Choosing an orthopedic pillow. How to choose an orthopedic pillow for sleeping - useful tips and nuances

Is it worth purchasing orthopedic pillow? What is its difference from the usual one and is there such a great benefit from using it? We will try to answer these questions below.

There are orthopedic pillows for sleeping and for everyday activities - for example, there is an orthopedic pillow for the back. It will be useful for those who work in an office or most spends time driving. But today we will talk about the pillows on which we sleep.

So, the benefits. Unlike a regular pillow, the right orthopedic pillow will allow you to:

At first, sleeping on an orthopedic pillow is unusual and uncomfortable for most people. For lovers of soft down pillows You may not like the soft fabric of the orthopedic product. However, after just a few days, you will get used to it and appreciate all the advantages of using it. It seems impossible, but by purchasing a high-quality orthopedic pillow, you will get a healthy, restful sleep, and forget about back and neck pain and headaches. Good dream- means a joyful morning, a productive day.

Good night and sweet dreams!

Many people complain of constant pain in the neck, back and joints. Common cause discomfort is considered to be an incorrectly selected pillow for sleeping. The accessory may be too soft or hard, high or, conversely, low. The position in which a person is accustomed to rest also causes problems with the spine. An orthopedic pillow, which has therapeutic and prophylactic properties, will help to cope with the situation. The attribute must be selected taking into account individual characteristics person.

Positive features of an orthopedic pillow

  1. Comfort. Due to the breathable properties of the material, the pillow allows air to pass through well. It does not stagnate in the cavity of the fibers, as a result of which the head does not sweat. After a long rest, a person wakes up refreshed and feels a surge of strength.
  2. Hypoallergenic. Almost all types of fillers do not cause individual intolerance. This is considered a definite plus for allergy sufferers. The exception is down or feathers, which are rarely stuffed into leisure accessories.
  3. Safety. Basically, pillows are made from materials that do not contribute to the development of fungus. Orthopedic products are free from mold, bed bugs and ticks, as well as other harmful microorganisms.
  4. Ergonomics. The main focus of therapeutic and prophylactic pillows is to align the spine. Due to the special filler, a person sleeps in the correct position all night. The pillow bends under the weight of the head and neck exactly as much as the vertebrae require. This excludes neck and back pain and migraines.

Choosing an orthopedic pillow: main characteristics

The product for relaxation is selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the person. Before purchasing, pay attention to your shoulder width, the hardness of the existing mattress, your favorite sleeping position, and the pricing policy of the future pillow.

While in the store, analyze all the available characteristics of the product. These include the material of the filler and cover, as well as the hardness, height, shape, width, and size of the pillow.

To give you a more specific idea of ​​what we are talking about, let’s look at the main characteristics in order.

Pillow size and height

  1. Leading manufacturing companies supply orthopedic pillows to store shelves rectangular shape. Product sizes can be 40*60 cm, as well as 60*80 cm. The indicator should be proportional to the distance from shoulder to shoulder. In addition, you will find attributes in the form of a roller, crescent, circle, square.
  2. The set includes a pillowcase, which is often soaked essential oils calming effect. However, you can dress up the pillow with a standard cover that you have at home.
  3. If we talk about the height of the accessory, the figure ranges from 6-16 cm. A pillow with a height of about 10-14 cm is suitable for the average person.
  4. Experts advise choosing a height based on your body characteristics. It is not difficult to calculate the indicator. Using a ruler, measure the distance from the edge of the shoulder to the beginning of the neck. Add 2 cm to the number (a standard mattress sag by this amount).

Pillow hardness

  1. You have received the approximate height of the pillow cushion. Now let's look at individual cases in which the indicator may vary in one direction or another.
  2. If you prefer to rest on your back throughout the night, buy a firmer and lower pillow; it will relieve snoring and eliminate lower back pain. Focus on the degree of compression of the mattress: the softer it is, the higher the product should be.
  3. For people who prefer to sleep on their stomach, a soft and relatively low pillow is suitable. It will reduce muscle tension and prevent pinching of the cervical vertebrae.
  4. For those who are used to resting on their side, it is advisable to choose a sleeping object with high degree rigidity. This way, the neck will not become stiff, standing in line with the spine.

Pillow cost

  1. Price policy depends on the manufacturer (Russia, Italy, Germany, Korea, China, etc.), as well as the filler that forms the basis of the product.
  2. Accessories filled with latex and other impurities cost about 1,500-2,000 rubles. If we talk about natural ingredients, the price can reach 5,000 rubles.
  3. Of course, on the Internet or on the market you will find a pillow costing less than 1000 rubles, but its quality will be unsatisfactory. The price also includes the accessories included in the set (scented covers, pillowcases, etc.).

Pillow filler

  1. Down, feather, buckwheat husk. Listed species fillers are natural. They are completely hypoallergenic, with the exception of individual intolerance. Such attributes are harmless due to environmentally pure composition. Buckwheat husk promotes accelerated air circulation, relieves migraines, and fights pain in the neck and spine. The pillow holds its shape perfectly and does not deform under high loads. The products are considered especially useful for people with cervical/lumbar osteochondrosis, as well as scoliosis.
  2. Foam rubber, polyester, synthetic winterizer. The listed materials are synthetic, but this list is incomplete. Pillows are often stuffed with holofiber, rubber, heat-treated silicone, polystyrene (lots of balls). The advantages of the listed fillers are hypoallergenicity and price range. The disadvantages include the impossibility of wet cleaning (washing). However negative trait compensated by the convenience of ventilation, 2 procedures per year are enough. Also artificial fillers serve for more than 10 years and are considered very wear-resistant.
  3. Latex. Due to the fact that the material is made by thermal foaming, it perfectly retains and maintains its shape. The volcanic composition has springy properties. Pillows made from this type of filling should be chosen by people who rest on their backs. Thanks to the positive properties of latex, accessories based on it relieve neck pain. They do not fall below the required level and quickly change shape if you want to roll over. Latex is made from vulcanized and foamy Hevea juice. The material contains more than 96% natural fibers.
  4. Independent springs. The pillow is made from polyurethane foam or latex, which perfectly retains its shape and maintains it throughout sleep. The mini-springs are located next to each other, allowing for better contouring of the head and neck during rest periods. The filler reacts to movements. It quickly changes shape, without causing discomfort when turning over on its side, back, or stomach.
  5. Material with memory. Sleep accessories of this type are made of latex or polyurethane. Main feature products is considered to be a reaction to the weight of the head and body temperature of a person. When you lie down to rest, the material adapts to all the bulges and retains its shape for a long time. After the cessation of exposure, the pillow gradually begins to take on its original appearance. Everything happens slowly. If you press the pillow with an open palm, you will notice that the filler literally envelops each finger. The cost of such accessories is average (about 2000-3000 rubles). The downside is the inability to wash.
  6. Cooling gel. Technology does not stand still. Leading manufacturers of orthopedic pillows have developed a 3D gel for their products. Innovation system deforms the liquid inside, due to this it adapts to the contours of the body and has a cooling effect. Thanks to the excellent load distribution, the material has massage properties. When purchasing, keep in mind that you will need time to adapt to such a pillow.
  7. Adjustable filler. Another novelty in the field of accessories for sleep and relaxation is a pillow with adjustable filling. The model has a hidden zipper with which you can remove or add material. In this way, the owner had the opportunity to vary the degree of hardness and height of the pillow. Leading companies supply with the accessory a pillowcase soaked in soothing essential oils.

Why an orthopedic pillow is not suitable

Having studied the listed parameters, you have become familiar with the required height, hardness, size and filling of the pillow. However, for certain reasons you feel uncomfortable sleeping on it? Learn the criteria to pay attention to.

  1. If after waking up in the morning you experience numbness in your shoulders and pain in the cervical vertebrae, this outcome indicates that the mattress is too hard and the orthopedic pillow is too low.
  2. If you put your hand under the pillow while sleeping, it means that its height is not enough. Buy another accessory with greater rigidity. Measure the distance from the shoulder to the beginning of the neck again to determine the desired height.
  3. If you don't get enough sleep, constantly toss and turn and cannot find a comfortable position, the pillow is higher than it should be. Again, study the parameters, choose an accessory with a lower indicator.
  4. People who prefer to sleep on their side may find the following information helpful. If you wake up and find yourself lying on your back, the orthopedic pillow you have chosen is too low. During sleep, your head was not as high as required, so you subconsciously changed your position.

  1. "Trelax". The Russian manufacturing company makes pillows no worse than their foreign counterparts. The products are designed for different categories of citizens: pregnant women, children, the elderly and young people. However, the main focus of the company is the production of pillows for babies. The constructor allows you to distribute the load throughout the body, helping to properly strengthen the child’s spine. All materials are environmentally friendly. The pricing policy starts from 1000 rubles.
  2. "Trives". The range of orthopedic pillows is wide; you will find a product for yourself, an elderly relative, a baby or a pregnant woman. The filler is based on latex, which adapts to the curves of the head and neck, remembering the position. By massaging the collar area, the muscles in this area relax, providing a person with a comfortable sleep. If you have respiratory or allergic ailments, there is no need to worry. Latex is an environmentally friendly material. The cost of a sleep accessory starts from 1,500 rubles.
  3. "Consal". Products of the Consal series are made from synthetic and natural materials. Many models have upper layer in the form of a gel that cools the scalp and provides a light massage of the collar area. This effect allows you to unload the intervertebral discs and relax the muscles. Due to the high ergonomics and variety, every person will find an option taking into account their body type. Pricing policy varies between 3000-5000 rubles.
  4. "Ormatek". The manufacturer produces products based on breathable filler. This includes perforated volcanic latex, buckwheat hulls, cooling gel, hypoallergenic polyurethane. The pillow adapts to the human body, providing him with a comfortable sleep. As a result of air circulation, sweating is regulated. A pillow with a cooling gel is suitable for people with elevated body temperatures. Other fillers will reduce muscle tension and provide massage to the collar area. Due to the “breathable” material, bacteria do not accumulate in the pillow cavity, which is considered especially valuable for allergy sufferers. The cost of products starts from 1200 rubles, it all depends on the size and specific filler.
  5. "Tempur." The pillow filling is sensitive to heat, so it takes the shape of your head. short term. This kind of material is sensitive to movement, you will sleep comfortably on your back, side or stomach. During rest, maximum support is provided to the sewing vertebrae, and the muscles are unloaded. Pillows from this company can be rectangular, round, oval, cushion-shaped or crescent-shaped. The best option is a rectangle. The cost ranges from 3,500 rubles.
  6. "Ascona". The manufacturing company produces orthopedic pillows and mattresses. Today the company occupies a leading position. The pillows are filled with soft springs made of latex. They support the neck and head, maintain shape, and promote accelerated air circulation. Askona makes universal pillows; you can rest on your back, stomach or side without fear of discomfort. The cost of the accessory varies from 1000 to 5000 rubles.
  7. "Fosta". The lineup orthopedic pillows from this manufacturer are aimed at people with cervical osteochondrosis. In most cases, the filler is made from natural and artificial materials that adapt to human body movements. The massage function relieves the intervertebral discs, thereby relaxing the muscles. Throughout the night there is a massive therapeutic and prophylactic effect on the problem area. In this way, excess stress is eliminated. The price of the product starts from 2500 rubles.
  8. Bedding Industries. The leading Italian company has conquered the Russian market. The product is based on high-quality hypoallergenic materials approved by healthcare. Thanks to its memory function, the pillow retains the shape of a person's head, providing comfortable rest. Some models include a built-in player, allowing people to fall asleep to their favorite music. The cost of pillows is justifiably high, it ranges around 5,000 rubles.

When choosing an orthopedic pillow, pay attention to the height of the product. It should be equal to the distance from the shoulder to the beginning of the neck. Optimal size The figure is considered to be 40*60 cm, less is possible. Give preference to accessories that retain their shape well and adapt to movement. It is advisable for the pillow to provide a gentle massage while you sleep.

Video: how to choose an orthopedic pillow

Choosing the ideal orthopedic pillow for sleeping causes difficulties for many buyers - and this is understandable: there are too many parameters to take into account. How to choose the size? Which filler is better? How to choose the right model from all the variety produced by Russian and foreign factories? We will answer all these questions, and at the same time read the reviews of those who have already tried to find the perfect pillow.

Types of orthopedic pillows for sleeping

The right orthopedic pillow ideally supports the neck and spine, allowing them to maintain the correct anatomical position. Many people purchase it as a preventative measure to maintain health, and for others it is prescribed by a doctor.

In order to understand which pillow is best for sleeping, let's study their types.


Rectangle or square - classic sleeping pillow configuration. Such products create an orthopedic effect using filler.

However, manufacturers are improving the designs of their models, maximizing them to the human anatomy not only with the help of fillers, but also due to the ergonomic shape, pay attention to Comfort sleeping pillows.

Yes, they are released the following types anatomical sleeping pillows:

  • curly with rollers different heights (used for back or side sleeping);
  • with recesses under the shoulder (for sleeping on the side);
  • original shapes: horseshoe, banana, butterfly, roller, etc.

A cushion of a smaller height is placed under the neck when a person falls asleep on his back, a higher height - if he falls asleep on his side.


Pillows also differ in parameters. The length can vary from 40 to 80 cm, width - from 30 to 50 cm.

The most popular size of an adult orthopedic pillow is 50 by 70 cm, children's models are 20 by 30 or 50 by 40 cm.

How to choose the length and width of a pillow?

Be sure to “try on” the pillow before purchasing: lie on it in the salon (preferably on a mattress of the same hardness as at home). Place your body in a comfortable position in which you like to fall asleep. Fifteen minutes will be enough to understand whether the size of the pillow and its elasticity are comfortable.

Much more important than choosing the length and width is the correct determination of the height of the pillow - and we will talk about this in detail below.

Age and health status

If you have problems with the spine, osteochondrosis in the cervical region periodically worsens, you have had an injury or surgery on the shoulder or thoracic region, Pillows should only be purchased after consulting a doctor..

For older people, they are more comfortable soft pillows from polyurethane foam, and young people like more elastic models, for example, latex.


While you sleep The spine should be strictly parallel to the mattress. Please note that on a soft base the pillow will sag slightly, so you should determine a comfortable degree of elasticity.

For not very useful sleep on the stomach, soft pillows are suitable. If you like to sleep on your side, then hard models, and if on your back, then medium elasticity.

Additional functions

Trying to get ahead of competitors, many factories are developing original models:

  • with a massage effect (“filling” of buckwheat husks),
  • with antibacterial functions (covers and fillers with special impregnations);
  • relaxation pillows (herbal impregnations);
  • with a cooling surface, impregnated with menthol;
  • to improve facial skin tone and prevent anti-aging changes ( pillowcases with milk impregnation).

There are also unique models. For example, a mini-player can be built into the pillow, which will play your favorite music and help you fall asleep faster.

Which filler to choose

Unambiguously determine which pillows are the most best days sleep is impossible. In addition to a convenient shape, each model has one or another type of filler, which may be ideal for a particular buyer or, on the contrary, cause discomfort.

What “fillings” are used most often in orthopedic sleep pillows? What are their advantages and disadvantages.

Buckwheat husk

  • absolutely natural;
  • affordable price;
  • pleasant aroma;
  • good massage effect;
  • improves blood circulation, relieves muscle tension, calms the nervous system.


  • difficult care;
  • may cause allergies;
  • shelf life no more than 3 years;
  • rustling noise when in use.

Natural latex


  • quite high cost;
  • may have a specific odor that goes away after a few days.

Memory foam

  • high orthopedic parameters(ideally adapts to the contours of the head and shoulders under the influence of load and temperature);
  • the surface quickly returns to its previous appearance;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • durable.


  • low elasticity, the effect of enveloping the face, which not all buyers like;
  • high price;
  • at high temperatures begins to emit a specific smell.

Some manufacturers use innovative biofoam, which is 50 times more environmentally friendly than polyurethane foam.

  • with a small diameter of the balls, the pillow has high orthopedic characteristics;
  • perfectly follows the anatomy of the head;
  • long service life;
  • environmental Safety;
  • easy care.


  • high price.

How to choose the height of an orthopedic pillow

For most buyers with a standard build, a pillow with a height of 10-13 cm is suitable. Those who like to sleep on their side with a height of no more than 165 cm - 11-12 cm, with a height of more than 165 - 13-14 cm.

Such indicators are averaged, so to be on the safe side, it is recommended to find out the exact parameters by measuring the distance from the center of the neck to the shoulder. Add 1-2 cm to this distance, resulting in optimal height pillows.

Adjustable models are one of the most good decisions, which is offered by many manufacturers. This pillow can be adjusted in height by removing individual layers. This feature is useful for children who are growing quickly, as well as those who are not ready to determine exactly how tall their ideal pillow should be before purchasing.

The height of the pillow is incorrectly selected if:

  • you feel the urge to put your hand under the pillow;
  • the neck becomes numb, pain appears, the shoulders become numb;
  • the chin almost touches the chest;
  • tension is felt in the cervical spine.

remember, that when changing your pillow to an orthopedic one, you may feel discomfort in the first weeks. The special pillow will take some getting used to. By the way, many manufacturers warn about this. Do not rush to give up on a new sleeping pillow if you have chosen it carefully and taking into account all the items we have listed.

A person spends a third of his life sleeping, therefore, this process should be comfortable. To avoid back and neck pain after sleep, it is recommended to choose the right orthopedic pillow. This item is characterized by convenience and quality of materials used.

Let's consider the main parameters that help you choose an orthopedic model for sleep:

  1. Product height. Average pillows is 10-14 cm. At the same time, if a person has broad shoulders, it is worth choosing a high-type product. If you sleep on your side, choose a higher model than if you sleep on your back.
  2. Width. This option is selected based on personal preference and convenience. The pillow should not be wider than the bed mattress.
  3. Rigidity. Soft and medium options are suitable for back sleepers, while firmer models are ideal for side sleepers.
  4. Form. Specialists involved in the rehabilitation of patients with back and neck diseases recommend purchasing products equipped with a roller. At first it will be difficult to get used to them, but over time, your back and body will not be able to lie on other surfaces.
  5. Material. The filler of a product determines its features. Today, manufacturers offer models made of polyurethane foam, polyester, latex, polystyrene, and buckwheat husk. Sometimes when buying a pillow, people wonder: what is better - latex or polyurethane foam? Let us answer in more detail - latex products are durable, elastic, they are made of natural materials and will not cause allergies. Polyurethane foam holds its shape well and has excellent breathability. Polyester provides comfortable, healthy sleep, and also allows you to independently adjust the height of the product. The same can be said about buckwheat husk - the raw material is considered more environmentally friendly.
  6. Effect. Today, product options are represented by several types of effects: with memory and cooling ability. In the first case, the model eventually begins to repeat the silhouette of the owner’s neck and head. Cooling options inside contain a special gel that promotes healthy sleep.

Before choosing a model, study all its characteristics. It is necessary to understand that if the height of the product is incorrectly selected, the spine will be curved. This will lead to feelings of discomfort both in the morning and throughout the day.

Important! If a person’s height is up to 165 cm, choose a height of 10-14 cm. If the height exceeds this figure, give preference to options with a height of 13-15 cm.

The size of the product also matters. You should not buy a model that is too elongated - it is uncomfortable to sleep on. It’s better to take a closer look at rectangular-type options with the required dimensions.

The best orthopedic pillows: rating with prices

Products with a corrective effect are always in demand. Such popularity gave birth to a large number of models, among whom it is difficult to find your night companion. Pillows are not only classified by type of filling, but may be designed for specific diseases.

Note! At cervical osteochondrosis Choose a medium-sized pillow with medium firmness. The best option the product will be made of latex or polyurethane foam.

The best models are always compiled into a special rating based on user reviews. We suggest considering a selection of the most popular models of orthopedic pillows, as well as their average prices.

Model name Description Starting cost
Ascona Mediflex Medium Comfortable pillow that helps with cervical hernia. It is durable and ensures healthy sleep. From 4170 rubles
Trelax Respecta It has a memory effect, the filler is polyurethane foam with silver ions. It has an anatomical shape and follows the curves of the neck. From 6 thousand rubles
Tempur Original Available in different sizes, made of latex filler. Takes the shape of the head and neck, relieves tension from the neck muscles. From 5700 rubles
Trives with memory effect TOP-104 The rollers have a height of 9 and 12 cm, the filler is viscoelastic polyurethane foam, good for headaches, fatigue, and osteochondrosis.

The set includes a pillowcase impregnated with milk.

From 2120 rubles
ORMATEK Aqua Soft It has a memory effect and is made of a special gel with a cooling effect. It has low rigidity and a height of 13 cm. From 4780 rubles
Pillow for newborns Trelax Sweet Support of the spine in premature babies, rehabilitation after injuries, as well as the formation of the correct curve.

Equipped with polyurethane filler.

From 1190 rubles
Pillow for a child over 3 years old TOP-101 The base is made of polyurethane foam, the height of the rollers is 6 and 8 cm, the surface is ribbed, and comes with a pillowcase made of soft velor.

Indicated for children with pain in the spine, as well as during rehabilitation after cervical injuries.

From 530 rubles

Top manufacturers

A high-quality orthopedic product for sleep should relax the spine as much as possible, form correct posture, follow the lines of the body, be comfortable and provide comfort.

Modern manufacturers produce models High Quality, the average price range starts from 2500 rubles.

When choosing a product, do not forget to consider your position at night - options for resting on your side, back and stomach will be different.

We propose to consider the leaders among manufacturers of orthopedic pillows:

  1. Trives. The Russian company is characterized by affordable price category. The manufacturer's catalogs present dozens of models, with prices starting from 500 rubles. Here you can also find models for children.
  2. Viva. Pillows have average cost, they are hypoallergenic and consist of a porous filler. The positioning of the neck and head during sleep means relieving stress on the blood vessels.
  3. Vegas. A Belarusian company that produces models with prices starting from 1,500 rubles. The range includes pillows of different classes, as well as products with cooling gel.
  4. Ascona. Leading company in Russian market, engaged in the manufacture of orthopedic products. The catalog contains a wide variety of models to suit every taste.
  5. Ortamek. The company produces latex pillows with an ergonomic shape. Affordable prices make Ormatek a leader.

Each model of orthopedic type pillow has its own advantages and disadvantages. You should choose an option for yourself according to height, weight and shoulder width. Before purchasing a product, try lying on it.

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Orthopedic pillows will help maintain the health of the spine and ensure the creation of comfortable and safe conditions for sleep. They support the neck and head, relieve stress on muscles and even eliminate snoring. How to choose an orthopedic pillow for sleeping and what to look for when purchasing?
Our detailed review will tell you about this.

We will also look at:

  • Types of orthopedic pillows;
  • Main types of fillers;
  • Size ranges of orthopedic pillows.

After reading our review, you can make right choice and buy a good pillow.

Orthopedic pillows provide comfortable sleep and correct position of the spine when lying down. They are made from materials that quickly restore their shape and have a certain amount of elasticity. Some models are made on the basis of memory effect materials - they do not exert back pressure, as many other fillers do.

What are the benefits of orthopedic pillows?

  • They support the anatomically correct position of the spine in any position - the absence of curvature makes it possible to improve its health;
  • Pillows create conditions for comfortable sleep - thanks to their original shape and neck support, they help improve sleep quality and relieve stress on muscle tissue;
  • There is a positive effect on the lymphatic and circulatory system– normal blood flow promotes proper operation brain and proper nutrition of all local tissues and organs;
  • Pillows correct posture – this effect achieved by ensuring the correct position of the spine;
  • Contribute to comfortable rest– orthopedic pillows allow a person to sleep in the most comfortable position.

There is also a decrease in neck pain.

What types of orthopedic sleeping pillows are there?

  • Classic shape;
  • With rollers;
  • With a massage effect;
  • With a cooling effect.

Which pillow is best for an adult to sleep on? If we choose the simplest ball pillow, it will not be able to truly provide good conditions for sleep. Despite the orthopedic effect, such a pillow will be too soft. In addition, shoulders can also rest on it. There is no neck support here either, so it would be a stretch to call it orthopedic.

However, pillows with ball filling are significantly superior to down or cotton wool models - they keep their shape well, are well ventilated, and do not retain heat or excess moisture.

The best orthopedic pillows are pillows with a bolster. They provide excellent support for the head and neck, promoting the anatomically correct position of the spine. The height of the rollers varies from 8 to 16 cm, this indicator is selected based on many factors. When a person sleeps, the cushion is under his neck, and his head lies on the lower part of the pillow. The result is complete cervical support and muscle relaxation.

Many pillows are equipped with not one, but two bolsters - the height of one of them is greater than the height of the other. The high bolster is designed to provide comfort in the “side-lying” position, while the lower bolster will provide comfort in the “back” position.

Orthopedic pillows with a massage effect are aimed at those who do not like to lie in the same position. Flat pillows do not promote normal blood circulation and often force you to change your body position. As for massage orthopedic sleep pillows, they have a ribbed surface, which achieves the micromassage effect. Sleeping on such pillows is much more comfortable.

As for pillows with a cooling effect, they are presented in two versions:

  • With standard filler;
  • With gel filler.

Models from the first category are made on the basis of conventional foam fillers. To ensure a cooling effect, these pillows are permeated through holes. Head movements cause air movement, which achieves active ventilation of the pillow and rapid heat removal.

Gel-filled pillows are filled with a special gel. It effectively removes and distributes heat, helping to maintain a low surface temperature of the pillow. The disadvantage of the gel filler is its high cost. But this disadvantage is more than compensated by the feeling of comfort for those who do not like to sleep on warm surfaces.

Which filler do you prefer?

When choosing an orthopedic pillow, you should start by familiarizing yourself with the fillers:

  • Natural latex is a natural foam material that has the ability to almost instantly restore its shape. It is hypoallergenic and has no contraindications for use. The main disadvantage of the filler is its high cost;
  • Polyurethane foam is an artificial material with an affordable cost. He has pronounced orthopedic properties, therefore, a large number of pillows are being developed on its basis;
  • Buckwheat husk – quite expensive natural material, on the basis of which hard orthopedic pillows are created;
  • MemoryFoam is another artificial material that remembers its shape when heated by the human body. It does not give a repulsive effect, helping to create ideal conditions for sleep and relaxation. Despite a number of advantages, not everyone likes pillows made of this material.

The most optimal option in terms of price and quality is orthopedic latex pillows. They dissipate heat well, remove excess moisture and help support the spine.

How to choose the height of an orthopedic pillow

Many readers are interested in how to choose the right orthopedic pillow? We've already talked about popular fillers, so it's time to talk about choosing a pillow height. The main thing you need to focus on when purchasing is comfort. If the pillow seems uncomfortable to you, then you can forget about normal sleep. As for the theoretical data, they are as follows:

  • The optimal height of the pillow in the “on your back” position is from 10 to 14 cm;
  • The optimal height of the pillow in the “sideways” position is from 12 to 16 cm.

Also, there is some dependence on the height and build of a person. If a person is tall and dense, he should look at taller pillows. A similar recommendation can be given to owners of soft mattresses - higher pillows will be required here. As for short people, lower pillows are suitable for them. But you need to remember that the recommended numbers should not affect comfort.

When choosing an orthopedic pillow, pay attention to the recommendations indicated on the tags or in the passports - normal manufacturers always give recommendations on the use of their products.