Vegetarianism: arguments for and against, pros and cons for children and adults. Arguments for vegetarianism and arguments against it: research, statistics, medical point of view Cases from life against vegetarianism

Perhaps no issue related to nutrition or lifestyle has been discussed with such fervor as vegetarianism. There are millions of vegetarians in the world, both young and people of very respectable age. Studies are regularly conducted, the results of which prove that eating food of animal origin is necessary for humans, and if one refuses it, problems are inevitable; others, on the contrary, indicate the benefits of plant foods. So is avoiding animal products harmful or are the benefits of vegetarianism greatly exaggerated?

Vegetarianism is a way of eating in which the consumption of animal products is excluded; it is believed that meat, fish, dairy products or eggs are harmful to the body. If you eat only plant foods, you can improve your well-being, normalize your weight, etc. It turns out that not everything is so simple.

After all, it is inherent in nature itself that man is an omnivorous creature, no matter how some dependent sources try to refute it. For example, as an argument - the work of digestion. Undigested meat in the intestines is subject to decomposition, leftover food must be quickly eliminated from the body, so a short intestine is ideal for a predator; it is, as a rule, 2-3 body lengths.

As for plant foods, herbivores need a long intestine, tens of times greater than their height, since plant foods are digested slowly. In humans, the length of the intestines exceeds height on average by 2.5 times; the body quite successfully digests both plant foods and small portions of meat. It would seem that nature has given us the right to choose which food to prefer. So is it justifiable to refuse food of animal origin?

Pros of vegetarianism

Less risk of cancer

They claim that a vegetarian diet contains fewer carcinogens and harmful substances, which has a beneficial effect on health. Indeed, the incidence of cancer in the aggregate is lower, however, according to the results of a survey of 63 thousand patients within the framework of EPIC-Oxford, colon cancer is more common in vegetarians. However, it is no secret that the meat of farm animals contains a large amount of harmful substances that are used on farms to prevent diseases or increase the weight of animals. According to some reports, vegetarians consume 30 times less chemicals from their diet than people who eat meat.

Vegetarians suffer less heart disease

Vegetarians suffer less from heart disease, hypertension, atherosclerosis, and diabetes. Indeed, a low-fat, calorie-restricted diet increases insulin sensitivity. According to the results of large studies, the mortality rate of vegetarians from cardiovascular pathologies is 24% lower than that of meat eaters. A plant-based diet is lower in saturated fat and so-called “bad” cholesterol. Moreover, there are dietary fibers and biologically active substances of plant nature that help prevent ischemia, hypertension, and atherosclerosis.

Reduces weight - is it true?

A plant-based diet reduces weight - this statement is only partly true. Of course, a low-calorie diet helps you lose excess weight. But a sharp transition to vegetarianism among beginners is accompanied by a feeling of an “empty stomach”; absorbing everything, but of plant origin, it is not difficult to get a weight problem; advice from a nutritionist will help resolve the issue.

Disadvantages of vegetarianism

Long life expectancy is a myth

Vegetarians have a longer life expectancy only theoretically. Of course, adherents of a plant-based diet are less susceptible to disease, however, as studies have shown, in practice, more than 20 years of vegetarianism increases life expectancy by only 3.5 years. But how to explain the fact that residents of the Caucasus are considered to be long-livers? However, some northern peoples generally only eat food of animal origin, but live no less than others.

Insufficient amount of vitamins and microelements

A vegetarian diet does not contain enough vitamins and microelements. For the functioning of the human body, a large amount of proteins consisting of amino acids is necessary, some of them are essential. This means that only part of the amino acids are synthesized in the body; the rest must be obtained from the outside. But some of them are found only in animal proteins.

In addition, refusing food of animal origin can lead to a lack of vitamin B, as well as potassium, phosphorus, and iodine. Also, it does not contain B12; vegetarians have lower absorption of zinc and iron.

For example, B12 deficiency can lead to anemia, nervous system disorders, and impaired coordination of movements. Lack of D and calcium is fraught with frequent fractures and will affect the condition of the skin, nails, and hair. A vegetarian diet does not contain enough Omega-3 fatty acids, which are necessary for normal growth, brain activity, immune and circulatory system function, etc. Unfortunately, the body is not able to synthesize these acids.

Vegan Diet Challenges

However, it is worth noting that most of the problems described are not associated with vegetarianism, but with its radical direction - veganism, in which not only meat, but also dairy products and eggs are excluded from food. It is vegans who suffer most of the negative aspects of vegetarianism. After all, for example, vitamin D or B12, albeit in small quantities, is found in milk and eggs, and the absorption of zinc or iron can be increased by introducing sufficient amounts of legumes and grains into the diet.

Thus, according to modern nutritionists, if a vegetarian’s diet is varied, the menu includes eggs, milk, and fish, then it is considered balanced; such people can easily live without meat for decades.

For whom vegetarianism is contraindicated?

However, there are categories that should still refuse dietary restrictions. A vegetarian diet is contraindicated for children, since a growing body needs all elements without exception. Such a nutritional system is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women - there is a real threat of miscarriage, and a breastfed baby must receive the full range of necessary elements from mother's milk.

Vegetarianism is not recommended for the elderly or those who have certain diseases, for example, osteoporosis, anemia, etc. For people weakened by illness, giving up animal proteins is not always justified, and sometimes even risky.

Better without fanaticism

Every person wants to stay healthy into old age, and vegetarianism offers just the solution. But when refusing meat food, make your decision carefully. If you are guided by the principle “like everyone else,” then after a while, when curiosity is satisfied, disappointment cannot be avoided. In addition, take into account the nuances, because you will agree that switching to plant-based foods is good in warm countries, but it is difficult to imagine a vegetarian living in, for example, Yakutia. In addition, you will have to think three times if, by the nature of your activity, you are engaged in heavy physical labor.

By the way, in Orthodoxy there is a system of fasting; there are about 178-212 fasting days a year, thus, almost every second day is fasting. Perhaps observing fasting for an Orthodox person will be more acceptable and correct, because our traditions are taken into account, and not the range of products in the store, seasonality or climate.

Vegetarianism was not invented yesterday, but debate continues to this day. Fans of plant foods sometimes argue with intolerance that humans are not predators and the human body is not adapted for animal products. “Meat eaters” call vegetarians almost crazy. What style of nutrition to choose - let everyone decide for themselves. The main thing is that there is no desire for others. Otherwise, it looks like arguments are an attempt to convince not others, but yourself of the correctness of your choice.

Oksana Matias, general practitioner

As before, the debate about the benefits of vegetarianism continues today. Having examined the arguments from different angles, everyone can decide for themselves which idea they like best.

Is it healthy to be a vegetarian?

Vegetarianism Pros and Cons – Research Paper many learned men. Let us present all the available arguments regarding the refusal of meat food.

The benefits of vegetarianism

To begin with, we present the most common types of vegetarianism, which for convenience are summarized in a table, and what they are based on.

Vegetarianism table

Types of food Meat Bird Fish Eggs Dairy Cereal sprouts, raw foods Fruits, vegetables, nuts, berries Honey
Sproutarianism +
Veganism + +
Fruitarianism + +
Lactovegetarianism + + + +
Ovo-lacto vegetarianism + + + + +

Since meat contains a large number of carcinogens, giving it up will clearly have a positive effect on your health. After all, fried or smoked meat products are considered one of the causes of cancer of the stomach and other digestive organs. Fans of plant foods are less likely to have problems with the endocrine system, suffer less from hypertension and myocardial infarction.

Vegetarian food helps you lose weight. Since plants have much less calories, but more vitamins. True, this does not mean at all that becoming a vegetarian can be thin all the time. Sumo wrestlers, for example, do not eat meat, but are not skinny at all.

People who practice yoga follow a plant-based diet. Because in yoga, avoiding eating meat is considered proper nutrition. All of her styles practice non-violence, that is, they oppose the killing of animals.

The harm of vegetarianism

Proponents of this diet claim that this diet increases life expectancy. But this is not entirely true. For example, among the inhabitants of the Caucasus there are many people who have reached the century mark. However, their diet definitely contains meat. The peoples of the far north have to eat almost exclusively meat, since a lot of energy is wasted in low temperatures. And besides, the usual vegetables and fruits do not grow there. However, this does not prevent them from living long.

A vegetarian diet, according to researchers, is poor in some vitamins. For example, vitamin B12 and iron. If a person does not eat red meat, problems with the formation of blood cells may occur. Iron deficiency causes brittle nails, impaired hair growth, imbalance in intestinal function, and disruption of the female menstrual cycle.

Plant foods are also poor in vitamin D, calcium and iodine. A lack of these elements causes problems with the bone skeleton, teeth and thyroid gland. This state of the body is especially dangerous in old age.

Vegetarianism and digestion

According to research, humans are between carnivores and herbivores in terms of digestion. Since its intestines are shorter than those of cows, but longer than those of dogs and wolves. And the stomach also has an intermediate size. That is, herbivores must have a large stomach and long intestines to digest tough food. But meat releases energy faster and if it lingers in the body, the process of decay and poisoning will begin. Hence the conclusion that a person can eat both plant and animal foods.

Vegetables and fruits have a cleansing effect on the intestines, as they contain a lot of indigestible fiber. The constant supply of fiber to the body begins to act like sandpaper and this will not always be beneficial. That's why doctors' attitude towards vegetarianism positive only if you are not a child, not an elderly person and not suffering from gastrointestinal diseases.

Energy and vegetarianism

Throughout the day, a person, in addition to calories, spends emotions and feelings. And there is food that affects vital energy.

This is what is meant by products that replenish vital energy:

  1. Ecologically pure vegetables, fruits, herbs, as well as berries. They can be either fresh or stewed. This also includes dried fruits.
  2. Nuts and various seeds.
  3. Dairy products.
  4. Legumes.
  5. Spices and seasonings.

If you consume these products, they will take away vital energy:

  1. Any meat, as well as fish. Since they are regarded as consequences of violence and murder. Eggs are also included in this.
  2. Narcotics and stimulants (tobacco, tea, coffee and chocolate).
  3. GMO products and chemical additives.

There are still benefits

It turns out that life without meat is not so sad. There are products that can easily replace it. So here you go how to replace meat when vegetarian:

  • legumes, including soybeans and products made from it;
  • cereals;
  • lettuce and seaweed;
  • nuts;
  • coconut milk.

All these products contain protein plus those vitamins and microelements that are present in meat. Therefore if year of vegetarianism brought only positive results, it will be natural to continue it.

This food system, or rather, way of life, has existed for several millennia. About 1 billion people on the planet today are vegetarians! But if at the dawn of its existence the system united adherents of certain philosophical or religious views, then a vegetarian in the modern world is a person who wants to maintain health and strives for active longevity. The ethical aspect also plays a significant role in vegetarianism.

What's in a name…

Vegetarianism has been practiced for thousands of years in countries where Indian religions, Hinduism, were common. The first vegetarian society was founded in England in 1847 (it was called the British Vegetarian Society). The word vegetacio, in addition to a direct translation from the Latin “vegetable”, is also interpreted as “healthy, fresh, vigorous”. The phrase homo vegetus indicates a highly developed personality - spiritually and physically. Therefore, in the original meaning of the word "" is a way of life that is harmonious from a philosophical and moral point of view. The diet is only a component of the system, albeit an important one.

They are different

India has the largest number of vegetarians - almost 80% of the population! And in European countries, America, New Zealand and Australia there are only 4-10%. In Russia, the number of vegetable eaters is even smaller - 0.7%.

The number of supporters of vegetarianism is growing steadily. Among them are show business stars, TV presenters, writers (Valeria, Nikolai Drozdov, Olga Budina, Victor Pelevin, Mikhail Zadornov, Brad Pitt). However, there is a difference between vegetarian and vegetarian. This concept unites people who adhere to nutritional principles that differ from each other:

- vegans (old vegetarians) - strict adherents of plant foods. Animal products are completely absent from their menu. Representatives of this group believe that a person, by nature, should eat only vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, grains, berries and herbs. In general, they completely allow culinary processing of products;

- raw foodists (naturists) . Almost all plants are eaten in their original form. Their diet also includes seeds and whole grain bread with bran. in combination with such bread, naturists consider it the purest and healthiest food. Such food, according to its adherents, “does not excite, does not relax, does not irritate.” This is exactly how raw foodists believe a true vegetarian should eat;

- young vegetarians are divided into two directions.

First - lactovegetarianism permitting the consumption of dairy products (milk, butter, cheese, sour cream); second - lacto-ovo-vegetarianism - suggests a vegetable-milk-egg menu.

Young vegetarians - in fact, supporters of mixed food. This type of nutrition is usually classified as a vegetarian diet, which is welcomed by medicine. A dairy-vegetable diet is a good way to prevent and treat many ailments. For example, for people suffering from migraines, atherosclerosis, and excess weight, this type of nutrition is strongly recommended.

Vegetarianism is one of the oldest areas of non-traditional nutrition. Of course, there is much to learn from its adherents. However, before you decide to become a vegetarian, you should evaluate the pros and cons using common sense, listening to your physical and spiritual needs.


Plant foods are low in fat, so they are low in calories. The vast majority of plants contain complex “correct” carbohydrates with a low glycemic index. They are absorbed slowly and do not provoke sudden releases of insulin into the blood. The body does not experience sudden changes in blood glucose, which means that energy from food is released gradually, ensuring performance and the absence of hunger attacks.

Traditionally, vegetarian dishes contain little salt, so ballast water is not retained in the body. The weight of a person who switches to a plant-based diet gradually returns to normal, and blood pressure decreases.

Fiber enters the gastrointestinal tract in large quantities, activating peristalsis and cleansing the intestines.

Vegetarian food is rich in vitamins and a number of micro- and macroelements that adjust metabolic processes and strengthen the immune system.

Plant foods lack tyrosine, an amino acid found in animal protein. It has been proven that the body produces hormones based on tyrosine that provoke hypertension. Plants also do not synthesize another amino acid - methionine. Whereas the sensational discovery of the last decade is associated with it. The fact is that methionine in the body is converted into the amino acid homocysteine. And today scientists have concluded that homocysteine, and not cholesterol, as previously thought, is largely to blame for the development of atherosclerosis.

The blood of a person who adheres to a vegetarian diet is enriched with antioxidants - vitamin C, lutein, beta-carotene. They “disarm” free radicals, which cause early aging and increase the risk of cancer.

For your information. Doctor of Biological Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences P. Garyaev commented on the results of research, according to which foods that are genetically distant from oneself should prevail in human nutrition. Thus, humans and mammals are genetically similar by 90%, which means their biochemistry is the same. At the slaughterhouse, fear hormones are released, which, when they enter the human body, are included in its metabolism, increasing aggressiveness, blood pressure, and shortening life. But this rule does not apply to what animals give without harm to themselves - milk and eggs. You can also safely eat fish, and even more so, plant foods.

...and cons

A lack of essential amino acids found only in meat, eggs, milk, and cheese can lead to decreased muscle mass, bone damage, and heart problems.

The vital vitamin B12, as well as iron, are found in excess only in animal foods. Vitamin B12 deficiency causes changes in almost all organs and tissues, especially in the nervous system. Lack of iron leads to the development of anemia.

Due to the low calorie content of the vegetarian menu, its adherents, as a rule, eat in large portions, which can negatively affect the health of the gastrointestinal tract.

Those who have completely excluded animal products from their diet have practically deprived themselves of vitamin D. And if in the summer it is produced in the body under the influence of the sun, then in the winter there is nowhere for it to come from in the body. Therefore, vegetarian children often suffer from rickets, and adults from osteoporosis.

Vegetarianism is not an economical way of eating. To provide a complete diet, the menu should include nuts, raisins, dried apricots, dried figs, citrus fruits and many other products that are by no means cheap.

Recently, the basic thesis of vegetarians ("we don't kill anyone") has been countered by studies that indicate that plants also suffer and experience pain.

Finally, medical science completely disagrees with vegetarians when they exclude fish from their diet. If, with age, a person who gives up meat will benefit his health, then giving up fish can lead to a significant depletion of the diet. Fish is a source of complete protein and Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which protect the heart and blood vessels from atherosclerosis.

Important! Lactovegetarianism and lactoovovegetarianism are preferable to strict vegetarianism. Strict vegetarian diet standards are contraindicated for children and adolescents, pregnant and lactating women.

Tips for beginners

Have you also thought about your health? Try unorthodox systems first - for example, lacto- or lacto-ovo-vegetarianism. Those who have firmly decided to switch to a strictly “herbivorous” type of diet should remember:

* Vegetarianism is not only a certain diet, but also a healthy lifestyle and way of thinking. Anyone who calls himself a vegetarian does not swear, drink alcohol, smoke, or take drugs.

* Avoid eating large amounts of high-calorie plant foods - legumes, nuts, honey, etc. An attempt to close the resulting meat “gap” with them may result in weight gain.

* Take regularly balanced and enhanced doses of vitamins D and B12.

* It is important to pay special attention to replenishing calcium and iron deficiency. Be sure to eat buckwheat, lentils, beans, and green vegetables. Eat all types of cabbage (including broccoli, Brussels sprouts), mushrooms; drink orange juice, rosehip infusion, soy milk. These products will allow you to balance your diet to a certain extent.

* Eat little and often. Plant foods are digested quickly, and if you leave the traditionally familiar three-a-day diet, then no matter how much you eat, after a couple of hours the feeling of hunger may appear again. And fractional meals will help eliminate this trouble.

* Don't cook a few days ahead! Any vegetable or fruit dish, porridge, or soup, when freshly prepared, is most beneficial.

Marina, 35 years old, teacher

I am a vegetarian with five years of experience. It’s just that at some point I felt that I didn’t want to eat meat. I didn’t particularly like him before, but after I got sick, I had to follow a diet for some time. And then, when my diet ended, it turned out that I could do just fine without meat - my body simply didn’t require it. And you know, after I said goodbye to sausages and roast beef, I began to feel much better. The heaviness in the stomach disappeared, the skin became clearer. And this had a very positive effect on my figure. I lost 5 kilograms and my cellulite decreased. Why go far for an example! Look at Hollywood stars: half of them are vegetarians. Madonna, who has not eaten meat for a long time, at 50 years old looks at most 30! Therefore, I advise everyone: give up animal protein! It just seems that you will miss cutlets and you will constantly feel hungry! From my own experience I can say that nothing like this will happen. Again, it is not at all necessary to become a strict vegetarian - if you do not deny yourself dairy products and eggs, your diet will be no less balanced than that of meat eaters.

Elena, 50 years old, accountant

I believe that vegetarianism is a completely healthy diet. Judge for yourself, because those who eat meat constantly load their bodies with too heavy food. And hence all the health problems. At the same time, people who refuse meat and other food of animal origin for some ideological reasons (they feel sorry for killing animals or taking an egg from a chicken) seem to me to be hypocrites. After all, no one knows exactly what potatoes feel like when they're dug out of the ground. Another thing is taking care of your own health. Meat is excess fat, which means an increased level of bad cholesterol, the risk of vascular plaques, heart disease and atherosclerosis. In addition, meat foods take longer to digest than plant foods, which puts extra stress on the stomach and intestines. And meat-eaters consume much less vitamins than vegetarians. If the former are accustomed to snacking on a sausage sandwich, the latter will prefer a carrot or an apple. Therefore, I believe that if you are concerned about your health and want to maintain it for many years, it is better to become a vegetarian.

Nikolay, 48 years old, auto mechanic

I haven't eaten meat since I was 15 years old. My father is an avid hunter. And then one day he decided that it was time to introduce his son, that is, me, to this male entertainment. In general, they took me with them into the forest. Together with everyone else, I stood behind the trees and waited for the elk to come out towards us. I won’t describe the bloody details, but when I saw the killed beast, I couldn’t come to my senses for several weeks. Every night I saw the face of a dead moose in my dreams. Since then I have become a vegetarian. Animals are not to blame for the fact that a person wants to eat well. I'm not even talking about wild animals that are killed purely for the sake of oblivion. Those that are grown on farms are no less pitiful. The domestic pig wants to live just like the wild boar. I, of course, understand that my refusal to eat meat will not affect the fate of these animals in any way and in the end they will end up on someone else’s table. But I won’t feel like a murderer. And if there are more people like me, the number of animals that are raised specifically for slaughter will decrease over time - it will simply be unprofitable for farmers to engage in livestock farming. After all, most people listen with horror to stories about Korean cuisine, where dog meat is considered a delicacy. Everyone immediately imagines their favorite four-legged friend on the dinner table. But those who kill and eat calves are no less cruel than a Korean chef.


Galina, 42 years old, manager

My daughter recently became a vegetarian, and, you know, I simply don’t recognize my child. She became pale, had constant weakness, and often complained of headaches. My daughter, however, assures that her illness is not related to the new diet, and explains it by the fact that she recently had the flu, but I believe that all this is due to the fact that she stopped eating meat. I try to cook all sorts of goodies - roll cutlets, fry stew, bake ham. But everything is useless. The daughter refuses! The worst thing is that she doesn't eat fish either! And what kind of vitality can come from empty buckwheat and potatoes? And if we take into account our crazy life, when we need to work, earn extra money, and manage to do something around the house, we can’t do without good nutrition. Therefore, I believe that vegetarianism is a whim for the rich, who can afford not to work and cook all sorts of delicacies from vegetables.

Ivan, 30 years old, engineer

I am okay with vegetarians. If people like to eat only plant foods - please! Another thing is that this is not suitable for me. If there is no meat on the table, then I will remain hungry. Not even fish can replace it for me. Within a couple of hours after such lunch or dinner, I will run to the refrigerator to finally eat. By the way, my wife tried several times to feed me various salads for dinner without the obligatory piece of meat, but then she abandoned her idea. She simply realized that such a dinner would subsequently lead to a complete emptying of the refrigerator. Maybe women are built differently. But for us men, a complete meal without meat simply does not exist.

Peter, 56 years old, policeman

Man hunted mammoths back in the Stone Age! Because by nature we are all predators. Why do we need to invent some new diets that our body is not initially adapted to? Of course, with a vegetarian diet you will definitely experience a deficiency of nutrients. After all, meat is the protein from which the cells of our body are built. And plant proteins cannot be a complete replacement. This is why all vegetarians look somehow unhealthy. And listen to what they say! They defend their point of view so aggressively that the thought creeps in that their diet is not at all conducive to a good mood!

Expert opinion

Rimma Moisenko, nutritionist, candidate of medical sciences:

– Moderate vegetarianism, when a person excludes only meat from the diet, but at the same time drinks milk and eats fish, is not at all harmful for a healthy adult. The iron contained in beef is the only thing you will lose in this case. Buckwheat, cottage cheese, eggs, and seafood will help fill the deficiency of useful “metal”. Moreover, some types of meat should be avoided altogether: pork and lamb contain a lot of connective tissue fibers, which are very difficult for our gastrointestinal tract to digest. As a result, harmful ammonia and nitrogenous bases appear in the body. But I would not recommend excluding beef from the menu for people suffering from anemia, hypotension, and girls in adolescence who have started menstruation with heavy bleeding.