Caring for God's tree for the winter. Wormwood - dill tree - “God’s tree”

Wormwood tree (Latin name - artemisia abrotanum) refers to perennial plants. The world classification includes about 400 types of culture. Her homeland is Asia Minor. On the territory of Russia, the shrub is found most often in the European part, in Altai, the North Caucasus, and also in the south of Western Siberia.

Among the people, wormwood is better known as god tree, or medicinal wormwood. Less commonly it is called dill and lemon tree, which is associated with the specific but pleasant smell of the plant. For the same reason, young shoots and dried leaves of the bush are used in small quantities in cooking. In medicine, the herb has found wider use due to the beneficial substances it contains.

Description of the plant

Externally, the plant resembles grass or shrub. The height of the lady's tree varies and can reach up to 150 cm. The straight stems of wormwood are almost completely woody. The greenish-gray leaves are initially covered with fluff, but over time they become almost bare. Leaf plate divided into 2–3 pinnate lobes.

Small wormwood buds are collected in spherical drooping inflorescences about 3 mm wide and can be yellow or red. The plant blooms in August, and the achene fruit ripens by October. The characteristic scent of the bush is very similar to a mixture of pine needles, lemon and dill, which explains its use as a natural air freshener.

The healing properties of wormwood are especially effective in combination with certain herbs. For this reason, lady's tree is often included in medicinal preparations consisting of cranberry, sage, mint and other components.

Medicinal properties

Absolutely all parts of this plant have beneficial properties. Roots, stems, seeds and leaves of the herb are actively used as ingredients for preparing infusions, mixtures and decoctions. The following components were found in the chemical composition of wormwood:

  • bitterness;
  • high concentration essential oils;
  • vitamins A, B, C and potassium;
  • tannins;
  • flavonoids.

The medicinal properties of wormwood are not limited to a narrow range of uses. The use of remedies based on God's tree is indicated for various ailments. The plant has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Indications for which herbal treatment is effective include:

  • Colds. In this case, decoctions of wormwood leaves are actively used.
  • Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. An herbal infusion is especially helpful for low stomach acidity.
  • Diseases associated with oncology. A decoction based on the roots of the plant is used.
  • Purulent formations and lesions on the skin, inflammation of the joints. If these indications exist, remedies using God's tree are used externally.
  • Weak and sparse hair. In the fight against this disease, a 10% alcohol tincture of wormwood has proven highly effective.
  • Menstrual cycle disorders in women.

The plant is believed to have mild diuretic, laxative and anthelmintic effects.. In each individual case, various parts of the herb are used to prepare infusions, decoctions and other herbal remedies. You can prepare the ingredients yourself or purchase the dried plant at the pharmacy.


In addition to its healing properties, the plant also has a number of contraindications that you should pay attention to before consuming wormwood. The use of drugs based on God's tree is prohibited for the following categories of people:

  • patients with individual intolerance to substances included in the chemical composition of the plant;
  • women during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • persons suffering from anemia, peptic ulcers or bleeding;
  • children under 3 years of age.

PTaking wormwood preparations can cause by-effect expressed in frustration nervous system . This phenomenon occurs due to exceeding the recommended dose. The standard course of therapy is usually less than 3 weeks, after which a break for a month is required.

Before using Godwood as a medicine You should consult your doctor. Wormwood is considered a potent herb, so its illiterate use can be harmful.

Recipes using wormwood

IN folk medicine exists great amount recipes using dill tree. Depending on the ailment, the preparation of oils, decoctions and infusions is carried out from various parts plants.

To enhance medicinal properties shrubs often use additional herbs. When cooking folk remedies it is necessary to adhere to the recipe descriptions to avoid overdose.

For colds

In the treatment of cold symptoms and viral diseases An infusion of crushed wormwood leaves has proven itself. To prepare it you need 5 tbsp. l. raw materials. They are placed in an enamel bowl and filled with 3 cups of boiling water. The resulting mixture is infused for 30 minutes and filtered through cheesecloth. Take the finished medicine up to 4 times a day, 2 tbsp. l.

If the disease is particularly severe, more suitable option is the oil of the plant. It is necessary to prepare a container with a volume of about 1 liter. It is filled with leaves and flowers of wormwood and poured with olive oil. The product is infused for 14 days in a dark and cool room. The oil then takes on a rich green hue. It is filtered, getting rid of parts of the plant. Use the mixture twice a day, 1 tsp. The course of treatment should not exceed 7 days.

Oil prepared according to this recipe also has a mild laxative effect.

  • dried wormwood;
  • mint leaves;
  • cloves used as a spice.

The prepared ingredients are poured into 250 ml of water and boiled over medium heat for 10 minutes. The broth is allowed to cool and brew for 1 hour. Take it 3 tbsp. l. three times a day, before meals. This remedy has a diuretic effect.

For stomach diseases and cancer

A decoction of wormwood will help normalize low stomach acidity. To do this, take 1 tsp. herbs, pour 2 cups boiled water and bring the mixture to a boil. The broth is allowed to cool, after which it is filtered through cheesecloth. The finished product is taken 50 ml, 3 times a day, half an hour before meals.

A decoction prepared according to the following recipe is used in complex therapy at the initial stage of cancer digestive system and uterus. Based on 400 ml of water, you need to take 4 tbsp. l. dry root of wormwood. Boil the herb over low heat for 10 minutes, covering the dishes. After cooling the liquid, filter it and take 2 tbsp. l., three times a day, half an hour before meals. The course of treatment lasts 2 weeks.

For hair and skin

God's tree will help restore beauty to dull hair and reduce its oiliness naturally. To do this, you need to wash your hair with a decoction of wormwood, for the preparation of which you need to take 200 g of dried plant per 3 liters of water. After 3-4 procedures, positive dynamics will be noticeable. But using wormwood for hair is often undesirable.. To improve their structure, a couple of procedures per week are enough.

An infusion of the leaves of the bush will help smooth out small wrinkles on the skin and reduce the rate of their further appearance. For 2.5 liters of boiling water you will need 300 g of dried raw materials. The components are mixed and left for exactly 1 hour. After straining the finished product through cheesecloth, it should be added to the bathtub. It is best to carry out procedures 1 hour before bedtime. You need to take a bath for 20–30 minutes.

Anti-cellulite oil for massage

Wormwood-based oil is used not only in traditional medicine recipes, but also in beauty salons. This is explained by its effectiveness in the fight against cellulite. To prepare cosmetic oil you will need the following components:

  • 5 tbsp. l. plant seeds;
  • 500 ml unrefined sunflower oil;
  • 5 tsp. table vinegar.

All ingredients are mixed. The finished product is placed in a hermetically sealed container and left for 3 weeks in the place where it penetrates Sun rays. It is necessary to shake the mixture thoroughly periodically. After the specified time, the liquid is filtered. The oil can be used during massage.

Tree of God is a popular medicinal plant that has been used for centuries against many ailments and diseases. Medicines from this herb strengthen the gastrointestinal tract by increasing the production of digestive juices. The plant is used in the treatment of diarrhea, urinary tract infections, bronchitis and other upper respiratory infections. respiratory tract.


Wormwood (Artemisia abrotanum) comes from southern Europe and Asia (Turkey, Middle East and Iran). The plant was brought to North America by European settlers. Among the people, other names have been assigned to it - dill and God's tree. Wormwood has been successfully used in alternative medicine for many years. For centuries it was believed that God's tree has magical abilities and protects from evil. The herb is still used as incense in many Catholic churches.

This perennial shrub, belongs to the wheatgrass family (Compositae). It grows well in dry and sunny places, covering rocky slopes, clearings, and wastelands. It has dense branches and stems and can grow up to 1.2 meters in height. The leaves are feathery, gray-green in color, smooth on top and covered with fluff below. The plant has spherical yellow flower heads. Blooms from July to September.

The stems of wormwood, the tree of God, in the photo can easily be confused with dill, since they have a similar appearance. The plant is characterized by a strong, sweet and piercing aroma reminiscent of lemon. The edible parts of the plant are fresh or dried leaves. They must be collected before flowering begins. They should be dried in the shade to prevent loss of color. Treated leaves should be stored in closed glass containers and away from light.

God's tree: medicinal properties and composition

Useful action of such a herb, like any other, is determined by the content of essential oils in its composition. So, in this variety of wormwood their amount is considerable - 0.62%.

In addition, the leaves of the plant contain:

  • bitter glycosides, including absinthine, anabsintin, ortabsin;
  • coumarin compounds: isofraxidin, scopolin, calicantoside;
  • volatile oils containing mainly thujone;
  • tannins;
  • resins;
  • organic acids.

Photos of God's tree and the medicinal properties of this plant are presented below:

Wormwood is a choleretic agent

Essential oil has choleretic properties, thereby supporting the secretion of bile from the liver to the stomach. It helps neutralize excess bile acids, thereby relieving ailments such as peptic ulcers.

Wormwood essential oil facilitates digestion and neutralizes unpleasant symptoms such as indigestion, bloating and gas. God's tree can be used to stimulate digestive processes, but only in very small doses. The use of medicinal products from the plant should be carried out strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Such drugs help with dyspepsia, indigestion, lack of appetite, stomach ulcers, and with symptoms indicating a malfunction of the digestive system, for example, when heartburn, flatulence, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, belching and intestinal cramps occur. Improve metabolism, have a diuretic and tonic effect. Supports the proper functioning of the liver and gallbladder.

Wormwood eliminates unpleasant odor

Grass contains a large number of thujone, therefore exhibits a strong aroma of this component. In this regard, the essential oil of the plant is often used as a deodorant. However, it should be remembered that this product is used only in diluted form to avoid excessive inhalation of the substances it contains.

Wormwood prevents bacterial and viral infections

The healing properties of God's tree help fight various kinds infections and viruses. Substances contained in the plant kill microbes and suppress their development. Research published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry confirmed that mugwort oil has broad-spectrum antibacterial activity against several strains of bacteria, including E. coli and salmonella. It inhibits the growth of fungal pathogens and exhibits antioxidant effects. Other studies published in the journal Planta Medica found that wormwood oil inhibits the growth of Candida albicans, which is the most common type of yeast infection in the mouth, intestines and vagina.

Scientists from the University of Michigan in the USA have found that the herb may also be useful in the treatment of tuberculosis - it can help reduce the treatment time for the disease, which usually lasts about six months, and prevent the development of strains of bacteria resistant to antibiotics.

Causes menstruation

The stimulating and relaxing properties of ladywood may induce menstruation. How does this happen? The essential oil of the plant stimulates secretion menstrual blood, activates circulation and promotes its secretion. This is very useful and desirable for a woman’s health. After all, menstrual irregularities can cause many dangerous diseases, even such as uterine cancer. Stimulating the body helps relieve problems such as headaches, cramps, abdominal pain, nausea, fatigue and lack of appetite. Proper use of the herb makes menstruation regular.

Wormwood is an effective insecticide

The oil from the plant (ladderwood) is poisonous to many animals and mammals. There is also no doubt that this product acts as a natural insecticide and insect repellent. To take full advantage of this property of mugwort, you can use diluted oil of the herb as a spray.

Bouquets or flower pots herb-containing flies are often placed in the kitchen to keep flies away from food. In addition, fresh leaves are rubbed on the skin to repel mosquitoes.

Wormwood heals nerves and heart

In folk medicine, the psychoactive properties of wormwood essential oil are sometimes used to calm the nerves, as well as convulsions, hysteria, prolonged stress and insomnia.

Medicinal wormwood (god's tree) is an excellent tonic that activates many mechanisms of the body, and also provides its overall strengthening. Positively affects cardiovascular system and helps in correct and uniform distribution nutrients all over the body. Allows the excretory system to keep the body free of unwanted metabolic waste and toxins.

The tonic effect of wormwood essential oil eliminates disturbances in heart rhythm and conduction. Positively affects the regulation of the secretion of hormones and enzymes. By stimulating the nervous system, a person becomes more active and alert. The entire immune system is also activated, thanks to which it provides effective protection from various infections and diseases.

External use of wormwood

Infusions of wormwood are used for baths for rheumatic diseases. In addition, such bathing tones, soothes and relaxes the skin. Therefore, it is useful when there are fungal skin lesions. Wormwood infusion, despite the fact that it does not contain saponins, washes away sebum relatively quickly. It is used as aromatherapy for asthma patients and helps relieve nasal congestion.

Wormwood in cosmetics

Artemisia arborescens (god's tree) belongs to the same family of plants as chamomile, arnica, St. John's wort and calendula, and is also used in cosmetology. An extract from this herb, as well as oil from it, are often found in cosmetics intended for face and body care.

Wormwood in cooking

The herb has also found its use in cooking. The young shoots of this shrub have a lemony aroma and are used in small quantities as a salad dressing. Fresh or dried leaves can be used in seasoning blends or as a flavoring ingredient in olive oil and some liqueurs.


To prepare the infusion, pour a tablespoon of dried or crushed herbs into a glass of boiling water and leave covered for 15-20 minutes. Strain thoroughly and drink ¼-⅓ glass 2 or 3 times a day half an hour before meals. You can add a small amount of honey or sugar to the liquid to soften the bitter taste. The product helps with bloating, flatulence, stomach ulcers, and bile stagnation.


It is necessary to prepare a decoction of 50 g of God's tree and pour 70% alcohol into a glass and leave in a dark place for 2 weeks. After this time, the tincture should be filtered and poured into a dark glass bottle. You need to drink it 15-20 drops in a glass of water half an hour before meals 2-3 times a day. Used as a medicine for stomach ailments and to improve digestion. When taken 40 drops in a glass of water, it has a choleretic effect.

Swimming with grass

You need to mix 50 g of lady's tree herb with 50 g of linden flowers, 50 g of yarrow grass. Half of the prepared mixture should be poured with 3 liters of boiling water and simmered over low heat for 15 minutes. Strain and pour into the bath. The bath time should not exceed 20 minutes. Use 2 times a week after operations and serious illnesses.

Foot bath

It is necessary to pour 25 g of wormwood herb into 3 liters of boiling water and heat for 20 minutes over low heat under the lid. Cool slightly and strain. Keep your feet in the prepared broth for 30 minutes. Used in the treatment of fungal infections of the feet.

Potential side effects, contraindications

Let's list the main ones:

  • not intended for long-term use. Used for more than four weeks or in doses higher than recommended, may cause nausea, vomiting, restlessness, insomnia, dizziness, tremors, and limb cramps.
  • Wormwood ladywood can cause allergic reactions in people with allergies to plants from the Wheatgrass family - ragweed, marigold, chrysanthemums and others.
  • You should not take this herb in any form if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Thujone contained in the plant has Negative influence on the uterus and threatens pregnancy.
  • Wormwood should not be taken by people who suffer from a rare disease called porphyria (which involves excessive production and accumulation of porphin in the body). Thujone, present in the essential oil of the plant, can increase the production of this substance.
  • Wormwood is not recommended for people with impaired kidney function. The oil from this herb can lead to failure of these organs.
  • If you suffer from epilepsy or other seizure disorders, you should consult your doctor before using this herb.
  • Wormwood essential oil should be used with caution in aromatherapy as it contains large amounts of thujone, which is toxic in large quantities and can cause seizures.
  • Doctors recommend using wormwood in the form of dried raw materials, as it contains a small amount of thujone.

You should always remember that wormwood essential oil is poisonous and has a psychological effect. In large doses it can cause various diseases of the nervous system. In extreme cases, product poisoning leads to death. Long-term use of wormwood essential oil threatens irreversible damage to the brain and nervous system. The extract from the plant has narcotic properties and is addictive.

God's tree

Even at a time when I was not familiar with this plant with my own eyes, I was drawn to it like a magnet - the name “Tree of God” fascinated me.

"Why wood and why God's?" - I thought, while from correspondence I knew from literature that this is the popular name for one of the types of wormwood - medicinal wormwood (Artemisia abrotanum). According to the botanical description, it is a perennial subshrub up to 1.5 m high, with triple pinnately dissected leaves on straight semi-lignified stems and with a thick woody root. She comes from Southern Europe, Asia Minor, Iran. Medicinal wormwood has long been grown in Russia. In our country it is also known under the names lemon wormwood, abrotan, oak-grass, bezdrev, kudravits, holy tree. It is interesting that in the literature of the 19th century (in the reference book “Complete Russian Herbal Dictionary”, published in 1898) it is noted that “medicinal wormwood is grown in Russia only in gardens.” And in the academic publication of the twentieth century “Flora of the USSR” it is noted that it is found in nature in the south of Russia, the Black Earth Region, the south of Western Siberia, and Central Asia. That is, over several centuries it spread from gardens to nature and became a naturalized Russian woman.

All publications note that wormwood (Artemisia scoparia or Artemisia procera), which is similar in appearance to medicinal wormwood, is widespread in nature in Russia. It is also cultivated in gardens under the names bodrennik, chiliga, wormwood, flagellum, as well as God's tree. This creates some confusion. We must discern God's real tree. medicinal wormwood, for fake. paniculata. The latter, firstly, is a biennial, and secondly, in all parts it is coarser and has a less pleasant smell. And thirdly, it should be noted that wormwood paniculata reproduces by seeds, while medicinal wormwood does not ripen in Russia. Therefore, if they offer you the seeds of God’s tree, now you will know which one it is. "fake".

Due to the latter circumstance, it is not easy to start a real tree of God, because it reproduces only vegetatively. division of rhizomes, layering, cuttings. It took me a lot of work to find this plant. Several of my gardener friends from different regions offered seedlings, but I preferred to order from the northern - Kirov region, because... I knew nothing about its frost resistance.

The seedling was planted in a bed with fertile soil on sunny place. Over the summer, it produced up to a dozen branches about 80 cm high. Concerns about its winter hardiness turned out to be in vain. the plant overwintered well through two winters without any shelter. In the spring, every time on the woody stems, all the buds come to life, with the exception of the very apical ones. As it should be with subshrubs, the immature tops die off. New green shoots grow from the buds and roots.

Observing the plant and tasting it, I understood why it was called God's. Indeed, this is God's gift! The plant is remarkably beautiful. All summer and autumn, until real frosts, it stays green with curly, dill-like greens. The taste and aroma are very complex, but pleasant, it contains the freshness of lemon and pine bitterness.

In ancient times, the leaves were "used medicinally to improve the taste of various unpleasant medicines." What can we say about improving the taste of ordinary food! Young leaves are used in salads, in sauces for roasts and in seasonings for soups (added 3 minutes before readiness), to flavor tea, alcoholic beverages, flavor vinegar, add to dough when baking bread and confectionery, to give a spicy taste to pies, cottage cheese, mayonnaise. In addition, the leaves can be dried for future use. By the way, if someone doesn’t like the bitterness (even if it’s pleasant), then it completely disappears when dried.

Medicinal properties

Much can be said about the benefits that God’s tree has on human health. It is not without reason that the scientific name of wormwood Artemisia comes from the Greek artemis, which means health. The leaves contain essential oil, flavone compounds, abratin alkaloid, etc. useful material. In folk medicine, the leaves are used for anemia, scrofula, menstruation disorders, worms, abdominal pain, aching bones, inflammation of the bladder, rinse the mouth for toothache, in powder form for bruises, abscesses and dislocations, the root. for epilepsy and tuberculous meningitis.

Just one or two plants are enough to provide the family with spicy and medicinal raw materials. All my neighbors in the country, having seen this plant in my house, wanted to have it on their plots. And I had to master the technique of reproduction. God's tree easily propagates by layering. It is enough to dig in the branches in May, and from each one several independent plants will form. It is also easily propagated by cuttings. In June, you need to cut cuttings about 10 cm long, clear the lower part of the leaves (leave only the top one) and stick it into the soil obliquely. By August the rooted seedling will be ready.

I will gladly send seedlings of God’s tree to everyone who wants to have this wonderful plant. them, as well as planting material more than 200 others rare plants, can be ordered from the catalogue. Enclose an envelope with your address in the letter and within a week you will receive the catalog in it for free. The catalog can also be obtained from e-mail- send a request by e-mail:

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The texts and illustrations presented on the site belong to their rightful owners.

More than five years ago I started growing on my own garden plot An interesting plant, in my opinion. People call it "God's tree" or Turkish tea. It is found along the entire Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar Territory, and in Lately they began to breed it in other parts of Russia.

What kind of plant is this? One of the types of wormwood is a subshrub with small leaves, similar to dill, up to 1 meter high with a pleasant strong odor lemon Ancient doctors used wormwood for



Bunches of wormwood hung over front door and windows so that evil does not enter the house. At

put a twig under the pillow. Try it at

wrap your head with a bandage dipped in wormwood infusion, or, like our ancestors, put on a wreath of wormwood and immediately see its power. Nowadays, wormwood is also widely used. In Japan, exhausted, exhausted people are recommended to drink a decoction of its leaves. It is widely used in the treatment of geopathy and is part of the well-known “Asterisk” ointment. Together with thyme in a ratio of 1:4, it is taken to make a decoction for the treatment of alcoholism (1 tablespoon of decoction, boiled for 10 minutes, drunk 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for 2-3 months).

For stimulation of appetite and with reduced secretion, use wormwood infusion: 1 teaspoon in 2 glasses of water, bring to a boil and drink a quarter glass 3 times a day, half an hour before meals.

It should be noted: all types of wormwood are poisonous plants, therefore single dose for humans, when preparing, should not exceed 10 g of fresh leaves and the same amount of dry raw materials.

If you decide to plant wormwood on your property, here are some recommendations. The aromatic medicinal "God's Tree" tolerates frosts well down to minus 25°C, even without special shelters, and takes root on any soil. In the summer I loosen and hill up the soil around the plants and water them weekly. I give fertilizing (chicken droppings, slurry) 3 times during the warm season. I maintain the height of the bush at 50-60 cm. I cut off the remaining shoots.

Thus, all summer long I have elegant ball bushes growing, which decorate the garden plot and, when the wind gusts, fill the air with a pleasant smell. Wormwood "Tree of God" can also be grown in pots on the balcony.

God's tree

11.01.2006 05:00

This is what is called wormwood or medicinal. There are other names for this plant - dill tree, lemon wormwood.

Unlike other wormwoods, ladywood has almost no bitter aftertaste. This is a subshrub up to one and a half meters high with bluish-green feathery leaves. Flower baskets are small, greenish, collected in drooping panicles. The herb medicinal wormwood contains essential oil with a characteristic lemon odor, as well as flavonoids and alkaloids.

Traditional medicine recommends an infusion of medicinal wormwood as a means of improving digestion, stimulating appetite, and an anthelmintic. 1-2 tablespoons of chopped herbs are poured with a glass of boiling water and left for 2 hours. Strain. Take half a glass 3-4 times a day before meals.

Water infusion rinse your mouth if you have a toothache. Young shoots are used in cooking to flavor dishes and confectionery, and to preserve vegetables for the winter as a spice.

Vodka is infused on the young leaves of the tree of God. Once it turns light green in color, you need to strain it. If the tincture is left too long, it will turn brown and not very appetizing in appearance.

Branches of the tree of God are added to a birch or oak broom for a bath. It can also be placed in cabinets to repel moths.

Medicinal wormwood is often confused with tarragon (tarragon), which is also a type of wormwood, but has narrow lanceolate leaves. It is often used to prepare the tonic drink “Tarragon”, and in the alcoholic beverage industry to flavor drinks. Tarragon is not uncommon in gardens and personal plots. And wormwood is just beginning to invade our gardens. Most often it is openwork beautiful plant used as a green fence. It requires virtually no maintenance. Medicinal wormwood propagates vegetatively - by seedlings and shoots.

Wormwood - God's tree and tarragon wormwood

S.A. Kurganskaya

Wormwood (Artemisia) is a large genus of plants from the Asteraceae family, numbering up to 400 species. These are annual, biennial, perennial herbs and subshrubs, widespread in the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere. Often wormwoods occupy vast spaces in steppe, desert and semi-desert areas and dominate plant communities.

The generic name Artemisia is derived from the Greek word artemis (healthy) due to the healing properties of the plant. There is an opinion that the name was given in honor of the wife of the king of Mausolus, Artemisia, who, according to Pliny, was allegedly cured by this plant.

Artemisia leaves usually contain essential oils and have a strong aroma and bitter taste. Wormwoods are known as medicinal and spicy plants.

We will talk about two species that have long been cultivated and widely used by humans.

One of the many species of the genus wormwood is called the tree of God, medicinal wormwood, or wormwood-abrotanum (Artemisia abrotanum). This is a beautiful subshrub with straight, unbranched, lignified shoots 70-150 cm tall almost to the tops. The leaves are bluish-green petiolate, oval, usually 4-8 cm long and 3-6 cm wide, twice or thrice pinnately dissected into thread-like linear lobes. The flowers are collected in very small ovoid-spherical or almost spherical baskets 2.0-2.5 mm in diameter, which are located in racemes on the lateral branches of a long narrow dense paniculate inflorescence. The achenes are flat, grooved, up to 1.2 mm long.

As a fragrant and medicinal plant, wormwood was known back in Ancient Greece And Ancient Rome, even then it was bred in gardens. The medicinal properties of wormwood are discussed in the works of Pliny and Dioscorides and in many medieval medical writings. Thus, in the famous medieval poem by Odo of Mena “On the Properties of Herbs” (11th century), it is written about the tree of God: “Drink raw with wine, and you will help with many ailments. Its fumes are terrible for snakes, and drinking it pacifies their poisons and also relieves the cold chill of fever.” Artemisia abrotanum from the Linnaeus herbarium

The species name of the plant abrotanum comes from the Greek word abrotos, which means “divine”, “immortal”, and indicates how highly this plant was valued. Even in ancient times, especially among the Slavic peoples, this plant played an important role as a magical and cult plant. In Russia Slavic countries This plant is called God's tree.

Currently, in some countries, medicinal wormwood is included in the Pharmacopoeia. The above-ground part of the plant is used for medicinal purposes.

The medicinal properties of wormwood-abrotan, like other wormwoods, are largely determined by the presence of complex essential oil in the leaves. chemical composition, the content of which ranges from 0.32 to 0.62%. In addition, the leaves contain bitterness, tannins, coumarins, flavonoids and other components.

Russian folk medicine has always valued this plant. Information on the use of wormwood can be found in the book by M.A. and I.M. Nosalei " Medicinal plants and ways of using them among the people.”

Infusions and decoctions of wormwood leaves are used for many internal diseases, especially gastrointestinal diseases, colds, fever, and rheumatism. An infusion of the leaves can be used as a gargle for toothache and to strengthen hair. You can make poultices, compresses, and lotions with hot water extracts. Previously, various ointments were prepared from crushed grass using fats, which were used to treat wounds, abscesses, and frostbitten areas. Wormwood was used to fumigate rooms, kitchen utensils, sick animals, and re-arrange clothing to protect against moths.

The dried leaves, which have a pleasant smell, can be used as a kind of spice. Like all wormwood, the leaves of wormwood-abrotan taste bitter, so culinary experts recommend adding them to food in small quantities along with fatty and meat dishes. Dried leaves, by the way, are less bitter than fresh ones. Essential oil is used in the production of liqueurs, vermouths, for flavoring confectionery products, and in perfumery.

Thanks to its dissected leaves, this wormwood has an attractive appearance, and it is often grown simply as a ornamental plant. Previously, they loved to grow it in gardens, especially in the southern regions of Russia and Ukraine. In the garden plot, wormwood-abrotan will grow well on any humus-rich garden soil containing sufficient quantity lime The plant does not tolerate acidic soils. The area should be open and sunny. IN middle lane the plant usually overwinters well without shelter, but in particularly cold winters it can partially freeze. Blooms at the end of summer.

God's tree seeds are propagated only in the southern regions. In the middle zone, the seeds do not have time to ripen, so it can only be propagated vegetatively - by cuttings or dividing a bush of old plants. For cuttings, young shoot tips are taken, which are rooted in the usual way in boxes or pots with sand. After a month they usually take root well. On permanent place cuttings should be planted in early spring or August. On next year Once planted, the plants can reach a height of 1 m.

Leafy shoots with flowers serve as medicinal raw materials. It is better to collect raw materials in dry, sunny weather. You can dry it by laying it out thin layer in the air in the shade in a well-ventilated area or in special dryers at a temperature of about 40 ° C.

Popular spicy plant Tarragon, or tarragon, is also a type of wormwood. The leaves of this plant are devoid of bitterness, characteristic of almost all types of wormwood. Wormwood-tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus) - perennial herbaceous plant with erect stems 50-150 cm tall. Leaves are entire, linear-lanceolate or almost linear. Small inflorescences-baskets 2-4 mm in diameter are collected at the top of the stem in tassels, forming a paniculate inflorescence. The fruits are achenes up to 0.6 mm long.

IN natural conditions wormwood-tarragon is widespread in steppe, forest-steppe and semi-desert regions in the south of Eastern Europe, Western Siberia, Central Asia, Mongolia, Northern China and North America. It often forms continuous thickets and is even a weed. IN Western Europe and in the Caucasus, tarragon has been known in culture since the Middle Ages.

The specific spicy pungent aroma and peculiar taste of the leaves are due to the presence of essential oil, the content of which can be from 0.1 to 0.8%. The grass also contains tannins, vitamin C, provitamin A, rutin, microelements: copper, manganese, cobalt. Tarragon is used as a spice primarily in fresh. Young tips of shoots are added to salads, soups, meat, fish, poultry, vegetable dishes, and used in making sandwiches. Tarragon increases appetite and improves digestion. When salting, fermenting, pickling various vegetables and mushrooms, tarragon is an indispensable spice; it gives cucumbers strength and a subtle aroma.

Vinegar and mustard are flavored with tarragon. Aromatic tarragon vinegar has always been popular in Europe. Previously, it was brought to Russia and sold quite expensively. This kind of vinegar was also prepared in the Caucasus. Rose petals and other aromatic additives were mixed with vinegar and used in cooking as a seasoning and for canning.

When dried, tarragon retains its aromatic properties and is included in various spice mixtures. To preserve the aroma, it is recommended to grind dry leaves into powder and store them in hermetically sealed jars.

Tarragon is very popular in both French and Chinese cuisines. Tarragon extract is added to soft drinks - everyone knows the refreshing drink we produce “Tarragon”.

In the old days, tarragon was used medicinally as a remedy against scurvy and dropsy, and tarragon vinegar mixed with rum or vodka was used as an external rub. Tarragon essential oil has insecticidal properties.

Tarragon grows easily in cultivation in the middle zone and winters well. To grow it, you need a lighted area and ordinary fairly fertile garden soil, but it can grow even on poor sandy soils. The plant does not like heavy, damp soils and will not grow in low, waterlogged areas.

Specimens with a good spicy taste and aroma can also be found among wild forms. Wild forms of tarragon reproduce by seeds and vegetatively; cultivated forms rarely produce seeds, but they are easy to propagate by dividing the bush and cuttings.

From selection varieties Gribovsky and Russian are known. The first variety is distinguished by delicate leaves and stems, high essential oil content and good yield. The seeds of this variety do not always ripen in the middle zone. The Russian variety is tall with a weak aroma, blooms profusely and produces seeds.

Seeds do not need stratification. They can be sown in the ground in the spring, under the snow in the fall, or sown in early spring in greenhouses and greenhouses or in boxes at home. Tarragon seeds are very small; they are only lightly sprinkled with earth. Seeds sown in spring sprout in 1.5-2 weeks.

In the first year, the plant can form a stem 50-60 cm tall; individual plants can produce buds by the end of summer. Starting from the second year of life, all plants bloom regularly, but in the middle zone they do not always bear fruit.

Vegetative propagation by dividing the bush is carried out as always in spring or August, cuttings are rooted in late May - early June. For rooting, cuttings 12-15 cm long are usually taken, the lower cut is made under acute angle 2-3 cm below the leaf buds. You can root cuttings in greenhouses or in beds under film; After 2-3 weeks, the cuttings usually take root.

Tarragon can grow in one place for a long time, but the stems become tough and rough

What plant do you think of when you hear the name “tree of God”? Something exotic? But in fact, this is the name of one of the types of wormwood. Its second name is medicinal wormwood, lemon wormwood, high wormwood, and among botanists the name “abrotan” is used.

What is valuable in God's tree? Does it have medicinal properties? What care does a perennial need for normal development and growth?

You will get an answer to all these questions if you read this article.

Planting and caring for wormwood tree of God is an activity for the lazy!

The tree of God plant is a plant that can grow in one place for up to ten years. Therefore, when planting, it is important to find something for it in the garden. appropriate place so that you don’t have to replant the plant later. This place will be a sunny, not shaded area.

It is better to plant it next to wormwood low plants. They will cover the lower, less decorative part of the tree of God and will not damage the fragile upper shoots. Although in nature wormwood grows in poor soils, a bush planted in fertile, non-acidic soil will reward you with the lushness of the bush and an abundance of leaves.

Lemon lady's wormwood is unpretentious. It does not require careful care. But there are several rules that you can follow to grow a healthy and beautiful plant.

  • It is necessary to periodically loosen the soil around the bush, while avoiding exposing the roots. The stem of the plant is hilled. This allows you to retain moisture in the soil.
  • Wormwood does not like both dry and waterlogged soil. Watering should be regular and moderate.
  • God's tree, like other types of wormwood, tolerates frosty winters well. It does not require additional shelter and does not freeze even at a temperature of -25°C.

Only some young shoots may freeze, but in general, with the arrival of spring, the tree recovers well. If desired, you can dig up a bush for the winter to create more comfortable conditions for wintering, and in the spring plant back in the ground. But this should only be done if you have formed beautiful tree and you are afraid that it will freeze and lose its shape.

Artemisia God's tree, thanks to its elegant, carved foliage, is quite. But if desired, you can form it into a compact bush of a beautiful shape. Anyone can do this, even a novice gardener. The whole secret is in regular cutting and pruning of the plant.

  • Growing shoots are cut off when they reach a height of about sixty centimeters. The result will be beautiful bush in the shape of a ball.

  • Already the first haircut contributes to the fact that in the future young shoots of wormwood grow evenly and frequent pruning not required.
  • The beautiful gray-green ball of the plant will stand out from neighboring plants or make a great background itself.
  • A trimmed lady's tree can be used in a flower bed like a tapeworm plant.

God tree propagation

Propagation of perennials is traditional: by seeds, cuttings and dividing the bush.

Sown in the ground, they ripen well only in the southern regions. Therefore, wormwood seedlings are grown in special containers and transferred to a permanent place in the spring. This method is used by specialists. For ordinary gardeners, the vegetative method is more familiar.

  • Cuttings are taken from a healthy plant in summer. They are dipped in root formation stimulator powder, planted in moist, loose soil and covered with glass jars or a transparent seedling container lid.
  • Plants take root within a month. Then they are planted in the ground.
  • Two years must pass before the young plant becomes decorative.

Dividing the bush involves spring planting parts of the rhizome with a young shoot, but even in this case the bush will look beautiful only after a few seasons.

Description of wormwood lady's tree Artemisia abrotanum

This is a perennial herbaceous plant or subshrub. Its homeland is considered to be the temperate climate zones of the Northern Hemisphere. That is, zones in which all four seasons are observed. In nature, wormwood can often be found in areas with an arid climate, on poor, sandy soils, in high-lying areas, with well-warmed soil. Gardeners value wormwood for its decorative properties and pleasant aroma, which also repels insects.

In nature there are up to 250 species of wormwood. There are many types of wormwood, but there are also those whose aerial parts die off during the winter. The plant fits perfectly into various garden compositions. Used to create gravel, monastery and white garden. Certain varieties of wormwood, including lady's tree, are widely used in medicine.

Varieties of wormwood

Various representatives of wormwood species can be seen in almost every corner of the planet with a temperate climate.
Let's take a closer look at some of them:

  • wormwood. Frost-resistant tree-like variety, widespread in nature. Grows on the Mediterranean coast;
  • Caucasian wormwood. A plant with a height of up to thirty cm. In nature, it grows in mountainous regions in southern Europe;
  • tarragon. A plant with an attractive scent. Can grow up to one meter;
  • cold wormwood. This variety is not tall. It can be seen in wildlife eastern Russia;
  • milky wormwood. Grows in China. tall plant, up to one and a half meters. Distinctive feature are small white inflorescences;
  • rock wormwood. Place of growth - Europe. Prefers to crawl along rocks and screes. Height 5-20 cm. Leaf color – grayish;
  • wormwood is brilliant. Grows in the Alps. Forms thickets in the form of pillows. In a plant beautiful leaves with a silvery coating and a pleasant aroma.

Artemisia arborescens tree of God

God's tree is also a type of wormwood. Its habitat is almost the entire territory of Europe. Scientists do not have precise information about where exactly the plant came from to Europe.

A distinctive property of this species is its height. can be up to one and a half meters high. Hence the name "tree". But in fact, wormwood is a woody subshrub. Its stems are quite fragile. The leaves are heavily cut and colored grey-green.

Gardeners call God's tree the greenest among gray wormwood and highly appreciate its decorative properties and pleasant aroma. The perennial blooms in August. Flowers are collected in small inflorescences yellow color. God's tree can be either evergreen or shed its leaves in the winter. The plant overwinters without additional shelter.

Medicinal properties of wormwood ladywood

Legends about the healing properties of God's tree are passed down from generation to generation.
It was grown in gardens at monasteries. Perhaps the name of wormwood is connected with this - God's tree or church grass. Another version is that the word “wormwood” translated from Greek means “healthy.” This again indicates the medicinal properties of the plant. The juice of the plant was part of balms and ointments that were used to treat wounds and as a remedy for insect bites. The healing properties of wormwood are due to the fact that it contains essential oils, including citral. Citral has a pleasant lemon scent and has antiseptic properties.

In addition, the juice and leaves of the tree of God are used to make infusions, balms, and teas. The infusion treats sore throat, and tea helps improve appetite. Sometimes used in its natural form. For example: lotions are made from herbs steamed in boiling water to treat sprains and bruises. And hair rinsed with a decoction of stems and leaves grows better and looks healthy.

If you have a tree of God growing on your property, you can dry it and obtain medicinal raw materials. For drying, use green, non-woody shoots or shoots with unopened inflorescences. Procurement of raw materials can be done from July to September. The shoots are cut in dry, windless weather and dried in the shade. The bitterness of the plant, characteristic of all types of wormwood, is absent in the dry plant. The dried plant has a pleasant lemon smell.

The stems of the plant can be chopped before storage. This will make it easier to use in the future. Use sealed containers to store the resulting raw materials. This will preserve the aroma of the plant for a long time. But if you are not sure that the plant has dried perfectly, it is better to place it in a paper bag for some time and dry it. Perhaps the aroma will become weaker, but the raw materials will not deteriorate.

Dried wormwood is used in cooking, folk medicine and cosmetology.

1. In cooking:

  • to give marinades and sauces a pleasant lemon aroma;
  • Wormwood powder is used as a seasoning for meat dishes.

2. In folk medicine:

  • rinse your mouth with tincture of wormwood for toothache;
  • wormwood juice is used in the treatment of wounds and suppurations;
  • infusion of wormwood treats pain in the intestines;
  • A decoction of wormwood leaves is commonly used as a hemostatic and anthelmintic agent.

When using any medicine, the dosage must be observed. Wormwood is not poisonous, but no more than 10 grams of dry leaves in any form can be consumed internally daily.
3. In cosmetology:

  • decoction for rinsing hair;
  • Rub the skin of the face with ice cubes from a decoction of wormwood.

Recipes for preparing medicinal decoctions

And now a recipe for preparing a healing decoction of wormwood. Perhaps monks in ancient times used this decoction to treat the sick. To prepare it, take the same amount of boiling water for one part of dry raw materials. Mix and let the mixture simmer for a minute.

Then the broth is infused for half an hour and filtered through a sieve or gauze. Drink one-fourth glass three times a day before meals.

When preparing the infusion, take two tablespoons of dry crushed herbs and pour a glass of boiling water. Do not boil, but leave for about an hour. Drink half a glass once a day before lunch.

Like any traditional medicine, these drugs may have contraindications. Before starting treatment, you should consult your doctor.

The plant God's tree or Chernobyl plant is known to everyone under the name wormwood - this is the name it received among the people. This shrub belongs to the Asteraceae family.

We invite you to find out whether the tree of God has medicinal properties and contraindications, how to use it correctly for medical purposes, does it only bring benefits or can it cause harm?

The medicinal properties of this plant were learned back in Ancient Greece - then its leaves began to be used to treat wounds and cuts, adding them to ointments. It is so useful due to the high content of citral in it (it is this that gives these citrus notes in aroma), tannins, ascorbic and organic acids, glycosides, flavonoids, salts of the element potassium, carotene and other various macroelements.

God's tree is a storehouse of medicinal properties. Ancient people gave it several more names: Crimean or Taurian wormwood, lemongrass, holy tree, etc.

Contraindications to the use of God's tree include pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is strictly forbidden for pregnant women to use any decoctions, because... this can have a bad effect on the health and development of the fetus.

The use of wormwood for anemia is also not recommended. Most doctors consider nausea and vomiting to be contraindications for the use of God's tree. Treatment with this herb should be avoided if you have an individual intolerance or allergic reactions. human body. Use should be limited to a month, so that there are no convulsions or hallucinations from an overdose.

Wormwood lady's tree: description and application

Wormwood is a perennial herb that produces small white or yellow flowers. It has a very tart aroma, and its leaves resemble dill leaves in appearance and contain a large amount of essential oils. God's tree is very often used in folk medicine, cooking, in everyday life, and is grown in gardens and vegetable gardens as an ornamental or indoor plant.

The silvery type of wormwood is also used in medicine. But whatever you call it, its medicinal properties remain the same. Decoctions from this useful herb treat diseases oral cavity, the remedy can also be used to get rid of throat infections.

Tincture of wormwood is widely used to wipe the skin for dermatitis, and it is also used for hair care - rinsing the hair and scalp after washing.

God's tree is a very healing drug that has more than one application:

The decoction is used to treat sprains/bruises - compresses are applied to the affected areas.
Medicinal wormwood treats inflammation of the periosteum - take the substance in the form alcohol tincture.
Will help relieve tension, fatigue, headaches.
It is recommended to drink tea and tea for insomnia and fatigue. Its lemon scent promotes sound sleep.
Medicinal composition The plant helps cope with hypertension. You won’t be able to get rid of it completely, but wormwood will remove the symptoms in no time.

God's tree grass should be prepared in the summer. You can start collecting and harvesting from mid-July and finish in September. Green leaves are dried in a dark, dry place without drafts on a spread newspaper or burlap.

Health Benefits of God's Tree

With the help of God's tree and its medicinal properties, you can improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, get rid of pain from heartburn, sore throat. But here you need to properly prepare a decoction, tincture or tea. We will tell you exactly how to do this and which recipe to choose for the treatment of various diseases a little later.

So many folk recipes collected using this wormwood species paniculata. And all because this asteraceous plant with lacy foliage contains a lot of useful vitamins, medicinal properties and acids.

You should also use wormwood with caution - it not only brings health benefits, but can also cause harm if overdosed. You should definitely consult your doctor to prescribe correct treatment and application, told how to drink the herbal tincture.

God's tree contains little bitterness, so it can also be taken by children (we will talk about contraindications for use a little later).

Useful properties of God's tree

The healing properties of wormwood have been known since ancient times. But now it is used not only to treat diseases, but also in other areas. How to choose the right variety of wormwood for decoctions and tinctures, what ingredients a face mask from God’s tree should contain, what recipes for tinctures exist to get rid of worms or improve appetite - read on.

Recipe for wormwood for colds

Tree wormwood used to make oil for colds. The recipe is very simple. You need to take a clay vessel and completely fill it with flowers and leaves of God's tree. Fill it with olive oil to the brim of the vessel.

The resulting product needs to sit for about 10 days so that the oil is saturated medicinal properties wormwood. The composition must be filtered after time and consumed 1 tsp. with sore throat, group or ARVI. How to determine that the oil has become possessed healing properties– it should change color to dark green.

God's tree tinctures for gastrointestinal diseases

Wormwood tea will help cope with diseases of the stomach, intestines, duodenum, etc. Pour 1 tablespoon of dry/fresh herb (leaf and flowers can be mixed) into a glass of water, preferably boiling water.

Wait until it brews for about a quarter of an hour. Tea should not only have medicinal properties, be beneficial, but also smell very pleasant. Application: how to drink? 4 - 5 times a day.

It is very useful to drink it in winter - the body will gain strength to fight infectious diseases.

Benefits of Ladybug Leaf for Skin and Hair

Tincture, decoction or mask - effective remedy in the fight against hair loss, increased oiliness, dandruff, it will add volume and restore shine to dull locks.
Recipe for rinsing broth: tbsp. Pour boiling water over the herbs and cook over low heat for about five minutes. Remove from heat, strain and add 1 liter of water. Use after every hair wash.

How to care for hair that is falling out? You can make a mask from God's tree. It has no contraindications (except for allergic reactions) and you are not at risk of any side effects. Pour a glass of light beer and 2 tbsp into the pan. wormwood. Bring the mixture to a boil, cool, and apply to individual strands of hair and scalp. Exposure time: 20 minutes.

Famous recipe against hair loss:

In henna white add wormwood until a paste forms. This mask should be done once a week. It is applied to the hair, covered with polyethylene and left for an hour. The effect from the previous mask will be different - the hair will become more voluminous.

In order to prepare facial lotion from the herb and leaves of the tree of God, you need to take a tablespoon. base, salt 0.5 teaspoon and a spoonful of viburnum.

Recipe description:

leave the wormwood in a glass of boiling water for half an hour, add the rest of the ingredients. An ordinary lotion will help get rid of acne. This folk tincture can also cure scars on the skin of the face. Store for no more than 14 days refrigeration chamber.

We suggest using wormwood ice cubes to relieve inflammation and smooth out fine wrinkles. Freeze the broth in ice cube trays and wipe the skin morning and evening.

Ladybug leaf tea for health recipes

A recipe for yarrow and lady's tree tea will help restore your appetite. Half a tbsp. Mix herbs in a glass with boiling water. Strain.

How to drink? Drink 100 g three times a day on an empty stomach. You can take it for a week, after which it is recommended to take a break so as not to harm the human body.

God's tree root tincture indications for use

Tincture of lady's tree (also called widow's bush or Austrian bush) is widely used in the treatment of cancer in the initial stages. It is the wormwood root that is the main ingredient here.

Finely chop the dried root, add water and boil for 10 minutes under a closed lid. This rule exists so as not to affect the quality of the future infusion - the essential smell and oils may evaporate. Remove from heat and let the tincture cool with the same lid closed. Strain the solution.

How to drink? – 2 tbsp. on an empty stomach for two weeks. After which you need to take a break for a month. This correct application will not cause an overdose and will not cause harm.

Lady's tree oil for skin diseases

Top part the herbs are poured into a dark plastic container (so that light does not fall on the oil), filled with olive oil, sealed with a lid and left for two weeks in a dark place.

Strain the solution and store in the refrigerator. Take half a teaspoon orally before meals three times a day.

Decoction of lady's tree leaves for cancer

A decoction of wormwood leaves is not used to combat cancer; for this purpose, wormwood root is crushed.

A decoction of the leaves of the tree of God will perfectly help cope with unstable menstrual cycle. To do this, pour boiling water over fresh leaves and leave for half an hour.

When menstruation occurs, take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day. The cycle will become less painful and stabilize within 3-4 months.

Planting and caring for God's tree

What do you need to know when planting a plant in a garden or vegetable garden? Wormwood is a very unpretentious herb. There are few places where it does not take root.

How to plant God's tree correctly? Planting is carried out on a sunny plot of land. The best soil is light and nutritious; if desired, you can fertilize poor soil.

Growing does not take much time - the shrub reproduces quickly and does not require special care, may be a living fence.

Growing Austrian bush requires constant watering of the soil. Requires pruning of lower branches. Blooms from July to September. The good thing about growing wormwood is that you can prepare and dry its leaves yourself for further use.