Vinyl and acrylic siding: comparison of materials and choosing the best option. Which siding is better - vinyl or acrylic (reviews) What is the difference between acrylic and metal siding

Decorating a house can radically change its architectural appearance. Among modern facing materials siding is popular. These are polymer, metal, cement or wooden panels various colors and textures. Each material gives siding its own properties and also determines its cost. Durability, lightness, affordable price - these are the advantages plastic trim. For its manufacture, two types of polymers are used - vinyl and acrylic. To choose vinyl or acrylic siding, you need to figure out which one is better . An objective assessment will be given by comparing the appearance and functional features finishing.

Faced with a choice cladding panels, consumers pay attention to several parameters, comparing which they can decide on the best option:

  • cost of the product – important criterion product, it often turns out to be decisive;
  • durability of the cladding;
  • purpose of siding – external or internal placement, installation technology;
  • type and shape of panels;
  • resistance to external factors: temperature fluctuations, exposure to ultraviolet radiation, mechanical strength;
  • ease of care.

Detailed information about each type of finish will help you decide which siding is best. .

Vinyl panels - production and characteristics

Vinyl siding- This decorative panels made of polyvinyl chloride. This polymer forms the basis of the material; in addition, calcium carbonate is present in the lower layer, which helps give the structure the necessary rigidity. The external structure of the coating is strengthened by titanium dioxide. The outer layer makes up 20% of the panel thickness and provides resistance to moisture and ultraviolet radiation. Various modifiers increase the resistance of vinyl to external influences. Color pigments impart to vinyl products desired shade. Siding is produced using the extrusion method. The polymer is extruded through the molding hole, cut into pieces and given a working profile. Standard thickness sheet is 0.9-1.2 mm.

Products are produced in three types: soffits, plinth blocks, Wall panels. The latter option is offered smooth or with imitation wood structure. Based on form factor, sheets are divided into three groups:

  • S – single;
  • D – double;
  • T – triples.

The most common finishing options: herringbone, shiplap, block house. The basis of the color scheme is light pastel colors. This is explained by the tendency of PVC to fade slightly under direct sunlight. Buying vinyl saturated dark colors will cost more due to the addition of special components that prevent burnout.

Siding imitating blockhouse finishing

Advantages of PVC finishing

The popularity of vinyl siding is explained by its decorative appeal, functionality, and low price. The material reliably protects the house from wind, moisture and other external factors. Among the advantages of PVC panels:

    • affordable cost;
    • wide operating temperature range from -50º to +50º C;
    • no toxicity;
    • mechanical strength;
    • resistance to moisture, rot, chemicals;
    • when exposed to open fire, the material does not burn, but melts;
    • a wide range of colors and textures of products is provided by each manufacturer;
    • service life 25-30 years;
    • ease of installation and maintenance.

Installation of vinyl panels does not require special tools or skills. Physical and material costs the cost of finishing a house is lower than that of materials such as wooden lining. Special latches guarantee reliable and simple connection of the panels. Each product is fixed to the sheathing with self-tapping screws. They are used for the restoration of buildings in need of facade repair, in private and industrial construction, for finishing balconies, loggias, and garages.

Acrylic siding - advantages of modern cladding

Acrylic panels are highly resistant to mechanical and climatic loads. The advantages of finishing are related to the raw materials for its production, as well as the technology used. The panels are made from ASA acrylic polymer by extrusion or casting. Their surface acquires a lasting gloss, resistance to ultraviolet radiation, moisture or heat. Coloring pigments give products a bright, rich color; they have no restrictions on shades, like their vinyl counterpart. A special technology for painting the top layer reduces heat absorption.

The house is finished with acrylic panels in a rich berry color.

Substances that increase resistance to mold, antistatic agents, and reduce electrical conductivity, flame retardants that prevent combustion. Advantages of acrylic panels:

  • increased resistance to heat, operating temperature range is from -50º to +80º C;
  • resistance to impact and mechanical stress allows the material to be used on the ground floor;
  • the effect of ultraviolet radiation does not change the intensity of coloring;
  • the addition of fire retardants will reduce fire danger;
  • acrylic is not susceptible to chemical compounds;
  • the service life of the finish is 50 years;
  • easy installation and minimal maintenance.

Features of installation and operation

Acrylic siding is installed vertically or horizontally. For installation it is necessary to make a wooden sheathing. Polymer panels do not load the building; their weight is distributed over the frame. The finishing can be mounted on a building with any surface and height.

Vertical siding for home decoration

The fastening technology makes it possible to insulate the building and leave a gap for ventilation. In this case, the resulting condensate is discharged along the back wall of the panels and does not moisten the insulation. Installation begins with fixing the starting strip, framing slopes, openings and corners. The products are connected with locks and attached to the sheathing through the holes in the perforated edge. Rigid fixation of the panels is not allowed; they must expand freely when heated. The installation technology involves screwing in the screws not completely, but with a gap of 1 mm.

Comparative characteristics of polymer panels

Having studied the characteristics and properties of facing materials, we can conclude which one is better. Analyzing the differences between products point by point, it is worth noting the more affordable cost of vinyl siding. Decorating a house with PVC will cost less than acrylic. But this factor is not a decisive argument, because this is the only advantage . Acrylic siding is superior to its opponent on several points:

  • will last longer, the difference between service life is 20 years;
  • it is 10 times more resistant to ultraviolet radiation, which means it will not lose its original color brightness;
  • withstands high impact loads.

Before choosing an acrylic or vinyl finishing material, you should evaluate the degree of illumination. The finishing of a building located in the shade of trees will not be damaged by sunlight. Polyvinyl chloride panels will be an excellent material for it - aesthetic and inexpensive. If one part of the building faces the sunny side, the best option would be combined finishing when a heated area is lined with expensive acrylic.

Acrylic siding externally gives the impression of a respectable and reliable finish, and its characteristics confirm its functionality. The high cost of the material is fully justified by its long service life without loss of decorative appearance.

Vinyl trim is not inferior to acrylic in most respects; with a limited construction budget, it has an advantage.

The materials have similar installation and maintenance technology. They are attached to the sheathing without rigid fixation. If damaged during operation, the panel can be easily replaced.

Caring for the cladding consists of washing it with a hose 1-2 times a year, adding if necessary. detergent and using a brush. If the building is located near a highway or other area with high level contamination, the polymer finish will have to be washed more often. For stubborn stains, use a composition with an abrasive that is thoroughly washed off.

Even a specialist will not give clear recommendations about which polymer siding is better. Each consumer, after weighing the pros and cons, assessing his financial capabilities, the location of the house, and the material of its walls, makes his own individual choice.

In contact with

Siding - material for exterior finishing buildings, which has become popular due to its durability and practicality. In addition, in appearance it looks attractive and original. Features of siding installation allow you to hide wall imperfections and establish proper air exchange, preventing condensation.

When talking about the materials used to produce siding, the first thing that comes to mind is vinyl. This type of cladding has firmly established itself in the construction market and long years does not lose its position. However, today you can increasingly hear about acrylic finishing, and, judging by the reviews, it is not inferior in quality, and maybe even better. Therefore, the question involuntarily arises, which siding is better - acrylic or vinyl.

Vinyl siding

This material appeared at the end of the last century, and every day it only becomes more popular. PVC is used as a raw material for production, so vinyl siding has many useful qualities:

  • Resistant to moisture and ultraviolet radiation;
  • Low degree of flammability;
  • Harmlessness;
  • Ease;
  • Affordable price;
  • Chemical resistance.

Vinyl siding is widely used for construction country houses or small cottages. It consists of slabs up to 4 meters long with special locks on the edges that firmly adhere to each other. To secure the panels to the wall, special nails or screws are used.

The color range of panels on the market is quite extensive, but the most popular are white and pastel shades, which is most likely due to their price. For the production of colored boards, special dyes are used that are resistant to fading under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, and they significantly increase the cost of the product.

Acrylic siding

Acrylic siding appeared on the construction market not so long ago, but at the same time it confidently maintains its position as a favorite among others. finishing materials. It is characterized by increased strength and resistance to harmful factors. The main function of such cladding is to protect walls from environmental influences.

For cladding the house along with traditional materials(plaster, brick) use polyvinyl chloride (PVC) panels. They are called siding, from the American word siding - external cladding. Siding can be made of PVC, steel, aluminum, ceramics, cement and wood materials. Acrylic and vinyl siding refers to PVC products. Gained its popularity due to ease of installation and relatively inexpensive prices . Non-toxic, almost does not burn, melts over high heat, releasing a small amount harmful substances, withstands temperature changes at correct installation, does not require maintenance special costs. Produced in various color scheme.

Application area

Mainly intended for exterior decoration of buildings, cladding of new and old exterior walls. Repair and reconstruction of balconies, loggias, shopping pavilions, production premises inside and outside. Protects well from external factors.

Manufacturing technology

The manufacturing process for acrylic and vinyl siding is almost the same. The extrusion method is used. This method consists of pushing a molten plastic mixture (compound) through the profiling holes of an extruder (this is a device designed to soften and give a certain shape through a forming head) using a press. The output is a plastic tape. There are 2 methods of producing siding: monoextrusion and coextrusion. The difference between them is that the second method uses two layers of PVC, which are connected at the molecular level by a co-extruder.


The siding consists mainly of PVC with various additives:

  1. Calcium carbonate.
  2. Titanium dioxide.
  3. Butadiene.
  4. Natural mineral pigments.
  5. Lubricants.
  6. Modifiers.

The siding strip consists of two layers. The outer layer provides protection from the sun and precipitation. Inner layer responsible for strength and geometric shapes panels.

The difference between acrylic and vinyl siding is that polymer is added during production outer layer acrylic siding. This polymer is a thermoplastic acrylate that helps increase the strength of the material.

Types and forms

According to the method of fastening, siding is divided into horizontal and vertical. In appearance it is divided into:

  • Shipboard, the most common type.
  • Herringbone, used in wooden siding.
  • A block house or “log house” imitates wood paneling; for this purpose, laminating film is used in production.
  • Basement siding.

It can be one, two or even three sectional, convex or concave. Vertical siding is used mainly for cladding non-residential premises.


Sizes do not vary. They are the same for both vinyl and acrylic. It all depends on the form. Length 3000-4000 mm, width 200-270 mm, thickness 0.7-1.2 mm.

Installation is the same for both types of siding. First, the frame is attached to load-bearing wall. It can be metal or wood. If necessary, the insulation is fixed using a mesh. Then the starting rail is installed. Next are the fittings: corner, near-window, near-door, edging, finishing and other strips. Next, we insert each one into each other one by one, but do not pull too hard and when tightening the screws, leave some play for temperature deformation. The assembly ends with strip J. To extend the strip of siding, connecting strips are used.

Main Differences

In principle, acrylic siding is an improvement over vinyl siding. Due to the addition of a plasticizer, acrylic siding has best characteristics for protection against temperature differences and exposure sunlight, has better strength compared to vinyl siding, increased service life without changing the appearance by almost two times. Due to the addition of special mineral dyes, it has more saturated, bright colors and shades. But the price will naturally be higher. Therefore, when choosing siding you need to consider the following:

  1. What is the function of the clad building?
  2. In which climatic zone installation will be carried out
  3. Siding service life
  4. Price,
  5. Manufacturer country. Domestic ones will last an order of magnitude less than imported ones.

For example:
If this industrial building, then it is more profitable to install vinyl vertical siding. If this is a living space, then horizontal acrylic siding is better. There is a combined assembly option. For the front, sunny side, take the more expensive one, for the shady side, take the cheaper one.

Exterior decoration of houses, buildings and structures – great way create an individual appearance buildings and implement traditional or unusual design ideas. Siding among modern facing materials has been very popular for many years due to the variety of types of panels by type of coating, color scheme, combination of specific technical characteristics and affordable cost. Consumers are often simply lost in choice, and manufacturers periodically offer new developments, unique technological solutions. For example, to understand which siding is better, vinyl or acrylic, you just need to consider several aspects in detail.

Vinyl siding - production, characteristics and features of the material

The main raw material for the manufacture of vinyl panels is polyvinyl chloride. In addition to it, siding contains various modifiers, dyes and pigments, other chemicals and additives. A certain plate profile is obtained using the extrusion method - the alloy is extruded through a hole with a given shape and then cut to the required size.

With this production technology, vinyl siding is formed in two layers:

  • the inner layer provides rigidity and strength to the panel due to the addition of calcium carbonate to the composition;
  • The outer layer, thanks to the presence of titanium dioxide, creates protection from external factors and weather conditions.

The optimal selection of components for the manufacture of vinyl siding guarantees its main advantages:

  • durability in operation subject to installation technology;
  • the material does not absorb moisture, does not rot and does not require additional processing by special means against rodents and other pests;
  • ease of fastening and installation of panels due to their low weight and interlocking overlap;
  • use of panels in the temperature range – from -50°С to +50°С;
  • protection against fading when exposed to sunlight;
  • Easy to care for – minor stains can be cleaned warm water, and small scratches are almost invisible on the surface due to the uniform outer layer;
  • a variety of shades (light and pastel) and textures, including imitation of natural surfaces - stone, wood.

Acrylic siding is a new and improved modification of vinyl

Acrylic panels are produced using the same technology as vinyl. The qualitative difference lies in the preparation of the raw materials and the special selection of components. The basis for the outer layer is acrylic polymers, special polymer additives ASA (Acrylnitril-Styrol-Acrylester), which makes siding even more resistant to ultraviolet radiation, mechanical damage, thermal effects. Additionally, the following are added to the composition: biochemical stabilizers, antistatic agents, fire retardants, special reagents.

It is this balance of components that helps to obtain the distinctive properties of acrylic siding panels:

In general, acrylic siding retains all the advantages of vinyl, and in some respects it is much superior to it.

Taking into account the addition of special pigments and dyes, acrylic panels acquire a variety of rich, bright shades, sometimes even with an external gloss, depending on the type of coating. The facade of the house can be decorated in any style, embodying original design ideas. Moreover, acrylic siding, like vinyl, can be installed on a prepared frame horizontally or vertical way fastening plates.

The main differences between the two types of panels

Acrylic or vinyl siding has its own characteristics. A comparative table of parameters will help in making the final decision on the purchase of material:

Comparison characteristics Type of panels
vinyl acrylic
Mechanical strength (impact and directional impact) high in the summer months, much lower in winter high regardless of season
Guaranteed service life at least 30 years old at least 50 years old
Color retention ability Over time there is a noticeable change in shade do not fade with direct and prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation
Possibility of deformation when heated change size when exposed to heat for a long time don't heat up
Maximum temperature value up to +50°С up to +80°С – 85°С
Color palette and type of coating mostly light, wood, brick, stone dark, bright, glossy, wood effect
Appearance do not have a clearly defined structure full imitation of natural coatings

From the characteristics comparison table, it becomes clear what the fundamental difference between the panels is. However, higher operational properties acrylic siding affects its cost - it is 40 - 50% more expensive than vinyl siding. As an example short review panel manufacturers:

It is important to note that the cost of additional elements and components for acrylic panels is also higher than those made of vinyl.

Main criteria when choosing material

In each specific case, it is recommended to choose which siding is better for exterior decoration, vinyl or acrylic, taking into account the following factors:

  • planned budget for the total set of materials - often financial restrictions significantly influence the final choice,
  • expected service life (maximum),
  • appearance and the shape of the panels, type of coating,
  • method of fastening panels and main installation features,
  • climatic conditions in the region and level of impact ultraviolet radiation– resistance of panels to temperature fluctuations and exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

According to experts, if a house is located on sunny side, it is optimal to choose acrylic siding for installation - it is resistant to heat and preserves the original color of the panels. Vinyl siding can be used for finishing buildings with small snow loads and in areas with temperate climate. On the contrary, in regions with extreme climatic conditions, acrylic panels will be the best option. Sometimes, in order to save money, you can choose a combination of siding panels:

  • decorate the base with acrylic,
  • walls - vinyl.

It is important to know

Remember that siding can be produced from unscrupulous manufacturers from recycled materials, so such panels will have low level quality. As a rule, they do not even have a certificate.

High-quality siding, both vinyl and acrylic, is easy to identify when visual inspection– the panels have the same thickness over the entire sheet and a uniformly painted surface from the front and inner sides. The high cost of acrylic siding is fully justified by its longer service life without losing the main advantages of the material. Cladding with vinyl panels in most respects is practically not inferior to finishing with acrylic and, with a limited construction budget, is a profitable replacement.