Vladimir Vysotsky. Brief biography of Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky, personal life and creativity

Vladimir Vysotsky became a legend of Soviet music, theater and cinema. Vysotsky's songs have become classics and undeniable eternal hits. His work is very difficult to classify, as he goes beyond and expands them. Vysotsky is usually referred to as bard music, but at the same time, his manner of performance and the themes of the texts were completely different from those accepted in the bard environment. The musician himself also disavowed this movement.

First channel

Childhood and youth

Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky was born on January 25, 1938 in Moscow in a huge communal apartment. The poet’s father is a bard and actor, a native of Kyiv, a veteran of the Second World War, and his mother is a translator-referent. When the war began, Vladimir Semenovich was only four years old, so his mother decided to leave with her son for the Orenburg region. Vysotsky lived there for about two years, and after the evacuation the family returned back to Moscow.

Two years after the end of the war, the parents separated. At the age of nine, Vladimir Vysotsky ended up in occupied post-war Germany, so his childhood cannot be called rosy, unlike his peers in the capital of the USSR. While in Germany, Volodya attended piano lessons. His mother remarried, and Vysotsky had a difficult relationship with his stepfather. His own father also married a second time, but the musician had a better relationship with his stepmother.


The young poet returned to Moscow in 1949, settling with his father and his wife. It was there that Vysotsky met music, or rather, the cheerful youth of the 50s, who pushed him to sing. The first chords of Vladimir Semenovich are the motives of thieves’ romance, a popular trend for those whose childhood passed during the war. In the evenings, groups gathered to play songs about Kolyma, Vorkuta and Murka on the guitar. Then Vladimir Vysotsky began a serious affair with the guitar.

At the age of 10, Vladimir Semenovich began attending a drama club. Then he still did not quite understand that his future belonged to the theater. After graduating from school, Vysotsky entered a Moscow construction school, but six months later he realized that he was in the “wrong place” and left the educational institution.


According to legend, Vladimir did this suddenly and quite eccentrically. The future actor and a classmate spent the entire New Year's Eve preparing for the session, making drawings, without which it was impossible to obtain admission to the exams. After several hours of painstaking work, the drawings were ready - and then Vysotsky grabbed a can of ink from the table and poured it onto his sheet. Vladimir realized that he could no longer be in this educational institution, and decided to spend the remaining six months preparing for a new admission.

After this, the young charismatic guy entered the Moscow Art Theater and three years later he made his debut on the theater stage in the educational play “Crime and Punishment.” Then Vladimir Semenovich played his first small role in the film “Peers”.


After graduating from the Moscow Art Theater School, Vysotsky went to work at the theater. Pushkin. Soon the actor went to the Theater of Miniatures, playing there in small episodes and extras, which did not cause much enthusiasm. There were also unsuccessful attempts to get into the Sovremennik Theater.

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As a result, Vladimir Semenovich liked the Taganka Theater, where he worked until his death. Here Vysotsky tried on the images of Hamlet, Pugachev, Svidrigailov and Galileo. Together with the Taganka Theater, the actor toured a lot, he practically traveled all over the world, performed in France, Poland, Germany, Hungary and Bulgaria, was able to travel to the USA several times, visited Mexico, Canada and Tahiti.


Vladimir Vysotsky wrote the lyrics to the songs himself. Vysotsky wrote his first poems while still at school. The young poet dedicated the poem “My Oath” to Stalin and in a lyrical manner mourned the death of the leader. Vysotsky himself calls the first song “Tattoo,” which was performed in Leningrad in 1961. This song began a cycle of yard, “thieves” works in the poet’s work.

Despite the artist's statements, there is another song of his, dated a year earlier. This song is called "49 days". It is written about the feat of Russian soldiers who drifted across the Pacific Ocean. The poems were dedicated to a noble theme, but this did not make Vysotsky fall in love with his creation. He called this song a manual for hacks and spoke very negatively about it. According to the author, you can compose many such poems by simply opening the current events section in any newspaper and rewriting the names. It was important for the poet to let creativity flow through himself, so he did not recognize the “hacky” song “49 Days.”

Vladimir Vysotsky drew his authorial inspiration from, whom he considered his mentor until the last day of his life. “Song of Truth and Lies” was dedicated specifically to him. The actor began writing music and lyrics in the 60s. The first listeners did not appreciate the musician’s “yard” motives, and Vysotsky himself did not particularly like them. As a musician, Vladimir Semenovich matured a little later. In 1965, the song “Submarine” became a sign that the early poet’s youthful work was over. Later, the actor wrote songs for films in which he starred and took an active part in their creation.

Rock Cult

In 1968, the first gramophone record with Vysotsky’s original songs was released. It was a collection of his songs for the film “Vertical,” including “Song about a Friend,” which was first performed in this film and later became one of the musician’s calling cards.

In 1975, for the first time, and, as it turned out, for the last time, a poem by Vysotsky was published in an official Soviet collection. The verse “From Traffic” was lucky. In the same year, the musician recorded a new album “V. Vysotsky. Self-portrait." It was a large collection, with author's digressions before each song and accompaniment on three guitars. But the recording was only partially released and only after the death of the author.

In 1978, Vladimir Vysotsky received the highest category of pop vocalist. This showed that the Ministry of Culture recognizes Vysotsky’s work and is ready to recognize him as a professional performer.

TV Center

In 1979, the musician toured a lot, he performed in New York and Toronto. Vysotsky’s songs impressed listeners so much that in law-abiding America in the same year, without the permission of the singer himself, a pirated recording of the concert was released with the order of the compositions mixed up.

In the same year, Vladimir Vysotsky took part in the creation of the famous samizdat almanac “Metropol”. It was an uncensored publication, a collection of texts by those authors who could not be published officially. A total of 12 copies were published, but someone was able to illegally take one of them to the USA, where the almanac was officially published.

Vysotsky continued to tour. In France, he met a gypsy musician, with whom he performed many songs and romances in a duet. The singers planned to record a record, but Vladimir did not have time to do this.

In the last years of his life, the artist did not stop giving concerts. He performed in Leningrad, Kaliningrad and Moscow, and continued to play Hamlet at the Taganka Theater.

The musician and poet's repertoire includes more than 600 songs, as well as about 200 poems. His concerts were attended by crowds of fans. The work of Vladimir Vysotsky remains relevant to this day. The musician gave more than one and a half thousand concerts around the world. During his lifetime, Vysotsky released 7 of his own albums and 11 collections of songs by other musicians performed by him.

It is almost impossible to create an accurate discography of all the albums and collections in which Vysotsky participated, since they were published in different countries, withdrawn from sale, and rewritten. After Vysotsky's death, his songs continued to be released on records.


In the biography of Vladimir Vysotsky, theater, cinema and music were equally intertwined. Vysotsky played his first episodic role in the film “Peers” while still studying at the Moscow Art Theater. But cinema truly discovered Vladimir Semenovich as an actor in 1961, after filming the film “Dima Gorin’s Career.” Then came “713 Requests Landing” and other films. But there were no main roles, Vysotsky began to abuse alcohol. This turned a lot of things around for the worse.

Serious success came only in 1967 with the release of the film “Vertical,” for which he wrote all the songs. The whole country immediately learned about Vysotsky, both as an actor and as a musician.

Vysotsky's songs were criticized by the CPSU Central Committee and the subordinate press. Vysotsky could not ignore this, and after caustic articles on the topic that Vysotsky sings about, he sent a letter to the Central Committee, where he called this criticism harsh and unsubstantiated.

The idol of millions, Vladimir Vysotsky, became despised by the Soviet regime. He was often denied roles and his songs were not aired, so throughout the 70s the actor did little filming. At the Taganka Theater he was either fired for drunkenness, then again approved for the main roles. Vysotsky almost died several times due to a weak heart, overwork and prolonged binges. But at the same time, it was during this period that Vysotsky played his Hamlet, which was remembered by millions. Vladimir embodied the most complex and attractive role in his own special manner and with infinite talent.

An Estonian program dedicated to Vysotsky, “The Guy from Taganka,” was released on television. This was the artist's first appearance on television other than in a feature film. A lot has been written and filmed about the actor. An article about him was published in the Theater magazine, and later Vysotsky was invited to perform on a French television channel, where he performed his biographical “Ballad of Love.” But not a single interview or concert of Vladimir Vysotsky was shown on Central Television during his lifetime. Sometimes there were attempts to record interviews for Central Television. For example, Vysotsky talked with Valery Perevozchikov, but subsequently the film with the transfer was washed away, leaving nothing except a small final fragment for a few minutes.

A landmark role for Vladimir Vysotsky was his work in the multi-part film “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed,” where the actor played “his” favorite hero, Gleb Zheglov, and also acted as a director. In this film, Vladimir Semenovich’s songs are not heard, although he initially expressed such a desire. Then the director was against such creativity, since, in his opinion, the charismatic Vysotsky could overshadow the image of his hero.

Vladimir Vysotsky really wanted to star in the American film “Reds”. He recorded a video message to Warren Beatty, who was to direct the film. But the recording never reached the United States.

Personal life

When Vladimir Semenovich was a first-year student at the Moscow Art Theater, he met a fellow student who eventually became his first wife in 1960. The marriage did not last long, the couple often quarreled and, without living together for a year, they divorced.

She became the actor's second wife. They met a year after Vladimir Semenovich’s divorce from his first wife. In this marriage, Abramova gave the musician two children, which could not save the family, and already in 1968 the couple also separated. Both of Vysotsky’s sons subsequently also became artists and connected their lives with cinema. The youngest son, manages the State Cultural Center-Museum of V.S. Vysotsky.


For the third time, Vysotsky married, whom he first saw in the film “The Witch” and immediately fell in love with the actress. For many years, the musician dreamed of a beautiful woman, reviewing the film with her participation. Their acquaintance finally happened. One day, after watching the play, Vysotsky visited a restaurant where Vladi was relaxing. Then the man went straight to her, took her hand and did not take his eyes off Marina for a long time. In 1970, Vladi and Vysotsky got married.

Vladimir Vysotsky’s personal life was then turned upside down, and his old dream came true. This went on for 10 years, until the musician’s death. During this period, Marina Vladi remained for the actor not only his beloved woman, support, but also his main muse.

Bright Side

But in this family everything was not so smooth. Vysotsky had a scandalous reputation; there were many rumors about him and his women. Already in our time in the biography “Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive” tells about the artist’s romance with a certain Tatyana Ivleva in the last years of his life. A girl with that name never existed, but this does not mean at all that the famous musician was slandered and attributed to a married man a non-existent love on the side.

Vysotsky’s last love was student Oksana Afanasyeva. He fell in love by chance and at first sight. As Oksana later said, he became her first and, probably, only true love. The difference between the lovers was more than 20 years. Oksana was the daughter of a famous writer, so she did not feel any awe of famous personalities; she was much more afraid that for a popular musician with a reputation as an alcoholic and a womanizer, she would become only entertainment. But these were real feelings with tender courtship and admiration.


Vysotsky’s wife at that time lived her life in Paris, but knew about her husband’s mistress. Oksana even moved into Vladimir’s apartment; she knew that he was married, but she perceived it as something distant and unimportant. The musician cheated on her too. Vladimir Vysotsky did not hide his relationship and openly introduced the girl to his friends and colleagues.


Vladimir Vysotsky, despite his confident appearance and tall stature, was not in good health. It is difficult to say whether there were innate prerequisites for this or whether the artist’s penchant for alcohol played a role. Vysotsky smoked a pack of cigarettes a day and was dependent on alcohol for many years. He was a creative person, but his works were constantly criticized, suppressed and postponed. With all this, he helped many of his famous friends quit or at least get coded. He caught them around the city during periods of exacerbation, persuaded them, and gave them pills that Marina had brought from France. So he pulled out at least Dahl and Livanov. Many acquaintances of the musician claim that in the last years of his life, Vysotsky himself stopped drinking alcohol.


However, for a long time Vysotsky had problems with his heart and breathing.

The first serious attack occurred in 1969. Vysotsky’s throat began to bleed; his frightened wife called an ambulance. At first, doctors even refused to hospitalize the musician, considering his case fatal, but Vladi blocked the door for them and threatened them with a diplomatic scandal. Vysotsky was saved by his wife’s persistence and the fact that doctors recognized the famous singer and actor. The operation lasted 18 hours.

Alcohol addiction had its consequences, causing kidney and heart disease. Doctors tried to fight particularly severe conditions with narcotic substances. It is unknown whether this became the cause of the addiction or whether the musician himself decided that drugs would help him give up alcohol and cope with his illness, but the fact remains: by the mid-70s, Vysotsky had developed a drug addiction. He constantly increased the doses of morphine and amphetamine; by 1977, Vysotsky could no longer live without daily drug use. At that time, the musician was already doomed, attempts at treatment had no effect, and Vysotsky was predicted to die within several years either from an overdose or from withdrawal.


In 1979 in Bukhara, Vysotsky may have experienced clinical death. Biographers are still arguing about this fact.

On July 25, 1980, Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky died suddenly. Death occurred in a dream in the apartment where the musician lived. The artist rushed around the room and told his mother that he knew that he would die that day. He fell asleep only after a sedative injection and died in his sleep.

At the request of his relatives, an autopsy was not performed, so the exact cause of Vysotsky’s death has not been established. According to several sources, it can be assumed that the poet, musician and talented actor died of myocardial infarction or asphyxia due to an overdose of sedatives.

Friends and his wife admitted that Vysotsky was killed by drugs, but indirectly, an overdose is never mentioned as the probable cause of death.

Russian Courier

The death of Vladimir Vysotsky was practically not advertised in newspapers and on television. This happened not so much because he was a poet disliked by the authorities, but because of the very date of his death. Vysotsky died during the Summer Olympics in Moscow. No one wanted to spoil such a major international event with an obituary. The message about the actor’s death was posted in the box office window of the Taganka Theater, and almost instantly a huge crowd gathered around the theater. None of those who bought tickets for Vysotsky’s failed performances returned them.

Information about the funeral was actively hushed up, but it seemed that the whole city came to say goodbye to the musician. As Marina Vladi later described it, even kings were not buried this way. To get to the Vagankovskoye cemetery, the coffin with Vysotsky had to pass by the Kremlin. The official authorities tried to wash away the flowers and knock down the portrait so that it would not be visible who was being carried through the center of Moscow, but before that a quietly mourning crowd rose to defend the procession. People covered flowers with umbrellas and shouted at the police. Photos of this mess went around the world.

Russian Courier

In order for the great musician to be buried near the entrance, the director of the cemetery had to sacrifice his position. Vysotsky’s grave was simply littered with flowers. Fans of the genius have not forgotten about him for many years. Until now, many admirers of Vysotsky visit his final resting place and leave flowers. In 1985, the standard tombstone was replaced by a monument to the musician. The statue echoes his song “monument” and depicts a man trying to escape from the stone shell and from the chains of creative canons.


  • Peers
  • Career of Dima Gorin
  • Living and dead
  • War under the roofs
  • Two comrades served
  • Fourth
  • Mr. McKinley's Escape
  • Zodiac signs
  • There are two of them
  • Meeting place can not be Changed

Vysotsky’s biography and his work still excite people’s hearts, although the cult actor and singer-songwriter passed away long ago. How did his star journey begin and why did it end so early?

Biography of Vysotsky. Summary. Childhood and youth

Vladimir Vysotsky was born in Moscow in 1938. During World War II, little Volodya’s father rose to the rank of colonel at the military communications headquarters. The boy looked like his father not only in appearance, but even in his voice. Mother - Nina Maksimovna - was a translator-referent by profession. Unfortunately, two years after the war, the parents of the future actor divorced.

After the war, Vladimir and his mother continued to live in a Moscow communal apartment; there was a catastrophic lack of money. When his father offered to go with his new wife, Evgenia, to Germany to his place of service, his mother let Volodya go. It was in Germany that Vladimir Vysotsky, whose brief biography is in one way or another connected with music, began to become familiar with the art of playing the piano.

Evgenia Stepanovna Vysotskaya managed to become more than just a stepmother to the boy. She took care of him and was close to the poet and actor until the end of his days. As a sign of his special respect for his second mother, Vladimir Vysotsky was baptized in the Armenian church (Evgenia was Armenian).

Civil Engineering Institute

Vysotsky’s biography is a clear confirmation that the actor was restless since childhood. He was acutely aware of injustice, so he often got into fights. He was tenderly attached to his family and friends. Vysotsky loved to read domestic and world literature. At the age of 15, he even attended a drama club led by actor V. Bogomolov. But it was necessary to decide on a future profession, and the strict father did not want to hear anything about the theater institute. This is how Vladimir Vysotsky ended up at the age of 17 at the Moscow Institute of Civil Engineering. Kuibyshev to the Faculty of Mechanics.

For six months Vladimir tried to cope with the institute program. The first session was approaching, it was urgent to complete the drawings, without which there could be no talk of admission to the exams. Having suffered with his friend until midnight, Vysotsky deliberately ruined his drawing and declared that “this is not his business.” Knowing that he had another six months to prepare for admission to a theater university, Vysotsky began selecting the repertoire.

Beginning of acting

The Moscow Art Theater School-Studio is where Vysotsky entered in 1956. His biography as an artist was just beginning. One of the teachers of the future actor was Pavel Massalsky, a famous Soviet actor.

Vladimir’s first theatrical role was the role of Porfiry Petrovich, a character from the student play “Crime and Punishment.” At the age of 21, shortly before graduating from studio school, Vysotsky received his first film role. He was involved in an episode of the film “Peers” by Vasily Ordynsky.

Then Vladimir entered the service of the Moscow Drama Theater named after A. S. Pushkin. But during 4 years of work there he did not receive a single leading role. Being content with little is not what Vysotsky was striving for; the actor’s biography is a clear confirmation of this. Therefore, he leaves the Pushkin Theater and goes to serve at the Taganka Theater. He was 26 years old. And three years later, Vysotsky played the main role in Stanislav Govorukhin’s film “Vertical”, and the entire Soviet Union started talking about him, not only as an actor, but also as a performer.

Vysotsky: short biography and creativity. Vysotsky - poet

It was after the release of “Vertical” that Vysotsky’s talent as a bard became widely known. Five songs of his authorship were performed in the film (the famous “Song about a Friend”, “Top”), and then were released as a separate album.

Vysotsky, whose brief biography cannot do without mention of his poetic gift, wrote poems since school. But in the 60s, Vladimir began to try to set his poems to music, and this is how his first songs began to appear.

At first, the so-called “thieves” theme was close to him. This is quite strange, because as a person from a good family, Vladimir Vysotsky had no contact with representatives of the criminal world.

Ultimately, the actor left behind 200 poems and 600 songs. He even wrote a poem for children. Since the texts still played a dominant role in his songs, we can assume that about 800 poetic works came from Vysotsky’s pen.

Vysotsky's musical talent

Vladimir did not immediately pick up the guitar. He knew how to play the piano, accordion, and then began to tap rhythms on the body of the guitar and sing his own poems or others’ poems to them. This is how Vysotsky’s first songs appeared. After his triumph in Vershina, the biography of the author-performer began to be replenished with new film projects, for which he wrote soundtracks.

Although Vysotsky was immediately classified as a bard, connoisseurs of musical art can confirm that his manner of performance cannot entirely be considered bardish. Vladimir Vysotsky himself was categorically against such a classification of his work. From his numerous interviews it is clear that he “does not want to have anything to do with them.”

The topics that the singer-songwriter touched on in his songwriting are replete with variety: politics and love lyrics; songs about friendship (“If a friend suddenly appeared”), about human relationships; about courage and perseverance (“Top”). And even humorous first-person stories about inanimate objects (“Microphone Song”) are found in his repertoire.

Film career

Vysotsky, whose biography and work are widely known not only within the former USSR, but also abroad, did not play many leading roles in films. In fact, until the age of 30, he played in episodes or supporting characters.

For the first time in the film “Vertical”, Vladimir got one of the main roles. This was followed by the melodrama “Brief Encounters,” where, in tandem with Nina Ruslanova and Kira Muratova, Vysotsky becomes the central hero of a love triangle.

Then there were other notable characters: Brodsky from the tragicomedy “Intervention”, Ivan Ryaboy from “The Master of the Taiga”, Georges Bengalsky from “Dangerous Tours”, Ibrahim Hannibal from “The Tale of How Tsar Peter Married the Arab”. But the most colorful and striking role was to be played much later - in 1979.

"Meeting place can not be Changed"

The crowning achievement of Vysotsky’s acting career can rightfully be considered the legendary Gleb Zheglov from the TV series “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed.” Not only the character, but the film itself as a whole has become a cult favorite. The texts voiced by the actors turned into aphorisms. And the image of Zheglov, if you are careful, is still visible in many heroes of modern films about criminal investigation.

It is noteworthy that after the publication of the novel by the Weiner brothers (on which the film was based), Vysotsky personally came to visit them and confronted them with the fact that if a movie was made, he would play the role of Zheglov.

However, when the chaos swirled around the Weiners’ new novel, and Stanislav Govorukhin had already approved Vysotsky for the role, according to the director’s recollections, Vladimir came to him and asked him to find someone else: the actor admitted that he could not waste time, since he “didn’t have much time left.” Vysotsky's creative biography was nearing its end. Vladimir understood this and wanted to leave behind more songs and poems. But Govorukhin persuaded him, and filming began.

Thus, Soviet cinema acquired a new colorful hero - the principled and decisive Gleb Zheglov.

Vysotsky's directorial experience

Vysotsky's biography includes cases when the actor acted as a screenwriter ("Signs of the Zodiac", "Vienna Holidays"), but he did not make a single film as a director. Although there was a case in his life when he managed to prove himself in the director’s role - during the filming of the film “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed.”

Vladimir has a direct bearing on the fact that Stanislav Sadalsky’s character “Brick” appeared in the film. There was no lisping pickpocket in the Weiner brothers' novel. This image was created during filming after a corresponding proposal from Vladimir.

For reasons beyond his control, the director of the film, Stanislav Govorukhin, had to leave the set. At such moments, he left Vysotsky to lead the process. In particular, the scene of the interrogation of the suspect Gruzdev was completely staged by the actor.

First marriage

Vysotsky's biography - bright and rich - of course, could not do without women. The actor married early for the first time - at the age of 22 - to Iza Zhukova, with whom he studied at the Moscow Art Theater. She was a little older than him - a third year student. Moreover, Iza already had one marriage behind her.

Vladimir met a girl while participating in a joint student play. In fact, since 1957 they lived together. The wedding took place when both received diplomas.

But as in any early marriage, the spouses did not calculate their strength, or rather, Vladimir did not calculate. He was young, he was still drawn to noisy companies with gatherings until the morning and drinking. Iza, on the contrary, was counting on home comfort and a quiet family life. Thus began a series of endless quarrels.

They didn't live together for even four years. The divorce was not finalized immediately. Since Isolde bore the surname Vysotskaya, she recorded her illegitimate son, who appeared after their separation from the actor, under the surname of Vladimir.

Second marriage

Vysotsky’s student marriage did not end his family biography. Vysotsky is remembered with a certain amount of bitterness by his second wife, Lyudmila Abramova, who, by the way, gave him two sons.

Vladimir met Lyudmila in St. Petersburg during the filming of “The 713th Requests Landing” in 1961. Vysotsky was still officially married to Isolda Zhukova, and Abramova in 1962 already gave birth to his first son, Arkady. Two years later Nikita was born. The whole family lived in the same apartment with Vladimir’s mother, Nina Maksimovna.

But this marriage did not last more than five years. In 1970, the divorce was officially filed, and Vysotsky had a new lover.

Third marriage with Marina Vladi

One day, the famous French actress Marina Vladi saw Vysotsky playing on the stage of the Taganka Theater in one of the performances. The biography and personal life of these people changed dramatically after meeting in 1967.

The novel between Marina Vladi and Vysotsky is one of the most discussed and famous. Marina Vladi, a world celebrity, was amazed by the self-confidence with which Vladimir sought her. In 1970, the defense collapsed, and Vladi became the actor’s wife. But family life in the full sense of the word did not work out for them. The main difficulty is the “iron curtain”, which did not allow the spouses to see each other when they wanted.

Marina Vladi did a lot for the career of her beloved man. She sought to have his poems published abroad, even organizing a musical tour for Vysotsky in America and Europe. But even then Vladimir suffered from alcohol addiction, and a little later - from drug addiction. Therefore, Marina had to face not only her husband’s positive character traits, but also very difficult trials.


It is noteworthy that immediately before his death, Vysotsky was going to break up with Marina, who had endured inconvenience for 12 years for his sake, sacrificed her career, etc. When the actor was 40 years old, he became interested in eighteen-year-old Oksana Afanasyeva. Marina Vladi was in France and still considered herself his wife, while Vladimir had already bought wedding rings and made an agreement with the priest who was supposed to marry him and Oksana. But this did not happen - on July 25, 1980, he died of a myocardial infarction.

Since the 60s, Vysotsky suffered from alcoholism. The biography and photos of the popular actor and performer became more and more in demand, and his “inner restlessness” grew at the same time. Vysotsky was a very emotional person, he had many fears, he partially suffered from lack of fulfillment, and alcohol was a way to drown out everything that he did not want to show to other people.

Repeatedly, the actor’s kidneys failed and serious heart problems arose; once he suffered clinical death. Doctors saved Vladimir with the help of morphine and amphetamine. Vysotsky himself understood that he needed to stop drinking alcohol. But, unable to find the strength to give up ethanol-containing drinks, he found a replacement for them - drugs. It is reliably known that by the age of 39, Vysotsky began to inject himself regularly.

Numerous trips to hospitals did not help. Doctors noted that Vladimir had a psychological need for stimulants, so the treatment was not productive.

An autopsy was not performed after the death of Vladimir Vysotsky. Doctor Anatoly Fedotov, who was next to the actor at the time of his death, suggested that a myocardial infarction killed him.

So many people gathered for Vysotsky’s funeral that Marina Vladi involuntarily compared the procession to a “royal” one. Despite his addictions, Vladimir Vysotsky managed to win people's love.

The main secret of the charm of Vysotsky as a person, as well as his creativity, is the complete sincerity of the author. According to a survey conducted by the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion in 2010, modern Russians consider Vysotsky to be a person who stands on the pedestal of idols right after Yuri Gagarin. And this name can no longer be erased from the history of Russian culture.


V.S. Vysotsky

Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky was born on January 25, 1938 in Moscow in the family of a military man. At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, his mother Nina Maksimovna was evacuated to the Orenburg region. In the summer of 1943 they returned to Moscow.

In 1955, V. Vysotsky graduated from high school and entered the Moscow Institute of Civil Engineering named after V.V. Kuibyshev, from which he left without studying for a year. In 1956 he entered the Moscow Art Theater School named after V.I. Nemirovich - Danchenko in the acting department, where he studied with B.I. Massalsky and A.M. Komissarov. After graduating from the studio in 1960, he worked at the Moscow Drama Theater named after A.S. Pushkin and for several months at the Moscow Theater of Miniatures. Then he begins to act in films. In 1960-1961 his first songs appeared.

In 1964, V. Vysotsky entered the Moscow Taganka Drama and Comedy Theater, where he worked until 1980. In 1968, V. Vysotsky’s first flexible disc with songs from the film “Vertical” was released, and in 1973-1976 four more original discs were recorded in France.

There were also films, there were performances that Vysotsky “voiced,” and very often the songs he created turned out to be several sizes larger than the film or performance itself.

Vladimir Vysotsky has songs that are somewhat similar to his roles. Roles from plays staged by no one and - moreover - plays not yet written by anyone. Plays with such roles, of course, could be written and appear on stage. If not today, then tomorrow, so

the day after tomorrow. But the fact is that Vysotsky did not want to wait until tomorrow. He wanted to play these roles today, now, immediately! And therefore he composed them himself, he himself was the director and performer.

He was in a hurry, trying on the clothes, characters and destinies of other people - funny and serious, practical and reckless, real and fictional. He got into their concerns, problems, professions and life principles, demonstrated their way of thinking and manner of speaking. He improvised, got carried away, exaggerated, was impudent and

mocking, teasing and exposing, approving and supporting.

While performing them, Vysotsky could be so thunderous, so stormy and raging that people sitting in the audience had to close their eyes and pull their heads into their shoulders, as if from a strong wind. But his next song could be stunningly quiet.

Vysotsky tried himself in various intonations, he looked for more and more new colors, new details for his “plays”, and therefore his songs have several options, changes, abbreviations. And this is also him, Vysotsky, his nature, his dissatisfaction with himself, his way of creativity.

He was in full view. With all the successes and failures, discoveries and jokes, doubts and conviction. He wrote many songs. And, of course, they are not all equal. But this is always an uneven road leading to the comprehension of the truth, to the discovery of people and, therefore, to the discovery of oneself...

He was incredibly popular. Getting a ticket to his performance was much more difficult than “getting through” to a Sochi or Yalta hotel in the summer. But if for normal people Vladimir Vysotsky was one of them, he was a close, necessary and beloved actor, then for the philistine snobs he was, first of all, “young.”

And he hated the bourgeoisie. And he despised snobs. Any. No wonder he has a bitter and angry song that ends with these words:

Don't go near other people's tables

And respond if called.

However, when Vladimir Vysotsky was called out by snobs, and people were just people, he turned with his whole body and responded with all his heart!

He knew how to be not only kind. And not only flexible. When some “very specific” foreign well-wishers “out of spite”, Vysotsky remained himself, spoke to them harshly and unambiguously. He did not give his homeland as an insult to anyone.

The best songs of Vladimir Vysotsky - for life. They are people's friends. These songs contain inexhaustible power, unseen tenderness and the scope of the human soul. And they also have memory. The memory of the roads traveled and the years flown by.

Vladimir Vysotsky wrote more than 600 songs and poems, played more than 20 roles on the theater stage, 30 roles in films and television films, 8 in radio plays.

In 1979, he starred in his last film, “Little Tragedies.” On July 17, 1980 he gave his last concert. July 18, 1980 – appears on the theater stage for the last time - in the play “Hamlet”. On July 20, 1980, he wrote his last poem: “And there is ice below, and above - I’m toiling between...”. On July 25, 1980, he died at 4:10 am in his apartment on Malaya Gruzinskaya, 28 and was buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery in Moscow. His grave is strewn with fresh flowers all year round. They write a lot about him, movies and TV shows are made about him, his records and books are published. Gardeners name the best varieties of flowers after him, climbers name hard-to-reach mountain passes. Poets, artists, composers dedicate their works to him. The words of his songs are carved on the marble of obelisks in honor of those killed on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. He continues to live in poems, songs, and street names. The workers of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory named the small planet “Vladvysotsky” after him.

Vysotsky’s biography and his work still excite people’s hearts, although the cult actor and singer-songwriter passed away long ago. How did his star journey begin and why did it end so early?

Biography of Vysotsky. Summary. Childhood and youth

Vladimir Vysotsky was born in Moscow in 1938. During World War II, little Volodya’s father rose to the rank of colonel at the military communications headquarters. The boy looked like his father not only in appearance, but even in his voice. Mother - Nina Maksimovna - was a translator-referent by profession. Unfortunately, two years after the war, the parents of the future actor divorced.

After the war, Vladimir and his mother continued to live in a Moscow communal apartment; there was a catastrophic lack of money. When his father offered to go with his new wife, Evgenia, to Germany to his place of service, his mother let Volodya go. It was in Germany that Vladimir Vysotsky, whose brief biography is in one way or another connected with music, began to become familiar with the art of playing the piano.

Evgenia Stepanovna Vysotskaya managed to become more than just a stepmother to the boy. She took care of him and was close to the poet and actor until the end of his days. As a sign of his special respect for his second mother, Vladimir Vysotsky was baptized in the Armenian church (Evgenia was Armenian).

Civil Engineering Institute

Vysotsky’s biography is a clear confirmation that the actor was restless since childhood. He was acutely aware of injustice, so he often got into fights. He was tenderly attached to his family and friends. Vysotsky loved to read domestic and world literature. At the age of 15, he even attended a drama club led by actor V. Bogomolov. But it was necessary to decide on a future profession, and the strict father did not want to hear anything about the theater institute. This is how Vladimir Vysotsky ended up at the age of 17 at the Moscow Institute of Civil Engineering. Kuibyshev to the Faculty of Mechanics.

For six months Vladimir tried to cope with the institute program. The first session was approaching, it was urgent to complete the drawings, without which there could be no talk of admission to the exams. Having suffered with his friend until midnight, Vysotsky deliberately ruined his drawing and declared that “this is not his business.” Knowing that he had another six months to prepare for admission to a theater university, Vysotsky began selecting the repertoire.

Beginning of acting

The Moscow Art Theater School-Studio is where Vysotsky entered in 1956. His biography as an artist was just beginning. One of the teachers of the future actor was Pavel Massalsky, a famous Soviet actor.

Vladimir’s first theatrical role was the role of Porfiry Petrovich, a character from the student play “Crime and Punishment.” At the age of 21, shortly before graduating from studio school, Vysotsky received his first film role. He was involved in an episode of the film “Peers” by Vasily Ordynsky.

Then Vladimir entered the service of the Moscow Drama Theater named after A. S. Pushkin. But during 4 years of work there he did not receive a single leading role. Being content with little is not what Vysotsky was striving for; the actor’s biography is a clear confirmation of this. Therefore, he leaves the Pushkin Theater and goes to serve at the Taganka Theater. He was 26 years old. And three years later, Vysotsky played the main role in Stanislav Govorukhin’s film “Vertical”, and the entire Soviet Union started talking about him, not only as an actor, but also as a performer.

Vysotsky: short biography and creativity. Vysotsky - poet

It was after the release of “Vertical” that Vysotsky’s talent as a bard became widely known. Five songs of his authorship were performed in the film (the famous “Song about a Friend”, “Top”), and then were released as a separate album.

Vysotsky, whose brief biography cannot do without mention of his poetic gift, wrote poems since school. But in the 60s, Vladimir began to try to set his poems to music, and this is how his first songs began to appear.

At first, the so-called “thieves” theme was close to him. This is quite strange, because as a person from a good family, Vladimir Vysotsky had no contact with representatives of the criminal world.

Ultimately, the actor left behind 200 poems and 600 songs. He even wrote a poem for children. Since the texts still played a dominant role in his songs, we can assume that about 800 poetic works came from Vysotsky’s pen.

Vysotsky's musical talent

Vladimir did not immediately pick up the guitar. He knew how to play the piano, accordion, and then began to tap rhythms on the body of the guitar and sing his own poems or others’ poems to them. This is how Vysotsky’s first songs appeared. After his triumph in Vershina, the biography of the author-performer began to be replenished with new film projects, for which he wrote soundtracks.

Although Vysotsky was immediately classified as a bard, connoisseurs of musical art can confirm that his manner of performance cannot entirely be considered bardish. Vladimir Vysotsky himself was categorically against such a classification of his work. From his numerous interviews it is clear that he “does not want to have anything to do with them.”

The topics that the singer-songwriter touched on in his songwriting are replete with variety: politics and love lyrics; songs about friendship (“If a friend suddenly appeared”), about human relationships; about courage and perseverance (“Top”). And even humorous first-person stories about inanimate objects (“Microphone Song”) are found in his repertoire.

Film career

Vysotsky, whose biography and work are widely known not only within the former USSR, but also abroad, did not play many leading roles in films. In fact, until the age of 30, he played in episodes or supporting characters.

For the first time in the film “Vertical”, Vladimir got one of the main roles. This was followed by the melodrama “Brief Encounters,” where, in tandem with Nina Ruslanova and Kira Muratova, Vysotsky becomes the central hero of a love triangle.

Then there were other notable characters: Brodsky from the tragicomedy “Intervention”, Ivan Ryaboy from “The Master of the Taiga”, Georges Bengalsky from “Dangerous Tours”, Ibrahim Hannibal from “The Tale of How Tsar Peter Married the Arab”. But the most colorful and striking role was to be played much later - in 1979.

"Meeting place can not be Changed"

The crowning achievement of Vysotsky’s acting career can rightfully be considered the legendary Gleb Zheglov from the TV series “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed.” Not only the character, but the film itself as a whole has become a cult favorite. The texts voiced by the actors turned into aphorisms. And the image of Zheglov, if you are careful, is still visible in many heroes of modern films about criminal investigation.

It is noteworthy that after the publication of the novel by the Weiner brothers (on which the film was based), Vysotsky personally came to visit them and confronted them with the fact that if a movie was made, he would play the role of Zheglov.

However, when the chaos swirled around the Weiners’ new novel, and Stanislav Govorukhin had already approved Vysotsky for the role, according to the director’s recollections, Vladimir came to him and asked him to find someone else: the actor admitted that he could not waste time, since he “didn’t have much time left.” Vysotsky's creative biography was nearing its end. Vladimir understood this and wanted to leave behind more songs and poems. But Govorukhin persuaded him, and filming began.

Thus, Soviet cinema acquired a new colorful hero - the principled and decisive Gleb Zheglov.

Vysotsky's directorial experience

Vysotsky's biography includes cases when the actor acted as a screenwriter ("Signs of the Zodiac", "Vienna Holidays"), but he did not make a single film as a director. Although there was a case in his life when he managed to prove himself in the director’s role - during the filming of the film “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed.”

Vladimir has a direct bearing on the fact that Stanislav Sadalsky’s character “Brick” appeared in the film. There was no lisping pickpocket in the Weiner brothers' novel. This image was created during filming after a corresponding proposal from Vladimir.

For reasons beyond his control, the director of the film, Stanislav Govorukhin, had to leave the set. At such moments, he left Vysotsky to lead the process. In particular, the scene of the interrogation of the suspect Gruzdev was completely staged by the actor.

First marriage

Vysotsky's biography - bright and rich - of course, could not do without women. The actor married early for the first time - at the age of 22 - to Iza Zhukova, with whom he studied at the Moscow Art Theater. She was a little older than him - a third year student. Moreover, Iza already had one marriage behind her.

Vladimir met a girl while participating in a joint student play. In fact, since 1957 they lived together. The wedding took place when both received diplomas.

But as in any early marriage, the spouses did not calculate their strength, or rather, Vladimir did not calculate. He was young, he was still drawn to noisy companies with gatherings until the morning and drinking. Iza, on the contrary, was counting on home comfort and a quiet family life. Thus began a series of endless quarrels.

They didn't live together for even four years. The divorce was not finalized immediately. Since Isolde bore the surname Vysotskaya, she recorded her illegitimate son, who appeared after their separation from the actor, under the surname of Vladimir.

Second marriage

Vysotsky’s student marriage did not end his family biography. Vysotsky is remembered with a certain amount of bitterness by his second wife, Lyudmila Abramova, who, by the way, gave him two sons.

Vladimir met Lyudmila in St. Petersburg during the filming of “The 713th Requests Landing” in 1961. Vysotsky was still officially married to Isolda Zhukova, and Abramova in 1962 already gave birth to his first son, Arkady. Two years later Nikita was born. The whole family lived in the same apartment with Vladimir’s mother, Nina Maksimovna.

But this marriage did not last more than five years. In 1970, the divorce was officially filed, and Vysotsky had a new lover.

Third marriage with Marina Vladi

One day, the famous French actress Marina Vladi saw Vysotsky playing on the stage of the Taganka Theater in one of the performances. The biography and personal life of these people changed dramatically after meeting in 1967.

The novel between Marina Vladi and Vysotsky is one of the most discussed and famous. Marina Vladi, a world celebrity, was amazed by the self-confidence with which Vladimir sought her. In 1970, the defense collapsed, and Vladi became the actor’s wife. But family life in the full sense of the word did not work out for them. The main difficulty is the “iron curtain”, which did not allow the spouses to see each other when they wanted.

Marina Vladi did a lot for the career of her beloved man. She sought to have his poems published abroad, even organizing a musical tour for Vysotsky in America and Europe. But even then Vladimir suffered from alcohol addiction, and a little later - from drug addiction. Therefore, Marina had to face not only her husband’s positive character traits, but also very difficult trials.


It is noteworthy that immediately before his death, Vysotsky was going to break up with Marina, who had endured inconvenience for 12 years for his sake, sacrificed her career, etc. When the actor was 40 years old, he became interested in eighteen-year-old Oksana Afanasyeva. Marina Vladi was in France and still considered herself his wife, while Vladimir had already bought wedding rings and made an agreement with the priest who was supposed to marry him and Oksana. But this did not happen - on July 25, 1980, he died of a myocardial infarction.

Since the 60s, Vysotsky suffered from alcoholism. The biography and photos of the popular actor and performer became more and more in demand, and his “inner restlessness” grew at the same time. Vysotsky was a very emotional person, he had many fears, he partially suffered from lack of fulfillment, and alcohol was a way to drown out everything that he did not want to show to other people.

Repeatedly, the actor’s kidneys failed and serious heart problems arose; once he suffered clinical death. Doctors saved Vladimir with the help of morphine and amphetamine. Vysotsky himself understood that he needed to stop drinking alcohol. But, unable to find the strength to give up ethanol-containing drinks, he found a replacement for them - drugs. It is reliably known that by the age of 39, Vysotsky began to inject himself regularly.

Numerous trips to hospitals did not help. Doctors noted that Vladimir had a psychological need for stimulants, so the treatment was not productive.

An autopsy was not performed after the death of Vladimir Vysotsky. Doctor Anatoly Fedotov, who was next to the actor at the time of his death, suggested that a myocardial infarction killed him.

So many people gathered for Vysotsky’s funeral that Marina Vladi involuntarily compared the procession to a “royal” one. Despite his addictions, Vladimir Vysotsky managed to win people's love.

The main secret of the charm of Vysotsky as a person, as well as his creativity, is the complete sincerity of the author. According to a survey conducted by the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion in 2010, modern Russians consider Vysotsky to be a person who stands on the pedestal of idols right after Yuri Gagarin. And this name can no longer be erased from the history of Russian culture.

Vladimir Semyonovich Vysotsky briefly for children

The article is devoted to a brief biography of Vysotsky, a famous poet-performer, actor and simply a creatively gifted person. Vladimir Vysotsky is a cult figure of the Soviet era. Many people have great love for creativity.

Biography of Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky: childhood and youth

Vysotsky was born in 1938 into a fairly wealthy family. But soon after the war, the parents divorced. Vladimir was left with his mother in a difficult financial situation. However, when his father was transferred to serve in Germany, he invited the boy to go with him. His mother agreed and Vysotsky spent his childhood abroad, where he began his musical education. Vladimir's stepmother treated him with great care and respect. Until the end of Vysotsky’s life, she was a very close person to him.
From childhood, Vysotsky showed his later aversion to injustice and violent character. He read a lot and voraciously. Already in his youth, Vysotsky felt a craving for the theater, was a member of a drama club and dreamed of a career as an actor. However, his father was a military man and could not imagine his son on stage. As a result, Vysotsky enters the Institute of Civil Engineering. The study continued until the first session. Immediately before the exams, Vysotsky tore up the drawings and declared that this was not his calling, again showing his stubborn character. He begins to prepare for a theatrical career.

Vysotsky's acting career

Vysotsky's career as an artist begins at the Moscow Art Theater School. Here he gets his first role in a student play, and before graduation he manages to star in an episode of the feature film "Peers".
Then there were four years of work at the theater. A.S. Pushkin, which did not bring Vysotsky fame, and he was content with minor roles. At the age of 26, Vysotsky got a job at the Taganka Theater and soon received the main role in the film "Vertical". From this time on, Vysotsky’s all-Union fame began as an actor and as a performer.
Vysotsky's career as a film actor is not replete with leading roles. In addition to "Vertical", he played several minor roles. But he managed to play the role of his life - Zheglov from the film "The meeting place cannot be changed." The image of Zheglov became one of the most popular among Soviet viewers. Many of his phrases became aphorisms and are still heard in the form of imitations in works of art. Zheglov, as Vysotsky imagined, became a model of principled and stern justice.

Vysotsky - poet-performer

Vysotsky began writing poetry while still in school, but only in the 60s. he makes his first attempts to set them to music. Vysotsky’s songs heard on television confirmed his talent and pushed him to develop this creativity.
Vysotsky's first songs were largely dedicated to the so-called. "thieves" theme. This was strange for someone from a respectable family. We must assume that the poet’s character, always striving for struggle and confrontation, again played a role. In addition, his songs did not idealize the “thieves” world, but glorified the positive, fair moments in it. Nevertheless, Vysotsky’s songs from this period have found their niche in the “thieves’” creativity and are still valued by representatives of the criminal world.
Vysotsky is the author of a huge number of poems and songs (about 800). Before the guitar became the main instrument of the performer, Vysotsky already knew how to play other musical instruments (accordion, piano). Vladimir Vysotsky's manner of playing in the strict sense of the word is not bardish. He himself admitted this. The themes of his songs are endlessly varied: politics, love, friendship. Vysotsky wrote songs specifically for theater and cinema. In general, they are all imbued with the spirit of justice, courage, and perseverance. faith in goodness.

Personal life of Vysotsky

The rich creative life of Vladimir Vysotsky became an obstacle in his personal life. The first marriage took place while he was studying at the Moscow Art Theater, but did not last long. Vysotsky met his second wife even before his divorce from his first. Soon his son was born and the relationship was formalized. The birth of a second child could not hold the family together. Vladimir's stormy life interfered with the creation of a calm home.
The main love of Vysotsky’s life was Marina Vladi, a world-famous French actress. As she herself claimed, Vladimir achieved her through incredible persistence. However, there was no happiness in this union either. The big obstacle was the “iron curtain”, which prevented normal communication. The last years of Vysotsky’s life, who suffered first from alcohol and then from drug addiction, brought Marina incredible torment and fears for the life of her loved one.
Constant nervous fatigue as a result of multifaceted activities, alcohol and drug abuse led to the fact that in 1980 Vladimir Vysotsky suffered a myocardial infarction. The number of people who gathered for his funeral was incredibly huge. This is clear evidence of people's love and reverence for his work.