Planting flower seeds for seedlings. What flowers should be planted for seedlings in January-February

16 Mar 2018

Annual flowers decorate the garden with bright lush flowering. Annuals include plants whose life cycle from germination to flowering and seed ripening takes place in one season, and this group also includes perennials that are not able to overwinter in our climate. We choose annual flowers not only for their growth rate, but also for their long-lasting abundant flowering, unpretentiousness, brightness and variety.

Every year you can select new species and varieties of annual flowers, change their location in the flower beds every year, creating new pictures. Annuals will fill the gaps between perennials and the places where bulbous flowers bloomed in the spring, as they disappear by summer. Some types of annual flowers can be planted in flowerpots, balcony boxes, containers, hanging baskets, for landscaping terraces, courtyards, gazebos, verandas, and house facades.

If you want your site to turn into a blooming garden as soon as possible, annual flowers need to be grown through seedlings at home . By the end of spring or early summer, you will have plants with buds and the first opened flowers for planting in flower beds. After the flowers take root in the new place with proper care They begin to grow quickly and bloom magnificently within two weeks.

Calendar for sowing flowers for seedlings:

Each crop has its own development period from sowing to the beginning of flowering; it can be several weeks to several months. Eat annual flowers with a long period of development; they are sown for seedlings in January - February - this is Chabot carnation, ever-flowering begonia, cineraria, Waller's balsam.

Mass sowing of annual flowers for seedlings occurs in March-April.

In the first ten days of March It is recommended to have time to sow verbena, gatsania, coleus, calceolaria, Snapdragon, pelargonium, petunia, salvia, fragrant tobacco.

In the second ten days of March from the 11th to the 20th the following annual flowers are sowed: asters, venidium, adonis, Chinese carnation, gomphrena, kupena, kufeya, mirabilis, pyrethrum, scabiosa, platicadon, navel, aspen, primrose, edelweiss, sage.

In the last days of March sow the seeds of ageratum, carnation grass, helichrysum, godetia, iberis, cleome, phlox Drumond, chrysanthemums, echinacea.

In March, most perennials can be sown for seedlings. garden plants . Seedlings of perennials will be ready for planting at the beginning of summer and over the course of the season the plants will grow larger and stronger than when sowing seeds in the ground; accordingly, the former will withstand the winter better.

Some flowers cannot tolerate transplantation because they have a stem root system Therefore, their seedlings can be grown at home only in cups or pots so that they can be planted in the ground without damaging the roots. Thus, to obtain early flowering, godetia, nasturtium, nemesia, lavatera, gillyflower, lobularia, schisanthus, dolichos, castor beans, fire red beans are sown in separate pots in March. decorative pumpkin, morning glory, quamoclitis.

In April, flowers are sown for seedlings with a short seedling period before flowering. These crops can be sown directly into the ground in May, but when grown through seedlings, the plants will bloom a month earlier. To accelerate flowering in April, amaranths, marigolds, cornflower, annual dahlias, sweet peas, datura, diascia, clarkia, purslane, and zinnia are sown.

What is the best way to grow flower seedlings:

Plants grow best when they have enough space for roots and light for leaves, so individual cups or pots are best for growing flower seedlings. When planting in cups, single plants are placed at a sufficient distance from each other, the roots do not intertwine together as in a common box; when transplanting a clod of earth using the method of transferring from cups, the root system is not damaged, so seedlings from cups take root stronger and faster.

For sowing flowers with small and medium seeds, there is an ideal option - peat tablets. After moistening, peat tablets are saturated with moisture and turn into mini cups; they create an ideal bed for seed germination. Peat tablets with seedlings move into cups with soil without destruction, the plants continue to develop without feeling such a pick, but having received more nutrition and space for development. Large flower seeds can be sown directly into cups, one at a time.

Land for growing flower seedlings:

First of all, the land for sowing seeds for seedlings must be disinfected, since if the dangerous “black leg” disease occurs, there is a risk of losing all seedlings. Store-bought high-quality soil mixtures for seedlings have already been disinfected, but if you are preparing the soil yourself, then it is necessary to carry out the procedure for its disinfection. The soil is steamed, wet soil is placed in the oven, it should be heated at a temperature of 50 degrees for an hour.

The universal substrate for flower seedlings consists of equal parts of turf soil, humus, peat and sand.

Sowing flowers for seedlings:

Cups and sowing boxes are filled with soil and spilled so that the soil is properly saturated with moisture. There must be holes and a drainage layer of coarse sand or fine gravel in the bottom of the boxes and cups so that excess water drains into the tray.

Very small flower seeds like ageratum, petunia, fragrant tobacco, mixed with dry sand, then thin layer scattered on the surface of damp soil.

It is convenient to sow small seeds on a thin layer of toilet paper; it clearly shows how densely the seeds are distributed when sowing. Afterwards, the surface of the toilet paper is moistened by gentle spraying so that it gets wet. Small seeds are not covered with soil after sowing, as they germinate under the influence of light.

Flower seeds of medium and large size pre-soak in a damp cloth and keep for a day in a warm place to speed up their germination.

The depth of seed placement depends on their size and is usually equal to three times the width of the seed.

For good seedlings to appear, the crops should not dry out, so they are covered transparent film to reduce the evaporation of moisture from the soil. For most seeds to germinate, heat from +20 to +28 degrees is required; only cold-resistant crops are able to germinate at temperatures of +15...+18 degrees.

Immediately after the emergence of seedlings, the flower seedlings are transferred to a bright place, the film covering is removed, and it is recommended to reduce the air temperature to +20 degrees so that the sprouts do not stretch.

Caring for flower seedlings:

After emergence, plants are often affected by blackleg. While the sprouts are small and not yet strong, the stems literally give way in places near the surface of the earth and fall. Small seedlings, which occur more often in small seeds, are most susceptible to this fungal disease.

Infection often occurs due to unsterile soil, in dense crops and under favorable conditions that promote the mass reproduction of pathogenic spores. The risk of “black leg” appearing in seedlings can be reduced by using disinfected soil mixtures and carrying out preventive measures to prevent the disease from developing en masse.

In dense crops, plants quickly stretch out, their stems become thin and weak, moreover, they are practically not ventilated and can die en masse from the “black leg”. To save the seedlings from death, the crops will have to be thinned out by pulling or pruning as quickly as possible.

The disease spores do not like coolness or fresh air and die when the soil surface dries out. Therefore, preventive measures against the “black leg” consist of keeping the seedlings cool at a temperature of +18 to +20 degrees, moderate watering after the top layer of soil has dried, and ventilating the room.

Picking seedlings with massive hanging of seeds in boxes is carried out when the plants form the first pair of true leaves; cotyledon leaves are not counted. For small seedlings, wait for the second pair of leaves to appear, as they are too small to transplant.

It is convenient to use a fork when picking seedlings, removing the plants from their box with a small lump of earth and transferring them to a glass.

In order for planting flower seeds for seedlings to be successful, you must first decide on the planting day. The time when to plant flower seedlings is most favorable is most easily determined by the lunar calendar. In flowers, the main thing is that the above-ground part is well developed - leaves, stems, flowers. The above-ground part of plants develops best when the Moon is waxing. At this time, the movement of juices from the root to the top and leaves begins. That’s why we sow flower seeds on the growing Moon. Moreover, the closer to the full moon the flowers are planted, the less their stems stretch.

Sowing flower seeds for seedlings

The most proven way to grow flower seedlings from seeds is this:

  • use only purchased universal soil for seedlings,
  • put soil in the container for seedlings, press the soil with your palm so that the soil becomes compacted,
  • water until moist,
  • just place small flower seeds on top without covering them with soil,
  • Sprinkle medium and large flower seeds with soil, literally 2 - 3 mm,
  • cover with glass or a bag to create greenhouse conditions.

It is more efficient to grow flower seedlings in mini-greenhouses, which are installed on window sills and look noble.

When to plant asters for seedlings

Asters are autumn flowers and bloom at the end of summer and delight us with their bright colors in September, October. The advantage of growing through seedlings is that:

  • flowers bloom earlier
  • seeds germinate better when planted in pots at home.

It happens that you plant asters in the garden right away with seeds and forget about them, but they won’t sprout. If you plant asters as seedlings, there is some guarantee that the flowers will grow. The time to plant asters for seedlings depends on your conditions:

  • if there is lighting on the windowsill where you grow seedlings, then you can plant asters from the end of February,
  • if the light is low, then it is better to plant flowers as seedlings in mid-April.

When to plant marigolds

Marigolds are good for their long flowering, so that they bloom already in June, then they need to be planted as seedlings in the second half of March. It happens that marigold seedlings grow thin and long. Then it is better to replant them and bury them in the ground “up to the ears,” that is, up to the cotyledon leaves. It is good to add light to marigolds to lengthen their daylight hours and feed them with liquid mineral fertilizer to speed up flowering.

Marigolds are very good to plant in a bed with strawberries to repel weevils. In this case, medium-sized marigolds are suitable. Low-growing marigolds look good along garden paths. There is a time when planting marigolds in open ground, keep in mind that marigolds are afraid of frost. Therefore, replant them when the weather is consistently warm.

To ensure that flower seedlings grow strong and healthy, be sure to pay attention to the temperature conditions. Basically, flowers from seeds germinate at a temperature of 20-25°C. With the appearance of leaves, the temperature is reduced to 18°C, then sowing flower seeds for seedlings will be more effective.

When to plant seedlings?

The moment when it’s time to start planting seedlings depends on many factors: the climatic characteristics of the region, the length of the growing season different plants, disembarkation method (immediately at open ground or first to the greenhouse), the desired harvest or flowering time for flower crops and so on.

Formula for calculating when to plant seedlings

In short, the formula for the date of sowing seeds is as follows: the day of the planned planting of the plant in the ground (greenhouse) minus the number of days from germination of seeds to planting of seedlings minus the number of days from sowing of seeds to their pipping.

At the same time, we need to make allowances for nature's surprises by monitoring long-term warming forecasts. For example, if April promises to be cool and it will not be possible to plant seedlings, then it is better to sow later so that they do not overgrow while waiting for warmer weather to set in.

Number of days for vegetables to sprout:

  • tomatoes hatch in 6-10 days;
  • cucumbers - after 3-7 days;
  • pepper - 7-15 days after sowing;
  • squash, pumpkins, zucchini - after 3-10 days;
  • salad - 4-10 days;
  • white cabbage - 3-10 days;
  • eggplants - 5-10 days.

Planting finished seedlings:

  • peppers and tomatoes - 60 days after germination;
  • zucchini and cucumbers – after 30-40 days;
  • onions - after 60-70 days;
  • cabbage - after 50 days;
  • eggplants - after 65-70 days.

When should you plant pepper seedlings?

It is difficult to say the exact date; rather, you can calculate an approximate period. What can be stated quite definitely is that pepper is more heat-loving plant compared to tomatoes, so it is planted later.

For the middle zone, the recommended dates for sowing pepper seedlings (according to the above formula): February 19 - March 11 for planting in a greenhouse; March 11 – April 1 for planting seedlings directly into open ground. The planting itself will take place during the periods of April 29 - May 20 in a greenhouse and May 20 - June 10 in open ground.

Additionally, you need to take into account the advice of the lunar calendar, which is slightly different every year. After making the necessary adjustments, you can calculate the optimal dates.

When can you plant tomato seedlings?

Since tomatoes are grown by almost all gardeners without exception, this issue is very relevant. For the middle zone, this period always falls around the end of March, since the time when it is already possible to plant seedlings in a greenhouse or open ground is at the end of May - beginning of June.

By calculating the time of germination and development of tomato seedlings using the formula, we obtain the following dates for sowing seeds: for greenhouses and open ground this is approximately March 20-29. In more southern regions, the dates are shifted to the middle or end of February (for a more accurate determination of the date, rely on the forecast and the lunar calendar).

When to plant flowers for seedlings?

If you want to decorate your garden with flowers, you need to take care of this in February. And some flowers, for example pansies or Chabot carnations, can be sown as early as January.

In February you can plant the following flowers: begonia, petunia, pelargonium, balsam, salvia, cineraria, etc. In general, the timing of planting flower seeds is largely determined by how soon you want to see flowering.

If you have the possibility of additional lighting and a place to keep seedlings in winter, you can safely start sowing in early February. Then lush flowering can be observed already in May-June.

Of course, when calculating the timing, you need to take into account the characteristics of hybrids, flowering times, and the interval between seed germination and the beginning of flowering. Regarding the last factor, we can say that for some flowers this period is a month, for others – 2 or more.

When to plant flowers for seedlings in 2016

Selecting and purchasing seeds

But before you plant flowers, you need to buy their seeds. There are also some subtleties here that I would like to mention right away. Before purchasing your favorite bag of seeds, be sure to look at the expiration date.

Preferably this would be the end of it or next year. Otherwise, the flowers may simply not sprout. In addition to the expiration date, pay attention to the conditions that the flower you choose needs. And think about whether there is a suitable place for it on your site. For flower beds that are located in the shade, I advise you to choose flowers such as balsam, leftover or lobelia. If you cannot provide daily watering to your flower garden, then take a closer look at plants that are drought-resistant. For example, pay attention to phlox, marigolds, nasturtium or salvia. Don’t forget about the queen of any flower bed - petunia, which will delight you with its blooms for a long time. And every self-respecting gardener should know when to plant petunia seedlings. Usually, to find out when to plant flowers, they use their personal experience and moon calendar.2

How to plant flowers according to the lunar calendar

Many annual plants delight us with their flowering until the very frost, and when sowing seedlings, you can move the beginning of flowering almost a month ahead. Therefore, I advise you to start planting seeds in the following order:

  • Late February – pansies, petunia, diasacea and sage.
  • During March: verbena, delphinium (perennial), gillyflower, asters, carnations and phlox.
  • Late March – early April: marigolds, zinnias and aramanthus.
  • End of April – beginning of May. During this period, flowers can be sown directly on the flowerbed. I recommend starting with perennials that are resistant to cold. For example, sow Iberis, calendula and purslane.

For many gardeners, asters are one of their favorite flowers. But they can be sown both throughout March and in early April. When to plant asters is most often determined based on the climatic conditions of your region.

According to the lunar calendar for this year bulbous flowers It is best to plant seedlings during the waxing moon.

And sow flowers from seeds the lunar calendar advises closer to the full moon, during the 2nd phase.

General rules for sowing flowers

Each flower has its own characteristics of sowing, but I want to remind you of the nuances of cultivation common to all flower crops. They will be useful to novice gardeners, and experienced gardeners may find something interesting for themselves. So, you have chosen the appropriate plants for your plot and know when to sow them, now you need to prepare the equipment:

To grow petunia flower seedlings, it is assumed that high-quality seeds are used, the producers of which are well-known floriculture companies. Petunia flower seedlings must meet all necessary requirements(resistance of this variety to environmental conditions, plant size, color scheme, etc.) for seasonal landscaping of gardens, parks, squares.

For sowing seeds for seedlings, a fine fraction substrate is used, made on the basis of high-quality high-moor peat, with the appropriate content of micro-macro elements and pH acidity, as well as with a minimum level of salinity. The substrate for sowing seeds must be disinfected from diseases and pests and have good water permeability. For sowing seeds, you can use special plastic containers at least 10 cm high. The container is filled with 8 cm of substrate, the remaining 2 cm is left free in order to protect young seedlings from temperature changes and cold air movement when ventilating.

Petunia seeds come in two types - pure and coated. The latter have a number of advantages. The shell protects the seeds from diseases and various mechanical damage, and also facilitates sowing. The advantage of seeds without a shell is that they are cheaper, and if they are sown correctly, good germination can be achieved. It is advisable to label your petunia crops so that you know what variety you are sowing.

Secrets of abundant flowering of petunias. The practice of growing petunias has developed the following formula: large container, regular feeding, sufficient watering, removal of faded flowers. If you want the petunia to bush and not stretch with one stem upward, you need to pinch it above the third leaf.

When to sow petunia seeds for seedlings

The main question that interests many novice gardeners is how to properly plant petunia seedlings and when to start sowing... The timing of sowing depends on when you want to get flowering seedlings. In the middle zone, seeds for seedlings are usually planted in late February - early March. Then, at the end of May - mid-June, depending on the variety group, the plants will bloom. You can do this in January, because it is possible to add additional light to the seedlings.

For sowing, a soil mixture is prepared in the fall: garden soil, humus, sand in a ratio of 1:1:2. Dishes, wooden boxes from vegetable containers or plastic bottles cut lengthwise. The boxes are covered with newspapers, covered and left in the cold so that it freezes thoroughly in winter. And at the beginning of January we bring it into the house. When the contents have thawed, you can start sowing. If it is not possible to prepare the soil in the fall, then you can fill the containers with disinfected soil before sowing.

We grow petunia seedlings...

Seeds should be sown evenly. onto damp soil, then press down lightly. Since petunia seeds are very small, before sowing they are mixed with dry sand (1:5). After sowing, they are not sprinkled with substrate, but they should be immediately watered through a fine strainer with a 0.1% previcur solution. This procedure is necessary to protect seedlings from fungal diseases. Then the containers are placed on prepared racks and tightly covered with a half-carbonate or glass lid. In the future, water only when necessary. In order not to move the seeds from their place and not to wash them off, they are carefully sprayed with a spray bottle.

On days 5-8 (depending on temperature) after sowing, the first shoots appear. If there are too many seeds planted and very close to each other, then during germination it is easier to pluck out the extra seedlings than to pick them out. The optimal temperature for growing petunia seedlings is 20-22 degrees Celsius. When the shoots appear, the lid is opened, and the temperature in the room is gradually lowered to 18 degrees Celsius. Then water more often, also being careful.

While creating optimal conditions 2.5-3 weeks after sowing, the emerging seedlings can be planted (see below). 3 weeks after the first picking, the seedlings are planted in flower containers (8-10 cm in diameter), using a substrate containing greatest number micro and macro elements. After transplanting petunia seedlings into flower containers for good rooting, the temperature is maintained for 7-10 days: at night +18 degrees, during the day +20 degrees Celsius, then it is lowered at night to +14, during the day to +16 degrees Celsius.

Planting petunia seedlings from seeds in granules

And if the petunia seeds are in granules... We draw shallow parallel grooves along the surface, pour it well, then cover it with strips cut from colored paper napkins. Lightly press the strips to the ground and carefully (using a wet wooden stick from ice cream) place granulated seeds on them. The granules easily stick to the strips and are no longer lost in the ground. We do not sprinkle soil on top. We spray the crops with a spray bottle. We place signs along the furrows indicating the variety, sowing date and number of seeds sown. Then cover the containers with the crops with thick transparent film and place them in a bright, warm place (approximately +22 degrees).

Seeds germinate under a fluorescent lamp in 10-20 days at a temperature of +20-22 degrees. Emerging sprouts need light, and the more of it, the stronger they are. If there is not enough light, the sprouts stretch and often fall. After the first true leaf appears, ventilate the crops, remove the film and reduce the temperature (at night) to + 14-16 degrees. In the phase of the 3rd leaf of planting, you can thin out a little and transplant excess seedlings. In the future, the main thing is not to over-moisten them. We water once every 3 days: if the soil is allowed to dry out slightly, the roots will begin to seek moisture and work better. It is advisable to pinch the plants, and when planting early, you can take apical cuttings.

Picking petunia seedlings

When the plants grow and become stronger, they are planted in separate containers. For this, it is best to use plastic cassettes with 100, 260, 380 holes (the best option is cassettes with 260 holes). After picking, the first watering is carried out with a 0.1% previcur solution, subsequent ones - clean water. In this case, it is advisable to maintain the temperature for rooting seedlings within 18-20 degrees Celsius. Under such conditions, the plant quickly takes root and on the 10th day after picking, the seedlings can be fertilized with mineral fertilizer. Feeding is repeated 2-3 times.

You can also use plastic cups (0.5 l). We make holes in them for water drainage. To the previous composition of the soil mixture, add 1 part of buckwheat or millet husks. The earth becomes loose and breathable. Place the glasses in a common container and pour through a tray. Petunia grows strong and blooms in these cups. And when the threat of the last frost has passed, we transfer the seedlings into containers in a permanent place, having first poured expanded clay on the bottom. Sprinkle a little earth on top. Petunia grown in this way practically does not get sick and blooms until the coldest weather.

At an early age, petunias develop very slowly, building up their root system. If, after the appearance of the first true leaf, they are picked out, the plants will gain weight faster. Petunia seedlings are moved to a greenhouse or glassed-in balcony when the night temperature does not drop below 6 degrees Celsius. Mature plants also prefer well-lit, open areas...

How to grow petunia seeds?

As soon as flowering begins, immediately mark the lower few buds, where the seeds are likely to appear before the rest of the buds. Save these particular buds to collect seeds. Having chosen the buds, be patient. Petunia seeds take a long time to ripen. The period from the immediate beginning of the flowering bud to the full ripening of the seeds, when they can already be collected, is from two to three months.

Most hybrid plants are very unstable in their offspring, or the flowers may turn out to be a different color or size. That is, the result of your efforts to collect seeds and grow petunias will be a surprise to you. That is why, when choosing hybrid varieties for cultivation, it is better to purchase seeds in specialized stores.

For information on planting grown seedlings in open ground and propagating by cuttings, see a separate page....

8 flower crops that are sown for seedlings in February

Flower growers begin their sowing season in February. Flower crops with a long growing season are sown as seedlings in order to have time to enjoy their flowering. While there is still time before the end of the month, let's remember what is worth sowing right now.


A favorite of many gardeners, the long- and profusely blooming petunia (Petunia) is unpretentious and hardy. And a colossal number of varieties of various colors allows you to choose plants for any garden or balcony composition. For example, like the one described here.

Most varieties of petunias have long shoots, reaching 150-180 cm. They look great in hanging baskets and balcony boxes (the main thing is to choose a place where the plants will be reliably protected from the wind, which easily breaks fragile branches). Flowers, depending on the variety, can be simple or double, and there are colors for every taste, including many hybrids and varieties with two-color petals (with contrasting longitudinal stripes or a border along the edges).

Petunias are sown in late February - early March. The seeds are very small, and sowing is carried out exclusively on the surface of the soil, in no case burying the seeds. Shoots usually appear quickly, after 10-14 days (if the seeds are of high quality). Grown seedlings dive into separate pots. In general, petunia seedlings develop better if they are transplanted 2-3 times during the growth period, gradually increasing the volume of the planting container. In mid-May, seedlings can be planted in flower beds or containers. By this time, its buds are usually already formed, and some varieties even have time to bloom.


A charming plant suitable for almost any occasion. garden composition. When lobelia (Lobelia erinus) blooms, its foliage is not visible among the many small flowers of surprisingly pure, bright colors.

Among the varieties of lobelia, there are ampelous ones (they are more often found in our gardens) and compact cushion-shaped ones. The flowers can be bright blue, dark purple, blue, pink or white. Flowering is usually very long - from June to frost. In the summer heat, lobelia may stop blooming - then it needs to be heavily pruned and provided with regular watering, and it will again delight the eye with a riot of colors.

Lobelia is an excellent ground cover or hanging plant. It is suitable for both borders and carpet plantings; perfectly fills empty spaces at the foot of tall crops, elegantly decorates the edges of balcony boxes and other containers.

Lobelia is sown at the end of February - beginning of March in seedling boxes on the surface of the soil. The crops are lightly rolled, without covering the seeds with soil, and moistened generously with a spray bottle. Shoots appear in about 2 weeks. Seedlings are picked and placed in a bright, well-ventilated place, and from mid-May they are planted in the ground or in containers.

Without seedlings in the conditions of the Middle Zone, you will not be able to admire the flowering of the Shabot carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus var. schabaud): it occurs 5-6 months after sowing. Therefore February - optimal time to start growing seedlings.

Until relatively recently, red and white carnations were a mandatory attribute of any celebrations and official events. You could also buy more “informal” pink flowers. But now the variety of varieties can cause confusion - there are many of them, and they are all beautiful.

Growing Shabot carnations, in principle, is not difficult - the main task is not to miss the sowing time. Otherwise, the plant is quite undemanding, although it grows better in fertile soils. Blooming carnations are very expressive, so it is worth choosing a place in the garden for it where it will be clearly visible. This plant loves light, is quite cold-resistant (seedlings can be planted in the ground in the second half of May) and drought-resistant.

After sowing, the boxes with plants are kept at a temperature of +23...+25 degrees until the seeds sprout (shoots appear in 7-10 days). Seedlings need good lighting, so they should be planted in separate pots so that they do not shade each other. To prevent plants from stretching, they need a lot of light and coolness (+14...+15 degrees); watering is moderate. You can read more about this and other types of cloves in this article.

Begonia everblooming

An amazing unpretentious plant that blooms from June until the autumn cold. There are many options for its placement in the garden: begonia (Begonia semperflorens) can be grown as an ampel plant or a flowering border, it is planted in containers for balconies and terraces and used in carpet plantings.

Lavender angustifolia

This fragrant, elegant plant grows well and winters well in the conditions of the Middle Zone, so you can safely grow it in the garden or in a container on a balcony, loggia, or terrace. In flower beds, angustifolia lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) is an excellent companion to roses; You can plant it in a separate bed or flower bed with herbs, creating a “Mediterranean corner” in your garden.

Angustifolia lavender seeds require stratification - this explains such an early date for sowing seedlings (as an option, you can sow them before winter). Sow to a depth of no more than 0.5 cm in well-moistened soil. Cover the container with the crops with film or glass and put it in the refrigerator. Seed manufacturers recommend stratification for 3 months, but in practice we managed with half that time.

In the phase of 2-3 pairs of true leaves, seedlings should be picked and planted in the ground when the return frosts have passed (in the middle zone it is more reliable - in early June). Unlike adult plants, young plants are not very cold-resistant. If you are interested in this plant and want to learn more about growing and caring for lavender, read this article.

Salvia (sparkling sage)

Heat-loving salvia (Salvia splendens) is grown as an annual in the climate of our latitudes. It is native to South America, where it is cultivated as a perennial plant. Salvia, also known as sparkling sage, is quite popular in our gardens.

Most often you can find the red-flowered form of this plant, but there are also varieties with lilac or purple flowers. As a rule, salvia is used in group plantings; it looks best in large areas, attracting with its brightness and richness of color. But you can also use it for container plantings.

Salvia is sown in late February - early March, sprinkled with a thin layer of soil. They dive in the 4-5 phase of a true leaf, and at the end of May - beginning of June (depending on the climate and weather) they are planted in the ground, preferably in a sunny place. Well, you can read more about this and other types of salvia (sage), their characteristics and cultivation in this article.

Viola (Wittrock violet)

If you want viola (Viola x wittrockiana) to bloom in the year of sowing, and to bloom from the end of May until the snow, sow it for seedlings in February.

This popular plant probably doesn’t need any special introduction. Let me just remind you that this biennial crop, very widely used by flower growers, is valued for its long flowering, abundance of varieties of various colors and amazing unpretentiousness. Viola easily tolerates transplantation even when in bloom, grows well and can grow both in flower beds and in all kinds of containers.

When growing seedlings, grown seedlings are planted in separate cups. In order for the violas to develop well and not stretch, it is advisable to place the seedlings in a cool (+14...+15 degrees) well-lit place. You can read more about growing viola, caring for it and placing it in the garden here.

The forgotten (and quite unfairly!) heliotrope (Heliotropium arborescens) is once again gaining popularity. But once upon a time rare garden I could do without this flower, which has a wonderful vanilla aroma. Interesting Facts you can find about it here.

It should be sown superficially, since heliotrope seeds germinate only in the light. Press them into the soil, pressing them lightly into it, but do not sprinkle on top. A month later, when the seedlings have grown, plant them in separate pots. Seedlings can be transplanted into the garden starting in mid-May.

Elena, Lviv

Marina, prepared: violet, petunia, a little lobelia, heliotrope. Begonia and carnation cuttings. I’ll give away the tuber ones, there’s not enough space in the seed boxes. The “trick” of these species this year is black violet and petunia, a mix of Rococo violet.

Marina, Nekrasovskoe

Oh, tell me the varieties of black violet and petunia, please! I want it too :) There is still time to search and sow.

Elena, Lviv

Marina, I tearfully promise to photograph all my new items. If necessary, we will send them (glued with tape) if this option suits you. We have them cheap. True, black petunia is not sold in stores, only on the Internet. We have Rococo in several companies; it is still rarely sold.

Daisy, Kapchagay

MARINA, good afternoon

That year I planted this petunia, out of 10 seeds 6 sprouted and bloomed all summer, in combination with white or yellow petunia, they looked just great. I collected the seeds, already planted them for seedlings, and 5 days ago sprouts appeared.

Natalia, Vladivostok

My petunias have already sprouted. I sowed three species, two species sprouted together, almost all of them. And the third, the most beautiful, ascended alone. Petunias are all hybrid, 10 seeds in total per bag. Sowed 6 varieties large-fruited tomatoes, sweet and bitter peppers, 2 types of eggplant, celery and leek. This year I bought fluorescent phytolamps. I really hope that the illumination with the lamps will help my sprouts.

Marina, Nekrasovskoe

Yes, this often happens with petunias. I have a friend who is an expert in this plant, she and I have divided “spheres of influence” :) We sow which one grows better, and then we exchange impressions and seedlings)) So, every year she has this story: some petunias sprout quickly and amicably , while for others, out of 7-10 seeds, not a single sprout may emerge at all. By the way, she says that the maximum waiting time is 2 weeks. If during this time they have not sprouted, you don’t have to wait any longer: even if shoots appear, they will be of no use - the resulting plants are weak, non-viable.

And I myself have good impressions of the lamps. I just became convinced that the height needs to be adjusted: if they are hung too high from the seedlings, the light is scattered and there is little benefit.

Elena, Lviv

Petunias, as far as I noticed, first need warmth, and then air humidity and bright light.


I haven’t had time to sow flowers yet, but I’m going to sow violets and Shabot carnations, I hope everything will be ok. :))

Natalia, Vladivostok

I read that fluorescent lamps should be hung at a height of 20-30cm. They don’t provide much heat, but ordinary lamps heat up, and they have little effect. After germination, the temperature must be lowered to 15 degrees, so there is no need for heat. Fluorescent Lamp you need a special one, for plants, blue-pink in color, this is light close to sunlight, for photosynthesis. I had a hard time finding it in my city. Now I'm watching the results.

Elena, Lviv

Please, can you name the brand?

Natalia, Vladivostok

Elena, Lviv

Thanks for the information, I read a lot of good things about these lamps! I wanted to order it online, but the purchase never took place. I have read various information about their uselessness. Now I have almost no doubt about the purchase.

Natalia, Vladivostok

On the contrary, I read a lot of useful things about lamps, and summer residents praise them on the forums, so I decided to buy them. LED ones are much more expensive, but fluorescent ones are cheaper, and they write that they are more useful.

Elena, Lviv

I am convinced that you should always try!

Efimiya Zavyalova, Kursk

I bought it at Epicenter, OSRAM, Flora, if I’m not mistaken...

Lyudmila Lazarenko

Well, behold my petunias, get ready to go potty in February... I love petunias

Zhuravleva Tatyana

Marina, Thanks a lot for reminding me which flower seeds to plant in February.

Valentina Bugay, Ukraine


Tatyana, Russia

Marinochka! Thank you very much for the interesting material. I just bought a garden, I have no experience, so I am very grateful to you!

Irina, Kursk

Pelargonium from seeds

Tatyana, Russia

Please share how you sowed pelargonium. I read that its seeds need to be scarified, i.e. break the shell. At first I sowed just as usual, without scarification, 3 out of 5 pieces, I didn’t see any shoots (more than 3 weeks passed), then I finished sowing the remaining 2 after scraping them, and now 10 days have passed, but I haven’t seen any shoots. I sowed it into tablets, ordered professional seeds, i.e. must be of high quality.

Elena Petrovna, Velikiye Luki

Tatyana, I sowed pelargonium, simply planting the seeds 0.5 cm deep - and warmly under the film. It sprouts very quickly (up to 6-7 days). And if you have seeds in pills, then place them on the surface, sprinkle them generously from a spray bottle - the shell will dissolve. If it is too dense, help with a toothpick. And then cover it with earth.

Nina Pashkova, Karabanovo

Thanks for the answer. It seems like I did everything that way, before planting I watched videos about sowing pelargonium, and in general it just germinates on cotton pads and, in my opinion, on baby diapers (whatever they come up with). Well, I’ll try again - I want to grow it myself

Natasha, Russia

Thank you! Everything is very competently and simply presented. I'm looking forward to new tips!

Svetlana, Russia

girls, tell me, when you sow seeds for flower seedlings, should you open the bag to ventilate or should you open it when the seedlings have sprouted?

Be sure to open and ventilate

Soboleva Svetlana, Russia

It is necessary to open it before germination, otherwise the ground may become moldy and the shoots may not have time to sprout normally.

Yulia Kovalevskaya, Belarus

Thank you all very much!

Galina, Gomel

I can add a little to the list: pelargoniums and ivy-leaved and zonal, coleus, daisies, primroses, delphiniums, abutilon, Levisia, penstemon, calibrachoa, strawberries, buddleia, armeria, catharanthus, bells, platycodon, heuchera, New Guinea balsam, rhodochiton, azarina. Of course, this is just offhand (I went through my bags). And so, we can continue endlessly.

Irina Taibi, Almaty (Alma-Ata)


Nikolay Shumilkin, Novopolotsk

Tatyana Vikulina, Novokuibyshevsk

I buy peat tablets, or you can put them in small yogurt cups, and carefully spread them over the surface with a toothpick, without covering them with soil. Then you need to put it in a plastic bag until shoots appear. If the soil dries out, spray them with water from a spray bottle. I just sowed yesterday. I always do this. The seedlings are growing well. I never plant them, I just plant them in small bunches in pots. Good luck!

Valentina K., Russia

If the seeds are small, I usually mix them with dry sand in a ratio of 2:1 (2 parts sand, preferably coarse). And I sow the seeds in correxes - plastic boxes from cakes, pastries, etc. They are transparent and with lids - very convenient , you get sort of mini-greenhouses.

If you have snow, then no problem at all: pour soil into a bowl and a small layer of snow on top. You compact everything and sow. The number of seeds and, accordingly, the frequency of sowing are clearly visible in the snow. There is no need to water the first time.

Thank you!

Marina, thank you very much for the article, it was especially interesting to learn about heliotrope, I have a long-standing dream of planting my garden with ancient plants, making a kind of “Russian estate” out of the garden, I would like to know more about the plants that inhabited our gardens in the 17th-19th centuries.

Garden annuals have become famous primarily for their tireless, surprisingly long flowering period. None of the perennial crops can compete with them in the ability to bloom all summer and even autumn with the same intensity. In order for the colorful parade of your favorite flowers to begin early and for them to effectively decorate balconies, terraces, flower beds and window sills, you need to take care of planting seedlings in advance.

Zinnia flowers. liz west

Annual garden and balcony flowers are preferred to be grown by seedlings mainly because of their earlier flowering. Thanks to the landing in early spring You can get a flowering plant for seedlings already when, in regions with harsh winters, the threat of return frosts has just disappeared and favorable conditions for sowing heat-loving crops in the soil. But this method also has other advantages. After all, in fact, the first two weeks of plant life play a decisive role in the development and flowering of annual plants, when all the most important processes of the growing season are laid down. And only with the seedling method can you control all the optimal growing parameters necessary for future blooming stars.

The seedling method is preferable for annuals:

  • from among heat-loving crops that cannot tolerate temperatures below 5° and require bright lighting;
  • with the longest flowering period, lasting from May to October;
  • with a long growing season, which must reach 70-80 days of age before flowering;
  • for whom they want to speed up flowering by a month or more.

Flowerbed of Viola and Cinerarium. jugnoofarms

Sowing annual seedlings should begin in January. The first to sow seedlings is Shabot cloves. Lobelia and annual salvias are sown in February. In March, the seeds of most annuals are planted, including petunias, ageratum, lobularia, etc. But such “fast” annuals as marigolds, sweet peas, nasturtium and zinnia can wait until April and even May, so they are often sown immediately in the open priming.

What annual flowers should be grown as seedlings?

Easy to propagate, long-blooming and surprisingly easy to care for, ageratum is a truly versatile annual plant that looks good in flower beds and cut flowers. Fluffy baskets of most often blue and lilac flowers seem to be small terry spheres, collected in dense inflorescences and crowned with compact, densely branching bushes of bright greenery. Today, the most popular is Ageratum Mexicana.

Ageratum seeds are sown for seedlings at the end of March or in the first ten days of April. Ageratum should grow in a loose substrate made from a standard mixture of peat, humus and sand.

Before sowing the seeds, the soil is carefully moistened with a spray bottle, then small seeds are distributed over the surface as sparingly as possible and lightly covered with sifted soil. Immediately after sowing, it is better to cover the containers with glass or film. Seeds can germinate only in bright light at a temperature of 18 to 22°C. Before seedlings emerge, containers must be regularly ventilated and moistened. As soon as the first shoots appear, the “cap” should be removed.

Ageratums. plantmenow

Ageratum seedlings are picked after releasing the second pair of true leaves. Young plants must be grown in the brightest light and fairly high temperatures - daytime not lower than 20° and nighttime not lower than 15°. Ageratum seedlings require a “dry” care regimen. This plant is more tolerant of easy drying of the substrate and dry air; watering should be done rarely, allowing the top layer of soil to dry completely, and then completely soaking the substrate during the next procedure. 2 weeks before planting, it is necessary to begin accustoming the plants to the open air.

Ageratum in open ground can only be transferred from the third ten days of May. The recommended distance when planting is about 15-20 cm. Immediately after planting in open soil, the tops of the shoots of the plants need to be pinched.

Without alyssum it is impossible to imagine any alpine slide. This is a simple and surprisingly modest plant that will not leave any gardener indifferent. Alyssum, as alyssum is lovingly called in our country, rarely reaches a maximum of half a meter in height, captivates with its dense mat and foam-like lacy flowering with honey aroma. Today, the color of alyssum varieties is not limited to traditional white and pink.

Sowing seeds for alyssum must be done in April. Growing seedlings of this plant requires early picking and it is better to choose fairly large boxes or containers for sowing. For lobularia, it is necessary to select soil mixtures with minimal risk of the spread of “blackleg” - consisting of turf soil, sand and peat in a ratio of 3:1:1.

Alyssum seeds germinate under standard conditions, in good light at a temperature of 18 to 20°. They are sown rarely, under glass or film to a depth of no more than 0.5 cm. Young alyssums dive after the appearance of the second true leaf. This culture must be planted in individual containers. Plant care is standard; the soil should not be over-moistened.

Alyssum in a flower bed with cineraria and verbena. msucares

Alyssum can be transferred to a permanent place of cultivation in the soil only after the threat of return frosts has disappeared, approximately from the last days of May to the end of June. The recommended distance when planting seedlings is 15 cm between bushes and about 20 cm to other crops. After transferring to the ground, it is necessary to water abundantly.

3. Balsam

Known under the name impatiens, garden balsams, despite the entire duration of their flowering, are undemanding to care and are considered one of the easiest annuals to grow. Lush greenery, on the edges of the leaves of which dew accumulates on bad days, and simple pretty flowers do not in the least take away from the beauty of plants that can bloom for six months. Distinctive feature balsams has good seed germination. They can be planted quite late due to the short growing season before flowering begins.

Balsam seeds are sown for seedlings from early April to mid-May. Any sufficiently high-quality and fertile substrate is suitable for this plant. For good germination of balsam seeds, it is enough to provide a bright location and a temperature of about 20°C. It is necessary to cover the seedlings with glass or film.

Balsams dive only when the second pair of leaves appears; if sowing is sparse, you may not need to plant seedlings at all. At the stage of growing seedlings, it is necessary to water very carefully. For balsam, they should be moderate, allowing the soil to dry out in the top layer between procedures.

Garden balsam. uconnladybug

Balsams begin to be brought into open soil at the end of May, after the last spring frosts have disappeared. You should not rush to plant balsams in the ground, because these plants cannot tolerate temperatures dropping below 5 °C. It is necessary to leave 20-25 cm of free soil between plants.

The decorative advantages of verbena include not only very long flowering, but also a wide variety of colors of different varieties. These are beautifully flowering crops with bright colors of small flowers with white “eyes”, collected in small umbrellas of inflorescences above bright and lush greenery. Bush and ampelous verbenas are most often grown as annuals, and in regions with harsh winters it is possible to enjoy their flowering and fragrance only when grown through seedlings. Regardless of the characteristics of a particular variety or the expected maximum height of the plants (and it can range from 15 to 70 cm), verbena seedlings are always grown the same way.

Verbena. plantify

Verbena seeds must be sown in March or April to obtain seedlings. The key feature of this plant is that it is better to sow seeds not in substrates, but in clean sand. Verbena seeds are rarely and evenly distributed over the surface of leveled and moistened sand, in no case are they buried or even sprinkled on top. After sowing, the container with the seeds must be covered with film or glass and placed in a very warm, and most importantly bright, place.

In order to succeed in growing verbena seedlings, it is necessary to provide young seedlings with a stable temperature in the range of 20 to 22°C. Pruning for verbena is carried out very late, only after the seedlings have grown to 10 cm. They must be planted in individual containers. Immediately after transferring to a fresh nutrient substrate, you need to fertilize (standard dosage of complex mineral fertilizers). As the ampelous varieties of verbena grow, it is necessary to pinch the fifth leaf on the main and side shoots. Verbena seedlings must be acclimatized before being taken to a permanent growing site by exposing them to fresh air for at least several hours a day.

Verbena can be transferred to the soil after the disappearance of spring frosts, no earlier than the end of May. Before planting, you need to prepare the holes in advance and soak them generously with water.

5. Chinese carnation and Shabot

Lush bushes decorated a huge amount Double flowers reaching 7 cm in diameter are the main pride of the Shabot carnation, one of the earliest annuals in terms of sowing time for seedlings. This plant is grown both to decorate flower beds or potted gardens, and for cutting. Chinese carnation is a plant with a completely different character. Its simple, occasionally double and rather small flowers are collected in corymbs of inflorescences, and are more likely to captivate with quantity rather than size.

Despite its status as a biennial, the Chinese carnation blooms no less profusely when grown through seedlings as an ordinary annual plant. Despite different growing techniques, the two types of carnations are united by a large number of variously colored varieties, abundant and very attractive flowering. Both very compact varieties with a height of about 10 cm, and the largest varieties up to half a meter in height are suitable for growing through seedlings.

Garden carnation, or Dutch carnation, Shabo. pichost

In order to obtain Shabot carnation seedlings, sowing the seeds must be done at the end of January or at the very beginning of February. Since this plant will begin to flower only six months after sowing, sowing as early as possible allows for much more productive and spectacular flowering. But the seeds of Chinese carnation are sown in March.

For Chinese carnations, it is preferable to use nutritious soil mixtures of humus, leaf soil and sand. But Shabot prefers one consisting of peat, turf soil, sand and humus mixture, loose and wet. Sowing for both species is carried out using conventional technology, lightly covering sparsely located seeds with a layer of sifted soil and always covering future seedlings with glass or film. The optimal germination temperature for Chinese cloves is about 20°C, for Shabot cloves - from 16 to 18°C.

Shabot carnation seedlings must be ventilated daily; due to early sowing, they require additional lighting after emergence. As they grow, stronger seedlings with several true leaves must be planted into individual pots or containers. In Shabot carnation, it is better to pinch grown seedlings above 2-3 leaf nodes, stimulating denser tillering. All carnations are watered quite moderately, allowing the substrate to dry out and avoiding waterlogging of the soil. Due to its long growing period at the seedling stage, Shabot carnation requires three feedings with complex fertilizers or special mixtures for flowering crops.

Garden carnation, or Dutch carnation, Shabo. 99roots

Young plants of Chinese carnation and Chabot can be transferred to open soil from the end of May. Before this, they must be hardened for at least two weeks. The recommended planting distance is about 20 cm.

6. Lobelia

Charming lobelia in the soil forms openwork creeping carpets, completely strewn with delicate small flowers, although most often this crop today is used as a hanging crop. Blooming lobelias seem like blue, lilac, pink clouds, because greenery is completely hidden under an amazing number of flowers. Lobelia has more than three hundred varieties, all varieties are characterized by long and abundant flowering. The leaves of the plant are not inferior in beauty to the flowers, although they can only be appreciated at a young age. Despite the fact that lobelia is considered a poisonous crop, it is so easy to care for that it is rightfully considered one of the main annual plants.

Lobelia erinus, Lobelia long-petiolate, garden lobelia. Manu

For seedlings, lobelia seeds must be sown in the third ten days of March or the first ten days of April. For this plant, it is necessary to carefully select substrates, because healthy young seedlings can only be grown in light and loose soil that does not contain compost. Before sowing the seeds, the substrate must be disinfected with any of the special preparations or treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Lobelia seeds are very small and must be mixed with sand before sowing, and only then scattered evenly over the substrate. Immediately after sowing, the seeds must be sprayed with a fine spray. Lobelia germinates under the cover of a film or cap, which must be removed regularly for ventilation. The optimal temperature for this fly is from 18 to 22° Celsius.

As soon as the second pair of true leaves appears on the growing plants, they must be planted in separate containers, but not one plant at a time, but 2-3 seedlings. Caring for growing seedlings comes down to very careful and restrained watering, which should be carried out only by controlling the degree of drying of the substrate and not allowing the soil to become waterlogged.

Lobelia seedlings are transferred to open soil in early June, in the best case, planted in ampels at the end of May. The longer the hardening period, the better. When planting, there should be a distance of about 15 cm between plants.

7. Snapdragon

Despite the fact that snapdragon is absolutely not frost-hardy and is grown only as an annual in regions with harsh winters, it never goes out of fashion. The original shape of the charming flowers crowning compact bushes in pyramids of inflorescences is enhanced by various strokes, spots, and multi-colored combinations. The color palette of this plant includes all soft shades from white to pink and red, orange, yellow and purple. Absolutely all varieties of plants, both dwarf, medium-sized and tall, reaching more than 1 m in height, reproduce well through seedlings.

This plant is rightfully considered one of the simplest in terms of its cultivation technique. Snapdragon grows well in any soil mixture without humus based on turf soil with the addition of sand and peat. It is enough to sow snapdragon seeds in any container or box in March, and in about 10-14 days they will sprout vigorously. Snapdragon seedlings can be obtained without creating greenhouse conditions, although gardeners usually cover the crops with film or glass with daily ventilation. For this plant, it is extremely important to provide bright lighting, because the seedlings quickly stretch.

After the emergence of seedlings, the plants are grown for 5-10 days, after which they are planted, preferably planting the seedlings in individual containers one at a time. Snapdragon requires standard care with fairly intensive watering that maintains light soil moisture, but does not allow it to become waterlogged. Seedlings should not be watered in the afternoon, and during growth it is necessary to fertilize one or two times with a half dose of fertilizer and constantly maintain loose soil.

Snapdragon seedlings can be transferred to open ground without waiting for the disappearance of the last spring frosts, when the soil warms up, approximately from the second half of May. A few days before planting in the soil, be sure to pinch the tops of all shoots, which only stimulates the number of flowers.

8. Petunia

The queen of annuals, petunia, remains a leading plant today, which is actively used both in urban landscaping and in decorating gardens: it blooms tirelessly all summer in ampels, containers, on balconies, in borders, flower beds of all sizes and types. An elegant annual with numerous very flexible shoots, the greenery of which is almost hidden under a huge number of simple or double gramophone flowers, today is considered the most abundantly colored and more versatile annual. Almost all varieties and species of petunias are propagated through seedlings, with the exception of double plants, which retain their characteristic characteristics only by cuttings. Petunias bloom on average 2.5-3 months after sowing the seeds.

Petunia in a flowerpot. tried-and-true

For petunias, the key condition for seed germination and high-quality seedling development is to provide the brightest possible lighting. Seeds of this plant for obtaining healthy seedlings It is better to sow in March or in the first days of April, if possible, additionally illuminate the seedlings even in February. The soil is selected very carefully, from among light, loose, nutritious substrates that do not contain humus or compost and consist exclusively of turf soil with the addition of 1/3 of peat and sand. The substrate must be sieved before sowing seeds.

Petunia seeds must be mixed with dry sand before the procedure. The soil is carefully leveled, abundantly moistened with a spray bottle, then the seeds are distributed over it, spraying is repeated and the seedlings are immediately covered with film or glass. In order for tiny shoots to appear in approximately 7-10 days, petunias need to provide an air temperature of 20 to 23°C.

After the appearance of tiny plants, the seedlings are sprayed daily, maintaining stable soil moisture, and the sprouts are turned in relation to the light up to 3-4 times a day, preventing curvature. The cover of the seedlings is not removed until the first leaf appears, but the glass or film is lifted daily for optimal air circulation. The dive is carried out when the second true leaf blooms.

At the stage of growing seedlings for petunias, the key factor is high humidity, which is not easy to maintain, because the plant does not tolerate waterlogging (as a result of excess water in the substrate, young seedlings can die from blackleg, but the consequences of even a slight drying out of the substrate are no better). If petunia seedlings begin to hurt, watering should be reduced, the tiny plants should be sprinkled with dry sand, and try to be planted as soon as possible.

Flowerbed with Petunias. E.J. Jaxtimer

Petunias can be moved to a permanent location only after the threat of return frosts has completely disappeared. Typically, this summer plant is transferred to open soil or containers that are outdoors only in June. Since young plants have very fragile stems, they must be handled very carefully, trying to keep contact with shoots and roots to a minimum.

Petunia seedlings are planted only in the evenings or on cloudy days; the distance for small-flowered varieties should be no less than 15-20 cm, and for large-flowered varieties - 25 cm. Immediately after planting, petunias are watered abundantly, and the soil must be mulched with humus or peat to protect it poorly. adapted plants from night cooling and optimal moisture retention in the soil.

9. Salvia, or annual sage

Unlike perennial representatives of the huge sage family, annual salvias captivate not with the cold blue-violet palette of inflorescences, but with bright red, quite large flowers that bloom tirelessly throughout the summer and early autumn. This annual plant is characterized by tetrahedral shoots and tubular flowers, which bloom in large quantities at the tops of the branches. Depending on the variety, the height of annual sages ranges from 25 to 80 cm; many salvias today have original colors. Flowering of this plant occurs 70-80 days after sowing.

Salvia seedlings are quite easy to obtain; sowing is carried out at the end of February and during March. For this plant, it is necessary to prepare containers for sowing and two pickings. Unlike most annuals, sages require the creation of a fairly thick layer of expanded clay or any other drainage material at the bottom of the sowing container. The boxes are filled with light and fertile substrate in such a way that there is approximately 2 cm of free space left to the top of the container.

After filling the container, the soil in them is watered generously, covered with film or glass and left overnight. Sowing the seeds of annual sage is carried out only the next day. Small salvia seeds are usually mixed with dry sand in equal parts to be able to control the density of their distribution over the surface of the substrate. They are carefully scattered over the ground, moistened with a spray bottle and covered with a very thin layer of soil no more than 2 mm high.

After this, repeat the moistening and cover the seedlings with film or glass. Sage seeds germinate at temperatures from 20 to 25°C. Light for the germination of salvia seeds is not critical, but as soon as the first shoots appear, it is necessary to move the seedlings to the sunniest place or compensate for the lack of lighting with additional lighting.

Young sages will be able to develop and get stronger only if the daylight hours are at least 12 hours. For growing seedlings, it is extremely important to ensure stable, light moisture content of the substrate, without allowing the soil to dry out even slightly, but also without excessive moisture. If young sages are overwatered, the base of the stem immediately rots.

At the first sign of blackleg, it is necessary to sharply reduce watering, sprinkle the plants with sand or ash, remove the cover and carry out urgent pruning. With the normal development of young shoots, the glass is removed from them only as the plants grow to its height. The first time picking of sage should be done in common containers or boxes after releasing 2 true leaves. The second dive is carried out after the appearance of the third pair of leaves into individual containers.

When diving, it is necessary to protect the seedlings with paper caps or screens from the sun and be sure to carry out very abundant post-procedure watering. During the growing of seedlings, it is necessary to provide 3 additional feedings with complex fertilizers. After the third pair of leaves have bloomed and the top of the stem has been replanted, you need to start pinching it back.

Salvia is transferred to open ground only after the threat of return frosts has completely disappeared. The recommended distance between plants when planting is from 20 to 30 cm. During the initial period of growth in a permanent place, sage seedlings are vulnerable to weeds, which easily suppress its growth and require fairly intensive feeding.

10. Celosia

The luxurious inflorescences of celosia are unlike any other annual or perennial plant. They sometimes seem like fancy “cockscombs”, sometimes they are amazing “fur” brushes and scutes, providing this plant with the title of one of the most original garden plants. Long-flowering, extravagant, decorative and hardy, celosia is a sun-loving summer plant that always and everywhere plays the role of an original accent and attracts the eye with its unusual textures and bright colors.

Celosia pinnata. Mike Sutton

Celosia seeds must be sown to obtain healthy and abundantly flowering seedlings during the first half of April. Celosia is sown in boxes or containers with pre-treatment to prevent the spread of blackleg. To do this, before planting, the seeds are soaked for at least several hours in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. It also disinfects the soil for sowing seeds, before pouring boiling water over the soil. Any fertile, loose soil mixture containing wood ash is perfect for propagating celosia. Crops are germinated under film with constant ventilation.

After the young shoots appear, they are allowed to get a little stronger and, without waiting for the leaves to grow, they are dropped into separate pots. Caring for seedlings is normal, maintaining stable, light soil moisture.

Celosia is transferred to open soil at the beginning of June or at the end of May. The planting distance depends on the size of the plants, from a minimum of 15 cm to a maximum of 35 cm for tall varieties. Celosia seedlings can only be planted in well-warmed soil, being sure to mulch it with a thin layer of wood ash. In the first month after celosia transplantation, enhanced care is required.

Flower growers begin their sowing season in February. Flower crops with a long growing season are sown in order to have time to enjoy their flowering. While there is still time before the end of the month, let's remember what is worth sowing right now.

Having sowed petunia for seedlings in February, in May you will already admire its flowers. Photo


A favorite of many gardeners, it blooms profusely and for a long time ( Petunia) is distinguished by its unpretentiousness and endurance. And a colossal number of varieties of various colors allows you to choose plants for any garden or balcony composition. For example, as described.

Blooming petunia, photo

Hybrid petunias are distinguished by the size and unusual color of their flowers, as well as increased resistance to adverse conditions. Many varieties of petunias, unfortunately, quickly lose their attractiveness when exposed to rain or gusts of strong wind. Resistant hybrids withstand such tests much better.

Most varieties of petunias have long shoots, reaching 150-180 cm. They look great in hanging and balcony boxes (the main thing is to choose a place where the plants will be reliably protected from the wind, which easily breaks fragile branches). Flowers, depending on the variety, can be simple or double, and there are colors for every taste, including many hybrids and varieties with two-color petals (with contrasting longitudinal stripes or a border along the edges).

You can get acquainted with a variety of petunias by reading our publications:

Petunias are very beautiful flowers. Photo

Petunias are sown in late February - early March. The seeds are very small, and sowing is carried out exclusively on the surface of the soil, in no case burying the seeds. Shoots usually appear quickly, after 10-14 days (if the seeds are of high quality). Grown seedlings dive into separate pots. In general, petunia seedlings develop better if they are transplanted 2-3 times during the growth period, gradually increasing the volume of the planting container. In mid-May, seedlings can be planted in flower beds or in. By this time, its buds are usually already formed, and some varieties even have time to bloom.

Read about how to grow petunias in the following articles:


A charming plant that is appropriate in almost any garden composition. When it blooms Lobelia erinus), its foliage is not visible among the many small flowers of surprisingly pure, bright colors.

Lobelia in bloom. Photo

Among the varieties of lobelia there are ampelous(they are more common in our gardens) and compact cushion-shaped. The flowers can be bright blue, dark purple, blue, pink or white. Flowering is usually very long - from June to frost. In the summer heat, lobelia may stop blooming - then it needs to be pruned heavily and provided regularly, and it will again delight the eye with a riot of colors.

Lobelia is sown at the end of February - beginning of March in seedling boxes on the surface of the soil. The crops are lightly rolled, without covering the seeds with soil, and moistened generously with a spray bottle. Shoots appear in about 2 weeks. The seedlings are placed in a bright, well-ventilated place, and from mid-May they are planted in the ground or in containers.

Without seedlings in the conditions of the Middle Zone, the flowering of the Shabot carnation ( Dianthus caryophyllus var. schabaud) you won’t be able to admire it: it comes 5-6 months after sowing. Therefore, February is the optimal time to start growing seedlings.

Carnation, Domino variety. Photo

Until relatively recently, red and white carnations were a mandatory attribute of any celebrations and official events. You could also buy more “informal” pink flowers. And now the variety of varieties can cause confusion - there are many of them, and they are all beautiful.

Growing Shabot carnations is, in principle, not difficult; The main task is not to miss the sowing time. Otherwise, the plant is quite undemanding, although it grows better in fertile soils. Blooming carnations are very expressive, so it is worth choosing a place in the garden for it where it will be clearly visible. This plant loves light, is quite cold-resistant (seedlings can be planted in the ground in the second half of May) and drought-resistant.

Carnation Shabo, photo

After sowing, the boxes with plants are kept at a temperature of +23...+25 degrees until the seeds sprout (shoots appear in 7-10 days). Seedlings need good lighting, so they should be planted in separate pots so that they do not shade each other. To prevent plants from stretching, they need a lot of light and coolness (+14...+15 degrees); watering is moderate. You can read more about this and other types of cloves.

Begonia everblooming

An amazing unpretentious plant that blooms from June until the autumn cold. There are many options for placing it in the garden: ( Begonia semperflorens) can be grown as a hanging plant or flowering border; it is planted in containers for balconies and terraces and used in carpet plantings.

Begonia everblooming

Depending on the variety, evergreen begonia may have green, bronze, or burgundy leaves and white, pink, or red flowers. Breeders have also bred two-color varieties. Low growing varieties very compact: they reach a height of no more than 20 cm; The height of the tallest ones is 30-40 cm.

Evergreen begonia seeds take a very long time to germinate, so they are sown in February. You need to sow along the surface of the soil, then press lightly to increase the area of ​​contact between the seed and the soil, and thoroughly moisten the soil. The optimal temperature for seed germination is +20 degrees. After 1.5 months, young plants are planted in separate pots, and in early June they are planted in the ground.

Lavender angustifolia

This fragrant, elegant plant grows well and winters well in the conditions of the Middle Zone, so you can safely grow it in the garden or in a container on a balcony, loggia, or terrace. In flower beds narrow-leaved ( Lavandula angustifolia) is excellent adjacent to; You can plant it in a separate bed or flower bed, creating a “Mediterranean corner” in your garden.

Lavender angustifolia seeds require - this explains why early date sowing it for seedlings (as an option, you can sow it before winter). Sow to a depth of no more than 0.5 cm in well-moistened soil. Cover the container with the crops with film or glass and put it in the refrigerator. Seed manufacturers recommend stratification for 3 months, but in practice we managed with half that time.

Salvia (sparkling sage)

Heat-loving ( Salvia splendens) in the climate of our latitudes it is grown as an annual. It is native to South America, where it is cultivated as a perennial plant. In our gardens, salvia, also known as, or brilliant, is quite popular.

Most often you can find the red-flowered form of this plant, but there are also varieties with lilac or purple flowers. As a rule, salvia is used in group plantings; it looks best in large areas, attracting with its brightness and richness of color. But you can also use it for container plantings.

Salvia is sown in late February - early March, sprinkled with a thin layer of soil. They dive in the 4-5 phase of a true leaf, and at the end of May - beginning of June (depending on the climate and weather) they are planted in the ground, preferably in a sunny place. Well, you can read more about this and other types of salvia (sage), their characteristics and cultivation in the article.

Viola (Wittrock violet)

If you want ( Viola x wittrockiana) bloomed in the year of sowing, and bloomed from the end of May until the snow, sow it for seedlings in February.

Violas, photo

This popular plant probably doesn’t need any special introduction. Let me just remind you that this biennial crop, very widely used by flower growers, is valued for its long flowering, abundance of varieties of various colors and amazing unpretentiousness. Viola easily tolerates transplantation even when in bloom, grows well and can grow both in flower beds and in all kinds of containers.

Viola, photo

When growing seedlings, grown seedlings are planted in separate cups. In order for the violas to develop well and not stretch, it is advisable to place the seedlings in a cool (+14...+15 degrees) well-lit place. You can read more about growing viola, caring for it and placing it in the garden in the article.

Heliotrope - an unfairly forgotten flower

Heliotrope is a lover of sun and heat. It is quite demanding regarding soil fertility and will delight only the gardener with flowering who will regularly care for it, water it and feed it. But if you are willing to take care of it, the result will not disappoint you. Heliotrope is good both in the flower garden (especially in combination with bright orange marigolds or calendula) and in container plantings.

It should be sown superficially, as heliotrope seeds germinate only in the light. Press them into the soil, pressing them lightly into it, but do not sprinkle on top. A month later, when the seedlings have grown, plant them in separate pots. Seedlings can be transplanted into the garden starting in mid-May.

Have you already sowed any flowers?

Many summer residents grow flower seedlings in apartments and houses, preferring not to buy them at the market or in a flower shop. It's convenient, pleasant and profitable. Many flower crops are grown by seedlings - buying them as seedlings, at least 10-20 plants of each variety, is expensive, but growing them from seeds is easy. In addition, a small seed planted in the soil gives life to a large plant, which, as it grows, makes the world more beautiful - isn’t this a joy for a gardener?

What quality should the soil be for producing flower seedlings? Nothing special is required to sow seeds. The seeds contain enough energy for germination, therefore, especially if you pre-treat the seeds with growth stimulants, ordinary store-bought soil is sufficient for sowing. Neutral slightly acidic peat must be mixed in equal proportions with clean river sand (also bought in the store). You will definitely need drainage at the bottom of the seedling containers.


It is best to use agloporite artificial pebbles, designed specifically to create a drainage layer.

You can make up seed soil from three components - peat, leaf soil, sand (1:1:1).

Pots or boxes

The second item on the list of things without which it is impossible to grow seedlings is containers. The range of containers, boxes, pots, plastic cassettes, peat pots and tablets for flower seedlings is huge. Any container can have advantages and disadvantages, depending on the material of manufacture, size, and stage of application.

Another thing is important - the different stages of “growing up” of plants and the need for picking or replanting them require their own, different containers. To grow flower seedlings at the first stage - sowing seeds - it is best to use seedling boxes, but not the largest ones - medium or small in size. After picking, it is better to move the seedlings into personal pots, cups, containers - it depends on the size of the future plant.

Seed selection

In addition to choosing from a list of ornamental crops, which are preferably propagated by seedlings, you need to know how to choose seeds. Here the main parameter that is worth paying attention to is germination.

Flower seeds, and indeed any other seeds, do not have an expiration date. These are not food products, and in the generally accepted sense, seeds cannot spoil. But there is such a thing as germination period. And if it is expired, then there is really no point in planting seeds - they will sprout poorly and weakly.

Video - what flowers to sow in February

What flower crops are sown for seedlings in February

The last month of winter is the time for sowing almost all flowers that reproduce through seedlings. In the middle zone, you should not propagate flowers with seedlings, which can be sown directly into the ground (this is done only for earlier flowering). It is advisable to produce seedlings of the following crops: ageratum, aster, azarina, marigold, brachycoma, verbena, gazania, carnation, heliotrope, wendium, annual dahlia, delphinium, sweet tobacco, Iberis, cleome, coleus, gillyflower, lobelia, snapdragon, nasturtium, petunia , salvia, annual phlox, celosia, cineraria, osteospermum, zinnia.

When to start sowing

Flowers that have a long germination period are grown by seedlings. When sowing seeds in the ground, they do not have enough time to develop properly and delight with lush flowering. Such flower seeds are sown in February for seedlings, so that 2-3 months pass before planting in open ground - from the end of April to the end of May.

Today, when the florist has the latest technologies and methods at his disposal, seedlings can be grown much faster and the quality achieved better. Soil preparation, seed preparation, temperature, water, light conditions (read the article about), timely fertilizing - provide your seedlings with all the conditions and start sowing seeds starting from February 15th.

How to sow seeds

1. Before sowing, it is a good idea to disinfect flower seeds. Soaking in traditional potassium permanganate, which is usually done with vegetable seeds, is not always the method, because some flowers (petunia, lobelia) have very small seeds. It is easier and more effective to carry out disinfectant dusting with a fungicide. How to do it? Pour a pinch of powder into a bag with dry seeds placed in it, close and shake.

2. The soil in the seed containers has already been prepared, moderately moist, with grooves or holes. For petunia and lobelia, no grooves or depressions are needed - only a flat surface of the soil on which the seeds are scattered, without covering them with anything. You can mix small seeds with sand or snow. Medium and large seeds are sown to a depth of 1 to 5 cm and sprinkled with peat. The depth of planting seeds is usually 3-5 times greater than the height of the seed.

Cover the seedlings with plastic wrap

4. After detecting the seedlings, the protection and containers are immediately moved to the light, and the room temperature is provided at +22°C...25°C. Water (very carefully) and spray regularly. In low light, add additional illumination with lamps.

After the sprouts appear, expose them to sunlight or artificial light

5. The time to feed flower seedlings for the first time is two weeks later. When the seedlings are one month old, the next feeding is done. Next, you need to fertilize weekly, alternating humic preparations and mineral complexes. In the phase of two leaves, picking is carried out into personal pots for planting.

February sowing of popular flowers

The most common ornamental flowering crops are petunia, lobelia, and marigolds.

Features of sowing Petunia

If you want to see colorful fragrant gramophones on your balcony or flowerbed already in June, you can start sowing petunias starting on February 15th. - smaller than a poppy seed, but it takes quite a long time to sprout. You can sow petunia only superficially. Crops must be covered with protective glass or thick film, creating a greenhouse effect.

Before planting in the garden or permanent flower pots, it is necessary to make at least one transplant into a large container, ideally two - every month. Don't worry if the plant blooms right on the windowsill. Petunia seedlings tolerate replanting well when in bloom. The main thing is that the seedlings do not stretch out and become thin. To do this, when growing, it is necessary to use artificial lighting.

Flower - ampelous petunia

Features of sowing Lobelia

The second favorite of flower growers. The exact opposite of petunia in appearance - elegant, with small blue and pink or white buds. Its seeds are also small. Therefore, sowing is carried out in the same way as petunias.
The difference is that lobelia does not really like transplanting, so it is better to sow several (no more than four) seeds in one small pot. Then the lobelia bushes will turn out stronger and more lush.

Flower - lobelia


Tagetes are also grown by sowing directly into the ground, but obtaining seedlings allows you to have flowers a month earlier, so most gardeners prefer to propagate these cheerful and cheerful yellow-orange-red flowers with seedlings.

It is better to sow in boxes. Furrows are made in them and seeds are sown in increments of three centimeters. The depth of the furrows is 1-1.5 cm. The crops are covered with a mixture of peat and sand.

Marigolds are very beautiful flowers

Marigolds sprout quickly - sprouts will appear within 5-6 days. Sprouts immediately after their appearance require additional lighting for at least 12 hours. You can also plant marigolds in boxes, but of a larger size and in increments of 7 cm. This is done when two true leaves appear on the plant. After a month, you can re-pick. They pick up perfectly, even with blooming flowers. In the flowerbed, these unpretentious and not capricious flowers also take root well. That is why they gained fame and love from flower growers.

Video - what can be sown in February and early March

Growing flower seedlings is a low-cost way to obtain a wide variety of flower crops, from which you can create stunningly beautiful compositions in your summer cottage. Try to grow seedlings of your favorite flowers yourself, following the recommendations for choosing soil, containers, seeds, varieties, preparing seeds, sowing rules, and caring for seedlings. You will definitely like the result.

When starting to grow flower seedlings from mid-January, you should provide the seedlings with good lighting, as this gives a good impetus for the development of sprouts and the health of the plant as a whole. Flower seedlings grown from seeds using the following techniques.

Annuals with a long growing season are grown through seedlings, since they simply do not have time to bloom if they are sown immediately in open ground.

It is also safer to grow heat-loving plants as seedlings, then plant them in the garden when the threat of return frosts has passed. These include: marigolds, hybrid gatsania, cultivated dahlia, Waller's balsam, balsam balsam, garden petunia, silver celosia, graceful zinnia, all types of nasturtium.

Some of the listed garden crops(marigolds, nasturtium, zinnia) can be sown in the ground, but then you need to cover the seedlings with non-woven material.

The time for planting seeds for seedlings...

In the last days of January - including February, you can begin to sow the seeds of the earliest crops: Shabot carnation and ever-flowering begonia. It is recommended to sow tuber even earlier - last days December - until mid-January. In this case, the plant will bloom in the same year and have time to form tubers.

If it is not possible to provide constant lighting, then you can shift the planting to the end of February - beginning of March, even if these are the seeds of the most “long-lasting” flowers. Otherwise, you will end up with elongated, weak plants, which for the most part are unlikely to survive until the happy moment of transplanting into the ground.

In February, a fairly large group of flowers is sown for seedlings - New Guinea and Waller's balsam, fuchsia, zonal pelargonium, ampelous pelargonium, cineraria, statice, viola, lipa, salvia, lobelia, tigridia, passionflower, etc.

Pelargonium is usually sown in February to be planted in early June. Last season I sowed 20-23.01, bloomed after 24.05. It is better to plant grown seedlings in small pots - flowering will be more abundant in them.

It takes approximately 3-3.5 months from sowing to flowering of petunia; this crop blooms until frost. You can start sowing from the end of February or in March. Shoots appear in 7-12 days.

Mass sowing of one-year-olds most often begins only in March, which is associated with a short growing season.

In March, most annuals are sown for seedlings: asters, primroses, petunias, purslane, phlox drummond, Chinese carnation, hybrid verbena, annual dahlia, milkweed, snapdragon, anemones, gillyflower, kupena, tsmin (immortelle), delphinium, daisies , sage, calceolaria, castor bean and those that were not planted earlier.

In the last ten days of March, you can sow ageratum, alyssum, arctotis, gatsania, coleus, helichrysum, sweet peas, kochia, lobelia, gillyflower, perilla, salvia, sweet tobacco and some other annual flowers, as well as most perennials.

In April, seedlings are sown with heat-loving and fast-growing flowers that quickly sprout and develop - zinnia, iberis, amaranths, marigolds, nasturtium, balsam, annual chrysanthemum.

It often happens that when sowing at home, some seeds germinate poorly or not at all, but when sown in a greenhouse they will germinate amazingly! In a greenhouse you can grow wonderful seedlings of zinnia, ageratum, marigolds, balsams, iberis, phlox, godetia and some other types of annuals.

The sowing of many annuals, which we plant directly in open ground, in flower beds, flower boxes, occurs in April-May (phlox, asters, nasturtium, marigolds, amaranth, decorative sunflowers, annual chrysanthemums).

Which annuals have small seeds?

Fits good seedling method cultivation for flowers with very small seeds - ageratum, begonia, sweet tobacco, bellflower, lobelia, snapdragon, mimulus, petunia, purslane...

The seedlings of these flowers are very thin and weak and easily die in open ground, so seedlings are a guaranteed way to grow beautiful flowers.

When buying seeds, be sure to pay attention to the expiration date, study the planting information on the bag...

If small seeds need good lighting for germination, large seeds with a hard shell develop slowly and do not need light until germination. But after the sprouts appear, you should move them to a bright place.

How to sow flower seeds correctly?

After filling the seedling boxes with the nutrient mixture, pour in a hot pink solution of potassium permanganate. It is not advisable to apply any fertilizers, since flower seedlings often suffer from excess salts.

Don't forget about drainage holes to excess liquid left the container. When the soil is slightly dry, begin sowing the seeds.

Sow the seeds in rows at a short distance from each other, lightly press them into the ground, covering them with a thin layer of soil. The exception is plants whose small seeds germinate in the light. In any case, you should not bury them too deeply in the ground. After sowing, the soil is carefully moistened using a spray bottle and covered with glass or transparent film.

So, the seedlings have sprouted, and in the quantity that you planted! As soon as these seedlings grow enough to be grasped with your fingers, the picking stage begins.

Shabo carnations - growing flower seedlings.

A large selection of seed mixtures will allow you to get flowers of the most interesting colors. You can plant until mid-February. Flowering will begin 150 days after planting and will continue until frost. And shoots appear after 5-6 days.

Sow clove seeds in rows, sprinkle sifted soil on top and carefully spray with a spray bottle. Cover the box with polyethylene. Shake off condensation as it fogs up. Shoots will appear in 7-10 days at a temperature of 23-25 ​​degrees.

Remove the film and place the box closer to the light. As the seedlings grow, add soil to the plant stems, since young carnation seedlings are weak and fragile.

After the first picking, I keep the boxes with seedlings at a temperature of 12 degrees. During the second, I pinch out the seedlings in order to get more lush bushes. I plant seedlings in open ground only in the second half of May at a distance of 20 cm from each other.

Growing begonia seedlings...

You can often find granulated seeds on sale, which, of course, is much more convenient when planting. The optimal temperature for germination is 20-22°C. At this temperature, seedlings appear in 10-14 days. Water carefully using a sprayer, avoiding over-watering.

Evergreen begonia seeds are one of the first to be sown; you can start sowing as early as possible before mid-January. Very small seeds are not sprinkled with soil; it is enough to distribute them evenly over the surface. Planting containers are covered with glass.

Tuber hanging begonia can also be grown from seeds. To get begonias to bloom in summer, you need to sow them in January. Before sowing, it is better to mix dusty begonia seeds with fine, washed and dried sand. Sow randomly. Then, without covering, moisten the soil with the crops from a spray bottle. Cover the container with glass. Wipe its surface as it fogs up.

We grow primrose - flower seedlings.

We put the primrose seeds in the refrigerator to freeze for a month, and in March we plant them in containers.

Primrose, like petunia, is sown on the surface of the ground, without sprinkling, in plastic containers with lids, thanks to which a moist environment and enough light are maintained for the crops; make sure that the crops are not exposed to Sun rays.

Grow seedlings using the same technology as petunias. You need to handle the seedlings very carefully - the roots are very weak!

Growing petunia seedlings with seeds.

A few days before sowing, water the soil with Fitosporin-M to prevent blackleg. If the petunia seeds are coated, spread them evenly at a distance of 1-1.5 cm and press them to the soil for better contact.

Sowing ordinary petunia seeds does not involve planting them in the soil, but distributing them over the surface. You can mix the seeds with a small amount of river sand, without adding soil. Cover the container with a lid to create a greenhouse effect. The temperature in containers is 20-22°C.

Open the lid of the container from the petunia crops to remove condensation from it. As for ventilation, under no circumstances should you change the temperature and humidity so sharply. Watch the soil so that it is not dry, but do not allow it to become waterlogged. When petunia seedlings grow up, you can gradually accustom them to the open air.

After the true leaf grows, I plant the seedlings at a distance of 3 cm from each other. The plant tolerates picking and replanting easily. I plant them in the flower garden after the threat of night frosts has passed.

When growing aster seedlings, the temperature contrast helps the seeds germinate faster.

In March - early April I begin to sow the seeds of annual asters. From sowing to the beginning of flowering, 90-140 days pass. I sow early flowering varieties a little later.

I practically do not sprinkle seeds lightly pressed into the surface of moist soil. Having covered the crops from drying out, I put the box with them in a bright place for germination. This technique greatly increases their germination (after 5-6 days). When the first two true leaves appear, the seedlings can be planted. As a rule, this occurs on the 10th day after sowing the seeds.

Sometimes I use another method of sowing aster: I sprinkle the seeds spread on the surface of the ground with snow (1 cm layer). That's all - the snow melts and draws the aster seeds into the ground. With this sowing, an imitation of sowing an aster in the fall before winter occurs.

The temperature contrast allows the seeds to germinate faster. I sow aster on the surface of the earth. I put the crops in the refrigerator overnight, and during the day I place them in a warm place - and so on several times until the seeds hatch. Then I put them in pots, cover them with soil and water them.

At first glance, this method seems to have a lot of “problems”, but then there is no need to plant the seedlings (although the aster is not afraid of transplantation), and the survival rate from such planting is higher.

Get a container with drainage holes. If you want to grow several flowers, you can purchase a fairly spacious container or box. Make sure that there are drainage holes in it, as soil oversaturated with water has an adverse effect on plant growth.

  • If you don't want to buy a container for houseplants, you can drill holes in the bottom of an egg carton and use that.
  • Place a cloth under the container to prevent water from spreading from under it.

Fill each section with a mixture of peat moss, vermiculite and perlite. Mix three different types of soil in equal proportions and the result will be well-drained soil rich in organic materials. Fill the container ¾ full with this mixture.

Bury in upper layer soil or simply scatter seeds over its surface (depending on the type of flowers). Harder seeds should be covered with organic material such as vermiculite or peat moss, while soft seeds should be left on the surface of the soil. Read the directions on the seed packet to find out whether they should be planted in the ground (and how deep) or left on the surface of the soil.

Water the seeds. Lightly spray the soil with water. Don't water the seeds too much to avoid washing them away. You can sprinkle water from your palm or slowly pour it into a container from a small saucer. Be that as it may, it is necessary to moisten the soil, but not to touch the seeds.

  • Cover the container with plastic wrap. Plastic film or a tight-fitting lid will retain moisture, which will help the seeds germinate. Punch a couple of holes in the top of the film to allow the plants to breathe.

    • You can also wrap the seed container in a plastic bag.
  • Place the container in a warm place at home. Seeds germinate best at temperatures of 18–24°C. Place the container in a warm place that gets plenty of sun. You can also place the container near an artificial heat source, such as on top of the refrigerator or near the oven.

    • Remove the container before turning on the oven, as the heat from the oven may damage the seeds.
  • Harden off the shoots before transplanting them into open ground. If you are going to move the seedlings into open ground, leave them outside in shady place for 7–10 days. This will allow the plants to get used to temperature changes. Some flowers do not tolerate cold well and should be kept indoors.

    • The seed packet should indicate what temperatures are suitable for this type of flower.
    • If the flowers tolerate cold well, the bag may indicate that they are cold-hardy.
    • Delicate flowers tolerate cold less well; they should be kept at temperatures not lower than 4°C.
  • We sowed or planted most of the plants in the spring and it seems that in the middle of summer we can already relax. But experienced gardeners know that July is the time to plant vegetables to obtain a late harvest and the possibility of longer storage. This also applies to potatoes. It is better to use the early summer potato harvest quickly; it is not suitable for long-term storage. But the second harvest of potatoes is exactly what is needed for winter and spring use.

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