I love my wife what should I do? How to love your wife correctly, how to make her happy

Sorry, I often forget
Thank you for everything.
Then suddenly I get angry, then I get depressed,
I might just be rude.

Or forget about our dates,
It's too late to congratulate you.
Forget how happy we can be
Hugging tightly, sleep through the night.

And you forgive, dear.
And then I understand -
There is no end to my love for you.
Let it be. Forever.

Beloved wife, you are simply a miracle!
With you I'm always happiest
I will admire you forever:
I love your eyes, smile, laughter!

You are the most beautiful thing that ever happened
That is and everything that I will have!
And if you forgot even a little bit,
Let me remind you: I love you very much!

My beloved, my dear wife!
I call you this out of sincere love.
The stars shine every evening, lighting up.
And I admire you in the morning silence.
We lived a part of our lives together,
Each episode is rich in it, like an infusion.
Well, let's drink wine - you're so similar to him,
Everything gets better with age, your image becomes more and more beautiful.

Wasn't it the same girl I fell in love with once?
Which men were captivated by its beauty? -
Many people asked this, because it was important for them to know.
And I answered them that I admire only you.
And this is the true truth.
I fall in love with you every day.
Are you wearing a robe or fruit masks,
Even if there is dust at home or too lazy to cook.

I don't care what people say next
After all, you and I are like two souls into one.
Let them envy, let them judge.
There is only you and me, and the outside world is a movie.
Thank you for those moments, dear,
For your warmth, love, support.
For kisses that make your heart melt.
For pies, borscht, dumplings.

Even if we quarreled with you at times
And they even argued for hours about one thing,
These minutes will more than cover
Hours of deep conversations before bed.
You know all my secrets,
I trust you more than myself.
Why hide? Down with all prohibitions!
I am a part of you, and you live in me.

I say thank you daily
To fate for meeting you.
Before we met, I was wandering aimlessly in the darkness,
Having met you, I found peace.
And I'm proud to have a ring on my finger
You cannot be found more expensive in the world.
No bad weather will break us,
My love cannot be burned or broken.

I'm so proud that you are my wife!
And again I want to confess my love to you.
You are so beautiful, sensual, tender...
I will never stop admiring you.

I'm lucky, I'm happy to be married.
I fall in love with you again and again.
And every day, believe me, I’m incredibly happy,
Hugging you, kissing you lovingly.

I love you, my angel of light,
You are my bright ray of sunshine,
Summer is always in my heart with you:
Spring, autumn, winter!

You are more beautiful than everyone and kinder than everyone,
You are amazingly sweet
You are dearer and dearer than everyone else,
Fate brought us together for happiness!

My wife, I want to tell you
How precious is every moment when you are near!
When on the road - all thoughts are about you,
I don’t need any other happiness in my life!

Let's go through life to the end.
Let's love each other without a doubt.
We met you for a reason.
You are my happiness, joy, inspiration!

I love you more and more
And I don’t need anyone else!
The world becomes brighter with you,
The sun is with you even in the moonlight!

My dear, the best in the world,
You are my wonderful, sweet angel,
And at the same time, a true lady,
With which I was able to build happiness!

My beloved wife,
My beloved wife.
We can't live a day without each other
After all, together we are one family!

I love you so madly
My beloved wife!
You are always gorgeous to me
Always shine, my star.

Wifey, sunshine,
My dear one,
You are the most beautiful,
And I love you.

You gave me happiness.
I live this dream:
Walk the long road
But only with you.

Let our children grow up
Let's wait for the grandchildren
And, holding hands together,
We will go through life together.

I'm the happiest in the world
I've been so lucky in my life
After all, the best on the planet
She is my wife.

You are simply extraordinary!
I will repeat to you again:
You are life! You are my universe.
The only love.

Yes exactly. Against the backdrop of the struggle between evidence about who is better and who is worse, who has forgotten and who has gone nuts, I am not afraid to be a black sheep and say that I love my wife.

You can count me among those romantics who paint a few words near the entrance, which later make you feel warm on a chilly autumn day and on a cold spring morning, when the inscription breaks out from under the winter ice. And it doesn’t matter to me that she sometimes forgets to do certain things, this is normal - we are all human, and I myself sometimes forget. And I don’t reproach her for any mistake, because I myself make mistakes and will make mistakes - we are all human. And I don’t focus on the little things that you can and should ignore - we are all human.

And for some reason this attitude towards his wife extends to other people. Sometimes I see a man who did not stand in front of a woman on the subway, but I also see the crutches that he placed next to her. I see a woman screaming at a child, and then I notice tears in her eyes, much larger than those of an offended child who was not bought a toy because he had to make it to his salary. I see sarcastic comments that will appear under this post, like, “Why are you pressing on the rot?” and smile back. You get used to not noticing the minor shortcomings of family, friends and acquaintances - we are all human.

In response, the wife does not scold him for the socks, which for some reason end up in the middle of the room. I know that it is the cat who is trying to set me up, who thinks that he alone in the apartment can be considered a man. I know, but I don’t notice his tricks... like sometimes his bushy tail. And my wife also forgives minor shortcomings, although sometimes she tries to correct them. And she succeeds - I quit smoking after fifteen years of experience. For which I am very, very grateful to my wrinkled nose and the traditional: “Ugh, it smells like an ashtray again!” And this outweighs many everyday troubles that in other families develop into scandals - we are all human. Although, a cat is still an animal.

I love my wife and I’ll be honest that sometimes I use her name to refuse a friendly get-together, which is expected to end in local branch police. Of course, protests arise, but in such cases I remind my friends of the story of the bull and the lion, and firmly set off towards my home. And let my friends consider me henpecked and a wimp, but a tough one awaits them in the morning headache, the aroma of cat litter in the mouth and the off-key playing of a Russian folk instrument called a saw. I have a pleasant awakening and hot tea.

How to love your wife

The wedding ended and months passed. And somehow imperceptibly the spouses began to move away from each other. But just recently the husband proudly declared: “I love my wife!” And this happens in many young (and not so young) families. So what's the deal? What's happened? And the answer, meanwhile, is simple.

The thing is that both halves need love and attention not only before the wedding, but also after. And women especially need attention. How to love your wife and show her that you love her? As always, nothing particularly complicated. Let's start with the most basic things. First, look at how you communicate with your spouse. “Give me,” “bring it,” “where’s lunch?”, “well, what’s there again?” - these things need to be put aside. It is much better to use “give me, please” instead of “give me”, instead of “where’s lunch?” “Darling, is dinner ready yet?”, instead of “Well, what’s there again?” “darling, what happened?” If you don’t know how, learning it won’t take much effort. Otherwise, I’ll ask you a question: why did you get married at all? A wife is not a piece of furniture, but a living person who requires daily attention and care - at least in some form. And the easiest way to show this attention is in a kind word. Next: no need to give gifts only when you are in Once again"messed up." And you don’t need to give gifts just for the occasion. Buy in the middle working week a bouquet of flowers that your spouse loves or a box of favorite chocolates. Yes, even a simple chocolate bar, given for no reason, will be much nicer for her than some other decoration given as “compensation for moral damage.” It was given, because you can no longer call it a gift - just compensation. And it’s even better not to let it come to this.

Activities together are the key to a strong relationship.

The phrase in the title of this section is actually very important. When you got married, you didn’t plan to live separately, even within the same apartment? So why do you only meet for breakfast and dinner now? No matter how busy you are, you can always spend at least an hour or two a day with your loved ones. You can't make all the money, and even many rich people who work 25 hours a day still find time for their wives. So can you. Take a walk together, go somewhere. If you don't like leaving the house, download the movie and watch it together. Make it a rule to arrange joint home movie sessions, because it’s so great to sit together in the evening and watch a good movie. Let me remind you once again of the importance of treating your wife with respect. On your part there should be no shouting, no rudeness, and, moreover, assault - this is unworthy of a person, especially a man. And now about one more thing important detail, which is very often overlooked by many men.

How are household responsibilities distributed among you?

Don't be selfish

I often hear: “this is not a man’s job,” “this is what a wife should do,” “I work a lot.” You know: it won’t take much time to wash the dishes or make tea and sandwiches. Actually I want to give you good advice: Try to do all household chores together. Or distribute responsibilities so that everyone does something around the house. Remember: there is no 100% “male” and “female” job. A man, if his wife is tired, can wash the dishes, hang out the laundry after washing, wash the floors, and vacuum the carpet. These are manifestations of love, everything else is just words. If your wife cooked you breakfast, lunch and dinner, washed the dishes after that and did other household chores, and you didn’t lift a finger that day and watched football with beer - this is not love. Look at things realistically: it means you simply perceive your wife as a servant. Recently saw good quote in the Internet. “The wife is a dishwasher, a cook, a laundress, a technician, a nurse, a teacher, an educator, an economist, a seamstress, an accountant, a lover, a psychologist... And the husband gets tired at work!” Even having a job does not give you the right to do nothing around the house. My wife also works, and even if she doesn’t, she still gets very tired in this mode. Take some of the household chores on yourself - at least carry bags from the store. Believe me, many people don’t do this. And then you can rightfully say: “Yes, I love my wife.”

Hello, Irina.
I called you today. There is a problem. But let’s start with a short introduction about us. I'm 37, she's 34, we have a 7-year-old child. On December 15, in front of friends, she said that she did not want to continue living together, of course I was shocked, the next day we talked. She said that she was tired of delaying everything herself, i.e. I brought the salary, kept a little for myself, and gave the rest to my wife. Olya made arrangements for the benefit of the family, payment for kindergarten, utilities, additional classes in kindergarten, that is, everything related to payments, she said that she did not want to regret in 10 years that they did not break up earlier.
We lived like this for 7 years and then there was a shot of emotion. I said that I was ready to bear all the expenses. For me, this is not a problem like cooking food, cleaning the apartment and picking up the child from kindergarten, I did all this, even made the bed. After the conversation, I gave her a break. He didn’t pester me with questions about how you were doing, how you were at work, he was just there, he didn’t even let you kiss her, she had breakfast alone. N.G. was met together, but I saw how Olya was suffering, she was somewhere far away, something was bothering her, she was not sleeping well, she was sending her away in front of the child, she had somehow become distant. Something like this happened about 2 weeks ago. The zipper on her boots broke, apparently a defect. Let's go buy some boots with my last money. The money was set aside for my son for tennis. That same evening she said thank you, I asked her to help me with the computer, because I needed to do documentation, Olya politely dismissed me, although I needed help for 5 minutes. This upset me because I was nervous that I couldn’t do the documents. Then Olya comes running with a dress, like look what dress I bought, alas, but I couldn’t restrain myself and didn’t pay attention to her, I said don’t distract me, realizing that I was wrong.
She woke me up at night and let’s torture me whether I have a mistress. I told her that it’s easier for me to go to the bathroom and I have her alone. There were such questions often, she asked more than once why I was with her, why I loved her. And after just a couple of days when I was putting my son to bed, she said in front of my son that I had a voice like a clown and I should work in the circus.
These sayings ran in our family. It's normal for her to call me names in front of her son. in different words. That is, for any reason, she was not shy in expressions. I put my son to bed, hugged him tightly, at that moment she came to lie down with him and I left them alone. I collected a few things and left. I got into the car, I was shaking. I understood that this was already it’s too much, I don’t consider myself a clown. But from the outside it seems clearer. I went to see friends, Olya called 2 times at 23.00 but I didn’t want to hear her.

Now it’s week 2, I don’t call her, I’m terribly worried, I don’t answer text messages like, Maybe you can take Maxim and his mom to his mom’s after tennis. Although I came and took her because I think that she herself should take the first step, but I know that this will not happen. Olya does not know how to admit her mistakes, I am guilty of everything with her.
She’s not even looking for me, she’s not interested in my mother-in-law because she knows that my mother-in-law and I are communicating. Until NG, the mother-in-law left with tears. Olya also caressed her. Tell me what to do with her. How long should I remain silent, my friends say if I come back myself, then I will be a loser. But she has a vacation soon at the end of February and only 2 options are possible. 1-. This is an SMS about her to pack her things while she is not with her son. Option 2 is possible, anything I don’t know. I will answer for any question on the topic, if you want to know anything else.

Answer from Irina Gavrilova Dempsey

Andrey, it’s difficult for me to answer your letter unequivocally. I think both you and she weren’t getting what they needed in the relationship. For some reason, she didn’t trust you since she was interested in mistresses. She was also missing something. Although it is quite possible that these are gaps in her soul and not you, no one else can satisfy her need for love.

It often happens that a woman is offended by a man because she lacks love, attention and care. Perhaps she didn’t need your physical help around the house so much as love, warmth and care. You began to help her physically, but this did not fill your wife with love. Apparently you are restrained in expressing emotions and feelings. And Olya, in all likelihood, had an emotionally distant mother. When she meets you, she essentially repeats her children's script and relives his feelings from the distant past. On the one hand, you have nothing to do with her inner dissatisfaction, and on the other hand, you were attracted to each other for a reason. On the one hand, she needs to learn to feel your love without manifestations, and you need to learn to show your feelings not only in actions. Sometimes one kind word or hug can calm a woman down.

In many families, a woman is in constant internal dissatisfaction. She doesn't have enough money, love, attention. She is always missing something. And all this is only because in childhood the child’s soul was not filled with love, was not saturated with warmth. The little girl lived in a constant lack of love and attention. Of course, when a woman gets married, she shifts responsibility for her life to the man. emotional condition and expects from him the replenishment of the lack of love. But, unfortunately, no man can solve this problem.
Naturally, not receiving what she needs, the woman becomes offended and angry with the man. And he sees in her dissatisfaction a claim against herself, and not her need for him. It turns out that by wanting love and not receiving it, a woman pushes a man away and destroys the relationship. This suggests that both in this union are not mature. They cannot give love to another and accept him as he is. Both expect recognition and love from their partner. Not realizing that only by giving can you fill yourself.

I think you both need a good shake up and a desire to maintain the relationship. And in order to understand your problem more fully and understand the intricacies of your relationship, I recommend coming together to

Sincerely, Irina

Love and relationships

Question No:816

I love my wife, but I can’t stand her anymore!!!

Hello Olga. I really hope for your qualified answer and your advice. I am 38 years old. I've been involved in sports all my life, I don't drink, I look much younger than my age. He is not deprived of the attention of the weaker sex, but is faithful to his wife like a dog. Let me say right away that I love her very much! In life you have everything: an apartment, a car, a job. There is just no understanding with my wife. She has the most terrible character! To the extreme! My wife is 29 years old. She is very pretty and has a good figure. She is friendly and friendly with strangers; from the outside it may seem that she is just a darling. And at home she is like this. But not often. We have been married for 5 years. When we began to live together, we began to have arguments that sometimes developed into quarrels.

The essence of all the disputes came down to one thing: I’m doing everything wrong, I’m wrong, etc. I won't lie, I have been wrong in some situations, but I have always had the courage to admit my mistake and apologize. And don’t repeat mistakes in the future. Unlike her. The wife is a very vindictive person with a very “sharp” tongue. With every quarrel, my wife always reminded me of some mistake I had made, even if it never happened again. In any situation, the wife found a reason to express her dissatisfaction with something. It got to the point of absurdity: I was repairing something in the apartment (I had all the tools and my hands were in the right place), so they told me that it was not being done this way, but it should be done this way. There were even quarrels because of this! Moreover, she never admits that she is wrong. During all this time, I learned to compromise with her, even if she is wrong. But that doesn't mean I agreed with everything. This is how we lived with her for two years. By the way, in terms of sex, everything was fine... We really wanted a child and we perceived my wife’s pregnancy as a great happiness! She was glowing all over with happiness and I was with her. This is where we ended having sex with her (according to her, so as not to harm the child).

I understood that this was absurd, but I didn’t want her to be nervous, which could really affect the health of our little one. Her whole pregnancy is pure hell for me. She became even angrier and more unbearable. And everything was attributed to pregnancy. I endured and protected her from our quarrels in every possible way. Towards the end of the pregnancy, my wife informed me that we should move in with her parents for a while. This is necessary because it will be easier for her to deal with the baby. I'm at work, and my mother is always nearby and can help an inexperienced mother. I repeat, I love my wife very much and for her sake I even agreed to this! By the way, my mother-in-law is a golden person. For the sake of his children, he will turn inside out. We all began to live together (private house) and soon our baby was born! And then it all started again... According to my wife, I do not pay enough attention to raising my child. I'm a bad father. I accepted her claims and quit playing sports, putting aside all my hobbies, just to devote more time to my son. If only my wife was less tired. This turned out to be not enough. She began to stress that my small business was also taking up my time and I needed to stop with it. I have a small fishing shop and it is just growing. I took out several loans to open it. Now I have to do something, I don’t know what, but I have to be at home. Because of this, scandals began again.

Only now the wife’s mother and father have already witnessed this. The mother-in-law may be golden, but she is still the wife’s mother. She understands that her wife is wrong, but she can’t do anything, or doesn’t want to. And what happened yesterday was the last straw that overflowed my cup of patience: We were left at home alone. I approached my wife, hugged, kissed and hinted that now was a very convenient opportunity to make love. Her answer shocked me! She said: what do you think, you are so beautiful and I immediately wanted it? Then there was a long conversation that turned... into a scandal. It was in vain that I told her that we had 2 this year!!! case of intimacy. That I am an absolutely healthy man and sex is simply necessary for me a priori. That I repeatedly approached her with caresses and was refused, although there was no one at home. That all this time, having been refused sex, I went to the bathroom and relieved tension by myself (I’m ashamed to write). That I never cheated on her, although there were a lot of options. To all this she answered me that she needed romance. And she doesn’t want to be without her. Well, it’s not working out right now with romance. There were tenants in the apartment, trying to take her somewhere, she was tired, her head hurt, and she didn’t want to leave the mother and baby. To the question “What should I do???!!!” The answer was very simple. “I don’t know”……….. So I don’t know, dear Olga, what to do! If I somehow still endured all her attacks, then I no longer have the strength to endure the lack of sex!!! And I don’t want to!!! There were thoughts of leaving, and still are, but I just adore our baby!!! And she’s like this, but I love her!!!

October 01, 2014

Comments (11)

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Hello Olga, you advised me a week ago. We recommended reading Liz Burbo's book. I read it, your diagnosis and book helped me a lot. Thank you for that. I'm trying to change...


Thanks Ole for the quick response. She explained the answer to my problem very well. And it hit the spot. Thanks a lot.


Olga, Thank you very much! My eyes just opened! I didn’t expect you to feel it so clearly, I’m very glad that I turned to you! Thank you


Hello, Olya! I want to write you a short review of our meeting with you. Almost 2 months have passed. For me, meeting you was an unusual experience. I have never consulted a clairvoyant before...


I want to say Thanks a lot, Olga. Olya sincerely helped me when I had a difficult life situation. There is no doubt about her professional and human qualities. The money you spend on...

Alexander Paramonov

Before I turned to Olga, I was skeptical about coaching. But due to the complexity life situation I decided to try coaching on myself. I thought that things couldn’t get any worse and turned to Olga. Mind…