Insulation of roofs, walls and ceilings with foam plastic. How much Penoplex will replace a brick wall? Penoplex wall insulation: detailed installation instructions and technical features

From modern thermal insulators penoplex is considered the most effective. This insulating material is made from extruded polystyrene, which automatically makes it cheap, but superior in technical characteristics, such as moisture absorption and sound insulation, and other heat insulators.

Production of penoplex and types of material

The production of penoplex is organized using the following technology: small polystyrene granules in a sealed chamber are exposed to high temperatures (130 0 C-140 0 C), as a result of which they melt, and after adding blowing agents they foam. Porophores are synthetic additives that, when heated, release nitrogen and carbon dioxide, which, after the penoplex cools, turn into frozen air bubbles, evenly distributed throughout the material.

Components of blowing agents for the production of extruded polystyrene foam (penoplex):

Cured foam may contain some synthetic fillers, the presence of which determines the direction of application of the insulation - for walls, foundations, etc. The most common additives are flame retardants to increase fire safety (reduce the degree of flammability), antioxidants to protect the material from oxidation in the open air, antistatic substances to relieve static and dynamic stress during the operation of the insulation, light stabilizers (protection from negative influence UV radiation), modifying additives, etc.

Polystyrene foam is pressed under pressure from the extruder chamber onto a conveyor for final formation into slabs or blocks. The percentage of gases in the insulation reaches 98% of the total volume of the finished penoplex, so the products are light in weight with impressive dimensions. Dimensions for each functional line of insulation are given in the tables below.

Small size pores (0.1-0.3 mm) and their complete isolation from each other guarantees high thermal insulation performance of any brand of penoplex. For different construction projects, it is necessary to select the appropriate series and brands of insulation, since structures can be operated under different conditions:

  1. Brand “K” is designed for insulation of pitched or flat roofs and roofs. Specific gravity(density) series “K” - 28-33 kg/m 3;
  2. Series “C” - insulation for internal and external walls with a substance density of 25-35 kg/m 3;
  3. Brand “F”, basements and basements. Material with high moisture resistance, biological stability and specific gravity ≥37 kg/m 3 ;
  4. Penoplex brand "Comfort" is a universal series of insulation with a density of 25-35 kg/m 3. Direction of application – insulation of apartments, houses, basements, balconies and loggias;
  5. Brand “45” has the highest frost resistance and strength, specific weight 35-47 kg/m 3. Designed for thermal insulation of road surfaces, runways, and other heavily loaded objects and structures.

A separate category produces sandwich panels, which are an improved thermal insulator for insulating attics and attics, facades and foundations of buildings. The sandwich panel has 2-3 layers and a cement bonded particle board as the bottom layer.

Operational and technical properties of penoplex, advantages and disadvantages

  1. Thermal conductivity – 0.03 Wm·0 C, the indicator does not decrease even with strong humidification;
  2. Water resistance – 0.4-0.6% when immersed in water for 24 hours and for a month;
  3. The vapor permeability of the material can be compared with the same indicators of roofing felt with a layer thickness of 20 mm;
  4. Chemical passivity: penoplex does not react to contact with mortars and most aggressive substances. Substances with which penoplex contact is contraindicated: kerosene, acetone, formaldehyde, benzene, xylene, toluene, formaldehyde, methyl ethyl ketone, ether, diesel fuel, gasoline, tar, paints and epoxy resins;
  5. High mechanical resistance to stretching, compression, tensile forces and multi-vector pressure. The compressive strength of penoplex is 0.2-0.5 MPa;
  6. Biological neutrality - penoplex does not develop mold, does not decompose and does not rot;
  7. Wide range of operating temperatures - from -50 to +75 0 C. The temperature range for each brand is indicated on the packaging;
  8. Flammability groups for different brands– different, from G1 to G4, depending on operating conditions;
  9. Environmentally friendly material without the use of phenols and freons in the production;
  10. Guaranteed service life ≥55 years without noticeable loss in properties.

Advantages of penoplex:

  1. Thermal conductivity properties make it possible to use penoplex even in the Far North - multiple freezing/thawing cycles of the material do not affect its characteristics;
  2. Light weight makes transportation, warehousing, storage and insulation of the object easier, allows you to lighten the foundation and not strengthen the ceilings;
  3. Simple installation without the help of specialists and special tools– penoplex is easily cut with a regular hacksaw or cutter;
  4. Safety and environmental friendliness - you can work with the material without personal protective equipment;
  5. Low cost of all brands of insulation. Even with a large consumption of heat insulator, the costs of its purchase and installation pay off in 2-3 seasons.

Disadvantages of penoplex:

  1. Low fire safety - material of any flammability group, even with fire retardant additives, can catch fire and release caustic toxic smoke;
  2. Low coefficient of vapor permeability, and under certain weather conditions - negative. Therefore, it is not recommended to use penoplex for internal insulation of house walls. To save optimal conditions operation of the insulation, it is necessary to ensure forced ventilation in the house and ventilation of the channels in the walls insulated with penoplex;
  3. Destruction of material upon impact ultraviolet radiationsun rays. It is necessary to protect the insulation layer with plaster or other methods;
  4. Because of smooth surface the adhesion of penoplex to solutions is quite low, so the insulation needs to be attached only to dowels or special expensive glue, but not to mortars.

Thermal insulation material “Wall” - properties and characteristics

The “Wall” brand is a renamed Penoplex 31 insulation with fire retardant additives, which has been improved for use in insulating “wet” facades, building foundations, plinths and basements, partitions and walls of houses outside and inside, roofs and attics. The characteristics of penoplex brand “Wall” are in the table below:

Insulation brand "Foundation" - parameters and properties

The “Foundation” brand is a renamed Penoplex 35 insulation without fire retardant additives, which can now be used to create thermal insulation for the bases and plinths of buildings, blind areas and basements. The strength, waterproofness and thermal conductivity of the "series" are its main advantages. The characteristics of the “Foundation” are given in the table below:

Penoplex "Roof" - properties and characteristics

Penoplex insulation of the “Roofing” series is a renamed material “Penoplex 35”, which is recommended for use in insulating pitched and flat roofs of any design. The use of the “Roof” series makes the further operation of the roof as simplified as possible, since the reliability and long service life of the insulation minimize the possibility of repairing the roof surface. The popularity of this innovative insulation material It is also caused by the fact that greenhouses and summer gardens can be built on such a surface - such trends are now in fashion. Penoplex can withstand such high loads that it doesn’t care about soil loads of up to several tons. Characteristics of the foam insulation brand “Roof” are in the table below:

“Comfort” is a universal brand of heat insulator

Brand of heat insulator “Comfort” - properties and characteristics

Penoplex "Comfort" is a modified and improved "Penoplex 31C" with universal characteristics. The material is actively used for insulation country houses, country houses and cottages. The high speed of installation and minimal labor costs popularize the insulation among private homeowners - it is used to insulate the subfloor, foundation and basement of a house, basement and roof, walls and partitions from the inside and outside of the building. Penoplex "Comfort" has high levels of moisture resistance and thermal conductivity. In the penoplex series line, the Comfort brand is recognized as universal.

Penoplex protects the soil from heaving when it freezes - when the soil is insulated with this material, the freezing point of the soil will rise. This series is optimal for insulating road and railway surfaces, runways and technical areas of airfields. Comfort slabs retain their unique characteristics throughout the entire period of operation. Characteristics of the “Comfort” penoplex insulation brand are in the table below:

It is a misconception to think that penoplex and foam plastic are brother materials. Some properties of penoplex can be equated to the parameters of polystyrene foam, but not flammability and water absorption.

Manufacturers have long mastered the production of both non-flammable polystyrene foam and high-burning polystyrene foam. But the truth is that penoplex cannot spontaneously ignite, and in an open fire zone it will only melt, releasing carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO 2) gases. If the fire is extinguished, the penoplex will not even smolder.

As practice shows, about a quarter of a building’s heat is lost through the roof. Moreover, a poorly insulated roof can cause increased humidity in the house. After all warm air, rising upward, encounters a colder layer of air under the roof. As a result, condensation forms.

Therefore, insulating the roof with foam plastic is perhaps one of the most optimal options to ensure high-quality heat retention and regulation of the level of humidity in the room. Provided that high-quality polystyrene foam is selected and sheets are correctly installed on the roof, significant energy savings will be ensured. IN winter time You will be able to save on heating and, in the summer, on air conditioning.

How safe is it to insulate external walls with polystyrene foam?

There are a lot of disputes about the safety and necessity of using expanded polystyrene (or polystyrene foam). The main reason for their appearance is poorly performed insulation work, the use of uncertified material or foam plastic that is not intended for such a role (for example, flammable polystyrene foam).

In fact, high-quality and well-executed insulation of external walls with polystyrene foam guarantees complete safety of the home. Accumulation of dampness, fire hazard and other factors do not threaten if foam plastic, specially designed for wall insulation, was used in the work.

How to insulate a brick wall with polystyrene foam? What thickness of foam should I use?

The question is quite broad, so it is difficult to provide exact data. If the technology for installing foam plastic sheets for all types of surfaces is almost identical, then the calculation of the material for foam insulation of a brick wall is carried out in each region separately. The thickness of the sheets is influenced primarily by the climatic conditions of the region, the area of ​​the house and the thickness of its brick walls. For example, in the Moscow region, for comfortable living it would be ideal to build houses from brick 1.5-2 meters thick. In fact, houses made of solid brick are about 0.7 meters thick. Depending on a number of factors, foam sheets 50-100 millimeters wide are suitable for insulating such an object.

I heard that for maximum energy savings you need to insulate the ceiling with foam plastic. Is it so?

Insulating the walls of a private house means almost halving energy consumption for heating. This has already been proven in practice. But the positive result will be noticeably reduced if the ceiling of the house is not insulated. From 15 to 20 percent of the heat will simply evaporate, mixing with the cold air. In addition, there is a high probability of condensation formation, which is also not very good for the condition of the house and its inhabitants. Therefore, insulating the ceiling with foam plastic is an obligatory part of comprehensive work on energy saving and organizing comfortable living in an insulated room.

How much does Penoplex brick replace? The latter is not the name of the building material. This is what one of the most popular brands producing polymer thermal insulation boards sounds like. Here we mean extruded polystyrene foam, one of the best insulation materials existing on the market. this moment. It is worth understanding in what respect it can be compared with brick.

Clarification of terms

First of all, you need to understand to what extent expanded polystyrene can replace brickwork. These are completely different building materials.

Considering that both materials take part in the construction of external walls of buildings, only one comparison is appropriate between them - in terms of thermal conductivity. It is this characteristic that is meant when posing the question, but it needs to be reformulated correctly: what thickness of Penoplex and brick will create the same thermal resistance. In terms of other characteristics, the comparison is not in favor of the polymer.

Thermal conductivity indicators

The ability to resist the passage of thermal energy flow is characterized by the thermal conductivity coefficient λ, expressed in units of W/m 2 °C. As a rule, sellers of various insulation materials provide the value of this coefficient for products in a dry state. At the same time, regulatory documents require calculations to be made based on real operational indicators, the values ​​of which are not so impressive.

The materials in question are available in several varieties. Brick is made from different materials and by various technologies. Stamps extruded polystyrene foam differ in density, which affects its thermal conductivity. Operating thermal indicators for products different types look like this:

  • masonry made of solid ceramic brick, λ=0.7 W/m 2 °C;
  • the same, from silicate, λ=0.76 W/m 2 °C;
  • brickwork from ceramic hollow products with a density of 1000 kg/m 3, λ=0.47 W/m 2 °C.

The list shows values ​​for finished brickwork built with cement-sand mortar. For other types of solutions, the indicators will be slightly different. Characteristics of extruded polystyrene foam various densities significantly different to a lesser extent:

  • Penoplex with a density of 30 kg/m 3, λ=0.037 W/m 2 °C;
  • the same, density 50 kg/m 3, λ=0.038 W/m 2 °C.

It is noticeable how much less the thermal conductivity of polymer insulation is than that of a brick wall. But these numbers are abstract and therefore for ordinary person are obscure. To understand the situation, we need to bring all the indicators to one concept - thickness. To do this, it is necessary to determine one more characteristic - heat transfer resistance R, expressed in units of m 2 °C/W.

Thickness calculation

Heat transfer resistance R is tied to the thickness of the building structure, and its minimum value established regulatory documents, varies depending on climatic conditions in the region. For example, in the southern regions Russian Federation The walls of residential buildings must have a heat transfer resistance of at least 2.1 m 2 °C/W. It is proposed to take this value as a basis and calculate how much brick and Penoplex will be needed to comply with it. The minimum indicator is calculated using the formula:

δ=Rxλ, where:

  • δ—thickness value wall structure, m;
  • λ is the thermal conductivity of the material from which the wall is built, W/m 2 °C.
  • R is the heat transfer resistance, in the example it is 2.1 m 2 °C/W.

If we take the thermal conductivity coefficient of ordinary brickwork λ = 0.7 W/m 2 °C, then in the southern regions of the Russian Federation the thickness of walls made of ceramic products should be: δ = 2.1x0.7 = 1.47 m.

The same wall, but made of Penoplex with a density of 30 kg/m 3, will have a thickness: δ = 2.1x0.037 = 0.077 m, or 77 mm.

The difference between the materials will be 1.47/0.077=19. The brickwork must be so many times thicker than the expanded polystyrene layer in order to achieve the same thermal insulation value of the building. The full picture, showing a comparison of different types of brick walls and polymer insulation, is reflected in the table:

Now the table clearly shows how much worse the thermal conductivity of a brick wall differs from extruded polystyrene foam.

It is easy to conclude that in order to comply with building codes for energy saving, these materials must be combined; they cannot exist separately in the form of a wall structure.


Brick lacks thermal insulation properties, and Penoplex lacks load-bearing capacity. Together they will give an excellent result: it is enough to insulate a masonry of 1.5 hollow pieces with 50 mm expanded polystyrene sheets, and the total cross-section of the fence will be only 0.43 m.

Details Published 08/12/2016 16:10

When choosing the thickness of expanded polystyrene sheets that will be used to insulate a building, it is important to consider climatic features the region where it is located, the dimensions of the building and the material from which it is built.

There are two operational and technological characteristics that directly affect the quality of insulation of polystyrene foam - thickness and density.

In general, sheets with a thickness of 50 mm and a density of 25 kg/m3 are considered optimal. This is the type of material that is usually recommended to developers or repairmen who do not know what thickness of polystyrene foam to insulate a house. However, the specified thickness and density are not an inviolable standard and may vary depending on the specific conditions indicated above.

What thickness of brickwork does polystyrene foam replace?

This question can be answered accurately only by having accurate data on the type of brick and the thickness of the masonry. The fact is that different types of building materials have different thermal conductivity coefficients. Moreover, this indicator may differ significantly. Without having the initial data, any calculations are considered approximate.

In general, when answering the question - what thickness of brick does polystyrene foam replace, it is assumed that highly porous polystyrene foam has a thermal conductivity level 10 times lower than standard solid red brick.

In this case, multiplying the thickness of the sheet by the thermal conductivity coefficient allows us to talk about what thickness of masonry a given sheet of foam plastic replaces. For example, a sheet 50 mm thick compensates for at least 0.5 meters of a wall built from solid red brick.

Within the framework of this issue, the following data can be additionally provided. A standard sheet of foam plastic replaces 1 meter of wall built from sand-lime brick and up to 0.2 meters of silica brick, which itself has a low thermal conductivity coefficient.

You can find out more accurately how much brick replaces polystyrene foam by finding out the exact data on average annual temperatures in your area and design information about the insulated structure.

What is the thickness of foam?

Foam sheets that go on sale are manufactured in accordance with GOST 15588-86. This standard clearly regulates not only the composition and characteristics of the material, but also its overall dimensions.

As a rule, slabs with a length of 1, 1.2 and 2 meters, a width of 1 meter and a thickness of 20 to 500 mm in increments of 10 mm are used in construction. The thickness of foam sheets that are widely sold is: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 80 and 100 mm. It should be noted that the most common foam sizes are indicated above. If, for certain conditions, a larger or smaller size is required, it can always be ordered from the manufacturer.

Another important characteristic of polystyrene foam is density. Density is measured in kg/m3 and can be: 15, 25, 35 and 50 kg/m3. These are the main densities of slabs that can be purchased widely. According to the unit of measurement, the higher the density, the harder the material.

To insulate buildings, it is recommended to use foam plastic with a density of 25 or 35 kg/m3. A material with a lower density does not withstand even small mechanical loads, and a higher density leads to a significant increase in the cost of work, all other things being equal.

Where to start insulating your home?

Considering the above, the first step is to determine the thickness of the insulating layer. Typically, developers choose a sheet thickness of 50 or 100 mm, 25 or 35 density. As practice shows, these are the most optimal characteristics that perfectly retain heat and at the same time do not heavily load the walls.

In addition, it should be taken into account that polystyrene foam exposed to constant sunlight turns yellow and spoils the aesthetic appearance of the house. Therefore, once you have fixed the sheets to the walls, it is best to protect their surface. To do this, a special mounting mesh is attached to the sheets, after which they are plastered or puttied.

After high-quality insulation of an existing building, you can see the difference in the amount of payments for energy resources. In general, just by insulating walls with foam plastic, you can achieve a reduction in monthly payments by 20-30%, depending on climatic conditions.

How much does Penoplex brick replace? The latter is not the name of the building material. This is what one of the most popular brands producing polymer thermal insulation boards sounds like. Here we mean extruded polystyrene foam, one of the best insulation materials that currently exists. It is worth understanding in what respect it can be compared with brick.

Advantages of penoplex.

Clarification of terms

First of all, you need to understand to what extent expanded polystyrene can replace brickwork. These are completely different building materials.

Considering that both materials take part in the construction of external walls of buildings, only one comparison is appropriate between them - in terms of thermal conductivity. It is this characteristic that is meant when posing the question, but it needs to be reformulated correctly: what thickness of Penoplex and brick will create the same thermal resistance. In terms of other characteristics, the comparison is not in favor of the polymer.

Thermal conductivity indicators

Types and purpose of penoplex.

The ability to resist the passage of thermal energy flow is characterized by the thermal conductivity coefficient λ, expressed in units of W/m 2 °C. As a rule, sellers of various insulation materials provide the value of this coefficient for products in a dry state. At the same time, regulatory documents require calculations to be made based on real operational indicators, the values ​​of which are not so impressive.

The materials in question are available in several varieties. Brick is made from different materials and using different technologies. Brands of extruded polystyrene foam differ in density, which affects its thermal conductivity. Operating thermal indicators for products of different types look like this:

  • masonry made of solid ceramic brick, λ=0.7 W/m 2 °C;
  • the same, from silicate, λ=0.76 W/m 2 °C;
  • brickwork from ceramic hollow products with a density of 1000 kg/m 3, λ=0.47 W/m 2 °C.

Diagram of types of thermal insulation materials.

The list shows values ​​for finished brickwork built with cement-sand mortar. For other types of solutions, the indicators will be slightly different. The characteristics of extruded polystyrene foam of different densities are strikingly different:

  • Penoplex with a density of 30 kg/m 3, λ=0.037 W/m 2 °C;
  • the same, density 50 kg/m 3, λ=0.038 W/m 2 °C.

It is noticeable how much less the thermal conductivity of polymer insulation is than that of a brick wall. But these numbers are abstract and therefore difficult to understand for the average person. To understand the situation, it is necessary to bring all indicators to one concept - thickness. To do this, it is necessary to determine one more characteristic - heat transfer resistance R, expressed in units of m 2 °C/W.

Thickness calculation

The heat transfer resistance R is tied to the thickness of the building structure, and its minimum value established by regulatory documents varies depending on the climatic conditions in the region. For example, in the southern regions of the Russian Federation, the walls of residential buildings must have a heat transfer resistance of at least 2.1 m 2 °C/W. It is proposed to take this value as a basis and calculate how much brick and Penoplex will be needed to comply with it. The minimum indicator is calculated using the formula:

Insulation scheme.

δ=Rxλ, where:

  • δ - value of the thickness of the wall structure, m;
  • λ is the thermal conductivity of the material from which the wall is built, W/m 2 °C.
  • R is the heat transfer resistance, in the example it is 2.1 m 2 °C/W.

If we take the thermal conductivity coefficient of ordinary brickwork λ = 0.7 W/m 2 °C, then in the southern regions of the Russian Federation the thickness of walls made of ceramic products should be: δ = 2.1x0.7 = 1.47 m.

The same wall, but made of Penoplex with a density of 30 kg/m 3, will have a thickness: δ = 2.1x0.037 = 0.077 m, or 77 mm.

The difference between the materials will be 1.47/0.077=19. The brickwork must be so many times thicker than the expanded polystyrene layer in order to achieve the same thermal insulation value of the building. The full picture, showing a comparison of different types of brick walls and polymer insulation, is reflected in the table:

Now the table clearly shows how much worse the thermal conductivity of a brick wall differs from extruded polystyrene foam.

It is easy to conclude that in order to comply with building codes for energy saving, these materials must be combined; they cannot exist separately in the form of a wall structure.

Brick lacks thermal insulation properties, and Penoplex lacks load-bearing capacity. Together they will give an excellent result: it is enough to insulate a masonry of 1.5 hollow pieces with 50 mm expanded polystyrene sheets, and the total cross-section of the fence will be only 0.43 m.

Expanded polystyrene thermal conductivity - A sheet of foam plastic 5 cm thick replaces which brickwork? And 8 cm? - 22 answers

In chapter Technique to the question What kind of brickwork does a sheet of foam plastic 5 cm thick replace? And 8 cm? given by the author Caucasian the best answer is Both brick and foam are different.
Formally, the thermal conductivity of red brick is 10 times greater than that of highly porous foam. (0.56 and 0.05 W/m*deg – respectively)
That is, feel free to multiply the thickness of the foam by 11 and get the thickness of the brick wall.

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: What kind of brickwork does a 5 cm thick sheet of foam plastic replace? And 8 cm?

Answer from electric welder[newbie]
I read the answers and I'm confused. What kind of tusk do you need to be in order to answer the question about the equivalence of brick and foam plastic and compare their load-bearing abilities... Of course, they compare thermal conductivity...

Answer from Nurgaliev Marat[newbie]
5 cm of penoplex is half a meter of brick!!! And don't listen to the reindeer herders!

Answer from Mansion[active]
I also asked a similar question at one time, the answer was found in this article link - clearly and clearly explained.

Answer from Kirill Gribkov[guru]

Answer from Boltgnaw[master]
Extruded polystyrene foam "Extraplex" with a thickness of 20 mm is equivalent in its heat and sound insulating properties to a brick wall with a thickness of 370 mm

Answer from Yoomyara[guru]
Hello, the best! 😉
You forgot to mention the conditions (parameters) of the assessment...
1) If you mean thermal conductivity? .
The engineer answered you.
2) If we are talking about mechanical strength? .
Polystyrene foam is NOT a replacement for brick. Especially in earthquake-prone regions.
3) Durability?
The brick will last longer.
4) Impact resistance environment(changes in temperature, humidity, etc.) ?
Foam plastic, in this case, is not even a building material...
5) Safety (physiological, chemical, environmental)?..
Again, the comparison will be in favor of baked clay (brick)...
And generally speaking.. . That's not what they teach you... ;-(
Polystyrene foam is NOT available a good choice material for construction or finishing of premises.
And in this ODIN is absolutely right...
Good luck to you! 😉

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here are more topics with the answers you need:

Answer the question:

calculation and comparison with the value for brick, mineral wool and wood

You can insulate your home different ways, for example, using polystyrene foam, which has high performance characteristics. These include: practicality, environmental friendliness, light weight, ease of installation, immunity to temperature changes, as well as affordable price. But the main advantage is the low thermal conductivity of polystyrene foam, which allows for excellent energy saving.

What determine the characteristics of the material?

The ability to conduct heat is influenced by many factors, in particular:

  • Layer thickness. Sometimes, in order to achieve high-quality energy saving, you have to use a large number of isolation. For example, thermal conductivity foam boards 5 cm will be lower than 1 cm with the same density values.
  • Structure. The porous structure leads to increased insulating properties, because the cells contain air that perfectly retains heat.
  • Humidity. During storage, slabs must be protected from moisture. This is due to the fact that liquid does not have a very favorable effect on the characteristics of thermal insulation foams: the more it accumulates, the worse it is.
  • Average layer temperature. Its increase leads to a deterioration in the efficiency of the insulator.

Types of foam plastic and their indicators

There are a huge number of insulation boards on the construction market. In general, polystyrene foam has low thermal conductivity, but this varies depending on its type. Examples: sheets marked PSB-S 15 have a density of up to 15 kg/m3 and a thickness of 2 cm, while the described indicator is up to 0.037 W/(m*K) at an ambient temperature of 20-30 °C. Its value for sheets 2-50 cm marked PSB-S 35, with a density of no more than 35 kg/m3 and 16-25 kg/m3 marked PSB-S 25 of the same size is 0.033 W/(m*K) and 0.035 W/ (m*K) respectively.

The dependence of the thermal conductivity of foam insulation on its thickness is best seen when comparing it with various materials. So, a sheet of 50-60 mm replaces twice the volume mineral wool, and 100 mm are equivalent to 123 mm of expanded polystyrene foam, which has approximately similar characteristics. Loses badly and basalt wool. But the thermal conductivity of Penoplex is slightly lower than that of polystyrene foam: in order to obtain normal temperature conditions indoors, you will need 20 and 25 mm respectively.

How do you know which sheets to buy?

To most effectively apply one or another insulation method, you must choose correct sizes material. Calculations are performed according to the following algorithm:

  • Find out the total thermal resistance. This is a constant value that depends on the climate in a particular region. For example, for the southern regions of Russia it is 2.8, and for Middle zone- 4.2 kW/m2.
  • Calculate the thermal resistance of the wall itself using the formula R = p / k, which can be done knowing its thickness (p) and the coefficient of ability to conduct heat (k).
  • Based on constant indicators, find out what resistance value the insulation should have.
  • Calculate the required value using the formula p = R * k, where R is the value from the previous step, and k is the calculated thermal conductivity coefficient for the foam.

As an example, it is worth finding out what layer of slabs with a density of 30 kg/m3 is needed for a wall of one brick (about 0.25 m) in one of the southern regions. The total thermal resistance should not be less than 2.8 kW/m2, despite the fact that the coefficient determined using special tables is 0.047 (W/m*k). Now you need to find out other parameters.

Coefficient for sand-lime brick k = 0.7 (W/m*k). You should calculate its thermal resistance:

R = 0.25 / 0.7 = 0.36 (kW/m2).

The same indicator is calculated for insulation:

R = 2.8 – 0.36 = 2.44 (kW/m2).

It remains to find out the thickness of the insulating layer:

p = 2.44 * 0.047 = 0.11 m.

You can also calculate this value for other conditions, for example, for a wall of 0.51 m, 70 mm insulation is suitable. Thus, when selecting required sizes polystyrene foam, saving time and money on wall installation. So, 10 cm of material with a density of 15-17 kg/m3 replaces the masonry of one brick, and if you take denser sheets, this will allow you to do without two rows of stone. It is traditionally believed that 2 cm of insulation is equivalent to about 50 cm of brick.

Thermal conductivity of polystyrene foam, comparison with Penoplex, price of sheets of different brands

Efficiency is the first thing we look for when choosing insulation. Various materials are initially evaluated according to this criterion, and only then other characteristics, installation features and cost come into play. Today we will look at the thermal conductivity of polystyrene foam as the most affordable and therefore in demand, and also compare it with other types of insulation.

  1. What is thermal conductivity?
  2. Characteristics of different brands of foam
  3. Comparison with other materials and prices


Thermal conductivity is a value indicating the amount of heat (energy) passing through 1 m of any body per hour at a certain temperature difference on one side and the other. It is measured and calculated for several initial operating conditions:

  • At 25±5 °C - this is a standard indicator enshrined in GOSTs and SNiP.
  • “A” – this means dry and normal humidity conditions in the premises.
  • “B” – all other conditions are included in this category.

The actual thermal conductivity of polystyrene foam granules pressed into a lightweight slab is not as important in itself as in conjunction with the thickness of the insulation. After all, the main goal is to achieve an optimal level of resistance of all layers of the wall in accordance with the requirements for a particular region. To obtain the initial numbers, it will be enough to use the simplest formula: R = p÷k.

  • Heat transfer resistance R can be found in special tables of SNiP 23-02-2003, for example, for Moscow they take 3.16 m ° C / W. And if the main wall, according to its characteristics, does not reach this value, it is the insulation (mineral wool or the same polystyrene foam) that should cover the difference.
  • The p index indicates the required thickness of the insulating layer, expressed in meters.
  • Coefficient k is precisely what gives an idea of ​​the conductivity of bodies, which we focus on when choosing.

The thermal conductivity of the material itself is checked by heating one side of the sheet and measuring the amount of energy transferred by conduction to the opposite surface per unit time.

Indicators for different brands of polystyrene foam

From the given simplified formula we can conclude that the thinner the insulation sheet, the less efficient it is. But in addition to the usual geometric parameters, the density of the foam also influences the final result, albeit slightly - only within 1-5 thousandths. For comparison, let’s take two slabs of similar brand:

  • PSB-S 25 conducts 0.039 W/m°C.
  • PSB-S 35 at a higher density - 0.037 W/m °C.

But with a change in thickness, the difference becomes much more noticeable. For example, the thinnest sheets of 40 mm with a density of 25 kg/m 3 can have a thermal conductivity of 0.136 W/m°C, while 100 mm of the same polystyrene foam transmits only 0.035 W/m°C.

The dependence is nonlinear, which is due to the peculiarity of conductive transmission. But since the coefficient is calculated per unit time, and the density of the material remains unchanged, the temperature difference with the outer surface as energy “moves” through the slab becomes less and less. And if the thickness of the polystyrene foam turns out to be significant, the heat simply does not have time to be transferred back side, which, in general, is what is required from good insulation.

Comparison with other materials

The average thermal conductivity of PSB lies in the range of 0.037-0.043 W/m·°C, and we will focus on it. Here, foam plastic, in comparison with mineral wool made from basalt fibers, seems to benefit slightly - it has approximately the same indicators. True, with twice the thickness (95-100 mm versus 50 mm for polystyrene). It is also customary to compare the conductivity of insulation with the various building materials necessary for the construction of walls. Although this is not very correct, it is very clear:

1. Red ceramic brick has a heat transfer coefficient of 0.7 W/m °C (16-19 times more than foam). Simply put, to replace 50 mm of insulation you will need masonry about 80-85 cm thick. Silicate insulation will need at least a meter.

2. Solid wood is better in this regard compared to brick - here it is only 0.12 W/m °C, that is, three times higher than that of expanded polystyrene. Depending on the quality of the wood and the method of constructing the walls, the equivalent of a 5 cm thick PSB can be a log house up to 23 cm wide.

It is much more logical to compare styrene not with mineral wool, brick or wood, but to consider closer materials - polystyrene foam and Penoplex. Both of them are classified as foamed polystyrene and are even made from the same granules. It’s just that the difference in the technology of “gluing” them gives unexpected results. The reason is that styrene beads for the production of Penoplex with the introduction of blowing agents are simultaneously processed under pressure and high temperature. As a result, the plastic mass acquires greater homogeneity and strength, and air bubbles are evenly distributed in the body of the slab. Polystyrene foam is simply steamed in a mold like popcorn, so the bonds between the expanded granules are weaker.

As a result, the thermal conductivity of Penoplex, an extruded “relative” of PSB, also improves noticeably. It corresponds to 0.028-0.034 W/m °C, that is, 30 mm is enough to replace 40 mm of foam. However, the complexity of production also increases the cost of XPS, so you should not count on savings. By the way, there is one curious nuance here: usually extruded polystyrene foam loses a little in efficiency as the density increases. But when graphite is added to Penoplex, this dependence practically disappears.

However, if the issue of high strength is not on the agenda, and you just need good insulation, it’s easier and cheaper to actually buy polystyrene foam. In comparison with materials such as mineral wool, wood and ceramic brick, it is certainly good. The main thing is not to use it in fire hazardous areas and always try to insulate the outside of buildings.

Prices for foam plastic sheets 1000x1000 mm (rubles):

Sheet thickness, mm PSB-S 15 PSB-S 25 PSB-S 35 PSB-S 50
20 37 61 82 124
30 55 95 123 185
40 73 122 164 247
50 91 152 205 308
70 127 213 264 431
80 145 243 328 493
100 181 304 409 616

Penoplex 20 mm replaces - how to replace polystyrene foam?

How much does penoplex replace brickwork?


This article contains basic facts and examples of the use of one of the most popular thermal insulation materials in the world - expanded polystyrene.

Long before you first heard the term “expanded polystyrene”, you have already actively used it in everyday life.
years. Your laptop, mobile phone, TV and other devices have a polystyrene body; fresh fish, vegetables or fruits are often sold in polystyrene foam containers; Disposable tableware, as well as medical containers, are made from the same material. Not to mention, many valuable purchases have been delivered to you safe and sound thanks to polystyrene elements. In addition, expanded polystyrene is one of the most popular insulation materials in the world (many people also call it polystyrene foam, although polystyrene foam is a general term for foamed plastics).
It is no exaggeration to say that our European neighbors also cannot imagine their lives without expanded polystyrene. Statistics from the European Association showed that 8 out of 10 private houses in Europe are insulated with high-quality foamed and molded polystyrene. In Germany, where environmental friendliness and energy efficiency are mandatory characteristics of construction and renovation, consumption of expanded polystyrene reaches 4 kg per person, while in Russia it does not even reach 1 kg.

A key characteristic of thermal insulation is the thermal conductivity coefficient (lambda). The lower it is, the better material provides thermal protection. The average thermal conductivity coefficient of polystyrene foam is 0.035-0.040 W/(m*K). is that enough?

Penoplex: choosing insulation of the required thickness

Judge for yourself: 12 cm of expanded polystyrene for thermal protection will replace:
-18 cm slag
-45 cm wood
-90 cm expanded clay concrete
-2 m 10 cm bricks
-4 m 20 cm reinforced concrete

“EXPANDED POLYSTYRENE IS A UNIQUE MATERIAL, IT IS ACTUALLY AIR IN THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY I.D.” - Simonov-Emelyanov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Moscow State Academy of Fine Chemical Technology named after. M.V. Lomonosov, head. Department of Plastics Processing.

However, in order to ensure the recommended thermal protection of the building, it is necessary to follow the current ones in Russia building regulations and rules according to which the thickness of polystyrene foam thermal insulation should be from 100 to 200 mm, depending on the region and type of structure.

Expanded polystyrene is not afraid of water
One of the most remarkable properties of expanded polystyrene is moisture resistance. It does not have fibers that could be saturated with water, and is capable of absorbing no more than 4% of moisture, while practically not changing the thermal properties. It means that:
the material is suitable for installation and operation in a damp environment;
The qualities declared by the manufacturer will not deteriorate significantly when exposed to moisture.

Numerous tests show that even in conditions of lack of food and water, mice and rats do not eat polystyrene foam. However, rodents can chew through it, like any building material, so measures to protect building structures cannot be neglected.
Biological neutrality means that mold and mildew do not grow on the surface of expanded polystyrene, as demonstrated by domestic and foreign research. That is why European Union in 2009, recognized polystyrene foam as the only material recommended for long-term contact with food and, accordingly, the production of food containers.

If you have ever worked with building materials that are dusty and itchy, then you can probably imagine what a pleasure it is to work with light, smooth and clean material. You will not need any respiratory masks or other protective equipment. Light weight will reduce labor costs and relieve pressure on building structure, and this is a significant advantage!

Durability of the material in laboratory conditions checked by reproducing its natural weather and temperature loads. In 2001, in the laboratory of the Research Institute of Physics of the Russian Federation, samples of polystyrene foam were subjected to 80 test cycles, which included a twofold decrease in temperature to -40 0C, subsequent heating to +40 0C and exposure in water, similar to 1 conventional year. The samples passed these tests perfectly and showed no significant deterioration in properties. This means that high-quality polystyrene foam correct use will last at least 80 years in structures with a temperature range of +/- 400C!

The raw material for the production of expanded polystyrene is polystyrene granules, which in turn are a product of oil refining. Thus, expanded polystyrene is a natural material and at the same time the result of an achievement in the chemical industry. Styrene is naturally found in many foods (cheese, wine, strawberries, cinnamon, coffee, beer, etc.) Styrene has been classified as non-mutagenic, non-carcinogenic and non-reproductive toxic by the European Chemicals Agency in accordance with the REACH regulation. The ministries of health of Canada and America came to the same conclusion.

It is important to note that the styrene content in finished products is only 0.002 mg/m3, i.e. less than 1% of the volume of the finished product! Expanded polystyrene is an example of a record low content of raw materials in the final product. Statements that finished product continues to release styrene, is not literate and does not find scientific confirmation.

“UNDER NORMAL OPERATION, STYRENE WILL NEVER OXIDATE. IT OXIDATES AT MUCH HIGHER TEMPERATURES. DEPOLYMERIZATION OF STYRENE CAN ACTUALLY OCCUR AT TEMPERATURES ABOVE 320 0C, BUT IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO TALK SERIOUSLY ABOUT THE RELEASE OF STYRENE DURING THE OPERATION OF FOAM POLYSTYRENE BLOCKS IN THE TEMPERATURE RANGE FROM -400C TO +700C.” - Professor of the Department of Plastics Processing, Russian University of Chemical Technology named after D,I, Mendeleeva, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, L.M. Kerber. Expanded polystyrene is also highly recyclable and can be reused in production.

In construction or food packaging, medicine or decoration, polystyrene foam demonstrates excellent properties and helps humanity improve environmentally friendly and efficient technologies. It is equally successfully used for transporting donor organs and creating exquisite stucco. In construction you will be able to appreciate its versatility: pitched and flat roofs, facades and various types of floors, foundations and garden paths can be constructed with polystyrene foam and will last for many years.

The production technology of expanded polystyrene consists of repeated expansion (foaming) and sintering of polystyrene granules. The granules are filled with pentane (a harmless condensate natural gas) and heated by steam, as a result of which the polystyrene balls are “inflated” 20-50 times, just as they are inflated with air and acquire elasticity, then they stick together under the action of steam, forming a lightweight, homogeneous, compression-resistant and dimensional insulating material. This process allows us to draw two conclusions:

1. Foamed polystyrene is 98% air, and most of its properties are due to the nature of the air itself. No other gas is used to fill the cells in the production of expanded polystyrene foam.

2. To hold the granules next to each other, no harmful chemical binders (phenol formaldehyde or acrylic resins), only mechanical force holds them together. The integrity and durability of the material are largely determined by the level of production and adherence to technology.

You can distinguish high-quality products made from polystyrene foam from cheap, ineffective analogues using simple rules:

Appearance: the material must be uniform white, no chips or damage, no peeling granules;
Odor: the material should not have any foreign or chemical odor. If present, technology
production was disrupted or the material was not maintained for the required time after production;
Structure: granules should be approximately the same size, well sintered, when broken there will be a fault line
must pass not only between the granules (that is, in the places where they are sintered), but also directly inside them;
Packaging: Responsible manufacturers strive to provide unique packaging for the material, and even if the material is sold in sheets without packaging, provide it with “identification marks”: plate markings or stickers. If you buy material that cannot be identified, you are at great risk.
Place of sale: Any building materials should be purchased from a legal and trustworthy place of sale with a covered warehouse. Storing ANY insulation in the open air negatively affects its thermal insulation properties.
Reliable manufacturers also provide their products with certificates and opinions. You can obtain information about manufacturers whose products have proven their quality and effectiveness on the website of the Association of Expanded Polystyrene Manufacturers and Suppliers.

What do famous wood, a warm wool sweater and polystyrene foam have in common? Warm…. and flammability. Like many other household objects and building materials, polystyrene foam used as thermal insulation must be used correctly in order to ensure the necessary fire safety in the room.
You only need to follow a few rules to be sure of the fire safety of structures:

1. Choose self-extinguishing polystyrene foam type PSB-S (Styropen). This material contains special fire-retardant additives, thanks to which it does not support combustion and goes out as soon as it loses contact with an open flame.

2. Use polystyrene foam in well-designed structures where contact of the material with air or open fire is excluded.

3. Remember that the maximum operating temperature of expanded polystyrene is +800C, therefore, this material is not recommended for thermal insulation of saunas, baths or heating mains.

If suddenly there was a fire, how would polystyrene foam behave?
First of all, we must remember that according to statistics, almost 100% of fires start indoors, while thermal insulation is usually located outside the room. Numerous full-scale fire tests carried out by polystyrene foam manufacturers in accordance with GOST prove that most structures with polystyrene foam can withstand from 15 to 40 minutes of exposure to flame without collapsing and have smallest class fire danger K0. This leaves enough time for people to evacuate. Expanded polystyrene type PSB-S (Styropene) does not support combustion; with prolonged exposure to flame, it loses its shape, becomes liquid and literally flows inside the structure. Drops of high-quality polystyrene foam do not even set the paper on fire. The most traditional and favorite building material - wood emits much more in a fire. more heat(7000…..8000 MJ/m3) and carbon monoxide than polystyrene foam (1000 to 3000 MJ/kg).
Unlike many building materials and insulation materials, polystyrene does not contain chlorine, which means there will be no release of phosgene and other dangerous gases. In addition, it is obvious that no building material can be to blame for the ignition and spread of fire. Responsibility for failure to comply with fire safety standards always lies with people.

On facades and roofs, in thermal insulation of the base and foundation and landscaping - everywhere, expanded polystyrene will prove its effectiveness and, if used correctly, will become a cost-effective, environmentally friendly, safe and simple solution to your construction and housing problems.

Penoplast-Ural LLC

Company "Penoplast-Ural" Revda Sverdlovsk region produces polystyrene foam thermal insulation, trademark"Styropen".

How do Penoplast-Ural products differ from analogues?

Higher quality indicators, confirmed by certificates and additional research at the Research Institute of Building Physics in Moscow on the durability of the material;
- we are the only manufacturer in the Ural Federal District that has been accepted into the Association of Manufacturers and Suppliers of Expanded Polystyrene in Russia;
- We are confident in quality, and we only do what we are better at than others.

Reprinting of this material is permissible only with the consent of the copyright holder for this text, Penoplast-Ural LLC

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Determining the thickness of penoplex for walls

Penoplex wall insulation: detailed installation instructions and technical features

Thermal conductivity of polystyrene foam - technical characteristics of the material + Video

Expanded polystyrene today is produced by hundreds of enterprises in huge volumes - 60% of the material is consumed by the construction industry, and the rest is used for consumer needs, for example, to create seals when transporting furniture or household appliances. The properties of polystyrene foam have been well studied - let's take a closer look at them.

Basic thermal and technical characteristics of polystyrene foam

As the main technical characteristics foam plastic should be divided into three:

  • thermal conductivity of the material;
  • waterproof;
  • resistance to chemical reactions and bacteriological effects.

Few people realize that polystyrene foam is actually air in a frozen state. The initial raw material – polymerized styrene – in the slabs is no more than 2%. The rest of the volume is occupied by air, frozen in billions of tiny cells formed by foamed styrene. It is air that determines the highest thermal and heat-saving properties of the material - the thermal conductivity of air is one of the lowest in nature and is only 0.027 W/mK. The thermal conductivity coefficient of foam granules is slightly higher and equal to 0.037 W/mK.

For comparison, only 12 cm thick foam plastic, due to its heat-saving properties, can replace a two-meter brick wall, half a meter wooden wall and a reinforced concrete structure, which reaches over 4 meters in thickness! In European countries, as part of energy savings, foam plastic has found widespread use as insulation. This material can be used to insulate not only walls, but also floors and ceilings; it can be easily glued to any surface, including metal surfaces. Below we will discuss such a parameter as heat capacity and find out whether it is really so important in construction.

It is important to understand that polystyrene foam itself will not make your home warmer - it does not heat the room, its characteristics are aimed strictly at preserving heat. Thanks to it, you will stop heating the street - a house without thermal insulation releases up to 60% of its heat into the atmosphere. An insulated house is much easier to heat, and the energy saving rate increases significantly.

Many people also take into account such an indicator as specific heat foam granules, which is equal to 1.65 kJ/(kg*°K). Heat capacity is a concept rarely mentioned in the construction of buildings and their insulation. It indicates the rate of heating of a material to a certain temperature and the rate of its cooling. Brick has half the heat capacity - it heats up faster and cools down faster. So the heat capacity of the insulation also did not disappoint.

Second important characteristic material - waterproof. Expanded polystyrene is not at all hygroscopic - the styrene granules themselves do not absorb moisture, do not swell upon contact and do not dissolve. However, water can penetrate between the granules, but its amount, even with constant contact, will not exceed 3% of the weight volume of the slab. However, moisture does not linger on the surface of the slabs and evaporates at the first increase in temperature. The important thing is that in the process the material itself does not lose its qualities and dimensions. Steam, like water, also easily penetrates foam, destroying all myths about its supposed vapor permeability. In all brands of this insulation, the vapor permeability coefficient is 0.05 mg/(m.h. Pa).

Resistance to chemical reactions and bacteriological effects - foamed polystyrene is not food for bacteria, does not create a favorable environment for the development of colonies of fungi or algae, and is not consumed as food by animals. There is an opinion that rodents love polystyrene foam - they supposedly gnaw holes in it and live in them. But it is worth noting that rodents are able to gnaw and brick walls, if there is food behind them. If mice or rats appear in the house, look for a garbage dump nearby, and don’t blame the polystyrene foam.

Expanded polystyrene is resistant to alkalis, bleaches, saline solutions and even non-concentrated acids, which are included in a number of building materials. Polystyrene foam can be safely plastered or painted, and can also be washed with soapy solutions.

Secondary properties of polystyrene foam - use it wisely

Expanded polystyrene, in addition to low thermal conductivity, has another remarkable quality, which is widely used in domestic construction. The sound absorption coefficient of the material reaches from 0.18 to 0.58 at different frequencies of sound vibrations. Since foam is a porous material with billions of cells filled with air, sound waves passing through this material are scattered and lose their strength. In fact, sound energy is converted into heat.

To ensure sound insulation, a layer of material just a few centimeters thick is sufficient. So by insulating your apartment from the inside, you protect your home from neighbor noise. However, it is worth remembering that the most optimal sound insulation is achieved only by using several materials with different properties. Durability is another feature worth mentioning.

The material is not resistant to pinpoint mechanical damage, but has fairly high bending and compressive strength. It is thanks to this quality that the material can be used in the process of floor insulation.

Polystyrene foam is a very durable material under certain conditions. Providing them is quite simple - you just need to isolate the polystyrene foam from exposure to direct sunlight. It is ultraviolet light that can accelerate the decomposition process of granules. Therefore, when insulating externally, the material must be covered with a layer of protective plaster.

The temperature limit for expanded polystyrene at the lower limit is -1800 °C, and at the upper limit +800 °C. Polyfoam can also withstand short-term exposure (several minutes) to +950 °C. The synthetic origin of the material makes it invulnerable to rotting processes. According to many manufacturers, if optimal conditions are provided, polystyrene foam can last from 25 to 50 years.

Fire resistance - there is a myth that polystyrene foam is a flammable material. At the same time, the authors of this myth (mainly manufacturers of competing insulation materials) forget to say that the self-ignition temperature of expanded polystyrene reaches +4910 ° C, which is almost twice as high as that of wood. Moreover, polystyrene foam does not support combustion and, in the absence of another source of fire, dies out within a few seconds - the melted layers simply do not allow deeper layers to burn. If you are really worried about the fire safety of your home, then we advise you to purchase slabs containing fire retardants.

Is polystyrene foam dangerous - myths and truth?

Opponents of polystyrene foam say that this material is very harmful, because it is based on styrene, an oil refining product, which is a strong toxic poison. In addition, when it burns, acids are released, which can also harm our health. Let's think - it turns out that the smoke from burning wood is absolutely safe and you can breathe it? No, of course – the combustion product of any material is, to one degree or another, dangerous to our health. But polystyrene foam burns only in the presence of a fire source and is capable of self-extinguishing, which cannot be said about wood.

The second point is the amount of styrene in products. Modern manufacturers have learned to reduce its content down to 0.01%. On average, in the quality materials market this figure does not exceed 0.2%. Considering that the foam insulation layer is hidden under plaster or putty, the release factor into the air harmful substances decreases tenfold. Styrofoam can only harm your health if you eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner. But given its inedibility, this point is excluded. The fact that expanded polystyrene is safe is also proven by its universal recognition in European countries and the West, where there are very high requirements for the safety of materials.


Below is a list of frequently asked questions and answers related to PENOPLEX ® thermal insulation:

Using PENOPLEX indoors?

The molecules of polystyrene used in the production of PENOPLEX ® thermal insulation consist only of hydrogen and carbon atoms, so the material is completely environmentally friendly and safe for humans. Polystyrene, from which PENOPLEX ® thermal insulation is made, is also used for the manufacture of children's toys, disposable tableware, food packaging, medical products, etc. Objects made of polystyrene surround us every day. Everyday life: refrigerator parts, cocktail straws, egg packaging, yogurt jars and much, much more.

PENOPLEX ® is an environmentally friendly insulation material and does not contain small fibers, dust, phenol-formaldehyde resins, soot and slag. This material can be used as thermal insulation for internal and external insulation of building envelopes of residential, public, agricultural and industrial buildings and structures, as well as for external insulation during the construction of household and drinking water supply and sewerage facilities.

According to the results of the sanitary and epidemiological examination, the products of POLYSTYRENE FOAM EXTRUSION PENOPLEX, produced according to TU 5767-006-56925804-2007 and TU 5767-006-54349294-2014, meet the established requirements.

Do mice chew PENOPLEX ® and how to protect your home from rodents?

Conclusions based on the results obtained from a study of the attractiveness of extruded polystyrene foam for rodents:

Taking into account the results of biological tests, PENOPLEX ® can be exposed to rodents, but to a much lesser extent than other thermal insulation materials - only in cases where the thermal insulation is a barrier to food and water.

As for protection against rodents, in private housing construction the most widely used method is to protect thermal insulation that is in the public domain for rodents using metal mesh with a mesh of about 5mm.

Sound insulation (sound insulation) PENOPLEX ®

Sound insulation of the partition (gypsum board 12.5 mm thick + PENOPLEX ® 50 mm thick) is 41 dB. Such a partition can be used as an interior partition in residential buildings categories B and C (according to SNiP 23-03-2003).

The index for improving noise insulation in a floating floor design when using a slab with a thickness of 20-30 mm will be 23 dB, which is in most cases real cases ensures compliance with regulatory requirements for sound insulation.

Differences between PENOPLEX ® and non-pressed polystyrene foam (PSB)

PENOPLEX ® boards and expanded polystyrene (PSB) differ in their production technology. Pressless polystyrene foam is created by “steaming” microgranules with water vapor in a special form and expanding them under the influence of temperature. Thermal insulation PENOPLEX ® is made by mixing polystyrene granules at elevated temperature and pressure with the introduction of a foaming agent and subsequent extrusion from the extruder. That is why PENOPLEX ® expanded polystyrene is called extruded. Also, thanks to the production technology using this technology, PENOPLEX ® receives a closed, fine-porous structure, which in turn ensures high strength, almost zero water absorption, as a result - biostability and the highest durability of PENOPLEX ® boards. An important factor Also, the thermal conductivity of PENOPLEX ® is lower compared to pressless polystyrene foam (PSB), which makes it possible to reduce the thickness of the required thermal insulation by approximately 30%.

Which insulation to choose: PENOPLEX ® or mineral (stone) wool?

What is better PENOPLEX ® or mineral wool? This is a question that arises quite often among private developers. Each of these materials has its advantages. For example, PENOPLEX ® is practically indispensable in loaded structures and humid environments, while mineral wool performs better in sound insulation. In addition, some types of mineral wool have a lower price, but this advantage often comes to naught due to the low quality of such wool, as a result - high shrinkage, as well as the need for greater thickness of thermal insulation.

PENOPLEX ® is distinguished from mineral wool by a number of characteristics:

  • lower thermal conductivity coefficient.
  • high compressive strength
  • absolute moisture resistance (PENOPLEX ® does not absorb water, due to which it retains its thermal insulation properties throughout its entire service life).
  • absolute biostability (PENOPLEX ® is not a matrix for the development of bacteria, mold and other microorganisms).
  • ease of installation (PENOPLEX ® does not require special protective equipment when working with it).

What is the density of PENOPLEX ®?

The density of PENOPLEX ® boards for private use ranges from 23 to 35 kg/m3. For the professional segment, this figure can reach up to 45 kg/m3. It is important to understand that the density of PENOPLEX ® is not a key factor in determining the scope of application of the material. A more important characteristic is compressive strength. The strength characteristics of PENOPLEX ® vary over a wider range. The minimum compressive strength at 10% deformation for PENOPLEX ® slabs is 0.12 MPa; such slabs are used for non-load-bearing structures (for example, for wall insulation). The slabs intended for insulation of foundations have higher compressive strength values ​​- 0.3 MPa, since it is these structures that bear the main loads from the building. PENOLEX ® grades intended for road construction and structures with increased loads can have a strength of 0.50 MPa and higher.

A wide range of characteristics allows the use of PENOPLEX ® slabs for insulation of almost any structures, both in cottage and low-rise buildings, as well as in industrial and civil construction.

What is the melting point of PENOPLEX?

The temperature range for use of PENOPLEX ® boards is in the range from -70 to +75 degrees Celsius, which allows the use of this material in any climatic zones.

At temperatures above 75 degrees Celsius PENOPLEX ® can change its mechanical properties towards decreasing the strength of the material.

How many bricks does PENOPLEX ® replace?

If we compare materials in terms of thermal insulation properties, a PENOPLEX ® slab with a thickness of 50 mm (λ = 0.032 W/m2°C) will replace 1280 mm of masonry on a thermal insulating mortar made of solid single brick (λ = 0.82 W/m2°C). (According to GOST 530-2012 Ceramic brick and stone. General technical specifications. Table D.1 – Thermal characteristics of solid (conditional) masonry).

On average thermal insulation properties 1 cm PENOPLEX ® replaces 25 cm of brickwork, but remember - for everyone a separate type bricks (silicate, ceramic, clinker) this comparison will be different.

Instructions for insulating various types of structures

– Insulation of walls, frame floors and aerated concrete house, loggias

– Insulation of the foundation/basement

– Roof insulation

How to make an insulated foundation slab (USF)?

Detailed video instructions

How to insulate a house made of aerated concrete?

Detailed video instructions

What is the required thickness of thermal insulation and the width of the overhang of the “thermal insulation skirt” for buildings in different climatic zones?

What thickness of thermal insulation is required for insulating basements and ground floors in different climatic zones?

PENOPLEX® type 31, PENOPLEX® type 31C, PENOPLEX® type 35

The production of a number of types of boards (according to TU 5767-006-56925804-2007): PENOPLEX® type 31, PENOPLEX® type 31C, PENOPLEX® type 35 was discontinued in 2011. Currently, the company PENOPLEX SPb LLC produces the product line TM PENOPLEX according to TU 5767-006-54349294-2014:
PENOPLEX boards are produced using CO2 foaming reagent, in accordance with the main trends of global manufacturers of extruded polystyrene foam (the most environmentally friendly foaming reagent is used).