid. For this, 2 tbsp. spoons of acid are dissolved in 3 liters of hot water and cooled.

When to fertilize

Timely application of fertilizers will help to obtain a bountiful harvest and protect plants from diseases. Schemes for applying root fertilizers:

  1. After the second leaf appears.
  2. At the beginning of flowering.
  3. After the first harvest.
  4. Repeat two more times after two weeks.

Foliar spraying is carried out in the intervals between root feedings.

How often to do this

A lack of fertilizer has just as bad an effect on the growth of cucumbers as an excess of it. It is recommended to fertilize once every 2-3 weeks. Frequent procedures negatively affect the taste of fruits, accumulating nitrates in them. Particular care is taken with nitrogen fertilizers.

  1. It is advisable to spray plants in open ground in the morning or evening.
  2. Try to use more organic products.
  3. Please adhere to processing times.
  4. Stick to proportions in recipes.
  5. Perform root feeding after abundant watering.

There are no trifles in gardening: the future of the harvest equally depends on the quality of the seed, the amount of watering, and the timing of fertilization. Proper feeding of cucumbers in the open ground helps the plants form a full-fledged ovary and fully resist diseases and pests.

Feeding cucumbers in open ground - rules

When it comes to fertilizers, the cucumber crop shows itself to be a real capricious picky plant - as soon as you don’t please it, instead of smooth, crisp cucumbers, “mutants” that curve in all directions appear in the garden bed. Therefore, fertilizing cucumber seedlings should begin at the two-leaf stage. In the future, cucumbers will have to be pampered with increased nutrition at least four more times: 15 days after moving to open ground, after the first flower stalks appear, and twice at the time of fruiting.

Each cucumber grower has his own treasured recipe for feeding cucumbers in the open ground, from which the cucumbers grow by leaps and bounds and become the most delicious and crunchy. A simple rule will help you avoid confusion and choose the right option: the type of fertilizer directly depends on how warm the summer was. The fact is that cucumber roots are only able to fully absorb all nutrients from the soil in warm weather. In cold summers, you should give preference to foliar feeding of cucumbers in open ground.

Whatever method of feeding cucumbers (root or foliar) is chosen, for its implementation it is better to choose the evening or a cloudy warm day. Fertilizers should be applied to the soil after heavy watering or good rain. When spraying the fertilizer, you must ensure that the solution falls on the leaves in small drops in an even layer. How long it stays on the surface depends on how many benefits the cucumber lashes will receive. Another trick is that the warmer the nutrient solution, the faster it will be absorbed.

First feeding of cucumbers

Cucumber seedlings successfully migrated from seedling boxes or pots into open ground, took root and even began to grow little by little. And here, in all its glory, the gardener faces the question - how to feed the cucumbers after planting? As mentioned above, the first fertilizing occurs 14-15 days after moving to open ground, and for this it is better to use organic fertilizers: infusion or chicken manure, diluted in a ratio of 1:10. These products must be used with extreme caution, because they can damage fragile roots.

Feeding cucumbers during flowering

A proven way to get even, “one-on-one” cucumbers is to fertilize them during flowering. To carry this out, it is recommended to use green fertilizer prepared from freshly cut grass. The grass collected after mowing must be filled with the same amount of water and allowed to brew for at least a week. The resulting slurry must be diluted five times with warm water. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to compensate for the lack of minerals by feeding the cucumbers with a mixture of superphosphate, ammonium and potassium nitrate (40+30+20 g).

Foliar feeding of cucumbers in open ground attracts insects that are so important for pollination, promoting better ovary formation. To carry it out, you can use a mixture of boric acid (2 g) and sugar (100 g), diluting them in 1 liter of warm water. Another way to strengthen cucumbers is to spray them with a superphosphate solution (35 g per 1 bucket of warm water).

How to feed cucumbers at the beginning of growth?

During the period of active growth, nitrogen is vital for any plant. If cucumber seedlings develop sluggishly and are in no hurry to bloom, the question arises: “How to feed cucumbers for growth?” Green fertilizer in combination with a solution of minerals will help solve the problem. A solution can be used as foliar feeding. It should be remembered that this substance is aggressive and can harm delicate cucumber shoots. Therefore, fertilizing cucumbers in open ground with urea should be carried out with a very weak solution - no more than 40 g per 1 bucket of water.

How to feed cucumbers during fruiting?

Actively expending energy on the formation of the ovary and the growth of fruits, cucumber vines pull out all the nutrients from the ground. Proper feeding of cucumbers during fruiting not only restores the balance of substances in the soil, but also significantly extends the fruiting period. Feeding cucumbers in open ground during this period should be comprehensive and include organic matter (infusion of green grass or rotted hay, diluted 5 times), minerals (1 glass of ash, 25 g of potassium nitrate and 50 g of urea per 10 liters of water) and foliar treatment (10-12 g of urea per bucket of water).

Cucumbers grow poorly - what to feed them with?

The situation when the cucumber shoots wither, wither, and instead of even cucumbers, monsters of different sizes appear on it, indicates that the soil is catastrophically lacking in nutrition. Moreover, the cucumbers themselves will help the gardener understand how to feed cucumber seedlings in the open ground:

  • light bulb fruits, narrowed at the base and widening towards the tail, indicate potassium starvation, which can be eliminated by spraying with ash or a solution of potassium phosphate;
  • fruits that are thick at the stalk, but quickly disappear, light coloring of fruits and canes, poorly developing leaves and canes signal a lack of nitrogen, which organic fertilizers will help replenish;
  • dark green leaves with a purple tint that darken when they die indicate a phosphorus deficiency, and yellow or pale spots on the leaves are a manifestation of a magnesium deficiency, to eliminate which it is best to use ready-made mineral complexes.

What is the best way to feed cucumbers?

No matter how many years a person has been friends with the cucumber crop, the debate about how to properly feed cucumbers in open ground and greenhouses continues. What is better, foliar feeding of cucumbers or incorporation of nutrition into the ground, ready-made complex fertilizers or more environmentally friendly folk methods - there is no definite answer. But when growing cucumbers in your own garden, on a far from industrial scale, you should not forget about their safety for humans. After all, all the substances that are used to feed cucumbers in open ground, to a greater or lesser extent, end up in the fruit and in our body.

Feeding cucumbers with yeast

The common expression about growth by leaps and bounds also applies to cucumber vines. Yeast nutrition for cucumbers is an excellent stimulator of growth and fruiting. Yeasts activate the process of decomposition of organic matter in the soil, which helps the roots receive many times more nitrogen and potassium. Cucumbers grown with this fertilizer are better able to resist diseases, weather conditions and pest attacks.

To prepare yeast fertilizer, you can use both classic briquetted yeast and its dry version. The classic recipe for fertilizing is as follows: take 1 kilogram of fresh (briquetted) or 5 grams of dry yeast for 5 liters of water, add a little sugar and leave in a warm place for 1 day. The resulting slurry is diluted in 50 liters of water and bushes in the open ground are watered with this solution at the root.

Feeding cucumbers with ash

The ash remaining after burning wood waste is a great way to kill two birds with one stone: clear the area of ​​unnecessary branches and strengthen the plants. It must be remembered that only combustion products of plants can be used as fertilizers, but not building materials or household waste. Wood or stove ash contains calcium, magnesium, lime and magnesium. Feeding cucumbers in the open ground with ash helps protect them from fungal diseases and some pests and improves the composition of the soil.

How to feed cucumbers with ash? It can be used either dry or by preparing a solution. Ash dusting is done in the morning, before the dew has dried or immediately after rain. To prepare the solution, 100 grams of raw material are diluted in 1 bucket of water and left for a week. The resulting mash is sprayed onto the cucumber lashes, ensuring its even distribution throughout the plant. This feeding is especially important during the period of flowering and ovary formation.

Feeding cucumbers with iodine

One way to grow healthy cucumbers is to feed them with iodine. This microelement not only has a beneficial effect on the growth and formation of the ovary, but also copes well with the main scourge of cucumber beds - root rot. For spraying, prepare a nutrient solution by dissolving 30 drops of iodine tincture in 10 liters of water. To enhance the effect, add milk and a little soap to the solution. Primary treatment of cucumbers is carried out immediately after planting the seedlings, and then repeated every 15-20 days.

Bread fertilizer for cucumbers

A very simple and inexpensive way to feed cucumbers in the ground is fertilizer prepared on ordinary rye bread. It can be used as part of a yeast feed by adding bread crusts to a bucket of fermenting yeast. Or you can simply place a sealable barrel on the site, fill it with water and dispose of all the grain waste there. Clean water will be added to the container as you use it. In this simple way, the plants will receive useful nutrition, and nothing will go to waste on the farm.

Feeding cucumbers with boric acid

Boron is one of the substances without which fruiting or the harmonious development of any plant is simply unthinkable. Moreover, the amount of this element in the soil should remain at the same level throughout the entire season. A lack of boron affects the color of plants and their ability to bear fruit. Feeding cucumbers with folk remedies, such as boron, gives the vines the strength to grow actively, making the fruits juicier and sweeter.

To prepare a nutrient solution, 10 grams of acid are dissolved in a liter of warm water, and then the volume of water is adjusted to 10 liters. The resulting mixture is sprayed onto the leaves and ovaries of cucumbers, choosing early morning or a cloudy, cool day for this procedure. The treatment is carried out twice per season: the first time after planting in the garden, and the second time during the formation of fruits.

Feeding cucumbers with milk

Another option for feeding cucumbers is milk. This tasty and nutritious product will bring considerable benefits to cucumber beds:

  • the potassium and calcium contained in milk will serve as a growth stimulator for the plant;
  • the milky film formed on the surface of the leaves will become an insurmountable barrier to pests and pathogens;
  • nutrients and lactic acid activate the decomposition of organic matter in the soil.

To prepare milk feeding for cucumbers in open ground, a liter of milk must be diluted in five liters of water and carefully watered at the root of each plant. You can also carry out milk spraying, to enhance the therapeutic and protective effect of which it is recommended to add 30 drops of iodine to the solution. At the same time, cucumbers will receive the necessary dose of potassium and calcium, and protection from fungal diseases.

Fertilizing cucumbers with saltpeter

Cucumbers for which fertilizers were applied at the wrong time or incorrectly become unable to form a full-fledged harvest. In small beds, calcium nitrate is a real panacea for cucumbers. It not only stimulates the rapid growth of green mass, but also strengthens the plant’s immunity. Unlike ammonium nitrate, calcium nitrate can be used without fear, as it causes minimal harm to cucumbers. Foliar feeding of cucumbers in open ground with saltpeter can be carried out every 10 days, preparing a solution at the rate of 10 grams of fertilizer per 5 liters of water.