Padlock - how to open without a key, open or choose. How to open any lock using improvised means

A hard metal Phillips screwdriver of the same size as the key (costs from 300 rubles) will help you conquer the lock. Insert it into the hole and firmly turn it clockwise.


The padlock is broken using a crowbar (the force must be directed towards weakness- fastening the bow to the body). No crowbar - a hacksaw or long nippers will come to your aid.


Find a strong lever, such as a crowbar, and place it in the gap next to the lock. Mercilessly deform door frame, until the lock stops clinging to the mutilated jamb. This method, due to its primitiveness, is actually suitable for all types of locks.


First try to open it with a similar key. Did not work out? Basically, we didn't have much hope. It’s just that sometimes completely worn-out wells give in to a persistent key (this is also true as a metaphor). Now borrow a screwdriver, hammer and pliers from your neighbors. Taking off decorative overlay around the lock, grab the protruding cylinder with pliers and swing it until it breaks. Knock out the remaining part, insert a screwdriver inside and, prying the mechanism, open the lock. Another way: use a 5mm drill to drill a hole below the keyhole, then instead of a key, insert a screwdriver and turn it to the side - the lock will open. By the way, if you get a taste for it, order special master keys for cylinder locks- electric peak and picgun (cost from 2 to 7 thousand rubles).

If it happens that opening the lock with a key is not an option, then most likely the first thing that comes to mind is to knock down the door and contact a specialist. Both will cost a lot of money (for repairs or for paying for services); moreover, in the second case, you will need to provide documents confirming ownership or right of use, which is not always possible. Therefore, knowing how to open a lock without a key is useful for everyone.

To open a cylindrical lock, you will need a master key, which is most conveniently made from half a pair of tweezers (a piece of wire from a champagne bottle will do), and a lever (a narrow blade of a folding knife or a stiff piece of spring from an old telephone dialer). You can also order these devices in online stores in reserve. So let's get started. Insert the lever into the keyhole so that its “handle” is on the side in which the key turns when opening the lock. Use the finger of your left hand to press it down slightly. Now insert the pick into the very end of the hole, then press the lever harder. Next, actively make reciprocating movements with the master key, saying in simple language, “back and forth”, inside the keyhole, while gradually pulling the master key towards you and try to turn the lever. It may not be possible to pull it off the first time; your task is to concentrate and calmly achieve your goal. Padlocks on clothing cabinets are very easy to open using a paper clip. Bend the longest (outer) piece of wire 90°, then, stepping back 2-3 mm from the edge, bend the wire 45° (using pliers or inside scissors located closer to the fingers). Now insert the prepared paper clip into the lock until it stops and turn it as you would with a key. The lock will open immediately. Please keep this in mind when leaving your belongings in your locker while you work or exercise. Majority padlocks can be opened with tin can! All you need for this: cut out the letter “T” from a flat sheet of tin, so that the width of each convexity is about 1 cm, while the lower (vertical) part should “protrude” by 1.5 - 2 cm, and the sides ( horizontal) - at least 3 cm (the longer, the more comfortable it will be for you to hold on to them). Bend the workpiece vertically into an arc and insert the lower bulge into the groove of the lock from which the free end of the arc emerges when opened (where the keyhole is narrower). It is important to insert the workpiece so that the side parts, when folded, are under the lock loop. Take the lock with the inserted blank facing up, with the loop facing you. Now right hand firmly grasp the closed “tendrils” of the workpiece and rotate 180° counterclockwise. All that remains is to pull the locking bar and make sure that the lock is successfully opened.

Try the methods described above on your locks in advance so that, if necessary, you are ready to deal with this problem yourself, at the same time you will test your locks: how burglar-resistant they are and whether it is worth leaving valuables while you are away, hoping for their strength.

Imagine the situation: you have lost the keys to your apartment... The first questions that come to mind: “How will I get home? I lost my keys, how can I open the door? etc. In any, even the most hopeless situation, there are at least two ways out. Our problem also has several solutions. For example, you can call the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and the door will be opened very soon. True, they will hopelessly ruin it with turbines or cutters. Then a new question will arise: “How to spend the night in an apartment without doors?” You won't even be able to leave to correct the situation. Another solution to the problem is to call a specialist in emergency lock openings, but is there such a person in your city? Perhaps not. There is, of course, a possibility that among your friends there will be security specialists, in which case this is the most correct solution to the issue. They will help you open your apartment door without a key.

First, I will describe how to open a door without a key, for example, at the entrance. Basic pump-action locks are often installed on entrance doors, garage doors and (extremely rarely!) on apartment doors. The keys to such “constipations” come in two types - flat and round. The type of lock in question opens very quickly. To do this you will need a pencil and a hammer. If you don’t have a pencil at hand, break off a branch on the nearest tree that has the same diameter as a regular pencil. The hammer can be replaced with an ordinary stone or a piece of brick. Insert a pencil (stick) into and hit it sharply with a hammer (brick). That's it, the first lock is open. True, then you will have to remove and disassemble the lock in order to extract the remains of the wood from it, but this, as Carlson said, is nothing - an everyday matter. Let's look at ways to open a door without a key. First of all, you need to understand that there are locking devices various types, and each of them requires its own approach. I will tell you how to open some locks in this article. Why only some? Because to open, for example, such locking devices as Finnish ones (“Abloy”), levers (“CERBER”, “Guardian”) and a number of others, it is necessary to have special tool, certain knowledge and, most importantly, skills.

Now let's move on to pin-type locks (English, “laser”, etc.). How to open a door without a key if there is a pin embedded in it. In this case, there are only two options. The first method is called “bump”. To open a lock using this method, we will need a key that matches the profile of your lock (you can borrow a bunch of keys from your neighbors or look for keys from an office or dacha on the ring) and some object for striking (a small stone will do, but it’s most convenient to use screwdriver). Insert the key into the hole approximately three-quarters of the way, put a slight tension on the key with the fingers of your left hand, and hit it with the handle of a screwdriver with your right hand. It's unlikely to succeed the first time, but if you persist, you have a chance. Even beginners can open locks using the “bump” method after a short practice.

Now we will describe the second method of how to open a pin lock. True, this method is only suitable for “laser machines” (double- and single-row). To do this, we need small pliers, metal scissors and a piece of the metal itself (a tin can will do) about 0.5 mm thick. We cut out a metal plate that matches the width of the key. We bend it with pliers: in profile it should resemble waves or a file. We insert it into the lock hole, with a sharp movement we bring it all the way (reminiscent of the “bump” method) and try to carefully turn it. This method also requires training.

So we looked at the simplest ways to solve the problem of how to open a door without a key. However, in any business, training is necessary. Don't wait until you lose your keys, start practicing right now.

Yes, we almost forgot the most important thing: opening other people’s doors without the knowledge of the owners is strictly prosecuted by the law of any country! Remember this.

A padlock is a rather complex mechanism, which is why it is so often chosen for both primary and additional door protection. And opening this type of lock without the appropriate key is quite difficult.

Surely, everyone at least once in their life has encountered the theft or loss of door keys. In such a situation, there is no use in wasting time looking for the key, because it could be absolutely anywhere.

But it’s still worth thinking about ways in which you can solve this problem without using a key. Because you can stand under the door endlessly, especially if you were the owner of the only copy of the keys to the castle.

When does it become necessary to open a lock without a key?

The need to open a lock without a key may arise in other situations. Keyholes tend to fail over time.

This is an absolutely normal phenomenon, especially if the castle was not protected from precipitation and other external factors. That's why door lock at any moment it can simply jam. Such a nuisance may occur not entirely by accident, but through the fault of ill-wishers. Deliberate damage to locks by hooligans is not uncommon these days.

Another common case is the key breaking while opening the door. In such a situation, part of the key may remain in the lock. Because not only locks tend to deteriorate, but keys can also fail.

It is clear that there are different cases when any person can literally turn up at the door. We are not talking about breaking other people's locks here. No one is immune from falling into such situations. But unfortunately, not everyone knows how to open a padlock without a key.

How to open the lock yourself?

You can also unlock the padlock on the door yourself. To do this, you need to understand a little about the mechanism of the lock product and have a little manual dexterity. Nowadays there are many ways to open locks without the help of keys. Some of them are very complex and can only be done by professional experimenters, while some are quite simple and are perfect for a woman or child.

The most common way is to open the lock using a paper clip, bobby pin, or a piece of wire. To do this, you will need to straighten a paperclip or another product that is similar to it. The lock has a latch that can be unclamped with a piece of wire if the wire is bent correctly and successfully hit.

Some can do this trick in a couple of minutes, others need to fiddle with the lock for about an hour. In any case, the result is worth it.

There are locks whose operating principle consists of a special button. The key, getting into such a lock, touches the button, pressing it, and the opening process occurs. In principle, there is nothing complicated here. Everything is quite simple and clear. Therefore, using the material at hand, you can do the same thing. That is, with a thin object, it could be a hair clip or the refill of a ballpoint pen; you just need to pick the lock to find that very button in the mechanism.

How to open the most popular padlocks?

There are a variety of padlocks. AND price categories they are also different. But the most affordable and popular nowadays is considered to be the classic padlock, which is powered by a spring. Many people are familiar with this product and have seen it quite often.

A spring padlock is often used to close garages, warehouses, barns and other non-residential premises. This type of protection has found active use in suitcases. This is very convenient if you go on a long trip and regularly check in your luggage. Similar protection is also regularly installed on the door of a residential apartment or house as additional security, and sometimes as the main lock.

If you think logically, it becomes clear that opening such a padlock without a key is possible if you experiment with the spring. To do this, you will be helped by the same paper clip or piece of wire that can save any lock by opening it. You can also use a nail or other object that you think is suitable for such a task. Your goal is to hit the spring.

Special devices for opening locks

For those who want to play it safe and protect themselves in advance in such a situation, there are many products and master keys for picking locks, which can be ordered or purchased ready-made from special locksmiths. Master keys allow you to easily and quickly open almost any lock without a key.

For those who believe that they are not able to cope with such a problem on their own, there is also an excellent solution. You can always contact a specialist to open keyless padlocks. The master will deftly open the lock and leave no damage to it.

Anyone can stay under the door, since the lock can fly at any time, but if you have information about opening locks without keys, you can always solve this problem.

03.09.2016 79038

In the life of every person, problems arise, the solution of which requires a non-standard approach. Situations of this kind include loss or damage to the key that unlocks the front door and, as a consequence, the inability to get into a private house or apartment.

When faced with such a problem, there is no need to panic and try to get into the room by any means. First, you should familiarize yourself with several ways in which you can.

Types of locks

There are several types of locks, each of which can be unlocked in one way or another and open the door, spending a minimum of effort, time and without causing damage to the door.

  • Mounted. Locks similar type are used when installing premises: a barn or garage, and not as a lock for the front door of a house. They are distinguished by their simplicity and conciseness.
  • Invoices. Locking systems of this type are installed on an external entrance door if there is also an internal one. They don't guarantee reliable protection, easy to use, have an unpresentable appearance.
  • Mortise. Such locks are convenient to use, provide reliable security of property and do not spoil the aesthetic appearance front door. Their only disadvantage is that during installation the integrity of the canvas is compromised, which subsequently leads to the appearance of cracks and other defects.
  • Deposits. Systems of this kind are reliable and guarantee high level burglary protection. They are installed in the door leaf directly at the manufacturer, which ensures quality and a presentable appearance.

Tools needed when opening a door without a key

The choice of tool, the use of which is necessary to open the door, directly depends on which direction the door opens: inward or outward. In addition, some of the tools are interchangeable; if one is missing, another is used. The kit of a beginner “safeguard” should contain a number of the following devices:

  • Pliers.
  • Hairpin (truly universal tool, featured in the films' door-breaking scenes).
  • The so-called Bulgarian.
  • Drill.
  • Jigsaw file.
  • A set of screwdrivers, or one flat one.
  • A universal door master, which can currently be purchased at any hardware store.

How to open the door if you lose the key

If you lose your key, you can open the front door using the following methods:

  1. A hairpin is suitable for this. For this decorative element A woman's hairstyle should be carefully broken into two equal parts, which are used independently of each other. One of the halves is used as a lever to turn the mechanism, and the second part of the pin recesses the pins. To carry out such an operation requires certain skills and sufficient quantity time. The main advantage of this method is the absence of damage. locking mechanism and door leaves.
  2. The method mentioned above can also be applied using one or two paper clips. Open the lock with a paper clip - simple task. One paperclip or a separate part should be used as rotary mechanism, the second - like a lever. In this case, the same manipulations are performed that are necessary to open the lock with a hairpin.
  3. If there is a sign on the door cylinder mechanism, you can open it in the following way: drill a hole in the cylinder using a thin drill and, inserting a wire of suitable size into it, turn it to rotate the cylinder.
  4. If you need to open a lock equipped with a tongue, you should use a knife or a small screwdriver. The selected tool must be carefully inserted into the gap between the door leaf and the jamb and, hooking the tongue, open the door.
  5. type is possible when using a similar method. To do this, you should pull the door as far as possible and, picking up the levers with a tool suitable for this purpose, move it away.
  6. If the door leaf is old, or if the door lock has been in use for a long time, you can simply break the lock, completely destroying it. To do this, apply several blows with a hammer or small sledgehammer directly to the center of the structure.

How to open a lock if the key is broken

If used for a long period of time, the latter may break when turning in the keyhole. This happens because over time, the metal from which this part is made wears out, becomes covered with scratches and cracks, which compromise the integrity of the key.

To, or if the key does not turn in the lock, it is necessary to carry out the following actions in a certain sequence:

  1. First you need to remove the key fragment while trying to open the front door. If the fragment protrudes above the keyhole, you should try to pull out the key using ordinary pliers, while turning it to open the mechanism. If successful, you can not only remove the broken key, but also open the lock without damage.
  2. If it is not possible to pick up the fragment, use a thin jigsaw file for this purpose. This tool must be inserted into the bottom or top of the lock, while turning the teeth so that they point directly at the key. Next, you should carefully hook the piece and pull it out.
  3. If after removing the debris the lock is left without a key, you can use the opening methods described above. It is also possible that if this element of the locking system breaks down, mechanical damage to the lock occurs. In this case, the locking mechanism should be removed.
  4. To remove the lock, carefully unscrew the plate that closes the mechanism, and then remove the locking elements with wire or a paper clip. This method applicable only if the lock is of the English type.
  5. If locks of any other type are damaged, there is only one way to open a lock without a key - damaging the device by using a hammer or sledgehammer.

How to open a padlock without a key

A padlock stands apart from a number of other locking systems. Despite the simplicity of the design, it provides a high level of protection against burglary and subsequent entry into the premises.

If the key to such a mechanism is lost, you can open a padlock without a key using the following methods:

  • The basis of the padlock locking system is a spring. First you need to try to insert a strong wire into the hole, pressing directly on the lock spring. Next, you need to place a second wire or paper clip in the center of this spring and, using tools like a key, unlock the mechanism. It is also permissible to use a hairpin to open the lock.
  • If the method indicated above does not have any effect and the lock does not open, you can get rid of it using a hammer, sledgehammer or crowbar. Using these simple devices, you should knock down the lock, opening access to the locked room.

How to protect yourself from losing or breaking a key

No one is immune from problems of this kind. Therefore, you should pay attention to some aspects that will help avoid a situation where access to the premises is limited due to the loss of the key to the front door lock or its breakdown.

  • The service life of locking mechanisms has a certain time frame, after which the structure must be replaced. The degree of wear of the device can be determined using a visual assessment. If the lock body and the key itself are covered with scratches, cracks, and the teeth are worn out, it should be replaced immediately to avoid failure of the locking mechanisms.
  • You can also install a specially designed lock, developed relatively recently. A mechanism of this kind does not require keys and is not equipped with a keyhole.

You can also prepare yourself in advance for the fact that one day the key that unlocks the front door will be lost or broken. To do this, you need to prepare in advance a set of tools necessary to open the locking mechanism, which will help you open the door at the right time and store it outside the house, in the garage, utility room of the entrance or car.

With such a “safeguard kit,” the time spent searching for the necessary devices will be reduced and getting into the apartment will be much easier.

If such a situation arises, you can do the following:

  • To avoid damage to the locking mechanism and door leaf, you should call a locksmith who can open the lock quickly and accurately, using master keys and other necessary tools.
  • If time is limited and you cannot wait for a locksmith, you can use the services of companies that specialize directly in opening locks of any type. The technician will quickly and accurately solve any unexpected problem that has arisen. Services of this type have a high cost.

Summarizing the above, it should also be noted that in an effort to get into a locked apartment, you should not use methods that can cause harm to health. These include attempts to enter the premises through a neighbor's balcony, through a window, or using a fire escape. An acceptable option in this case would be to waste time spent searching the right tools and opening the locking mechanism.