Wall height 3500, how to build up plastic panels. Lathing for PVC panels - create an aesthetic and durable frame

Covering the ceiling with plastic is a fairly common solution when decorating bathrooms, kitchens and hallways. Ceiling lathing under plastic panels can also be used to install other materials - plasterboard sheets, wooden lining, MDF panels, etc.


To ensure that the sheathing for plastic panels matches necessary requirements, its installation begins with marking activities:

  • The first step is to draw a control line along the top of all walls: this will be a guideline for the height of the ceiling space. This parameter largely depends on the type of design of the lighting fixtures being installed. Using spotlights their sizes will have to be taken into account.
  • For LED lamps A height of 4 cm will be sufficient. In all other cases, the depth of the ceiling niche will increase to 7 cm or more. As practice shows, it is best to purchase lamps in advance, which will allow you to have information about the dimensions of their internal part. Add 1 cm to the resulting parameter for heat extinguishing.
  • Drawing a line along the perimeter begins with marking the corner sections, using a water or laser level for this purpose. Armed with a paint cord, connect the individual marks with solid lines.

  • Next we move on to marking the base surface. If the frame will be used in the future for installing plasterboard slabs, then the distance is 500 mm. It is along these lines that the profiles will be screwed on in the future. Lathing on the ceiling under PVC, MDF or panels wooden lining will require an increase in distance by 100 mm.
  • Upon completion of drawing control lines under the CD profiles, it is recommended to immediately mark the areas for installation of lamps. This will be much more difficult to do in the future.
  • If according to the room design plan a chandelier will be used, its location is found by cutting two diagonals from corner to corner: the point of their intersection will indicate the desired location.
  • Suspended structures will require making holes and installing a dowel under the hook. Lighting on the console require additional reinforcement of the frame at the site of their installation.

Installation of hangers and UD profiles

To hold the sheathing under the plastic panels on the ceiling, hangers and UD profiles installed along all walls are used. In some cases, elements of this type are already equipped with holes every 30 cm: if they are not there, drilling is carried out independently.

Description of installation work:

  • Apply linear markings using 300 mm increments along the perimeter.
  • Make holes for dowels in the wall. It is better to drill directly through the profile.
  • On concrete or brick walls For fastening, 60 mm dowels and 50-70 mm long self-tapping screws are suitable. On surfaces where the plaster layer is not very strong, it is advisable to use longer screws and dowels (90 mm).
  • On bases made of limestone or foam blocks, you can get by with 50 mm self-tapping screws without dowels.

Installation of hangers for sheathing

Upon completion of the installation of the UDeshek, they proceed to the installation of suspensions. We are most often talking about perforated elements belt type. If the height of the ceiling space is large, use wire fastenings of the sheathing to the ceiling under the panels. The first step is to distribute them over the base surface, using screws and dowels for fixation. In this case, it is best to give preference to screwing rather than nailing.

The optimal distance between individual hangers is up to 70 cm. Sometimes ceiling surface sheathe plasterboard boards for further gluing ceramic tiles: in this case, the distance must be reduced to 40-50 cm.

In this case, the profile guides are placed more closely together. While installing the suspension, it is necessary to ensure that the central oblong hole coincides with the center of the marking. The antennae can be bent after installing the CD profile inside the UD.

Mounting CD for attaching plastic panels to the ceiling

Next you need to cut the CD profiles and insert them into the UD. The length of the segments is determined by measuring the distance between the walls, minus 5 mm. It is best to measure each CD individually, because... the distance between the walls often “floats” in different areas. It is more convenient to immediately insert each suspended profile into the UD, which will significantly simplify the construction of the ceiling sheathing under the PVC panels.

Experienced craftsmen recommend using nylon thread as a level, pulling it at an angle of 90 degrees with respect to the profiles. Tension adjustment is simplified by a self-tapping screw screwed into the UDeshka. If the CD profiles are not secured, they will begin to sag, pulling the thread. You can get out of this situation if all the profiles are pulled up a little higher than the level. This is very easy to do by bending the tendrils of the middle dewlap under each of them.

First of all, the latest profiles are positioned by level. If everything is done correctly, they will be located 0.5 mm above the level. Any contact with the thread indicates a plane failure. The procedure for aligning the remaining profiles can be started from any place.

In this case, each bar must be raised 0.5 mm above the thread, otherwise the level will quickly go wrong. It is recommended to install a pair of self-tapping screws in each eyelet on the suspension: this will inform the sheathing under plastic ceiling proper rigidity. Otherwise, the frame may wobble due to slight play in the profile in the bracket. To check, sometimes they knock on the structure from below with their fist: a rattling sound will indicate the presence of play.

Additional options

If it is intended to decorate the ceiling surface with plasterboard slabs, it is allowed to use cellular lathing with square niches 60x60 cm.

However, experienced installers are not very fond of these designs for the following reasons:

  1. Such cell parameters are not convenient for ceiling gypsum plasterboard: it has dimensions of 120x250 cm.
  2. The use of such a scheme entails an increase in material consumption, which, in turn, increases the total cost of the work performed.

In cases where the ceiling frame under plastic is installed in large areas, the length of the CD (3-4 m) is not enough. Especially for this purpose, the set of profiles includes reliable adapter connectors. To avoid sagging of the structure, the joining areas are additionally equipped with hangers. This involves screwing self-tapping screws simultaneously through the adapter and the profile.

In addition to the metal profile, wood can be used to make the frame for the ceiling panels. Basically we are talking about slats with a thickness of 20-25 mm and a width of 40-50 mm. Special stands are usually used to level wooden sheathing. However, this type of installation can only be carried out on well-leveled foundations. Therefore, before making lathing on a wooden ceiling, you have to screed the base floor. This increases the duration of work, because It takes several days for the plaster layer to dry.

Bottom line

The best performance characteristics have mounting frames made of galvanized CD profile. Such structures are very durable and moisture-resistant: they can be used for laying almost any panels. Cheaper wooden laths need additional processing antiseptic impregnations, especially if they are used in rooms with high humidity.

As for the need to prepare a rough foundation, you need to look at the circumstances. If old finish durable enough that you can leave it, even if its appearance is not very pretty. Concerning old whitewash, then they try to remove it, because over time, it can crumble, accumulating with back side panels. As a result, this increases the load on the structure and creates a real threat of dirt entering the room.

Many people prefer plastic panels for finishing a bathroom, toilet or balconies with loggias, but to attach this building finishing material, a modern lathing for plastic panels is required.

Today the construction market is rich in a diverse range. The buyer only has to decide what material the finishing will be made of and select everything necessary.

There are several types of lathing for fastening panels. Wooden or plastic. Of course, you can also make a metal one, but this is not an option at all!!! So, both methods are successfully used. In this article, we will consider option number two, namely a specialized plastic sheathing, and we will try to understand everything in order.

What is lathing for plastic panels?

As is known, in order to carry out installation plastic panels, they are also called PVC panels. A special plastic sheathing is used.
This type of lathing was developed specifically for fastening plastic panels. With the advent of this material, much less time is spent on work, and in addition, during installation there is no dirt that we are all familiar with. As a result, the investment of time and money is minimal.

Advantages of this material

The package for the sheathing for plastic panels includes a so-called clip; it acts as a fastener, like, for example, clamps for. You can forget about screws, nails, staplers and glue. That's all, now you just won't need it. If we talk about the time it takes to complete the work, the speed increases significantly. The mounting clip snaps into the groove of the mounting plate with light finger pressure. This eliminates the possibility that the panel will crack at the fastening point - this is simply impossible.

The good thing about lathing under plastic panels is that even a person who does not have special qualifications can cope with this work, since this system can be called universal.

If something goes wrong, you can remove the panel at any time in order to correct it, or even exchange it for another one. It is very convenient that you do not need to unscrew screws, or tear out nails or staples. Which often rendered the panels unusable during installation. Of course, their further use was impossible.

Undoubtedly, the advantages of plastic sheathing can be safely attributed to the fact that in addition to its use in residential and commercial premises, it is recommended to use plastic sheathing during installation wall panels in rooms where there is high humidity. This applies to bathrooms, for example. Well, in those places where sudden temperature changes are possible. These include rooms that are not heated, or, on the contrary, heated rooms.

In addition to all the positive qualities listed, there is one more. The fact is that the mounting plate is made of a material that is fireproof. Such unfavorable phenomena as corrosion and rotting also do not threaten it. The resistance of the material to microorganisms is also excellent. Due to the fact that when installing or dismantling, there are absolutely no traces of damage left on it, it can be reused.

Among other things, such a sheathing can serve as a channel for electrical cables, which is very convenient.

What is the difference between plastic sheathing and wooden sheathing?


  1. firstly, as mentioned earlier, it is not subject to rotting
  2. it will not crack under the influence of time and will not bend (it will not lead)
  3. she practically doesn't "eats" room space

Ordinary apartments, as you know, do not have a large square footage. Therefore, the fact that the thickness of the plastic sheathing is no more than 1 cm is of great importance.

Installation of sheathing

The sheathing is installed under the plastic panels, in the same way as. At a distance of forty to fifty cm from each other. Then we place the panel and press it with clips. They should fit tightly into the groove of the sheathing.

It must be said that installation carried out using plastic sheathing simplifies the installation of the plastic panels themselves, but not so much that one can forget about all the other nuances associated with this work. Once again, I recommend reading the above article.

So, let's summarize all of the above:

By giving preference to special lathing for plastic panels, you significantly reduce work time. Plus, you will be able to complete the installation work yourself, without resorting to the help of professionals, having at hand necessary set tools that every man who does repairs himself should have.

This not only saves time, but also saves financial costs. What we mean here is that you don’t have to pay a specialist for the work, since you can do it yourself (but don’t forget to be careful when working with plastic in general). Even if you have never done such work before. The main thing is desire and accuracy, and the rest will follow.

watch the video and say thank you to the person who filmed it

Well, that's probably all. Of course, it’s up to you to decide which material to give preference to.

Good luck with the renovation.

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Already for a long time plastic panels are deservedly popular. Of course, there are more on the market modern materials, but each product always finds its buyer. Moreover, the panels can be found not only in residential premises, but also in various retail and office establishments. But this type the material requires compliance with certain installation methods. For this purpose, lathing under PVC panels is most often used.

Just ten years ago, PVC panels could be found in literally every house or apartment. Yes, for Lately interest in them has decreased slightly, but they are still in great demand. What explains this? And the fact that they have many advantages.

Advantages of plastic panels:

  • Affordable price. This is undoubtedly a big plus in their favor. Finishing the premises will not require significant financial costs.
  • Easy to install. There is no need to hire craftsmen; all work is done independently. You also do not need to use special tools.
  • Variety of textures. Everyone can choose for themselves best option, which is suitable for the interior of the room.
  • Environmental friendliness. Modern technologies allow the production of PVC panels that meet all safety and fire resistance standards.
  • Light weight and several size options. This makes it possible to quickly work with this material and cover large spaces with it.
  • Resistant to fungi and moisture. Allows you to use them in bathrooms and shower rooms.

On a note! If you really wish, you can order products on which the selected drawing or photograph will be applied.

Mounting methods

The panels are very durable, but require careful handling. Any mechanical impacts can lead to their damage. This must be taken into account when transporting and installing them. There are two main available types fastening panels. The frameless method is used less often. It is used only when the surface is sufficiently flat.

The most commonly used method is lathing for PVC panels. Namely, a frame is created on which it is attached finishing material. The following varieties are distinguished, which differ from the material used:

  1. Frame made of wooden blocks and slats. This method Great for rooms made of wood.
  2. Application of plastic profiles. It's pretty convenient way, which is suitable for almost all types of structures.
  3. Metallic profile. The same design is used that is found when working with sheets of drywall. It is very convenient when you need to carry out work on surfaces that have significant flaws.


This stage is present for any finishing works Oh. Somewhere, significant measures are required or limited to minor corrections. In any case, it all starts with drawing up a work plan, counting materials and purchasing them.

Advice! When purchasing plastic panels, it is better to purchase all the material at once in order to get products from one batch. Otherwise, there is a high probability of running into different colors. You should also take into account the required margin, which is 5-10%. This will help replace parts in case of damage or defect.

To carry out all the work you will need simple tools. It is better to prepare them in advance. It is a very unpleasant situation when it turns out that everything is ready, but the work cannot be carried out due to the lack of drills of the required size. And also all consumables must be at least two copies.

Before installing the frame for PVC panels, you should stock up on additional fasteners and consumables.

So, let's prepare:

  • drill (perforator), screwdriver;
  • jigsaw;
  • construction knife;
  • level and tape measure;
  • hammer, mallet;
  • pencil;
  • consumables (drills, bits);
  • screws, dowels and clips.

It all starts with choosing the slats carefully. They must be intact and not have any damage. If you do not pay attention to this circumstance, it may happen that you will have to replace parts of the sheathing that have become unusable, and this is very difficult to do.

Installation wooden frame under the plastic panels it looks like this:

  • The prepared timber is treated with an antiseptic. The fact is that this material inferior in properties to plastic and metal, that is, exposed to moisture and fungi.
  • Now they are starting to build the structure. First, fix the slats around the perimeter of the wall. That is, the timber forms a closed square or rectangle (depending on the type of room).
  • Next, they begin to secure the guides. Keep in mind that the distance between them should be no more than 30-45 cm.
  • Now comes the turn of jumpers.
  • The panels can be installed. Self-tapping screws are used for this. Take into account the required step - 35-40 cm.

Some tips:

  1. Humidity in the room should be at normal levels, the moisture content of the timber should not exceed 15%.
  2. All slats are installed using a level. If necessary, align the rail - make a spacer between the wall.
  3. All sections of the sheathing must be securely fastened to the wall - through dowels, to each other - directly or using corners.

Plastic sheathing

This type of lathing has several advantages:

  • it is not subject to deformation;
  • very resistant to mold and fungi;
  • makes it possible quite quickly.

There are also disadvantages. So, this material is quite susceptible to any surface imperfections. And also its cost is higher than that of wood.

The plastic sheathing is mounted as follows:

  1. Make markings. Immediately take into account that the step should be 35-40 cm.
  2. Plastic strips are secured using dowels.
  3. Now you can install the panels. This is done using special clips that are inserted into a special connector on the strip.

This may seem like the simplest and most quick way. This is probably true, but this will only happen when the basic rule is followed - all plastic strips must be strictly perpendicular to the PVC panels. Only then will it be possible to secure the clips.

Metal sheathing

This type of lathing is performed when it is necessary to obtain a very reliable structure and there are significant surface imperfections. But this material has one significant drawback- high price. It can significantly exceed even the price of plastic panels.

The technology for creating lathing for PVC panels from a metal profile is as follows:

  • It is immediately worth noting that it literally repeats the construction of a frame for drywall. It all starts with the installation of a U-shaped profile. It is checked using a level. For fastening, dowels and screws are used.
  • The guides are installed, they are attached to the wall and to the already installed profile.
  • They make jumpers.
  • Fasten the panels.

Metal lathing is usually used if the surface has significant differences and unevenness

On a note! Often, a metal frame is beneficial when gypsum board slabs are being installed in parallel. So, you can save a lot and take advantage of profile trims that will be used.

What to remember

  1. Regardless of the choice of lathing, the distance between the slats should be from thirty to fifty centimeters.
  2. The slats are attached perpendicular to the panels.
  3. The structure around window and door openings must be reinforced.

Thus, it becomes clear that only properly executed lathing allows you to create a reliable and durable structure.

PVC panels are at the peak of their popularity today. Both in private homes and in educational institutions, and in retail establishments – you can see these panels everywhere. Modern technologies have made them completely harmless and very light, which is an obvious advantage compared to other materials for finishing work. Their popularity is also associated with a number of advantages:

  • acceptable price;
  • aesthetic appearance;
  • variety of textures and colors;
  • ease of installation.

Types of lathing

Plastic panels are durable, and this is another reason to choose them. In addition, you can order panels on which any photograph or drawing will be applied. This will make your interior truly unique.

Installing such panels is not a problem. Lathing for PVC panels will help you with this.

The type of lathing for them will depend on the room in which the panels are installed.

Finishing materials for the ceiling are presented in a wide variety, so choosing the preferred option is easy. To do this, be guided by your own preferences, interior style and requirements for quality and reliability indicators. One of the popular options is PVC panels.

They are distinguished by their versatility and ease of use, including for wall surfaces. The installation process is simple, so everyone can do it with their own hands, starting with creating the frame. The main thing is to create a durable sheathing for the structure made of PVC panels. It will guarantee that the ceiling structure will be reliable and durable.

Attention! Pay attention to all the details when creating a structure that acts as a frame, strictly following the instructions on the video, which will show the stages of the process.

What is sheathing or frame?

The sheathing is the basis of the structure. It implies the ability to mount panels on the ceiling and walls of rooms. Frames are made from various materials, including plastic.

Among the advantages of this option are the following:

  1. Resistant to temperature changes.
  2. Easy to install on any surface, including walls.
  3. Resistance to moisture.
  4. Possibility to use repeatedly, saving money.
  5. Resistant to deformation.

Frames are also made from other materials. Among them are metal profiles or wooden slats. Wood is not resistant to moisture and temperature changes, which will negatively affect the operation of the sheathing for walls and ceilings. The result is visible deformation. Metal structure not always suitable for PVC, as it becomes too heavy an option.

When compared to these materials, PVC frame has advantages. Among them are the simplicity and efficiency of installation, including for wall surfaces. The panels are easily attached to each other, eliminating the formation of gaps or cracks. Additionally, clips are used to ensure a secure fit to the wall or surface.

Another one positive trait– resistance to mold and mildew. Plastic structures are fireproof and easily tolerate moisture and dampness, which cannot be said about their wooden or metal counterparts. If required, a plastic frame is used as a cable for organizing wiring.

What will be useful during the creation process?

You can create it yourself. This process is simple, and everyone probably has the tools needed for this at home. If you wish, you can call a team of experienced craftsmen who will quickly cope with the task assigned to them. But doing it yourself will give you a reason to be proud of your own successes.

Prepare the following tools:

  1. Screwdriver.
  2. Drill.
  3. Tape measure or ruler.
  4. Construction level, the optimal choice is the water option.
  5. Hacksaw.

This is enough to create a PVC frame. Despite the fact that the cost will be more expensive than a wooden one, the result will pleasantly surprise you. There is no need to use antiseptics, and the installation itself is based on the use of special clip-fasteners, which facilitates the process.

Remember that decorative elements are attached to the plastic frame in a perpendicular position relative to the structural elements. Compliance with this simple recommendation guarantees the quality of the fastening and the absence of problems later.

Stages of installation of the structure

To ensure successful installation of PVC lathing, follow the recommendations of professionals. The first thing people pay attention to is the distance between the slats. This is true for both ceilings and walls. The optimal distance is a step of 30 cm. The PVC slats themselves are placed in a perpendicular position to the panels. In other words, if the panels are mounted in a vertical position, the slats are fastened horizontally and in the reverse order.

An important point marking appears. It is carried out at the initial stage. Without this, it will not be possible to create a high-quality frame for the ceiling or walls. If you find it difficult to mark yourself, watch the video. It will introduce you to the details of the marking process for the ceiling and walls.

The frame is fastened along the perimeter of the room; to do this, measure the length of the walls, finding the lowest angle, draw a horizontal line from it, along which they begin to mount the frame. Panels from PVC material are joined together using a hacksaw and a miter box. These tools will allow you to get a good cut on the panels with minimal dimensions. The material is fastened every 25-30 cm.

If desired, you can make this process easier. To do this, pull the fishing line along the marking line. This makes installation easier and reduces the likelihood of errors.

If you have been able to appreciate the advantages of PVC lathing and cladding the ceiling and walls with plastic panels, carefully prepare for the installation process. To perform the steps correctly, watch the video. It will allow you to understand the intricacies of the ceiling creation process and avoid common mistakes. Video is the best assistant that guarantees that the cladding is done correctly.

In addition to commercial and residential premises, lathing makes it possible to attach panels in rooms with high humidity, in places with temperature fluctuations and in unheated rooms. It is not subject to deformation and can be reused, as there is no damage left on it.

You can make a sheathing from wooden slats or purchase a plastic one, on which the panels are fixed using special clips. In addition, now many people have begun to use a metal profile to install the frame.

In practice, it became clear that wood is not the best material for sheathing. Since the joints between the PVC panels are almost invisible, any gap will become very noticeable when the frame is deformed.

Differences between plastic and wooden sheathing:

  • allows you to do quick installation, the panels are snapped onto the rail with clips;
  • resistance to dampness, mold and fungi do not form;
  • can be used as a cable channel for wiring;
  • fireproof.

Creating a sheathing - preparatory instructions

In order to make the sheathing, you need to follow some tips.

  • It is necessary to maintain the distance between the slats. Ideally it should be 30 cm, but not more than 50 cm.
  • The slats must be installed perpendicular to the plastic panels. If the panel will be mounted vertically, then the bar must be positioned horizontally, and vice versa.
  • It should be placed not only at the beginning and end of the working surface, but also around window and door openings.

To install the frame there is no need for preliminary preparation surfaces. To make a sheathing for PVC panels, you need to prepare the necessary tools and materials: an electric drill, a screwdriver or a screwdriver, a construction level (for leveling the slats in vertical and horizontal planes), a hacksaw, a plumb line, a square, a miter box, and a tape measure.

Material should be next: straight wooden slats or timber 30x10 (for interior work) and 30x20 (for facade works), metal profiles or special PVC profiles, drill with a tip to match the diameter of the dowel, screws, chalk (for marking).

Lathing for PVC panels - let's get to work

Installation of the frame for fastening the panels is the most critical stage of the work. The type of room will depend on the straightness and correctness of the supporting structures. If wooden slats are used, they should be chosen without knots, the straightest ones, and the humidity should be no more than 18%.

If there is high humidity in the room, then small cuts need to be made in the slats so that air can circulate. After everything is prepared, you can begin marking the perimeter. It should be performed in the same way as for another type of frame, starting from the most protruding point.

Using chalk, a tape measure and a straight batten, you need to draw the contours along which the sheathing will be installed under the PVC panels. Next, using a plumb bob, an electric drill and a level, the slats are mounted and secured with screws and dowels to the working surface. The distance between the planks on the wall should be 40-50 cm, on the ceiling 30-40 cm.

If the wall is uneven, then the sheathing is leveled using wooden or veneered spacers. Usually there is a space between the wall and the frame, which can be filled with insulation if desired. It will provide the room with heat and sound insulation. After completing the installation of the frame, you can begin installing the panels.

Thanks to the lathing, the panels can be installed even in rooms with high humidity, unstable temperatures, or even unheated rooms. Plastic sheathing for PVC panels lasts longer than they themselves because they do not deform under the influence of negative environment. It is often used for new panels after dismantling old ones.

Plastic and wood

The structure may consist of wooden or plastic slats. The latest PVC panels are attached to special clips, which is very convenient. A design made from a metal profile is rare, but it is not yet very popular among craftsmen. The metal base has its drawbacks, including heavy weight compared to plastic.

Experienced experts say that wood is far from the best material for such structures. Wooden sheathing can be deformed, which entails changes in the appearance of the panels. Ideally, they should fit very tightly - without visible joints. Therefore, changes in the design of the sheathing are immediately reflected in the panels themselves, which only shift slightly, but this already greatly spoils the aesthetic perception.

Advantages of plastic over wood:

  • thanks to fastening with clips to the rail, installation becomes easier and faster;
  • not susceptible negative influence humid environment, therefore it is not a concentration of mold and fungi;
  • often used as cable channel wiring;
  • fireproof.

Thanks to these undeniable advantages, plastic sheathing for panels clearly has an advantage when choosing a material.

Preparation before installation of the sheathing

To create the sheathing yourself, you should follow some recommendations from the masters:

  • There must be a certain distance between the slats. It is better if it turns out to be the same, this way it is much easier to calculate the amount of material for the entire structure. The optimal distance is 30 cm, but the norm is up to 50 cm;
  • The installation of the slats should be perpendicular to the panels. Vertical panels attached to horizontal slats, and horizontal, respectively, to vertical;
  • The strips must be located at the beginning and at the end of the entire surface on which installation work is carried out. Don't forget about window and door openings.

The wall surface does not need to be further prepared before installing the sheathing structure. You just need to stock up on the necessary tools in advance:

  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • electric drill;
  • building level;
  • plumb line;
  • hacksaw for wood;
  • miter box;
  • square;
  • roulette;
  • a drill with a tip suitable for dowels;
  • screws;
  • dowels;
  • chalk for marking.

For the design itself you will need:

  • slats or timber made of wood - 30×10 and 30×20 (for interior and facade work);
  • metal or PVC profiles.

So that everything you need is at hand and you don’t have to be distracted while working.

Lathing for PFC panels – installation

The most responsible and important stage in installation - this is the installation of the frame. How straight and correct the lathing is, the panels themselves will acquire an aesthetically attractive appearance after their installation is complete. It will not be possible to hang finishing elements beautifully and evenly on a crooked base.

If wooden slats are used, their humidity should not exceed 18%. Select all parts of the future structure as solid, straight and without knots. When using this material, you should know that this type of lathing is not suitable for a bathroom or kitchen.

Marking the perimeter for the frame is done from the most protruding area. Based on it, it will be possible to make the finishing layer of panels as even as possible. Using chalk, tape measure and slats, outlines are drawn to which the sheathing for the panels will correspond. To install the slats, use a plumb line with an electric drill and a level. The elements are fastened to each other and to the wall using screws and dowels.

The space between the slats should be:

  • on the wall – 400-500 mm;
  • on the ceiling - 300-400 mm.

On a curved wall, the panel sheathing is leveled using wood or plywood spacers. The building level checks how level the structure is. The space between the wall and the panel sheathing is filled with insulation. It is not necessary to do this, but you need to keep in mind that this place can easily be used for its intended purpose. Thanks to the insulation, it will not only become warmer, but also increase the sound insulation of the room.

Installation of panels begins only after complete completion installation of sheathing.

Finishing walls with plastic panels has a number of advantages, which include high installation speed, excellent technical characteristics of the material, and no need to pre-level the walls. Execute similar works It is quite feasible for people who do not have professional construction and repair skills. But if PVC installation The installation of lamellas does not cause any particular difficulties, but during the installation of the lathing a number of questions arise. How to make a sheathing for plastic panels will be discussed in our article.

Example of wooden lathing for plastic panels

Required materials and tools

To avoid downtime during the installation process due to searching for missing parts, you should prepare all the necessary tools and materials in advance. For work you will definitely need:

The following materials are used for installation of the sheathing:

  • wooden blocks;
  • galvanized profile;
  • plastic guides.

Each of these samples is quite easy to install and has proven itself during operation. There is no single recommendation on how to choose the right material for installation; preference should be given based on your financial capabilities or available remnants from previous repairs.

Calculation of materials for the frame

Don't forget to calculate the materials in advance

Any construction and installation work begins with preliminary calculations of the required materials and drawing up an estimate. Regardless of the materials used, the installation process and layout remain unchanged.

To assemble the sheathing, on which the panels will not bend or sag, you will initially need to install profile frames (bars) along the perimeter of each wall, and only then install the transverse slats.

Please note that the installation of slats around the perimeter of window and door openings is also a prerequisite.

  • Before making the sheathing, measure the height and width of the walls, as well as the perimeter of the doors and windows. You will also need these measurements to calculate the required number of plastic panels.
  • The specific gravity of the panels allows you to assemble the sheathing with a pitch between the slats of 50 cm or more. The distance between them depends on the quality and thickness of the plastic. The more durable the material is supposed to be used, the larger the gap can be left.
  • On a wall 250 cm high, you will need to fill the frame around the perimeter and place 4 transverse slats in it every 50 cm or 3 slats every 62 cm.
  • To attach the slats to the wall, use self-tapping screws (for wooden or adobe surfaces) or dowels and nails (for concrete and brick bases) with a pitch of 20–30 cm between them.

Based on the measurements obtained, you can easily calculate the required amount of consumables.

Marking and installation

Be sure to use a level when marking

The lathing, made in a single plane, is the key to a high-quality plastic-lined wall.

The most significant advantages of finishing walls with plastic panels include the ability to carry out installation without first leveling the rough base. The wall and ceiling may have significant unevenness and roughness. However, this does not mean at all that you will not have to carry out high-quality measurements and bring the sheathing into a single plane.

In multi-storey buildings, the same height of walls at all points in the room, as well as right angles, are the exception rather than the rule. Therefore, with the help of panels it is necessary not only to decorate the surface, but also to give the room the correct geometric shape.


Attaching panels to the ceiling sheathing

To begin installing the sheathing, start from the lowest corner. The first mark is left at a distance from the ceiling equal to the width of the profile used. If you plan to install built-in spotlights, then take into account the height of the soffit. In cases where there is a need to lower the ceiling, thereby reducing the height of the walls, a mark is placed at the desired point.

  1. Using a hydraulic or laser level, additional markings are made, drawing marks on each wall, retreating 10 - 15 cm from the corner.
  2. Connect the marks using a tapping cable (a strong thread richly painted with dry powder).
  3. Mark the ceiling in increments of 50–60 cm.

The resulting lines serve as a guide for screwing the sheathing to the base.


For walls, it is extremely important to assemble a frame with right angles 90 degrees. There is no way to get by here without laser level or construction corner.

Example of wall lathing

  1. First of all, bars or profiles are filled in the corners of the room. If necessary, additional gaskets are placed under them. It is important at this stage to position the slats so that the angle formed between the mating surfaces is straight. Check the resulting connections using a construction angle.
  2. The profiles are fastened along the ceiling and floor coverings.
  3. Pull the cord between the upper and lower profiles, and, focusing on it, mount horizontal stripes battens.
  4. Along the perimeter of window and doorways Profile slats must be installed.

When installing a frame under a plastic structure on a balcony or loggia, they use the same calculations and methods. However, it makes sense to insulate the room by placing a layer of thermal insulation in strips between the profiles.

Features of a wooden frame

Ceiling sheathing for plastic lamellas, assembled from wooden blocks, is distinguished by its relatively low cost and insignificant weight. It perfectly withstands the weight of the plastic structure. The only drawback of wood is its ability to actively absorb moisture from environment, which leads to its deformation during operation. Based on these features, this material is not recommended for use in very wet areas. However, it is quite acceptable to assemble wooden sheathing in a residential area where it is installed ventilation duct and there is sufficient air exchange.

Example of a wooden frame in a bathroom

Wooden structure often affected by mold infection, and it is not uncommon for it to become a place of residence for all kinds of bugs. To minimize the likelihood of occurrence unpleasant consequences, the wood is pre-treated with antiseptic and antibacterial compounds. In addition, today there are many products on the market with a hydrophobic effect; after coating, the wood loses its ability to absorb moisture.

If you want to maximize the service life of a wood structure, do not neglect and treat individual elements with special preserving impregnations.

  1. To make installation easier, mark the wooden blocks location of the screws, and drill them with a wood drill.
  2. IN concrete base Drill holes for the dowel using countersunk nails.
  3. Align the holes in the slats and the base of the walls, and attach with hardware.
  4. When attaching to a wooden base, use self-tapping screws with a length of at least 50 mm.

Features of installation of galvanized profile lathing

Galvanized profile frame

Lathing made of galvanized profiles is installed extremely rarely; this is largely due to significant financial costs. However, in cases where there is a need to lower the ceiling, it is the metal frame that is assembled.

When purchasing metal profiles, pay attention to their markings. Depending on their purpose, they are ceiling-mounted, rack-mounted, or guide-mounted.

To mount the frame on the ceiling, use UD profile guides, which are placed around the perimeter of the room, securing them with their back to the rough base. After installation, the frames are inserted into the grooves of the CD profile.

When the profile is attached directly to the rough base, self-tapping screws or dowel nails are used. If there is a need to maintain a gap between them, use U-shaped hangers or anchors.

If for installation plasterboard ceilings If it is necessary to install a cellular frame, then a rack frame is sufficient for fastening PVC panels.

Plastic frame

Wood and metal are not the only materials used for assembling sheathing. Widely in demand in last years use PVC guides. Such structures are durable and not affected by high humidity and corrosion, are easy to install, and have low weight.

Plastic profiles are attached to the walls with self-tapping screws or dowels with nails. But the panels are fixed with special clamps, reducing assembly time to a minimum and significantly saving time.

Instead of a conclusion

Despite the apparent complexity, installation of sheathing under plastic panels can be done independently with your own hands without the involvement of specialists. You just need to be patient and have in your arsenal standard set tools. The most important thing in this work is to make an accurate calculation of the required materials and assemble the structure in a single plane, observing right angles. We hope that after reading the material, you were able to get an answer to the question of how to make your own sheathing for installing plastic panels.

Properly executed lathing for PVC panels is very important factor for finishing work. Today, builders use several options for quickly installing a reliable frame under plastic slabs. Any of these options can be done with your own hands. For the production of lathing, you can use wood, plastic or metal. Self PVC fastening finishing products using all three methods are not much different from each other.

For information. The frame is usually made of wood slats, because such a structure is simpler, more accessible and more affordable. Lathing for PVC panels is selected based on the conditions of use and financial capabilities.

How to make a sheathing

From slats

The sheathing is a frame used for installing slabs. Using it, you can avoid such preparatory issues as leveling the surface to be finished. But it all begins with the procurement of material for the structure.

Lathing materials

Traditionally, the frame is made of slats with a minimum shape of 20x20 mm. The slats are chosen with smooth surfaces, without any flaws. From assembled structure It will be almost impossible to remove broken components and replace them. Having prepared the slats, you can begin step by step installation frame:

  1. First, the slats are conscientiously impregnated with antiseptic material;
  2. Then they are placed around the perimeter of the surface to be finished. A quadrangle of slats forms the basis for the frame;
  3. The plates are fixed perpendicular to the guides, placed at a distance of at least 50 cm from each other. Self-tapping screws are usually used for installation. The fastening pitch is no more than 400 mm.

Important! Using a special level, the frame slats are aligned parallel to the boundaries of the walls. So that the rail can be fixed at a certain distance from the wall, you can use a butterfly mount.

Made from plastic components

Frame made of plastic plates a little more expensive than wooden sheathing for PVC panels. Its advantages include absolute immunity to fungi, quick assembly and impeccable design. Ready-made standard strips are equipped with a double-sided groove-to-groove lock. This makes assembly easy and gives a graceful beauty when finished.

Plastic is not subject to antiseptic treatment, so installation begins immediately with surface cladding. At the first stage, it is installed plastic profile, which is called “furring molding”, also known as “PVC mounting strip”. To increase the strength of the structure, in addition to plastic guides, side racks are mounted around the perimeter of the room. The strips must be perpendicular to the installed panels.

According to the technology, the clip-latches do not work at the slightest deviation of the panel - in this case, the entire structure must be redone. Such a frame is mainly installed in small wet rooms such as a bathhouse, steam room, where, due to high humidity, wood is not used for the frame.

Important! The quality of the plastic covering of the panels depends on several factors, including the installation of the sheathing. A rash decision or an unsuccessfully mounted frame should not be finished with plastic panels - such installation is subject to rework.

Made of metal

Metal lathing under PVC panels can be mounted on any surface, including those with roughness and defective slopes. Metal profile battens for fastening plastic panels in wet rooms are considered very popular. Metal lathing under PVC panels is made in the same way as from wood:

  • Install a starting profile along the walls or ceilings;
  • Perforated metal guides are inserted into it;
  • Plastic fittings are installed.

After installing the frame, proceed to the main installation as follows:

  • the frame is attached to hangers, the optimal number of which for each profile is approximately 3-4 pieces;
  • maintain a distance between profiles of at least 600 mm;
  • level out building level frame;
  • panels are attached.

At the corners of the walls, one profile is attached, installing them strictly according to the level. Then a strong twine is pulled between them and the remaining profiles are installed, focusing on the beacon threads and checking with a level.

The first panel is a little more difficult to insert than the next ones, because it is necessary for the panel to fit into all corners and baseboards at the same time. Correct and level the panel with a regular spatula. When the panel goes all the way, a characteristic click is usually heard.

Comparison of which lathing is better

In our country, few people use wood lathing in practice. The advantages of metal lathing are that it is independent from the wall. Galvanized profiles are much more reliable in all respects compared to wood. The advantage of plastic material for sheathing is its ease of processing.

There are also features of the use of lathing depending on the size of the plastic panels. How larger size, those more weight designs. Metal carcass can withstand any weight. Plastic can only be used with lightweight cladding construction.

How to install the sheathing

In the room

For lathing the walls, slats with a cross section of 20x40 mm are used; they are fastened with a screwdriver perpendicular to the direction of installation of the panels. The sheathing parts are installed in increments of about half a meter. Use a level to check whether the slats are mounted evenly. In case of unevenness, place pieces of plywood under the slats. At the bottom, the slats are placed at a distance of 3-5 cm from the floor for further installation floor plinth. The sheathing must be installed in the corners around door and window openings.

Next, install the first panel and check it with a level. Then the panel is secured to the sheathing with self-tapping screws. The next panel is snapped into the groove to the previous one and along its entire length. The remaining panels are attached in the same way.

On ceilings

In order to install plastic panels, you must first design reliable frame on the ceiling. Installation requires special equipment and materials, which can be easily purchased on an online trading resource, with home delivery anywhere in the country.

The metal profile used for mounting frames is a long piece made by cold rolling.

Ceiling profiles have standard dimensions:

  • nominal metal thickness 4 mm;
  • length 3000 mm * back width 60 mm * shelf height 27 mm.

Installation of the frame begins with marking the surface. They step down from the ceiling by 100 mm to accommodate lighting equipment, mounting boxes, electrical cables and much more. The profiles are mounted along the perimeter of the surface using dowels and screws. All frame parts should be fastened carefully, securely and correctly, since the quality of installation of the panels will depend on this.

Reliable installation of profiles for PVC panels on the ceiling is the basis for fastening facing material. The sheathing for PVC panels is most often made of light and durable aluminum, like the rest of the elements of the main frame.

For information. Ceiling tiles made of plastic, it is not at all difficult to install; this does not require any special qualifications.

On the loggia

In order to carry out the installation correctly and make a beautiful ceiling on a PVC loggia, you should follow the lathing technology. For small-sized loggias, wooden sheathing is mainly made. Small finishing area and material reliability ensure ceiling structure required stability.

For reference. For a balcony ceiling, when there is warm glazing, it is better to use a metal frame. Thus, it will be possible to insulate concrete floor, equip the necessary lighting equipment and give the ceiling structure maximum stability.

The ceiling on the balcony made of PVC panels is easy to maintain, lightweight and durable. Therefore, this method is often chosen when repairing a balcony. You can install a ceiling on a balcony from plastic panels on your own, thereby saving money on finishing work. Main find a way to fasten PVC so that you can do without professional help.

On a note. The finished ceiling on the balcony, made of PVC panels, is easy to dismantle.

How to make a beautiful corner from a PVC panel

PVC corners turn out beautiful and practical if you bend them. They do it as follows. Measure the distance from the previous panel, which is already installed, to the corner. Place a mark and draw a line along it with a pencil. Next, use a sharp knife to cut 1.5-2 cm from the line to the right and left. In this case, the knife is placed at an angle of 45 0 and is not recessed too much, so as not to completely cut through the panel. As a result, when the panel is bent, a rounded corner of 900 is obtained. In this case, there will be no gaps or fallen off corners. This method is used when installing boxes and turns.

Important! Internal corners lightly foam so that the casing holds more firmly without dips and dents.

How to make openings for windows and doors

To attach the plastic panel from the window to the corner, it is better to mount a horizontal profile. If the gap between the window sill and the wall is too small, then ordinary planks are used instead of a profile. They are glued to the wall using liquid nails. As the glue cools, additionally:

  • foam the joints;
  • When the material has set, the boards are attached to the wall using dowels.

The rail is installed vertically to the window in the same way.

To better fit the window, the panel is placed as follows. The part where the fasteners are screwed is cut off. This creates a beautiful factory edge. This edge is used to attach the panel to the window. That is, then there will be no need to design the joint, it will look complete. The other sides of the panels adjacent to the window can be trimmed:

  • with cross-cutting with broach;
  • on a regular tile cutter.

Door slopes are made in the same way.

Possible options without lathing

You shouldn’t turn the repair into a three-month protracted one. Possible in small spaces(bathroom) do without lathing. It is enough to secure the bars horizontally. The panels are screwed at the ends into the timber. Glues to liquid nails plastic skirting board, which covers the fastening points.

Frame installation is an important stage of facing work in construction. To the extent that the ceiling and wall sheathing is installed correctly, the appearance of the panels will be as aesthetically attractive as possible after finishing work is completed. Practical advice on the selection and installation of material for the manufacture of the frame are given in the article in order to help obtain good result. Do-it-yourself lathing for PVC panels should be reliable and even.
