Ceiling insulation: methods and recommendations. How to insulate a wall inside an apartment: the better way to insulate a wall inside an apartment yourself How best to insulate the ceiling in an apartment

Preface. If you are concerned about creating warmth and comfort in an apartment on the top floor of the house, then you should think about how to insulate the ceiling. The issue is especially relevant for apartments on top floors residential buildings. In the article we will analyze several methods, including the simplest and most inexpensive ones, and will also show a master class - a video on how to insulate the ceiling in an apartment with your own hands on the top floor.

Is it worth insulating the ceiling in an apartment on the top floor?

The ceiling of apartments on the top floors is a zone greatest heat indoor losses. It is through this surface that up to 50% of the heat in the room is evaporated. Therefore, the question of how to inexpensively insulate the ceiling in apartments on the top floors, and what material to choose, becomes a problem for homeowners. apartment building Particularly relevant and just as important as insulating the floor in an apartment on the first floor.

How to insulate the ceiling in an apartment from the inside

For example, if you don't high-quality insulation, then the heat from the room will go outside through the ceiling slabs. There are many ways to do this cheaply and efficiently. Today there is a wide variety of materials for do-it-yourself insulation, as well as ways to insulate the ceiling in an apartment inexpensively and with a guarantee.

Let us consider in the article exactly those methods that are often used today by specialists for these purposes. Insulating the ceiling in an apartment yourself is quite simple. It doesn’t matter what the ceiling is made of - plasterboard, wooden lining or plastic. Thermal insulation is secured using guides or glue.

How to insulate the ceiling in an apartment from the inside?

For insulation, polystyrene foam, penoplex, mineral wool and the most budget option - thermal insulation foil are often used. Despite the fact that polystyrene foam is the most inexpensive and convenient option, do not forget that polystyrene foam emits harmful substances and is easily flammable. For slab insulation, it is better to use penoplex - the slabs of the material are denser, do not burn and do not emit harmful substances.

Insulation with slab material

Foam and penoplex slabs are first glued to the ceiling and, for reliability, they are additionally secured with plastic dowels. Next, a painting mesh is glued to the insulation, and the entire surface is puttied and painted. A heat-insulating base is glued onto the ceiling surface using putty, and a mesh is glued on top of it so that the mesh is completely buried in the putty layer, after which everything is leveled with a spatula. After drying, apply finishing putty.

As soon as finishing layer Once dry, the entire surface is primed and painted. Now you already understand a little about the issue of how to insulate the ceiling in an apartment on the top floor with your own hands without extra costs. If the ceiling height in the apartment is sufficient and allows it to be lowered a little, then you can use mineral wool to insulate the apartment on the top floor with your own hands.

Insulation with basalt material

Insulating the ceiling in an apartment with mineral wool

If you choose basalt or mineral wool slabs, do not forget that the material absorbs moisture and must be protected with a vapor barrier film on both sides. The same principle is used to insulate all surfaces - from the insulation of the ceiling in the bathhouse to the walls and ceiling in the basement of the house. Lining or drywall is placed on top of the insulation, on a pre-designed frame.

Detailed sequence of actions:

1 . We prepare the surface (seal possible cracks and crevices in the ceiling) and apply a primer or concrete contact.
2 . We attach a vapor barrier that prevents the insulation from getting wet and absorbing moisture from the air.
3 . We install the sheathing in increments of 60 cm (the height of the guides should be no less than the thickness of the insulation).
4 . We lay the insulation between the sheathing guides and cover the material with waterproofing.
5 . We cover the ceiling with plasterboard, clapboard, PVC panels or order a suspended ceiling.

How to inexpensively insulate the ceiling in an apartment

If you are eager to install an additional frame or this does not allow you to do so low ceiling, then the process can be carried out in the following way.

Can be ideal for our needs decorative slabs made of polystyrene foam. They are very easy to glue, the boards do not retain heat so well, but anyone can handle this material, and they do not take up space.

Now we’ll show you a video on how to insulate the ceiling in an apartment on the top floor with your own hands.

Most of the built panel and brick houses did not provide for insulation of facades. Concrete and brick have high density and low thermal insulation properties. The consequence is cold walls and uncomfortable temperatures. There are several ways to insulate from the inside, the main thing is to avoid the appearance of dampness.

Dew point - physics of the phenomenon

A cold wall is not the only drawback of panel or brick houses. Often dampness and accompanying fungus and mold appear on it. The best way struggle - insulating the wall from the outside (this is also a requirement of SNiP), but this is not always possible. Therefore we have to fight cold wall, insulating it from the inside. But there are pitfalls here.

Even if the cold wall was previously dry, when insulating it from the inside, dampness may appear. And the so-called dew point will be to blame.

The dew point is a conditional boundary at which the temperature of water vapor becomes equal to the temperature of condensation formation. It naturally appears during the cold season. With proper design of the house (taking into account the characteristics of the region), it is located approximately in the middle of the thickness of the facade made of a material of uniform density.

If insulation is carried out from the outside, the dew point shifts towards decreasing density (that is, towards the outer surface of the wall). When insulating from the inside, it moves inward, and condensation may appear on the surface of the main wall or inside the insulation.

And to assess the scale of possible damage, it is enough to say that as a result of the life activity of one person, about 4 liters of water evaporate per day (cooking, wet cleaning, personal hygiene, washing, etc.).

Features of insulating a cold wall from the inside

There are several ways to prevent condensation from appearing on an internally insulated wall:

  1. Creating a layer of heat insulating material with vapor permeability lower than that of the facade material.
  2. Insulation using materials with minimal water absorption.
  3. Application of ventilated facade technology (taking into account internal placement).

Liquid thermal insulation

Polyurethane foam

PPU insulation meets all requirements for vapor barrier, water absorption and absence of seams. Therefore, even if there is a dew point inside the layer, it will remain “conditional”, since there is no condensation in vapor-tight materials. This results in a completely sealed thermal insulation layer from the room side.

The environmental friendliness of polyurethane foam after hardening meets the requirements for residential premises. Harmful fumes are present only when the components are mixed during the spraying process - after polymerization, the structure of the material remains stable.

Apply thermal insulation between the sheathing and sew up with moisture-resistant sheet materials(gypsum board, OSB or plywood). Essentially, it's like a large prefabricated sandwich panel.

The disadvantage of this method is the use of special equipment.

Liquid ceramics

This is a relatively young thermal insulation material, the action of which is based on the use of two principles - the creation of a thin layer with high resistance to heat transfer and the reflection of heat towards the radiation source.

Of course, a thin thermal insulation layer cannot provide good thermal insulation- This is an auxiliary, but mandatory factor. Although it gives a fairly high effect - the wall becomes much “warmer” to the touch.

The main task of reducing heat loss is performed by microscopic ceramic spheres that reflect infrared radiation.

According to the manufacturers, the effect of a 1.5 mm layer can be compared with thermal insulation with 5 cm thick foam plastic or 6.5 cm mineral wool.

The application method is the same as for acrylic paint(the basis is the same). After polymerization, a dense and durable film is formed on the surface, and latex additives improve waterproofing properties.

Rolled thermal insulation


Penofol is a combination of polyethylene foam with aluminum foil. This is a whole series of materials (including single-sided, double-sided, laminated, with an adhesive layer). Moreover, it can be used both in combination with other heat-insulating materials, and independently. By the way, penofol is popular for insulating a bathhouse from the inside, and there is much more steam there than in an ordinary living room.

To insulate a cold wall, use penofol with one layer of foil (one-sided) and up to 5 mm thick.

In the case, as with liquid ceramics, the effect is achieved due to the low thermal conductivity of foamed polyethylene, as well as its low vapor permeability and high reflective properties of foil (up to 97%).

But unlike seamless coatings It is impossible to achieve complete sealing and prevent the appearance of cold bridges. Consequently, condensation may form on the surface of the foil. Even the obligatory sealing of the joints with adhesive aluminum foil will still leave gaps inside between adjacent sheets.

The traditional method of combating the formation of condensation on foil is lathing with a ventilated gap between the penofol and the outer cladding.


Another version of foamed polyethylene, but already made in the form of a kind of wallpaper - there is a layer of paper on both sides. Polyfoam and is intended for gluing wallpaper onto it.

Of course, its thermal insulation properties are not as high as those of penofol, but to make cold wall warmer to the touch, they are quite enough.

In most cases, the insignificant thickness of the insulation does not lead to the dew point moving to the inner surface.

The disadvantage of this method is that only a dry wall is insulated.

Insulation with polystyrene foam

Expanded polystyrene (or extruded polystyrene foam) is glued to the prepared and leveled wall. Both materials have very low water absorption (especially extruded polystyrene foam), so the formation of condensation in the insulation layer is excluded. The main danger is its appearance on the surface of the insulated wall.

Therefore, it is best to glue the sheets to special hydrophobic adhesive mixtures applied over the entire surface of the sheets. And to prevent the penetration of water vapor from the side of the room, treat the seams with sealant (you can also use polystyrene foam with a step or a tongue-and-groove connection).

Finishing can be done in two ways:

  • mesh reinforcement and plaster application;
  • paneling by supporting frame, fixed to the floor, ceiling and adjacent walls (false wall made of plasterboard).

Insulation with mineral wool

Mineral wool does not meet the requirements for vapor permeability and water absorption for insulation from the inside. But it can be used.

The main thing is to provide maximum protection against humid air from the side of the room and weathering of water vapor from the insulation layer. That is, create a ventilated facade, but in the reverse order: wall, gap, vapor-permeable membrane, mineral wool, vapor barrier film, decorative cladding indoors.

It is necessary to create a false wall at a distance of 2-3 cm from the main wall. And to ventilate water vapor, make ventilation holes at the bottom and top.

Preface. If you have set yourself the task of creating warmth and comfort in your apartment, then you should think about how and with what to insulate the ceiling on the top floor of the house. This issue is relevant specifically for apartments on the top floors. In the article we will analyze the methods of thermal insulation of this structure, and also show video instructions on how to insulate the ceiling in an apartment on the top floor from the inside on your own.

Ceilings in apartments on the top floors apartment buildings are the place of greatest heat loss. Up to 50% of the heat from a room can escape through the ceilings, especially if the attic is poorly insulated Management company. Therefore, with the approach of cold weather, the question of how to insulate the ceiling and floor in an apartment, what thermal insulation material to choose for these purposes, becomes especially relevant for residents of apartment buildings.

Is it necessary to insulate the ceiling in an apartment from the inside?

If you don't high-quality thermal insulation premises, then heat will escape from the living space through the ceiling slabs. There are many ways to get the job done efficiently and inexpensively. Today there is a wide variety of thermal insulation materials on the construction market. In this article we will consider the materials and methods that are often used for this.

It is quite simple to carry out thermal insulation of the ceiling in an apartment from the inside yourself. The main thing is to accurately calculate the quantity required material, calculate the thickness of thermal insulation using a calculator. It doesn’t matter what material your ceiling is finished with - plasterboard, clapboard or painted water-based paint. All these materials can be finished with thermal insulation materials.

How to insulate the ceiling in an apartment from the inside

For insulation various designs Today they use penoplex, polystyrene foam, mineral wool and the most inexpensive option– foil penofol. Foam boards are the most convenient option for mounting on the ceiling, but do not forget that polystyrene foam emits harmful substances, so it is more suitable for insulating the facade of a house. Extruded polystyrene foam boards are denser and more durable.

Insulation with polystyrene foam

Plates of polystyrene foam or penoplex are attached to the ceiling using polystyrene foam glue, and for reliability they are secured with dowel mushrooms. Next, a painting mesh is glued onto the slab thermal insulation, and the entire surface of the ceiling is puttied and painted. The mesh is glued onto the surface of the foam so that it is completely covered with a putty layer. Afterwards the surface is covered with finishing putty.

As soon as the finishing putty has dried, the entire surface is primed and painted. Now you are already a little familiar with the question of how to insulate the ceiling in an apartment from the inside on the top floor with foam plastic. If the ceiling height in your apartment is sufficient for installing the frame, then you can use glass wool or mineral wool to insulate the ceiling in the apartment from the inside on your own.

Insulation with basalt wool

When choosing mineral wool slabs to protect the structure, do not forget that basalt material absorbs moisture from warm air and should be protected with a vapor barrier on the side warm room. Vapor barrier film used when insulating any surfaces with mineral wool, for example, insulating the ceiling in a bathhouse. After laying the insulation, lining or drywall is attached to the frame.


1. Seal the cracks in the ceiling and apply liquid waterproofing;
2. We mount the frame on the ceiling in increments smaller than the width of the mineral wool slabs;
3. We lay basalt insulation between the frame guides;
4. We cover the entire structure with insulation with rolled waterproofing;
5. We cover the ceiling with plasterboard, or order a stretch ceiling.

How to insulate the ceiling in an apartment inexpensively

If you do not want to mount a frame on the ceiling or this does not allow you to have a low ceiling in the room, then you can insulate the structure in another way. Penofol or decorative foam boards may be ideal for this. Both of these materials are very easy to glue to the ceiling; anyone can handle this task. At the same time, penofol and decorative boards do not hide the space in the room.

Before starting work, apartment owners should determine exactly which method of ceiling insulation is most suitable for them and which thermal insulation material will be appropriate. Otherwise, through ceiling Heat will continue to escape from the living space. By tradition, we have posted video instructions on this topic and you can become more familiar with the technology of doing the work yourself.

Video. Insulating the ceiling in an apartment on the top floor

If your home is located on the top floor, then regardless of the presence or absence of an attic, insulating the ceiling of the apartment will not be superfluous, because no one wants to lose precious gigacalories of heat. IN modern houses Builders most often take care of this, but in old buildings this work is shifted onto the shoulders of the residents and thrifty owners understand that since utility bills are rising, it is better to spend it once for long-term savings.

Insulating the ceiling from the outside

The simplest and most suitable option for preserving the volume of the living space of a room is to insulate the ceiling from the outside, that is, from the attic side, unless, of course, the attic space is used for utility purposes and the housing office allows this. In this case, the floor in the attic is cleaned and thermal insulation boards ROCKWOOL (you can additionally fix them with glue, but not necessary) and a layer of expanded clay is poured on top of them (Figure 1). Insulation must be carried out, covering part of the territory outside the apartment, and limiters (boards) are placed along the edges of the site so that the expanded clay does not crumble from the edges.

In some cases, the insulation on the attic side is covered with a layer of waterproofing and a screed is installed on top. This is a more labor-intensive and expensive process; it is economically justified only if insulation is carried out throughout the entire attic, because you will not only have to buy expanded clay and insulation, but also order (mix) the screed solution and lay it level.

You can use not only Rockwool. But also regular foam. When insulating the floor of an attic (cold attic), the insulation does not have to be fastened with butterflies - you can get by with the usual adhesive composition for fastening thermal insulation boards.

Insulation of the ceiling from the inside

For insulating the ceiling from the inside There are several methods, but any of them will “eat up” part of the volume of the living space, so before carrying out work it is necessary to calculate their effectiveness. The best option This is a combination of insulating the ceiling and covering it with plasterboard for decorative purposes, because in this case it is possible, having lost volume, to gain in the design of the room due to new system backlight. Thermal insulation in this case is made between the ribs profile frame fastening slabs or foam plastic close to the profile with self-adhesive tape.

If you are interested in classic insulation without drywall, then you can go two ways -

  1. — Mount the frame for thermal insulation slabs,
  2. — Attach ROCKWOOL insulation or an equivalent to the base of the ceiling using special “butterfly fasteners” and glue.

In the first case, a distance equal to or slightly greater than the thickness of the thermal insulation is removed from the base of the ceiling and a guide profile is attached around the perimeter of the room. Next, marks are made on its sides every 40-50 cm, which are connected by a ceiling profile element. All that remains is to divide the interprofile niches into cells, using self-tapping screws to fix the profile, fill them with insulation and secure it to the frame ribs. The top of such a cake is covered with a reinforcing mesh with glue and is subjected to a standard painting finish.

If the insulation is attached directly to the ceiling (Figure 2), then first the insulation boards are fixed with glue, after which they are additionally pressed with “butterflies” after drilling holes with a puncher in ceiling slab(several per m2) and thermal insulation.

We recommend using LIGHT BATTS SCANDIC 800x600x50 mm for insulation. One package contains 12 thermal insulation boards 5 cm thick. The package is enough for 5.76 m2, and its price in the fall of 2017 in Moscow is 470 rubles.

Insulation ceiling surface relevant not only for private houses, but also for apartments. This is especially true for premises located on the top floors. Because the warm air rises, heat loss through the ceiling and ceiling reaches 20 percent. Ceiling insulation solves the problem low temperatures in an apartment in winter time and heat in summer. In addition, used thermal insulation materials absorb sound waves, therefore increasing the comfort of living in the apartment and protecting from noise coming from above.

Principles of insulating the ceiling in an apartment

Before you properly insulate the ceiling, you need to decide on the material.

When choosing a heat insulator, pay attention to the following requirements:

  1. The material should be light in weight so as not to unnecessarily load the floor.
  2. Insulators must be environmentally friendly and harmless, that is, they must not release toxic substances into the air.
  3. It is good if the product is not susceptible to mold and other microorganisms. This is especially important for apartments with frequently leaking roofs and for rooms with high humidity.
  4. The heat insulator must be resistant to changes in temperature and humidity.
  5. For installation in damp places It is better to choose moisture-resistant insulation.
  6. Fire resistance is also important. The insulator should not emit acrid smoke and toxic compounds during a fire.
  7. Consider the ease of processing and installation if you plan to do the work yourself.
  8. Choose insulators that do not interfere with the natural air exchange of the ceiling surface and ceiling. This will protect structures from condensation accumulation and subsequent destruction, as well as a decrease in technical characteristics.

All thermal insulation materials used are divided according to their physical state into solid, sprayed and fibrous.

Basic methods

Insulation of the ceiling in an apartment can be done from inside and outside the room. The latter option is only suitable for housing located on the top floors.

The first method has two disadvantages:

  • after installing the insulation on the ceiling, the height of the room will decrease;
  • internal insulation is not as effective as outdoor installation heat insulator (this is due to the collection of condensate on the concrete floor and its freezing).

However, if you lay the insulation outside concrete floor If it doesn’t work out, then the only way out is to perform internal insulation.

Insulation from inside the room

Insulation concrete ceiling the inside is made using expanded polystyrene (foam plastic and its extruded variety), basalt wool and mineral wool. Depending on the density of the material, frame or frameless technology insulation. Using the frameless method, basalt wool and expanded polystyrene are installed, and assembly of the sheathing is required if mineral wool is used.

Expanded polystyrene

The following types of foamed polystyrene are suitable for thermal insulation measures:

  1. Pressless foam- the cheapest type of expanded polystyrene. Its structure contains granules and pores different sizes. This material has high water absorption and different densities. His thermal insulation characteristics not as high as subsequent varieties.
  2. Pressed polystyrene foam It has closed pores, so it better protects against heat loss. The material is durable and dense.
  3. Extruded variety of polystyrene also has small closed pores in its structure. This is a product with the lowest thermal conductivity.

Insulating the ceiling in an apartment with penoplex, that is, extruded polystyrene foam, provides the following advantages:

  • high thermal insulation efficiency;
  • ease and speed of installation;
  • resistance to deformation;
  • acceptable price;
  • waterproof;
  • due to the low weight, the floors are not overloaded;
  • durability (will last up to 30 years);
  • the surface is not affected by mold and rot;
  • impact noise absorption.

The disadvantages of expanded polystyrene are considered to be their easy flammability, although extruded products are self-extinguishing. In addition, polystyrenes are not chemically resistant, so when choosing an adhesive for gluing to the ceiling, you should not buy compounds with solvents that are aggressive to the foam. Foamed polystyrenes do not protect against airborne noise and have low air permeability.


  • water absorption - from 0.4% to 4% (the highest for conventional foam);
  • vapor permeability – from 0.019 to 0.015 (the best indicator for extruded polystyrene foam);
  • strength – from 0.4 to 1 kg/cm³.

Mineral wool

There are several varieties of mineral wool. Only two types are suitable for insulating apartments:

  1. Glass wool is considered budget option insulation. Since the material releases small glass fibers into the air, it is not installed indoors. But glass wool is suitable for external insulation of floors.
  2. Stone wools have a higher density than the first type and are characterized by mechanical stability. Rocks, such as basalt, are used to make them. Basalt wool in mind high strength and densities can be mounted using frameless technology.

Important! Because the stone wool They are fire resistant and are allowed to be used in places with a high fire hazard.

The minimum thermal conductivity of mineral wool is 0.041, the density of the material is in the range of 20-220 kg/m³. The vapor permeability of the insulator is 0.48.

Advantages mineral wool:

  • waterproof (this only applies to basalt wool);
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • the material does not interfere with air circulation;
  • the product is resistant to chemicals;
  • high thermal insulation rates;
  • fire resistance;
  • durability;
  • harmlessness and environmental friendliness.

Only non-stone mineral wools have disadvantages. So, the disadvantage of glass wool is its strong dusting. In addition, when these insulation materials get wet, their thermal insulation properties decrease.

External installation of thermal insulation

External insulation of the apartment is carried out if there is a higher technical floor or attic space. It is important that the communications laid in the technical floor do not interfere with the implementation of this insulation option. Otherwise, you will have to abandon external installation.

Insulation of a concrete ceiling from the outside is most often carried out using expanded clay, but the materials listed above are also suitable. Usually they are laid between rows of joists, the height of which is equal to the thickness of the insulation. Vapor and waterproofing must be used. The heat insulator is covered with a boardwalk on top so that when walking on the technical floor or attic the heat insulation layer is not damaged.

Expanded clay

This is a product of processing shale clay. The granules are exposed to heat, after which their surface is sintered, and the material becomes porous from the inside, which gives the product high thermal insulation characteristics. Typically, expanded clay of different fractions is used to insulate a concrete floor from the outside. Optimal size granules 10-20 mm.

Advantages of expanded clay insulation:

  1. The material is not flammable and does not support combustion. The granules do not emit harmful substances during a fire, do not melt or drip. Therefore, we can say that expanded clay has absolute fire safety.
  2. Expanded clay is very light, so after installation there are no unnecessarily high loads on the floor.
  3. The product is resistant to mold and other microorganisms. It is not damaged by insects and rodents. In combination with hardness and strength, this ensures long-term operation of the heat insulator.
  4. The material can be easily laid on the ceiling without using special devices, which allows you to carry out installation yourself.
  5. Reasonable price is one of the advantages of insulation.

Among the disadvantages of expanded clay, it is worth mentioning the dust that occurs during transportation and installation. The hygroscopicity of the granules is also considered a disadvantage. Because of this, after getting wet, they lose some of their thermal insulation qualities. Therefore, after laying expanded clay, a waterproofing layer must be laid out, which makes it possible to level out this shortcoming of the material.

Cost of insulation

Prices for ceiling insulation work vary and depend on the materials used and installation method. Since laying insulating material involves various preparatory and basic work,