I work at the children's railway. Railway professions

This year, for the first time, the Children's Railway in Yekaterinburg will not close for the winter. Trains on the narrow gauge railway will run on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. In winter, adults will serve passengers, and with the onset of summer, schoolchildren will return to the station.

Children's Railway is a branch of Russian Railways, where children from the age of 12 can learn railway professions. To try themselves as a driver, announcer or station attendant, they school year Once a week they go to free classes. There, instructors and Russian Railways employees talk about the basics of work and safety precautions. And in the summer, children come to Mayakovsky Park, put on a uniform and work three hours a day in different positions. You can study here for three years, after which you receive a diploma. If a child wants to study further, they give him target direction to a university or technical school.

Employees of the Children's Railway told The Village how a large railway differs from a children's railway, what complexes current fifth-graders have, and how working here helps them cope with the problems of adult life.

Sverdlovsk Children's Railway named after Nikolai Ostrovsky

Date of foundation: 1960

Place: Central Park of Culture and Culture named after Mayakovsky in Yekaterinburg

Length: 3 kilometers 110 meters

Track width: 750 millimeters

Stations: 4

Professions for children: 18

Running children: 1 500

Works for adults: 24

Flights per day: 18

Directions: 150 rubles

If you gather all my relatives, you can start a separate railway: in the family there are cashiers, conductors, station masters, train dispatchers, and drivers. When I graduated from the railway technical school, they wanted to send me to work at the station in Sverdlovsk region. But in the personnel department, the boss looked at me - and I looked like a tenth grader - and asked if I was a pioneer leader. He thought that it would be better for me to go to the Children's Railway, and suggested that I go to Mayakovsky Park and see how everything was organized there.

And I didn’t even know that we had some kind of railway in the park. I came there and saw a crowd of children, everyone was running and screaming. I was scared and couldn’t understand whether this was a game or a serious job where I had to monitor safety and send trains. I was on duty at the station for three months, and then became an instructor. I have been working on the railway for 40 years and I don’t notice how time flies.

Olga Shagina


Every year in the fall I go to schools and recruit children. I tell myself that I am a fisherman and now I need to catch the children with a net. First I come to the head teachers and ask permission to speak to the fifth and sixth grades. If you manage to interest the teachers, they allow you to give not a five-minute presentation, but a whole Classroom hour. I explain to the kids what the Children's Railway is, that it is not an attraction, but a Russian Railways site where you can learn all professions. Schools do not always cooperate. For example, for four years I have not been able to meet the students of the 104th gymnasium. The head teachers believe that the students have other plans for life, and they only allow me to hang a small notice on tape.

In autumn, winter and spring we meet with the guys once a week. I explain what tracks there are, what the stations are called, why the road is called narrow-gauge and single-track. In the first year I teach the professions of announcer, cashier, conductor, switchman, crossing duty officer and trackman. In the second year we study the work of a carriage inspector, a train supervisor, an assistant driver, and a track foreman. And in the third year, the guys will learn what it means to be a driver, a train dispatcher, a station attendant, and a chief conductor. After three years, the guys receive a diploma and those who want are given a referral to a railway university or technical school.

Practice begins in the summer. The guys come to the park, where they are given a uniform, report card and passes. They try to do what they studied during the year in theory. At this time I make sure that everything is in order. There were no accidents, the guys can forget their profession, but not safety precautions. Because breaking the rules is taboo. I tell all the guys that the main thing on the railway is discipline and responsibility. This scares many people away.

In schools I see very complex children who find it difficult to get out of their closed world. Almost all of them are button coders. They communicate with each other only by messages, and if they speak, they exchange two or three phrases. The biggest difficulty is to approach the passenger and ask for a ticket to be checked. Sometimes I feel like they are in a box and my job is to untie the bow so they can get out of their box.

When tragedies happened in my life, work saved me. I'm like an artist on stage - I can't show my weaknesses. Although, no matter how hard you try to be strong, the guys see and feel that you feel bad. My work always kept me on my toes.

My idol was my father, a military railway worker. After school, my mother was against me building military career. The railway university became an alternative. I started working as a track fitter, graduated from university, became a foreman, foreman... This is how I rose to the rank of deputy head of the infrastructure department at the Sverdlovsk Railway.

Five years ago I decided to change my whole life. I worked 24 hours a day, devoted myself entirely to the service and was the only source of income for the family. And children need daily attention from mom and dad. When my eldest daughter came to me and told me she was getting married, I realized that I had missed everything and decided to change jobs.

I was ashamed that the Children's Railway in Yekaterinburg was one of the worst in the country. We only had one small yellow building. I really wanted to improve it, and when they offered to become the boss here and carry out reconstruction, I immediately agreed.

Last year we built a new building. Now our construction does not stop. In a year, we will open a technology park, where there will be cars and trains that ran on the narrow-gauge railway in the 19th century. We will bring 70 exhibits, repair them, and we will have them on the road.

Vitaly Marunkevich

road boss

I also work as a mentor - I tell children about travel management. I don’t consider myself a teacher, because we don’t teach, but rather help people make a professional choice. There is career guidance at school, but the teachers cannot explain what the work of a railway worker is, because they themselves do not know.

When I arrived, there were 500 people working here, and now there are one and a half thousand. More than half of the young railway workers are children from poor families. Their parents do not have the opportunity to pay for hockey or tennis clubs. Often they do not have the means to simply get to Mayakovsky Park, and they walk from one end of the city to the other. When I found out, I came to the boss and asked him to give us buses. Now all children from distant areas are brought and taken away free of charge. In addition, children here are fed free of charge and given uniforms. I want to show the kids who spend time on the street and who don’t have the opportunity to go somewhere in the summer that they are needed.

As a child, I was a young railway worker. Then I went to technical school and worked as a mechanic, an assistant driver, and a machinist. He drove freight trains and performed various maneuvers. I worked for seven years, and they called me here and said that a position had become available on the staff.

I study theory and practice with children. In winter, I travel around the districts and tell the kids about how to operate a train. Sometimes they come to the park to work out on a simulator that completely copies the control panel of a locomotive. They learn to press buttons and turn levers. They practice all movements until they become automatic, so that in the summer they do not get distracted and keep an eye on the road.

In the summer, the children come on shift, we take the diesel locomotive, inspect it and go to the control panel. The young driver sits in a chair, and I stand behind and, if necessary, give advice. The children decide for themselves where to speed up and when to slow down - I just make sure that everything is according to the rules.

Sergey Melnikov


Thanks to the Children's Railway, I learned how to drive a steam locomotive. This is the one that puffs. I like the steam locomotive because it is a living machine that will go as long as you feed it coal. At one time I was the only driver in the region with such a license. Of course, there are few steam locomotives in Russia - mainly in St. Petersburg and Moscow, on sites where films are filmed. Here we have one steam locomotive, but children are not allowed to operate it - they can get burned.

Children come here who are interested in trains and want to try themselves in the profession. I understand them because I was the same way myself. You can immediately see the enthusiastic children - after their shift they come to help wipe down the locomotive and ask questions.

From the outside it may seem that the driver is simply standing at the control panel, pressing buttons and trying not to fall asleep. But in fact, this is a creative profession. A train, like a car, can be driven in different ways. There are no identical flights. You monitor the locomotive, the traffic on neighboring tracks, the road, negotiate, the engine is constantly making noise - this is a very stressful job.

My mother brought me to the Children's Railway. I came here in the summer, when practice had already begun. I remember the first day very well because I was late. I ran to the planning meeting, and there were 50 people sitting there strangers, and I was very scared - I don’t know what to do. The instructors helped me and showed me everything. On the first day I was put in the announcer's chair. I read the safety text and announced the departure of trains. I really enjoyed being an announcer, and at the end of the summer I became the best announcer among all.

The most difficult thing was working in 2016, when the road was renewed. The carriages were packed, and many passengers did not have enough seats. They swore at the young railway workers and we had to stand up for the children. To be honest, I miss our little cozy station that we used to have.

Polina Permina

young railwaywoman

Once upon a time, a colleague told me about this project. According to him, it turned out that all the employees of the road were children and this was a very fun and festive event. I imagined something like a cartoon about pioneers :)
Children's Railway (Children's Railway) is indeed very interesting project, but the style is completely different.
In Russia there is a company called Russian Railways, which is engaged in rail transportation and maintenance of the railway system itself. People work on the railway - drivers, linemen, conductors, technicians, various management. And also, of course, accountants, security guards, cooks, and so on. Some people (for example, cooks) are universal employees. Such a person could work in a bank, then in a factory canteen, then at a railway station. And some of the people are obviously graduates specialized institutions- for example, technical schools of railway transport. And at least some of the children's railways are projects created so that students gain experience in participating in the operation of a real railway.
The Novosibirsk road has three stations and several trains. But that's it technological processes are presented there. Drivers, conductors, cashiers, linemen, and so on work quite seriously on this “model” of the railroad.
It turns out that the Novosibirsk Children's Railway is by no means the only one - in different time there were more than 70 such roads in the USSR. Some are still working. Different roads very different in organization: somewhere it’s a small thing like an attraction with carriages, somewhere in fact adults work on the road. The website says that there are roads where children aged 9-15 years work. At the Novosibirsk Children's Railway, half of the employees are adults, half are boys and girls of about 20 years old - students of a technical school.
The Novosibirsk Children's Railway has very beautiful stations and waiting rooms.

The entire line consists of three stations and two sidings, which are located in the north of the city, in the Zaeltsovsky recreation park. One of the stations is located at the entrance to the park, the second goes to the far part of the zoo.
Trains depart in both directions every hour. Travel time is about 40 minutes.

On the platform at the zoo, the cashier was a young girl:
The guards, drivers and linemen were adults. One young man was a conductor, one girl was a conductor and a train leader. (When asked “it’s already past departure time, when will we leave?” she ran to ask the drivers. The whole train is three cars, it didn’t last long).
According to the poster at the zoo, Tuesday is a day off. In fact, the road worked. No one answered the phones, it was impossible to clarify. We came to the road by chance; the fifth-graders, who were taking us for a ride, told us that it was still working.
We were on the last train, so all the station employees were leaving in our carriage.
(Only one car out of three is open, everyone is in it).
It was very interesting - the conductors really ran wildly around the carriages and talked with passengers and colleagues.
The cashier told the security guard about the proceeds :). I estimated that about 50 people used the road during the day.
Then there was a fuss about whether the cash register had been turned off.
At some point, the train supervisor was filling out the paperwork and asked the cashier to fill out the tickets more legibly. She snapped, “It’s my turn, but am I going to write something out?”
My very first impression of the road was like an expensive toy. But the more I looked at the process, the more I admired its benefits for learning. Even though this is a model, quite real processes arise and are worked out on it. It turns out that a student can live in his own city, study, but have several very real work shifts per month. It's a great experience.
Tickets (100 rubles for the entire line, 50 rubles for half the journey. The last train goes only halfway, to Sportivnaya)
Waiting hall
Platform (the mosquitoes are just wild. I think they eat a crawler a month).
Train arrival.
History of the road
Station "Sportivnaya"
JSC "Sportivnaya"
Here is the document: a request from the head of the Children's Railways to the head of the Novosibirsk Technical School of Railway Transport with a request to allocate and distribute 16 students on days in August 2005 to maintain the road.
Although the road is small, it nevertheless poses very specific questions: who to send, how to settle schedules, how to replace sick people, how to pay, when to teach, how to resolve controversial situations.
Physically speaking, the project is huge. We walked from Sportivnaya to Zaeltsovskaya along the embankment.
A huge embankment, rails, stations - a rather large construction project.
The whole story is about a road trip through Altai and about a week in Novosibirsk

Tags: Who, works, on, the, railway, road

Business Pride.

Railway pedigree

Dynasty. What a word - solid, stable. Reliable. On the railway, dynasties are not uncommon. But you probably won’t find one as numerous as the Tsvetkov dynasty. Five generations of railway workers are 28 people, whose total work experience on the railway is more than 740 years!

The founder of this glorious family is Andrei Stepanovich Tsvetkov. He worked as a switchman at the beginning of the last century. He and his wife Praskovya Alekseevna had four children - sons Andrei, Anatoly, Nikolai and daughter Nadezhda. The railway became significant in the fate of each of them to one degree or another. The eldest son, Andrei Andreevich Tsvetkov, followed in his father’s footsteps - he became a mover. He started as a telegraph operator at the Danilov station, then was a station attendant and a station manager. Then he worked for many years as a train dispatcher for the Cherepovets section. For the 30 years devoted to working at his native Vologda department, Andrei Tsvetkov was awarded the Order of Lenin and the “Excellent Movement” badge. His wife, Maria Nikolaevna, also worked on the railroad all her life as a telegraph operator. Therefore, it was not surprising that the three younger Tsvetkovs also decided to throw in their lot with the steel highway. True, they became locomotive drivers. Brothers Oleg Andreevich and Igor Andreevich worked as steam locomotive drivers for many years, their younger sister, Vera Andreevna, worked as a turner in a locomotive depot. Perhaps they were influenced by the example of their uncle, the famous driver Nikolai Andreevich Tsvetkov. A front-line soldier, the first driver-instructor of the Komsomol youth convoy on the Northern Road, “an excellent locomotive driver,” Nikolai Andreevich not only devoted his entire life to working on steam and diesel locomotives, but also “infected” his three sons and nephews with his love. Younger son Nikolai Tsvetkov, Viktor Nikolaevich, recalls: “My brothers Ivan and Sergei and I always dreamed of becoming machinists, like our father. He took us on trips from the very beginning early years. It’s so interesting - you’re driving in the dark, there are lights and rails ahead, and you imagine how you’ll grow up and drive a big train. Each locomotive had its own whistle - we recognized our father's immediately. Mom, Anna Ivanovna, would heat dinner and boil water - father would return from a trip, black as a miner, only his teeth and eyes sparkled.” Anna Ivanovna Tsvetkova also worked on the railway - first at the NGCH, and then at the locomotive depot. Ivan Nikolaevich, the eldest son of the Tsvetkovs, followed in his father’s footsteps and became a famous driver, just like Nikolai Andreevich, he led the Komsomol-youth convoy of freight trains. For his work he was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor. Ivan Nikolaevich found a wife to match himself - from a railway dynasty. We lived together well. We raised our daughter. Unfortunately, two years ago Ivan Tsvetkov passed away. Ivan Nikolaevich’s widow, Valentina Sergeevna, still works as a duty officer at the Vologda-1 station.

Nikolai Tsvetkov’s middle son, Sergei Nikolaevich, worked as a machinist in PMS-113, now on a well-deserved rest. Junior, Viktor Nikolaevich, medical commission Due to his health, he did not qualify as a driver, but still became a railway worker - he still works as an electrician at the Vologda repair depot. Side by side with her husband, his wife, Zinaida Aleksandrovna, works at the depot. So the Tsvetkov dynasty continues. The fourth generation has been working on the Northern Road. Two daughters of Viktor Nikolaevich also work in the locomotive industry - Nadezhda as a speed tape decoder technician, Anna as a work distributor. But that’s not all. The huge Tsvetkov family has two more branches - the daughters of the founder of the dynasty, Nadezhda Andreevna, and her brother, Anatoly Andreevich. Nadezhda Andreevna’s children, Lev Nikolaevich Kuznetsov and Vera Nikolaevna Vedeneeva, continued their grandfather’s work and came to work on the railway. Lev became a driver, and daughter Vera became a nurse at the railway hospital. And they chose spouses to match them - Alla Nikolaevna Kuznetsova worked for many years in the road department, and Adrian Nikolaevich Vedeneev took a worthy place among the drivers. And the Kuznetsovs’ son, Evgeny, also became a railway worker. But Galina Anatolyevna Tsvetkova (Bersneva) chose an unusual railway profession for herself - she became an announcer at the station, for 15 years she announced to passengers the arrival and departure of trains in a well-trained voice... Her sister Lyudmila and her railway life did not connect, but apparently passed on the love for her in the genes - Lyudmila Anatolyevna’s grandson, Vladislav, a representative of the fifth generation of the Tsvetkov dynasty, also became a railway worker - for only a year he has been working as an assistant electric locomotive driver at the Lost locomotive depot. His relative, Oleg Olegovich Tsvetkov, grandson of Andrei Andreevich, has been working there as a driver for 25 years. This is how the history of one family is intricately intertwined with the history of the Northern Railway. Currently, eight representatives of the glorious dynasty are working in various enterprises of the Vologda hub. And a new generation is on the way. The youngest great-great-grandson of Andrei Stepanovich Tsvetkov is 2 years old. He was named after his great-grandfather Nikolai Andreevich. Maybe he, too, will become a famous machinist, like his great-grandfather...

How does the railway work? Sorting room. - dirty.ru

The second video shows the principle of operation of the dispatcher and switchman. Taken from here.

This is how you work on the railway - YouTube

This is how you work on the railroad. Range. SubscribeSubscribedUnsubscribe 779779. Loading... Loading... Working... Add to ...

Private preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 180 open joint stock company

"Russian Railways"

Summary of educational activities

on introducing children to the outside world on the topic:

“Who works on the railroad?”

for children of middle preschool age

Compiled by:


Trenogina E.P.

Goal: To consolidate children’s knowledge about the professions of people working on the railway, about the work of a driver, assistant driver, and conductor. Emphasize the importance of these professions. Cultivate interest in people of these professions. Enrich children's vocabulary. Develop attention and thinking.

Progress of educational activities:

Guys, listen and guess the riddle:

I drive a diesel locomotive, I serve passengers,

I am not a turner, not a bugler, Who am I? (driver)

That's right, guys, today we'll talk about people who work in railway transport.

Please tell me what trains you saw on the railway?

(Electric train, freight and passenger trains)

All this is called railway transport (showing illustrations different types trains)

Guys, what do freight trains carry? Right, various loads– cars, coal, logs, gasoline)

A passenger trains Who are they transporting? (passengers - that is, people).

Who drives the trains? What is the name of the profession of people who drive trains? (Driver).

(We are looking at the illustrations “The Driver in the Train Cabin”)

Look how the driver is dressed? (He is wearing a uniform - a shirt blue color, jacket with shoulder straps and trousers of blue color, cap).

If we meet a driver on the street, how will we recognize him? (he is wearing a uniform).

What qualities should a person who drives a train have? (That's right, he must have good eyesight, good hearing, he must be attentive, responsible, decisive, disciplined)

He is responsible for the train he drives, for the safety of passengers, for the safety of cargo.

An assistant driver helps him with this. He is also wearing a uniform. He must have the same qualities as a driver.

Do you think the profession of a driver is important? Why?

Physical education lesson “The train was driving across the bridge” (we are traveling like a train, pronouncing the text)

The train was traveling across the bridge

Carried a whole tail of carriages

Along the tracks and sleepers,

And not just anywhere.

Here is the carriage with my friend,

Here is a carriage with a big bag,

Here's a carload of potatoes

And an angry cat.

Here's a carriage for mosquitoes,

Here is a carriage with a bundle of firewood,

Here is a carriage with a trolley.

Get in, don't hesitate!

Now listen to another riddle:

He meets passengers

Checks their tickets

Tells me where to go

He serves tea on the way.

Who is this? What is the name of the profession of these people? (conductor)

Showing illustrations with a guide.

Look, the conductors are also wearing uniforms.

Both men and women work as guides.

What qualities should conductors have, what are they? (Friendly, neat, friendly, polite, helpful).

What does a conductor do? (check tickets, escort passengers, keep the carriage tidy and clean, serve tea...)

Do you think the profession of a conductor is important? Why?

Guys, what new did you learn today?

Guys, what professions did we talk about today? Let's remember and look at the slides again.

Working in railway transport is very important, responsible and very interesting.

How many of you would like to work on the railway? Who would you like to work with?

This concludes our lesson, thank you everyone for your work and attention.

The Russian railway sector and the Russian Railways company in particular are constantly in need of new specialists who have the necessary knowledge for work. Therefore, many young people decide to connect their future with the Russian railway. Railway technical schools and institutes are located throughout Russia and are constantly accepting new students.

Railway transport specialties

When choosing a direction of study, applicants are primarily interested in what specialties are offered for study at the railway technical school. In total, technical schools offer 7 standard specialties for subsequent work at Russian Railways.

Railway training

The duration of study is also of great interest among applicants. The duration of training varies from 3 to 5 years. To enter any faculty, an applicant must pass exams in Russian language and mathematics.

Railway technical school (college) - specialties

The specialties offered at the railway technical school after 9th grade are quite varied. After 9th grade, you can enroll in most technical specialties, saving a year on tuition.

The College of Railway Transport, whose specialties are mainly service, obliges the student to undergo an internship upon completion of training, with a total duration of 25 to 40 weeks in the relevant position.

Organization of railway transportation is traditionally considered a popular faculty among technical schools - a specialty according to the classifier 02.23.01 (formerly 190701). Training based on 11 grades will take 3 years, and after 9 grades – 4 years. If we talk about qualifications, then obtaining a diploma in this specialty will give the right to work as a dispatcher, operator, forwarder, signalman and station attendant. The internship will take 29-38 weeks.

Railway Colleges - List

  • Taiga Railway College;
  • railway technical school Chelyabinsk;
  • Railway College Chita;
  • Kursk Railway College;
  • railway college Omsk;
  • railway technical school Yaroslavl;
  • Rostov Railway College;
  • railway College Nizhny Novgorod;
  • Tyumen Railway College;
  • Krasnoyarsk Railway College;
  • Railway College Perm;
  • Saratov Railway College;
  • Tomsk Railway College;
  • railway technical school Samara;
  • Bryansk Railway College;
  • railway technical school Novosibirsk;
  • Voronezh Railway College;
  • Tula Railway College;
  • Railway College Ryazan;
  • Michurinsky Railway College.

Railway Institute - faculties

Institutes of railway transport engineers in Russia offer the same standard specialties for study as colleges, but with a more in-depth program.


  • Construction of railways;
  • Transportation process management;
  • Management of transport and technological complexes;
  • Industrial and civil construction;
  • Bridges and tunnels

In this case, the duration of training is increased by a year, but the qualifications allow you to occupy higher positions. One of the specialties that students prefer to study at the institute is automation and electrical engineering.

The qualification of a railway electrician can be obtained by enrolling in the specialty “Automation and telemechanics in railway transport”. The duration of study of the in-depth program is from 4 to 5 years, and the practice takes 27-33 weeks. You can also obtain the qualification of an electrician in the specialty “Electrical supply” by passing an exam in physics instead of mathematics.

Railway Institute - specialties

Studying at a railway institute also gives the right to work as a manager. One of the specialties that can only be obtained at a university is “Railway Engineering”.

“Passenger complex of railway transport” is a specialty that will take 5 years to master and will give the qualification of a railway engineer. To enter this faculty, you must additionally pass the Unified State Exam in physics.

Railway specialties for men

Russian Railways considers "purely male professions" Technical operation rolling stock of railways", "Construction of railways, track and track facilities". The first specialty gives the right to hold the position of assistant driver, inspector and operator of cars, conductor, and also work at Russian Railways as a mechanic. The second specialty allows you to get a job as a signalman or track fitter .

Railway specialties for girls

The easiest to learn and wide enough to choose from possible work, among girls the specialty “Transport Service” is considered. The specialty gives the right to work as a conductor on any civil transport, including railway and aviation.

Military Railway Institute

The Military Railway Institute of St. Petersburg celebrated its 90th anniversary in 2016. In total, the institute has 3 faculties and 11 departments. Training is conducted in 5 areas of higher education and 6 areas of secondary education. Mostly railway construction engineers study at the St. Petersburg Military Institute.

Distinctive feature Institute is training in the specialty "Bridges and transport tunnels". According to her last years There is a significant shortage of specialists, which means that students in this area will receive one of the most sought-after professions in Russian Railways.

Railway institutes of Russia

The Moscow Railway Institute, like the St. Petersburg Institute, also has a construction focus. In total, 14 directions are taught at the Moscow Railway Institute. A specialty that can only be obtained in cities of administrative significance is the technical qualification "Construction and operation engineering structures". Its complete study will take 3-4 years of study.

The Moscow Railway University also offers the qualification “Technical operation of railway equipment”.

Railway institutes of Russia - list

  • Krasnoyarsk Railway Institute;
  • Railway Institute - Yekaterinburg;
  • Railway Institute - Samara;
  • railway institute in St. Petersburg;
  • Railway Institute - Khabarovsk;
  • Kurgan Institute of Railway Transport;
  • Irkutsk Railway Institute;
  • Perm Railway Institute;
  • Transbaikal Railway Institute.

You might be interested.

A STATION is a place on the railway where the transportation process begins and ends, trains are formed and disbanded.
At stations there is direct communication between railways and passengers and industrial enterprises.
Large stations have a large extensive network of tracks for receiving and departing passenger and freight trains, performing maneuvers for composing trains, disbanding them, and supplying cars for loading and unloading. They are equipped with sophisticated technology that allows them to automatically move switches, change signals, and brake cars during maneuvers. It is impossible to imagine a station today without electronic computers, without displays for transmitting and receiving information about trains. The operation of the station requires workers to have good technical knowledge. The organization and management of the work is carried out by railway operation specialists.
General management of the station's work is carried out by the STATION HEAD, and operational management by the STATION MANAGER.
STATION MANAGER organizes the work railway station and the interaction of all departments to carry out passenger, cargo and train work, ensuring the safety of transportation, the safety of cargo and rolling stock and efficient use technical means.
THE STATION MANAGER gives commands and orders for the arrival and departure of trains. All employees located on the station territory are subordinate to him - train preparers, operators, switch station attendants, locomotive drivers, track workers, signaling and communications workers, car sections, power supply sections, etc.
The station employs dispatchers, track linemen, cashiers, cleaners, doctors, economists, lawyers and even environmentalists, security workers, transport police and many others.
The most stressful job on the railway is considered to be the work of a DISPATCHER. This work requires enormous responsibility, great effort and dedication. Dispatchers are responsible for the movement of several trains on a certain section of the road.
In 1915, dispatch management was introduced on Russian railways. Before this, the movement of trains was controlled using special signaling by people who stood along the railway track at certain intervals. Beginning in 1925, the dispatch system was introduced first on the Oktyabrskaya Railway, and by 1934 it was already operating on the entire Russian road network. Now the dispatcher’s work is made easier by large quantity specialized equipment (automatic dispatcher system).
One of the most responsible professions at the station is TICKET CASHIER. This profession requires from people not only professional knowledge and skills, but also great endurance and tact, and attentive attitude towards each person. Knowledge of psychology is also very important here. The way the cashier serves the passenger determines what opinion will be formed about the operation of the station or the station as a whole.