Lesson on the poem Mtsyri love for the motherland. Lesson summary on the topic "Mtsyri as a romantic hero" (8th grade)

“The romantic hero in the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov "Mtsyri"

Literature lesson in 8th grade.

Target :

The student must learn to characterize Mtsyri as the hero of a romantic work
1. Update knowledge about romanticism and the characteristics of the romantic character. Identify ways to reveal the romantic character in the poem.
2. Develop skills in analytical work with text.
3. Foster independent thinking, efficiency, and the need to express one’s thoughts figuratively. Instill a love for works of Russian classical literature.

Universal learning activities:working with the text of a work, filling out quotation diagrams, monologue statements, working with reproductions, compiling a syncwine.

Metasubject values: development of value concepts (freedom - bondage, strength of spirit).

Planned results

Students will learn:

Characterize the image of the young Mtsyri, using the text of the poem and illustrations of artists for the answer;

Comment on illustrations for the poem created by different artists;

Use elements of cause-and-effect and structural-functional analysis;

Extract the necessary information from a literary text and translate it from one sign system to another (from text to diagram);

Coordinate personal activities with other participants in joint work.

Lesson type: lesson of knowledge formation.
Lesson type: lesson-dialogue with elements of research and creative activity.
Forms of organization of educational activities: frontal, group.
Equipment: text by M.Yu. Lermontov “Mtsyri”, computer presentations (crossword, fishbone, audio recording of an excerpt from M.Yu. Lermontov’s poem “Fight with the Leopard”).

During the classes

1.Organizational moment
Creation of groups, identification of speakers.

2. Updating knowledge
- In the last lesson we started studying the work of M.Yu. Lermontov “Mtsyri”, talked about the theme and composition of the poem. I suggest you solve a crossword puzzle that will help you remember some concepts that are directly related to the topic of our conversation (See Appendix 1).

Answering the last question, we find out that romanticism- this is a direction in European art, characteristic of the late 18th - first half of the 19th century. Romanticism proclaimed the desire for boundless freedom, the thirst for perfection, and personal and civil independence. The basis of romantic art is the contradiction between the ideal and social reality.

3. Operational and activity stage.
Today we will talk about a complex type of human character that appeared in the 19th century - the romantic character. We are familiar with this character from the poem by A.S. Pushkin "Gypsies". Let's try to answer the question: “Can Mtsyri be called a romantic hero?”

A) To do this, we will use the Fishbone diagram.
Scheme, or diagram, "Fishbone"invented by Professor Kauro Ishikawa.

This technique allows you to “break down” a general problematic topic into a number of reasons and arguments. The visual image of this strategy is similar to a “fish bone”, “fish skeleton” (hence the name).The problem that is considered in the process of working on a work of art fits into the head of the “skeleton”. On the “skeleton” itself there are upper “bones”, on which the reasons for the events occurring are recorded, and lower ones - for recording facts confirming the presence of the stated reasons. Entries should be brief and contain key words and phrases that capture the essence. The “tail” contains the conclusion about the problem being solved.

Each group has a fishbone blank. So, in the “head” we write the problematic question, on the upper “bones” - the reasons, i.e. signs that characterize romanticism in literature (we discuss this frontally), and on the lower “bones” each group independently writes out quotes from the text as arguments.
(See Appendix 2).

After finishing the work and discussion, we draw a conclusion.

- A romantic hero is a complex, passionate personality, whose inner world is unusually deep and endless; it is a whole universe full of contradictions. The romantics contrasted the life of the spirit with the base material practice. Interest in strong and vivid feelings, all-consuming passions, and secret movements of the soul are characteristic features of romanticism.

B) Working with illustrations.

Guys, which episode can be called the culmination of the poem?

The central episode of the poem is the fight with the leopard. This

the culmination of the hero’s three “free” days.

What qualities of the hero were revealed in the battle? What does a fight with a leopard symbolize?

The fight with the leopard has a deep psychological and philosophical meaning: it is a figurative embodiment of what is happening in the hero’s soul. There are two principles at war in it: the uncontrollable desire for freedom and the individualism that permeates the soul of the hero, the “prisoner,” the lonely “flower.” Mtsyri is open to the whole world and at the same time closed, self-absorbed, unable to understand the truth of other people. Mtsyri is not ready for dialogue with the world of people - this is the most important reason for his life tragedy.

Listen to the excerpt “Fight with the Leopard” in an artistic performance and look at the illustrations for the poem made by different artists. Do their ideas about the hero match yours? (See Appendix 3)

Teacher's word:

M. Yu. Lermontov endowed Mtsyri with many qualities and meanings, through which the reader understands the intent of the poem. The poet combined opposite qualities in him, for example, he is strong and weak, etc. The significant nature of the character complicates his interpretation in illustrations.
We can detect significant differences in the visual images of the hero. Each artist has his own Mtsyri. The main difference lies in the transmission of his external data: facial features, physique, age, ethnicity, mood. The problem the artist faces is the ambiguous characterization of the hero. The question arises: how to portray a hero?
44 artists created illustrations between 1863 and 2005.
L. O. Pasternak depicted Mtsyri with a monk. The hero, with an impetuous movement of his hand directed beyond the walls of the monastery, into the wild nature, into his native land, is contrasted with the static figure of the elder. Thus, the artist showed “the world of people of different spirits through individualization and variations of the plastic method.” F. D. Konstantinov showed him as aspiring, jubilant and courageous. I. S. Glazunov showed him in different states, joyful and tense.
What is the reason for the appearance of completely different images of the hero?
The hero of the poem has certain qualities that need to be known to understand the poet’s intention, to analyze existing ones and to create new illustrations.
Mtsyri, as various researchers have noted, is a rebel, a stranger, a fugitive, a “natural man,” a spirit thirsting for knowledge, an orphan dreaming of a home, and a young man coming into conflict with imposed circumstances;
D. E. Maksimov noted his inherent fiery passion, vitality, love of freedom, unyielding will, manifestations of the “mighty spirit” of “his fathers.” All these qualities are inseparable from his physical frailty and illness, a legacy of the monastic regime. “In him “free youth is strong,” and at the same time he is “weak and flexible, like a reed.” His gloomy and daring courage collides with timidity (“timid and wild”, “fearful look” - the poem says about him). He is capable of fighting furiously, squealing like a leopard, but he tires easily and despairs to the point of frenzy.
Lermontov scholar A. S. Nemzer described the hero as follows: “A mighty knight who catches lightning, and a prison flower that dies from sunlight—the two guises of the title character that are equally present in the poem.”

Having studied the visual and literary image of Mtsyri, the following conclusions can be drawn:
- each artist embodied his own understanding of the image of the hero;
- the meaningfulness of the image allows you to portray it differently: a young man or a man, weak or strong, showing ethnicity or not, etc.;
-in Mtsyri, the poet embodied everything that, in his opinion, his contemporaries lacked: “eternal quest”, the impulse towards freedom, the right to “restless movement” of the spirit; with all the diversity of Mtsyri’s essences, he remains an integral fruit of the poet’s imagination.

4. Summing up the lesson. Reflection.

What romantic traits does Mtsyri have?

Suggested answers.

1. Strong personality. He is distinguished by his concentration on the idea of ​​life and passion for struggle.
2. The young man’s character is contradictory, with an internal conflict between the human and the bestial. The main thing in his character is his love of freedom.
3. The main character is lonely, he enters the fight for freedom alone.
4. Mtsyri is an exceptional hero, acting in exceptional circumstances against the backdrop of unusual pictures.
5. M.Yu. Lermontov uses landscape as a means of characterizing the hero and psychologism - deepening into the inner world of the hero.

Compiling a syncwine on the topic “Mtsyri”



Freedom-loving, passionate,

Suffering, dreaming, fighting,

Strives to see his homeland, to merge with nature -

Romantic hero.

5. Homework: 1. Study the relevant section of the textbook.

2. Answer the question in writing: “What
attracts me to the character of Mtsyri?”

3. Perspective task - learn by heart

Excerpt from the poem.

Lesson topic: “M.Yu. Lermontov. Poem "Mtsyri". The history of creation, theme and idea of ​​the work. Composition".

Lesson objectives:

    Educational: introduce students to the history of the creation of the poem “Mtsyri”, identify the structural features of the work;

    Educational: develop emotional sensitivity, skills of expressive reading of a lyric poem, continue to work on improving the ability to construct a monologue statement, compare, and draw your own conclusions.

    Educators: cultivate interest in the poet’s work.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

2. Motivation.

– About the work of which poet.

What do you remember about the poet's life?

The poet's childhood was overshadowed by the early death of his mother and separation from his father. His grandmother raised him. He lived a short life, but managed to write many beautiful poems. Some of them inspired composers to create romances and operas.

– Take a closer look at the image of Lermontov, painted by the artist P. Zabolotsky in 1837.
– What did the artist try to convey in the portrait of the poet? (the artist tried diligently to convey the expression of the poet’s eyes).
- Why? (Eyes are the mirror of the soul. They help convey a person’s inner world).

3. Updating previously studied material.

– A feeling of loneliness accompanied Lermontov constantly, and he conveys this feeling in many of his works.
– Which of them do you remember? Which ones do you know by heart? (reading 1 poem)
– What works on historical topics have you read? (“Borodino”, “Song about the merchant Kalashnikov”.)
– Why did the poet turn to historical events and historical figures?

(He is interested in the eternal problems of honor and dignity, power and people, personal will and traditional morality. In the past, he tried to find ideals to show how the current generation was being crushed.)

4. The teacher's word.

Lermontov's generation found itself in an era of timelessness. In his works, Lermontov reflects on the fate of his contemporaries, on disappointment and the aimlessness of life. Hence his craving for romanticizing the past, for depicting strong, proud, courageous people.

One of them is the hero of the poem “Mtsyri”, which we are beginning to study.

5. Reporting the topic of the lesson (writing the topic of the lesson and epigraph on the board), formulating the goal.

Tasting, tasting a little honey, and now I’m dying.1st Book of Samuel

6. Formation of knowledge and skills.

A) The history of the creation of the poem. Individual task (student message ).

B) Heuristic conversation based on the poem read.

The goal is to identify students’ attitude to Lermontov’s work.
– What would you say is the main mood of the poem?
– Which scenes in the poem are most memorable?
– How do you imagine the main character?

– How does it make you feel? Did they change as you read?
– The genre of “Mtsyri” is a poem. Remember the definition of a poem.

A poem is a lyric-epic work that has a storyline and expresses the feelings of the lyrical hero (the author’s experiences).

– This year we got acquainted with three literary trends. Who remembers them?
– To which direction would you classify the poem “Mtsyri” and why?

(Romanticism, because Mtsyri is lonely, has a bright character, strives for freedom, the society of monks does not understand him. In addition, he finds himself in an unusual setting, the action takes place against the backdrop of bright nature.)

IN) Verification work.

– It is impossible to find out the features of the poem without knowledge of literary terminology. So let's do a little testing

In the cards you need to establish correspondence between literary terms and their meanings.

– The idea of ​​the work is revealed by the epigraph.
– Let’s re-read the epigraph to the poem. It is taken from the biblical legend of the Israeli king Saul and his son Jonathan. Let's get to know this legend.

G ) Individual task. (Student message “The Legend of King Saul”).

- What do you think, with what intonation - humility or protest - did Jonathan pronounce these words when answering Saul?
– Initially, Lermontov wanted to choose the French saying “There is only one homeland” as the epigraph to the poem.
– Why do you think the poet abandoned such an epigraph and turned to the Bible? (“When I tasted it, I tasted little honey, and now I’m dying”)?

D) Creating a problematic situation.

– How is the epigraph related to the theme of the work?

The theme of “Mtsyri” is the image of a strong, brave, rebellious man, taken prisoner, who grew up in the dark walls of a monastery, suffering from oppressive living conditions and who, at the cost of risking his own life, decided to break free at the very moment when it was most dangerous:

And at one hour of the night, a terrible hour.
When the thunderstorm scared you,
When, crowded at the altar,
You were lying prostrate on the ground,
I ran.

The theme of the poem echoes the theme of the biblical legend and poses the questions: is a person free to manage himself, his life, does he have the right to independence?

– Define the idea.

The idea is the fight for freedom. 3 days of real life in freedom are better than many years of imprisonment within the walls of a monastery. Where a person does not live fully, but exists. For the hero, death is better than life in a monastery.

E) Heuristic conversation. The plot and composition of the poem.

– The poem has 26 small chapters. Why did Lermontov need another 24 chapters, when all the events of the young man’s life were already told in the first two chapters? (Reveal the difficult experiences of the hero when he was free.)
– What did Mtsyri see when he was free? (6th chapter.)Slide 9-11.

– What did he do after breaking out of the monastery? (8th chapter.)
– What did the hero learn about himself in three blissful days? That he is a man, what he was created for, why he lives.
-What is the plot of the poem?
– In the poem, such a sequence in the presentation of the plot is not maintained. Let's determine how the poem is structured.

(The composition is very original: after a short introduction depicting the view of an abandoned monastery, the short 2nd chapter tells the life of the hero, his confession to the monk. Thus, the author spoke about the life of the hero in 2 chapters, and wrote about the three days spent in freedom a whole poem (11 chapters). And this is understandable, since three days of freedom gave the hero as many impressions as he had not received in many years of monastic life.)

Conclusion: thus, the composition is frame

– Why do you think the story is given to the hero?

(In the center of the poem is the image of a young man placed in unusual conditions. Monastic existence is poor in external events, it does not bring joy to a person, but it cannot destroy his aspirations and impulses. The author pays main attention to these aspirations, to the inner world of the hero, and external the circumstances of his life only help to reveal his character. His monologue allows one to penetrate into the innermost thoughts and feelings of the hero, although the young man at first declares that the story is only about what he saw and what he did, and not what he experienced (“can the soul be told? - he turns to the monk).

AND) Lexical work.

– Determine the lexical meaning of the word “confession.”

The word “confession” has the following meaning:

1. repentance of sins before the priest; frank confession of something;
2. communicating your thoughts and views.

– In what meaning do you think this word is used in the poem?

7. Consolidation of knowledge and skills.

Analytical conversation.

– The composition of the monologue-confession makes it possible to gradually reveal the hero’s inner world.

Chapters 3, 4, 5 - Mtsyri talks about his life in the monastery and reveals what was not known to the monks. Outwardly submissive, “a child at heart, a monk at heart,” he was obsessed with a fiery passion for freedom, a youthful thirst for life with all its joys and sorrows. Behind these dreams and aspirations one can discern the circumstances and reasons that brought him to life. An image emerges of a gloomy monastery with stuffy cells, inhuman laws and an atmosphere where all natural aspirations are suppressed.

Chapters 6, 7 - Mtsyri tells what he saw “in the wild.” The wonderful world he discovered is sharply contrasted with the gloomy appearance of the monastery. The young man is so carried away by the memories of his eternal living pictures that he seems to forget about himself and says almost nothing about his feelings. The pictures he remembers and the words he paints reveal his fiery nature, integral in his aspirations.

From chapter 8, Mtsyri talks about the external events of his three-day wandering, about everything that happened to him in freedom, and about everything that he felt and experienced during these days of his unique life. Now the sequence of events is not disrupted, we move step by step with the hero, vividly imagine the world around him and follow Mtsyri’s every spiritual movement.

Chapters 25–26 – Mtsyri’s farewell and his will. Unable to return to his homeland, Mtsyri is ready to die. But before his death, he refuses to acknowledge the monastic existence. His last thoughts are about his homeland, freedom, life.

8. Summing up. Grading.


    Prepare a retelling of “Mtsyri’s life in the monastery. The character and dreams of a young novice.”

    Reveal the meaning of the word freedom in the dictionary.

    Answer the questions:
    What is the purpose of Mtsyri’s escape? (Write quotes in your notebook.)
    Find landscape sketches. Determine their meaning.
    Note the artistic techniques used by Lermontov when depicting his hero.
    Which episodes of Mtsyri’s three-day wanderings do you consider especially important? Why?


Student's name:

1. Establish correspondence between literary terms and their meanings.

A. The main, generalizing thought in art. work, reflecting the author’s attitude to reality and acting through the entire system of images

B. Construction of a work of art

B. The main episodes of the event series of a literary work and their artistic sequence

D. Depiction of characters and situations taken by the author from reality and transformed in a certain way in the system of a given artistic world. (what the author writes about)





Teacher Hailo E.V.


educational : continue studying the poem, reveal the character traits of the main character, finding out how to portray him, organize the student’s activities to generalize and systematize knowledge within the topic.

developing: continue to work on improving the ability to construct a monologue, compare, draw your own conclusions, develop the skills of expressive reading of a lyric-epic work, and consolidate the skills of reasoning on a literary topic.

educational: cultivate interest in the poet’s TV.

TYPE OF LESSON: formation of knowledge and skills.

EQUIPMENT: portrait of M. Yu. Lermontov, illustrations for the poem on electronic media, table, literature textbook by G. I. Belenky, 8th grade, Mnemosyne publishing house, 1999.






a) lexical work

b) student messages


a) analytical conversation

b) listening (listening to expressive reading performed by professional readers)

c) independent work


a) creating a problem situation

b) heuristic conversation






Collect the cut statement

“Only those who are ready to die for it know WHAT FREEDOM IS.”

Explain the meaning of the statement belonging to the 19th century French writer Germaine de Stael.

(children's answers)

One of these heroes is a Georgian young man who is being trained to become a monk - Mtsyri.


That. The topic of today's lesson is the FREEDOM-LOVING CHARACTER OF MTSYRI. Accordingly, the PURPOSE of our lesson is to reveal the character traits of Mtsyri.

And the epigraph to the lesson will be the statement of the famous Russian critic V. G. Belinsky: “What a fiery soul, what a mighty spirit, what a gigantic nature this Mtsyri has.”

What do you think a gigantic nature means?

(unusually wide, free).

What is the meaning of the word “FREEDOM” according to V. I. Dahl’s dictionary?

4. D\Z


For Dahl, “freedom” means one’s own will, space, the ability to act in one’s own way, the absence of constraint, bondage, slavery, and subordination to someone else’s will.

How does S.I. Ozhegov, the author of a modern explanatory dictionary, interpret this concept?

(the opportunity to express one’s will, the absence of constraint and restrictions, the state of someone who is not in custody, in prison).


So what does FREEDOM LOVING mean?

(Appreciating and loving freedom).

Whether this is Mtsyri’s character, we will try to figure it out today in class. But you and I know that a person’s character is formed from childhood (remember Pyotr Grinev). Therefore, I propose to first recall the story of Mtsyri’s short life, starting with how he ended up in the monastery.

(Reports by A. Burlak or S. Melnitsky)

What impression does Mtsyri the child make on you?

(This is a lonely, unhappy young man, doomed to live in a monastery, which is a prison for him).



Mtsyri's life in the monastery.

But already here his character is formed. What influences the formation of his character? (the environment, people and what is inherent in nature, transmitted with mother’s milk, that is, at the genetic level).

What are these features? Find it in the text.

..he seemed to be about six years old......

.. Wandered silently, alone...


We will write it down in a table reflecting the features of Mtsyri’s character. And his main feature is the Mighty Spirit. Remember: “He died quietly and proudly.” (TABLE)

Think about whether Lermontov gives a specific portrait of the hero? Why not? (The author gives only a generalized portrait, since this was the fate of many highlanders).

The artistic techniques (epithets and comparisons) used by the author do not lend themselves to figurative perception, but only to the sensory, and are proof of this.

What does the young man dream about? (See the Motherland)

Find in the text and read how he represents it.

    And these are not just dreams: this is one, but a fiery passion that is compared to a worm.

  • Explain this comparison. (Passion takes possession of a person, reaches every corner of his soul, consumes him just as a worm takes the life of an apple. Thus, Lermontov emphasizes the full strength and power of Mtsyri’s passion.

    What is the purpose of Mtsyri’s escape? Why does she eat him so much? Support your answer with quotes from the text.

* I lived little, but I lived in captivity..

Such two lives in one

But only full of anxiety

I would trade it if I could.

*My burning chest

Hold the other one to your chest with longing,

Although unfamiliar, but dear.

* I decided to look at the distant fields...

* I have one goal - to go to my native country

Had it in my soul.


What character trait motivated him?

(thirst for freedom, will, because Mtsyri’s idea of ​​freedom is associated with the dream of returning to his homeland. To be free means to escape from monastic captivity, to return to his native village.

    Explain why Mtsyri ran away into the thunderstorm?

(call of nature. A thunderstorm is the ideal time to escape. Nature itself helps Mtsyri.


(CHAPTERS 9, 10, 11).

    What did Mtsyri see and learn about life during his wanderings?

(Ch. 6, 9, 10, 11).

CONCLUSION: Nature is beautiful, which means life is beautiful. To be with Nature means to be free. This means that only there he is free. Pay attention to the comparisons that Lermontov resorts to when describing Mtsyri alone with nature. How do they characterize the young man?

(emphasize his love of life, unity with nature, sympathy for all living things: the jackal screamed and cried like a child). And he also compares the leopard to a person and says: “Hugging one another is stronger than two friends.” And even when the young man defeats a wild beast, he still considers him a worthy opponent.

    Thus, Mtsyri’s personality, his character are reflected in what pictures attract him and how he talks about them. The landscape in the poem plays an important role, because it is given in the perception of the hero, and therefore becomes a means of creating the character of Mtsyri. This means that through understanding nature, another feature of the hero’s character is revealed. Which?

SENSITIVITY OF SOUL, his love for life, for everything beautiful. Not everyone is able to see and notice the beauty of nature. For example, monks. (TABLE)

    We see this feature thanks to Lermontov’s technique of ANTITHESIS, i.e. CONTRASTITION. Mtsyri is striking in the richness and diversity of nature, which serves as a contrast to monastic life.

CONCLUSION: So, the poetically sublime nature of the hero, his desire for freedom allows him to compare free life with paradise.

    But nature is not only beautiful, it is also dangerous. (there are poisonous snakes and wild animals here).

    What role do these hazards play?

(Lying in wait for Mtsyri, they are still close to his soul, like the lightning that illuminated his path during his escape from the monastery).

    But Mtsyri’s feeling of happiness is connected not only with what he managed to see, but also with what he managed to accomplish.

    What did Mtsyri do and how was his character revealed here?

* Escaping the monastery gave him a feeling of unity with nature.

* The meeting with the Georgian woman evoked a sweet melancholy - the ability to love. (TABLE)

Why didn’t he follow the Georgian woman to the hut, to free people? What have you been striving for all your life?

(This is not yet his homeland, not his father’s land).

* Fight with a leopard. Why did he fight him? After all, he could have calmly left or waited so that he would not notice him.

(Mtsyri wanted to know the happiness of struggle, the delight of victory, to know his strength and courage). Another feature is the desire for self-knowledge. (TABLE)


So, what word can we use to sum up all these experiences? LIFE.

    What does it mean to live for a hero?

(to be in constant search, anxiety, fight, win and most importantly, experience the bliss of freedom).


    At the beginning of the lesson, We talked about MTSYRI as a prisoner who lived in a monastery. He didn’t know much about himself, because only real life tests a person and shows what he is like.


    What did Mtsyri learn about himself when he found himself free?

* The love for the homeland, merging with freedom, was revealed more deeply. If in the monastery he languished with a thirst for freedom, then in freedom he experiences earthly happiness, that is, he becomes purposeful.

* He learned that he was brave and fearless.

* Refusal of the possible happiness of love in order to come to one’s native country.

* That he is hardy. Tormented by the leopard, he gathers his remaining strength and tries to leave the forest.

    What is the peculiarity of Mtsyri’s character? Is it possible to answer in Belinsky’s words?

    Yes, Mtsyri is a powerful character. He strives for happiness, which is only possible in freedom. He lives only for this goal and is ready to make any sacrifice to achieve it. I'm even ready to give my life.


    Let's remember which literary movement the poem “MTSYRI” belongs to and why?

(This is a romantic poem, because Mtsyri is lonely, has a bright character, strives for freedom, society does not understand him. In this case, monks.

    In addition, the action of the poem takes place among the free and powerful nature of the Caucasus, the symbol of greatness, rebellion and freedom of which are the mountains.

    And if the poem is romantic, then who will the hero be?

(A romantic, because for a romantic, all life is a struggle.


    • Why did this courageous hero die? The support given in the card will help you answer this philosophical question.


    • Why did Mtsyri die?

The origins of the Mtsyri tragedy are the conditions.....

The circumstances in which he found himself since childhood deprived him of...................................... ........................... .. and led to ........................... ........................................................ .....

His last dying wish was .................................................... ...............................................

This is not reconciliation, but victory. Life doomed him to................................................... ........................................., and 3 days in the wild given................................................... ..........

Therefore, his death causes ................................... for Mtsyri .


    You also live in the Caucasus Mountains region. Can you call yourself romantics? Do you feel alone and in prison? Are you striving to know yourself? Do you need to fight a leopard for this? Think about it. Maybe thinking about this will help you write a miniature essay.

    1. What is freedom for Mtsyri?

    2. How is Mtsyri close to Lermontov himself and me?

I give you freedom of choice.

Mtsyri as a romantic hero

(Literature lesson in 8th grade)

Teacher of Russian language and literature

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school "Leskolovsky education center",

Vsevolozhsky district, Leningrad region

Dudnikova Lyubov Semenovna

The world is perfect and beautiful as a plan and imperfect as an embodiment.

The idea of ​​two worlds

I lived little and lived in captivity.
Such two lives in one,
But only full of anxiety,
I would trade it if I could.

M.Yu. Lermontov "Mtsyri"

Lesson objectives:


- introduce students to the history of the creation of the poem “Mtsyri”, identify the structural features of the work; give an initial concept of romanticism, romantic hero, romantic conflict


Develop emotional sensitivity, skills of expressive reading of a lyric poem, continue to work on improving the ability to construct a monologue, compare, and draw your own conclusions.


- cultivate interest in the poet’s work

Lesson type: formation of knowledge and skills.

Equipment: portrait of M.Yu. Lermontov by artist P. Zabolotsky, illustrations for the poem “Mtsyri”, cards with didactic material, textbook: V.Ya. Korovin “Literature” 8th grade, Moscow: Education, 2010, presentations “The poem “Mtsyri”, “General characteristics of romanticism as a literary movement”

Lesson Plan

1. Organizational moment.

Good afternoon The topic of our lesson today is “Mtsyri as a romantic hero.” Today in the lesson we will identify ways to reveal the image of the main character of the poem, continue to work on developing skills in text analysis, characterization of heroes, get acquainted with the concept of romanticism as a literary movement, and I hope that each of you will discover something for yourself in today’s lesson new in the work of M.Yu. Lermontov.

2.Checking the home building.


What would you say is the main mood of the poem?
– Which scenes in the poem are most memorable?
– How do you imagine the main character?

2.1Message “The history of the creation of the poem “Mtsyri”.

2.2 Working with the presentation “Poem “Mtsyri”.


The idea of ​​the work is revealed by the epigraph. Message “Interpretation of the epigraph to the poem”

Initially, Lermontov wanted to choose the French saying “There is only one homeland” as the epigraph for the poem.
– Why do you think the poet abandoned such an epigraph and turned to the Bible? (“When I tasted it, I tasted little honey, and now I’m dying”)?

How is the epigraph related to the theme of the work?

Define the idea.

Determine the lexical meaning of the word “confession”.

Presentation 2 Poem by M.Yu. Lermontov “Mtsyri” (Repetition of literary concepts, application of concepts in the analysis of the poem “Mtsyri”)

Poem- a large poetic work with a detailed plot. Poems are usually classified as lyric-epic works, since, talking about the fate of the heroes, drawing pictures of life, the poet expresses his own thoughts, feelings, and experiences in the poem.

Subject- an image of characters and situations taken by the author from reality and transformed in a certain way in the system of a given artistic world. (What the author writes about)

The theme of “Mtsyri” is the image of a strong, brave, rebellious man, taken prisoner, who grew up in the dark walls of a monastery, suffering from oppressive living conditions and who, at the cost of risking his own life, decided to break free at the very moment when it was most dangerous:

And at one hour of the night, a terrible hour.
When the thunderstorm scared you,
When, crowded at the altar,
You were lying prostrate on the ground,
I ran.

The theme of the poem echoes the theme of the biblical legend and poses the questions: is a person free to manage himself, his life, does he have the right to independence?

Idea- the main generalizing idea in a work of art, reflecting the author’s attitude to reality and appearing through the entire system of images. (The position of the author, what the author writes for, what thought he asserts)

The idea is the fight for freedom. 3 days of real life in freedom are better than many years of imprisonment within the walls of a monastery. Where a person does not live fully, but exists. For the hero, death is better than life in a monastery.

Plot– the main episodes of the event series of a literary work in their artistic sequence, which is provided for by the composition of this work.

Composition– construction of a work of art, the structure of combining individual parts into one whole.

The composition is very original: after a short introduction depicting the view of an abandoned monastery, the short 2nd chapter tells the life of the hero, his confession to the monk. Thus, the author spoke about the hero’s life in 2 chapters, and a whole poem was written about the three days spent in freedom. And this is understandable, since three days of freedom gave the hero as many impressions as he had not received in many years of monastic life. This composition is called a “framework”.

Mtsyri - translated from Georgian: non-serving monk, stranger, foreigner, stranger.

The word “confession” has the following meaning:

1. repentance of sins before the priest; frank confession of something;
2. communicating your thoughts and views.

3. The image of Mtsyri as a romantic hero.

- Tell us briefly about the content of the work

a) escape from the monastery, an attempt to find a way to his native land.

b) meeting with a Georgian woman

c) fight with a leopard

Presentation 3 General characteristics of romanticism

1.Romanticism is an artistic movement in literature, characteristic of the literature of Europe, Russia and the USA and expressing the idea of ​​​​discord between dreams, ideal and reality. Romanticism gained recognition in Russian literature after the Patriotic War of 1812

2. The world in which romantic heroes live is far from drab everyday life. These are exotic countries, a glorious past, real or created by popular imagination.

3.Romantic landscape: sea, mountains - symbols of greatness, freedom, rebellion.

4. Romantic writers are unusual in everything:

Themes of romantic works: the fate of the fatherland, literary monuments, folklore

Heroes are bright, extraordinary personalities

The plot is intricate, shrouded in a haze of mystery.

The language and style of romantic works are unusual.

5. The main value of a romantic hero is his freedom and ideals. The romantic hero is inseparable from the author’s “I” and is the bearer of the author’s truly human principle, which reality lacks.

6. Romantic dual world: the romantic hero’s desire for an ideal world located beyond the earthly. From the dull, dull, boring “here” to the charming “there”.

Message "Mtsyri" - a romantic hero."

8. Reflection.

A) Digital dictation

Do you agree that:

1. The Caucasus was chosen as the setting for the poem, since the nature of the Caucasus is akin to the nature of the main character?
Yes 1
No -0

2. The plot of the poem consists of the external motives of the hero’s behavior.
Yes 1
No – 0

3. The events of Mtsyri’s three-day wanderings are shown only through communication with nature.
Yes 1
No – 0

What figure did you get? (100) So, you have 100% mastered the topic of the lesson today.

B) Exercise “Unfinished sentences”:

To what extent and in what ways was the lesson useful for you?

Are you satisfied with how the lesson went?

Which lesson task did you like the most?

9. Organizing homework:

    Prepare a retelling of “Mtsyri’s life in the monastery. The character and dreams of a young novice.” (1 group)

    Find landscape sketches. Determine their meaning. (Group 2)

    Note the artistic techniques used by Lermontov when depicting his hero. (3rd group)

    Learn your favorite passage by heart (1 chapter)


Educational : learn to work with the text of a lyrical work, conduct an ideological and thematic analysis of Lermontov’s poem, show the poet’s artistic discoveries.

Give theoretical ideas about the theme and idea of ​​a work of art

Educational: develop emotional perception of a lyrical work, develop the ability to construct a monologue statement.

Educating : to instill a love for poetry as a special form of art, to cultivate interest in the work of the poet, to instill in students a sense of purpose, a desire to understand the true meaning and beauty of life, to cultivate love for the homeland.

Lesson type : formation of knowledge and skills.

Equipment: text of the poem, reference note on the board, cards with reference material, multimedia presentation (portrait of M.Yu. Lermontov, illustrations for the poem “Mtsyri”), computer, projector.



Summary of a literature lesson in 8th grade based on M.Yu. Lermontov’s poem “Mtsyri”

The topic of the lesson is “What is the meaning of life for Mtsyri?”

Theme and idea of ​​the work of art


Educational: learn to work with the text of a lyrical work, conduct an ideological and thematic analysis of Lermontov’s poem, show the poet’s artistic discoveries.

Give theoretical ideas about the theme and idea of ​​a work of art

Educational: develop emotional perception of a lyrical work, develop the ability to construct a monologue statement.

Educating : to instill a love for poetry as a special form of art, to cultivate interest in the work of the poet, to instill in students a sense of purpose, a desire to understand the true meaning and beauty of life, to cultivate love for the homeland.

Lesson type: formation of knowledge and skills.

Equipment: text of the poem, reference note on the board, cards with reference material, multimedia presentation (portrait of M.Yu. Lermontov, illustrations for the poem “Mtsyri”), computer, projector.

During the classes.

1. Organizational moment.

2. Checking homework.

Teacher's word.

- M.Yu. Lermontov’s poem “Mtsyri” has been read, its plot is not complicated. Lermontov heard this story in the Caucasus. It was this that formed the basis of the poem, but there is a significant difference in the ending. Let's turn to the work to understand it.

Slide 2

Student's story:

The action of the poem takes place in Georgia. The origin of the idea is connected with the poet’s journey along the Georgian Military Road. Then Lermontov visited the ancient capital of Georgia, the city of Mtskheta. There he met a lonely monk who told him his story. A highlander by birth, he was captured as a child by General Ermolov. On the way, the boy fell ill, and Ermolov left him in the monastery. For a long time he could not get used to the monastery, he was homesick and tried to run away to his homeland. The consequence of such an attempt was a serious illness that almost killed him. He accepted his lot and spent his life within the walls of the monastery.

What is the difference between the hero of a poem and the hero of a legend? (5m)

3. Report the topic of the lesson

Teacher's word.

In his confession before his death, Mtsyri will tell the monk:

“Do you want to know what I did when I was free? Lived."

The main goal of our lesson is to answer the question:What does it mean for Mtsyri to live?

What is the meaning of life for Mtsyri?

(This problematic question is written on the board).

And think about what the theme of the poem “Mtsyri” is and what is the idea of ​​this poem.

4. Preparation for learning new material. Conversation based on the text of the poem.

1) The poem is called Mtsyri. What does this word mean?

Slide captions:

M.Yu. Lermontov’s poem “Mtsyri” “What is the meaning of Mtsyri’s life?” Theme and idea of ​​the work of art

One day a Russian general was passing from the mountains to Tiflis; He was carrying a prisoner's child. He fell ill and could not bear the labors of the long journey...

MTSYRI, - [cargo. mciri - hermit, ascetic]. - novice of the monastery

A long time ago I decided to look at the distant fields, to find out whether the earth is beautiful, to find out whether we are born into this world for freedom or prison. ... Press my burning chest with longing to the chest of another, Although not familiar, but dear. ... I have one goal - To go to my native country - I had in my soul ...

I lived little and lived in captivity. Such two lives in one, But only one full of anxiety, I would exchange if I could. ... I have one goal - To go to my native country - I had in my soul ...

... and my life Without these three blissful days It would be sadder and gloomier... She called my dreams From stuffy cells and prayers To that wonderful world of worries and battles Where rocks hide in the clouds, Where people are free like eagles...

Holding the jug above her head, the Georgian woman walked along a narrow path to the shore...

I waited, grabbing the horned branch, for the minute of the battle; my heart suddenly ignited with a thirst for fight... He threw himself on my chest; But I managed to stick it into my throat and turn my weapon twice...

Farewell, father... give me your hand... Here I forgot. God's light has faded in the eyes. Mad delirium gave way to the powerlessness of the body... So I was found and raised...

The theme of a work of art is what forms the basis, the main circle of life events depicted by the writer. The idea of ​​a work of art is the main idea that summarizes the semantic, figurative, emotional content of a work of art.